xt7f7m041p9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041p9v/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2004 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2004 Vol.75 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2004 Vol.75 No.3 2004 2004 2019 true xt7f7m041p9v section xt7f7m041p9v MAR i
:53 fijrij)
(”fig Volume 75, Number 3 U, S_ Postage -
4 )3” an: I ‘3; '1 * 4.29:1 Kentucky Press Association PAID '
,‘ 2 f” ;%2 * I A? 4‘» 101 Consumer Lane Glasgow, KY 42141
K 3"“ \ ~ .\ x, r f " ’ egg ‘4 CENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS _ .(V 3‘, .
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Glen Bastin Maria Braden John Egerton Jon Fleischaker ;
LEXINGTON — Four journalists The Kentucky Journalism Hall of worked at stations in Bowling - . .. .
and a Louisville media attorney Fame is housed in the Enoch Green, Glasgow and Morehead. ' , '
have been chosen for induction into Grehan Journalism Building at UK. Additionally, he has originated two ..
the'Kentucky Journalism Hall of The 2004 Hall of Fame inductees to syndicated daily broadcasts that ‘1 ’,
Fame. They Will be honored at a be recognized at the luncheon spon- have been aired on numerous ‘ ' :53; Q2 :
luncheon ceremony Tuesday, April sored by the UK Journalism and Kentucky radio stations. .. a: 5
6, 1n the Univer51ty of Kentucky Telecommunications Alumni OMaria Braden, a former UK .gin W N2 7
Hilary J. Boone Center on Rose Assoc1ation are. journalism professor, Assoc1ated . :37“. g3
Street at UK. 0Glen Bastin, a veteran of three Press reporter and free-lance writer ' . ’22:,
That same day, the UK School of decades in Kentucky broadcasting and editor. Braden, who retired , ,. fl ’
Journalism and Telecommuni- and a former news director at from her UK faculty post in 3". ;:"I
. . . . . . f ' r".‘.i""r'"5.‘,}:;§I:'E‘53.§,E;I,, .. . .
cations Will hold the 26th annual WHAS Radio in Louisv1lle. Under December, 2001, was a popular and M
Joe Creason Lecture in Memorial his guidance, WHAS-AM received award-winning professor, produc— N ., 3%“31
Hall. This year’s Creason lecturer nationwide acclaim and numerous tive researcher and gave freely of Eliza Piggott Underwood
is Earl Caldwell, a former New major journalism awards for cover- her time for various public serv1ce . . . . ,, -
. . . PolitiCians and the Media and
York Times reporter whose refusal age of events ranging from the 1974 programs and pr0]ects. Her books ,, .
, . . . . ,, . Getting the Message Across:
to once reveal a source s identity tornadoes to school desegregation. include She Said What?: . . .
. . . . . . _ , Writing for the Mass Media (c0-
led to additional legal protections Bastin began his broadcast career in InterViews With Women
for re orters. Somerset in 1964 and has also News a er Columnists, Women ' 1
P p p See FAME on Page 8 ;
333:; :V' , March test areiheededljenzihurstlayMarch ' providedaifslan enjoyabletime and directions to KET call or e—mail
fit. 299:], } 21;, :3 '3 . '3 2‘25)"me 9am. to‘3:30p;m..at " . ’ 'quite interestmg to‘see what’s on . , Greer at (800) 2646721.
:, up" ..2; .1122 r ‘ .Kenkay Educational TeleViSion in 1' ' the mind of Kentucky High School ,V . , ,, j . ,
NeWS& Notes leexmgfon» “ = IE I » Smdents andflie next generation 0f , NNA Better Newspaper '
y : 1:, .1 ' : fig; Ii :C: KPA needs youras'sist‘anceand ‘ Kentucky journalists. ,' ' ' .
KHSJA Judgesneeded ,3 hopes you" or a staff member can ifPIease consider sending one Or Contest Helpful Hlnts _ .'
