xt7f7m041r9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041r9z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 10, 1979 1979 1979-04-10 2020 true xt7f7m041r9z section xt7f7m041r9z at
'ol. LXXI. No. [38 Ker cl l'niversity of Kentucky
”9".” AW“ '0' "79 an independent student newtspaper l‘c‘inhwh' “mud"
_ —
- . U Senate approves one-half
' , a“ fly .
-' ; Mc' . ,
a» of new class Withdrawal plan
.;..-:'-:'_,(- ,W" ” “2.1; _ 1
.- _I W By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. (iene 'lichenor. also protesting the Joe Bryant had to udiuurn the
1‘. :. w . w Copy Editor amendment. said most students don‘t meeting 1
. ,4 it: o N . get tested until the first third of the After the meeting. Bryant told
a; ' ,. v \ When the I980 Spring semester semester and wouldn't know by the several students and faculty members
’ ‘ .:., ' ”m begins. students will only have seven first week it they should withdraw surrounding him that the amendment '
,5 I. «x 4 )1 W . calendar days to withdraw from from a course. However. the opposing was approved and not \ubJCCl to '
2 = " ' courses without having “W“ grades votes of many of the SO change “We voted to divided it (the
' a? *- ‘ . ‘ recorded on theirtranscript because of representatives failed to overturn the class withdrawal policy). and I‘m not '
. ~ " “if. “’ . ' " . “ action by the University Senate amendment. going to let it come up again." Bryant
‘ ', . .. i . * .. _‘ yesterday. “I don‘t think the Senate gave said.
. / CI" 'm” I e» During the approximately 80- proper debate to it (the seven-day lhe second halt olthe pohcy.which
, ' -' ‘1‘ minute discussion on the proposed amendament). and it is insensitive to deals with the latter hall at the
, "- withdrawal policy. the senate student concerns." lichenor said after semester. will be the only item
1 ' ‘ separated it into two sections what the meeting. “Most students don‘t returning to the agenda
happens during the first half of the withdraw from a class in the first week In response to a question from S0 .
> . ‘ '. semester and the second half passed and it doesn‘t give them enough time. Senator Mark Koopman. Bryant said. '
the seven-day amendment and then “lhe 'W‘ might not mean anything firmly. "it was not railroaded "
had to refer discussion of withdrawal to the [bounty Senate. but graduate He explained that the only way the
during the second half ofthe semester schools and employers will see a lot of amendment could be brought up for
to a special meeting April .10. ”W's on transcrips and it will hurt." he discussion April 30 was to “move tora
' Although the withdrawal policy said “We really got screwed." special order" which he explained
' originally presented to the senate was i . , was like changing the agenda. If two-
similiar to the present policy which R (iraduate Sshool l|)ean “Imbcrl'i‘ thirds ot the quorum vote to bring it
' . 1 . allows studentsto withdraw without a "3‘11” V“ m“ “"1"” mtg ‘ back to the agenda. further action ,
8’ TOM MORAN/Km“ 5“" “W“ up to the first third of the question "hd‘imh “h" have aisi/eable could be taken.
New York Times columnist James Region mopped his night. Reston's speech in Seay Auditorium was part of semester, Hans Gesund. a civil hurhh”. ‘3‘ ‘hhhd‘h‘h‘fil‘ ‘wohhr “I don‘t plan to go back and do it ,
. brow after fielding a (”legion druing his lecture last the Joe (‘reason Lecture Series. engineering professor. introduced the ”h“ ‘ S‘tVF‘f‘fmh‘t” 0“ ht” again." Bryant said. but he added that
adopted amendment which was ”‘1‘“th h probably would have ifitwasthe“willol the body'."it could -
approved 49-45. despite challenges more etlect m ”0’9““‘hal ”Chm” return for further action.
‘ creason lecture hosts Reston from several senate members. “dm'V‘mh‘g rathe: lhhh graduate lnother action. Bryant informedthe
“I‘m still unhappy about the one- “Chhhl “dm‘h‘mm' he ha'dj senate that l'K President Otis '
third and one-sixth business.“(iesund A “”3? "”th “‘ “hhdh‘w‘h Smelt-tar) has giicn a one—year
By THOMAS CLARK Reston. generally acknowledged to States is not at war and people are said when the floor opened tor :iiihldciiiiice ”3:3: uil::h“’rh(: rIZma extensionto people scheduledto retire
Copy Editor be the dean of American columnists. better employed. housed and fed than discussmn. If students attend a course ROVSTCI' said bbecaus‘e it mpi htgshow‘ this year‘until the labor Department
spoke as part of the annual Joe at any prgyiOUh time. for several weeks some'record should 1 ‘ ) ‘ th‘ ‘t id‘ t‘ g t in Washington interprets the present
James Reston. columnist for The Creason Lecture Seriesamemorialto "lhe 'l'eamsters are on strike “show UP .lU_St In the interest Oi tht‘ ”Ramon ( n t s u m 5 par. W dt‘ahhg “1th CXtChdthtl tht‘
New York Times. thinks the rise ofthe the late Courier-Journal columnist. because they think a 30 percent pay truth." he Sflld- "it seems to-me that\ However. Academic Ombudsman Wtherhhnt age t0 it) Wit“- .
