xt7f7m03zk0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m03zk0d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1939 "Instructions for abstracting from county records material to be used in writing county histories, county governmental organization and individual office essay." books Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky Historical Records Survey--Handbooks, manuals, etc. Manual for field workers, Historical Records Survey text Manual for field workers, Historical Records Survey 1939 1939 2012 true xt7f7m03zk0d section xt7f7m03zk0d   xw¤»¤@mL@i I »mg1nu@  

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Louisville, Kentucky  
K March 1, 1939  
Q TO: ALL FIELD WORKERS, Historical Records Survey  
  FROM: Vfalter M. Hoefelman, State Director, Historical Records Survey  
I · -··-E  
We have prepared for use by the field workers a list of 108 questions  
‘ ¥ 
concerning abstract material contained in county records. These questions are  
#2* *
divided under the following courts and offices: fiscal court; county court;  
circuit court; quarterly court and juvenile court; sheriff, constables, jailer, ’ 
V d.  ._,, ;§,,€
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and coroner; tax commissioner; county board of education; health; keeper of  
the poorhouse; county surveyor; county road system; county agricultural agent  
I- and home demonstration agent.  
. . . . . ?‘· L.
We have headed each court and office with a short essay, indicating  
where the infomation may most likely be found. In using this manual, it will  
be necessary that you carefully read all of the questions before starting ab-  
~i  ° »»   ;J: ‘—··`-* = ` 
straoting;  iZ—;1‘¢" 
°     A
Attached to the manual are a list of counties, showing the dates of  
creation and the county seats, so that you will know for what dates records `  
may be found in your county; a form which you will use to answer each question;  
and a sample form that will apply to all counties, showing the method of fill-  
ing in the form.  Y`gY5`i*?¥‘;»Q 
Under question 5 of the manual, please note that we mean for y0u to  
in _  if EY  »
in include all of the taxes paid in the county unit, as follows: school tax,  
.  e<’*a,;JfL_
9 county tax, and state tax rates.    
*    iii?
H In filling in this form, you will insert your name, the name of the  
I 3 ` county in which you are working, the date the form is prepared, the exact title   ‘»··  
` .-   .  .»LQe}5·;»gg
3:,:00,  it    
 2<  ;   _§2`Lf? `l‘
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 M   New _ -:5   .:.*1 PFI `_r `·" I _; V ``_r‘`   U  ii"       if°·;;"j1!r      
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 ,·f‘ i  
All Field Workers Re: Abstracting March l, 1939  
( of the record as shown on the HR form you have prepared for the record from  
·‘ which you are abstracting infomation, the identification number of this HR  
form (this infomation may be secured from your progress sheet, which you have  
been required to keep), the location of the record (that is, the office in  
which the record is kept), the volume number or letter of the record (this  
volume number or letter is to be written directly above the words "Volume  
number or letter" on the form, as shown in the attached sample), and the dates  
L 7};//
covered (meaning the beginning and ending dates of the volumes from which the  
$:4a**  `+¢=T
abstract material is taken, as: 1797 to 1807. See the attached sample.).  
Following "No. of Question," you will insert the number of the question in the  
it   if .!
manual which you are answering; then, copy the question exactly as it is given,  
using the remainder of the sheet and the reverse side, if necessary, to answer  
ei } 
the question. If the space provided is not sufficient, use additional blank  
sheets, adding at the top of the page the number of the question, your name,  
and the name of the county in which you are working.   `
Extreme care must be exercised in the spelling of all proper names.  
The spelling must be exactly as it appears in the record from which you are  
After you have answered each question, forward Form Af-21 to the  
district office in the same manner in which you are forwarding other material  
from your county.  
‘s;.,pg~ -..‘ i   ~
ig, Q gi }‘    
. . , o    
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 j 3
A February 17, 1939 fil ,
o if Yi  
_ E Records concerning the fiscal court have a beginning date of 1892 in q *f;§QV
e § the majority of counties. The information regarding the questions asked piggy]
_ § under 1 to l2, inclusive, will generally be found in the fiscal court order gig f[
- 3 and/or minute books. Quite often, it will be found that the fiscal court  
minute book and the fiscal court order book have been used interchangeably   Q
for the same type of record. To secure a complete_ picture concerning ques-  
tions 1 to 12, inclusive, it will be also necessary to check through the  
county court order books for information prior to 1892, because records per-  
j taining to administrative and fiscal affairs of the county were handled by  
‘ the county court of claims and levy sessions until the establishment of the  
A, fiscal court•  
V   Voie  Qi *
ll How many justices or members does the present fiscal court have, ex-  
cluding the county judge?  
