xt7f7m041m7k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m041m7k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-12-15 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 15, December 15, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 15, December 15, 1910 1910 1910-12-15 2015 true xt7f7m041m7k section xt7f7m041m7k   `
(lllnistman Numhrr by (Elanna in Jlnurmtlism
` •  
l . Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., DECEMBER 15, 1910 No. 15
. USE AND DISUSE OF THE some change ought to be made. Here Calls to his listening mate. of motions ls :1 matter of discus-sion,
LIBRARY. something needs to be One. The Through sunshine warm or winters so long will public speaking have its
  ____ library should be kept. open for two storm, Dl¤»¢€·" Ll£€l'Pfy Swivtiéi make iihb
we are especially mmumaw in hav. or three hours at night for the use of she Keeps her vigil still, evening of meeting very pleasant.
` mg S0 Wen an equipped library M all such students who are busy during While the violets sleep nealth tlhel You should join and learn to touch,
_ our disposal, (me that coumms the the day and can study only alt night. snowdrlfts deep with speech, the heart of the hearer.
best of mference books on various llhis ls not tall, however. Many Beside the ice-bound rill.
) Subjects, Standard Works Ut notion, who can go to the library, as it is C. E. B. AgR|cU;_·rURAL NEWS.
history, law, engineering, agriculture, "ow *‘€ot o¥’o“· could do m“°h moro ————————·· ———
 _ ch€,misu.y and me classics. It hm _ work there if it were open at might. It OUR LITERARY SOCIETIES. The Agricultural Department is do-
mshes ample material for Study is an extreme hardship not to be ul- t 1 I —- ' ing a greater work today thaln ever
  along differgm Hugs and the students lowed to take advanztage of its ex- `For S<>ht¤·lt> is Somotimos boot S" before and is making the University
  Of me Several Colleges and depam cellelilt sources of information at oiotb`4 U known no? only in our own state but
l ments can all and a Section of the whutevtr time pos·slbl»e. A Shoot t`€t“"?m‘~°¤t Urgos Sweet "€' throughout the country. It has been
library devoted to their needs.   Aléntirln (ji. thi; nQ€d of     turnt · I the Hill] Ol. Lhe S(Yz4.l\|Ol {,0 lll&k€    
are tilkillg- advantage mo, Oy this Op, Y0? Study ih the libmfy has b€>€¤ mv-d8 OW l·*_to"o”Y Somotlos mo 3·t·t€_"dtod best and foremost agricultural school
Tl porolnny. At nn hours, when the 11- *’**f°‘“€· bm this is a o"“’“°“ °f much F’° Pldlwluals that ham lofty Ideas ‘“ tho South- The ‘”°"‘ dime by
, mary is Open, Smdems may be Seen nr-portance and one that looms into l¤ NYE- hot that they Gxpoot to b€· our b0yS_ in the recent ,,Un;9S,r at gm-
mgm. improving their Spare moments prominence of its own aeeonnt, come [)2`tI`ll2l!l¤#€Yll.Eil`l3»IlS of distinction, mw, was vm,}. Satisfactory indeed,
» ratliler than loitering outside on the. Them is 8 wry "a·l“‘*·b]o collection but my tht making 0f Q personality; and although they were new to the
campu¤· — ol hooks In [hl} library and One   a lvtafdy Spokesman Wyo can express ropes. they ShO“•(»d their Qfnciency in
Q Good wading (mgm to appeal to would do credit to any library, but his riews while standing. The stud- the work in which they have been
every student, and as much time as it °““`"°[ be Of the “SSiS°a“‘°€ *0 the (Tu ma_t_u€"'m` amends a _m€m‘r?' SO` trained. After realizing their errors it
  possible s·hould be spent in this most Swdem body that is mt°“d€d· umu (tm}. www in Schml cerhalnlév falls to is safe to say that we will send a team
t if profltuble occupation. We now have it is ksvt Own mactically all hours No °ne_val“‘lbl° asset to his or hw that shall be as good as the best.
