xt7f7m040229 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m040229/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-07-22 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 22, 1988, no. 530 text The Green Bean, July 22, 1988, no. 530 1988 1988-07-22 2014 true xt7f7m040229 section xt7f7m040229 /
 Vo EJEO 1.1.
1 ,1l. ¢’ ,i§Qi’   
All library personnel are invited to a farewell reception for Joyce
McKinley, head of the order processing unit, who will be moving to Ashland,
Kentucky, at the end of July.
The reception will be held Thursday, July 28, from 2:00 — 3:00 p.m. in
the Patterson Room of King Library North.
Special Libraries Association is offering a self—study course in time
management in the small library. The course is available in both a manual and
a computerized format and costs $100 for SLA members and $125 for non—members.
Both versions of the course cover time management basics, using time
effectively, turning goals into reality, and turning theory into practice.
The computerized version of the course is available for either IBM and
compatibles or Apple Macintosh.
Participants in the course can earn .3 Continuing Education Units upon
A brochure describing the course further is available in the QE office;
additional information is also available from the Professional Development
Section, Special Libraries Association, 1700 Eighteenth Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20009.
Beginning and intermediate workshops on desktop publishing will be
offered through the Continuing Education Office of Purdue University. The
beginning workshop is a one—day course on July 25. The intermediate workshop
is scheduled for July 28-29.
Cost of the one—day workshop is $75; the intermediate workshop is $&95
per person and includes ten hours of computer time.
. 1
‘Ih¤` Newsletter of the Umversnty
of K t k L'b a i s

Terry Warth of Special Collections commended on being an exceptionally
is the author of "Bibliography of impressive and enjoyable group to
l Incunabula, Special Collections, work with.
Margaret I. King Libraries,
University of Kentucky" which appears Virginia is especially appreciative
in Band 21 of Bibliothek und of the thorough knowledge your staff
Wissenschaft. The late Dr. Lawrence has of Datalinx and the patience and
S. Thompson, former director of realistic outlook they have on
I libraries, is listed as co—author of claims.
the article. Jim Birchfield,
assistant director for collection I am pleased to have this opportunity
development, wrote an introduction to to both thank you and congratulate
the bibliography. you on such a well organized and
efficient staff.
ABOVE AND BEYOND Let me close by simply stating that
we at Faxon are committed to
The staff of Central Serials continuing to provide you with the
Records received the following letter best service available, and look
from Richard K. Rowe, president and forward to our ongoing pleasant
CEO of F.W. Faxon Company: relationship.
In today's frantic pace and age of
impersonalization I think it is BON VOYAGE...AND GOOD LUCK! I
important to take the time to tell a
client how much they are appreciated. Joyce McKinley ..... Acquisitions
You Account Executive Virginia
Sheehan has brought to my attention
the fact that your staff should be NEW STAFF...WELCOME AIOARD
Julia Pearson .........
Collection Development 4
Who's the most published author of all time?
William Shakespeare, with more than 15,000 editions of his works, tops
the list in a computer survey of authors in the OCLC database. Charles
Dickens is second, with just under 8,000. The list was compiled by Mark
Crook, Consulting Systems Analyst, and Nita Dean, Assistant Editor of the QQLQ
Of the three living authors on the list, 1,861 editions are listed for
George Simenon, Isaac Asimov has 1,470 and Graham Greene has 1,372.
To make the list, an author had to have at least 1,000 editions of his
or her oeuvre listed in the OCLC database.