2. Do all the justices of the peace new hold justice court? If not,  
when did each discontinue his court?   ,r_’  
;.%;;;<.>;» ..0
3. How many magisterial districts were created in the county, upon its  
V ' 4. How many magisterial districts are now in the county?  
5. What was county tax rate in l958'?  
6. Give the name of the first county treasurer and date of his appointment.  
7. that is the present bonded indebtedness of the county?  
8. Compare the present county debt with the figures of twenty-five years ago.  
9. Yhat rate of interest is paid on the latest issuance of bonds?  
` 10. What was the cost of building the present courthouse?  
  x ‘
ll. Vliat is the ceunty's share of the gas tax refund?  
ia   11., eé":. .
12. 1`hen was the first livestock inspector appointed?  
{    j
Records of the county court will be found in the county court clerk's  
office and will, in most instances, contain the oldest records in the county-  
It is also necessary in some countiosto chockxthe county judge’s office,    
particularly for dockets and witness records. The answers to questions 13  
to 54, inclusive, will be found in the deed books, county court order and/or  
minute books, marriage records, and the motor vehicle register.  
l5• Copy the first deed registered.,  
--7;  —,T`:'.`—1`._   3.2 '   .,, v_ ,_ . ,` 3   Q - `.   . V . V, — '_;=-;'." '..`_;,Q ,..'.¤q-.   `3:;,.,,.·  .··’J’,'y;..,·j}·,,»;tZ',;    
...._.`. . ,A_. , __n,   #---6* t··r—~····*·t AM ~”"*‘“"`

 C County Court - 2 ·- L A 2
14. How many deeds were registered in the county court c1erk’s office ".c4  
during the first year of the county’s history?     i
·   15. How many deeds were registered in the county court clerk's office  
  in 1938?   »*_j
V   16. How many 1938 motor vehicle licenses were issued?   -__.  
. _, 17. How many marriage licenses were issued in the earliest year for which  
-   records are available?   p
Q  {fh
_ 18. How many marriage licenses were issued in l938?  
E   19. Who were the first ministers in the county, as shown by the marriage  
( ` re cord s 2      
U 20. When and where did the first county court meet to organize the county?  
(Copy first entry) . -  
*~   :4
21. Who were the members of the first county court? (Give names)  
-1- 22. W10 were the justices appointed to serve in the first quarter sessions  
’ 23. What was the first action taken by the county court?  
_ 24. W10 were the first county officers - court clerks, sheriff, coroner,  
tax commissioner, etc.?  
h 25. W10 presented commissions from the governor, and then took oath of office  
_ before the court?  
26. What were the first five important actions taken by the first county  
court? (Not appointment of officials)  
` 27. What was the first (or earliest) tax, county or state, rate'?  
28. Who was the first county judge elected? (In 1851)  
2 29. What was the first suit registered?  
30. What was the first claim filed?  
" l 51. What were the first tavern rates?  
32. When were courthouses built in your county? (Tha state office will try  
to give the approximate dates for your research. Full infomation is  
re uested ) · {7- ,_g,Y§'*j 1
q `    
_ 33. Any indication that troops in the Civil War passed through the county T?  
or that battles were fought there? (Court Minutes, 1861-65, should be  
examined before you answer this question.)  
.;?& ‘  J
$4. When was the county seat established? (The early county court minutes  
should contain much interesting information.)  
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  111. ciacuitr comm TV'; 5
_ _ ,_ The circuit court records will be found in the circuit court clerk's   g
(_ ( `i office and will have a beginning date of about 1802, or, in some cases, 1804.  
  If the county was established prior to 1802 or 1804, the early records will  
g   be listed under the quarter-sessions court; in some counties, these records ,‘c» T  
  will be found in the county court c1erk's office. Questions 35'to 48, in- jeg  
’ elusive, can be answered through infomation contained in the circuit court _;j;_:j'_Q,j;!
_ - order and/or minute books and the docket books, located, as aforesaid, in €Q§Z.,;fJ*§
' the circuit court clerk's office:  
_' * 55. Who were the three members of the first quarter-sessions court?  