special interest group in American Reston is a former executive editor increase overthe nextthree years is not part Of aitrue academic spirit. .lane Emanuelsaid shedidn‘tthinkthe it is his hope . . ‘that wvell’betore .
politics points to a larger problem in and vice president Of The Times and good enough." he said to illustrate his Dr. Michael Adelstein. at K Board policy would be detrimental to this time he.“ Wat ht‘ h hathd hjdfil-Tthf. .
the United States: the drifting apart of has been twice awarded the Pulitzer pmnt. . 0t TFUSICCS faculty member. 5PM? students who “still have a luil~ load of d syontlnyu‘mg policy tur ratirtmsnt. .
the population to concentrate on Prize for his writing When historians look back at this against the amendment. declaring it credits ‘ln (a semester after 30““ Sdtdt. , A _
' personal interests. The Scottish-born writer began his period. Reston said. “they w‘illwonder “'85 out 0i order because tht‘ 59mm withdrawing trom courses. “Chis on the agenda I01. the special
Speaking last night in Seéy talk byassertinghis belielthat"Weare at our misconceptions and the agreed onthe one-third and one-sixth “i think it really depends on the Iht‘t‘tlhg Milled Al‘“1 30 “1h ‘h‘lhdle‘f .
Auditorium, Reston said politics is now living in the most hopefulquarter Pt‘tfitmthm and Shlt‘lht.V-" time schedules “he." ” hm approysd student and what his total transcript who” from [he .hmibummdh 5 Ohm“
. being dominated by Special interest of the most brutal century in hiSlUl'y. “NOHC 0i th world‘s problems theirwithdrawal pOIIC) [)CC'. '2. [9’ itthS like. ShC Siild ”16 second hit“ . 0- th Wilthde. ‘
* groups which are driving toward “a And the odd thing about it is we don‘t Justify the insecurity of today ‘s The 56mm agreed 9" th'”: that “W W ht‘h 80 hilt”! Senate members tett Pththii it l-"tll’h‘ttt‘It‘thttk’ tr t’lttt't’t th‘
1 new personal and institutional know it.“ population." students should havetorthe first third duringthediscussionthattherewasno Dentistry to establish Academic .
isolationism. which used to be called Qualifying his remarks by sayinglife pan of this museum) developed . be it for betterior worse a tree longer a quorum. the remaining DISCIPhhat} ‘Pt‘tts‘lf‘h tthd it “W“
by the old-fashioned name of in any age isastruggle. Restonsaid for when things in this country became ride. ‘ Adelstein said. agenda which had two action'itcms‘ ”hm the l'mWNt} Senate RC‘CHTCh .
' selfishness." the first time in his life the [firmed (‘ontinued On page 3 Student Government President was held met. and senate chairman Committee. .
Koopman s proposal that se - estruct Is not accep e is : ..
By GREGG FIELDS sport'rr. I‘m going to do something administrative action or student proclaimed Koopman the sponsor of and you haven‘t done a damn thing." . : E ' .
Associate Editor I‘m “0th for and moye it" t)hjCCttt‘h concensus) h“ termination as the the Circus. and suggested senators Renrier then ruled the entire ‘3. it: gt " h .
of consideration." lnotherwords.that students' voice." the crowd of “quit playing with Koopman." He also discussion out oforderfl'he resolution :' i “.33: ‘ . ,
ln a meeting described by Student the hi“ h0t be ‘0th Oh- “Udcmh including Bert Clarki “h" Ch‘d‘fd mm for notlgoing t" the to strike the bill from S0 records . i -- .r L._§.=:t' _
Government President Gene Tichenor Applause rang out from the table last week lost a bid for SC pre51dent. meetings of the committees he‘s on. passed lt-ll). sf 1r” a - . ~
. asa“circus brought (0 you by Senator seating the senate. while a crowd of broke in“) Mid applause and cheers. Koopman ignored the character Renner had some strong words for ' i _' "
. (Mark) Koopman.“ SG refused to approximately 30 students.supporters Butthe senators gottht' laht clap as assaults. but several times asserted those who attacked Koopman‘s (3‘ ‘t’ -
_ consider a resolution last night that Of Koopman‘s htl1.tir0WnCd~ (junnell‘s ”Wham" ‘0 consideration -that he had a constitutional right to character. “I'm very disappointed by ,. if" 9 .
