xt7f7m041z4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041z4b/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1961-02 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Science Education", vol. XXIX, no. 2, February 1961 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Science Education", vol. XXIX, no. 2, February 1961 1961 1961-02 2022 true xt7f7m041z4b section xt7f7m041z4b 1956



211 T

1 0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0









Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction
Frankfort, Kentucky


Entered as second-clas

s matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.


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This bulletin has been prepared by the staff of the Division of
Instructional Services, Bureau of Instruction, to provide assistance
to administrators and teachers of science in our Kentucky schools.

Science, with its tremendous impact upon the world today, makes
it imperative that we consider scientific methods an essential part of
the general education of our children. Our schools must provide op-
portunities through an interesting and challenging program in this
important field from the first through the twelfth grade if we are to
meet the demands of a modern society.

I acknowledge with much appreciation the intensive work of the
members of my staff and the special contributions of consultants at
the local school level for the time and effort involved in preparing
this bulletin. It is hoped that the material herein will be useful to
the members of the profession as they strive to improve opportunities
in science education for the youth of the Commonwealth.

Superintendent of Public Instruction













Foreword __________________________________________ 21
Introduction _______________________________________ 23
Acknowledgements __________________________________ 25
~ The Role of the School Administration in the
Science Program __________________________________ 26
Action for a Science Program under the National
Defense Education Act ___________________________ 27
1. Procedure to be Employed in Qualifying for
Federal Aid under NDEA, Title III _________________ 28
Recommendations for the Science Curriculum ___________ 29
New Trends in Science Instruction _____________________ 30
Teaching Elementary Science __________________________ 31
What is it ________________________________________ 32
\Vhere is it _______________________________________ 32
What can it do ____________________________________ 83
What elementary teachers fear in science teaching _____ 33
How children learn science _________________________ 34
Conditions which are conducive to learning science_-__ 36
Some safeguards of scientific thinking _______________ 36
Things to remember when teaching science to
children ________________________________________ 37
Teacher’s tools for teaching science __________________ 37
How children solve problems in science ______________ 38
Workshop Type Training for Elementary
Science Teachers _________________________________ 38
Appropriate Experiences in Science, Grades 1-8 _________ 40
Organization of Equipment and Supplies
(Elementary Grades) ______________________________ 53
Things That Tend to Constitute a Creditable Course in
High School Science ______________________________ 59
Achieving the Problem Solving Objective ________________ 60
Status Of the Science Program in Kentucky ______________ 69
1. Table I—Enrollments in Science Courses by
Counties for 1957-58, 1960-61 _____________________ 70
2. Table II—Total Enrollments in Science Courses
in Kentucky for 1957-58, 1960-61; also, the per—
centage of student participation ____________________ 74
List of Equipment and Supplies for the Various
Science Courses __________________________________ 77


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Today the world of science is being stressed more than ever
before. Try to visualize taking away for one week or even one day
those things that are in constant use as a result of scientific improve-

ment. The world is becoming more complicated each day because
of scientific discoveries.

Children must have at least some general conception of this com-
plex environment in which they live. At the same time, the science

talented pupils must be trained to start where the older scientists

No attempt was made in this publication to give an outline of
subject matter in detail, only general, since selection of content ma-
terial differs with various schools and can be best arrived at by indi-
viduals with first-hand knowledge of the needs, aptitudes, and interests
of the pupils and of the local resources available.

It is hoped that the philosophy of “Doing Science” rather than
just reading or talking about it will be adopted by all teachers, grades
one through twelve. If science is to be learned efficiently, it must be
experienced. It is so closely related to the life of every boy and girl
that it is absurd to confine its study to reading a textbook alone or
listening to a teacher lecture about it all the time.

An attempt has been made in this publication to supply informa-
tion that will be of value to the administrators and teachers in the
form of an organization guide and source manual. More emphasis has
been placed on the organization and teaching of elementary science
than any other area since it is evident that most of the elementary
teachers need and must have help in this relatively new adventure in
teaching. No doubt there has been more science equipment and sup-
plies purchased for the Kentucky schools in the past two years than
ever before due to the National Defense Education Act, Title III. The
big problem now is to get this equipment used effectively. Just read-
ing this section on Teaching Elementary Science will not make better
teachers of science, but it is hoped that trying some of the ideas and
adopting them to the local needs will help. The teacher’s enthusiasm
Will be expanded as the enthusiasm of the children develops.

Other areas included in this publication are: New Trends in
11.06 Teaching, What Constitutes a Creditable High School Course
lence, A Comparative Study of the Science Program in Kentucky


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 1957—1960, and List of Equipment and Supplies for the Various Science
Courses Offered.