- tm, means at Ou,. hands wmhowt going of the day, and up until nine or ten lll`€[lill`3»tl0I1 to meet the world half- It is the aim Of the Departmém to
to the city library and everyone Otclock at mght wm" Those who Say they cannot reach every farmer in the country and
ought accordinglgr to muke use of that """"""""` Sneak ar€_th° Onéé [pm would be they are awakening more people to
fuct. The books have been selected ODE To A LONE PlNE‘ mOSt_b€n9mt')`l by Jommg at Society" the advantages which ngriculture of-
with gl‘€&t €~¤¥`9· lll 0Y`¢l·<*1` tl1¤t‘thoY mal' _ _ T"? _ 01}* tmmbers have wm? back after fers than ever before. The Corn Show
be Suited to the r__qui,.em€mS of the un rt mountnm high, neath the vault- leaving school and tlghtmg in the which wil be held here from June 3 to
=·»*r¤<*~¤·¤$- TM W ~¤¤€¤‘¤¤¢¤*¤g wd eq ”"’“ `Y°"" _“T‘1°°‘€'?t1 ‘°"”‘ ‘"Tf’ ‘“"" "°`S‘ 6. will no doubt have tl large mud-
inSt,.ucm.(, and an hom, Of recreation A giant pine tree stands, timony is alwups encouraging to men ance. These Shows have better meet`
utny be spent among them as well as Umtll by tho Foo-Y its the Wl€¤t€l‘S end “0¤l€¤ >i¤‘¤gglms to become nt ings Bach year and questions of great
Unc or Study. pon; mso on she plzttform. One says that iwuonance are discussed The man
There are fpw things, however, that. (fer mln; shifting golden sands; his training in literary society was wh;) ii mtemsted in me least Of these
the management of the library has \\'h¢·n they hear the pine‘e low groan, llUl'S¤l€¢i in colegez another springs to mq tm; to amend these Shows
its multi These are in connection l·‘or it tells the grief of a love that is his fcct and ·l<=clem‘es his to be worth lm`, wu b 1 ddimm to   malls
  the hours Of keeping   Open. dffffp, u‘Or€ than   €H{.iI°€ COu(-‘gQ Q()u]‘SQ_ 7 IQQTQ 1 6- n a ~ 'hi hg ~ , ;
Very tow Of the SludGntS_ with the ’Tis a inouizers husihed moan, No one can dispute the value of such $t"*·l*‘J“figi“g °°‘?“’StS "th“ ° DNF;
t mellow ot those in ole College or For Mt heart is ¤<>¤¤w where the -’<>t·‘*<· “"““ ‘Y‘“ "*` g“"“ t° t Q S"°`°°SS “
Law, can Spend muy of the morning ilowers grow, We lt-ave seen youths come in the <*<>¤u><>t¤tj>¤`¤- ‘ 1
in mp um,m,y_ A large numder have And her needles lie thlek and dead societies trembling ln thc knees, with to resetd to the ·°*g"i°"1t“t’“l 'Soc *{°
the time available in Lhc,amlm,OOn and Wihvre the sweet perfumes of wild- quivering lips, and blushing: but, UW wo wimt to ‘*"g€ “t’°“ €‘°"* Ag"'
consequomly more are to be found l·l()\V€I’S' blooms l.lll`0l\gll preservorance und continued t'utt“"a*1bt“dont· to a’t·t€'“d theso m'°"t'
` there at that time of dag: than at any ¥"‘<¤¤L ever 0`€r their dead. lobor the tlmldity is shaken oft, the mss- lvhlc-h are héld wor? F!’i•———··
Students in some or the einglneer. While the stare peep through the CUlll¥)USlllll9l'lt9I1(l an able advocate is Prof. N0e:—-All reporters are ignor-
mg and Bcignuflg c0u.,·s.€,s have vm-y deepening blue, an able mun or an able woman. Tho &\l`¤‘-\S€€-
mu;. time get uml]- disposal during (ho And the night winds softly blow. age of eloquence shall never pass. Miss L.:—Why?
