xt7f7m041s6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041s6r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1985 1985 1985-05-02 2020 true xt7f7m041s6r section xt7f7m041s6r _—_____________—___________—_______—________________
.44., 44 -3? ya; 424344433 .. .37 .. . 444,,lvrm pewtbsamn—neo ! m m. M, m,
.T'T"‘3- ‘TT‘TT‘T’ >3“? Tgk- ‘th‘é's'n ’31.- ‘ 3 . 4.31:4! fimlfinfi 444:41443,~44II44,I ’ c .-"~T'!~‘». 1"“; 522.11%: ”iii-T53: dMfi’KW‘hrihfl. T??? TETTTT" -:T”r§ ”“33“ ‘T‘ *3.’ filial“.- @1335?" T T
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1c1a S rea l‘OllIl - l , 00d grant
g ’ l T i T . ’T‘ T t T d
’ - - I .
on Gluck equine center " TT‘ ‘ 1' T T ' 0 wow e '
AY 4 - . W‘ -- new courses : .‘
By SM‘HA DEVROOMEN The Glucks had a vision of the The equine center “will serve as a .; T ' T . '2“ 'T 'T '3 - T 'T'
Senior Staff Writer equine center and by contributing $3 focal point for study of equine dis— ‘3 h“ .-‘ “:42 Ag’ A&S COIIegeS - .' ' T
, , . _ . I milliontothecenter. Mrs. Gluck vi- eases on an international basis," ’- . m ’Ir’ 4' . . I- , . .
Calling ll a ”Slant Sun“ In equine sualized a living memorial to her said Brereton Jones. in an earlier in- .33 {é " WK . .~ ' T t0 bEgm r esea r C h ' - '. T '
research." Keeneland president husband's memory,Singletary said, terview. ;‘ ‘ 33 ' x, .44. - 4 , , 3 ' . 3
James 88559“ l" was ”‘9 °l the “Maxwell Gluck's spirit is here Jones. a member of the UK Board T ' ‘ T T" T 5 “V scorr WARD ' T .' ,‘ .-
pe_0i_>le breaking ground for the :9 today," Mrs. Gluck said. “I warn otii-usieoc and the owner of Airdrie | a, \ ,' . l sénior sun Writer _ ,3 .'
million Maxwell H. Gluck Equine you that Maxwell's spirit will be Stud. also contributed money for the ‘3 «3 .l . '4 . '. .
Research Center yesterday. watching you.“ equine center. “The whole idea i; '- 3i. ‘ ‘ T ‘ l Food. ’ ‘ .' . 3 , ‘4 u,
T Muriel Gluck, the wife of the late Mrs. GlllCll said she was Pl'OUd around the creation l5 to have one ifit-4."; . - ‘ ‘ so.“ “T‘T‘ ‘- 3. 3‘3”, ' ‘, Because it is so important. and 3 . j 7
. Maxwell H. Gluck. and President and happy that the center '5 con- clearing house for the studying 0f ., ., , .. ‘ "Tl Tl." people know so little about it. the . - - ,‘
' Otis A, Singletary also were among SlIi‘IUChOn hfs‘ bighhxlhltllm adfied. “my equine disease."he said. h',., I447 ' \ i" 3 colleges of both Arts & Sciences and - ‘
the pic at the ceremony near 0 y “38"? '5 axwe 15 0 y , . 7‘3 3””;4 43': ! . ' hf," Agriculture with the help of ,' " '
. ESPTGohdbamonSouth Limestone. herelnsplrlt!” “This" {hale ”"hggamalmwt‘ L...”- f' ' .. .. 5110.000 from th(3 Kellogg Founda- ,3 l .
“Thanks to the vision and the , The center. she said. l8 ”"9de I": 04 (1:2:er Th T: 584nm?" ' “23%;- 'T". l- > Aflfiyg . 4.43:4; ' T * ' ‘ 5",. tion -, will be initiating some new 3 -
inspiration of the Glucks. today important hr the horse industry. (I; Ireta en Td yrs: it? If ry m I, “if“w; 3 T‘ 4' T” ' T13” -' ,- #33. 'l 4; L .-+- 'T“ _P' ! courses and bringing in speakers fo-
marks a historic milestone on re~ . . e. as year. 531 o a er. asI- .LT’T’T-i T‘ " -" A?“ ‘ ‘T W -"TT"°"" "3 I- . T w cusingonthesubject - '- '. .
search of equine disease ” Bassett Singletary said the center now has scolate dean Of the College Of Agn— T wNATiLIECAl‘DIII ii is n The colleges are providing rc- ’ '
said ' a clear focus. The architect‘s plans culture. Both of those diseases had . 4’ “ ""' I" 4044““ such as staff and 04444,? ' I ‘ . I
The facility will become a “living are almost ready. heIsIaid. and the the potential of wiping out a whole James BIassett IIII. prcSldent of Keencland. Muriel Gluck and Presr- Space * - . . I .
