xt7f4q7qrn9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrn9m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 2008 2008 2008-11-14 2020 true xt7f4q7qrn9m section xt7f4q7qrn9m ONE Last airtime: Cats must

defeatiFloridia for SEC title PM! 3‘

Second shot:

shows huma

In sequel. Bond
n side



lRll)A\, N( )VlMBtR I4, 2008

fails on
birth rates

By Rochelle Haliburton

news list-kernel rout

Kentuck\ has receiyed an l in a lid
tiorial ranking on premature births. a nation
al charity dedicated to iiiipro\tng prenatal
and nitani health announced this week.

In a report released Wednesday. the
March of Dimes rated Kentucky Myth out of
ill states.

.he grading method of the starch of
l)imes‘ Ztitih' Premature Birth Report (‘ard is
-\ to "l vs itii the preterm
birth rate for infants in each state determin-
trig the grade. A\n “ \" \\oultl riieaii a state
has a preterm birth rate less than or equal to
7.» percent. \\llllL' ”-l' would mean a state
has a pretct'iii birth rate greater than or equal
to IRS percent Kentucky 's rate is I53 per

l.isa lzchsnet. state director of the March
of Dimes for Kentucky. says three factors
mentioned in the report caid \\ ere whether
or not a noman smokes, \sheilier a ‘.\t"itttlt
goes to the doctor and whether the woman
will have an early (liesaiean section to de
li\er her baby.

"Kentucky got an 'l’ because the state
had some high risk iactois. such as a high
number oi “omen that smoke and \yomen
not haying instiiance. which results in them
not getting to a doctor tn the early stages ot
pregnancy. if at all." l1chsrier said.

The March ot Dimes it Ill release a new
report etet‘y year but “ill not ha\ e good data
for a ten years. lzclisiiei said,

l'clrsiiet' said the biggest factor that
needs to be \\orketl oti ill Kentucky l‘« sriiok~


based on giades ‘

trig. est‘aectally tl pregnant 'u‘tH'ilt‘lt .llL

New Premature a“ hath“ 8


Google system
good for more
than s *arches

By Alex Bloch

:wws tL‘kyko. tiN . tltT

Millions of people use the search engine
(ioogle e\et‘y day. On l‘l'ltltly. the l ls com
niuiiity “Ill be able learn about what riiakes
the Web site tick.

lit the lecture ”Data lriteiisit e Super
(‘oiiiputing Taking (ioogle Style (‘omput
ing Beyond Web Search." Randal l: Bryant
“I” talk about lio\\ (ioogle \soi'ks arid hois
the technology the search engine itses \\lll
be applicable in the future. The lecture is at
5:30 pm in the auditorium at the WT
Young Library.

(ioogle has an e\treriiely eltectiye \yay
of organizing and presenting information.
said {\lii'oslavy 'l‘i’us/c/ytiski. host of the lcca
titre. Search engines such as (ioogle are ac»
tually publicly accessible stiper computers.
Googlc and their competitors are now using
a new class of large-scale computer systems
Datavlntensiye Super computers. or l)lS(‘s.

Because of their ability to acquire and
maintain continually changing data sets.
there is the potential that these l)lS(‘s would
lead to breakthroughs in science. health care
and business. Tnis/c/ynskt said.

Any field that uses large amounts ofdata
could be a potential application as well. he

See Google on page 8




cast impacts travel plans

51.515992“ £599
iiewstikykerne! corn
Students choosing betiyeen
flying and driiing liotiie for
Thanksgiving \Hll prices
much different than last year.
The aierages for domestic
airfares Viei'e tip til percentage

s c' C

points iii the second quarter of
20th from the second quarter

of 3007. according to an ()et.
3‘) news release from the Bu-
reau of Transportation Sltlllsr

The axerages for regular gas
prices in l.L‘\lltgltilt. Kentucky
and across the country are down
from a year ago. The national
ayer'age is dovsii 90 cents from
this tiriie last year. With the Ken»
tucky and Le\ington ayerages
even lovver. said (‘liristophei'
Laktord. a [.estngton .r\.-\.-\

Price comparisons for travel by plane
car and bus to locations around the U S


It used to be too e\pen.si\e to
driy e and fly iiig home was a bet-
ter option. but this year was dif—
ferent. said Julie Knudsen. a UK
student from Illinois.

“It's been under a hundred
dollars every time l tllevvi home
.and this year it‘s close to Sltiti.“
Knudsen said.

