xt7f7m03zb87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m03zb87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1938 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 09, 1938 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 09, 1938 1938 1938 2012 true xt7f7m03zb87 section xt7f7m03zb87 I I Q · 
A  l it
 l i¤ 1938· It will be their first °PP°*‘ l
. ‘ ' `     · IA "      fi tunity to see the nrst Wildcat elev- . {
Q ` '   " ` "“"` ` en as being developed under the { _
I ` It was three years ago on Thanksgiving day that the Wildcats scored their first vic- new setup In atmetlcs at the Uni` l _
‘ A zory over the Vols in 21 decade. The Turkey—day game this season will be played in Knox- VBI`Slty. K€I1IZuCky 10Sb 3. hard -
* A Elie. Kentuckyis biggest home game this year will be with Alabama, October 29, on fought game to Alabama On the ‘ ` 
A0 {   "°m°°°mmg dah homecoming day in 1936 by a score ·
  _·Tr——Y  or 14 to 0. {
  Wl d B ;   b A Kentucky fans admit that Ala- l ·
  ·  t t bama is much too strong for the Q j
ie clubs is A I       u S   Wildcats, however down deep in   i
i with me O . d I T I T eacliB§aAi1’s heart then; istthat fe$- `   i
sod. ing a with a good gh ing Wi - .r ‘
Syalfgrutlie    n       cat team "anything may happen?  
ic preerehr A Wildcat Boosters Clubs that have work periods between studying and Tmdent zfd M?S· 1‘g°;’?y gut be I
B ii Wildcat been organized throughout the football practice were too irregular. at dwg? U; iiun-lm 331 Hen S 1; `
D card and State by Bernie Shively, Ab Kirwan Athletes must have an income of me I? shy to Owglgb iifggmei and ; `
ind other membe1·s of the Univer- some kind to supplement the small uisiua .B ite? QQ attgnd ghmat t l
Jostelglitilig sity of Kentucky athletic staff now amount they receive on the granted it/ia;\1;;ii11;i;CB has Corrie if bl? sn ~
one . . - . - _ ,
Act by which Humber 12. A scholarship. Wheie was tihgh spend mtegrai part of Every homecoming A
Am for the In 0i·der to get a clear picture of mg meney t0 €°m€ fl°m· at was Homecoming will be olimaxod by _
This plan the purp°S€ of the B°°Sl°€1`S’ Clubs thehqucstmnj t th. t. the annual homecoming dance -
6 Executive it is necessary to review for a mo- T 9 ZUSVYQI 0 ls ques IOP was Wbiob will be givoo in obo large A
A ASSOCAAAA  boot Koiitookyo football history the Boosteis Clubs whereby it was bail mom OI. the Student Union A .
m thoritics ml the vast few Y€a1`S~ Kentucky made posslble that football players building During the course of the l
igttzn in err- fans have for a· long time know] core Earn extra  pending money dance SlJKY will award trophies to · li
Such a Dio. j that the best of the state’s football legilimalffly as 1S 1€Q¤l1‘€d by com tho Sorority and fmiomiiiy having _
Are Expected . material has always been lost to ference 1ul€$· the best decorated houses. ‘ ‘
Aim Clubs io A iiher schools for the reason that Members of the Boosters’ Clubs Good moslo will be furnished by ;
A other schools have been able to of- pay a membership fee of $10. The a prominent oi.ohoStmAA and old l 4
i becoming ter better financial inducements to money from the various clubs over iiioiids ond grads will be gothoiod i z
io Wildcat Y he Dl&y€1'S. the state is turned over to the busi- tllere and will bovo oA oliaiioo to I
to wilto to ’ In order to help check the flow of ness office of the University of KHP.- oobgratulato tho Wildcats and on- g
loo or the Talent to out of state schools the tucky where an employment fund joy o good d&ncB_ j C
A University. llmV§1‘Sity of Kentucky began the for football players a.nd other ath- Your Alumni Omoo will be glad l
offering of scholarships to the pros- letes is set up. A A A A A to help you secure tickets, hotel I
i€Ct1ve football players, Athletes participating IHA this i·oSol-votlooa oy tho llko_    
gd football Lexington merchants also triedo fund must work and are paid ac- So mark Saturday October 29, .  
