xt7f7m041n4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041n4c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2011-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2011 text GLSO News, April 2011 2011 2011-04 2019 true xt7f7m041n4c section xt7f7m041n4c Ma gm
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A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 33 Number 4
a W‘; ‘ 2°. ”3“” , . ~ 211%
' ..»-< Bachelofette . . _. __ M
‘ ' \ Auction ‘ ,
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.t,‘ . ( I ‘; . 5.1:, leafy”. I 5W .
: . ....de Festive;

A New Pia: (In two acts) Available This
By Step en Currens September

After a few years off the ActOut Theatre F th I t f J t
Group is coming back with a brand new For dKYe as 0”? Vii?” tus _
play. Lexington will be the world premier E” l in anh incre '. e d eam
of "T he Happy Hour” by Stephen Currens. 0 'll' vodu“ ears as e [23: done
Stephen has been a successful play write m' Ion o ars o crea e an en °"Y'
for many years having had the play, “60— mentfundforKentucky.Theendowmentis
rey Stories", on Broadway in 1978 and canes Fthe d CW (Tedd ft End‘m‘
revived at UK last year. Stephen is from Enen d unI ’ name a er Cliff
Versailles but lived in New York for sev— gage“ chusy k Selim”: d . .'
eral years before returning to the area. 0. W. o spar e e un raismg
ActOut is very happy that he drive With a $500,000 match grant.
has let us primer his new work. Debra Hensley and Ernesto Scor-
The play will open April 215t at the Down- zone, f who have co-chaired
town Arts Center&wil| playthe 22, 23, 28, I9 do”; Year camfifi'gn are
29, and 30 and May 5, 6, and 7. A" shows pease. OS atnnotunce 20:5 “at;
at 8:00 pm and are $15, $12 for students. $3M m d ep em ter, t I.“
TIME:1980-86 PLACE: a Mid—American 0 9” owme” gran 5 W'
Town and memories of New York City beawardedbyJustFundKYtogroupswho
“At the prime age of 33, Seth Seabrook are 93W mg on the fight against LGBT
is at a loss to explain why he is still discrimination m Kentucky.
alive”, and is perhaps a bit guilty that he
is. You see, he has fled the City and the The d WHEEL an; amtchunt 0f
early 80’s AIDS crisis for the supposed awar s le th epen d on te 6:2]—
safety of Mid—America where he “hopes ings 'to t e etn owmen ' d' t 3
nothing will happen", but alas it does. gromm; mg,” '.5 . (1 $3 '5 u;
Struggling with a sense of overwhelm— .3 an S de'InClpa.| fe awarhs
ing loss and the implied culpability of W' . e ?13 e (any “am t e
those who have fallen victim to what earnlhrgst mm d t e.” e; owmeht
society called “that gay disease" as well 53' fa awar s W' e aha: '
as his own, self doubts, Seth places him- 1? 2 rom year tof lyear to 6%“?
self in counseling with what turns out to £ng aronJfignmg uthe sLtate
be a thoroughly unprepared therapist; '
$33; £3: Eng; thr?:fh?e::u::dngt i223: Itisanticipated thatatfirsttheawardswill
aI doubt bgut alsogmust educate his ic- 305W be in the: 1020 t3 $5000 ranged
. . . ’ . owever, as t e un grows an
ily clinical and unenlightened counselor: as additional fundraising is con-
Directed byJ. Michael McCullough and star— E;CtEdt’he tufimberengfigtlonmaghE
ring in alphabetical order; Bob Campbell t -
as Aaron, Bill Chandler as Gus, John LaMar ude Of the awards to increase.
Cole as Paul Paul Dick as Doc Bill Glover . - ~

I , For more information and for details as to
II as Gordon, Matt Kelder as Chance, Max -
Reid as Seth* and Burley Thomas as Jack how to apply for a CllffTOdd Endowment

' Fund Award, go to JustFundKY.org.

 Issue 4 20 1 1 Feature Story

C O NTE NT S Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction
: —
r_ Bachelor] Bachelorette
' Auction GSA Meeting
' Page 12 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
_ Pride Center
GLSO Discussion Group
= Imperial Court Every Wednesday, 7 pm.
I has it going on 6 Pride Center
' Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
- , _ Sunday, April 3 & 17, 3 pm.
_ Peace In the Midst Pride Center
' of Turmonl 8
; PFLAG Support Group
; Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 pm.
; Pride Center
a Festival Acts
I Booked 9 _
- GLSO Board Meeting
1 Sunday, April 10, 1 pm.