. KPA néeasygur assistanceini , '1’ “help; f (,5 ' >1 .. , two staffers'fmmyourpaper— ' All‘Nationai New5paper
judging the entries of fflaisyearfs’? " ', Categories rim the'gamut. from} ’ more ifyoix can‘spare them. Please Association members should have I
' KHSJAhOntest..-y " 15:! p g {j 5 . , 1 . -~.page‘design tO'column writing, edi- email David Greer at . ' ample time-and opportunity ‘30 SUP' . ,
' JudgesWithléditoriat‘baCkr : ' y f’ tonalcartoons,‘ sport's; feature writ-r ,dgreer@kypress.com with a fist of mlt entries into NNA S 2004 Better
: grounds'for‘théKénmcky High . . gfingflto. photographyetc. ‘ ‘ [staffers whowillbe able to help. NeWSPaPer Contest and Better
School Journalism figgofiafiofiwnr '. j Lunch and refreshments wifl'be . g If you haVe questions or need, " See; NEWS on Page 11

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, March 2004
K t k 1 ° th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne 5
Foster named editor/manager Vernon, Ind. She will begin her Prior to being named editor at the in November.
of the Mt. Vernon Democrat duties there March 16. News-Journal, Foster was news edi- The Commonwealth Journal
Beth Foster, editor of the Central The Mt. Vernon Democrat is a tor and correspondent for the paper offers sponsorship opportunities to
Kentucky News-Journal in weekly newspaper With a Circulation and a staff writer at The Lebanon area busmesses and indiViduals to
Cam bellsville has been named e di- of 3,250. The Central Kentucky Enterprise, another LCNI publica- ass1st in the community effort.
19 , . . .
tor and general manager of The News-Journal has a circulation of tion. , . . .
Mount Vernon Democrat in Mt. 7,531. . Foster holds a bachelor s degree Black 101x15 the Lebanon .
in.]ournalism, English and political Enterprise staff
The KEHTUCK PI’CSS ggeirvlgjsgorggfifflgvgiCNI,s Nikki Black, of Lebanon, joined
——-———— y ——-—-—— y‘ The Lebanon Enterprise staff as a
CentralKentucky News-Journal, compositor and advertising repre-
The Kentucky Press (Permit # 939) is pub— District 10 - Edmund Shelby, Beattyville Springfield Shhr The Lebanon sentative in January.
lished monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise Enterprise and Casey County News Black has managed retail busi-
Association / Kentucky Press Service, Inc. . ‘ while a college student. nesses and worked in marketing and .
Third Class postage is paid at Glasgow, District 11 — Glenn Gray, Manchester .
KY. 42141. Subscription price is $8 per Enterprise Somerset Commonwealth sales. She most recently worked m
year. Postmaster: Send change of address public relations and sales for
to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer District 12 — Donna Carman, Casey Journal helps nab suSPeCt Bluegrass Cellular.
Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (502) 223—8821. County News The Commonwealth Journal in She earned her business degree
Somerset helped capture one of from Campbellsville University and
DiStl'iCt 13 - Tom Caudill, Lexington Pulaski County’s 10 Most Wanted has an extensive knowledge of com-
_ Herald-Leader fugitives after his photo appeared in puter technology.
Officers , , . . _ . the newspaper. Black will perform several duties
Kentucky Press Assoc1ation District 14 — Teresa Scenters, Berea Citizen The sheriff’s department received at The Enterprise including page
President _ John Nelson, The Advocate State At-Large a phone call at 8 am. Friday after composition, ad creation and ad ,
Messenger, Danville Chris Poore, Kentucky Kernel the newspaper was PUthhed- The sales.
Willie Sawyers, Sentinel-Echo caller gave the whereabouts of -
President-Elect - David Thornberry, Patti Clark, Owenton News Herald Robert Jackson Ping, Jr. Morehead News forms '
Somerset Commonwealth Journal Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era Ping's mugshot appeared for the advisory group _‘>_‘
Vice President - Charlie Portmann, Division Chairman Eisrtlttgraigetlgef :1?an (figfigaggfl e The Morehead News formed a i
Franklin Favorite News Editorial Division — John Journal readers adVisory grouP 1“ late
Shindlebower, Spencer Magnet , ‘ , January to better serve their readers.
Treasurer — Glenn Gray, Manchester ng was arrested at a reSidence Persons selected to the group are .
Enterprise Advertising Division ~ Cheryl Magers, shortly afterwards. He was wanted required to meet with newspaper
P P 'd Sh T . ki Central Kentucky News Journal for three counts 9f secfongl—degdree staff and discuss what they like and
ast reSi ent ~ aron ununs , crlmlna osseSSIOn O a or e , -
Winchester Sim . Circulation Division — Kriss Johnson, instrumefit and for contempgt for is; tCEEZIZquSaifsegiiaper and
Lexrngto“ Herald'Leader nonpayment of fines related to three g p '
Board Of Directors _ , , . _ counts of theft by deception.