;l under the ilén of giving the players jobs. But <§01'dmg to llw W01`k l5h€y _€l¤— EVBTY as a red letter day on your calen— T   ~- l
moment of ihis was not satisfactory either to J0b held by an Hthléié Wlll be u¤· dar and see the Wildcats give Ala- It `
lity is coin I he merchant or the player as the (Continued on Page Five) bama a battle royal. _
ire alumni ‘ “ I

 i  gf F   f  ;
  s w· v· wld *0 1 lt ’
  Q pOI'{ZS I’I{ZGI'S IGW I cats ut OO FOI' IQ38 '
; ~   j I Lexington Herald Sports Editor WILDCAT SCHEDULE Lexington Leudcr Sports Editgy M?
L.] r. B i ‘l
5;   ; E is itzgs S; ciasyi mattggtltglltitéatxe FOR 1938 mA? II§i1·vw;ankdoes1}’t have an idea  
 _i  < g v u 1 in 0 . . a en uc y wil have R ·
~  ·   the University 0f Kentucky Wild- Sept 2‘*—M”Y"‘“€ at L"x}“gt°“ Bowl football team this Seaimose gt?
  i cats will put on the Held against O°t·1"Og1€th°rP€ at Lexmgton But K-. h · , ·u
,  ; ix 5. _ Oct. 8—Vanderb1lt at Lexington _ UWM? W 0 isnt th0 type to Wt
 ,3 , the Southeastern Conference op _ sm around and mg e wh m tc
 at . g ptments this yeem Oct. 15-W. & L. at Leigmgton _ th_ _ · D eo there 8 ·
  t . . 0et.22-Xavier at Cincinnati me _ l¥0eS t0 be d¤r?e· does have a Ah
_ Y { t The Wildcats will be hardpressed Oct 29_A1abama at Lexington conviction that he will send a nght- mm,
,   , § _ for adequate reserves. N0V_5_GeOrgi2_ Tech at Atlanta ing _Wildcat eleven out onto the . '36, i
  j é The Wildcats will be 1lght·€l` than NOv_ 12..C]gmSOn at Lexington gmdlron thlS fall, ODE that will play their
  - t usual but not speedier than usual. Nev_g4..Ten¤eSse at Knoxville eood herd feetbell wei reflect credit t M1'.
‘  { · Q The Wildcats must put great de- mgththe jcgofzl evi? if it euds up cal G
  ta pendence on sophomore material. W a 9 °‘ On e Wm and loss Kent
  `   The schedule is as tough as any C0£;r§£l§£?£xg$glF§L¥gau Sheet - I luelu
 gi g team in the Southeastern Confer- g Football at Keiitueky this year is The"
  i ence should desire to tackle. The Wildcats le nilqg ames dennitely in the way oi beige e rtree
 ts. l . P y g - . ¤ J
 Ei? S Those points are facts. Now we thls fall and will be extremely for- ¤0b1e eXDe1‘11ne¤t. Thus, in a man- a'
    come to the theories, or rather we tunete if they Wm at bare meje,·ity_ ner of speaking, will be Kirwms T. Dell}
 gg -   should say, the theory. They will meet four Southeastern mst V0¤t¤i‘€ rn S0-called big league Cla}
gi- gg This iS_ Conference foes and only the rank- f°OtbaU· gig;
3;  _ gg . . . est optimist would give them a Yet Kirwan, first Kentucky grad- `
  ‘   thg`h%g¥;§;g§€ t§; téiigplgggegs meager chance of winning any one uate to become chief gridiron guide »  EE;
Lt {   the daWgOnd€St’tOugh€St Oumt mag of these games. Although they ca.n‘t at his alma, mater since White Guyn l is Lu.
