xt7f7m03z900 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f7m03z900/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1986-04-may6. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-04-may6. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1986-04-may6. 1986 1986-04-may6. 2011 true xt7f7m03z900 section xt7f7m03z900 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Tuesday, May 6, 1986.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, May 6, 1986 in the Board Room on the
18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

       Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Constance P. Wilson.

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call
of the roll:  Mr. Robert T. McCowan (Chairman), Mr. William R. Black, Mr.
John S. Cain, Professor Timothy A. Cantrell, Governor Albert Benjamin
Chandler, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Mr.
George W. Griffin, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mr. Henry E. Hershey, Mr. R.
Larry Jones, Professor James D. Kemp, Mr. T. A. Lassetter, Mr. James L.
Rose, Mr. Bobby Watson, and Professor Constance P. Wilson. Absent from
the meeting were Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, and Mr.
Frank Ramsey. The University administration was represented by President
Otis A. Singletary; Mr. James 0. King, Vice President for Administration;
Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Art Gallaher, and Charles T. Wethington;
Dr. Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations; Mr.
Edward A. Carter, Associate Vice President for Planning and Budget; Mr.
John C. Darsie, General Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen, Controller and
Treasurer; and Dr. Paul G. Sears, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs.

       Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A
quorum being present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open
for the conduct of business at 1:05 p.m.

        B.   Minutes Approved

        On motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed,
the Minutes of the April 1, 1986 meeting of the Board of Trustees were
approved as written.

        C.   Meeting Dates Established

        President Singletary called attention to the schedule of meeting
dates for the Board of Trustees as established for fiscal year 1986-87
(see copy at the end of the Minutes) and announced that the June 24, 1986
meeting of the Executive Committee has been changed to a full Board
meeting on Wednesday, June 25.


- 2 -

       D.   President's Report to the Trustees   (PR 1)

       In reviewing his "Report to the Trustees," copies of which were
distributed earlier, President Singletary reported that 1985 was another
record-breaking year in private giving for the University.  He noted
that a number of large gifts were included in the $23.8 million total and
pointed with pride to the fact that over $126 million has been raised
from private sources in the past 16 years.

        He also called attention to the recipients of the 1986 University
of Kentucky Alumni Association Great Teacher Awards:  Professor Curtis E.
Harvey, College of Business and Economics; Assistant Professor Doreen E.
Hotchkiss, Jefferson Community College-Southwest; Professor Chun W. Ro,
Paducah Community College; Professor Eldridge Rogers, Hopkinsville
Community College; Assistant Professor Beverly Davenport Sypher, College
of Communications; and Associate Professor Jane G. Vance, College of Arts
and Sciences.

        President Singletary then recommended that the Trustees read the
report at their leisure which also included information on (1) the annual
Student Awards Night at which outstanding students were honored, (2) the
10 students who were awarded the 1986 Gaines Fellowships, and (3) the
Blazer Lecture Series at which Pulitzer Prize-Winner Daniel J. Boorstin,
Librarian of the U.S. Congress, presented the 1986 lecture.

        President Singletary reminded the Trustees of the dedication of
the new College of Pharmacy building at 4 p.m. on May 9 and the
Commencement Exercises at 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 10.

        Mr. McCowan voiced his enthusiasm about the level of private
giving to the University and stated that he could not feel better about
the enthusiastic support for the University from all parts of the state.
He indicated that these conditions were reflected very clearly at a
recent Development Council Executive Committee meeting when support for
the University was expressed not only for its programs but also for its

        E.    Executive Session Called

        The Board members, President Singletary, Vice President King and
Mr. Darsie went into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter and
potential legal matters. Following the Executive Session, the members of
the Board reconvened at 1:55 p.m.

