xt7f4q7qrr1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrr1k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Teachers Association  The Kentucky Teachers Association 1954 journals  English The Kentucky Teachers Association   Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, February-March 1954 text The complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. The Kentucky Teachers Association (KTA) Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, February-March 1954 1954 1954 2021 true xt7f4q7qrr1k section xt7f4q7qrr1k  









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First K. T. A.

Louisville, Kentucky
April 21. 22, 23. 1954


Mr. Richard Van Hoose Mrs. Agnes Duncan
Superintendent Principal


The Newburg School — Buechel, Ky.. Jefferson County


"An Equal Educational Opportunity for Every Kentucky Child"

















Life, Health and
Accident Insurance


Over 51 Years of faithful service to policyholdens
More than $36,000,000 paid to policyholders

and their beneficiaries since orgmfizctfion.


Kentucky Central

. Life and Accident Insurance Company

Home Office: Anchorage. Kentucky

E. H. Speckmun. R. H. West

4: ~--President Executive V. P. and Secretary






 The K.T.A. Journal

Vol. 1 February -- March, 1954 No. 3


Published by the Kentucky Teachers' Association
Editorial Office at 1925 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, President of K. T. A.

Atwood S. Wilson, Louisville, Associate Editor

Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Assistant Editor and Business Manager
Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge, Contributing Editor
Mrs. B. L. Douglas, Louisville, Contributing Editor

Published Bimonthly during the school year October, December, February
and April

Membership in the K. T. A. (Three Dollars) includes subscription to the


ll Editorial Comment






The school, which is featured on the cover page of this issue, is located at
Indian Trail and Newburg Road, Buechel, Kentucky.

It is known as Newberg Elementary and Junior High School.

It was built not only to replace the old Newburg School, which had long since

been outdated, but also to provide an adequate Elementary and Junior High pro—
gram for the community, which it serves.

The school is a one floor plan building containing 13 general purpose class
rooms, a library, a visual—aids room, a general shop, an art room, a home econo—
mics suite, a mathematics and science room, a music room, administrative and
physical education offices, and a very spacious and massive auditorium—gymnasium.

The exterior walls are of concrete, glass, and concrete block.

Because of its modern physical features, and fine teaching facilities, this

building is a source of inspiration and pride to teachers, pupils, and the community
as a whole.

This is the first Junior High School which has been constructed by the Jefferson
County Board of Education.







The Board of Directors of the K.T.A. voted to give annually several citations
to outstanding Kentuckians for educational achievement. Therefore several awards
will be made at the 1954 convention. Among these are the following:

(1) Prof. A. E. Meyzeek, over forty years a principal in the Louisville Public
Schools, ex—president of the K.N.E.A., civic leader and at present a member of the
State Board of Education.

(2) Mr. Jesse Lawrence, a teacher for many years in the Louisville Public
Schools, and a member of the Kentucky General Assembly. In the latter capacity,
he sponsored a revision of the Day Law, the result of which permitted Negro youth
to go to the University of Louisville and other colleges in Kentucky, to which,
heretofore, they were denied admittance.

(3) Dr. Blyden Jackson, an English teacher in the Louisville Public Schools
for several years. Recently he received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the
University of Michigan. He is now on the faculty of Fisk University. This year he
is to be a guest speaker on several departmental programs of the K.T.A.

(4) Mrs. Jane Spaulding, a guest speaker of the 1954 convention program.
She is a native Kentuckian, a graduate of Fisk University, was selected by Pres.
Eisenhower to be assistant in the Department of Health and Welfare. She is now
in an administrative position in the War Claims Commission at Washington, D. C.

(5) Prof. H. R. Merry, for more than thirty years the principal of the Lincoln—
Grant School at Covington, Ky. He has served for many years as president of the
Northern District Association of the K.N.E.A. He has also served as president of
the Negro Division of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
He will retire in another year.


Loyalty is constant, faithful and self—sacrificing devotion to an object, person
or cause. In the case of your profession, it might well be the Kentucky Teachers
Association. Annual enrollment in this organization will help express your loyalty.
The K.T.A. office is on the alert to receive the annual membership fee of $3.00
from each teacher. The voluntary membership of $4.00 is much needed to adequ—
ately finance our program.

