xt7f7m041n3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041n3s/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1984-01 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, January 1984 text GSO Newsletter, January 1984 1984 1984-01 2019 true xt7f7m041n3s section xt7f7m041n3s TTER J‘Q’
CIflfihdLJfifiFtfif. 1.97631}
PRESIDENTIAL LETTER Finally. the new year will see the
end of my presidency of this organiza~

Nell. 1983 is finally over and it’s tion. I am leaving 880 to form a more
time to reflect. The past year has politically oriented group to fight on
been an interesting year for the gay the front lines. so to speak. of our
community in Kentucky. The Gay Rights rights. I have enjoyed my term in of~
issue made its way into the fice tremendously. In the past 14
Commonwealth and raised many eyebrows. months, I have met and worked with
Sam Dorr. a Louisville banker. was some wonderfulEl beautiful human beings

‘ fired from his job because he would in this community and to them I want
not resign his position as president to send my continued love. I have made
of Dignity! Louisville. He went to my mistakes. but I feel I have also
court charging a violation of his con~ contributed at least a little to the
stitutional rights and lost. On the quality of life that we can look
surface. this seems like a great forward to as members of the gay comm
set~back in our struggle for equality, munity.
but this was the first gay rights case Go out and make 1984 a banner year
ever brought before the courts in this for yourselves. I love you all.
state and Dorr’s loss is not too
surprising. What is important is that Keith Elston
there was an attempt made to challenge
the Kentucky legal system. In the
coming years we hope to see more ALUMINUM AND PAPER DRIVE
challenges of this sort. This
establishes a history on this issue I“ order to raise money for 8509 we
and sets the stage for precedent~set~ have started collecting aluminum and
ting victories for us in the future. ”9W5 papers for recycling. If V0”

In 1983, we had our firgt Gay Pride would like to donate. please bring
Week Celebration. which was a success. YDUV recyclables t0 the office. ChECk
It is interesting that it took 13 the calendar for days and times when
yearg for Lexington to join with the the office is open. we appreciate
nation in celebrating this event. My your SUPPDVt-
hope is that 1984 will see a larger

, and even more successful Gay Pride WORK ON THE NEWSLETTER

The past year saw game members of would you like to get involved with
the Bay community opening lines of the newsletter? We always ”99d “E19
communication with the Governor’s ofw and WGUld greatly appreciate anything
fice. the Mayorrg Office! the police you would like to do. That includes
and the media. These liaisons were writing articles, gathering informa~
crucial in establishing the gay com~ tion from other publications. typing.
munity as diverse human beings with cutting and pasting, and folding and
concerns about the state and city in stamping.
which they live and work. This forces
elected officials to seriously listen It YOU WOUld like t0 help. ChECV
to DLH’“ problems? and makes; them the calendar 'f'Dl" the time and place (31“
accountable for the continued discrimf the next newsletter meeting, or come
ination directed at Lesbian and Bay to the general business meeting and
individuals and our community. let us know you are interested.

Dear Reader: On December 14, 1983, BSD and the
Fayette County Health Department spon~
Nelcome to the January GSD newslet~ sored a workshop on Gay Health Issues.
ter. Several changes have been made Questions were answered by Alan Cohen. -
since the last iSSUE- M.D. (Infectious Diseases) and John
' Poundstone, M.D. (Fayette County Come
1) Tim has left as EditDF 0* the missioner of Health). Although the
newsletter and I _have taken over. workshop_covered all sexually trans~
Many thanks to Tim for the excellent missible diseases, the primary topic
job he has done on the newsletter. He of discussion was. of course, AIDS.
will continue working on the newslet~ Many thanks to Doug for his work in
ter in a less demanding (hopefully) organizing this very successful work”
position. shop.
If you have concerns about AIDS,
2) The newsletter and the mailing you might try the National Gay Task
list are now on computer. This should Force AID Crisisline. The toll free
make the mailing list easier to update number is SOOm221—7044. The line is
and enable us to sort the newsletter in operation Monday through Friday
a for bulk postage (which must be sorted from 3:00pm EST to 9:00pm EST.
by zip code). The mailing list will Also. the AID ATLANTA NEWSLETTER is
remain strictly guarded for confidenw available from. AID Atlanta, 1801
tiality. Please check your address on Piedmont Road. Atlanta, Ga, 30324.
the envelope to see if it was copied AID Atlanta is a nonprofit volunteer
correctly and let us know so it can be organization that was established in
corrected. Also, if you’ve moved August, 1982 by a group of concerned
recently and are still getting the people interested in educating the
newsletter at your old address, please community about the health crisis
take a few minutes and send a change affecting many of their friends. The
of address card. primary goals then and today are
education and patient support. Tax
3) Due to a lack of funds. this deductible donations may be sent to
newsletter is coming to you NDNwPRDFIT the address given above.
instead of FIRST CLASS. Because the
Post Office restricts the amount of _
advertising that may appear in mater~
tising was accepted for this newslet~ OF LESBIANS AND BAY HEN
ter. I would like to thank our adver~
tisers {OF their support in the past. The Steering committee of the Ninth
. _ . Annual Southeastern Conference of
I hope YD” ”111 continue to enjoy Lesbians and Gay Men 'is pleased to
the newsletter and will let me know announce current plans for the
how you -feel about it. Reader feed~ upboming conference. to be held April
, back is important (and lets us know 12M155 1984 at the Holiday Inn Medical
that YD” really read the thing). Center 420 20th Street South ir
Watch for changes and eglgymwthis Birw' :h l i ‘ ' ’, h '
month’s newsletter. . llfig am. Alabama. Speakers are to
w—meem~~~~~«m~~«~« include Virglnia Apuzzo (Director w
National Gay Task Force), Abby
Hi: Rubenfeld (Managing Attorney * Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund) and
Mike Rutherford (Executive Director _
Bay Press Association).
BAY LINE DISCONTINUED TEMPORARILY For more information. write Lambda,
Inc.. P.D. Box 73962. Birmingham. Al
Due primarily to ficsaeial problems 3.52573. or stop by the (35:) office. '
and also staffing problems. the
Sayline has temporarily discontinued
operation. Watch the newsletter for
new days and times when we are able to
reinstate the line.