: , ,· , . do any worse than last season, when had a flm · at the ob ba 1;
·¤· ! ever wore Kentuckys blue and spit . . . . g J C about Far;]
gg V Q! in the face of the mighty behO_ they tailed to score a point againet 1908, 1S a keen student of football of F]
__ _i moths of Alabama a. Conference opponent, they will as well as an inspiring leader of
{· ° V; V ` be facing fearful odds against Van- boys.
  gi There is nothing that the world · · . __ . ‘ ‘_‘
tg;   loves more than al Hghten derbllt, Alabama, G€01`g19· Tech, and Since graduation he has attended , i
_ tt V- _ _ _ Tennessee coaching schools every summer ex- ¤
Egg   And it fighting bell club is what They should defeat Maryville and cept this one, when he was busv t
Qf _ E University of K€“tu°k$t fans have Oglethorpe with ease, They should laying a foundation for better grid
{ ; g Dmed f°¥`.*·’·H these Yeats- _ top Washington and Lee despite clubs of Kentucky, and studied the
I » The Wildcats d0n’t have to wm reports that the Generals will be game under such teachers as the K
r ` A all. their games——that’s impossible, more potent than last year. Cer- late Knute Rockne, Dick Hanley, Bo  .·
; - this year anyway. tainly there was room for more po- McMillin, Lou Little and Dana  
` V They dem; have te beet Alabama tency on the Lexington, Virginia. Bible. In all he has received in-
; el- Georgia Tech ey TemteSSee_ team. The Wildcat games with struction from more than a dozen -
l [_ No one expects them to {Xavier and Clemson look like toss- of the c0untry’s leading coaches. Z`
l ' from this distance. It is not . · . · .  
_ Q e But what the Should d0`_a_nd HDS _ _ _ Returning this year are only 13 _:
· what Kirwan Sagfs they Wm d0_iS at ;11C;mpr¤bab1e1t1k¤t{boE£i Xavrer iettetmeii from what at best last  5
‘   to put up at iight against those iilckiangnigg Wil au; 8   year WHS Only a fair team, and with tj
_ t   C1ubS_ Fight ,€m umu theyu be glad though neitherc 8*;:31; has btggi-agi; sophomores slated for duty in a  
_ sz to hear the final whistle. Fight rem to do it b fm. Th Wm t number af mst **00 S€0°¤d·St““€  
‘ until the sweat rolls down into eyes W. S OV is .E‘ (10231 l F? berths, K11`We¤_ is to make his bow  
i g and they stm wondering where tg§ aS§rf€Wa“§;r§“ha "§‘S‘“°t“‘ m Cqlleerew rrrcler with e rrrrre  
— s those Wildcats will hit them next, closcpfor comfgrt re Em OO and inexperienced outnt, one tiiat  s
1 I .,N0 one Wm Ever make me b€_ Ther _   t will have to rely much on coaching  
__ Q Neve; I wom; even let them try to the Welés rio ggo breason obexpect and sp1r1t; to carry it through. _
3 make me bglievc that Kentucky this sgssoiiasmlglasi 3;*38 SKOLQBY The picture, however, is not al-  Y
I { boys ct,m»t Oumght boys from any a h h h ·’ h Y _?·V0 3 together- dark. Other schools have .
· git other state in the umeng- Kirwan {ww °°u" · “’t°. asnt ad t““° t° lest Stars from their squads aud t
_ = t Q Se_id_ Egg; ?OSta;°t;_lO1gLS géagggiilggdftitgg Kentucky has, as have the others
5 . . . —' h · — ' , ·
t , , b Determination to keep only thee- the 1937 squad, §‘§“§§ei‘;pb§;‘;°i§§y°QV*;§]°“§;ii€§°§,‘Z$  
' r igyipyilgg Sgcgvgsgllalgggtiggdcsgizlg §till, the irrespressible Kirwan pectations. If they do, it will be  tt
 . '   the coaches to time their Sprite §“}{}"’S am} msi “Y°“ “"V*”‘ m lust mat mech Of e h€1l°.t° Kl¥"““  
` _ I down to less than 45 men Of e , we aways have a chance to and his assistants, Bernie Shlvely. ·
. , these, no less than 26 me SbphO_ geat any team we play. We will Frank Mosely, Gene Meyers, anti  
 _ _ mores. Only 4 are SBmOrS· ake them as they come and {ight Joe Rupert, in their eiforts to strut ,_
r i l t Thus, ir the wiieeats are to make ;*§jn§§§I§gW§€§€;§Wt§°;&yI O‘;‘“t1j;;t K"“t“°ky °“ the "°ad ‘°"‘°k· -·he,
Q ;Ig¥kkuP;10n(;f 20;2§;1ninI§°r;1;§?;g until they beat us." Orgy eiaht of tthe eleveilt player? fi"
i rk . . , _ ——————— on e a —Ken ucky ne S0l00 1
iezeigéage necessary than m am 'F1l`St player to show up for prac- football team last year were Seu‘  Q
` %<;gk§;mSt<;l; tfleld Hwas Shegmtin tors. Of tthese teiglgth ngeldrepggi  I
_ . _ , pam. e is pro a y or prac ice a so e . tz-
. All high school students will be the best center in the South. He were Billy Black, back, of Paducah?  