suggested the body disband. Butdon‘t ThC debate 'Ctt. for abOUt '0 P35§ed 19‘3- . have thC bi“ read and voted on. some of those who showed personal .’ " - ' '
look foracopy'ofthe proposalin SG‘s mihUICS. t0 the t0pic of whether the lhe tlffVWka C0ht|hU€d~ hOWCVCT- During the debate on striking it from preferences tonight." he said. “Our ' ._ . . .
minutes. bill should be read- Vice president “he“ Gum” "10“" that the hi“ he the record. however. he lashed out at hills are to be considered on their MARK KOOPMAN - *
They struck it from the record. Billy Bob Renner. leader ofthe senate. StTiCks‘n "0m 5“ ICCOTQS- Said Arts Gunnell and others who opposed merits and merits alone. I don‘t think ‘d , . __ .‘ . ‘ , .
. In other action. SG passed by voice ruled the proposal ShOUId be 8M” a ""d SciencesSenator M‘ke Whitlock. voting on the hill- 80 should be made a mockery of. Emir,“ mm Emu?" hr‘lfe lnL.redse\ '
', vote an apology tothe 50 presidential reading. But Law Senator Stockton "I“ SCH-Chum"? to me. hUt we St!“ “This was submitted as a political When you‘re in this room you should "V hhhfifhh hhd ' fut”) referring
and vice presidential candidates who Wood appealed. So they talked about have to keep it on the record." statement against the sort ofthingthat haye the best interests of UKatheart." to t c ll ts instituted uring spring _
i were excluded from last week‘s Focus, 't- President-elect Mark Metcalfiagreed. went 0“ trying t0 gel thi‘ hi“ to the Nursing Senator chgyO‘Mera also Thigh“ an(d referred I? m Sand?!"
. the SG-Student Center Board -- ”HS comes down in whether we’re But hm“? Arts Senator Kath' Besing “00f." ht’ said. expressed disappointment but at su abrrtin (EigTiztrLfmj {Offersuzuoin i
‘ "CWSICttCL Wthh promoted the going to allow Mr. Koopman the said that It! Koopman and (Arts and . Senator-at-Large Brad Sturgeon the crowd hf students who supported noipinthfServices Buildin'be mocv‘ned
T candidacies ofMark Metcalfand Bun. consideration ofreadingthis bill."said Seicnces Senator Richard) Dime), then said. “I could support ”"5 the hih‘ “II he people were rude." She to the Student (‘enter ex ati'tsion aft‘r r
English, both 50 incumbents. but Business and Economics Senator “‘OUld take ‘S‘mc 0‘ ”‘9 encrgyithey resolution if it said Koopman was no said. “’l hey were rowdyand I couldn‘t it is m‘m leted The resioiiution stated '-
didh“ mention the four. non- Mark Hinkel. "I don‘t want this to waste on 1h” garbage and use h for longer a represenative of the student hear a thing." that th: Services ‘Butldiri is i
:_ incumbent candidates. turn into a character assassination. something C"”$tthfttveth'5 WOUId bea because he isn‘t. Ever since I ran on in two other pieces of action. S(i inaccessible to w'heelchair-btpiund '
. . The legislative body also passed 3 since Koopman has demonstrated bv better lih'wr‘"? . . that ticket with you(two elections ago) passed a resolution supporting the students _ g
resolution asking University Senate to some Of his past actions that I don;t At ”"5 pornt “Chem” “00¢ and you made all those great promises contention that students should have i h ’
. reconsider the rule it passed yesterday need to do that. I don‘t think a little -.
hmttlhg to seven days the length 0f ridiculous discussion can hurt as.“ o a 1‘ . i '
. time that stufientscan Withdraw “Oh“ At this point Wood tried to - ' fr
-. a course Wit out it a eartn on t e ' - . . "- ‘
: student‘s record. pp g ;:::;::‘hl:e::;:al :3" 2:23;!‘ewit‘i: surrounding environment. a . from members of the old regimej of‘lran d i ' . .