The K.T.A. keeps you informed through its journals, keeps up interest in the
learning of our children by promoting the annual spelling contest, bringing speak—
ers of national reputation to help inspire and inform our teachers, promoting a
legislative program for teachers’ welfare, etc.

Be loyal! Support your organization! It supports you!

 K.T.A. Kullings


Rev. Felix Anderson, pastor of the
Broadway A.M.E. Zion Church of
Louisville, is now a member of the
Kentucky Legislative Assembly. He has
introduced a bill that would amend the
Day Law in Kentucky. If his bill is
passed, there can be integration of
white and Negro children in Catholic
and private schools provided the local
board of education approves it.


Mr: Charles R. Taylor, formerly a
teacher in the State Street School in
Bowling Green, Kentucky, is now
teacher of music and English in the
Dunbar High School of Somerset, Ken—
tucky. He returned to Kentucky after
teaching in Oklahoma and serving in
the Navy Department at Washington,

D. C.

Mrs. Katherine Taylor, speech correc—
tion teacher in the Louisville schools,
was recently elected chairman of the
Department of Exceptional Children of
the K.T.A.

Mrs. Agnes Duncan, principal of the
Newberg School of Buechel, Kentucky,
will entertain the Kentucky principals
with a noon luncheon meeting in the
cafeteria of her new school on Thurs—
day, April 22, 1954 during the K.T.A.

Mrs. Jane Morrow Spaudling, has re—
signed her position as special assistant
to Mrs. Oveta Hobby in the U. S. De—
partment of Health and Welfare. She is
now research adviser on the War
Claims Commission. She will be the
guest speaker at the Friday afternoon,
April 23, general session of the K.T.A.


Mrs. Theda Van Lowe, Principal of
the Douglass High School of Fayette
County, Lexington, Kentucky, has
written the K.T.A. secretary an enc0ur—
aging letter in which comments on the
sponsorship of the Future Teachers of
America conference of the K.T.A. and
also the fact that the K.T.A. Librarians
Department and SLAK (Student Libr-

ary Assistants of Kentucky) are planning
a spring conference on April 9, 1954.


Prof. C. B. Nucholls, Principal of the
B. T. Washington School at Ashland,
Kentucky and K.T.A. Director was a
guest sponsor over Station WCMI for
the “March of Dimes” on January 29,
1954. He and other prominent citizens
of Ashland were featured on a program
titled “Platters for Polio.”


Mrs, Anita W. Robinson, Secretary of
the K.T.A. held conference on Saturday,
February 6, 1954, with Miss Mary Titus,
Consultant for the National Education
Association, Miss Lillian Lehman, re—
presentative of the Kentucky Education
Association, and Mrs. Arline B. Allen,
President of the Louisville Teachers
Association. The objective of the con—
ference was to seek ways to improve
the relationships between local educa—
tional organizations and the N.E.A.


The William H. Perry Sr. Elementary
School was the first school in the
Louisville system to enroll 100% in the
K.T.A. for 1953—54. Most enrollees were
“Honor Members”. Mrs. Carrie F.
Smythe is the principal of this school.


Mrs. Anita W. Robinson, Secretary—
Treasurer of the K.T.A., has joined the
National Education Association and has
a Life Membership. The fee for a life
membership is $150.00.


Mrs. Clara Wendell Taylor, President
of the Lexington Teachers Association,
reports one hundred per cent member—
ship in the National Education Associa—
tion. They have been affiliated with the
N.E.A. for over twelve years. They have
sent delegates to the National conven—
tion, and they are planning to send one
to the convention this year. The Lex—
ington Teachers Association paved the
way for one hundred per cent member-
ships in the local, state, and national
organizations for the teachers of Lex-









Mr. W. Taylor Seals, Principal of the
Russell School of Lexington, Kentucky
has been nominated as a candidate for
the Board of Directors of the K.T.A. at
the 1954 convention of the K.T.A. by the

BluegraSs District Teachers Education

The annual spelling contest of the
K.T.A. will be held at 9:00 A.M. on
Friday, April 23, 1954, during the con—
vention. The preliminary written con—
test will be in room 102 of the Central
High School building and the final oral
contest will be in the auditorium at
11:00 A.M. Send your entry to the Sec—
retary of the K.T.A. at once. You. may
also write for a suggestive list of words
to help prepare a contestant. Each con—
testant must represent a city or coun-
ty school district. No district may- have
more than one representative.