laboratory of research and experi- pvtsgdggrsshmld be finished Within foalcrop.hesaid. gent OtIi4$ A. Slrégletary he? ground at the Maxwell H. Gluck The grant 44,4“ help fund 44444 F0044 I, I I .
mentsofthehorse."Singletary said. y ‘ - qume escarch enter yester ay. Environment and Society program '
The center representing an alli- The Glucks donated the $3 million rifi):ea(hfdt:e[Exorglsseeaarsflielyzfagrlff “1 think the ueStion is . Are we . d , , which Wlll "introduce into the gener- - - - .
ance system between UK and the gift to UK in October 1983 with the strumental in developing a vaccine going to be ablia to respond to the lhtigltgehhcvgl‘heztlkiiidhzgglh best 31 CTTrr-TCLiTTTT'r‘n'l'TTdmllTTlf'o0d Ti? “TIT! I 'T T
horse industry, is a unique and sig. condition that the gift be matched that cured the disease. The devel- next one?‘ And that depends on hav- The top floor of the fourstorv eiihTmTe-T' w B1 A”. Ir“ or , ‘ ‘
"ll'cahl international partnership, by the state and members 0f the pri- opment of the vaccine saved that ing quality faculty with the ability to equine center. about 40 percent of 0 Thinfxrfiriflws are “such an ‘ T
Singletary said, vate horse industry. , whole breeding season. Walker said. respond.“ Walker said. “I think the Security, Page6 integral part of our society“ and we I .
have lost touch with them. Lacy ' . »
SGA takes Stance i” "" "" ””’ .__ “' ’ " _-- ’ ’ *“ "W ' ' ' said People have misconceptions ’ - ' -
i ,44 about food production: for lmtance. .
l people don't realize that only 7 cents - ., '
O o 1 4 4/ ’TT' out of every dollar comes from '
Oppo Slng aparth eld I :/ 4 . " farming and that food production .
l i A and processing employs one out of 4 .
l L. "g 17/4433 23-5! \ . . every five peoplelnthework force . '
. . . T Lise ‘ no 7 .- He also said it is important in .
ExecutheS take Offlce, senate appotnts "5" 4 T ‘4 K, ' é TT’V‘X, , many ways. not the least of which I ,
, 3‘ f? 3; 4 3 .. ,,.:"'“TT’“, I ' "-.-I being economicallyand politically ,
a . . . ‘ . *4 «i . ‘ T 5 T 5." "It’s a very complex system. but
85'86 department dll‘ectorS, [lalsons . 5.44 T- ‘33 m," 5... :l .23. a very important and very essential
4 MI “:5“ ' a; ' I" ' . system." said Lacy. a professor of , T ‘
By sum warm Monroe also said he feared the di- 3 ' , " a... sociology '
Senior Staff Writer vestiture resolution would be altered “‘- _ - ‘ 3- Although none of the details of the I
by the senate. And with Nobel Peace : .«L , ' program, have been completed yet. ,
The Student Government Associa- Prize winner Bishop Desmond 1m“ ' . b/ [d 12>" Lacy said that in the fall of 1986 , ,
tion last night passed a resolution coming to speak at this year's com— - _ .I 44.} i" I, 3. ' there might be course offerings in
stating that it “condemns (South Af- mencement, Hi didn‘t want anything l . . , " / 4,. ..__ - ' ' such areas as sociology. anthropolo-
rica'si apartheid form of govern- that would embarrass Bishop Tutu T ' ‘ T !/ SS. PhllOSOPh)'~ hlSlOT." and Wllllcal
ment and its racial predjudicos" ortheUniversity.“hesaid. . \ _, .' 3 W "K science. But before those courses I
The measure passed by a slim mar- But Monroe said. “The divestiture ‘\ .- mTSL can be established. professors wish- 3
gin witha voice vote, issue willbebackinthefall." ' .3" ' also.- « ”T ing to teach them will receive ' ' . -
The only spoken opposition to last After the resolution vote. College 4.4.. “T fellgw Thllps. To Spell? [The summer 0‘
night‘s resolution came from Sen- of Arts & Sciences Senator Cathy 4%.”, .’ 86 eve oping currltu 8- .
ator-at-large John Fischer, who said Ashcraft said that because the new i "” W‘y Sec F00". raven 3 '
he opposes apartheid but also 0p- senate isn‘t activated until after j I444. " ' o
posed the resolution because of its final exams. the vote was invalid. i .444, . __ J ournallsm , ,
ineffectiveness. However, Senior Vice President l ' / . 44 .ui 4 . I . .