        F.    Resolution Regarding President Otis A. Singletary

        Mr. Clay recommended and so moved adoption of the following
resolution regarding the appointment of Dr. Otis A. Singletary upon his
retirement as President of the University of Kentucky:

               WHEREAS, Dr. Otis A. Singletary has informed the Board of
        Trustees that he plans to retire as President of the University
        of Kentucky on June 30, 1987; and


- 3

              WHEREAS, Dr. Otis A. Singletary has tenure as a full
       professor in the Department of History and is thereby eligible to
       remain in that capacity until mandatory retirement age for
       faculty; and

               WHEREAS, Ashland Oil, Inc. has endowed a chair in the
       Humanities and expressed the hope that it should first be filled
       by Dr. Otis A. Singletary upon his retirement as President; now

               BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby (1)
        appoints Dr. Otis A. Singletary as President Emeritus and
        Professor of History upon his retirement as President; (2)
        appoints Dr. Otis A. Singletary to fill the Chair in the
        Humanities funded by a gift from Ashland Oil, Inc. and accepted
        by the Board of Trustees January 21, 1986; and (3) authorizes the
        Chairman of the Board to negotiate an agreement with Dr.
        Singletary to be effective upon his retirement as President of
        the University of Kentucky.

        Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Mr. Hershey and unanimously

        G.    Resolution Regarding Liability Insurance Crisis

        President Singletary explained that a temporary emergency in-
volving liability insurance exists which threatens the normal processes
and functions of the University. He informed the Board that the
Trustees, Central Administration officers, and academic deans are covered
by liability insurance but that faculty and staff members are not. He
explained that University officials have tried unsuccessfully to obtain
coverage for these individuals. He indicated that the University has
hired an insurance broker, with national and international ties, to
assist in finding liability insurance coverage, and said that he hopes to
have a response from the broker within a month.

        President Singletary expressed his understanding of faculty who
may be reluctant to serve on committees which have recommending or
decision making responsibility. He added that the problems associated
with these procedures are not hypothetical.  One department chairman in
the College of Business and Economics has already resigned and an Appeals
Board has refused to make a decision because of the liability issue. He
informed the Trustees that with no liability insurance, the vulnerability
to law suits is a very real and legitimate concern. He pointed out that
the institution has incorporated in its procedures a collegial approach
to decisions affecting students and faculty; therefore, when faculty
and/or staff members choose not to participate in committee assignments,
there is a breakdown in the normal process. The proposed resolution will
give temporary relief so that the University is able to carry out its
administrative functions.

Mr. McCowan then read the following resolution:


- 4 -

             RESOLVED, that the Board, in recognition of the national
       crisis with regard to liability insurance, declares that a
       temporary emergency exists at the University which threatens to
       prevent the functioning of normal processes within the

             FURTHER RESOLVED, that in view of the emergency which
       exists, and in view of the Board's statutory responsibility to
       provide for the governance and operation of the University, the
       Board hereby authorizes the President to provide for appropriate
       substitute procedures when it is determined that any person,
       committee, board or other entity within the University is unable
       or unwilling to function, in either a recommending or decision
       making role. Prior to the promulgation of any such substitute
       procedures the President will consult with the University Senate
       Council or the Community College Council.

             FURTHER RESOLVED, that all regulations, delegations and
       rules of the University, to the extent same are in conflict with
       this action, are hereby rescinded and superseded for the duration
       of the emergency and until normal processes can be resumed.

              FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action be made effective
        immediately upon its adoption by the Board and that the Board
        hereby waives its normal rule requiring changes in the Governing
        Regulations to lay on the table for thirty (30) days prior to
        action thereon.

              FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its intent to
        rescind this emergency action when it determines that the current
        crisis is at an end.

        Mr. Griffin moved, and Mr. Rose seconded, that the resolution be
adopted.  Professor Wilson expressed concern with any emergency "war
powers" which she felt would create some discomfort among faculty. She
urged the President to encourage faculty and staff to secure their own
liability insurance. President Singletary responded that the emergency
procedures would only be placed in effect when it is determined that any
person, committee, board or other entity within the University is unable
or unwilling to function in either a recommending or decision making role.
Professor Bradley C. Canon, Chairman of the University Senate Council,
endorsed the resolution but added that he saw no real alternative.

