xt7f7m03z925 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m03z925/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1969-11-sep16. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-11-sep16. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1969-11-sep16. 1969 1969-11-sep16. 2011 true xt7f7m03z925 section xt7f7m03z925 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, September 16, 1969

       Under KRS 164. 170 the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
met in regular statutory session at 2:00 p. m. , Eastern Daylight Time, on
Tuesday, September 16, 1969, in the Board Room of the Administration Building
on the campus of the University of Kentucky with the following members present:
Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford S.
Blazer, former Governor A. B. Chandler, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Dr. Harry
Denham, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Mr. J. Robert
Miller, Mr. B. Hudson Milner, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, Mr. James H. Pence,
Mr. Floyd H. Wright, non-voting faculty member Professor Paul Sears and non-
voting student member, Mr. Tim Futrell. Absent were Governor Louie B. Nunn,
Mr. Wendell P. Butler, and non-voting faculty member Professor Robert W. Rudd.
President Otis A. Singletary was present as were the following representatives
of the administration of the University: A. D. Albright, Glenwood L. Creech,
Lewis W. Cochran, George J. Ruschell, Dr. Alvin L. Morris, and Stuart Forth.
Members of the news media also attended.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay, Vice Chairman, presided in the absence of Governor Louie B.
Nunn, who was out of the state. The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p. m.
and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. William R. Black. Mr. Clay welcomed
Dr. Otis A. Singletary, eighth president of the University, who was attending his
first meeting with the Board of Trustees since assuming the presidency of the Uni-
versity in August, 1969. Dr. Singletary thanked Mr. Clay and the Board members
for the opportunity given him to serve as president of the institution and pledged
his best efforts to provide the kind of leadership which the Board desired. Since
only two voting members of the Board were absent, a quorum was declared present,
and Mr. Clay announced that the meeting was officially open for the conduct of
business at 2:00 p. m.

       B. Resolution on Dr. Kirwan Presented by Governor Chandler

       At the request of the Chairman, former Governor A. B. Chandler read a
resolution prepared by a committee composed of Governor Chandler, Chairman,
Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer and Dr. Paul Sears commending Dr. Kirwan for his
leadership as seventh President of the University of Kentucky. A copy of the reso-
lution appears at the end of the Minutes.

       Following the reading of the resolution, Governor Chandler moved that it be
accepted by the Board, spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to
President Kirwan. The motion was seconded by Dr. Denham and passed unani-
mously. (See resolution at the end of the Minutes. )



       C. Secretary of the Board Elected

       Mr. Clay explained that it had been necessary to elect a Secretary to
 replace Mrs. Blazer for a brief period during the summer months (see action
 taken by Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on June 16, 1969). Mrs.
 Blazer was now able to serve again and, on motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by
 Governor Chandler, and passed without dissent, Mrs. Blazer was elected
 Secretary of the Board of Trustees to replace Mr. Bruce Lankford who had
 served on a temporary basis during June and July.

       D. President's Reportto the Trustees

       President Singletary called attention to PR 1, a copy of which was in each
member's folder, and recommended that the Board members read this report of
activities of University personnel since the last meeting of the Board on July 28,
1969. Because of a full agenda, he explained that he would not discuss the report
with the members unless they desired him to do so.

       Mr. Clay accepted the report on behalf of the Board and ordered it filed.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Since PR 2 was mailed to members of the Board in advance of the meeting,
President Singletary indicated he would be glad to answer any questions but first
wished to call attention to two recommendations: (1) the appointment of two de-
partmental chairmen, Professor A. J. Hiatt as Chairman of the Department of
Agronomy in the College of Agriculture, and Professor Charles W. Hultman as
Chairman of the Department of Economics in the College of Business and Eco-
nomics; and (2) the retirement of three long-time employees of the University,
Miss Martha V. Shipman, Miss Marietta G. Meeks, and Miss Jane Earle Middleton,
whose total service to the University came to over 126 years.