a... After Koopman introduced his second. Themassrve evacuation wasorderedafterdt carsot Besrdes the six. unc:mfir:te ltthttll: sal . “Gui: .:
i!~ resolution suggesting abolishmetit, a Lomsville & Nashville freight train. almost all of Echierhien were execute in t t sou wes.ern ci . i f . 1
' 3 Senator Bobby Dee Gunnell. who last The senate. however eventually ”m" can-“"3. mm Chcm'cals' 'umhlch 0" mt? 1mm e . d an' . -
I‘ . ' . ' Sunday morning in a wooded. swampy area west ot lhe l0 new deaths would bring to so the numberot . _' .
i; week was defeated for next yearsvtce supported Renners decision to read state meicw. Fla. The ”am “in enmme from NC“ men shot by “ring squads mice the mm mmcmcni ii" .
. . . presidency. Was the first toattack boi‘h i‘he bill. When he finished wrth Orleans in Jacksonville. led h.‘ Moslem clergyman Ruhollah Khmhc'm s:
i, the proposal and the. proposer. l Therefore be it resolved that the THE KENTl'CKY STATE RACING There was at hm one explosion an expimion toppled the monarchy 0i miwniifd shah {J
. believe Since. this bl". is ridiculous. Student Government feels. that in its COMMISSION yesterdayadoptcdlhrcc rulechanges that left one car literally peeled open and flattened Mohammad Rela Pahlavi in mld'TChlldl'} t
i», Gunncll said. “indicative of its ineffectiveness. It recommends (by proposedhvtheiockcys‘Guildlnc..includingatahlc ‘and various gases began spewmg (‘mm the three ol . ‘ . , . .. , i". . . .
' I i of jockeys: fees that will be challenged by the four carsthat broke apart duringthe accident. There )(Al.l.lN(i (ELIBACT A (III'T. lope .lohn t‘ . .
Bond says tOday S bIaCkS Horsemeh‘s Benevolent and Protective Association. was only one minor injury. la"! H yesterday Upheld mandatory whhdcj‘v tor : ‘ ' 1
. t‘nderthechanges.aprospectivchCkcy mustbelll- ‘ . . . Roman (atholic priests and took a tough stance i ~f ‘ . ‘
‘ i n vears-old and must have ridden in at least three races A FEDERAL t-RAND .ll BY \ ESTERDAY against those seeking dispensation from their vows. : . .
must have e ual rl hts before beingltcensed.And.ifanapprcnticchastiddcn INDICTED lllinms Attorney (reneral William J. The pope issuedastrongreatfirmation otthi‘lJOO- i .
. . q 9 ' 40 winners prior to the end of one year from the date Scott on five counts of income tax evasion. yealr-olq lbtahr :3:afirl::llel:“n::rtr;1:g:hhl:c: and-2:8; i __ ' ‘ ,
‘ By ANITA STURGILL beequalto Whitesthe'n Negroes willbe 0f ”dmg his fifth winner. a five-pound apprentice Ptfifcui": 53'd~ ' ‘ S‘ it of “ ubstantially" 53:32:: eight-Pattie leiter to the church's bishops a h e
8“" Wm" (the White's) enemies." allnhanchwill be granted until hhebcnduocf taught; undeitcsltrirtiaciiiiznriis‘iicicchih: orihis incoritetax in l9i2 Priests in the Fastern rite of the Roman (‘atholic ; . ' f "
‘ Bond accredited the '954 S" reme e C angcs . were approve y. . . (‘hurch and ministers in most non-Catholic (‘huich ? '-‘
~ Georgia State Sen. Julian Bond Court decision ruling that segaratc Assocation Of State Ractng Commissioners at "s thrlfiiltlgiittls"licen under investigation by the l' S, Christian churches may man) The cclibac) rule is : ~ . ', i
, entertaiMd an aUdienCC 0f about 200 schools were “illegal and annual meeting March 22 m S” Franctsco. attorney‘s office for more than a year: Scott has believed to be a major reason behind the startling i ‘ , ‘
persons with his wit and charm when unconstitutional." the racial insisted he has done nothing wrong and that the jump in the defections of Roman (‘atholic priests in ; t .
_ t 1 he talked about the “past. present and demonstrations ofthe I960‘s. the l968 nation investigation has bun Politlca“) mOtltath "m" 3““- i . '. ‘
a H 5 future racial struggle in the United ruling that made interference with 590" coutd "ht h‘ “86th “"00me i ~"'. ':
~ ' i States.” votingacriminal offense and the I972 THOUSANDS OF FLORIDA PANHANDLE weather ‘1' .