        The question was called.  The motion was voted on and unanimously

        H.    Personnel Actions  (PR 2)

        In recommending approval of the appointments and staff changes in
PR 2, President Singletary called attention to the retirement of Dr.
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and Dr. Herbert
N. Drennon, Dean of the College of Communications.   He reviewed their
professional careers and reflected on their significant contributions to
the University of Kentucky.  Vice Chancellor Zumwinkle and Dean Drennon
were asked to stand and be recognized following which they were given a
round of applause.


- 5 -

        On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Professor Wilson and
carried, the appointments and staff changes recommended in PR 2 were
approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

        I.   Appointment to Board of Directors of the University of
Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 3A)

        With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black and carried, approval was given to the
appointment of Mr. T. A. Lassetter as a Trustee member on the Board of
Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation to fill the
unexpired term of Mr. Thomas P. Bell ending in 1988.  (See PR 3A at the
end of the Minutes.)

        J.    1985-86 Budget Revisions  (PR 3B)

        Mr. Rose moved approval of the budget revisions as recommended in
PR 3B. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed without
dissent. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

        K.    Acceptance of Gift from R. J. Reynolds Industries,
Incorporated (PR J3C-1)

        President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending the
acceptance of three gifts, the first being a gift of $212,000 from R. J.
Reynolds Industries, Inc. Mr. Griffin so moved. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Black and unanimously carried.  (See PR 3C-1 at the end of the

        L.    Acceptance of Gift from Maxwell H. Gluck Foundation  (PR

        President Singletary next recommended that the Board accept the
gift of $125,296.87, in corporate bonds, from the Maxwell H. Gluck
Foundation. On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Rose and
carried, it was so ordered.  (See PR 3C-2 at the end of the Minutes.)

        M.    Acceptance of Gift from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
(PR 3C-3)

        President Singletary then recommended the acceptance of the gift
of $150,000 from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.  The motion, which was
made by Mr. Watson and seconded by Mrs. Hayes, was voted on and carried.
(See PR 3C-3 at the end of the Minutes.)

        N.  Candidates for Degrees--Lexington Campus and Medical Center
(PR 3D)

        Mr. Black moved that the list of candidates for degrees in the
Lexington Campus and Medical Center sectors be approved as recommended In
PR 3D. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and unanimously carried.
(See PR 3D at the end of the Minutes.)


- 6

        0.    Medical Center Clinical Title Series  (PR 3E) and Proposed
Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 3F)

        President Singletary indicated that PR 3E and PR 3F should be
considered together. The first document, he explained, was a unique
proposal from the Medical Center which, if approved, would then be
implemented in the Governing Regulations of the University under the
proposed amendments in PR 3F and also incorporated in the Administrative
Regulations as a part of AR II-1.0-1. At the suggestion of President
Singletary, Chancellor Bosomworth presented a brief overview of the
proposal to establish a non-tenure Medical Center clinical title series
for appointments and promotions initially for the Colleges of Medicine
and Dentistry. He added that the faculties of the colleges and the
appropriate administrators in the Medical Center recommend the adoption
of the non-tenure series of academic ranks and titles. Professor Canon,
Chairman of the Senate Council, commented favorably on the proposal which
he indicated had the approval of the Senate Council.

        With President Singletary so recommending, Mr. Black moved (1)
that the Board approve the establishment of a Medical Center Clinical
Title Series as recommended in PR 3E and (2) that the proposed amendments
to the Governing Regulations in PR 3F be received for preliminary
consideration and included on the agenda for action at the June meeting.
The motion, which was seconded by Mr. Hershey, carried without dissent.
(See PR 3E and PR 3F at the end of the Minutes.)