Pride Center

I Latino/ Latina Art Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
_ Feature” 11 Sunday April 10 & 24, 6 pm.
1 Pride Center
- Bluegrass Trans(Gender)
- Volunteers Needed Youth & Families

for Pride 12 Saturday, April 23, 1 pm.
E Pride Center

 GLSO News Issue 4 2011 a
— »
. _ Dennis Wheatley, President
The GLSO NEWS '5 PUbllShed Orvis Kean, Vice President ’1;
monthly by and for the Lexington Jane Minder, Secretary .1;
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Ginger Minder-Moore, Treasurer ‘25-
zation members and community.
The mi55ion of the Lexmgton Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization Glenn Blind, At—Large
is to provide support and services Charlotta Brunson, At-Large ;
to the GLBTQQIA community. Mary Crone, GSA
RJ Deacon, Volunteers
The vision of the Lexington Gay Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales W
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Mark Johnson, At—Large r
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Orvis Kean, Events '
community through voice. Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups
James Carie, At Large
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
CIUSiP n, respect, integrity, dignity, Bill Chandler, Admin. Assistant
sewice and competence. Spencer Johnson, Advertising
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue EDITORIAL NOTES
Suite 100 . .
Lexington, Ky. 40504 The GLSO. is currently looking for
new contributors and editorial
859.253.3233 . .
www. gl so. org staff. If interested, e-mail
2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available! ‘
E-mail editor@glso.org to pick your package today! '

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 ICK Has It and cocktails available). Who says
- - - we can only get happy in church?
Gomg On In Aprll Come and watch your favorite
Get read Lexin ton because the queens as they perform everything
Imperial Clourt of Eentucky has some (fjrom Oilid southernhgospel nuinbfirs tfi
. . . own ome, ouc your sou, c urc
fun things planned for you In April. songs and everything in between.
Since the March newsletter, there Ifm sure there JUSt might even be a
has been a date and venue change srng-a-long before the night_ls_over.
for the Falsie Award’s This will Yes, we are ALL loved and this IS our
now be on Sunday April 3rd at time to celebrate that. Happy [Easter
Bogart’s Lounge inside the Crowne everyone. The Will be specral so
Plaza, Campbell House. Bogart’s come on out and have a great time.
is a fabulous location with an old grossxrvgesdnfvsedgyrle £5213 ofiztgnnuaa’?
Holl ood feel, 'ust erfect for this . ' . .
evem Come shJare fhe excitement MISS Derby Pride Pageant. Bring out
of this event. Doors open at 7pm your finest Derby wear and compete
with the show starting at 8pm. Check for a crown and me Of your Very own.
us out on facebook or our website, Cont?“ dme_on facebook W'tl‘ your
www.imperialcourtkentucky. emallan Iwrllsendyouanapplrcatlon.
com for more information. Then,_ on Wednesday, May_ 4””
On Sunday April 17th at the Barrel we wrll watch as all of the wmners
House on Manchester Street, it is and_ tSt runner ups fro“? the
YOUR chance to shine girls. We are qualifying pageants during Reign 29
having whatwe are calling the“Inner Egnlpertte to see Vtvit‘o will be “timed
DIVA Pageant”. We are inviting our 2e Iainer O t eb ear. "Tie
“real girls” to come and experience a? t hocfa Ion 0 ie announce '
all of the fun we have performing. It ha c . oil; moreth un dl'éipetom'if‘g
will be like our closet ball where you s 0W5 "1 ay ‘3'5 e can ' a es or
introduce yourself as you normally monarchs Of Reign 30 Of the Imper'a'
look then you and a queen has one Court 9f Kentucky SChtd‘J'e the” own
hour to transform into a Diva, at caniPa'gr.‘ shows. Th's '5 always an
which time you will come out and eXCItIngtImesocomeoutand support.
work a number. Is your Inner DIVA And watch ourwebsrte becausetickets
just dying to come out? Well, this is to Coronation 30, D.I.V‘.‘A.’s Live - Past],
for you. Contact me on facebook for Present' and Future _ A Celebration
an application and more information. Will be on sale very soon. Come and
Nothing to do the night of Easter celebrate as_we celebrate 30 years Of
Sunday? That is why we have servrce to this community. It IS gorng
scheduled something special for to be _a very speCIal weekend. Get
you that night. Yes, on April 24th, yourltlckets and reservations soon.
beginning at 9pm at Crossings the Did? Ittellbyouh Eye“? wou‘lld leg:
Imperial Court of Kentucky will be 0 un 0. e a 'n p” M 7
presenting a “Gospel Show". It's theil Imperial Court of l _
bl.i"'£C-l:til?l b H -,}~ "Mic-ha KL iviC-C.i«l.l.tou.lg}lrl
' , April-21.22. 25.28.29,?1ii .
- May 5, t3, ’5 ‘
8:01] PM ' .
, . T H E D 0W N’i‘fl W N A RTS i” EMT ER
' ' V 141 E. hiain St... Lexington, Ky.
' - ‘ 859 22546270 "
‘ {Proceeds to benefit the own Pritie Center) ,