       There being no questions, on motion by Governor Chandler, seconded by
Mr. Black, and passed without dissent, PR 2, Recommendations of the President,
were approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
September 16 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, as its name indi-
cates, contains items which require Board approval but which are received too
late for inclusion in PR 2. Dr. Singletary indicated that Items I and III in the



report were routine matters but did call attention to Item II which recommended
that Mr. A. B. Hancock be appointed as a member of the University of Kentucky
Development Council. In addition, he explained that Item IV, approval of an
agreement between the University of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky
Research Foundation, would result in clarification of the relationship between the
two corporations in regard to monies received by the Foundation as reimburse-
ment for indirect expenses incurred in carrying out contract agreements with
sponsors of research projects. rhis agreement, in conjunction with anagreement
between the Board of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation, First
Security National Bank and Trust Company, and Commonwealth Life Insurance
Company, would satisfy the major points raised relative to the legality of the
purchase of Maine Chance Farm by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation
in a suit filed by former Attorney General Robert Matthews on October 18, 1967.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed
unanimously, PR 3 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of
the Minutes of the September 16 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 3 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       G. 1969-70 Budget Revisions Authorized (PR 4)

       Dr. Singletary explained that the budget revisions recommended in PR 4
resulted from increased income over anticipated income when the 1969-70 internal
budget was approved and recommended approval of the proposed revisions.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the revisions in the 1969-70
internal budget, as set forth. in PR 4, were authorized and approved. (See PR 4
at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Future Board Meeting Dates Approved (PR5)

       It being the desire of the Board of Trustees to meet monthly rather than
quarterly as specified by Statute, Mr. Clay asked the members to establish the
dates given in PR 5 as official dates for meetings of the Board of Trustees for the
remainder of the fiscal year. Such action would eliminate the necessity of the
Governor issuing special calls for meetings other than statutory meetings. On
motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Wright, and passed, the dates as set
forth in PR 5 were established as official meeting dates for the 1969-70 academic
year. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 6)

       The next item on the agenda was approval of the individuals who completed
work for degrees in August 1969. Dr. Singletary pointed out that the list included



631 persons, of whom 321 would receive graduate degrees, 6 professional degrees,
and 304 undergraduate degrees.

       On motion by Mr. Milner, duly seconded, and passed, the President was
authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appeared on the list pre-
sented as a part of PR 6 the degree to which he is entitled at the commencement
exercise on May 11, 1970. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       J. AAUP Letter Transmitted to Board of Trustees

       President Singletary said that at the request of the President of the
American Association on University Professors, he was transmitting a letter
from the AAUP addressed to members of the Board of Trustees relative to the
changes made in the Student Code by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on
July 28, 1969. A copy of the letter follows:



                       LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY

                          September 4, 1969

        To The Board of Trustees
        University of Kentucky

        The U of K Chapter of AAUP, after careful examination of
        the changes made in the Student Code by the recent action of
        the Board, wishes to express its profound concern and
        disappointment over both the content of these changes and
        the procedures involved in effecting them. The adoption of
        the original Code was the culmination of almost one full year
        of deliberation by all segments of the University-the faculty,
        the students, the administration and the Board. It resulted
        then in as near a consensus as is possible. Although the
        action of the Board in reviewing the Code was a consequence
        of the request of the Faculty Senate for certain changes, most
        of the substantive changes embodied in the new Code were
        neither envisioned nor even contemplated by the Faculty Senate
        and were therefore made without such consultation or consensus.
        We recognize that the Board and its Committee felt the pressure
        of time to meet the new school year. A period has now arrived
        when reflection and consultation are possible. Accordingly, we
        urge that the Board request the President, the Faculty Senate,


        and the Student Government, as well as the Office of Student
        Affairs, to submit their comments and recommendations on
        the changes. From such full consideration by all segments
        of the University, we can hope again to achieve the consensus
        accorded the original Code.

        On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Clay accepted the letter from
President Singletary and recommended that it be referred to the Executive
Committee of the Board for review and recommendation. Governor Chandler
so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wright and passed unanimously.

       K. Summary Audit Report for the University of Kentucky for 1968-69
Accepted (FCR 1)

       Dr. Denham, Chairman of the Finance Committee, indicated that the
summary audit report of the financial records of the University of Kentucky for
1968-69 as submitted by the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company
indicated nothing out of the ordinary and recommended that it be accepted. Dr.
Denham added that a management letter would be forthcoming at a later date.
Inasmuch as the report had been in the hands of the members of the Board
several days prior to the meeting, and there being no questions, on motion by
Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the summary audit report
was accepted without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Resolution Relative to Sale of Consolidated Educational Buildings
Revenue Bonds, Series C, Adopted (FCR 2)

       Dr. Denham reported that the Finance Committee had considered the
Resolution relative to the sale of Consolided Educational Buildings Revenue
Bonds, Series C, and recommended its adoption. He asked Mr. Ruschell to
brief the Board on the need for the recommended action.