dny. So they derive praotleally no She staudoth guard 0‘or her precious Because a speaker fools, he makes Prof. Noe:——'l`he other day I gave a
benehts from the abunldalut fund of ward, others feel. "So long as there are reporter "Yankee Doodle versus Dix-
knowledge put hope gm- the use of up Nor signs when the hours grow lute, human rights to be defended; als lion: le", as the subject of my address, and
Whgn my great number Qt swddm, While the whlpporwlll from a dlstumt as there are great mterosts to be it appeared ln the paper "Ydnkoo
are imconveulenced by a cerluhn thing, hill guarded; and as long us the welfare Doodle verses of Dlxle."
` x,)

 2 T II E I D E A
il,. \ '
I.: was iiv¢~t,hirzy on tho third Hoof n
of l)1ltT<‘l`S0~ll Hull when thc first, al- `. `
zmrm <·l·»<·k in tho lmildmg guxo an loud "   ` *9 ‘ Q  
"U-l`—I'·l`," (mo uf tho inmato—s of thn& · · _ 3 I
\ t`r¤·11‘ mom innne~dia>t.<—ly »a%w0xe— {md Q
s hm·t lx altvr rho third floor rcsound- ‘ _• ` - \
CLIFTON BEDFORD `_ . .. _ ::2 • • •  
•%m.mg¤ 2%m.m•m 0.1 wth *”‘*]""h";} B`”;"°h"·b Oh Hr- GIIIRITS: VIOIIRS   ·· .
  R W i§l:¤m·” of" mim: od w ¤t 1 vur mrs angs ,,,W/   • •
The New R O and grums of disszxiisfactiuxx from the   and0lln8’ Banjos $3
Ngfch   mhvr sidv of that lmlwd dO0l`.   Th°W°rld’?§ta¤(X*;d'lT°;1°°l°°’·m°?l°wa“d Hg" l
1l•.,stor2s•. c1um,re¤b0dy&Co..M¤k•n I‘<~:1<·¢· l`(‘i}.Yll(‘$] ilwlr thirty mi n}1.t0s,   vI€`:?1’e·.§;Oxv:;;k\:n'anshipi0 Lgsigesgscingcglgnupsviglrii.
uml www hhe fum! tlllklv of thv 1‘lS'iI1t-T   Send for illustrated Catalog to the makers. _
  lwll (·1‘v|>·t ll}lS•Y~{liI`S but f8i}·<*·d to (HS- Q   iw Fornale by allleading music dealers. @_' _ Q V "
turh ilu- slumbering maidens; one by · »w.;l Duh D802 · 7/ NX '
 —-—- one tho <¤;h<~r nl:u·n1 inm·¤·v¤¤¤‘i<>¤S Stroke "f luck, all Lexm Mon noun. Mills co.
hem- plumly u hurried discussion 011 ]€**>*>¤$ hU‘€‘ b€‘€Y’ leanwd and me m'
FOR ml. fh-St gnm- Cm-!-idol. as to ··Whjch manning {ew minutes were given to 3 `— `
should wear the blue sweater today", SOCUU h0“’°· M Q Q C I I
      tiwn all was silent again, 'l`<>la1 darkness! The lights have-
Tlle days \\*O]·k   conlnlenccd   \\`l!lk€(]!   f()rt\h       `
Full Liuc NOW OI] Display soon time buglc was heard calling at- I·a*m· Tri: 3¤d Physics am 1e¤¤m¤d—— GOOD FURN-ITURE•   l
t.e·u·ti’ 0¤ UW hm- CIGARS and TOBACCO `
plane-. whcere II mm be Lmly said "·therre ____ _
is always room for one  nmre." De- \vlNSI·O\V & S- LIME
  , ‘
  T`l]l1I`9 ami calm th$—y drop their eyes HAMILTON COLLEGE. L6x1¤gl0¤, - - - - KCBUICRY
’ 1n study, and aw-axt results.  