The following constitutional amend—
ment will be voted upon during the
official K.T.A. election on Friday, April
23: That Article XI, Section 1 of the
K.T.A. Constitution be revised to read
as follows: “That the president or vice
president be eligible to succeed them—
selves after having served two consecu—
tive years, provided each or either re-
ceives two thirds of the majority of
votes cast at an annual election‘.” The
adoption of this amendment will re—
quire a two thirds majority of those


On Friday, April 23, 1954, members
of the K.T.A. will have the opportunity
to vote on a proposed constitutional
change, namely, that the annual mem—
bership dues be increased from three
dollars per year to four dollars per year.

The Fourth District Education Asso—
ciation of the K.T.A. has nominated
Prof. J. V. Robinson, Principal of the
Bond—Washington School of Elizabeth—
town, as a candidate for membership on
the K.T.A. Board of Directors. His name
will appear on the K.T.A. ballot for vot—
‘uormeAuoo 17961 31.13, 3,12 93 {rJdV uo Eur


K.T.A. Announcements

Prof. A. R. Lasley, one year president
of K.N.E.A. and now president of the
K.T.A., will be a candidate for re—clec--
tion. This would be his second year as
president of the K.T.A. His candidacy
is being supported by many of our lead—
ing Kentucky educators.

A constitutional revision will be
voted upon at the 1954 convention to
make the assistant secretary of the
K.T.A. eligible for election to a one— or
three—year term. This provision is al—
ready in the constitution regarding the


Presidents of our state institutions,
district association presidents, local
association presidents, committee chair—
men, departmental chairmen, officers
and directors of the K.T.A. are invited
to participate in the Principals’ Ban—
quet. This banquet will be held on Fri—
day, April 23, 1954, at 5:00 PM. in the
Central High School Cafeteria. Guest
speaker will be Mrs, Jane Morrow
Spaulding, Washington, DC. Reserva—
tions are $1.75 each. Persons eligible to
attend the banquet may bring a com—
panion. Send your reservations to Mr.
Atwood S. Wilson, Principal, Central
High School, Louisville, Ky., not later
than April 9.

Mauldraugh. Ky.

For All Boys In Kentucky
Ages 9 - 15

1954 Camp Periods:
June 21 - August 9

Fee: $14.00 per week
For information contact the
Chestnut Branch YMCA
920 W. Chestnut St., Louisville
Phone: IAckson 7714
Raymond Parks, Boys' Work Sec'y



President, A. R. Lasley, Hopkinsville, Ky.
lst Vice—President, William Wood, Harlan, Ky.
2nd Vice—President, Mrs. M. I. Egester, Paducah
:H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro, Kyi E. W. Whiteside, Paducah, Ky.
E. O. DaVid, Cynthiana, Ky. C. B. Nucholls, Ashland, Ky.
Atwood S. Wilson Consultant and Associate Editor of K.T.A. Iournal
*Terms expire 1954. Both will be candidates for re—election.
Secretary—Treasurer, Anita W. Robinson, Louisville, Ky.
Assistant Secretary, Robert S. Lawery, Louisville, Ky.
Historian, Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort, Ky.

A. R. Lasley, President, Hopkinsville, Ky.

Departmental and Conference Chairmen Room Page

Agriculture Teachers, P. I. Manley, Frankfort ________________ 201 14
Art Teachers, Mrs. S. S. Minor, Louisville ____________________ 333 13
Business Education Teachers, Alfred W. Eason, Frankfort _____ 313 17
Elementary Teachers, Mrs. M. R. Morris, Louisville ____________ 135 12
English Teachers, Mrs. Alice Samuels, Frankfort _____________ 205 17
Foreign Language Teachers, A. I. Richards, Frankfort _________ 204 14
Future Teachers of America, Hoyt Harper, Frankfort __________ 304 13
Guidance Workers, W. H. Craig, Covington _________________ 204 15
Home Economics Teachers, Mrs. Ada P. Hodges ______________ 103 17
Librarians, Iames O'Rourke, Frankfort ______________________ 316 16
Music Teachers, R. Lillian Carpenter, Louisville ______________ 230 11
Physical Education Teachers, W. L. Kean, Louisville __________ 318 14
Primary Teachers, Mrs. A. E. Bertram, Louisville _____________ 212 12
*Principals' Conference, Mrs. Agnes Duncan, Buechel ________ 218 18
Rural School Teachers, Mrs. E. B. Bennett, Louisville __________ 220 17
Science Teachers, Iames Washington, Lincoln Ridge _________ 302 14
Mathematics Teachers, A. I. Ramsey, Louisville ______________ 301 15
Teachers of Exceptional Children, Mrs. Katherine E. Taylor,