y Q i admitted to the Oglethorpe, Clem- reported in top condition and tipped Harry Marcum guard, Sturgis?  
Soni and Washmgttm and I-*96 f00t‘ the Scales at 208 pounds. He spent Wlilliam Mitchell, back, of MadiS0¤'  
_ bell games for 250 Students WUI be the summer swimming, also tried ville; Alex Zachella, back, of N€W‘ ‘ `
`Y ?nV§cgn¤·SJ;`§€LD1Q0gY¤m at the W3Sh‘ golf but admitted it was a tough port; and Bob Scholtz. end. rf `
 tt g 8 gam°· eame. Louisville. l Elld A
 r { . {

• •
938 l Alumm Weddings \
SHIRE il o lt H t -
mm Mar yn ar on 1eat of Shel- home at 227 East Todd street, Lexington. They will make their
byville, Ky., to Isaac Lee Pearce, Frankfort. home at 309 Bassett avenue Lex-
~ an idea ex-student, of Lexington. Mr. Joy Meredith Edgerton, ’38, of ington.
a. Rose Pearce 1S connected with the Pure Lexington to Richard Marshall Edna Davis, ’34, of Lexington to
eason. Oil Company'of Lexington. They Rankin, ex-student, also of Lex- Marion Cogar Roddy of Midway,
,8 typeto will make their home at 216 Lex- ington. Mrs. Rankin is a member Ky. Prior to her marriage Mrs.
,8,, thgre mgton avenue. of Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Rank- Roddy taught school in Covington
ls have a Alice Lillian Amberg, *38, of Hiek- Ul JS C0¤¤€Ct€d_ Wllih tht! L€XiHgt0n for a number of years, Their home
ja Hght_ mms Ky__ to Milo Gist Karsnerl Cigarette Ser_v1ce Company. They will be in Corbin, Ky., where Mr.
(mtg {hg *36, of Lexington, They will make WIU make $h€1I` home in Lexington. Roddy is engaged in business,
will play their home lin Lexington where Irma Virginia Robinson, ’37, to Leslie Mae Todd to Alvin F. Cox,
ect credit Mr. Karsner is instructor in physi- Charles Pierce Reeves, *37, both of ’36. both of Lexington. Their home
Qlldg up cal education at the University of Lexington. Mrs. Reeves was a mem- W111 b€ iii Lawféncébufg. Ky-, where
and less Kentucky. Mrs. Karsner was a ber of Phi Beta, Theta sigma Phi, Mr. Todd is employed by the Ander-
_ ‘ member of Chi Omega sorority. Chi Delta Phi, Mortar Board, Cwens S0¤ COUIIW A. C. A-
is vem is Their lfme will be at 251 East High and was president of the Associa- Mary Margaret. Wolf, ‘38, of Lex-
`~   ‘ L exing on. tion of Women Students Mr ` to t 'll' ' -
mms a i1€€· . . ing n, o W1 iam G. Craig ex
I a mgm Jane Randolph Shelby, ‘32, of Reeves was a member ot Triangle student, of Middletown, Ohioi Mr.