People from all walks of life are becoming more aware of the
important role of science in our lives and in our National Security.
They expect the schools to do something about this so called “Scientific
Inferiority” which is discussed so much. This will take the cooperative
efforts of teachers, principals, superintendents, teacher training institu-
tions, and the State Department of Education, along with the aid of
local, state, and federal governments.

H. M. WATKINS, Supervisor of Science I nstruction, Western Kentucky
A. L. BERRY, Supervisor of Science Instruction, Eastern Kentucky



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Science has no boundaries. The vast store of human knowledge
is not confined to any person or small group of persons. To give
credit to all who have contributed to the preparation of this bulletin
would be impossible. Many have given advice and information re-
garding what is most needed at this time by administrators and teach-
ers of science. Credit and appreciation are especially due to:

Dr. Denver Sloan, University of Kentucky. For personal help and

Dr. Robert Carleton, Executive Secretary, N. S. T. A. Through

him permission was granted to use parts of “Quality Science
for Secondary Schools”.

Dr. Paul E. Blackwood, United States Office of Education. For
parts of the bulletin, “Teaching Elementary Science”.

The following are among the contributors of useful suggestions:

Mr. Claude Taylor, Director, Division of Instructional Services,
State Department of Education.

Mr. Earl Adams, State Supervisor of Instruction.
Mr. D. C. Anderson, State Supervisor of Instruction.
Mr. Daniel N. Shindelbower, State Supervisor of Art Education.
. William McQueen, State Supervisor of Music Education.

. Donald E. Elswick, Director, Division of Research, State
Department of Education.

. Roy G. Smith, Coordinator of National Defense Education






The science program must depend upon the support and attitude
of the superintendent of schools, if there is to be an increased emphasis
placed upon the teaching of science in the public schools of Kentucky.
The improvement of the science program should be one of his very
serious responsibilities as an administrator. The vast majority of the
superintendents in the state are very enthusiastic about having a good
science program, and as a result, much interest, enthusiasm, and in-
spiration has been reflected through patrons, pupils, and teachers.

The superintendent, together with the Board of Education, makes
provisions in the budget for the school personnel, and provides build-
ings, equipment, and maintenance. School principals and the super-
visors are administrators in that they assist in curriculum improvement,
making teacher assignments and time allotments, and in making
recommendations for purchases of new equipment; but the final
approval and implementing of the plans and recommendations rest
with the superintendent and the Board of Education. The Board of
Education, in turn, relies greatly upon the decisions of the superin-
tendent. In turn, the superintendent must depend upon the supervisor
and the principal to keep the program in operation.

In placing new emphasis upon the teaching of science, it is ex-
tremely important that consideration should be given to time allot-
ment for science teachers, when at all possible. It is highly desirable
for the high School science teacher to have a reasonable amount 0f
time allotted from teaching for planning and arranging laboratory
equipment. The provision of student help for clerical work and the
handling of laboratory equipment, in many instances, can help to
alleviate the time consuming duties of the teacher. It seems highly
probable that in the near future a laboratory assistant will be employed
to aid the science teacher in many of the details that is associated
with a good science program. It is also highly desirable that science
teachers should be allowed time to attend science conferences as part
of their in-service training.

In case the school system does not have a science supervisor, then
it becomes the duty of the superintendent and/ or principal to know
what goes on in the science classroom. Following a planned course



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outline, not necessarily day by day, but as a course content and se-
quence, is important on the part of the classroom teachers throughout
all twelve grades. It is the responsibility of the administrators to see
that the fullest possible use is being made of the facilities and equip-
ment at hand. '

The important role that the principal exercises in initiating a good
science program cannot be stressed too much. No matter how many
good facilities and equipment are provided by the superintendent
and the Board of Education, the principal is responsible for a work-
able and functionable science program within his school; however,
the teacher in the final analysis, is the person upon which a good
selence program rests.



The NDEA ACT was passed by Congress and was signed by
President Eisenhower, September 2, 1958. Because of this act the
science teachers along with the elementary teachers have before them
one of the greatest challenges and opportunities ever offered teachers
in the history of science education. One of the big excuses for not
having a good science program has always been the lack of equip-
ment, but this is no longer true. The great opportunities of the moment
can only be realized if we all show initiative and vigor in selecting
wisely and purchasing, and above all, using these tools of instruction
which is made available by NDEA. This vast expenditure can only be
]ustified when the classroom teachers makes the fullest use of the
material purchased. This job will require the full cooperation of state
and local administrators to help formulate a place of action for every
classroom in the state; however, the best program and the best facilities
are to no avail in absent of a dynamic and creative teacher.






