xt7f4q7qrp22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrp22/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1985-12 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, December 1985, volume 8 number 9 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, December 1985, volume 8 number 9 1985 1985-12 2020 true xt7f4q7qrp22 section xt7f4q7qrp22 !




December 1985


Vol. VIII No.9




If your ear picks up a strange ini-
tial when you call the office, or if
you noticed a difference at the top of
this page...you are attentive and

The Central Kentucky Jewish Associa~
tion changed its name to the Central
Kentucky Jewish Federation at the
Nov. 20 meeting of the board of direc—
tors. The first official announcement
of this change was made at the Annual
Meeting in November.

The new name reflects our affilia-
tion with the Council of Jewish Federa-
tions and is intended to more accurately
convey the community-wide functions
carried out by the organization.

Major activities include the annual
CKJF/UJA Campaign, budgeting and alloca-
tion of funds collected, community rela—
tions, community activities and social
services. In addition, the Executive
Committee sponsors the annual Shalom
Lexington welcome to newcomers, and
Interact, the young leadership develop-
ment program.

Through these programs, CKJF, and
similarly federations throughout North
America, seeks to strengthen the local
Jewish community and our ties to Jews
throughout the world.



The Council of Jewish Federations an—
nual meeting, the General Assembly, this
year reached new records in attendance.
3,012, and in the number of separate
sessnons, over 300.

Washington, D.C. was an appropriate
Site for this impressive gathering --
making it possible to meet with legisla—
tors, hear from key individuals about


many important issues of concern to the
North American Jewish community, and
share ideas with representatives from all
over the U.S. and Canada.

Representatives from Central Kentucky
stood vigil at the Soviet Embassy with
Avital Scharansky. We heard Yitzhak Rabin
present an Israeli perspective on Middle
East peace prospects. And we listened
intently as Ambassador Max Kampelman
shared his perspective on the U.S.-U.S.S.R.
arms limitation talks.

Much time was spent in work sessions
learning about campaign strategy, church-
state relations, and the nuts and bolts of
Federation structure and function. Major
forums dealt with the status of the Ameri—
can Jewish community in the political
arena, meeting human service needs, and
the condition of the European Jewish com-
munity forty years after the Holocaust.

Shabbat is especially significant at
the G.A. It was replete with special
study sessions, Reform, Conservative and
Orthodox services, and a Shabbat sermon
given by Dr. Louis L. Kaplan, President
Emeritus of the Baltimore Hebrew College.

Dr. Kaplan spoke on ”The Coming of Age
of North American Jewry, A Religious
Affirmation.” He used the growing ac-
knowledgement of our Jewish identity
through the quality and quantity of Jewish
observance at the G.A. as an indication of
a stronger commitment to Jewish values and
traditions in our own communities.

Attending as CKJF delegates were:
Gloria Katz, President; Gail Cohen, 1986
Campaign Committee Chair; Jack Miller,
CKJF past president and national board
member of the Council of Jewish Federa—
tions; David Wekstein, Community Relations
Committee chair; and CKJF Administrator
Judith Saxe.





From biblical times on, Jewish communi—
ties have always believed that charity and
the support of community institutions was
obligatory. CKJF tries to live up to that
obligation with a variety of programs.

To insure that our children maintain
their heritage, CKJF supports Camp Shalom,

a Jewish summer day camp. The federation
also sponsors preschool community holiday
parties, Jewish camp scholarships, and
fellowships for students at school in

For adults, we maintain an active edu-
cational program about Jewish activities at
home and abroad. CKJF supports the Jewish
Forum series, sponsors guest lectures
through the campaign, community activities
and community relations committees and
subsidizes mission trips to Israel and
Washington, D.C.

CKJF also provides a variety of services
to those in need. Our administrator, who
is a trained social worker, can refer people
with particular problems to a variety of
social agencies in Central Kentucky or to
Jewish agencies in Louisville and Cincinnati.

CKJF also maintains an emergency loan
fund to help individuals with short-range
financial problems. In a community that is
generally affluent, we cannot afford to be
unaware of those with social or financial

A community is not effective without
communications. CKJF's community relations
committee provides communication both within
the Jewish community and between the Jewish
community and the entire community of Central
Kentucky. Our newsletter is the major
effort of this committee to maintain aware-
ness in the Jewish community of activities
taking place. A speakers bureau is available
to non-Jewish organizations. A liaison is
maintained between CKJF and the public school
system to avoid calendar conflicts and to
serve as a resource for Jewish awareness and


And of course, it takes resources to
continue to raise resources for the acti—
vities of the Jewish community, both lo-
cally and worldwide. As with all chari—
table associations, a proportion of the
funds raised must be used locally to
generate new funds. We are pleased that
only a very small percentage of the CKJF
budget goes into administrative costs.