"All it does is say we condemn the Neal Hardesty. who took office T s T T . ' -
South African government," but the today. ruled that the resolution I 4/ , I " T. l gets $50,000 . , , 4
resolution doesn't help to further couldstand. - f5 “M“ ‘“ II.- 43.....I444 ' . ' '
3:23:15 understanding of apartheid. m senate alsoI approvgd SIGA / , . for course , 4 . .
l-‘isch . PreSIdent John Cains nominatiom j _ f" ‘ ,
er said the senate should set I the 4. ll - ‘t' , S 3 . . \ _ , - .
a precedent for not “overstating” or - 0 owmg p051 ions. usan I.” TI.\l.l()ll.\SU.\ '
the obvious. Beam-43:4???“ 0f mlhorllly 32d 599' Senior Staff Writer : I
cm 5 en concerns; isa orum. 4 ,. I - .
not as strong as one he had planned Ralph Hildabrand. director 0‘ STu' T % I " lhe SChOUl 0f JOUTnallsm )‘95l9rd3y . , .’ _ ,
to introduce calling for total divesti. dent/ University mall?“ 3.90le T. “T“ Wlll have "3 mill0r lmpal'l 0" lhe - ' . '
ture of UK‘s more than $1 million in- Nasar. director of public relatlom; ’TT‘T' ‘ .. ,, enrichment of the school's curric- ’ ‘ . ‘
vested in companies doing business Angie Green.Idlrector of student E I. t . nnmiiwiiiimms hands...“ ulum. said Edmund Lambeth. di- . .
withSouth Africa seerces; Angie Collier. comptrol- asy IS emng rcctoroftheschool. ' .. 4 , -
' . ler; Kim Griffin. Panhellenic Coun- .I h P . . . . . . . . . The grant. awarded by the Knight 3 . .
Monroe. the principal sponsor of c“ liaison; Bill Swinford. lnterfra- o nny reston, an electrical engineering freshman. listenino muSlC in the MUSIC Listening Room Foundation. will support a mum, in . .
the resolution. said students' lack of ternity Council liaison; and Christy between classes yesterday. The room "l the Student Center '5 open from 9 a.m. ‘0 9 pm. 0" week- business reporting and writing - I -
understanding 0f the issue led to the Bradford. Student Activities Board days- which should be offered in the fall of ‘
wateringdownoftheresolution. liaison. 19863 - ‘ »
. . Creed Black. chairman and pub '
lisher 0f the Lexington Herold-Lead ' ' 3 .'
UK to host 16th Kentucky Specnal Olympics games . - .
presented the check saying. "Those 3 ' ,
4 of us here at the Lexmgton Heiold- .
3) SAIILIAJA MALE-“PA“ the participants by giving recogni- agencies and service clubs which ac- Lead?r are very encouraged by lhe - ‘, '
Stafflhrlter “Special Olympics believes in rewarding a], the tiontoeveryone,“she said. tively I contribute to the Special Ieadership Edmund Lambeth '5 glV‘ _ T '
, . . . . . . , , “So much of what they do goes un- Olympics in Kentucky. mg the SCth Ol Journalism. and W9 ,
UK Will host the 16th state games parttapants by gtvmg l‘ ecogmt 10,1 to everyone. noticed.“ she said. “We like to give The volunteers come from high are very glad the Knight Foundation ' _
0f the Kentucky SpeCIal I0lympics. everybody an award.“ The first schools and colleges. service organi- has seen fit to support him with this .
SlVlnS more than 10000 children and Kate Kuffler, three individuals to place in each zationS. youth agencies. sports clubs grant." 3 3
adults across the 5‘3“? a chance l0 Special Olympics assistant event will receive medals while the as well as many other professional Lambeth said the endowment was . .
compete among lhemselves at the" w remaining participants will all re- and recreational groups, Many of “characteristic of the Knight news- '
own ablllly levels. , _ , _ . . ceive ribbons. the volunteers act as “huggers"‘ to papers' forward-looking policies,“ .
“The partimpants are mentally physmal fitness while they exIpIeri- Seaton building. the track field and The Special Olympics is a non- congratulate the athletes after an The Knight Foundation. a separate ' '
handicapped individuals from ages ence the joys 0‘ athletic competition, the COllS‘hml all day Saturday profit organization that is run solely event. Others can be timers. judges. organization ll‘0m Knight Ridder. T '
eight on up.“ said Kate Kufner. she sald- _ , , , Kufflersald. by donations and volunteers. The or helpline athletes up inalane. awarded a total oi $5 million in
graduate assistant for the Special The competition Wlll begin May 31 A victory dance for all partici- American Legion. the Jaycees. the Kuffler said there is always a grants lastyear.Black said.