        P.    Candidates for Degrees--Community College System   (PR 4A)

        Professor Wilson moved that the degrees and certificates
specified in PR 4A be awarded to the persons named, upon certification
that the requirements for those degrees or certificates have been
satisfactorily completed. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and
carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

        Q.    Change in Division Structure--Southeast Community College
(PR 4B)-

        President Singletary recommended that Southeast Community College
be reorganized to reflect the creation of a fourth academic division:
Communications, Humanities, and Fine Arts. The motion, which was made by
Mr. Griffin and seconded by Mr. Hershey, was voted on and unanimously
carried. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

        R.    Patent Assignment  (PR 5A)

        On motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Professor Wilson and
passed, the routine patent assignment as recommended in PR 5A was
approved. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

        S.    Establishment of Fee for Correspondence Course Extension
(PR 5B)

        On the recommendation of Chancellor Gallaher and with the
concurrence of President Singletary, Mr. Cain moved approval of the
establishment of a $25.00 fee to be charged for a four-month extension of
completion of correspondence courses. The motion was seconded by Mrs.
Hayes and unanimously carried. (See PR SB at the end of the Minutes.)


- 7

        T.    Patent Assignment  (PR 6A)

        Mr. Rose moved that the routine patent assignment in PR 6A be
approved. His motion, which was seconded by Mr. Jones, was voted on and
carried. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

        U.    Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations   (TR 1)

        On motion made by Mr. Cain, seconded by Mr. Hershey and carried,
the proposed amendment to the Governing Regulations, which was received
by the-Board for preliminary consideration at its April meeting, was
approved. (See TR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

        V.    Presidential Search Committee Announced

        Mr. McCowan announced the membership of the Presidential Search

        Elected in accordance with the Governing Regulations and the
              Rules of the University Senate (University System):

              Dr. Mary Sue Coleman, Professor of Biochemistry (College
                  of Medicine)
              Dr. Wilbur Frye, Professor of Agronomy (College of
              Dr. Robert Guthrie, Professor of Chemistry (College of
                  Arts and Sciences)

        Elected in accordance with the Governing Regulations and the
              Senate of the Community College System:

              Mr. Timothy A. Cantrell, Professor in the Community College
                  System (Madisonville Community College)

        Appointed by the Chairman of the Board:

              Mr. Robert T. McCowan
              Mr. Albert G. Clay
              Mr. T. A. Lassetter
              Mr. Frank Ramsey
              Mr. James L. Rose
              Ms. Donna G. Greenwell (President-elect of Student
                  Government Association)

        Mr. McCowan asked the members of the Search Committee to remain
for a brief meeting following the Board of Trustees meeting.

        W.    Ms. Donna G. Greenwell and Mr. John Cain Recognized

        Mr. Cain introduced Ms. Donna G. Greenwell, who will serve as the
Student Trustee during 1986-87, and commended her for "a terrific job"
while serving as Executive Vice President of Student Government
Association this past year. Mr. McCowan welcomed Ms. Greenwell, and
expressed appreciation to Mr. Cain for his important contributions to the



       X.    Interim Financial Reports  (FCR 1)

       Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee had met on the morning of May 6 and reviewed the agenda items
to be presented for action, the first of which was the interim financial
reports. He then moved that the Board accept (1) the University of
Kentucky financial report, and (2) the summary report of revenues and
expenditures of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation for the
nine months ended March 31, 1986. The motion, which was seconded by Mr.
Griffin, was voted on and carried. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

        Y.    Adoption of Resolution Approving Issuance of Series L
Housing and Dining System Revenue Bonds (FCR 2)

        Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr.
Griffin that the following Resolution, which was read in summary form to
the Board, be passed and adopted; said Resolution was entitled as follows:


        (The full Resolution being attached to these Minutes as
        Exhibit 1.)

        Upon a vote being taken on the motion, all members of the Board
present voted yea.

        Thereupon the Chairman declared that the motion had carried and
that the Resolution had been passed and adopted and directed that the
same be recorded in the Minutes of the Board. (See FCR 2 at the end of
the Minutes.)