Kh_wa¤,S ._ D3l1Vlll€. Ky., to Sidney Warfield fraternity, Lamp and Cross, and Craig is a member of Delta Chi
Hg league ~ Clay of Frankfort. Mrs. Clay 1S a president of Tau Beta Pi, honorary fraternity. They will live in Bowl-
t . member of Kappa Kappa Gamma engineering fraternity. Mr. Reeves ing Green, Ky., where Mr. Craig
k_ _ d _ sorority and prior to her marriage is plant engineer with the Lexing- is connected with the D. T. Davis
({5 gl? ` , was supervisor of the Kentucky ton Telephone Company. Company.
lf?] guide V Department of Education. Mr. Clay Anna Mae Wilson to Forrest Dorothy Frances CLu·ry of Car-
2; airy; { is an assistant trust officer of the Gregory, ex—student of Lexington. lisle, Ky., to Robert Bernard Hens-
f f mill It Farmers Bank and Trust Company Mr. Gregory is connected with the ley, ’36, of Burlington, Ky. Mr.
leagigr aof ¤ sr Frankfort. They will make their Montgomery Ward & Company of (Continued on Page Six)
{ 3.tt€l'ld€d   l W•ld , • I
mma- sx-   , 1 cats Coaching Staff for 1938 I
was busy   ` l
etter ¤rid    
,ud,€d°shs       .   J   ¤    
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of 2
' Endv z _ From left to right are Freshman Coach Gene Myers. Varsity Coach Frank Moseley, I-lend Coach Ab Kirwan. Vnrsity Line Coach
t and Athletic Director Bernie Shively and Freslininn Couch Joe Rupert.

 .   ~a - xii
i   1 L
      ,K€uiu•¤'   .
  ‘ Oct. 1—Oglethorpe - - - No. desired .........r. @ $1.25 $ ..,....,.....,......   fu;
{ ,V` Oct. 8—Vanderbilt ---- No. desired ..,..,.,.,. @ $2.50 S ,,............ . “ my
_  V . ’ I Oct. 15—Washington & Lee - N0. desired .,.,.,.,.,. @ $2.00 $ .....,,   ,... ~ .,`. fur
. _ ] g Oct. 29-Alabama ---— No. desired ......,..., @ $3.00 $ .....,,._., it gu
g ; Nov. 12—Clemson ---— No. desired ............ @ $2.00 $ ..._,.,,._, .   ti,
Q Registry fee - - - $ . , _.,. .20 Q be
A TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED.| $ ..... . .... .   1
(To the above prices the 10% Federal Tax has been added.) f_ Ch
 _ Indicate your seat. preference by placing an X in the Ci" Ch
- * · , ‘ - , T11
s ` · parentheses opposite your choice. Leave this blank if North ( ) Hlgh ( ) ‘ pk
` L · you wish to be given the best seats available. _S9Uth ( ) LOW ( ) · du
. , »   , ‘ Ed

 1   .
s  ‘ .
..—-.   .
iggiis Athlete Loses Leg t ·
_ U William s. Kmg, ex-student, me 1938 Football ROSte1’ [
  clay, Lexington, a Wildcat basket-
’   ball star in 1921 is recovering after »
  ° the amputation of his right leg comers Wt_ yn Home
I after having suffered from a block- . . . .
  ed artery for over 3, month Hmk€b€1H, Sh€1'm&I1 .............. 200 3 Louisville 7
S King scored thc deciding point Black, Harold ............................ 195 3 Covington i
jnivctsity that Won the Hrst Southern Inteiu BB.l1€y, JOSBIDI1 , ......................... 190 I P3.dllC&h ·
boi tWeii_ Coiicgiotc Athletic Association French, MBIVIH .......,................ 190 1 Melrose, Ill.
niAsscc1- tournament for Kentucky in 1921. Guards
ty Active In the final game of the tourna- _ _
tictii An_ ment, Kentucky and Georgia were Spickard, Thomas ................,... 190 2 Prmceton
ion, June, tied at ]_g-a]i when the regular Vlfes, Pete , ............................... 195 2 L0l.11SV111B·
nioying time ended However, e Palmer, Robert ........................ 195 1 Mt. Sterling _
tSfO110`V. Kentucky player was fouled just Willoughby, Emmett ............ 193 1 Winston, Qeorgia
, B_ I before the gun was fired, King who F1`1l3Z, Edward .......................... 183 2 New Britain, Conn.
e ittfgtni was Selected to try for the point McEneely, Bernard .,.............. 185 1 Chicago,   {
_ T» _ mado it good and Kentucky won Parda, Alex .............................. 180 2 New Britam, Conn.