' “The racial year of I978 has turned Equal Opportunity Act as the major RESIDENTS. forced from their homes Sunday by world , . . . . ‘3 ._ ‘ i .
and given Confederate Negroes the acts which eventually led to less racial toxic fumes billowing from the area‘s lateit chemical- NATl RES OWN l.l1Tl,l-. APRIL toot. ,
' ._ upperhand." Bond said during last discrimination. train derailment. awaited word yesterday on when SIX MORE “ENEMIES OF THE RI-lVOl‘l.l'- JOKE seems to be 0V” It “I” be partly Shdhhxhdt: ' ~ . '
. ‘ . . night‘s lecture at the Student Center “In I968 President Johnson began they might be able to return. TION.”includingan American-trained airforcechiet. little warmer today- HISh 'h thehlow h‘orh'm~ln‘ :1" . . . . -. i .I
. . ‘. Ballroom. the cutbacks on school integration and Experts. meanwhile.inspectedtheremotesitcofthe fell before firing squads yesterday as Islamic courts increthsina cloudmrSS and a C an“ .'- .
, ~ ‘ i Bond quoted such people as funds The federal government twisted wreck and tried to assess the damage to the continued to exact their swift. methodical retribution tonig t .
f i DeToqucvillc by saying. “if we cannot Continued on p... 3 ‘ -
a ’ ~
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.. Move Malling" Lisa Dousurd Thorn-s (‘Ierlt Welter Tunis Junie Vuughl Tom Mann
‘ ’tllltll Ill ( Incl hlilunul [alum le Fosutt 31¢“ fit/Hm S/mm lit/Ill" I’ln’l'IlH u! Phulographi
,, Debbie McDaniel
_ Steve Massey
. 3 Richard McDonald tam Fields Ruth Matti-uh (In willis John (‘Ily Linda (‘mphell
, "armour film” Jeanne Wehnes ’1 Jflllt Tm inn/uni MI kill/w Brian Rickerd Phoiu Manager
_ lit 0 L & I tittitiuit- It/mm ( o/ii lilirort Amman: S/mm Editors
' 3
Final results i
Wh' t t t t f d h'hl'htSG/t' '
as my on, v0 or urnou , re eren um lg 19 e 60 Ian
No matter what you think about last week‘s not file official complaints to the SG Elections attention in the future could be possible changesin For example. it was under his orders that the ‘
. - Student (ioyernmcnt election or the people who Board. After the long campaign. they apparently the Wildcat Lodge, grading option systems. class controversial Focus issues weretaken back fromthe
won. the contests turnout is gratifying. decided it just wasn‘t worth the trouble.) withdrawal policies and others. Incidentally. the racks. He made an effort to make himselfaccessible -.
Almost 4.000 students cast ballots roughly 30 Also important to note isthat. forthe firsttimein proposed mandatory health fee was soundly to students and press, giving honest. informative
percent of the student body. l’hat‘s a significant recent memory. the SG president was elected rejected by a 3-to-l margin. answers and Opinionsthat were devoid ofcampaign
increase from past elections. which usually have a without a majority. Mark Metcalf. the winner. A d h h ll h d l' . h rhetoric. During an election. that‘s refreshing. 1.
turnout only half as large. receiyed only about 30 percent of the votes cast. ‘ n t .rOUg da II' .C imh '5 'hg'h‘g‘ C “deter It‘s rather ironic that while the candidates ,3
The increased number of voters was probably due Obviously his administration. to be successful. will Essahsination an h p0 med 'r etohricft ere was one debated how to recruit more minority students, and i: ’
to large fields of candidates and the inclusion of the have to work hardto make peace withthe 70 percent “51g ht' spot :1ng e :ampaignf L eEline jobBSteve .suggested that UK needs more outstanding black Ti
- health fee referendum on the ballot. With six of the electorate which cast ballots for his as ington l a“ airmano t c ections oard. role models. no one mentioned Washington. The 3
candidates embroiled in a highly competitive opponents. Washingtonwhois notamemberofSG.brought QUCSUOP or seeking black role models, in and 0f it:
campaign for SO president and publicity about the 'l he idea of including a referendum on the ballot a professional attitude and an air offairness intothe itself shows a certain weakness in logic (DOCS h
_ controyerstal issue of 80‘s Form. the student body is a promising one. It‘s the perfect opportunity to board‘s actions. which, though terribly limited by anyone 80 around 100kih8 for white or other racial
heard quite a bit about this year's election. sample student opinion without spending a great SG's constitution. did not shrink away from the role models?). bl” Washington has set an example
(It‘s not surprising that the losing candidates did deal of money in the effort. Issues that deserve issues. any UK Wide!“ can be proud Of- I
' ' 7/» 1 .. .