District 1 - Alice Rouse, Murray Ledger Assocnates DiViSion - Cliff Feltham, The M . . Kentucky photographers
and Times Kentuck Utilities ost Wanted List, created in d
, y Pulaski County by the Fraternal announce 2003 awar 5
District 2 - Jed Dillingham, Dawson General Counsels -Ion Fleischaker, Kim Order Of Police and the common— Bill Luster Of The Courier-Journal ‘
Springs Progress Greene, Dinsmore 8: Shohl, Louisville wealth’s attorney, allows citizens to was “ame‘i Newspaper
contact law enforcement without Photographer and Sports
District 3 - Donn Wirmner, Hancock Kentucky Press Association Staff having to get involved. The sheriff Photographer of the Year at the .
Clarion David T. Thompson, Executive Director praised local media for assisting in Kentucky News Photographers
‘ ~ _ ' Bonnie Howard, Controller the community effort by publishing Association annual awards Jan. 24 in
IDistrict 4 — Charlie Portmann, Franklin acres: éevletiADirefgorspf SalesD. the Most Wanted photos. Louisville. His portfolio included
avorite D:hla Ehlffhlideerevjs 33:16:16: Dig—g8: Ping is the fourth Most Wanted pictures of dirt track racing in .
District 5 — Ron Filkins, Kentucky David Spencer, New Media Director fugitive to have been captured since
Standard Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping Assistant the publication of the photos began See PEOPLE on Page 12
Reba Lewis, Research/ Marketing
District 6 - Arthur B. Post, Louisville Coordinator —-—-———————————————-—-——
Courier—Journal Sue Cammack, Administrative Assistant Johnson was a graduate of
Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant D eaths Pineville High School and was
gistrict :1” Kelley Warnick, Gallatin £11011: 3:111ng IIIIIVAXIDBXSiness Céerk 6 involved in athletics. He wrote a
my was...“ W FormerPinevineSun issings:3.3233332:
District 8 — Ken Metz, Bath Coun News ' ' , '
Outlook ty Staff members, Officers and Directors COIumHISt dles He was known for the WItty and
may be reached by email using the indi- Roger Hunt Johnson, a former colorful articles he wrote.
District 9 -Jerry Pennington, Big Sandy vidual's first initial, fun last Sports columnist for the Pineville He served as the announcer of
News name@kypress.com. Sun, died Feb. 3 in Pineville. He the Pineville High School Football
was 46. games.
\\ . l ’ .9‘ ~ I . ff L, 1 . a. f} \.l I . _/’v

 The Kentucky Press, March 2004 - Page 3
Charge 0 r laptops 'f b '11 becomes la
If House Bill that would also Yeah, knock on wood and I hope * * * * * ‘
j 611 becomes law, On Second it; allow county I’m not ”speaking too soon,” but so Just for comparison sakes, in the _’
better have your 3 clerks to charge far this has beenasession that almost 1998 session, there were 1,369 bills :
laptops fully Thought fiafiéfigmfi/ the 50-cent per makes it fun to be a lobbyist. filed, with 924 being on the House
charged when ’tss» page fee. The number of bills filed is down side. In 2000, 1,441 pieces were filed
' going to your WW So make sure from previous even-year sessions. and 1,032 came from House mem- 3
county clerk’s EyDavid T.Thompson 3» your reporters Perhaps that’s a result of having bers. And in 2002, the first session '1
office to get a AExecutwe D’rector g; ‘22- have a fully- annual sessions now. Or no money. sandwich between odd-year 30-day :
record. Rep. charged laptop Or breaking in a new' Governor. Or sessions, 1,139 bills were introduced, '
Charles Geveden filed HB 611 late in when you send them off to the coun- perhaps it’s a result of just realizing 875 of them in the House. I;
the session and had it assigned to the ty clerk’s office to get a record. Or if the legislature wasn’t going to get 1996 — 931 House bills, 402 Senate j
House State Government Committee, you want a hard copy, raid the cookie much done so why bother filing some bills, 1333 total. -
which he chairs. jar and find plenty of change. 1,100 to 1,400 bills as has been the 1994 —— 942 House bills, 367 Senate
Geveden’s bill calls for clerks to * * * * * practice the last few years. bills, 1309 total ,
make available records that can be Knock on wood, the first two- Unless there was a flurry of work 1992 —947 House bills, 431 Senate L
retrieved electronically and allows thirds of the 2004 Kentucky General the last day for filing new bills, the bills, 1378 total
the requester to bring his / her own Assembly has been fairly enjoyable. House and Senate together won’t 1990—940 House bills, 410 Senate ‘
computer to download the record. Yes, these words come from the same even have 1,000 bills filed this session. bills, 1350 total.