Louisville _________________________________________ 202 12
Vocational Educational Teachers, A. L. Iohnson, Louisville, ____ 203 15
Social Science Teachers, A. W. Wright, Frankfort _____________ 206 15

*Luncheon Meeting at Newburg School, Buechel, Kentucky, 12 Noon

First, Prof. H. S. Osborne, Princeton Second, Mrs. Pearl P. Arnetf, Madisonville
Third, F. 8. Simpson, Elkton Fourth, R. L. Livers, Bloomfield
Fifth, L. J. Harper, Louisville Bluegrass, Mrs. Clara W. Taylor, Lexington
Northern, H. R. Merry, Covington Upper Cumberland, Mrs. Johnnie Wood, Harlan

1954 Convention Committees — Chairmen
Legislative: Pres. R. B. Atwood, Frankfort, Room 102
Resolutions: Prof. H. E. Goodloe, Owensboro, Room 103
Vocational Educatin: Prof. Burdis Brown, Paducah, Room 104
Rural School Problems: Mrs. ldella B. Irvin, Hopkinsville, Room 105
Scholarship Loan: Prof. H. S. Osborne, Middlesboro, Room 13
Auditing: Mr. M. I. Sleet, Paducah, Room 138
Research: Dr. G. D. Wilson, Frankfort, Room 139
Necrology: Prof. G. V. Curry, Ienkins, Room 140 . _ .
Nominating: Prof: L. I. Harper, Louisville, and District Pres1dents
Room 137 .
(To meet Wed, April 21, 1954, at 7:00 PM. in Central High School Bldg.)












Outline of the F irst K. T. A. Convention

Meeting Place: Central High School
1130 W. Chestnut Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Central Theme: ”

Better Schools for a Stronger America"


Wednesday, April 21, 1954

10:00 A.M. Teacher Registration and
Setting up Exhibits

3:00 PM. Conference for Principals of
Kentucky, Mrs. Agnes Duncan,

3:30 PM. All City Musicale — Miss R.
Lillian Carpenter, Assistant Super—
visor of Music in the Louisville
Public Schools

7:00 PM. K.T.A. Committees meet in
assigned rooms (Central High

8:00 PM First General Session of the

K T, A (C H S, Auditorium)

. Welcome Address and Response

2. Address. Dr Benjamin J Mayes,
President Morehouse College,
Atlanta, Georgia

3. President’s Annual Address

4. Convention Announcements

Thursday, April 22, 1954

9:00 A.M. Second General Session of
K.T.A., Central High School Aud.
1. Necrology Report and Memorial


2. Report of the Nominating Com—

3. Address: Rev. Felix Anderson,
Representative to Kentucky Le—
gislature .

4. Address: Dr. Karl H. Berns,
Assistant Secretary for Field
Operations, National Education

11:00 A.M. Motion Picture at Lyric
Theatre for Visiting Teachers

12:00 Noon Meeting of District Presi—
dents, Local Association Presidents
and interested persons with Dr.
Berns in Teachers’ Cafeteria, Rm.

1:45 P.M. Special Business Session of

2:30 PM. Departmental Sessions of
of K.T.A. in rooms at Central High
School (as announced)

7:00 PM. Band Concert, Central High
School Auditorium

8:15 PM. Third General Session of the
K.T.A., Central High School Aud.
1. Report of Secretary—Treasurer,
Mrs. Anita W. Robinson
2. Address: Mrs. Edith Sampson,
Attorney, Chicago, Illinois
3. Awards and Citations

10:00 PM. Annual Social for Kentucky
Teachers and their escorts in Cen—
tral High School Cafeteria

Friday, April 23, 1954

9:00 A.M. Departmental Sessions of
the K.T.A.