Column/st worries about man 1 t. .
’f/cfl/I/f/ \ \h ‘ \\.\ ‘ . t 3 .l, . ‘
l l l l _ . .\\\\ \ ‘ll '
m yt~\~\ti=\l » ,.
f . . ’ \ “ ‘ . ‘- i i
w o g or/ res cap/ta punishment , v W tutti . t
.1 i//”//:/// ,V '\ h“ ‘ it ' H (l ’l - i
. . / It “i .i , |
I can understand a person coming. robber who shoots an owner is not on things a Jacobean crowd could t,/// " 3a,”, \ - 3‘ 3 l
reluctantly. to the conclusion that a par with men who ran the gas imagine diabolic regicide. an //// i i i 1‘ l
. capital punishment is a nasty but chambers. \‘or is Wiescnthal a duly overthrow of the state with demonic 1//%/// '7/ , l
necessary business. lhat. after all. constituted law officer prosecuting his aid. Quite literallv. Shakespeare ; 3/1 2'3 , i l , l
~ reflects the instinct, that made the fellow cut/ens. He isttself'Constituted released witch-hunting angers in the j A 13- l
hangman masked or anonymous. the private ayengcr acting across the play. which was written fora king who , 3 ’ 't !
firing squad multiple and ‘not soyercign boundaries of law. Mr. was himself the personal executor of '/ l " . i iii
individually responsible. or the gas Berns wants to throw around the witches. // ~ 6 " n. - . . cf" 8, t; i" _
chamber hygienic and sequestered. magistrate it romantic mantle of'the Noris Macbethexecuted asacitiren = E“. . ._ .. ' 6‘ . .\ '.,r,.-:-.,\) l l
Execution may be necessary. but it is historicayenger.andaroundthegrimv » , 3 , ~ 3 ~ , f1 \ 1/ ' 5. i ‘ ' V4 ~’ '7‘ *' ' '
. . , , , . -. for a private crime. He is killed as a : 4'fl 1 , ~Qv' \ at, i . “MM ‘ ' ~
not Civilizationsproudestmoment.to criminal the diabolic flames of . . - ,. , ’ ‘ ,. ‘ »‘ \VV-n \’ GT , 3 \ F
_ ~. , usurper in a CH” war to restore the . ‘ - . . ‘~ ‘ : / 3 ‘3...”2 \/ ’
betreated asa grand Wagnerran ritual. Holocaust That seems to me. among - 3 . . 3 . -_ ‘9’? r < aw». i 4‘ l 3. r 3.
~ . . . rightful sovereign. The cosmic issues a 4 4 I ' z .‘7".‘.‘\ . ’ ' j 1 \ '. .
3 3 . , - , other things. a cheapening of the , -3 - - _ 3 l y'- ‘5 . \ -'=—3 ’5 ‘T cl; “
So when I find someone waiting H l .. . ‘ fl .. . are politicaland religious..Totu'rn all ’ A, ‘ . ‘ 3:ng ‘ ‘5' - \ J l “ - g
posittyely lyrical in \tet/chean praise 30.3491“ dh “’1‘ ‘1; '2 to get any these sacred angersonarapistindeath W .3 A =1,“ 1- Wl ' -—~~~—— /" ’— . p i .3 h
of cleansing angers. of a heroism that in m “d. V“ 30,1” j‘ on dcdth row. row is another cynical use of sacred . .: fi‘bfi‘fi‘l’ ~_ it; g 5.034%: ‘4’ “ i.‘ 3
can face execution as a majestic 01‘6” Q'Fdhh" punishmentoften see imagery to glorify the death chamber. ,1» ,) ’ h” ""' 'I' . \ .1
reaffirmation ofthe moral law. I look ‘1 “1” legitimation m h hCh law. '. the Berns even argues that the only g/CQ “W t-
around to see what funny farm l‘ye “1‘ch of'cosmit’emotiocrjis(heligiouls. alternative to this grand view of /////’ Omar-«Wists ’
stumbled ”110‘ filClil. whatcyer aroun i C srnge execution l9 8 mean accountant's ‘ __ i F‘ ”rat‘s/Ada“: ;
mat 't the it. _‘ . = - Hi: SAYS HtWONT- ‘Ityi Wintwr <‘ rig. R/‘NT ' "WON WK}? STERI t. s
The funny farm in this UN ,5 ‘._it_._:l__.:___a__w_fi figuring of advantage he does not W M WWN t THAI H T HIM LE' ’"_
”(WW-t magazine. and our mm- . think of c0mpassron as an alternative.