       Mr. Ruschell said that the Resolution recites the history of the proceed-
ings relating to the Series C Bonds, acknowledging that the $103, 000 of Series C
Bonds which became due last May 1 cannot be sold, and provides for a public
sale of the remaining $4, 290, 000.

       The University has previously committed that it would sell the entire
$33, 643, 000 of the Series C and Series D Bonds, in order to give assurance to
Note purchasers that there would be a source of payment of the Notes. Inasmuch
as the University cannot sell the $103, 000 of past due Bonds, the Resolution pro-
vides that the covenant be made good by the appropriation of $103, 000 in cash
from monies in the "Revenue Fund" to the extent of any surplus in that fund after
meeting the Bond requirements of the Series A and Series B Bonds.



       The Resolution further provides for the establishment of a special fund
in the custody of Chemical Bank, New York, New York, into which there is to be
deposited for payment of the Notes which will become due in December, 1969,
(a) $4, 290, 000 from the proceeds of the Series C Bonds, (b) the $103, 000 cash
appropriation, and (c) enough from the proceeds of the Second Renewal Notes (or
from other sources) as will be sufficient to pay off the Notes which will become
due in December, 1969.

       In conclusion Mr. Ruschell made the following recommendation:

       That the Board of Trustees, in order to (a) make payment on certain
Renewal Notes which will mature on December 12, 1969, in accordance with the
Series C and Series D Resolution which was adopted on November 27, 1967, and
(b) renew the balance of said Renewal Notes by authorizing and offering for sale
the Board's "Revenue Bond Anticipation (Second Renewal) Notes" in such principal
amount as will be sufficient (supplemented by funds from other sources or not, as
the Board may hereafter determine), to (1) provide for payment in full of the
Renewal Notes, either at maturity on December 12, 1969, or upon call for re-
demption on December 11, 1969, and (2) provide for the deposit with the Paying
Agent which may be designated for said Second Renewal Notes, in escrow, of the
entire amount of interest which will accrue on such Second Renewal Notes from
the date thereof to the date of maturity thereof, authorize the sale of Consolidated
Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series C, in the amount of $4, Z90, 000 by
the following action:

        1. Adopt the Resolution (a) providing for the offering at
            public sale of the Bonds heretofore authorized, Con-
            solidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series
            C, in the amount of $4, 290, 000 and for disposition of
            proceeds thereof, and (b) providing and making availa-
            ble for payment of certain Renewal Notes which matured
            on May 1, 1969, and are now past due, the sum of
            $103, 000 in cash, to supplement the proceeds of the
            remaining $4, 290, 000 of the Series C Bonds. (Copy
            attached at the end of the Minutes. )

        2. Approve substantially the form of Notice of Sale of Bonds
            concerning the submission of sealed competitive bids for
            the purchase of the Series C Bonds. (Copy attached at
            the end of the Minutes. )

        3. Approve substantially the Official Bid Form to be used.
            (Copy attached at the end of the Minutes. )

        4. Approve substantially the Official Statement relating to
            the Series C Bonds. (Copy attached at the end of the
            Minutes. )



       The motion to approve Mr. Ruschell's recommendation was made by
Dr. Denham and seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer. The following members voted
aye: Mr. Clay, Mr. Black, Mrs. Blazer, Governor Chandler, Mr. Cooper,
Dr. Denham, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Hillenmeyer, Mr. Miller, Mr. Milner, Dr.
Nicholas, Mr. Pence and Mr. Wright. Voting no: None. (See FCR 2 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       M. Dr. Albright Recognized

       Mr. Clay recognized Mr. Griffin who said that since this was the last
meeting of the Board of Trustees Dr. Albright would attend before his departure
for a year's leave of absence in Belgium, he wished to thank him on behalf of the
Board of Trustees for the contributions he has made in his role as Executive
Vice President, to wish him well during the coming year, and to say that he
would be missed. Mr. Clay endorsed Mr. Griffin's statement and added his
personal thanks and appreciation to those of Mr. Griffin.