56. when was the circuit court first convened and organized? (Copy first   i—e.·" V ]
‘ entry)  
" 57. When is the circuit court in regular session now?  
58. Who was the first circuit judge? In the first ten years of circuit  
_ ' court minutes, did circuit judge issue rules and regulations for con- —  
duct of the court? If so, copy them verbatim. .   oi`V  
° 39. Who was the first circuit court clerk?  
  ` 40. Did the first circuit court clerk also serve as the county court clerk?  
_ i 41. Did the circuit court clerk record deeds for the period 1802 through  
c = ieee?     *
»..:,,,. ,
__ “ 42. Give numbers of judicial districts the county has been a part of.  
· (Give dates).  
    ’ 43. What was the first case in circuit court - give type of case, parties,  
judgment, etc.?  
‘ 44. How many civil cases did the circuit court hear last YGBI`?    
V 45. How many criminal cases did the circuit court hear last year? -  
_ A. · 46. When was the first jury list drawn up in quarter sessions court in  
" counties created before 1804 and circuit court in counties created  
_ ` thereafter. (Copy names of the first grand jury list).  
47. How many grand jury inquisitions last year?  
‘ 48. How many true bills returned last year by the grand jury?  
V (     *2
Records concerning the quarterly and juvenile courts are generally  
‘   located in the county judge’s office. Quarterly court records will have a  
i beginning date of 1852; juvenile court records, in most instances, will not  
V _ V  
___ ,.,. . V ·- _ ·· j ` ·' , , 4,   jgr ·~`.*:A,l,4 ./ji -4,      
   _ , yj    ·  e       .‘.·»?     { `?'=            
____.___ _ AAVV _ ____   "‘i to  

 /»-...—»·—-g-¤·m¤,;·» · ·;·p”.·, V   · L` __ ·"` # ' V _, 4 V Y `A "V -_-i', V -4  
? Vi E    ‘
 . 2 ze T V V
i- . . WH V VV k .
  ‘ sfgat j V ‘
4 _ 5 3%   - 1 V .
Quarterly Court and Juvenile Court - 4 - V U; , V . U _ r
g Sheriff, Constable, Jaiior i Mi  .   eet. 2
§ and Coroner 1 Qi} f   . i
rl  r‘-" I'   VV '
begin until 1906. ·Answers to questions 49 to 55, inclusive, will be secured 1 j *5ljQ  V i~   - be V_ _
- _ from information contained in the records in the county judge’s office, and 1 { {_ _?  _   1 V, V { ‘
_   also in records stored in county court clerk's office.  _;V;,j*VfT·‘j‘; J iT V,   Vi
- ‘   49. What 1S the date of the first quarterly court meeting held in the county? 1   —· _    V
_` ° ‘   50. When was the first quarterly court case heard? Copy the petition.   _i C
V V " 51. How many cases were heard in the first year the quarterly court func-  $}€;_Q·.: .,   ` y i i"
` V tioned?  { Q—i ra._‘ Q —,·_. -   _ n
~   52. How many quarterly court cases were heard in the last year? (1958)   ,.._ g_V_g      ` [  
 *°é=*?’ 15152;% ·.»,; P ’,‘‘ 1   V   r Vt
~-   55. How many quarterly court cases were appealed to a higher court?     - C Q
`   Examine rule or step docket for either quarterly or circuit courts.  ff_Qa`7‘  .   _»V_ _jV V’ V· _ ’V _
H s  TV"LgfZi `.s.   , s Z 1
VV   54. How many cases were heard in the juvenile court by county judge during   ·`,_ —;i_j_j;f?  Q; -_V   AVV
§’ 19587*   i.»· ` P ‘ Q V e VV
Y =   _     j   VV 1
;· b   55. How many commitments were ordered by the juvenile court in l958?     _i_,  
  `Z- "  ?<§;;~;5   .... lv   ei     `, Y_   E
· .   V v. ssmirr, CONSTABLE, JAILER AND CORONER  1  ·V  Vt  
   I'r‘.iZE’ - ~r Y;}-   Q} i`ii Y *V ` 1
A .     i·:Vi;;t ..,» z 7 V‘   y
* "»V-¤VV·’§iQ’·1i   *1: ».-L "j%V*“  VV·· T i
E Answers to questions 56 to 65, inclusive, will be found in the county QQ.giegf-Q·_;~,`;2gi;V; »’-c _*.,,i;_; __-_·     V ·
- ’§ court order books, with the exception of questions 62, 65, 64, and 65. Ans-   -jj-f V- ‘
‘ 3 wers to questions 62 and 65 will be found in the jailer’s records, which       T
’·· . . . . . . E2`? j:~;;*Y_:*';f;E‘— vT·g.`2>fY°_r·"__'__    V'
; are generally kept at his home or in his office at the county jail. Answers   ¤   -
  V · . . . . . _‘ , ‘s.·?;;Q.>‘i‘~ Qi; ‘   .-  
'g to questions 64 and 65 will be found in the circuit court clerk‘s office.     ··*. 1,   _   ,_ (
- _ The record of inquests may be made in the form of reports, and it may be     j z
__ possible to secure this information only through counting the actual number   ``sv ;__;; gf}   V-
‘= V *‘ of reports made to the circuit court clerk of inquests held.   ‘ri_. i   V
` »   .,'V   ;V   ‘ V
  56. How much tax did the sheriff collect in the earliest year for which   ~..V   ¤
W records are available?    gg;   V .