Nietlche is Walter Berns. who used to OUtrlder or respect Of one's own humanity. [A 'd ts will ha en I '
understand the Constitution. He says by garry Wf/IS Mr. Berns is so positive and cheery 00/ en pp
he has undergone a conyersion to ,.__,-__. 7..___,.,,,-____- about execution that he calls it akind ‘
23W“ whlshmg‘hll. "ht 0‘ hail“! 1"" Mr. Berns makes no bones about it. ofindirectcompltmenttothe criminal. I I i
.himo: itstgtba s mission 1 d to He honors anger even to death ()fur‘anger at him-shows that we think n u I n 5
unit .0“; an . ‘rtngtojusticefadn'.tho and says it is good for us. His tactics of 0 “ml?“ responstble agent. BU! that ls :
“pdlh ‘erns conversion. to 6‘“ l cosmic inflation come out in a long not historically true. ‘Professor Peter ‘9
all Nazis responsible for the and tendentious contrast between Brown has shown. in his study of . . . . . . '
Holocaust. (. a m U . T he Stranger d witchcraft. that anger increases as the The developments at the Three Mile widespread disaster. and a legacy of The full costs of nuclear power Will 5
s . an . . . . ‘ ’ ’~ _ 3 ' ' ‘ 1
‘0“. I can understand Mr. Shakespeare's ”ah/Wm Camus it criminal is thought of m terms of Island nuclear plant near Harrisburg. low level radiation and nuclear waste be paid by ourchildrenand ourplanet.
. _ . . . . . ~ =~ diabolic status 01 ~ d' ‘d l Pennsylvania are well known to most material for which we havent yet The industry. heavrly subsidized by
“lescnthalsmissiondmn condone it. turns otit. flunks the murder test He " m 'V' “a - - ~ - -
Butldon't admire it lwould notwish do“ not mak u fiat u,“ d ‘1' responsibility . of you by now. At this writing. the gotten the bill. our tax dollars through the Price =
» ‘. ‘cs'eiorerosee ' ‘ . 3 3- . 3 _ -
» it on a friend. Obsession withthe past it rey'enged. But Shakespeare passes That is 5“” "ha The clamor for Expirts flarehtbiftingw the; Ta”; an: In December Of 1952' an AnderSPn ‘ACt (because no 56112 i
and devotion of one‘s full lite to a the test with flying colors. The play. capital punishment is often shrillest P00 '(ijngt lgc St or hew :3 and.a!rl'11 experimental reactor at Chalk River. ”Shim“ ilnsurancelcjomtpahy wou .‘ .
punishment for it is just not a health} Berns says. teaches us the meaning of where the criminal is 13351 responsible irizfil' ind b artserhe :3) rrgwuhinior he Ontario. came within seconds or ton: The ear accr c3 militant: t 3
way to live. One can oppose slavery murder. and Shakespeare is especially leg. the compulsive Child molester "‘t :a :h on. r e '8 exploding. after a series of errors “htko‘h e 8°¥¢Lhm°hv5 pro "y“ ~,- .
without admiring the mission ofJohn praised for letting another person kill who murders) or where punishment WM 0 6 mm scene. caused a melting and fusing 0f the 1?“: u: moshobt i“? /' 1:133”: g: j .
Brown or wanting one‘s children to Macbeth. not granting him mere‘ looks to status (e.g.. black rape of On Wednesday. March 28. 1979. the uranium core. Apparently. according refe “ CYOM cl ac odour be: at'h f‘ '
2’0“ UP as new JOhh BrOWM suicide like Brutus in Julius Caesar. White women) rather than freedom of Three Mile nuclear power plant owned 10 Paul “Whale Of a Tale" Harvey. a sa ety. et‘19}? y tad] alyls d 0Crel'! c i. '
I know that turning the othercheck 0m, wndm “m Berns made such the agent. by Metropolitan Edison (50.. through prime mover in preventing the atltchdehit at 'i'eeed ie san t‘ af er 1 . ,
to violence is nota polittcalidealmdit a big deal of Macbeth as relevant to BU! all these considerations have a chain 0f human and mechanical explosion at Chalk River was ourown pc gcd continul suppor 2) a r . .3
is rare enough even in public life. But capital punishment. We boo villains. little ‘0 d0 withthe real arguments for error. became the most recent site fora President Carter, then an officer steppe -up. nuc ear p0 lclyd t The i i =
Mr. Wiesenthal is not a political and wish them an evilend. in all kinds or againstcapitalpunishment. Berns is potential "“0163" disaster. Walter stationed at the site. as“; lo"; mien“? “I: so (i. e "
officer. but one who has chosen not or literaryworks gut Berngqlnglesout not arguing for it; he is glorifying it. Cronkite 3551"“ “5 0" Thurs‘jay‘ha‘ —‘——— hahn {u o "in “Milena mfg: 1(3):: .