10:00 A.M. 1. Joint Session of Element—
ary Teachers
Address: Dr. Ray Bixler, Univ—
ersity of Louisville

2. Joint Session of Secondary
Address: Dr. Blyden Jackson,

Fisk University and Mrs. Edith
Sampson, Chicago

11:00 A.M. Annual
Contest, Mr.



2:00 P.M. Fourth General Session of
the K.T.A., Central High School
1. Concert of Inter—School Orches—
tra, Jefferson County

2. Address: Dr. T. M. Stinnett, Na—
tional Education Association

3. Address: Mrs. Jane M. Spaud—
ing, Washington, D. C.

3:30 PM. Business Session of K.T.A.
Report of Resolutions, Legislative
and other committees

5:00 PM. Annual Banquet for Ken-
tucky Principals, C.H.S. Cafeteria

6:30 P.M. Board of Directors Meeting,
Room 140

8:15 P.M. 23rd Annual Musicale, Cen-
tral High School Auditorium

10:30 RM. Adjournment of Conven—



 General Public Sessions of K. T. A.


General (Public) Session

Wednesday, April 22,1954 — 8:00 P.M.

Seated on the rostrum: Past Presidents,
Past Secretaries, Officers, and De-
partmental Chairmen

Presiding: Mr. William Wood, First Vice

National Anthem — Mrs. Ruth Davis at
the organ

Music — Boys’ Glee Club, Central High

School, Mr. Frank L. Whitaker,
Invocation — Rev. Felix Anderson,

Pastor, Broadway Temple Church,
Louisville, Kentucky

Music — Boys’ Glee Club, Central High

Welcome Address — Mr. Jesse Law—
rence, Former Representative to
Kentucky State Legislature

Response to Welcome —— Mrs. Clara W.
Taylor, Pres. Bluegrass District,

Solo — “Morning” — Oley' Speaks
“There Is A Balm in Gilead” —— arr
by Hall Johnson — Miss Katherine
M. Bennett, Lexington

Address — Dr. Benjamin Mayes, Pres.
Morehouse College, Atlanta, Geor—
gia, Introduced by Mrs. Abbey C.

Solo — “A May Morning” — Weatherly

“The Wind” — Spross — Miss Rob—
berta B. Wylie, Hopkinsville

President’s Annual Address — A. R.
Lasley, President K.T.A., Hopkins-
ville, Ky.


Benediction — Rev. Morris Holmes,

Emminence, Kentucky


Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 9:00 A.M.

Organ Music — Mrs. Ruth Davis, Or—
ganist, Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church
Invocation —— Rev. Charles W. Owens,
Pastor, Lampt‘on Street Baptist
Church, Louisville, Kentucky
Report of Necrology Committee
In Memorium — Deceased Members of
the K.T.A., Service conducted by
Prof. G. V. Curry, Chairman
Report of Nominating Committee -—
Mr. L. J. Harper, Chairman
Music — “This Is My Country” — Tom
“Habernera” — Bizet—Remick
“Jesus Walked This Lonesome Val—
ley” —— Dawson — Girls’ Chorus,
DuValle Junior High School, Mrs.
M. E. Smith, Director
Address (to be followed by discussion):
1. Rev. Felix Anderson, Represen—
tative to Kentucky Legislature
2. Dr. Karl H. Berns, Assistant
Secretary for Field Operations,
National Education Association
Introduced by Mrs. Arline Allen,
Pres. Louisville Teachers’ Associa—
Benediction — Rev. W. R. Brown, Ash-
land, Kentucky


Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 1:45 P.M.

Presiding: A. R. Lasley, President of

Music — Audience Singing lead by
Mrs. Selma Flack, Accompanied by
Mrs. Thelma Hampton, Louisville

Special Committee Reports —

1. Vocational Education
2. Rural School Problems
3. Scholarship Loans
4. Research
New Business
Announcements and Adjournment

Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 7:00 P.M.

Band Concert (One Hour) — Kentucky
School for the Blind, Otis Eades,
Central High School, E. Alan White,






General Public Sessions of K. T. A.


Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 8:15 P.M.

Seated on the Rostrum —— Board of Dir—
ectors and Presidents of District
and Local Education Associations

of K.T.A.