Olympics. The malh purpose 0f the “hm a Parade and 3" mmng cere- pants Wlll rap "P the weekend's pro- Kentucky Federation of Women‘s need for volunteers. and urged those The Knight Foundation. founded In 4
event is to give the mentally to mow,“ Shlvely track held; “The gram Saturday night “Special Clubs. the Knights of Columbus. the interested to call 2574262 for more the late mos. orginally provided
tarded an Opportunity to develop athletic events Wlll be held lh the Olympics believes in rewarding all Kiwanis and Lions clubs are some information. scholarships and loans to students.
S SeeJOl R\AI.ISM. page 6
‘ , I o n
4... 44433., Lexington s only voluntary shelter prowdes help, caring and counseling for teen—age runaways
F '~'i.'x«."a»:s.;';;-.;i;::' 3. ma, 3 a .4 . I
,;. , T‘s-‘4 .. ' I44 ', 4 By DOUGLAS E. PI'I'I‘ENGER gave her permissnon to stay and re- housed eight delinquent youths. In -' 44.4.),- ;; ._ war-m 3-3444;- : twin-L» La ,. _ A
T ,4 ’, , ‘,,44.§4,44i4;":¥.44 Staff Writer ceive counseling. Her stay lasted 14 1983. we changed our program to the l ' .. ‘TTT ”I; 4,444, c ‘ ”W :53» on
. T 3. .. ’ :1. 4'5.” :4 days and then everything was runaway facility. which was MASH ‘ ya:. .5: .‘ijgg ." ,' - 4T4?) .
' ' , , . {'51- Like a lot of teenagers. Gretchen worked out. “I got my mother‘s vol~ Drop Inn. Still. in Lexington there is . T " 1:44 . I; ' T; ‘3'.
i. j" ,, ‘;"~:‘;-“":' ” ” gets into arguments with her moth- untary permission to stay here.“ she nowhere but MASH shelter where - “ “2‘“ “T’ _ 44,4. 44.44.34: $44,334
, .‘- r ',"4’;.__ 4 er. but unlike most teenagers. she said. “While I was here, we worked you can go without having to deal _ Tc..- ' ' m- T-:i$w&»$w§"‘ :1." god:
' ' T, ' ‘ T " " . decided tosolvotbeproblem by run- things out and now I‘m back home with the court system. We‘re the ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ' ' . 545431441
' , . nlngawayfrom home. again." only voluntary place that you can - 3 ' ... 3 ,
‘ ' ‘ .- ,L, _ ,I? “l triedtoworkthims out beforel According to Jon Talbert. a so- go." i , :2 ' 33 ' ;‘
4.‘ .- ' did leave." she said. “Then we got cial worker and home manager at A child can stay up to 15 days at l f . T ‘ T
a ‘ inoiwmmtommm-ndl MASKWMBW‘ WM" W-whchmmmle‘“ '
. 1' 35'7“ " j .3 3' said, ‘Hm. I can’t take this any- 60 percent of the nip-ways that ferrule minus. 11: buildim can ‘
' more.'solpackedwmybapand conteth'a'hthefacllity.mm homomxlmumofeightpeople. A \ .- »
left." run away a few times. but anally Talbert said the average child stays ' ' ' !
After an mucceuml attempt to end up back home getting every- there nine thy}, but some stay ; ' - - l
, . , stay at a friend’s house. Gretchen thing settled. The other 40 percent shorter and some stay loner. "We l I
, ' ‘ decided to call MASH Drop inn are repeaters; homeless youth who may let some that stay two thys. , 4'
, ' (Metro Alternative Shelter Hm), tnve nowhere to 80- Some of these just the initial contact with the par-
.‘ ‘ ‘ .. alocalshelterformwaysmudn chlldrenarelnandmitofthecourts cot and gettlm things smoothed ‘-.
- ,‘ -' ' ' to 17. She got in touch with an out. Macmiltcntbull. over."shenid. b
-' mmmmmmiod TalbertuidMASl-listheonlyvol- ”Alotdtimaachildvlllnll ’/ . "--
hcrtocmovertlutm. muryshelterformnyyoutlnln anyhomhome..etpickedwthnt / w
- W's moths was called WWWemMeuoShelter Maudeparamfeelllke.wcll \
. mmmmummm from in to 1.3. in which we autism-m ---
l ‘ I

 ,,,,,,.... , ,.... stuDENT
a (mum ' WW" 7 iNSURAN
3 PO R s \ gee FOR
" ‘ , Student
,, , h n I an OS in the
Kats res 0'9 "1. follOWlng Chan'soo' year, 1985/86'
La y SCIBCt I eam stuoENTs‘ ”mi: Plan for the C°"""° ’°
- Instr“!n
Pemylvam 0 Health .