CKJF continues in the tradition of
Jewish charitable associations of pro—
viding for our local community as well as
making provisions for the needs of World
Jewry. After all, we in Central Kentucky
are a part of “one people, one destiny”.


The absorption of Ethiopian Jews into
Israel was made easier with the help of
American Jews participating in Operation
Moses. UJA plans to continue this work
through its regular campaigns.

There are about 2,000 Ethiopian
children studying in 25 Youth Aliyah
boarding schools, and many of them re—
quire special help. Their parents are
moving from absorption centers to fur-
nished apartments and job—retraining

The 1985/86 Jewish Agency budget calls
for SAS million to be spent on the ab-
sorption of Ethiopian Jews, an additional
$15 million for their vocational training
and $9 million more for their living
accommodations and education in Youth
Aliyah villages.












From tears to laughter would be an
accurate description of the Campaign
Cabaret held recently at Levas' Restau~
rant, co-chaired by Avram Levine, repre-
senting the Men's Division, GHd Sue
Ezrine from the Women's Division.

On Sunday evening, Dec. 8, the CKJF
Campaign Committee entertained a responsive
crowd with a bouncy, slightly naughty
musical review, spiced with wine, cheese
and delectable desserts.

But the most significant part of the
evening was the appearance of Annette
Dulzin, Israeli journalist, editorial
writer, and passionate advocate for peace
and Jewish survival.

Mrs. Dulzin spoke eloquently of Israel's
sacrifices in the pursuit of peace. She
described her feelings when she first
traveled to Egypt, following the signing
of the treaty between Egypt and Israel.

As part of Prime Minister Begin's official
party, the group was greeted by a military
guard, band and the flags of both nations.
For her, she said, it was reminiscent of
the emotions she experienced when, as a
child, she was rescued from the Warsaw

Israel, she pointed out, is walled in
by hostile neighbors, and the break in the
wall, represented by the peace treaty with
Egypt, is a significant opening.

Mrs. Dulzin also described the continu-
ing efforts being made to effectively
absorb the Ethiopian Jews who came with
Operation Moses and the need to maintain
our commitment to Project Renewal.

Many outstanding personalities have
visited the Central Kentucky Jewish com—
munity to share their passion for and
commitment to Jewish survival. Annette
Dulzin certainly reinforced that commit—
ment for Sunday's audience, heightening
our awareness that we are one people with
one destiny.



In the next column is a listing of
those who have permitted us to publish
their names by gift category for the
1986 Campaign, thus far.




$25,000 and above
Steven Caller

12,000 - 2h,999

8,000 - ll,999
6,000 " 7,999
A,OOO - 5,999

Michael Ades
Arthur Salomon

2,800 - 3,999
Leon Cooper
Halley Faust
Marvin Frank
Alvin Goldman
Erle Levy
Morris Rozen

2,000 - 2,799
Robert Baumann
Louis Dubilier
Steven Goldstein
Leon Ravvin

1,200 ' 1,999

Robert Belin
Louis Boyarsky
Bruce Broudy
Irwin Cohen

David 8 Aida Fine
Philip Hoffman
Avram Levine
William Levy
David Rose
Stanley Saxe

700 — 1,199
Michael Baer
Ted Friedman
William Leffler
Stephen Kesten

350 — 699
Kenneth Germain
101 - 345

Arthur Frank
Albert Lichaa
David Osser

H.D. Uriel Smith



$5,500 - 8,000
Susan Caller

u,000 — 5,h99
Penny Miller
Phyllis Scher

2 ,250 _ 39999

1,500 — 2,2A9
Evelyn Hymson

1,000 - I,h99
Evelyn Geller
Ellie Goldman
Sara Levy
Harriet Rose

500 - 999
Janice Brock
Gail Cohen
Harriet Cooper
Vinnie Dubilier
Karen Edelstein
Chris Eidelson
Susan Goldstein

Nancy Hoffman
Judy Levine
Marilyn Moosnick
Cheri Rose

Ricki Rosenberg
Simone Salomon
Judy Saxe

Nancy Scher
Hortense Wolf

300 - A99
Judy Baumann
Linda Levy

Pauline Levy
Linda Ravvin

150 - 299
Charlotte Baer
Lila Boyarsky
Elizabeth Broudy
Joanne Frank
Aida Gail
Gloria Katz
Nancy Kesten
Roz Rozen

50 - 149
Jo Belin
Lois Germain
Barbara Grossman
Ruth Osser
Libby Scher






Israel . . .