Th   S   At last! Irene has remembered
B mm n was ¤QSS.»m day which she pm- MM UGH H¤¤¤¤- of P=>·¤S» was We BILLY BAILEY
FALL LINES ceeded 10 mwunce with j05'0US Smile gmhst Smumay and Sunday of MISS "Thc Tailor That Satisies" `
QF to thp assembly art large. Great were M‘“‘°E?““`¥ bdwardS· w
FURNISHING GOODS, the huiws and %re•a:‘e»r tho anxiety cnn- ·"*S$ ;\0"a (`¤¤¥¤l*P€U Sl#€*11T~ Che W€’€k· STEAM wd DRY CLEANING.
HATS and fvvfhiug the dessert that day; and phg Ulf! at ]i9i` hwmu 111 Ni€h0lH»SYill€·. 159 South Limestone ’
SHOES, girls passwl out in Solgmn m€,(ma_ Dine Niarlowe Club €·IlL€I"Z6.1Il€·d the ·
NOW IN. WHL It is to be feared mam me d¤in_ faculty and students must delightfully [
J & M and Florshghn Shoes mm while bww!. than usual was m.Lh_ (,11 last Seaeturday evening with a. COIll•€· UNIVERSITY LUNCH Symp
` ' »   - · - · ‘ ¤ *:2 ' 2 ‘ . First Class lunch an
Stetson HatS_ er b1l[·.,hIy€(], uuudb were tumed to d¥· fUHU“‘“d b} “ ¤¤f¤¤¤·1M¢¤¤i<>¤   » 4
· thoughts Ot- me and QYPS were glugd Thp xromedy was entitled "A Broken IIOIL Bfcals 1
  ,,11 the kimhen d(,,Or_ The dom. Open l£ngug<·u1eut," uml Mis—se·s Hatcher, AT ALL HOURS {
. , ’*f T
140 West Mhiu SL (xd and in maicstic Stylc me wssert l‘uuil, lmutman amd McMurnay com- A. B.vf?ARRla1T »
  was hy-Uughlt to vi(,w_ .]am ml]! [rene |»uSe(j the (i2iS't. COI'.   LIIIIO RHF]   Su. `
1.,(,k(»d at Rm¤h_·Ru.th pgturnpd the Lznubda Chaptvr of Bvmm Sigma.   “
]UST RECEIVED! glam,. (md hugh stumbled fron] the Umicrou <2e·lebr;m>d their f·»und·ce·cember 12th, KQDAK!
mis; Of mms u.t Hughes & Cu. Tho table was bvau- Developing and Printing 4
WH[THAN’S The 2ifU*Y`Il()()ll passvd 0n, amd nut tif‘mY <1<·c<>··¤*<>n[_ il (l|‘li;.'[h{f\Il t()1iSt·HIiN*tI`(*SS {Ind 't,Oa»StB M V `
    CO. uml <·1u·h tznblw liste·m·d hrvnthl@ssl>' ww" tAi\‘<*H b¥tl1efoll4m·i¤1K2 Miss ET-   U `  
Pharmacists T0 hfer stzm·me·mf thwt °J(!hI1SiU}.{ has IH W41'S<>¤, HWYUB (`1<*~· Smith. Mazie [CE (_][{[•];\]\[ PA[{[_()[{
- - fixnislmi l{inkv‘s lm-rur¢»s"! A few '1`uruvr, uml Estellv Higgersmff. 'I`»h¢=> “
. W. 0 . Nl n 1 . * A
N C Eggtlhal   “‘h*“'<‘S flfiw This marwlous s¢· pwsent. South Lime und Winslow Streets

 I Y
A p•~· ~-—~-~ 
"PASSING OF THE YEAR." to correot, It during ·t1he coming year:
___ lf enemies have been made, surely •-1 ¤
As the present year Lades invto the xfy dmgit not pip vm f(::wTf; {Sid 2:; I
past and the shades of evening hover QT Sl ss we Ta G glpnpkh _m ymm '
over the passing days, it becomes up gm"' (‘ Us B` (mgm ‘ t (L 1 -***0 F-·—‘——
they are not affected by the common
proprlate that we review somewhat _
worrncs and vcxations of ltshe day.