Due to the resignation of one of
NGTF Executive Director Virginia M. the board members. GSG will be
APU?ZD§ Peter V0991: Co—Chair 0* the accepting nominations for a replace-
National Association 0* Gay and ment board member at the January
Lesbian Democratic Clubs: and six Business Meeting. an interested
leaders 0* New York City gay/lesbian parties should plan to attend the
commumty met December 13 with meeting to be held at the 550 Office
Presidential contender Senator John. on Monday, January 9 at 3:00pm_
Glenn (D—DH). The meeting, arranged
through the offices of Glenn’s New
York campaign chairman, State Senate
Minority Manfred Dhrenstein, came six
weeks after the candidate had ex- NEED
pressed his opposition to the Federal by Paul J.
gay/lesbian civil rights bill in
response to a question from an NGTF I was just thinking about .
representative at a New York forum. how he touched me
After the meeting, Apuzzo and Vogel And how I touched him back...
. asserted that Glenn "remained intran-
sigent" on issues of special concern I wanted you so badly
to the lesbian/gay community. It’s too much. Wrong.
The meeting, which lasted for over I can’t have this need.
an hour, did not center around the I do.
civil rights bill as a "litmus test",
but rather addressed a broad spectrum You will be easier to
of issues especially important to replace, renew, retreat from
lesbians and gay men, including I can’t see you
immigration, AIDS, violence, social Only memories. Not fresh wounds m
service delivery and discrimination at least not so often.
against gays and lesbians in the
military. The group also challenged Let me reach new ground
Glenn’s contention, made earlier in But each day runs in to the next...
the day, that lesbians and gay men I hope. I’ll find. My heart
were unfit to work as "teachers or says so.
YMCA directors."
While the dialogue was cordial, the
Ohio Senator continually focused on
the idea of sexual orientation as a
choice rather than a pre—existing
condition like race or gender. "The ’ HELP WANTED
Senator acknowledged the existence of
discrimination," Apuzzo noted, "but Immediate opening for part time
was unwilling to supporting any remedy store clerk. Call Paul at 273—1451
for that discrimination. This intran- 'between 4:00 and 8:00 pm.
sigence is unacceptable."
"He offered no new departure from RDDMMATE WANTED
his previous positions," added Vogel.
Glenn himself stressed that he wanted Male roommate needed to share new
a "continuing dialogue with the gay house in south end. Must be quiet
and lesbian community," and conceded person, non—smoker. Monetary ar—
that "this issue [gay and lesbian rangements negotiable. Call 273-
civil rights] has become an item on —6953 after 8:00 pm.
the national agenda."
On December 15, State Senator Dhren-
stein announced his resignation from
the Glenn campaign. Ghrenstein’s .
district includes one of the largest
gay and lesbian constituencies in the
, 25

508 Fast Main Street Iwagwfimfim
chmgtom Kentucky 40508
S T Y L 1 ST
Tuesday Saturday
By Appointment Only
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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 5 ,4 5 -
8:00pm - Office
1 l7-
dU". 8 9 1o 11 12 13 14
"" ' I, GSO Potluck GSO Business Gay A.A.
)A U 299*0352 Meeting, 8:00pm 8:00pm - Office
[Ll WWW"? at) at the office.
1' "‘ "W ‘ 231-0535
wt; 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
(/’ Birthday of Gay A.A. Last Day for
/( Martin Luther 8:00pm — Office submissions to
£11117 King, Jr. , February News-
f“ Letter
22 23 24 25 6 27 28
Newsletter Gay A.A. figségggrpigi’fi
Meeting, 7:00pm 8:00pm - Office 7.50 m 5’ .
29 30 31
Gay A.A.
8:00pm +- Office