But in so doing, the clerk can charge guy who’s been saying for 20 years, And just four years ago, the House For 2004, the final numbers are in. i
that person 50 cents per hour for ”If it weren’t for lobbying, this would alone broke that barrier with 1,032 The House filed 715 bills, the Senate 1
using the clerk’s electricity. be the perfect job.” bills filed. 300 for the lowest total since at least
Seems to me it’s the taxpayers’ But where else could you have this As of this writing (March 1), the 19805.
, electricity and that taxpayer has much fun?! there’s been only one bill we’ve lob- Since 1990, the average number of ,
already paid once for the electricity so As the session begins winding bied on that has not been amended to bills filed in even—year sessions wa
' why should there be an additional down (by the time you read this there acceptable language. That was House 1,315. '
' charge? . will be about 14 days left for the leg— Bill 371, allowing expungement of * * * * * f
—>_‘ Making a paper copy of the docu— islators to do anything), this session criminal records in certain situations. Mark down another record — for
ment is another story. HB 611 would has nearly blown away every notion Even bills that are much more com— entries, number of newspapers and
‘ allow the clerk to charge 50 cents per I’ve had about lobbying. plicated, such as Homeland Security, income for the Advertising Excellence .
page for any copy of a record if it’s Why, it’s almost to the point thatI have gotten through the process but in Kentucky Newspapers - 2003 com-
‘ made on equipment ”owned or used” wish there would be a constitutional only with language that we’ve offered petition.
by the county clerk. Excuse me again, amendment to let these ladies and or accepted. The contest, judged March 5 by the '
but I don’t believe the county clerk gentlemen meet year~round. (If I say Legislators have been receptive to Virginia Press Association, ended "
owns the machine at all. I think the that again, please take that piece of discussing most any concern with us, with 4,267 entries, from 61 newspa-
taxpayers are graciously letting the wood and knock me over the head.) returning phone calls, or requests for pers and $11,348 in income. That’s ,
Clerk use a machine that’s owned by Those of us involved in represent- meetings, or even e—mail and fax five more entries and two more news-
the taxpayers. ing you have pinched ourselves fre- exchanges. papers than the records set in last ‘
(Since it’s basketball time in the quently, asking if all this is really hap- What the last couple of weeks of year’s contest.
Bluegrass, maybe taxpayers should pening. And frankly, it’s not half bad. the session holds remains to be seen The awards will be announced
be charging county clerks 50 cents per Never have I seen legislatOrs so and there’s still plenty of time for Thursday, May 13, at the Embassy :
page for all of the high school and agreeable—agreeing to change legis— them to revert to their old ways. Suites in Lexington. Information on :
NCAA tournament brackets that will lation to incorporate our concerns, or But in many cases, it seems some the awards luncheon will be sent with
be made during this March Madness.) withdrawing bills, or just letting bills have become our ”newest best the notification letters to winners in
Rep. Adrian Arnold filed HB 669 die without being brought to a vote. friend.” the contest.
' ' I f 9 i"
, Looking or an employee .
Check out www.kypress.com for the 1
I t t t t "I bl ' b i
at your newspaper. .

 ‘ Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, March 2004 .
C O ,
- The pace of planning plcks up Paper settles
. C
i KHSJ A convention, & “‘9 nalist who just happens to work for falr hOUSlng
: boot camp are Flip the calendar over to July complalnt
: way ; and you’ll see the fourth annual
3 around the corner are» KPA Journalism Boot Camp corn- The Ledger Independent in
I By David Greer m mg 11p July 12-30 at Georgetown MaYSVllle has agreed to smile a 2
_ You know the story. Grandma KPA umber Services College. Iim St. Clair, journalism complaint involving the
was right —— the older you get the Director professor at Indiana University Kentucky Commission on
faster time flies by. It’s so true. " Southeast, will again be the Human Rights and the Fair .