its history, not winch any orltioall or Tlu H we Wn mr back the lvavps , •
fault-finding eye, but merely a kindly I S l D t ‘
of the book of time and see our fol-
mmlspect of me Dust" Camus up its ll 1 r tru I s ou ks e td
, IIl€lll0l`i€§ of various happenings as ant Ou SV ggc ' r ) S S an  
b our successes, joys and sorrows, we
p experiences, acquaintances we have wm have 3 much better chance of un
;;§;€’g;;e gzilxgs friendships than dersmnding the future as it comes, I E   B Y
> ‘ ‘ - .
· There is a certain stnzngeness felrtl Zggulzf ggakmg our lives what they
' Q in calllng old memories and acting ' , 1
" '· again scenes lhlalf fomwoteln. Lt is _" “___"“   S
j__ something like heading the old letters ATHLENC MMS-
! .e » of a friend who lhnas died, and living t f‘;‘  
__ over the days of his acquaintance. uSi;t;¤R°uTl3;r:iar£l s'fI;¤tA};'t the
{ Indeed, the past ls full of alluremencts, Univ _ it h    t _6 ‘a at 1
I Li, e»specl¤ally for the old, who love to I `thels y as sfuSMam;" a   OS;   Q  
’ recall their youth and spend their in 9 person 9 tr'l`w°°;;1n ’ an
{ time in dreaming of the oldlen days. tl seem; nswpslmos tr2p`("sS“ ts to S`;
Rather a sad thing is lihse end of the cl 6 a' la W ° can ° `E up E wor
yearn or even of R day, if mm stops to thwtllgle has mzmaged so wlell. Eve; Neckwear   Robes
. w - ~
pppp ppp cons ppp   pp p Zliime., i5‘i,°""fh;., 2€Z§m T JIS; Spppppdppp Um'ppp"pS
general thing, little time is taken for _ ‘ "• ‘ p B ' . .
renectiony but we rush on from one lll}? t:ehco;1fi·. ¤ow<—··¤ the hours of *
El   Ai%tF]tZkl*lrtU...·.·.. .... . ..............·...... . ........ Assistant Athletic Ediotr 1:30 and 3:30 In m_    
susmass s·rAr=r= Ring Committee. ». I
S. C. EBBERT, Business Manager ' - I
A F_ L_ ]\[AR_X' Aggt_ Business Manager. J. B. bAND¤Rb, Asst. Adv. Mgr. -————··—··" ;
l THEO. SLADE, Advertising Manager. W. A. LURI'l·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. who makes lifg migeraible for the _ 8
v_ L, nowumo, subscription Mgr. E. J. KOHN. Asst. Sub. Mgr. basket ban gms? p
  · ·
This issue of The Idea was pre- The next issue of The Idea will be  "‘_"'_""""" _
I I ‘
‘ pared by the tollorwlng members ot prepared by the following members ot
The Idea Sing; The Idea Staff:   &     C0•
J. F. Bruner, Incorporate
·’-0·i·€Wi¤ PRINTING ·
. ’ ll
Class in Journalism. W. B. Hager, RUSH WORK A Sp.=C,A¤·y And See yyhat we can ,
W. C. Duncan, BOTH PHONES tg
Alice Cary Williams. mug N, UMESTONL _ _ LEX,NG·pN_ KY Show you