        Z.    Report on Leases  (FCR 3)

        Mr. Clay recommended and moved that the report on leases be
accepted and made a matter of record. His motion was seconded by Mr.
Rose, and it was so ordered. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

        AA.   Room and Board Rates 1986-87 School Year  (FCR 4)

        Mr. Clay recognized Mr. Robert W. Blakeman, Director of Auxiliary
Services and Acting Director of Housing, and Mr. Allen R. Rieman,
Director of Food Services, and then called on Vice Chancellor Jack C.
Blanton to review the recommendation in FCR 4. Through a series of
charts, Dr. Blanton explained the current and proposed room and board
rates and the amount of increase for each plan. He reported that, at the
request of students, a DinerCard would be introduced in the meal plan for
Fall Semester 1986. He indicated the plan had been researched and


- 9

explained the mechanics of the DinerCard. He reminded the Trustees that
the Housing and Dining System receives no state funds and is entirely
self-supporting, and that the proposed increase of approximately 4
percent is needed in order to meet the higher operating costs and
financial demands of the Housing and Dining System.

        Mr. Clay expressed thanks and appreciation to Vice Chancellor
Blanton and his staff for an outstanding job in preparing the detailed
proposal of the Housing and Dining System. He then moved that the room
and board rates be adjusted as recommended in FCR 4. Mr. Clay's motion
was seconded by Mr. Rose and passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the
end of the Minutes.)

        BB.   Gift/Maintenance Agreement With FBC, Inc.   (FCR 5)

        FCR 5 was withdrawn from the agenda.

        CC.   Report of Investments   (ICR 1)

        Mr. Geary, Chairman of the Investment Committee, reported that
the Investment Committee met on the morning of May 6 and reviewed the
report of changes made in investments for the three months ended March-
31, 1986. He then moved that the report be accept. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Clay and it was so ordered. (See ICR 1 at the end of the

        DD.   Amendment of Code of Student Conduct   (SCCR 1)

        Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Student Code Committee, reported
that the Committee met on April 1 and considered the proposed revisions
in the Code of Student Conduct. The Committee so recommending, Mr.
Griffin moved adoption of the proposed amendments to Article II
(University Rights of Students) and Article IV (The University as a
Supervisor of Residence Halls) in the Code of Student Conduct. Mr.
Griffin's motion was seconded by Mr. Cain and unanimously carried. (See
SCCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

        EE.   Meeting Adjourned

        There being no further business to come before the meeting, the
Chairman declared the meeting officially adjourned at 2:42 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    George W. Griffin, Secretary
                                    Board of Trustees

(Schedule of Meeting Dates; PR's 2, 3A, 3B, 3C-1, 3C-2, 3C-3, 3D, 3E,
3F, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, and 6A; TR 1; FCR's 1, 2 (Exhibit 1), 3, and 4;
ICR 1; and SCCR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the




The following dates have been established for meetings of the Board of
Trustees for the 1986-87 fiscal year:

                          August 26, 1986

                        *September 16, 1986

                          October 14, 1986

                          *December 9, 1986

                          January 20, 1987

                          March 3, 1987

                          *April 7, 1987

                          *May 5, 1987

                          June 23, 1987

*Statutory Meeting



                                            Office of the President
                                            May 6, 1986

Members, Board of Trustees:

                          Personnel Actions

Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:  Approved __        Disapproved           Other

Date:       May 6     , 1986




                         CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION


     A.   Leave of Absence

          Business Services

          Dawson, C. Leslie, Director, Management and Organizational
              Analysis, leave of absence for special assignment
              state government extended for one year, effective May 10,




                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM




               Madisonville Community College

               Hailey, William J., Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 3/17/86 through 6/30/86.


               Jefferson Community College

               Young, Barbara H., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), Sabbatical leave at
                    half salary, 7/1/86 through 6/30/87.