Presiding — A. R. Lasley, President of

Invocation — Rev. H. H. Green, Pastor

of Jones Temple Methodist Church,
Louisville, Kentucky

Music — “To A Wild Rose” — Mac—
“Musetta’s Waltz Song” from “La
Boheme” — Puccini

“You’ll Never Walk Alone”—from
“Carousel” — Rodgers—Ringwald
Girls’ Glee Club, Jackson Jr. High
School, Mrs. Alyne M. Martin, Dir—

Secretary’s Annual Report — Mrs.
Anita W. Robinson

Music — “Sylvia” — Oley Speaks
“March of the Toreador” — Bizet
“Falling in Love with Love”
Boys’ Glee Club, Madison Jr.‘High
School, Mr. William R. King, Dir—

Feature Address— Mrs. Edith Sampson,
Attorney, Chicago, Illinois, Intro—
duced by Mrs. Lucille Madry, Louis—

Solo — “Mon Desir” — Ethelbert Nevin
“Release” — Gustov Klemm
Mrs. Marguerite West, Ashland

Award of Lincoln Institute Key — Mr.
J. Mansir Tydings, Lincoln Ridge

Citations — Dr. Blyden Jackson, Prof.
A. E. Meyzeek, Mr. Jesse Lawrence,
Prof. H. R. Merry and Mrs. Jane M

Benediction — Rev. J. S. Beverly, Pas—
tor, 1st Baptist Church, Paris, Ken-

10:00 — Social for Teachers and escorts
in C. H. S. Cafeteria


Friday, April 23, 1954 — 2:00 P.M.
Concert (One-half hour)——Inter—Sch001
Orchestra, Dorsey, Jeffersontown,
and Newburg Schools, Mrs. Jessye
H, Hamilton, Director

Invocation —— Rev. M. B. Lanier, Pres.,
Simmons University

Address — Dr. T. M. Stinnett, National
Education Association, Introduced
by Prof. H. R. Merry, Covington,

Music — “This Is My Country”— Ring—
“He Arose” — Spiritual
“Now The Day Is Over” — Barnby
Elementary Chorus, Lincoln School,
Mrs. Mary Catherine Larue, Direc-
tor, Mrs. Jennie Cooper, Accom-

Address — Mrs. Jane M. Spaulding,
Washington, D. C., Introduced by
Mrs. M. J. Egester, Puducah

Committee Reports:
1. Resolutions
2. Legislative
3 Auditing
4. Other Committees

(See page 5 for Committee Chair-

Benediction — Rev. E. T. Buford, Prin—
cipal, State Street High School,
Bowling Green, Kentucky



(I) >—‘|



T wenty—fourth Annual Musicale


Friday, April 23, 1954 — 8:15 P.M.
Central High School Auditorium
R. Lillian Carpenter, Mistress of Ceremonies

The Star Spangled Banner
“0 Bone Iesu” — Palestrina
“There Is A Balm in Gilead" — Dawson

"An' I Cry' —— Noah Ryder
Lincoln Institute Chorus, Mrs. Cynthia Gibson, Dir.
Czardas ________________________________________________________ Monti
*Iran Acton, Violinist *Genevieve Moss, Accompanist
”List! The Cherubic Host” from ”The Holy City" — Gaul
Alto soloist, luanita Hinds Soprano soloist, Lauretta Hicks
“The Roads End" — Purvis
Soloists, Lauretta Hicks, Betty Foster
Accompanist, Patricia McMillon
Girls Ensemble, Central High School
Mrs. N. B. Crume, Director, Louisville
"It Is Enough" from ”Elijah” ______________________________ Mendelssohn
*William Pearson, Baritone *Genevieve Moss, Accompanist
“Gloria" — Mozart
“Into the Night" — Edwards
Western High School Chorus, Owensboro
Mrs. Sara Osborne McClure, Director
“Sonnetto del Petrarca” No. 124 ___________________________________ Liszt
Thaddeus Reed, Pianist
“You Defy Me” — Giovanell
“Verdant Meadows" — Handel
”Grant Unto Me the Joy of Thy Salvation" — Brahms
”Every Time I Feel the Spirit” — arranged by Smith
“Don't Be Weary, Traveler" — Dett
Kentucky State College Concert Choir
Richard L. Iames, Director
Dance Ensemble
(a) Suite of Spirituals
Delores Gordon, Barbara Thomas, Ruth Cruse, Freda Ross
(b) Special Design —— Choreography
Delores Gordon, Freda Ross, Barbara Thomas
Kentucky State College Physical Education Dept.
Miss Winifred A. Jenkins, Director