Title III of The National Defense Education Act provides for a
50% reimbursement for expenditures for approved projects to procure
equipment, materials and minor remodeling to provide improvement
in instruction in science courses for all twelve grades.

A district initiates participation in the projects under the Act by
writing an overall district plan for the three subject areas covered.
The plan is carried out by one or more projects. Each project is ac-
tivated by submitting a project application setting forth the objectives
and the equipment to be procured, together with plans and specifi-
cations for any remodeling required to utilize the equipment. Upon
approval of the project by the State Department, the district is au-
thorized to place orders or let contracts.

Prior approval on all projects is required, and any expenditures
made without this approval cannot be reimbursed.

District plans and project applications should be preceded by
careful planning involving the teachers who are to use the equipment.
Lists of equipment and materials such as reference books are available
as source materials, but lists for individual projects compiled from
these lists must have prior approval before purchase.

Lists are open ended, and items not on the department lists may
be listed for approval.

Approximately two and one half million dollars was expended
by Kentucky school districts for equipment in fiscal 1960, over 75%
of the money going for science equipment.

Project applications must come from the office of the District
Superintendent. All orders for equipment must come from the Super-
intendent’s office, and all equipment must be billed to the local board
of education. All invoices must be paid by the local boards of edu-
cation, and complete records as required by the State Department
must be kept in the office of the local board of education.

After having paid for the equipment, the local board of education
may submit a claim for 50% of the cost of the approved equipment.

All correspondence regarding project applications should be ad-
dressed to the Coordinator of the National Defense Education Act,
State Department of Education.








ament 1. There should be a recognized program of science instruction in
each elementary grade, one through eight, in all public schools

LCt by of Kentucky.

vered. 2. That science material in the first, second, and third grades

is aC- may be integrated with other material in the daily program.

actives However, the pupil should be aware of the fact that they are

peeifi- dealing with problems pertaining to science and that they

Upon are working toward developing a scientific understanding.

is an-

3. The science program in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grades should have designated periods set aside during

:litures the day for the study of science, and as far ‘as possible,
laboratory experiences should be of an individual nature, or a

[Ed by carefully planned unit in science may be correlated with social

pment. subjects.

'ailable ‘

:1 from 4. It is recommended that when the above continuity is followed
through with a quality program, an introductory course to

‘ts may chemistry-physics or a ninth grade physical science course be
offered to science talented students. However, it should be
noted that the State Course of Study, August, 1959, lists intro-


75% duction to chemistry-physics in the tenth grade and advanced
er physical science in the eleventh and twelfth grades. This ninth
grade science offering should not be for the purpose of re—

DSiStl'let placing general science nor advanced physical science.

5 upef‘

ll board NOte: In order to offer either of these courses in the

of edu- ninth grade, permission must be granted by the

a rtment Bureau of Instruction since it is not listed for the
ninth grade in the present State Course of Study,

lucatiOn August, 1958.

went. 5. That all high school science courses conform to the regulations

1 be ad' set forth in the present State Course of Study, and that all

ion Act, courses 1n science include adequate facilities and adequate

time for individualized laboratory experiences.





“Science curriculums are receiving more attention now than it
has in many decades. This is a basic re-thinking of the functions of
science instruction at all levels and of the contributions which study
in this field can make. Science instruction is changing, and there
are many trends which seems apparent. Several of these trends have
implications for the kinds of science facilities and equipment which
schools provide. Some trends which should be kept in mind by schools
when attempting to improve the science curriculum include:

1. A trend away from an emphasis on verification, formal type of
demonstrations, individual laboratory exercises and toward an
emphasis upon the development of understanding of principles
by means of problem solving and related procedures carried on
by pupils under the directions of the teacher.

2. A trend away from the use of applied technology as a theme
for science courses and toward an emphasis on basic under-
standing which result in applications of scientific principles
in a way which leads to improved technology.

3. A trend re-emphasizing the importance and necessity of pupil
experimentation using controlled experimentation and testing
of hypothesis in problem-solving situations.

4. A trend toward laboratory experiences which run over a
much longer time, perhaps, several class periods or even
weeks to bring to completion, and which may require equip-
ment setups for the entire time.

5. A trend toward more adequate recognition of science instruc-

tion as a necessary component for all liberally educated people
whether college bound or not.

6. A trend toward diversified science instruction as far as the
variety of different experimental approaches is concerned, and
in which different students seek solutions to different problems.