                              LEXINGTON CAMPUS



              College of Fine Arts

              Hersh, Alan B., Professor (with tenure)*, Music, effective

              Graduate School

              Robertson, Larry W., Associate Professor (without tenure),
                    Center for Toxicology, 8/15/86 through 6/30/88.


              College of Education

              Cross, Donald P., Associate Professor (with tenure)*, Special
                    Education, reappointed Chairman, Special Education,,
                    7/1/86 through 6/30/90.


              College of Agriculture

              MacKown, Charles T., from Assistant Adjunct Professor
                     (without tenure), Agronomy, to Associate Adjunct
                     Professor (without tenure), Agronomy, effective 7/1l86.

              College of Arts and Sciences

              Banning, Lance G., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
                    History, to Professor (with tenure), History, effective
              Eklund, Peter C., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
                    Physics and Astronomy, to Professor (with tenure),
                    Physics and Astronomy, effective 7/1/86.
              Elitzur, Moshe, from Associate Professor (with tenure),
                    Physics and Astronomy, to Professor (with tenure),
                    Physics and Astronomy, effective 7/1/86.
              Frank, Daniel H., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
                    Philosophy, to Associate Professor (with tenure),.
                    Philosophy, effective 7/1/86.
              Lee, Carl W., from Assistant Professor (without tenure)
                    Mathematics, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
                    Mathematics, effective 7/1/86.

*Special Title Series



Lorch, Robert F., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      Psychology, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Psychology, effective 7/1/86.
MacAdam, Keith B., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Physics and Astronomy, to Professor (with tenure),
      Physics and Astronomy, effective 7/1/86.
Prior, David J., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Biological Sciences, to Professor (with tenure),
      Biological Sciences, effective 7/1/86.
Selegue, John P., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      Chemistry, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Chemistry, effective 7/1/86.
Summers, Mark W., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      History, to Associate Professor (with tenure), History,
      effective 7/1/86.
Troland, Thomas H., from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      Physics and Astronomy, to Associate Professor (with
      tenure), Physics and Astronomy, effective 7,/1/86.
Ulack, Richard, from Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Geography, to Professor (with tenure), Geography,
      effective 7/1/86.

College of Engineering

Singh, Shivanandan N., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
      Mechanical Engineering, to Professor (with tenure),
      Mechanical Engineering, effective 7/1/86.

College of Fine Arts

Covington, Kate, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      Music, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Music,
      effective 7/1/86.
DiMartino, Vincent A., from Associate Professor (with tenure)*,
      Music, to Professor (with tenure)*, Music, effective
Foose, Robert James, from Assistant Professor (without tenure),
      Art, to Associate Professor (with tenure), Art, effective
McIntosh, Suzanne, from Assistant Professor (without tenure)*,
      Music, to Associate Professor (with tenure)*, Music,
      effective 7/1/86.
Gray, Harold Ross, from Assistant Professor (without tenure)*,
      Music, to Associate Professor (with tenure)*, Music,
      effective 7/1/86.

University Libraries

Birdwhistell, Terry L., from Librarian II (with tenure), Special
      Collections, to Librarian I (with tenure), Special
      Collections, effective 7/1/86.

*Special Title Series



         McAninch, Sandra, from Librarian III (without tenure),
                Government Publications Department, to Librarian II (with
                tenure), Government Publications Department, effective
          Markiw, Michael, from Librarian III (without tenure),
                Cataloging, to Librarian II (with tenure), Cataloging,
                effective 7/1/86.
          Mesner, Lillian R., from Librarian III (without tenure),
               Agriculture Library, to Librarian II (with tenure),
               Agriculture Library, effective 7/1/86.
          Olson, Laura L., from Librarian III (without tenure), Reference,
                to Librarian II (with tenure), Reference, effective


          College of Agriculture

          Massey, Herbert F., Jr., Professor (with tenure), Agronomy,
                from Director, International Programs, to Associate Dean
                for International Programs, effective 4/1/86.


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Krogdahl, Wasley S., Professor (with tenure), Physic