       Dr. Singletary said that Dr. Albright had been most helpful and co-
operative since his arrival and he hated to see him go. Hie added that a vice
presidency would be awaiting him upon his return in the summer of 1970.

       N. Statement by Mr. Clay

       For the benefit of the students and others who were at the meeting, Mr.
Clay said that he would like to assure them that the Board of Trustees are not
unmindful of their responsibilities to the students, the members of the faculty,
the legislature, and the taxpayers of the Commonwealth. The Board is open at
all times to receive any valid recommendation from any recognized body or
students on campus through the Vice President of Student Affairs or the Presi-
dent. This Board acts at all times in the best interests of the University.

       0. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mr. Clay
called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being duly made, seconded,
and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:17 p. m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Lucile T. Blazer
                                          Secretary, Board of Trustees

(Kirwan Resolution, PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, FCR 1 and FCR 2 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the September 16, 1969 meeting of the
Board of Trustees. )


The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky today pays tribute to:

                       ALBERT DENNIS KIR WAN

Seventh President of the University. Serving as president from August 10,
1968 until August 18, 1969, Dr. Kirwan in one short year earned for himself
the admiration, love and respect of students, faculty, and friends alike, and
his nationwide reputation as a scholar and an administrator gained added

A man of integrity and high ideals, calm and judicious, wise and understanding,
gentle yet firm, modest and unassuming, kind and thoughtful, a true friend and
loyal public servant, Albert Kirwan possesses in full measure all those attri-
butes which make for greatness. The tower, so appropriately named for him,
stands no taller than does the man.

He assumed the presidency at a time when the University was suffering from
growing pains and feelings of uncertainty over the future leadership of the
institution. With the help of his lovely and charming wife, Betty, Dr. Kirwan
brought to the campus a feeling of serenity and peace, renewed confidence and
strengthened morale. They extended the hospitality of Maxwell Place to
students, faculty and friends of the University who gathered there to enjoy the
warmth and graciousness of their home. A couple who share the same inter-
ests and the same love of people, Betty and Albert Kirwan make an unbeatable

President Kirwan, the Board of Trustees recognizes what you have meant to
the University of Kentucky throughout the more than thirty years that you have
been a part of it. As a student, Head Football Coach, professor and researcher,
Dean of Students, Dean of the Graduate School, and President, you have given
of your best always and you have played a major role in the growth of this
institution from a regional university to a university of national repute. Your
love for the University has been evident throughout the years and your willing-
ness this past year to sacrifice your personal wishes for the good of the
institution is deeply and genuinely appreciated. The wisdom of the Board's
appointment of you to head the institution during the interim period between
presidents has been amply borne out by the magnificent job which you have done.

Although we are saddened that orcr paths must now diverge, we are grateful
that we have had the opportunity to work with a man of your caliber, truly a
gentleman and a scholar. As you relinquish the presidency of the University
to take up other duties and responsibilities, we say auf Wiedersehen but not
good-bye for you will always be a part of this Board and of the University of




                        September 16, 1969


      The University enrolled 27,920 students for the fall semester.
A record enrollment, it includes 16,175 students on the Lexington
campus (including the Lexington Technical Institute), 10,129 in the
14 community colleges, 816 in the evening class program and 800 in
the extension class program. A breakdown by classification of
students on the Lexington campus shows 3,636 freshmen, 2,987 sopho-
mores, 3,344 juniors, 3,472 seniors, 2,171 graduate students, and
46 auditors.

      Individual colleges and schools list the following: Agriculture,
476: Arts and Sciences, 6,629; Business and Economics, 1,268; Edu-
cation, 2,240; Engineering, 1,050; Graduate School, 2,171; Law, 421;
Pharmacy, 190; Architecture, 281; Allied Health, 216; Home Economics,
287; Nursing, 253; Medicine and Dentistry, 512, and the Lexington
Technical Institute, 175. Enrollment in the community colleges:
Ashland, 1,001; Elizabethtown, 627; Ft. Knox, 445; Hazard, 244;
Henderson, 610; Hopkinsville, 472; Jefferson at Louisville, 2,148;
Madisonville, 239; Maysville, 326; Northern at Covington, 1,499;
Paducah, 1,060; Prestonsburg, 429; Somerset, 575; Southeast at Cumber-
land, 454. Dean of Admissions Elbert W. Ockerman pointed out that the
figures represent a 5.2 per cent increase in the Lexington enrollment
over last year's figure of 15,445. Freshman enrollment is up 12.1 per
cent, graduate student enrollment is up 3.5 per centand community
college transfer students up 29 per cent. Males out-number females
on the Lexington campus--9,277 to 6,379--excluding 519 students the
computer failed to categorize. The School of Home Economics also
noted a record enrollment of three males registered in its program.