More than you can imagine.. .

Not an ordinary trip, but an extraordinary experience.

Jews from smaller communities around the United States will be
traveling to Israel from MARCH 23 to APRIL 2 as part of the United
Jewish Appeal Small Cities Mission.

The tour presents the opportunity to celebrate Purim in Israel. It
will also include briefings and trips to many popular tourist sites as
? well as an overnight stay at a kibbutz in the north.

Highlights of the tour will include visits to settlements and insti—
tutions which benefit from the funds we raise in our annual CKJF-UJA

3 Campaign. Opportunities to meet with Israelis from all walks of life


are also part of the itinerary.

Participants may also extend their stay in Israel or visit a
European country on the return leg.

The cost of the mission, not including any extensions, will be $1600
per person (double occupancy). A deposit of $200 per person is due by

Funds to underwrite trips are available from the CKJF Mission pro-
jgram. Recipients of a mission subsidy shall a) have given a minimum
monetary gift to the current campaign of 8500 (Men's Division), or

$200 (Women's Division), or be a spouse in a family where husband and
wife have given a total of $700 or more; and b) have never been on a
UJA mission to Israel.

’ Call the CKJF office for more information:(606) 252—7622.




Editor's Note: This is another in a series
of profiles on Jews who have been denied
permission to leave the Soviet Union.

Yosef Berenshtein's desire to leave the
Soviet Union has cost him nearly all his
eyesight. While in custody on false
charges, he was beaten so badly that he has
nearly gone blind.

Berenshtein, a mechanical engineer from
Kiev now in his late A05, applied to leave
the Soviet Union in 1979 with his wife,
Fanya, and their grown daughter, Yana.
Permission was denied on the grounds that
they had ”insufficient kinship” abroad.

All three were forced from their jobs.

Mr. Berenshtein protested the visa
denial and in 1980 was twice detained for
15 days. In 1982 he joined other refuseniks
in sending a letter of appeal to Jews world—

Last year, while on a trip to Novograd
Volynsk to clear up a charge against his
aunt, he was arrested on charges of ”re-
sisting the police.”

In December 198A, he was convicted and
sentenced to four years in a labor camp.

Two days after his conviction, he was
severely beaten in his prison cell.

His troubles at the labor camp are com-
pounded by his diabetes, making him unable
to tolerate the food.

Fanya Berenshtein has issued this appeal
for help to the Jewish community:

”All depends now on all of you...in every
meeting, in every conversation, at every
opportunity, I beg that the matter be
brought up in order to save him to whatever
extent he and his health can still be saved
...we are in desperate need of help.“

Mail to Mrs. Berenshtein can be addressed

to: Entuziastov 35, Apt. 1A7

Kiev 2521A7
Ukrainian SSR, USSR

1937), of Kiev, was arrested
on November 12 on charges of
allegedly “resisting arrest,”
‘ while in Novograd Vilinsky to
answer criminal allegations
against his aunt. On
December 10, 1984, he was
sentenced to 4 years
“crime" was actively seeking
to emigrate to Israel.






This year's CKJF Annual Meeting allowed
us to combine our year—end business with
some wonderful entertainment by four
talented young people.

During the business meeting, CKJF Pre-
sident Gloria Katz presented a brief an—
nual review of our federation. Reports of
the 1985 General Assembly of the Council
of Jewish Federations were given by the
delegates who attended.

Several presentations were made. CKJF
presented a plaque to WLEX-TV honoring
their 30th anniversary and a plaque to
Ohavay Zion Synagogue in memory of the
late Rabbi Bernard Schwab. Ken Kurtz,
News Director of WKYT-TV, presented to
CKJF a mezuzah in appreciation for his
nomination to participate in the recent
media tour of Israel.

Presentations were made to Jack Miller
and David Wekstein, former CKJA presidents,
on the occasion of their leaving the board
of directors and to CKJF office manager
Beth Altenkirch in appreciation of her
support and hard work.