4   *       C `if”” ’ i
·’· =·—   57. How much tax did the sheriff collect in l958‘?  .·;Q;4;i?;;=i"- ,‘,_A _ -g
· -4   *·;.;,—i·:zb’¢.  J     · I
¤  “L"   T} L"-: ntf?  li   if`- 2
‘ . V ~.5‘·*?2'%i£·F*`-i*{i~.5"¥>’%~‘*‘Vf"—   l
V * 58. How many poll taxes were paid last year?   , .-·_ eq V '
1-ZW  -7; *·’>Vi:··- ·V"   V k", g
_ _ _ . rw =‘V '§?F""¤* “'i:» Y ; <-€y·,»i·?f?‘;V·" _ `
59. Vim is the largest single taxpayer, either person or corporation?  in {
s$+Z*¤E:,·,,41%* ;**   éféz £;,:i;g ·,   git   L 2
» . .     { 2 J {
‘ 60. Who was the first sheriff?     '.’V Q     VV ‘·
?éé;Z{l·T%z}f   ·=·ev>-- -V.*V     »
»<~;z:’a   ¤¤=.   ·V
s . . . .       Yigf ;V;;;·V, Tian?  1
Rao.! · ,» V.` .7 v ... - .
t'?4' _%é‘,}:";$-$—·.P1?*??:V.;**-Agni ?»·£ .~j -é Tk. { _. ·V ’
*' fi .V., T ·— Ti sl'? wi? Va; V:1=e#*V‘ V·<-u%c¥e:**”¤. v·at;·%*‘-fa;~;;"é=1 ·2ZiTi‘   `T;·*’   A
  ;>¤:i;5;.»~w·;~‘-:’  4   ¤   1
 aw?   ’4‘·     l
  Q     ·-¢’ V   2
_. s __ , - __  f,  ,         i ~    if -__V‘ ‘ ~2e.·V   ~:;-·rQ»cj, A
  -,  - . .    WT, W.: r            V t my     sar y   ifs}  :r.s¥¤»¢··;·;·2£·i¢;w ‘.»V“ V 1
`  V`  iV1=e“f:*=*’  at tau   i    ze?   V     it   ;.r·>». V=   ,   ei"-:a=·~iF V ,     *?i7¤·=°¤:;?;<,fs3*‘”·;‘f-:~‘    ¢~><-e   — f
                ‘           · ’j   ( 4__r  
_,_ _,_ s A, .   .   _ , V _____;.______.   ._rc ,_;+i-i.-a- a-»»· -e»»——-—» -»--=-—

  ’  " — ·—~  ‘``‘ .`   ·4_   " ze".- =r*?'  =ir `  1.=r¤*‘— .-.~ i@;=1     —..._i:—- —.   >—...ar.- .-.,.... . V. .   ., .. . ... o .l