7. A trend toward the increased use of science clubs, scienCe
fairs, science congresses, and other supplemental devices to
encourage and challenge academically able students, and to

“Report of an association conference on NDEA, Act 1958, National ScienCe
Teachers Association.




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provide opportunities for all interested pupils to perform
experiments and carry on projects in exploratory activities
which may not be possible in the regularly scheduled periods.

8. A trend from rigid and static science facilities toward increased
flexibility in design of such facilities so room sizes may be
varied and work surfaces, services, storage spaces, and teaching
aids may be changed in use or location to meet the peculiar
needs of learning activities related to a developmental program.

9. A trend toward the increased use of audio-visual aids by indi—
viduals or small groups of pupils.

10. A trend toward the introduction of new units of study in the
high school curriculum such as wave mechanics, nuclear
energy, radioactives, isotopes, antibiotics, nutrition, and radia—
tion biology, which will require more over—all space and in
addition, more small specialized areas, some of which may be
remote from the main science room.

11. A trend toward homogeneous grouping of pupils, especially
for basic science courses. This enables academically talented
pupils to be identified at an early age so that they may be
stimulated and encouraged to progress at their own rate and to
reach the fullest possible academic development. The teachers
assigned to the more talented groups are usually those with
good backgrounds in science who can challenge and lead
pupils to perform experiments and do projects not ordinarily
attempted in classes with lower interest ability ranges.


First of all, the teacher must have confidence, initiative, and must
be willing to work. Teaching science in the elementary school is
more widely accepted now than ever before; therefore, those who
have a part in planning the curriculum are giving more attention to
scrence. More thought is given to facilities and equipment when
schools are constructed or remodeled. More attention is focused upon
the teacher’s program in elementary science by the administrators,

patrons, and pupils Science is everywhere children go and they
must be taught how to live with it.





Science helps children find answers to questions about their
environment; however, when science is properly taught it can do
much more. It can build scientific attitudes, sharpen the ability of
children to think critically, and help them to develop skills in problem

No matter how anxious teachers are about teaching science, they
are seeking direct and practical help in order to do a better job at this
relatively new adventure in teaching. Teachers want to know more
about the place of science in the lives of pupils in the elementary
school program. Perhaps some of this can be described by attempting
to answer: What Is Science? \Vhere Is It? How Do Children Learn

What Is It?—Our eternal struggle to discover things of our universe.
1. It’s not learning to identify twenty trees, twenty insects, or twenty
I flowers.


What is it then?

(a) It is a study of the natural environment.

(1)) It comes from the areas of chemistry, physics, biology, and

(c) Questions such as:
1. What makes the Wind blow?

2. \Vhat’s in a cloud?

3. What is a stone made of?

4. W’ hat does a bell do when it rings?
5. How can a seed grow into a tree?

6. \Vhat makes a rainbow?

3. Grade children like to know the answers to such questions as above.

(a) The answers to such questions is Science.
1. The answers doesn’t have to be technical.

Full explanation. is not what a ten year old needs.

It is a foundation in the simple terms of How, The VVheIL

The Where, and The What of things.

4. He does not need the technical. terms, the formulas, and the
detailed explanations.——That Comes Later.

5. He needs his curiosity broadened, his enthusiasms encour-

Where Is It?

1. It is everywhere that elementary school children are.
(a) It is in the air they breathe, water they drink, food they eat.





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(b) It is the things they see on the way to school.
1. How does electricity make a light burn? Where does it
come from? How is it made? Why does Echo I stay in orbit?
2. What makes the sky blue?
(0) In the Home.
1. What makes the door bell ring?
2. Why does Mama use bluing in the wash water to make
the clothes white?
(d) In School.
1. How can the fire extinguisher put out a fire?
2. Why did we all have to be vaccinated?

2. Science is also a study of environment.

What Can It Do?

1. First of all, You don’t want children to grow up unaware of the
things that are going on in front of their eyes.
2. An educated person is one who knows something about the things
they come in contact with each day.
3. It can equip the child with generalizations or meanings which they
can use in interpreting problems in their environment.
4. It helps them grow in appreciation of things around them.
5. Help develop certain scientific ways of thinking as they work.
(a) Things don’t just happen; they happen because of natural
causes—so don’t be superstitious.
(b) Help children to keep from jumping to conclusions.
1. Be careful how Children draw their conclusions.


“The Greatest Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself”
Franklin D. Roosevelt

A great many elementary teachers are afraid of science. It is also
true that the same teachers were afraid when they first learned to
ride a bicycle, or when they learned to skate. In spite of the fear of
science, the teacher uses it and is in contact with it daily, yet many
are still frightened at the thought of having to teach it. Why?