‘ It seems like the annual Kentucky offered limited seating and several instructor with several Kentucky Housing Council. _.
: High SChOOl Journalism Association schools that wanted to were unable journalism professionals serving as The newspaper will pay $2,500
convention was hald luSt a few to attend. NOW, seating won’t be SO guest lecturers. into an escrow account and run a .
i months agO- In reality, it was nearly limited and we will repeat Russell’s The boot camp has proven to be series of ads on the Fair Housing :
g a year ago and the 2004 convention session so as many people as possi- popular and gets high marks in the Act in order to settle the com— :
‘ isn’t far Off- ble can hear him. The guy is funny annual feedback survey conducted plaint. l
. On April 21/ some 900 Kentucky and informative at the same time at the end. A number of boot camp In December 2002 the newspa— :
high school students involved in and that made him very popular graduates are now working at news- per ran two classified ads for , ‘ 3
student newspapers, yearbooks and with the high school students. papers. apartments that contained the .
: broadcasting Programs are expected Also at the KHSIA convention, The camp costs $645, which phrase ”no children” Wthh 1s
’ to descend upon the Clarion Hotel 8! Jeff Newton, a former reporter at includes all instruction, plus a conti- among several phrases that .are L
: Conference Center on Louisville’s The News-Enterprise in mental breakfast and lunch every hOt acceptable under. the gmde- _.
A east side for the annual convention Elizabethtown and now a field pro— class day. The deadline for reserving hnes 0f the Fair Housmg ACt' ‘
' and awards program. ducer with CBS News and the week— a spot is June 25. Pay before June 11 The agreemetrIIIt between the . -‘
The program 0t breakout sessions 1y series 60 Minutes II, will be the and the price drops to $595. KPA reewspfiper and the Fit: Housmg
is coming together nicely. We jUSt keynote speaker. Newton, who member papers can pay in advance, $2 :tatps at- letrie ls bnq 1
3 confirmed that Russell Viers WOUlCl graduated from EKU and was editor charge on a credit card or elect to Publish; sz flinging: saild ‘
\ make a return Visit. Russell of The Progress, has been to have the tuition fee deducted from the news a er regrets the ubli- m3
1 appeared at an all-day newspaper Afghanistan and Iraq on assignment their KPS ad revenue checks. cation of 315a d s and wantspto do 1
software training session for KHSIA several times in the past two years. It’s gratifying to see several boot everything possible to satisfy
‘ teachers and students on Jan. 20 in In previous stories in The Press, camp graduates now regularly win- both the Commission on Human ‘
Lexington. He was a huge hit With Newton talked about realizing his ning awards in the annual KPA con— Rights and the Fair Housing ‘
‘ the high SChOOl audience. The next long-time dream of being a war cor- test. Others from boot camp have Council. ‘
, day, Russell did his session at the respondent. 'moved from production or office The newspaper will set aside
KPA convention too. Despite working for a broadcast positions at their papers to the $2,500 in an escrow account. If
i I'm excited about having Russell news organization, Newton said he newsroom where their bylines now after one year, there are no claims
back because the Jan. 20 training still considers himself a print jour— regularly grace their papers. of discrimination during the one—
year period prior to the filing of ‘ ,
“W the complaint, the Fair Housing .
. . . Council will receive one-half of
‘ rut 1n newspaper a vertlsmg T... : g
; $1,250 will be donated to the . ;
Recently I went on a tour of the , correct rates for all of our newspa- CASA Program for Bracken, ‘
Georgetown News Graphic with my Advertising ' ‘3”3 pers. With the first quarter quickly Fleming and Mason Counties. ‘
: son’s Tiger Cub Scout den. When 5 coming to an end, please update our The settlement allowed th‘? news- j
; our tour guide asked if anyone Plus é; files by sending us any rate changes paper to designate a childrens
knew anything about newspapers =:‘e .‘é; that you may have. We would like to charity to rece1ve the money.