Nominations for the 1986 board vacancies
were finalized at the meeting. The nomi-
nations are: Michael Ades, Stephen Bobys,
Janice Brock, Gloria Katz, Erle Levy,
William Levy, and Joe Rosenberg.

The highlight of the evening was the
musical sampler: selections of music
performed by Ruth Belin on piano, Daniel
Baer on violin, Andrew Diamond on piano,
and Aron Friedman on the French horn.
Their performances were spectacular and
a genuine treat for us all.

This year's annual meeting was a suc-
cess due to the outstanding leadership of
Sheila DeKosky. All those who attended
extend to her our thanks and appreciation
for a job well done.

J. J. J.

Sheila wishes to extend her sincere
thanks to those association members who
”pitched inll during set-up and clean—up
times. ”I certainly couldn't have done
it without you all and I truly appreciate

Sheila also wishes to reiterate thanks
to the four guest musicians and their
accompanists. “We are grateful for your

time spent preparing and performing.”






The CKJF board bids farewell to DAVID
WEKSTEIN and JACK MILLER. Both men have
lent their time and talents in leadership
of the Central Kentucky Jewish Association
for a number of years. Our federation has
grown and prospered under their guidance.

The officers and board and the entire
Jewish community extend heartfelt appre-
ciation for their outstanding service
and dedication to our community and world

DAVID WEKSTEIN, the only remaining
“survivor” from the Jewish Community
Association (JCA), has been on the board
for nine years. A past president of
CKJA, Wekstein has also chaired various
committees including the Nominating and
Community Relations Committees.

Wekstein has been active in past CKJA—
UJA campaigns, chairing the 1972 and I973
campaigns, and is a Men's Division captain
for the 1986 Campaign.

A past president of Ohavay Zion Syna-
gogue, he is a founding member and past
president of the Lexington Havurah. Un-
der his guidance, the Faculty Association
on Jewish Affairs was formed in 1984.

JACK MILLER has been on the board for
six years serving as secretary, vice
president and president. Jack and his
wife, Susan, coordinated the CKJA Jewish
Singles group for two years.

Miller is a past member of the Temple
Adath Israel board of trustees and past
president of the congregation. For many
years he served as advisor to the Temple
Youth Group and Ohio Valley Region of
Temple Youth.

He presently serves on the national
board of the Council of Jewish Federations
and is a member of various CJF sub-commit-
tees. Miller has served on a number of
CKJA committees including the Community
Relations Committee and is presently a
captain in the 1986 Men's Division Cam~
paign and chairman of the newly formed
ad hoc CKJF committee on Endowments.

Their presence on the board will be
missed, but we are certain their active
participation in the Jewish community
will continue.



CKJF President Gloria Katz presenting
certificates of appreciation to retiring
board members Jack Miller and David Wekstein.






The Social Concerns Committee of Temple
Adath Israel is pianning to join in the
commemoration of Martin Luther King's
birthday (Jan. 20) by means of a special
program after Sabbath service at the
Temple on Friday, Jan. 17. Services begin
at 8 p.m.

After worship there will be a panel
discussion between Rev. Benjamin Baker of
Main Street Baptist Church and Rabbi
Wiliiam Leffler, dealing with the signi-
ficance of Martin Luther King's effect on
American life.

The pubiic is welcome to attend. For
more information, contact Dr. Martin
Kaplan at 277-3992, Steven Bram or Rabbi
Leffler at 269—2979.











The Simon Wiesenthal Center, based in
Los Angeles, helps track down Nazi war
criminals and works to educate politi—
cians and the public about Nazism and the
dangers of anti—Semitism.

Named for the famed Nazi hunter, the
Wiesenthal Center aided in the search for
Dr. Josef Mengele, who conducted inhuman
experiments on Jewish inmates at Ausch-
witz. Representatives of the center were
invited by the Brazilian government to
verify that Mengele was dead.

Representatives of the center have
also met this year with leading Jewish
activists from Moscow and Leningrad about
a new wave of Soviet anti—Semitism.

An office of the center was also
opened in Toronto in an effort to bring
to justice the more than 3,000 Nazi war

criminals believed hiding in that country.