Some teachers are afraid of not knowing. Many take the attitude
that science is for the experts. The foundation of this fear probably
15 the lack of understanding that exists between the relationship of
the purposes of elementary science and the materials, the facts and the
concepts of science. Successful teaching of elementary science may be





determined by how well children learn to observe and sense the en-
vironment in which they live, the attitude which they approach
solutions to problems, and how well they use science as a tool for
helping them solves problems with which they are confronted. Most of
the elementary science textbooks are organized in such a way as to
show a definite connection between the ways children grow and learn
and the teaching of science in the elementary classroom. The teacher’s
edition of the textbooks in elementary science is arranged to give
vivid descriptions of actual methods which a teacher can use to present
a given subject matter to a specific grade.

Since one of the main purposes of teaching science is to help
children observe their environment more carefully, we must set up
situations which require children to observe. The stage can be set

by asking questions such as: Why Does It Happen? What Would
Happen If . . . .?

The ultimate goal in teaching elementary science is to develop
observant, rational, and understanding children.

How Children Learn Science
By experimenting (one of the big aids to learning science)

By reading (Textbook is a guide only to the real thing—


3. By observing
4. By taking trips
5. By visual aids1

1. Experimenting: When performing experiments with chil-
dren it is important to remember that (a) experiments should
be kept simple, (b) the simplest material is often sufficient
and almost always desirable, (0) pupils are capable of orig-
inating their own experiments and can often bring the
necessary materials from home. They are much more en-
thusiastic about experimenting in this manner.

Certain essentials should be considered when pupils per-
form experiments.

1. Should be done in such a way as to make the pupil
think. An experiment where the teacher tells the
pupils everything leaves no food for growing minds.

1“Teaching Elementary Science”, Dr. Paul E. Blackwood, U. S. Department 01
Health, Education, and Welfare. Bulletin 1948 No. 4.



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Children should be conscious of the purpose for per-
forming an experiment. The purpose may be written
on the board or the experiment may be mimeographed,
stating the purpose, materials to be used, operation of
the experiment, and leave a blank for the conclusion,
etc. Many experiments should originate from the
pupils. Example: Children may observe the custodian
scattering salt on the icy sidewalk and notice it causes
ice to melt. The children want to know what causes the
salt to clear the ice. Experiments may also arise from
the textbooks.

Careful planning is essential to successful experiment-
ing. Appropriate materials must be assembled (by the
children, if possible). A plan of procedure must be
set up, the plan should be accurately followed to insure
reliable results.

Insofar as possible, children themselves should perform
the experiment. Experiments involving fire or danger-
ous experiments should be performed by the teacher.
Many times the teacher may demonstrate an experiment
for a definite purpose which may be helpful to the


Reading (Aids to Learning Science)
1. Reading ranks high in the ways children learn science.



It is only a part—children don’t learn much real science
by just reading. It must be experienced when possible.
(a) Facts and fiction (b) Authenticity of materials
Beading should be done with a definite purpose in

4. Reading may be a type of research for the pupil.



Is an essential activity in all science teaching.

The pupils should grow in their ability to observe more
accurately and thoroughly.

Feeling the texture of materials—it feels like salt.
Feeling heat from a wire attached to a battery;
seeing and hearing birds sing. (All are a part of learning

Some verbs that give keys to observing (a) touch, (b)
watch, (c) smell, (d) weigh, (e) taste, (f) measure, (g) lift,
(h) find, and many others.





The ability to observe accurately and to report observa-

tions correctly is a part of all activities of science.

6. Experimenting is at a loss in many cases without

4. Taking Trips

Trips may be effective in:

(a) helpng solve problems

(b) getting information

(c) for appreciation Thi

In other words—t0 see science in industry in action, or

observe nature at work

((1) Excursions should be made with definite purposes in


(e) Too many trips would not be good

Using Visual Aids

1. Another way a pupil learns science is by seeing a pic-
ture either in motion or otherwise.

2. Much depends upon how Visual aids are used. Much
planning is necessary. Just to show a film without
planned purpose may not be even good entertainment.

3. Select film suited to purpose. Prepare the class for the
film. Follow up with discussion, questions, and answers.

4. \Vhatever the Visual aid is, let it be an activity for pro—
moting understanding, interest, and appreciation.

5. T-V, airborne program, is becoming a reality.

6. Objects of scientific nature displayed within the class-

Conditions Which Are Condu