0 USA thgdeeifih Wm 'e stack. St 6” ‘3 August 26, I985 .
name State ”magm- smh CW" afiec'we
. ———_—_— . 'v v _ -. Pam
memo .. . my giadthatl Joseph?- Slim or WP ity; :-
' SuffWriler adet e ’ W 'Tn'ce North Cat“! Fran NM must 9
~ Bebe) m . . rto be m ' Hemphlu “d ONTAI . - CompOnY .
hm" Bebtta l t . k it ,5 hono . may; Gay Texas: and cOST C . fification' . - osis. »
LadyKatfmedtotheUSA 89'” thin . ” “a". vanity of ' sion Cer . 'mng d"'9" ut-pa'
, . ' am- ms, Uni . - oflowfl- . P e.adm|5 . oh adml n on O
Croley was “am said Assistant d to thls te m 'Umverstty U“ I . r . . s ”0' W| armed o . . . _
- Team Yaterd‘liyon Director “9““ name Retina 00m" “saucy sammwfl‘iféfie dad cidmissm'”,o ho p ting should be pad erformed '" ""5 c"
599'“ into-ma 71 points LadyK‘“ “30.. the US$22 “wi‘lamiooiene ten 2 Pre-Odmiss'on ”.5 l admission. (“’5'5 P
Kocigoley. whodgi/fgatglffmdy Kati. mmfiéflm and it :02)th 1' n? basis prior '0 hgsglfgompany at 100%)24 hours prior to $079!.
and 4.1 reboun to be named 0 —rdmthe fOI'W (”umyear - we” I9 .“ be poi y than
, layers tea] 8‘18 . he! melts pretty ,, Ce WI 0 m0"8 ,
15 one d 12 p d (m SM! phys ”musald- p mink 1 match up In mstan 0 Id be n -
, , , .. , me tea , cu . shoU . bro
thenatxonalsquf‘d that i made "he g ondspotformem‘ in only “'9 . 1 other Blr's °" uch ex- 3 Admls-‘t'on l'sted I" new
“I‘m very ga . n nd 1 think it See who Phi-V,“ the in' “nth an it I’m pretty'm o ' (to be I . 100%
.. said, a, .. Croleyu from _ to. And ty to 8 re. . edures Ii CY
iemorgg'eegamedwuzbismfg was game attgrthrgginfifs “gum“ :E‘gd588bmi the opporm“ by cal flags:J certain surgical przfiire d The company 'g'nof received
is rHa 58 ~ .581 . the s." .- ched . - - is re ' inion ' .
UK coach Terfih on the team; Jury.de effects stnce oversea M“ be 000 as d opmlon eCOnd op . fits
. . have er Bebe, no 5' fr The mm of mm .' ) a seCO" 1. that O S ‘ n In bane '
pleased to ‘lled to death for 3“ season. of (the f00!) 0 Grentz . the 35519 chure r . ' the even ." be a redUC"°
. "We are m" , t that She w‘, .. (ayed 0“ end of the Theresa . Chris weuerls ' sel’VlCe- n there WI
. .. grea This I s afterthe , Marylands , for this , . dureS.
Hall 531d It 50mm and UK' about two wed“ ~ 1 by “5915 b ctice fic proce
- let it hea .. mntcoac . . rt for P1”“ h 59 59°“ den?-
represent the Cher .. season and JuSt . mm. mm will rep? May 10. for f 9 000 00) f0 5'”
isabig 5‘91” for ' 198+85 dips not bothering A smff of col- The 5 Universlty 9" be from exceed $1 ‘
. through me me an id an AB“ us nation at Rum tition “"11 (not to
. Croley .Suffered tracmre 0‘ Hall sa from across the The first 90m” k PM' mm ‘
season with a 53:? left foot. Sh? iege “Chadians- .n No May 22-25 in Gdlm'fi] travel to Yugo- ITY 0R
. meow nil it or the W “a“ made ‘lfsfieam win cmpewzlbune m. the “1"“ mm mm” RaENCY MATElm no
played m o ting threetimes' The ‘nltmimaments. May R wil- 518V“ fora ouma ' F EME ' VE P -
. mama‘s” found out Emma recipe“? m .‘he . ' i- 4 '11 be ”men”; CASE 0 THE ADO
' hen We 4 and the" pa tition m Ta ' UsA team “’1 the 50' E. IN SIGN
"We were 10-3 wf'f icture. 5° 0.” . J CUP compe The - 1 “ads from d NOT ' ADMIS .