      The College of Engineering has received from the Ashland Oil
Foundation a commitment to support partially and on a five year plan,
two professorships in the amount of $5,000 each per year plus two
graduate fellowships, each in the amount of $3,000 a year. The re-
cipients of the graduate fellowships will be known as Ashland Oil
Fellows, according to Dean Robert Drake. In response to the commit-
ment, the University addressed a letter to Paul G. Blazer Jr., of
the Ashland Oil Foundation, Inc., in which the action was termed "a
magnificent gesture of leadership and good corporate citizenship that
will greatly assist this institution in its move toward a new era of




      Fraternities and sororities, although a minority--about 2,500
in a student body of over 16,000--are painting a picture of community
service these days. The help fraternities and sororities offer the
community consists primarily of public-service work. All participate
in the United Heart Fund Drive. Each group receives a certain number*
of houses to solicit on Heart Sunday, and individual members go door-
to-door. This concentrated effort by the Greeks requires only time
and leg-work, but due to the help of the Greeks, the Heart Fund drive
is one of the most successful in the Lexington-Fayette County area.
A majority of the fraternities and sororities have their own public
service programs. One institution occupying the time of the Greeks
is the Cardinal Hill Crippled Children's Hospital. Kappa Delta
sorority has established a Girl Scout troop there and Alpha Gamma
Delta sorority and Delta Tau Delta fraternity are frequent visitors,
giving parties for the children whenever possible.

      Another project, by Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Alpha Gamma
Rho fraternity, is Blue Grass Boy's Ranch. The two groups, noticing
the large number of dogs at the ranch, built a dog run and a dog
house. Working together, they dug a foundation for a new barn. Kappa
Sigma fraternity also has aided children from Boy's Ranch and the
Lexington Orphans Home. They invited 15 from Boy's Ranch to their
house for a Christmas party, and during Easter conducted an egg hunt
for children from the orphanage. Sigma Chi fraternity collaborated
with Delta Delta Delta sorority and gave a party for pupils at the
Booker T. Washington School. Other fraternities and sororities give
oarties for school children on various occasions. Chi Omega sorority
worked with Delta Tau Delta fraternity to refurnish the playroom at
Christ Center in Lexington. They also gave a party, with Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity, at Shriner's Hospital. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
held classes in arts and crafts three times a week last semester at
the Lexington Salvation Army Home. They also worked at the Manchester
Home for Girls. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity serves the community in
different ways. They donate the proceeds from their pushcart derby to
charity. Last semester they kidnapped a number of sorority house-
mothers and demanded food for their ransom. With the ransom food they
were able to feed many needy families. One of the most widely-recognized
public service programs is the community relations program developed by
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Their round-table type discussions,
featuring noted speakers, has helped bring to the attention of the
campus and community many problem areas.


      A crime detection device, designed by a professor of electrical
engineering and developed by one of his students, has been demonstrated
by the College of Engineering. It is a tiny transmitter that produces
"silent" signals and recently was exhibited for Lexington police during
a display of crime detection devices at Stoll Field. A receiving set
picks up "beeps" from the transmitter, thereby indicating the direction
and location of the transmitter. It can be used in numerous ways as
a countermeasure to crime, according to Prof. John Jackson, who designed
it. The device was developed by Gary Hawley, a senior from Central City,
who is majoring in electrical engineering.   "A magnetic switch keys the
transmitter on automatically. It can be used as a silent burglar alarm
or as an effective deterrent to shoplifting," Prof. Jackson said.


- 3 -


      A total of 272 persons employed for five or more years by
the Physical Plant Division received pins in the first recognition
ceremony held by the division in 11 years,on August 1. President
and Mrs. A. D. Kirwan presided at the ceremony in the newly-
refurbished Memorial Hall, and Mrs. Kirwan presented the pins.
The employee with the longest service--43 years--in the division
is R. C. Stephenson, superintendent of plumbing.