*Students - School of Music, University of Louisville







Kentucky State College

Frankfort, Kentucky

Established 1886
A. B. and B. S. Degrees

In Agriculture. Biology, Business Administration. Chemistry.
Commercial Teacher Education. Elementary Education.
English. French Language and Literature. General Science.
History and Government, Home Economics. Mathematics.
Music. Music Education, Physical and Health Education, Social
Science. Sociology and Economics, and Vocational and
Industrial Education.

Two-Year Trade Curricula
In Carpentry. Welding. Radio Repair. Poultry and Dairying.
Registration for Second Semester — February 2. 1954

For Further Information Write:

Dean David H. Bradford
Kentucky State College
Franiort, Kentucky








Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky

“A” Rated High School


Regular High School Subiects
Vocations (Engineering. Bldg.
Trades. Home Economics and


Pre-Nurse Training —— Music

A safe. healthy and friendly
home for any child.













Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.


C. H. S. Auditorium
Wednesday, April 21, 1954
R. Lillian Carpenter, Chairman

Pupils of the following teachers will

Mrs, Selma Flack, Mrs, Goldie Hyatt,
Miss Elizabeth Minnis, Miss Emma
Minnis, Mrs. Henrietta Roberts, and
Mrs. Mattie L. Spencer.

(Programs will be distributed at the


Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 7:00 P.M.
“The Star Spangled Banner” —-
Francis Scott Key

“National Emblem March — E.

“Iris Waltz” — H. Bennett
“Sacred Overture” — W. Kirkpat—

“Stars and Stripes Forever” —— J.

Phillip Sousa
Kentucky School for the Blind, Mr.
Otis Eades, Director

“Our Director” — March — Biglow
“Procession to the Cathedral” from
“Lohengrin” — Wagner
“Vincent Youman’s Fantasy” ——
“The Phantom Regiment” — Leroy
“Warsaw Concerto” — Richard
“Washington and Lee Swing” —

Central High School Band, Mr. E.
Alan White, Director

Friday, April 23, 1954 — 1:30 PM.
“America, The Beautiful”——Samuel

0. Ward
“LaPaloma” — arr. by Joseph
“Star Dust” — Carmichael-Hermon

Marlee Thompson, Vibraphone
“At The Skating Rink”—Hoffmann

“Our Flying Heroes” —- March —

“Finlandia” — Sieblius arr. by

Trumpet Quartet, Virgil Dorsey,
Louise Gilbert, Marshall Anderson,
Alvin Warfield

“Waltz Serenade”—— D’Arcy Jaxone

“American Dance Melody"’—Willi—

Inter — School Orchestra, Dorsey,
Jeffersontown, and N e W b u r g

Schools, Mrs. Jessye H. Hamilton,

Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 2:30 P.M.
Room 230

Miss R. Lillian Carpenter, Chairman
Mr. L. A. Diggs, Co-Chairman

Theme: Devices Used for Embellishing
and Enriching the Music Lesson.

I Demonstration of Louisville Schools

Kindergarten — Mrs. Catherine Willi—

? ams, Paul Dunbar School

Second Grade— Mrs. Thelma Hampton,
W. H. Perry Sr. School

Fourth Grade — Mrs. Lena Warders, W.
H. Perry Sr. School

Sixth Grade — Mrs. Addie Black, Vir-
ginia Avenue School

II Evaluation

Planning Committee — Mrs. Marianne
Scott, Chairman; Mrs. Edwina Mc—
Farland, Recorder; Mrs. Elizabeth
Hicks, Mrs. Ruth Davis, Mrs. Eve—
lyn Beard

Friday, April 23, 1954 — 9:00 A.M.

I Demonstrations

Sight Reading, Grade Six — Mrs. Marie

Herd, S. C. Taylor School

Choral Techniques for the Adolescent
Boy Voice —— Mr. Gilbert Macfar-
lane, Choir-master and Organist,
Christ Church Cathedral, Louis—
ville, Kentucky. (In the demonstra—
tion Mr. Macfarlane will use boys
from our upper elementary grades,
junior high school, and members of
the Cathedral Choir.)