This coming year the center has a

number of new projects planned, including:

launching a massive campaign to ap-
prehend the 10 most wanted Nazi war
criminals still at large...among the
10 is Alois Brunner, who worked for
Adof Eichmann, and Hans Wilhelm
Koenig, a doctor at Auschwitz who
worked with Mengele to select pri-
soners to be gassed.

breaking ground in Los Angeles for a
Museum of Telerance, which will ex-
plore the nature and consequences of

working with Jewish organizations to
counteract anti—Zionism and anti-
Semitism on campus.

Editor's Note: This is one in an occa—
sional series of articles about agencies
supported by the CKJF. In 1985, CKJF
allocated $200 to the Simon Wiesenthal




Some years after the close of World War
II, a young rabbi sent to Germany by the
World Union for Progressive Judaism dis-
covered, amid the ruins of East Berlin, a
cache of documents from the destroyed
Jewish community of Amsterdam.

Rabbi Nathan Peter Levinson, who was
ordained at Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion in 1948, rescued the
collection and offered the AA,640
documents to his alma mater where they have
remained, in Cincinnati, for 35 years.

The papers, which had been looted by
the Nazis from Amsterdam's major Ashken-
azic synagogue, encompass engagement and
marriage contracts, civil marriage certi-
ficates, the transfer of sale of synagogue
seats, partnership agreements, cemetery
records and birth and death certificates.
They date from 1753 through 1939.

At the request of the present Jewish
community of Amsterdam, the documents
were recently returned by the college in
a formal ceremony attended by leading
members of Dutch Jewry. Dr. Alfred
Gottschalk, president of Hebrew Union
College, traveled to Holland to return the
papers to Leo Katz, president of the
Amsterdam Jewish community.

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion, founded in 1875, is America's
oldest institution of higher Jewish
studies. It trains rabbis, cantors,
social workers, religious school educators
and communal workers and offers doctoral
and post doctoral programs for scholars
at campuses in Cincinnati, New York, Los
Angeles and Jerusalem.


”ii s I?!

. When Your Phone Line

Becomes o Lifeline
MARCH 23, 1986




News 66% Notes


PHYLLIS SCHER, who received a beautiful,
hand-lettered Ketuba for her extraordinary
commitment to Project Renewal .............
and to PENNY MILLER, who received a Lion

of Judah pin in recognition of her level of
commitment to the annual campaign.

Both awards were presented at the re—
cent Women's Division Pacesetters luncheon.
The Ketuba is awarded for an ongoing
commitment of $2500 or more to Project Re-

newal over a 5—year period. The Lion of
Judah is given for an annual campaign con-
tribution of $5000 or more. Both awards
are only made through Women's Division.

SHARI ELDOT FUND.............$8700


The long wait continues for Shari Eldot
and her family and they have begun to
explore other sources for a heart trans-

The CKJF Shari Eldot Fund has grown
to $8700, but when the time comes this
will only be a token of our concern.

All contributions are gratefully
accepted. Please show that you care by
writing a check today to the Shari Eldot
Fund, c/o CKJF, 333 Waller Ave., Suite 5,
Lexington, KY 4050A.


Copies of the 1985 Annual Report are
available at the CKJF office on Waller
Avenue. Members of the community are
welcome to stop by and pick up one, or
call the office (252—7622) to have one
mailed to you.




CKJF board member Marilyn Moosnick was
the featured speaker recently for the
Memphis (Tennessee) Jewish Federation's
Business and Professional Women's Cabinet.
Fran Moskowitz Winstock, daughter of Mrs.
Adalin Moskowitz, is vice-president of
the cabinet.

this year's Herald—Leader article on

Hanukkah which appeared on Saturday, Dec. 7.

Thanks to Ruth Anne Faust it was a most
sensitive presentation of the joys and
dilemmas faced by a Jewish community living
as a minority in an Open society.




In this year's Annual Report there is
an incorrect title. Instead of ... the
Jewish Theological Society of America
it should read the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America.


HILLEL's new office is located at
IOAI South Limestone, just across from the
U.K. Medical Center. The office is open
from I to 5 p.m. Monday and Wednesday
and will be staffed by Lisa Campbell, a
student and secretary of the group.

Hillel also invites calls to 278—2525.




For January bulletin ......... 1/6/86
For February bulletin ........ 1/31/86


Gloria T. Katz, President
Judith Saxe, M.S.W., Administrator



333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky A0504

David Green, Editor
Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager














CKJF‘s Scholarship Committee has funds
available for young people who need
financial assistance in order to attend a
non—profit Jewish summer camp or who are
interested in participating in_ah educa-
tional program in Israel.