      Besides Stephenson, pins for 25 years or more service were
presented to R. A. Berryman, A. Givens, 0. L. Kidwell Jr., J. W.
Kirkland, F. D. Maupin, W. Maxberry Sr., T. C. Oakes, L. Poole,
R. R. Reed, R. Reynolds, E. Sanders, P. Sanders, J. W. Shackleford,
W. Smith, A. C. Suter, H. Van Outer and J. E. Wood. Twenty year
pins were given to: E. L. Able, E. K. Bolton, M. A. Bradshaw, R. B.
Briscoe, J. A. Brumfield, R. Brumfield, J. W. Calhoun, C. Conn,
C. M. Dunn, G. C. Erhart, W. R. Fain, R. M. Figgs, W. N. Fulton,
H. T. Gabby, J. T. Gess, C. W. Grace, C. R. Greathouse, A. Hall,
J. H. Hill Jr., L. E. Hill, A. M. Kegley, H. Kidwell, 0. W. Kirland,
0. L. Kirtley, T. R. Looney, J. H. Long, J. K. Marks, H. E. McClure,
J. Q. Miller, H. B. Overstreet, C. G. Patterson, H. A. Shelby, S. B.
Sparks, E. Thompson, J. F. Walker, 0. Walling, G. P. White, J. P.
White and L. G. Younger. James E. Wessels is director of the divi-


      Board member Mrs. Rexford Blazer is a member of the board of
directors of an organization that hopes to upgrade the caliber of
the worker in Kentucky. Incorporated earlier this year, the
Kentucky Training and Development Foundation has taken the responsi-
bility to plan and implement the teaching of certain skills via
television., film or slide presentation. Established pursuant to
the development of Kentucky Educational Television, KTDF's purpose
is directly related to the latter. It was "formed to marshal the
state's resources--public and private--to help meet the occupational
training and development needs of the people." A statement of pur-
pose published by KTDF says it currently is working in the area of
post-school training and development. Programs now envisioned as
needed include preparation for high school equivalency tests, skills
training, and training for improved proficiency in management, the
sciences and professions. "KTDF is a non-profit corporation whose
purpose is to develop and maintain a total statewide program," says
Barney Stanley, assistant to Kentucky Commissioner of Commerce
Paul Grubbs.


- 4 -


      A recent study notes the economic impact Hazard Community
College is having on the Hazard area. Its full economic impact
has not yet been realized, says the researcher, William R. Miller,
Resource Development Specialist in Community Services at Quicksand.
Miller's study of college and student expenditures points out the
value of Hazard Community College to the community, not only as a
cultural asset, but "as a great economic asset as well." Miller
compiled the facts with the cooperation of the faculty, staff, and
a sample of 21 students who recorded their purchases over a 7-day
period last April. As a result of the presence of the college, he
said, an additional $17,500 is placed in circulation in Hazard each
month. Students spend $3,916.64 a month for such items as meals,
clothing, medical care, recreation, educational supplies, trans-
portation, postage, telephone, and personal items. In addition, 32
students receive $2,486.00 each month by participating in the work-
study program. This does not include fees paid by the students to
cover tuition.

      To this sum is added the faculty and staff salaries of $13,100,
and maintenance and miscellaneous operations ($471), bringing the
total to approximately $17,500 being funneled into the local economy
each month. This is approximately $200,000 annually which does not
take into consideration $40,000 received in tuition and fees from
the students. Miller pointed out that Hazard has a new "smokeless
industry-money multiplying itself many times as it flows through
the normal channels of business."


      Kentucky this year produced a record number of 5,845 new
teachers, 972 more than last year. A spokesman for the State De-
partment of Education at Frankfort noted, however, that "we still
have shortages in some areas and an oversupply in others." The De-
partment's report showed the University of Kentucky graduated 960
teaching candidates, followed by Morehead State University, 790;
Murray, 781; Western Kentucky, 771, and Eastern Kentucky, 701.


      A salvage program in the Licking River area directed by Dr.
Philip Drucker, professor of anthropology, to have been completed
early this month, is an example of the type salvage work carried on
for several years by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at proposed
reservoir sites throughout the country, designed to rescue archeology
materials before the reservoirs are filled. Licking River diggings,
contracted by the U.S. Parks Service, is in the area soon to be