turning the other check as a private Mather/i for the same reason be making it not onlijStifiable. but the the level of radiation in the flu ‘w 0 avhor: :rmc: cgirgyprtdéll ’
. crusade and life—consuming career. eqtiatedaliquor More robbery withthe ultimate moral am, He [a|ks of surrounding towns was no more rolm W. IC :- 8y: an. ogrofic mgr); . ..
Still. even ifwe should grantto Mr. Holocaust toinflateth'ecrime lends execution as Jim Jones talked of harmful than 5 or 6 chest X-rays. by tom Mela/d . ts time of t Ewulzl-Rof h a t j .
- 36”“ his right 10 admire Mr, grandeur to the rcyenge. suicide. James Kilpatrick‘s column of __—______~ image camping? era a 5'10??? ° .-
Wiesenthal. his transition from Now Shakespeare was not.as Berns Saturday, March 3|. I979. warned that J‘ C t ‘t dtos ve work onanewsogantoturnt ht re; p ,3 .
admiration of that man‘s mission to claims. showing us the nature of Garry Wills isasyndicatco columnist we should.“T&lkc Propaganda like The h Tm? 1?; hii‘gilfs 32:: whean a M'lle.m1°‘d°m intowa Eszdiinaliliii . ‘ ’
admiration of capital punishment l\ a murder in ‘Um'hm/L He was showing who writes out ofBoston. His column China Syndrome Whhabarrelofsalt." t e ay in a , ’. P° "'ca . asset. ay 3 '
. 3 3 - . . . . . - - - control rod for an experimental catchy like Stand Up and Glow. _
great non sequnur. The liquor store his audience one of the most horrible IIWe!” every Tum“!- By hm)“ "‘05‘ “the residents “the - - - .. « ' ' -
- ~ . reactor. being Withdrawn manually. America. or America, America,
area had decrded that they didn t need . . ,, ,
__ ~.__--..__* __-_,_.,.__,.~. . .. .. . . . -. .. A.‘.... __.—__.W was moved a fraction of an inch too We‘ll Spread Our Waste on Thee. I a'
5 or 6 chest X-rays. and had left. Mr. , _ , , , . ' = e
l - - - ~ far. Thcacc1dent ktlledthreemen; two think its time we tell Carter and .
Kilpatrick was busy With his next . , _ . .
column instantly. and a thlrd seconds after he Congress that we are "de of - j
I 0 e I 0’ was removed from the area. One of the subsidizing our own funerals. I'd 3 .
As one who has l°h8 been victims was impaled to theceilingwith preferacatchy slogan like“No Nukes j
_ ,a_ “tundra- “a--- .-. MW concerned wnh the use of nuclear a control rod. and due to the lethal is Good Nukes." l '
_. . “mug“ ‘0 ‘alcghard "“u‘hom 9W" outstanding jOb ht did as Chairman 0f reactors for energy production, I doses of radiation in the facility, the A meeting has been scheduled for . -‘
FOCUS InCIdent ‘nad‘hncmh poor administration. the elections board during the recent viewed the Three Mlle crlS'S Wlth fear body was not recovered for weeks. The Tuesday. April l0. in Madison,
"de‘Cd'N m3") mlf-tak“ l" Student Government elections. Not and MW I hoped that a disaSter exposed parts of the victim‘s bodies Indiana, to organize against nuclear '
Now that the fear and loathing on .lUdgt‘mem “"5 made 0“ my Pa" as surprisingly, Steve will give most of would be averted. that a meltdown were severed and buried with “other power. and prepare forthe occupation
. the campaign trail 18 over. I want to “e” 35* on-the Pam 0f several others. the credit to the other members ofthe GOUld b: prevented; hoped that ”“5 radioactive waste." ofthe Marble Hill nuclearplant siteon
apologize for the Fm“ incident But to insinuate conspiratorial ejections board (Robin White. Julia incident would be the final strawthat . June 3 1979_ Those interested in
3 ll . , , / - ~. . The Chalk River and Idaho Falls _. . _
Fortunately. the outcome of the CO won as the [WW did.