. . - ham M 15.23. mtnatlm sq - poland an ALT"
about her sttjfifisIy hurl by her in i Taiwaan‘me the team are 3381 ‘on Yugoslam' t ouma- TAL HE Y
team was serious pe, r members on (em Uni- vlet Um .’ the European MEN APPL 0
jury"'“alilt52i$ played b0“ 3‘21”: Alma B’mécNmmne‘hrfiumversitfi €283de VISIONS WILL NOT
Althoug hunt the sea ' 1 - Lisa _ ’ 11 an m '
. 8 d velSl Y~ , McCOnne
d forward throu - 1 at guar a; Suzle t
. 339 Wi" E‘Zysii‘iéusf‘vse": M“ be a d (m 1- l‘by CO H, “MEN“! 9’0"“
.. for the u ' , hampe De GE. A——;L_
.. eam- OVERA '
° doesn t we mom um C u
ur an save you MATER . I“ be pol
of about 3600.000 C . id. . as per‘ . live W _
“J A would haveaput‘se bowlsfig—minube operamgswioi a1t relaflng '0 de. Whey $200 d9
J _ Spend musfafle’s . isCreme The t an equine p Fla P - 9X enses . ' Im/o (0 0/
' LOUISmLLpeedE ($12”ka Derby; WIOne who W°"“§eug£lrl‘)gerby Trial ”Edwina ParkinHallandalev ' |np0tienf mid—{W00 Paid a 'II be paid at 80 o-
- , , - S . - S ' I
Bud I(if Eu! "'9 “mevmatmszz Franche. mmerfiamer w°°dy S}: G - surgery has enabled. other illness' F'r - this amount w
come" 9 ‘ . iner “35 1 st Salturday hold the 89 WW” resume °°m as any xceed'"g 'd at
impresse§t 23k"; remove a bone pawns said he iggr'fiy‘fina run him in anumberdarug‘ffifi fist Such sur’ ducfib|e)‘ balancef e ddifional coverage). will be pal'l t
““"es ' ' - ~ ' I“ ”‘9 tSPOF'S‘ -' rem '- to enter or 0 . SEEM—90W ' no
Ship fromttxhegifl‘ks t2? armroscoglec gt: (fillinois Derby May 18 8 he Eightinabled J? 1615:1232 Women's (Refer to brochure relaflng '0 '0' lab and/0' x-rOY Wl
spend knee last Nov. 26. ‘ manis Park. mbolati said and win the U. - weeks after her WW 1 I poshna .
surgery °" W? with a third'place Trainer Cam Ga suffered me Marathon ““15 ”’0 s for Pre-na a '
turned to racmg‘ shore stakes 3‘ 'nks Spend A 3‘”? a track “operated” 807 _ Charge enseS-
..y - m Bay ed thl ,. hejumped. kneew - ° , red exP
flnlsgdligt 0: March 23, t3]? (t‘uhleiry knee injwtgezggung gate dunngg: t Spend A suck. the K3133; be conSIdered Cove
quaazzling “”38: slate stakes 8‘ fidegbymerica. i“ “333mm on hrs: son of nggfgebankmpt-
. - Gar e 0“" the Mea for 312‘ . ~ to
Hill Mlle and k 'shed second at purchased, to earn his way.
Garden state Par ' the C0" would l t 18 - cy 531°! still has not just by ww-
’ l I SO IOHE ago‘ ~ ~ OC' ' . _ . then, It b . _ . and . .-- ' . in deter-
siiifiiave bee" reiuflinggmimm’? Howeveri hf ‘tbfid :31”st f“ thmuse Per y e here g the 099 d.fferenf|0'
“It would T; rmovery Penod‘ was “9‘,“ouceslird' behind. Chief S u 'ust didn’t want t0 00": win," LAN: “ease no 9 .
or six monits Diaz said yes‘e’dfi; Buck “mg“.fgnkvs pi-ospect m the?) _thwuen1 a legitimate Shogolati “We COST FOR P i annual Prem'um' 5
oWner Denny have been here. Crown an , Juvenile NOV. WI. 35yew-431d Cam. (1.6!, the tfor sem ‘ 3
, - , . . . os AGE
““9 “um“ eduntiithetail. million Breeder; 58‘“ "9° , nt w “m ‘t. t nin9 Y°Ur c OVER
. . . . an: . mm m. Ems 203
ouldn ”we we k ”115 .35 “(0113”dePa d da. J‘JSt d‘ - t). Its t°° D .00
wlnstead' Spenéorli‘tegucalong With a When the col! ret d 3:111:33“ sake of'dolng I ' ion for "DER AGE 35 gilt-’W—fi—m—
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Back in the days better, round after round. bottled beer that s not x . - was
when boxers fought with Like those early pugilists cooked. Its specially cold- , a“ - H1353: __
bare knuckles, there was themselves. filtered instead. To keep / ' lfiR
no such thing as bottled A taste that ’5 hard to the true taste of fresh .» 4 fig . “gawwy ~ \‘g‘, ‘
beer or beer in cans. find in today’s bottles draft. 3 * g ' “ ’ .g , '1 ‘
Those were the great and cans. Because most Introducing Plank Road 1_ "2, ,» , g WMl
days of draft beer, resh beers, m bottles and cans, Original Draught. It tastes 3g g» , g . £5" *6
from the keg. are pasteurized. Cooked as fresh from the bottle as W... _..»... 7'"? . tiff}. 3...»?