 Collectively, the authors' lives span from the 8th century B.C. to the
present. They represent a large number of countries, including Belgium,
Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Norway,
Poland, Russia, Samoa, Scotland, Spain and the United States.
Four of the authors —- Anatole France, Rudyard Kipling, George Bernard
Shaw and John Steinbeck —— were awarded the Nobel Prize. Robert Frost,
William Faulkner and John Steinbeck received the Pulitzer Prize.
Four women are among the cop l0O: Jane Austen, Agatha Christie, George
Sand and Ellen G. White.
Music composers are listed separately, and only 25 are listed. Bach
scored highest, with 17,640 pob3;shed or recorded works. Mozart occupied
second chair, with 17,150. Beetnnwsn’s third was heroic —— 13,622. Brahms was
a distant fourth with 8,133. Se·;y, ·lel there were no rock composers who even
came close. —— Phil Schieber, editor, OCLC Newsletter.
TOP 100 AUTHORS 32. Vlnglll 54. Emlle Zola
1. Wllllam Shakespeare 33. Agatha Cnrletle 65. Jean Jacques Rousseau
2. Charles Dickens 34. Joseph Conrad 66. Robert Brownlng
3. Slr Walter Scott 35. l·1enr;» Wadsworth Longfellow 67. John Bunyan
4. Joham Wolfgang von Goethe 36. Frledrlch von Schlller 68. Lord Byron
5. Arlstotle 37. Jules Verne 69. Geoffrey Chaucer
6. Alexandre Dumas 38. Slr Artl:·.1r Conan Doyle 70. Wllllam Faulkner
7. Robert Louls Stevenson 39. llorace 71. Andrew Lang
8. Mark Twaln 40. l·lsnry James 72. Lenln
9. Marcus Tulllus Clcero 4l. égrlzml tnslaler Lytoon 73. Alexander Pope
10. Honore de Balzac 42, liollaro 74. Ellen G. Whlte
11. Rudyard Klpllng 43. 1.E:`.’llS Carroll 75. Isaac Aslmov
12. Vlctor Hlgo 44. llllwcr Golrlsmlth 76. Jane Austen
13. Washlngton lrvlng 45. George Rernard Shaw 77. Robert Bums
14. James Fenlmore Cooper 46. 1;e.lrga Eliot 78. Frledrlch Engels
15. Danlel Defoe 47. oscar lllloe 79. Anatole France
16. Martln Luther 48. Thomas Carlyle 80. Benlamln Franklln
17. Mlglel de Cervantes Saavedra 49. Ralph llalclo Emerson 81. Charles Lamb
18. Erle Stanley Gardner 50. `l‘l·lomae Hardy 82. D. H. Lawrence
19. Homer 51. Samuel Johnson 83. George Sand ,
20. Voltalre 52. karl lean: 84. Sophocles
21. Hans Chrlstlan Andersen   e;so.·ges slmenon 85. Anthony Trollope
22. Dante Allghlerl 54. Joll`1 llryden 86. John Wesley
23. Jacob Grlmm 55. lllllhelm lérlmm 87. John Stelnbeck
24. Plato 56. 0‘1ld 88. Pedro Calderon de la Barca
25. Edgar Allan Poe 57. Allml Lorll Tennyson 89. Robert Frost
26. Burt Standlsh 58. ll. lil. 2*5::11; 90. Graham Greene
27. Wllllam Thackeray 59. Fe_><.Z.·r Dcsloyevsl
Newark. Salary: $21,500, minimum. $26,000 — $29,000, minimum.
Deadline: August 26, 1988. Deadline: July 31, 1988.
Assistant Biology Librarian,
Uxiiwre rs it.y of I ll irxo is ,
FLORIDA Urbana—Champaign. Salary: $20, 000,
minimum. Deadline: July 31, 1988.
Interlibrary Loan Librarian,
University of Florida, Gainesville.
Salary: $21,000, minimum. Deadline:
August 15, 1988.

 A INDIANA Principal Cataloger, New York
University. Salary: $28,000,
minimum. Deadline: July 31, 1988.
Foreign and International Law
Librarian, Indiana University, Head of the Catalog Department,
Bloomington. Salary: none stated. University of Rochester. Salary:
Deadline: September 1, 1988. $30,000, minimum. Deadline: July
31, 1988.
Assistant Head, Acquisitions
Department, University of Notre Dame,
South Bend. Salary: $21,000,
minimum. Deadline: September 1, OHIO
Head, Special Collections Cataloging,
Ohio State University, Columbus.
LOUISIANA Salary: $24,240 — $28,080. Deadline:
August 31, 1988.
Cataloger, Charvat Collection of
Dean of Library Services, University American Fiction, Ohio State
of New Orleans. Salary: $55,000, University, Columbus. Salary:
minimum. Deadline: None listed. $21,840 — $24,840. Deadline: July
22, 1988.
Classics, German, Linguistics and
Romance Languages (French and
MICHIGAN Italian) Librarian, Ohio State
University, Columbus. Salary:
$25,080 — $30,000. Deadline:
Afrlcana Bibliographer, Michigan September 1, 1988.
State University, East Lansing. Head, Chemistry Library, Ohio State
Salary: $25,000, minimum. Deadline: University, Columbus. Salary:
August 31, 1988. $26,040 ~ $38,200. Deadline: August
Head, Documents Library, Michigan 31, 1988.
State University, East Lansing. Serial Cataloger, Ohio State
Salary: $25,000, minimum. Deadline: University, Columbus. Salary:
August 31, 1988. $22,080 ~ $27,600. Deadline: August·
31, 1988.
Director of University Libraries,
SUNY, Albany. Salary: $46,725 — Rare Books, Special Collections
$83,375. Deadline: September 15, Librarian, University of Oregon,
  1988. Eugene. Salary: $19,000, minimum.
  Deadline: August 31, 1988.
, 5

 2 ` N
€ `W
Head of Acquisitions Department,
y University of Pittsburgh. Salary:
none listed. Deadline: August 30,
_ · 1988.
Head, Monographs/Post Cataloging
Unit, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville. Salary: $25,000,
minimum. Deadline: September 6,
NEXT GREEN BEAN: Friday, August 5, 1988.
DEADLINE: Friday, July 29, 1988
Bonnie Jean Cox: editor, typist;
Cecil Madison : printer.