, one of the wise six—year-olds 3’ know 30 days in advance of any rate , The newspaper must also I
remarked, ”Everything that is in the By Teresa R3019” changes that are coming up at your inform all employees and agents ‘
paper has to be true.” KPS Di'eCtor of Sales ' . . property. If that is not possible then about the 1.3a“ Housmg Ad and ‘
_ The adults there thought that was , letting us know as soon as possible 38 Stlpfllatlonsl develop a non- ‘
‘ a very astute comment for such a . ;.. would be great. ‘ lSCl‘lmm'athTI ‘pollcy for weed- .
young man. Think about what an had to quickly correct him and tell Be looking in the mail shortly for mg out discriminatory real estate '
_ awesome responsibility that puts on him that Mommy specifically first quarter rate and data sheets. advertlsements and arrehge for ‘
your shoulders. WOTkEd for all newspapers in You can update those and fax them tralrung 385510? for claSSIfled real 2
During the tour my wise six year Kentucky and Indiana. ”1 can place back to us at 502-875-2624. If the fax estate advertislng staff. They . j
3 old wanted to show off a little by ads anywhere in the United States machine is busy and you want to must also include a ham Housing
: saying ”My Mommy works for this bUt my main territory focuses on drop it in the mail that will work Notice 1n all ad sections dealing
newspaper and about a million Kentucky and Indiana newspapers.” also. Your cooperation will help Wlth real estate and prov1de a ‘
more.” I’m sure they understood that. make us be successful for everyone. quarter -page advertlsement each
Well, not quite, Beau. Since we And Speaking 0f truth, we want Have 'a great spring and march month. to the Fan Housmg ‘
g were just talking about the truth I to make sure that we are statingthe on to success in 2004. _ Council. _ ‘
. , . . fl ‘ g ' ‘ ‘ , . j.

 The Kentucky Press, March 2004 - Page 5
5 Once upon a time there was a House B'll

l By Kim Greene ,, an application for employment, false statements in any document veracity and integrity of the indi-

j 3. KI’A General w ” credit, or any other type of applica- submitted to the Kentucky Board of vidual. All three of these qualities
Counsel , m tion." Medical Licensure in connection are extremely important to a
Dinsmore 8: Shohl 7’. it The true effect of these bills with a doctor’s license to practice prospective employer, a lending or
§ This is the story ya?“ would be to rewrite history. It medicine. That statutes also pro- credit agency or an agency which
f of a bill, House , fink would be as if the person who was hibits dishonesty, deceit or fraud in grants professional licenses.

ii Bill 371 (and its Z / , convicted of the Class D felony connection with any hearing or dis- Of course, another very signifi-
clone, SB 205). . %‘ really never was convicted. So an ciplinary proceeding concerning cant reason to oppose these bills is
1 . This story doesn’t ““ T’Wr applicant for employment could, if that license. That makes sense. We that they rewrite judicial history,
yet have an ending. We know, these bills pass, answer ”no” to the don’t want people licensed as med- not just for the individual felon but
5 though, how we want this story to prospective employer’s question ical doctors in this state on false for the entire court system. The
f end. about prior felony convictions, even pretenses. Yet, the passage of HB courts speak through their records. ‘
Many of you are familiar with though the truthful answer is ”yes.” 371 and/ or SB 205 would effective- The public is best able to monitor
HB 371 already. When it came up Likewise, that individual could ly carve a huge exception to that the performance of the courts
I on David Thompson’s radar screen answer ”no” on an application for beneficial rule. If passed, HB 371 through examination of their
3 l (he and David Greer search for key credit from a bank or a credit card and/ or SB 205 would sanction the records. Sure, each of us could
2 ; words in every single bill that is company. false statement that a person who occasionally go sit in on a trial. But
. ‘ f filed in the House and the Senate) it The phrase “other applications” had been convicted of a Class D the only way we can get a big pic-
; ‘ caused immediate alarm. Why? is extremely broad. It would felony really hadn’t. ture view of the long term perform—
_; Because, if enacted, HB 371 would encompass, of course, applications Among the offenses which ance of a particular judge or a par-
; allow a person convicted of a Class for professional licensing. The Kentucky law categorizes as Class ticular prosecutor is to have access
D felony to petition the court for results could be interesting, to say D felonies are criminal facilitation, to historical court records. And the
expungement of his felony record. the least. For example, a person wanton endangerment, third degree only way to compare and contrast
i‘ If that record is expunged, it would applying for a license to practice assault, reckless homicide, perjury, the performances of the courts
i be as if the person had never been law in Kentucky must certify that eavesdropping, possession of a for- across the Commonwealth is to
charged with or tried for or convict- he or she has never been convicted gery device, alteration of prescrip— have access to the historical records
ed of the offense. SB 205 would do of a felony. As it now stands, an tions, unlawful imprisonment, of those courts. Only then, can one
1 the same. attorney who has been convicted of criminal facilitation, trafficking in compare charges, conviction rates
T. » Both bills require that the files of a felony would not be licensed by marijuana, and giving false infor- and dismissal rates for various
. the case expunged be removed and the Kentucky Bar. However, with mation to the Attorney General in types of crimes, as news organiza—
all references in the court clerk’s the passage of HB 371 and/ or SB connection with reports about char- tions have done from time to time.