Like the raft they to 140 degrees to tpre- it does from the keg. _ 3 g“ , . 7;: 3;
brewed at Frederic serve their shelf li e. {3' . g ' . . .55 f:
Miller’s old Plank Road 80 they lose that fresh, PLANK “0A” 1.. “‘~ ' g
Brewery. It had a smooth, draft taste. W -~ “" g. g
fresh taste that just got But now there’s a Original Draught “‘83 RV - z
‘ 3‘
I O .

 4-KMTUCKYKMNEL My, ”.11 1“ i -
”mutant . ' ' I
Kernel ~ . ~ .. ‘ ‘ " ° ‘
. , , - 'r n u 3 TI 3 s
u ' _, 1 O (9
VIEWPOINT ‘ ('13 ‘i' r W A
loo-MIMI... manic-m: S‘fi , 2 1‘:
l/ i ll-
Johu Voduhl SW WOW!" ‘ l
- Editomn-Chinl Wug‘ditor V 1
"Into”. Com WASH“ — ,1 _I
News Editor “‘in ids.“ fi l \ y _
l l‘ \“l
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o o (I 0% \K 2.
Campus opposmon hr 5 , .¢ 'm:
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t h d ’ 's “A
0 c ange of co e “mm,
h I'd b '
The Student Code Committee of the Board of Trustees ‘3 - I I I _ _ _ _ I I '
. has come to a decision. A decision which, unfortunately, -
, may not be in the best interest of the student body.
1 Fortunately, the committee may not get the last word.
' Tuesday. the committee voted 3-2 to reject a proposal . . , .
which would add the words “sexual orientation” to the list D S h h k
' , of items — such as race. color and religion — which may I co verlng W y we re ere a eS lme
. not be discriminated against when considering admissions
and financial aid. Too attics, the colitimns that ap 1 it \ learm'ng about learning" .Being anin- to get knowledge. You should have
The Board of Trustees may well concur with the com- 23:; ogeiggtypagtgpig; czthhgfhg m Lima“? 335%! m“ “3"“ ‘° read the Kernel to set “formation-
. . . . , , owmuc a 1. You should have gone to Tibet to get
{Kittee 5.11;??? mmendatltzg r13?" bttlleyd “1591? (on 'Iltllaxytlie guf heavy metal ‘5 W9 rock n roll and 2 g a ». JOhI‘I . But I do know this much. Informa- wisdom, because it’s not exactly
epOSSi 11) remains a. 9 ar wx c n51 e . p whether true partiers use buggers « VOSKUHL tion makes people's day-to-daylives dripping {m the wan; in this
. - - posne. Let us hope they Will conSider more than the final around their beer cans, that less un- s ,. easier and more enjoyable. Knowl- place. That’s unfortunate, but uni-
. outcome of the committee's split vote, and weigh the revi- Wff't'tluswp‘g‘allgty figfis‘g? the " fidse malm apnegple’s year-”Year vemitia are funny that way-
sion's ar uments on their own merits. ’ . . . “"5 “9:1“ mm enjoyable. There’s Plenty Of lmsinw-asusual
. The agguments bv the way are many and varied. 5.2m?” heme: ”if to- correct a 3km” d “3t.“mwer' ”h“ 3‘ WW“ ‘3 “fly "“5”“. W "‘9' Wm". ‘gstbutm‘muchwmm'
Alth h th ‘ it h ‘ d b t 1 n t “mam" y a 155mg one Games, the Lennswn horseman but from what I can tell, it makes Infact,Iwould daresay that most
. . oug e ma er as seen e a e on severa oors such problem. who served as benefactor for the people’s lives more difficult and ofthetolks 1 know who will bend-
of this Universny. the pros and cons were hashed out one Why are we here? Or to be more new humanities think tank called moreolnflenging. “aging aren't too wise. my“ soon
last time on Tuesday before the committee voted. :pecnfic,nandhmake matters came-r theGainos Fellows, helped chnsten It doesn’t sound too useful. But it be sliding down what lyricist Tom
Billy Henderson. a pastor for the Lexington Christian 12895.? ‘ w y are we at ""5 UH" imitafildflu? mm with a ”rich“ m “in" "‘3‘ ”3'5“" V0“ that Uh"? calls “the razor blade of
fellOWShiP Claimed the entire matter was “3 POhtical v It'gtya. question We asked before aareporter butcfilsegmgftie; r.iiiitiiai mmflnfiie iiiniewroalMaisone jinn: iii: “mommy mm mm!