Camperships may not exceed 50% of the
combined cost of camp tuition and trans-
portation. Family income and circum-
stances which impose a financial burden

on the family are taken into consideration.

Scholarships for Israel study are
limited to not more than $500. They are
awarded to young members of the Jewish
community to assist them in strengthening
their commitment to Judaism. A recipient
must plan to spend at least six months in
Central Kentucky following return from
lsrael, during which time some form of
service must be given to the Jewish

All information provided on the
applications is kept confidential.

For applications or further information
please contact Evelyn D. Geller, Scholar-
ship Committee Chair, 3A93 Sutherland
Drive (40502), 606-273-8972 (between lO 8
II p.m.); or the CKJF office, 333 Waller
Avenue, Suite 5, (A0504), 606—252-7622.

DEADLINE for applications is APRIL I.



Mark your calendar. The next meeting
of Mitzvah Corps will be on Tuesday, Jan.
28 at 12 noon at Temple Adath Israel. It
will be a brown bag lunch with beverages

The program will be presented by
Mr. Victor Broaddus who will narrate a
very interesting travelogue. His presen—
tation will make you feel as if you are
traveling along with him. This program
is part of the Chautauqua
Series of the University
of Kentucky.

Do come and join this
lively group!


T.A.I. Slslerhood






Sunday, Jan. 12, 1986 at 3:30 p.m. the
Lexington Chapter of Hadassah is presenting
a special showing of ”Raisins and Almonds'l
at the Kentucky Theatre.

Admission is free to all 1985-86 paid up
Hadassah members, Hadassah associates and
Young Judaea members. Admission for all
others is $2.50 per person. Refreshments
will be served.

”Almonds and Raisins offers a gallery
of great performers who deserve a higher


place in film history....the materials are
enchanting....the structure celebrates the
artists....a sampler of a culture which

only seems foreign and long lost as first
A delightful afternoon awaits you!



a dmtbnonxxa'







The CKJF has received a letter from an
Israeli accounting student at Ben Gurion
University who is looking for work so that
he and his wife can raise enough money to
finish their studies.

Gil Goldraich writes that his tuition
has increased dramatically and that he and
his wife hope to save enough money from
working to be able to return to school.
She is a chemical engineering student.

Further information is available from
the CKJF office, 252-7622.



L’ Chaim

Did it ever occur to you that
the Jewish version is just a little bit different
from all the rest?

It’s not just a toast——

it’s a one-word summary of everything
we believe in.

am W W W5 way/74 W W

And thanks.




December 1985 - January 1986









‘ 26 27 28
CKJF office closed
29 30 31 l 2 3 q
—— CKJF office closed —-
5 6 7 8 9 10 ll
12 13 111 15 15 17 18
3:30 p.m. ”Almonds 8
Raisins” Hadassah
Membership function, 7:30 p.m. Ohavay Zion
Kentucky Thcach AduiL Education, 8 p.m. Hadasaah board 8 p.m. Hadassah Discus- 8p-TAI Brotherhood 5
”Role Changes E ch15h MCCLIng sion Group at Hanna Sisterhood Social
Tradition, #3 Smith's ”classic comic films”
Temple Auditorium
21 22 23 211 25





8 p.m. CKJF Board








 99909 A» bowl-3.191

cu 0N tin-00d 70907 no 'NOLDNIX3'I

OlVd S auns '3nN3AV UB'IWVM C€C

59 s



More people will participate in Super Sunday
than in any other national event of the 1986 United
Jewish Appeal Campaign. This is your chance to be
one of them . . . and make fund-raising history, too.

Join thousands of volunteers in federations
across the country in an all-out telephone drive—
to reach more people and raise more money in a
single day than ever before.

Give us two hours of your time on Super Sunday.

0 To call your friends and neighbors.

0 To ask them to join you in helping our fellow
Jews at home, in Israel and around the
world—through our community campaign.

The calls you make may determine the quality of
Jewish life in the years ahead.

Reserve your Super Sunday telephone now.

Co-Chairs VlNNlE DUBILIER and JOE ROSENBERG need your help to make Super Sunday '86 the best
ever! Volunteers are in demand to make telephoneTaTls and to provide a multitude of
support services. Call Vinnie at 223-Slll6 (before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m.), Joe at 269—2300
(after 5 p.m.), or CKJF at 252-7622. STRENGTHEN OUR LIFELlNE!

Sunday, March 23rd