M,-_ uy ]{_ Townsend, time and labor spent, but University
ndi—0,—-t·;itm. Ov the ··¤¤er·. €S¤- MET tim; extent, mixed in its publication, Class. [)R|NK *
l·¤l*‘* g""a’t l’l€“a’S“"€ m "°°°mm°n,mg iilltl realizing my inability, I offered Each county in the State IS 8I1· l
lllml ¤<>1~‘¤¤ "nd request that tm) m` n·y resignation as editor, that some titled to send FREE of tl1lti0I1,
lllillll Wl You? Staffvi one else night he elected that could matrlculatlon, labO1‘8tO1'y 8Ild 0tll· (MEL t’
·‘ll¤S AIM"? Cary “miam5· lill the place more efiiciviitly. er fees, one or m01‘6 8pp0lI1li€€S. OM  
Miss Miiltle al`)? 'l`.:e co-operation on the part of the Ncccssay l
_ _ ’· · t y expenses moderate. \
Miss Addie UBRH. s·.1·ionts as a whole is :,;1other point · · ·    
. . . For full information re rdmv ·
.` T   I. .. . ga H
!\l15¤ Mlflam 35 0 · wzzich l met with that was not ant all · t
, . , 1 __ , _ appointees, courses of studv. cost
Air. \\. B. I age?. sauslaototry. \e1·y tew have contribu- Of board em apply to `   §
MF J. F. B¥`¤¤€°i'· tetl any articles except those that were JAMIFQ G RVHITE
W C Duncan . . = . .- * ‘* ° • `
MY. - - » on the staff. The students fail to Acting President *
Mi`. A C- Ball. realize that it is their publicationt ° • ' ‘• ‘
. ‘ · Iexm n K _ Call for the Genuine ‘
Mr. H. A- Bflbll ani that it is to the best interest of I gm ’ y 5
M!. M- M- }tla"¥`l$‘m- l do not write this letter in order        
'l`l1¥‘ ¥`•¢¤l&l¤mg· I cannot recom` to discourage you, but to explain the If YOU \V&Tlt»
mend, but you can do HS YOU Dl98£€ dmgpultjps what you wm meet with _ Under Fayette National Bank
lil I`€g&*`d *0 ‘l*"“‘· I j“dg‘°’ in was so that you muy make a wise selec- Prmtcd Mutter   5  
matte]- from the Su1>i»0Yf *-h€Y gam tion ui choosing your co-workers, and VVhit·h Com els Attention · · ~ ·
me; perhaps they are willing to better that you may be w,€Dm,€d to mem p F|¤€$¥ Hlllf Cutting and Shaving
work under your 1¤¤<1·>rShiv- those ntmouitios, We know where you can get it P“'l°' "‘ 'hc C“Y
1 do not r<·i=>¤t t»l¤<·¤€ mw f<>r MY 1 inn wiumg to no an 1 can to help ...._........ ._
personal 1*99801152 far from Yhwb I be you in its ]Jl!l)ll(‘&Y.lO1lS, and do not
heve it is for the btst l12T€·I`9SW~ of the hesitate in asking nie aid, if you find        
paper and for at greater satisfaction thm I cw, be of Service to you
on your part, to know that each week Yours fm. the Succebs of the   &   C0.  
you have a squad you can rely upon ·p,w·· Ever · ·
· ythmg f1rst-class to eat.