thrust to get more representation for homosexuality.” Hen- and not been able to answer_ In fact. learned something. hmi'sm get mm. DTn‘t despair graduates-
derson also said the Bible says homosexuality is “morally any diehard John Voskuhl fansout I didn't get the exact _quote — re- Grade Sam] was a time for get- This column has a happy ending:
wrong." fire tiny remember thtfiefu'st time member, I Wish:t playing. reporter ting the three R’s. College mint be Even though we’re supposed to ac-
But the Bible‘s definitions are not recognized as Ken- be $233?!" “gm.“ pm” em Ewgghog‘i‘m: said somethms 31008 the time for getting the one I. one K quire wisdom during our bright 00'-
tucky law. Although certain acts between homosexuals may “Why an, welhere?‘ “We has: 3m ed wisdom with ggdogllsvgmmljdzp grim a: lgage f«(laysfieiifldwelling; at the Sill;
indeed beillegal. the mere business of being gay is not. “1 know what you’re thinking. knowledge and replaced knowledge Thoseareonlytooeasytoget.) p ' it"fnotrequired there. 1
Another argument against the reViSion came from You’re thinking: "Oh great. Here with information." If ym’re a graduating senior, and
Thomas Bell. a committee member who voted against the 8°98 “how" '0qu 0f the Kentucky Gaim’ comments not me thinking you feel you’ve been slighted on one
. amendment. Bell claims the revision would “condone ille- lg???” 23:23:; fill???) 2:3" hail: fflfifi“ a ”$332; “tale“! counts. Yttactrve n0 wgg‘uto Editor-in-Chief John Voshuhl is 0
~ , ~ ~ - m I y W 8005581131 a ge your money . You 5 d journal‘s ' d x l .
gal BlottSth meaning sexual activity betjween gays}. f “clear “far, now they question that we“ "3pm ed wisdom with in. have paid attention in grade school “Misti m senior an a erne col
u_ e rex lblOfl Commlttee Inc 11 8d a_ e lnl 10n 0 sex' man’s existence. Soon they’ll be formation, I have to admit that his
ual orientation, stating that it “does not Include actual be- wondering how many angels can remarks supplied a working answer .,..
havior that violates Kentucky or federal law.” Behavior is dagfesnlethgheadgfapiral’l' M that tOItt-Ifyquesttiion. _ b . I . ' A j our Tl!
th k ' 'ord h r . It is su osed to have nothin to do me, P05 ,3 m on IS my "sums, ,r . i I -
' wfih this cxbde revtisieon itself pp g there would be several different an' guess y°u could say' “.5 MN’ b"! « Q l ,4 if SW?) '
‘ V_ . _ ‘ ' , ~ . _ , swers to the question. and that each it‘s no substitute for knowledge. ,3 M HELP ‘
Withoutgoing into the merits of laws which restrict the one should have something to do Knowledge is everybody’s busi- ’ ' , ”" ,
sexual activities of gays. it can clearly be seen that the with education. I railed agaimt the nuns. We’re supposedtobegetting it ’ '$;£_‘ ' ’
code revision has a sound legal basis. Student Government feet that our heloved Institution of here at UK. and I wouldn’t dwbt - [a i ., . ’
Association President Tim Freudenberg, who voted in 23311}? $033322 :25. .bemmmg "'5“ many °{ “5 arc. Bugcanlt help / ' LL14; \
favor of the proposal at the committee meeting, insists the _ a "81 a "“"g Emu" "mung "‘3 Ime‘ved . "m“ 'm' V «a
_ _ . 1 p ace where people learned to portant knowledge of my life when I
legality is not an issue. . be welloiled, unthinking cogs in the was in the primary grades of e1. ‘ H ‘ .,
The wording change would not endorse any given sexual wheelofAmerican society. ementary school. That knowledge is «3 ~Wfl£
orientation. be it gay. straight or bisexual. And ironically, Now, l’ve gotii bitof a different known popularly as the three 3’3. '9‘ ‘ map
it is the opposition to the code revision that has stirred up W'SPOChVG- And In this my lastcd- Th°§e StheC's are ”WM“ 8150' ' ,;3§,.,\ mu \
' more “publicity” than anything else. 332;: 3:53:91. 13:12“ that mifiiiivfér ’fim t° be de .AL—\\ mu
_~ . The simple reality is that the codereviswn would pro- Thistime, We gotan answer. Wisdom is a strange mm. I Q’llE‘IE . _
. vide a certain defense against discrimination. But the fact At the opening of the Gaines Cen- have heard very knowledgeable peo— F“ , AAA ‘ . r
remains that some in the University community still reject tor for the Humanities Friday, I got ple say it’s got something to do with
g , . the change. And unfortunately, they have won