Friday, April 23, 1954 —- 10:30 A.M.

Brief meeting of instructors of instru-
mental music.








Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.



Room 216 (East Cafeteria)
Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 2:30 P.M.

Presiding — Mrs. Aora E. Bertram,

Song —— “America” — Audience


Greetings — Mrs. Aora E. Bertram

Introduction of Speaker — Miss Fannie
C. Taylor, Secretary of Primary

Speaker — Dr. Lottie Bernstein, Clinic-
al Director, Child Guidance Center,
Louisville, Ky.

Discussion Period

Closing Song


Friday, April 23, 1954 — 9:00 A.M.

Election of Officers

N. B.: After election of officers, this
department will adjourn for the
joint session at elementary teachers
to be held in the Auditorium. Dr
Ray Bixler, Psychology Depart—
ment, University of Louisville will
be guest speaker.


Thursday, April 22, 1954 — 12 Noon

Luncheon Conference, Room 208 (Tea
Room) Central High School
Sectional Meeting, Room 202, 1:15 P.M.
President: Mrs. Katherine Estill Taylor,
Speech Therapist, Louisville Public

Recording Secretary —— Miss Lucille
Haynes, Kentucky School for Blind,
Louisville, Ky.

Theme: Education of the Mentally Re—

Speaker — From the International

Council for Exceptional Children,
Headquarters: 1201 Sixteenth St.,
N.W. Washington 6, D. C.
Exhibit — Materials for Teaching Slow
Friday, April 23, 1954 — 9:00 A.M.
Business Meeting, Room 202


Thursday, April 22, 1954 —— 2:30 P.M.
Room 135 (Auditorium)

Round Table Discussion, “Remedial
Reading in Elementary Schools”
(In this discussion, the tremendous
need for remedial reading will be
emphasized as well as the various
techniques that are being employed
in developing reading skills at the
elementary level.)

I “Needs and Causes
Mrs. Ola Mae Crowley,
Mrs. Mary Baxter, West Point
Mrs. Bessie Thompson, Elizabeth—

II “Remedial Reading and Word Rec—
ognition Methods”
Mrs. Estella Gray, Russellville
Miss Alice D. Samuels, Frankfort
Miss Eloise Travis, Louisville

III “Vocabulary Development”
Mrs. Edith W. Bristoe, Louisville
Mrs. Anita White, Richmond

IV “Methods of Teaching Comprehen—
Mrs. Hattie Maddox, Louisville
Mrs. Serena Hurd, Louisville
Mrs. William Woods, Harlan

V “Developing An Efficient Reading
Mrs. Marie Nelson, Jenkins
Mrs. Mariannie Scott, Louisville
Mr. H. C. Mathis, Drakesboro

Summary— Miss Sadie Abstain, Jeffer—



1207 \Nest Chestnut Street


Louisville, Kentucky




Wot. 1021


 Departmental Sessions of K. T. A.



Thursday, April 22, 1954 —— 2:30 PM.
Room 333
Dept. Chairman, Mrs. Susan S. Minor,
Douglas School, Louisville
Associate Chm., Miss Margaret Taylor,
S. C. Taylor School, Louisville
Secretary, Mrs. Anna Huddleston
(Special Art), Lucie DuValle Jr.
High, Louisville
Discussion. “Evaluating Creative Art in
Group Leaders:
Mrs. Cleopatra P. Adams,
necker School, Louisville
Mrs. Mable 0. Clark, S. C. Taylor
School, Louisville
Mrs. Lucy Phillips,
School, Louisville


G. G. Moore

Mrs. Marjorie G. Tisdale, S. C.
Taylor School, Louisville
Special Feature —- Demonstration and

Mr. Maurice Strider, Art Teacher,
Dunbar High School, Lexington,
Ky. Mr. Strider will bring personal
art materials made and collected.
Planning Committee:
Mr. Robert Ewing, Charles Young
School, Louisville
Mr. Rollie Farthing,
Mr. Thomas P. Green, Frederick
Douglas School, Louisville
Miss Sussette Jone, Mary B. Tal-
bert School, Louisville
Mrs. Eliza E. Smith, S. C. Taylor
School, Louisville
Mrs. Lucille M. Wathe