xt7f4q7qrp95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrp95/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1917-04-03  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 3, 1917 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 3, 1917 1917 1917-04-03 2020 true xt7f4q7qrp95 section xt7f4q7qrp95  





a ting of he faculty was called April 3,
1317; with ant. In the absence of Presijent Barker,
Dean Anderson proijoo”

Th= Cka‘~mzu called attentzon to the lficl”&bility of the

rearrangement o; the Jniveroity ssheiule on Thursday on account

L? the presence of Dr. AB E9 Winshio in “exingtong whom it was

desire; to secure to address the students in chapel, Professor
welcher stated that Superintendent Cassidy had conferred with

J-A. v1

President Barker regarding this meager and Dr. J

inship had at

first been exyected to take the regular chapel period on Tues~-
day, but was unable to be here at that timee Cn motion of

Professor Jonas seconded by Professor Mathews. it was ordered

that the program on Thursday be arranged to permit of a chap~

3L period at the usual hour for this address“
Frofesso? Melchsf called attention to the imnor“

tancs of securing material for getting out the schedule of
studies for next year by May first, and stated that it should be

in the hands of the committee two weeks earlier than that



yeah Anderson called attention to the fact that on

the fourteen,h of October, last, the honorary.degree of LLeD:


had been votes for James Lane Allen amonc other sistinsuished
2 o a

persons honored at that time; On account of the rule that no

"uch degree is conferred in absentia, Mr. Allen having been sick
at that timea the degree was not conferred. Prof. Miller stat-
ed that it was believed that Mr. Allen was ill of an incurable
malady and he felt, therefore, that in View of this fact that

it would be appropriate to waive the University rule and grant
the honorary degree in absentiao A motion was made by Professor
Melcher and seconded by Professor Jones, that it may~ be rem
commended that the degree of LL.D; be so conferred on Mr. Al?

n his absence, if it be clear that he could not be presenta

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After a discussion by Professor Heeper, Professors Miller, Jones
Dantzler and others, the motion was carried also that the chair~
man appoint a committee to make further inquiry into the matw

tar and Professors Heaper, Jones and Dean Hamilton were op so












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uticn, after which, the meeuing adjournede


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