2 index to the case be deleted. They 205, the attorney would be allowed itable solicitations. Those who favor these bills talk
1 go so far as to say that a court clerk to reply that he or she had never Few of these offenses involve in terms of redemption and forgive-
} ”may properly reply that no record been convicted of such a crime violent crimes (and, in fact, a floor ness. They say we should allow
exists with respect to the petition- when the opposite is true. Do we amendment to HB 371 would people who’ve paid their debt to
3 er” when a news reporter (or any- really want to sanction the telling of exempt third degree assault and society for their Class D felony
one else) wants to search the court untruths by attorneys - people ethi- reckless homicide convictions — per— crimes to move on. We are in favor
; records to determine if a person cally bound to uphold the law and sons convicted of those Class D of redemption and forgiveness, too.
I i had any convictions. The bills also the truth - in order to obtain a felonies would not be eligible for We like the notion that human
3 explicitly state that the petitioner license to practice law? expungement under this amend- beings are capable of change and I
, ‘(the felon) ”shall not have to dis- Another example: KRS 311.590 ment). However, many of these growth and we think those who
, tit/lose facts relating to the record on prohibits a person from making offenses involve the truthfulness, See BILL on Page 9
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 Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, March 2004 -
f A th (1’ b m' ' l ant
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***Editor’s note: This article vant to Americans. Simple facts of life reach a lot of people in a short period
appeared in the January Kentucky This is the new information age, Faced with the annual decisions on of time, we’re going to call on the local
School Advocate newsletter. It is driven by and changed by the weather-related school closings, do news media outlets.
: reprinted with permission. Internet. While Washington Post CEO superintendents give out their home
‘3 David Graham last month described phone numbers or do they urge par- The thorny thickets
By BRAD HUGHES circulation numbers for the newspa- ents and kiddos to listen to the local
Kentucky School per as ”disappointing,” he reported radio station and watch the crawling The news media represents the
Board Association that the newspaper’s online service is lists at the bottom of the TV screen? proverbial double-edged sword to
i The messages came independently growing rapidly. On a typical week- When a local student is offered a public schools. We don’t get to use
‘1 within a few short December days. day, KSBA’s Web site records as many scholarship to Harvard or a school’s reporters and editors when we need
A newspaper column pointed out as 5,000 hits. The highest hourly test scores leap into the stratosphere, them for good news, only to pretend
that the major TV networks’ evening usage ties in with the times when we do we send a note home to all moms they don’t exist the rest of the time. ‘
: newscasts now claim less than one- post the twice-daily updates of links and dads, or do we labor to produce a Critics of public education, nation-
E third of the viewing audience, com- to education news stories in Kentucky well-written press release? ally and here at home, have become
j pared with 75 percent in the late and around the nation. If a serious situation poses an quite adept at raising doubts about
8; 19705. Before public schools leaders read immediate threat to the health or safe- the effectiveness of everything from
3 An article in American journalism too much into these disconnected ty of students, do we call a (a) parent accountability tests and school
I Review noted that research shows that signs, let’s examine this question: Are conference, (b) community conference resource officers to teacher training
newspaper readership fell from 78 the news media in danger of becom- or (c) news conference? and administrative overhead. Sure,
‘ percent of adults in 1970 to 55 percent ing irrelevant to public education? Every day, more public schools there are plenty of areas where public
i as of 2002. I think not. The relevancy of local, and their leaders are learning to com— schools earn t