` it   7 -7     2     ‘   ‘ 7 A it          
‘ ` unl   .      . 1  
A   ctiaif    tz
    ·· —    ··-    
    s i },    T y p  -   
Tax Commissioner; County Board - 5 - §_#gai*?;6 <,*i_  
of Education; Health  
  :*75 5%* ;.;fi’?i}`{['1_*.» ‘.  isbn  F
    ~·‘?.;?*“e   at   ;>;i%¤;ia¢,% ,. * · 5  
#     *ii:;,E`;QT>`§?F’é.-   ‘.
· .   *~`T.~ 4¤·-;L.:¤>   — .=5¤e..;*..i’;...e  
65. When was the last coroner's inquest held? $*ia?* ¤,yxr$€¥;é3a;q§§vaa
  .-1   T;Yz;;sQ‘==fJ5# ·
  , r   P ` ,,..,_»· M "‘**.»n·   
Lg .-i' ~L.L(’Q‘;"   .€`
A |??~‘ A if     -. ’  
VI. TAX CONIII SSIONER '   ,·;F¥¤· ’_t·`  $2. ’ 
········· -·—··········—······—· · A w     · ‘,'.`+‘”‘J;=.e2.   _ .
ae- .~·`. Y' `=:~.      H"' *€·€'“?·u'Sl z  · r. `
    ·<-; e sri; ieee,  
'L>··:i.     1.*,; ::·::;..~‘ *.·;,;fQ—.·’i;¢ ; —·
          . -’>    
we   wi »?»fz,e   $*4 t»-·· e.—‘~ié:+*".*‘ ;
A Information for the answering of question 66 may be found in the Tax ;c < ·nT» yr ;rwpe‘ ._»· ~;;g;3§a;a
oommissionews office.   _’d‘_ an-   T..,__  
A .   c 4 sl “  I ;f{??;.3‘T>f?¤    . 
¤ —· ‘   . _ . .,; .>-;- * . ·j?J`   ·{ ·¢‘.‘—· r gn.;} 
. . I ’ <—4:f` r J ,.··. 2 ’~`·»L·-‘2.—·»`i . T-· ;·· '#$‘=- 
66. What was the assessed valuation of all county real and personal  .p · r»l»w );p·._,, _ ._    ;,,._ 
, property in l958? (See tax books) {_' Q'g?Z¥rg g ;;35§5tg;£f*
    ,,,· . c   .j1,;C" viilili 
·! . ‘;_;..1\_{4,.J=;.J*‘.._,_,,—.§ . 7.-
VII. COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ;ne~. , >* l**JT$;f%Xi<§%? ·*‘-
""_"*" "‘*""" "‘ """"""”' ·   7 g c,-‘ s . ,   _   . r=.;£_§.‘.4>Q§¢;£j
A ·‘ A.; _   -·   ·’i;.._,_r ‘_  ph 
.   c. .cc.,‘   5.   .;   ¥¥a;¢:.§i_;€1’;>i‘;.§2=2>¥gr 
The records concerning the county board of education will be found in   r C  
· »-.- - - '. 4 ’. ‘   .T*L;.';';.;. :$·;i`i    
the county school superintendent's of; ice, probably in his reports; also, p ·   1  o;»»:-.,,;_g,e?x  a, 
. . . * c *   .. ..   { 4-.· . ig'; —
in the county court order and/or minute books and the fiscal court order       _ _ _. _ f  
and/or minute books. Answers to questions 67 to 75, inclusive, may be found   `   _.ar      
in these records. .   l";;i?“Q      
  é". J . ,   " -     ,f_¥§E  At. 
67. How many pupils in county school system last year, ending June BO? yy e j . · »»··v_ .     Q p’——‘·  
V A r · ‘ * i - ` .71   ::2,, 
= ~ .   ici  ..-¤¢¤;==‘
68. How many teachers are employed? A; 7     ;»..,» ¢  
z‘ , ~ · ¤     ii  
69. Average salary of teachers? }             24 1,-e ai 
70. Any new school buildings recently erected or improvements made? _ A p a.e,     e'O`· _ ,»—V  
— 7l. Vxhat were the school receipts and expenditures for the last fiscal year'? if ‘ » 1 ~‘-· J ¤    
72. How many school buildings does the county maintain?     W w   A`; >»‘_  
7 ‘ , ';.4___`Zf,,
_ ; < Q ~‘ —"r Q_i:c;‘ig
75. How much money was spent by the county for education at a very early date? { · V _ p 34    
  74. Was land granted for school purposes; give deed volume and page'? E p c 7.   __; i  
75. Then was the first school established in the county? Give court order   I   Q; 
for erection of the first school in county. j s   ··    
Vlll. HEALTH 1 _ _ .°T*Qr· 
Answers to questions 76 to Sl, inclusive, may be found in the fiscal A · i»·' _·
court order and/or minute `books and in the records in the offi