t u ·t ut an issue. · · » t
"A.§     ti. mat tm. MMO ”A‘*“’· °"'°""'*" F"°°°*‘ D"!) C°"€‘=: Oysters my
if ` nth ith I Wm Sa -———-L...-. Stylfi Ht ll Il'lOl11CI1l.L S notice, The
lllégilillz lllttseut llalnalllfrliaridling tht); NOTICE! BASE BALL MEN! Ollly fll‘St.-Cl8,SS Ijllllch Counter in
.l A   . I 4 x r- ·
‘ . Do (lnl 'llztl ll l the south end of th
9.;,,,..,-nn 0pm~;,mmS is 1n.ant—qua.te to AS¤lu·M1¤1··<¤c Association does not y H x H day my] night 6 city` Open
obtain the best publication. Further- furnish t·antli¢la»t<·s for the base ball V ` `
nmpp [ (go nut |,(·]{py€ there can be 3 [Oulu Willi lllllf(•I‘ll1B in which [,0 prac-     W• S•  
better paper developed here until there UVB. lt is 3d\’iS•ul>le· that those who ex- (`fqrnpp Mill and Bolivar
is an incentive given for this work; pect to try for the team bring from
not u, compensation or salary, for the lA0lll<· Willi lll€lll when you return niger-

 I r3-•""‘"i """"" `
_ T H E 1 I} If A 5
WHAT W|\,,|. HE |.00K LIKE, leader ls that now famous bunch ..-—
. --- known as the (Het- Club. lt is whol-  
_ Ji A A H. For all we know, the gender of the I) urmecrsmrr to mtroducr them · l
· - ·.~ .» . _...... ......— be r.»...r.....e, ..0 nm ·»t at- ......._.. .., .,.... .-..-.1...-.   1... .·..·..— Q.-  
{ .• . ( l » , .| _ I A
._ rrr;/.`lli in price and whim do we find 1., still, rrrmw Murs {hw have mirmr for  
V I Hl mytttll  { l·" be '" ha""‘°“Y with aeaepal "la"` tl1··1nstrl»es an enviable l`ft|)lIlHl.l(lX1 at ·
r A ” ton und the cartoonist. lets picture tee hmm, Hm abroad as Singers or rare
[ ·’   {ltr  I \ passing year as an old, old man, who Hhmrr. This is dur mrrlr m their
I .., _ pr · , , r V sv
r \  J    I \  ste,. his dto y and done it noble. (Mn rmrrkwl mlrm and Darn), to the I I K
, lg 't ,. _<__·,,, _  *’“’ he he `··""’Y*“ me"- “"“’· aaa "“ ztblc (lll`0('l()l`Flll|l or 1·r..1‘. 1v1.e..1.·.~, To · ‘ ‘
1 A M7     ·__` tape mal (lay Ol January a' Slntlgmly hl:1. we owe a great debt of gratitude • ·
r · r  \, l.   . httle fellow called >.e.v Year will as WMI Us Um! of rmrv Suhsrmmal
{ l rr   \ tak? hls l'l'3C€· ' n1;ztt,er, The first of the <7\ll·(ll`-lZ(.Wl"I
’ . ,. St.retchins: our ituagiimtion a bit,   · ,   · r ,
_; lltltttu \ ..Ilt s ol (()T`l((l·b g1ven this year by
l' " Q, we elm Wm ea,   lmtle pharphmee en the club is ‘l`hurs»day evening. Detem- ‘
H l .. the t¤¤*·°¤¤· *·*¢*m··= me Chetacm to te.- ...1., ... .-.%...1..... ».....~, 8....... ...
. •» Y '
  \ ‘  eugeap argwemityr liter P _ sure to proye a great success, since
· °W· W e m ppm 0 age• ex` resp their former excellent prozrams will
dem Pauempp eammt be wen e"m' UG supplemented by attractive num- ·
par.-d to the f·1an»<1 Oltl Mall of the pers by the M;ind.»lin Club. ’911ccess0rS ·
0 ‘ E ‘ E aear;_'n`elt“her een we recewe _The .\nd 110w we come to that important {O T }}_ l)€“·hu[·g’(·r_)
··¤··~¤~ ¤¤ a t·~¤·<>¤S Cherub *>¤S¤¤¤**>’ rm,. ... c..1..»e.» ..r..—....». Ss........1€.
V conscious of his newly-sprouted wings. who of we mir darmselrr daughters of HEADQUARTERS
St*¤~tt·<=> >i<>=¤t will <=·>m<* mid the Jutlge ..1.. K s r 1...S ..0. 1....... -a.-.........1
  will co111e, and the two of them should from her Numbers hr mr charming FOR ALL
make   vtize winning team‘ what llO°f‘S of the gay. gallant troubadour? ,
I | they \\ lblrdo is for them to know and “-hr, his rmt rparrhm rrrmugh closet  
fe" ua te md Out' and chest for some