]%e,i§aS` the game. Huddleston, Charles .............. 180 1 Benham
  1 1am . 1
John W, Tackles
$$1 Pit; i  $m¤I<€$*¤¢I° Effie,*}."Ifé1¥B;‘t1;i;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;;;;;;$38 3 EiE1’$tSiL‘iE.md
Eibner, John .................i.......... 215 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. ,
Crawford Is Torn DOWN Jacobs, Ed ................................ 230 1 Paducah
Ky. John A . Gamble, Lawrence ......i........... 195 1 Earlington
’ The old 1vy—covered smokestack,
1,   i 85 ieet high, whieh hed teweied Reed, Walter ......................i..... 195 1 Paducah ii
’7"Biekie2,Y over the campus since 1882 has Ends
[_. j been torn down by WPA workmen. . . 1 1 1
Mtg MC Pictures in past Kentuckians bore g,<;§;;,gg*¤ee};gQgm ‘‘‘'``‘``’‘'`'`'   i gggiigge
mute testimony to its beauty as al- M ecertii John ''‘'`‘'`''''’'`'`‘`` 180 i Chiee O Iii ‘ A
L Gregg?  " most every issue of the yearbook Martin xgheriee `‘'``‘'‘`‘`‘'`'’‘‘‘‘'‘ i,i8 i Hetieg’ ' —
{amy C10? featured photographs of the old . ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ _
n Robcit . . . Hardin, James ............,,............ 180 1 New Albany, Ind. V
_ _ stack—1n late spring when the 1vy Seett Neel 1,,5 i Birmiiieiiem Ale
3 Tiggigl _ ¥€aV,§,§e‘t§d€WQei‘?i“€ e*t;‘i§;e°fe§“;*§t; regatta, Gé`6}§é ``'. ` Q `.`.`.`.` [ .`e" f.`[f.`[f .`.`. 175 1 cincinnati, Ohio-
i_ Baikei, 1 iinime On iteiviiiee, D Spears, Lawrence .................... 200 1 Ceredo—Ken0va, W. Va. i
DV Elbert The heating plant served as the Quarterbacks   1
` · central plant for seven school . . » i 4
buiidiiiee uiitii it wee iepieeeei ieet Shepherd, Joseph .................... 169 2 Louisville 1 _ 
.  Jackowski, Ralph .................... 185 2 Chicago, Ill. 1.
_  October by the new plant that Ramsey Lieyd 1,,0 i Somerset
{ton _. now serves the entire campus. ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ . . ·‘ _
The structure housing the me_ Hammond, Claude .................. 185 1 Williamson, W. Va. _  
chinery of the old plant will also Halfbacks i 1
‘ be razed and the ground where the Q =
‘ gi;,5,iS¤¤¤¤ wm be <=¤¤vm€¤ me Stdfii %‘§$£d T1;:;;i;;;i;;;;i;;:;;;;;ii {Z2 { §Z§,“§1b1n,1, md. ,   - 
' Wiegand, William .................... 193 1 Louisville  
` Curtis, Fred .............................. 175 2 Nashville, Tenn. E
I ’ Powell, Donald ,.....1................. 195 1 Chicago, Ill. i
» Boosters Clubs Davis, Dameron ...................... 165 3 Dayton »
(Continued from Page One) Johnson, Bernard .................... 150 1 Lexington _ 1
der the supervision of the Univer- Fuubaeks E
. sity. 5 ,
There arc hundreds of jobs on lg/Iaeog Ctltielisear ........................   é lgettsgprolrjiteti Ohio ,
the campus that can be performed Iii- *i Cheri  '‘‘‘‘'`''`‘`‘`'``'''`'` 195 1 Pikeviiie ’ ‘ `
, by the ethietee, eiieii ee eiitting s mae, e .................... 1 ,
. lawns, keeping the football field ·
_ clean, washing windows and other 1
‘ such jobs. _ ~
  The size of the Boosters’ Club Wildcat’s games and no one except Hazard, Lexington, Covington, Win— 1 ;
fund determines just how many members of the various Wildcat chester, and Louisville. ‘ j
~ athletes may participate in the Boosters Clubs will be permitted to Alumni and friends of the Uni- ,  
fund. Thus the larger the fund