Airfares at Thanksgiving are
generally higher and availability
is more limited than other times
during the year because of the
specific timeti‘aiiie people want

to fly in. said Darlene Silvestri.

corounci' ot :\\ ant lTLHCl,

"The hardest thing with
’l‘hanksgiyiiig [‘1 that e\ery‘one
wants to travel from Wednesday
to Sunday.” Silvestri said.
adding students especially tace
this because of classes,

Hesibility with dates generr
ally means better availabthty.
Silvestri said,

After weighing the options
yyith his family :\l\in Lane.
from Illinois. said the shorter
[line and greater com Cttlc‘nc‘e til
flying vyei'e deciding tactors

“lt \tould be the easiest for
all of us." lane saiti. ";\iitl it's
such a short amount of time you
don‘t want to lose some of it by

Buses are another option for
students trawling horiie tor

(irey’hotind raised ticket
prices 3 percentage points across

the board in April and has been
seeing numbers consistent With
last year. With a slight drop iii
some cases. said (irey‘lioiiiid
spokeswoman Abby Warnbaugh.

(ias rriakes up less than ll)
percent of operatitig costs.
Wambatigh said. The increase
iii ticket prices is for other op
crating costs that go up each
year. such as maintaining terrni

\Vttli airfares on the rise. and
despite gas prices being tloysii
nearly Sl from this time last
yeai. long distance 'l‘liauksgn-
iiig tra\el is espected to be
do\\n. according to figures liom

.»\.~\»\ is forecasting a slight
tlet rease tiom last year in the to
tal number of people traveling

See Travel tin page 8



.\l()\'l.\'(; Butt

)s 01919 ( i.\.\ii>t's

Jetty Hart, a hurtictiitutalist for UK 5 Physical Plant Dlv‘l's‘lltll. prepares to shoot a Streaming ‘5
at thousand tztjitt‘titrris Hart who has, heart shooting the sirens: on South Campus, std no new

0 bang th

to (101 the ll‘ttls' to leave

8y Hope Smith

nemflkvkernel corn

l'K‘s Physical Plant l)i\i-
sioii has found a solution to the
tetiiporary bird problem on
South Campus scare them
away “till a loud. whistling

The thousands of small
black birds that can be seen
circling the skies near dUsk in
search of ovemight shelter are

lf cowbirds are permitted
to gather in trees and parking
structures on campus it could
be a problem. said Jerry Hart. a
honictilturist for l‘K‘s Physical
Plaiit Division. The division
has gathered a learn of sis to
go out at dusk four to five
nights per week to scare the

birds oft cariipiis.

“They try to land around

dusk arid congregate in the
trees ,.
feel safe there." Hart said.

. They like foliage. they

The safest and most elfee

tive way to mow the birds is
to use a special handgun. simi<
lar to those used at track and
field meets. to fire a “Screamer
Siren” into the air near where
the birds are flying. said L'K
spokesman (‘arl Nathe.

The l5mm Screamer Sirens

shoot up about of) feet in the air
“screaming." If the birds are
kept out of the trees and contig-
ually flying instead of landing
in the trees. they eventually get
tired and tra\el off campus.
Nathe said.

See Firecracker on page 8

Hart holds Scmamtitq Saints in his hand
theirh The Sirens raus‘z‘v a . ‘tlt‘. st rewritten

“at "t tee":ed to it .i”

. \ ,7 , ”.4
ill"f»‘ t'trirtt‘l,

atone wtli the (1th" itstt-tl to fire
tttttst‘ ‘hat frightens twat Hart est:

mates to he ever 10 170 recital tttwhrtts away "om campus


Calligrapher pencils in weekend workshop to teach

Books of W. A. [)wtggins"
about a book designer. type
designer. calligrapher and au-
thor who founded the Society
of C alligraphers in Boston in
l9l9 and became the first to
describe himself as a “graph-

E! Rachel Sega

news®kykerrtel corn

His type is everywhere
~ on toys. watches and even
soup products.

This weekend. calligraph—
er and typographer Paul Shaw
will be at UK to teach stu-
dents the same techniques he
has used to design for compa-


. \

nies like Mattel. Rolex. Avon
and Campbell Soup. Shaw
will hold a lecture and callig-
raphy workshop this Friday
and Saturday at the Margaret
l. King Library.

Shaw teaches calligraphy
at Parsons School of Design
in New York.

At 7 pm. Friday. Shaw
will give a lecture on “The

ic designer."

lecture will
place in the Great Hall at the
M. l. King Library and will

ant. in the King L
Press. located in the

take Hand calligraphy.

be open and free to the pub—
lie. The calligraphy workshop
wrll he held Saturday

King Library. The graphic de-
.sign seminar Saturday will
feature practice in Rotunda

“The Rotunda Hand is a
type of writing that is sort of

medieval-ltmking." M. 1, King
libranzui Jim Birchfield said.
He said that Shaw will
give lessons on the art of cal-
ligraphy using examples of
text and exercises to practice.
Birchfield also said for those
who register for the work
shop. a continental breakfast
of doughnuts. orange juice
and coffee Will be provided

at 1)
M. 1.

art form

beginning at 8:30 am. Saturr

He recommends people
bring their own lunch. but all

materials needed for the
workshop Will be provided

To register for the work
shop. call (859) 257-8408 or
(859) 257-1742 or contact
klridbfiukyzedu. The cost for
the workshop is $25.

m 257-1915;“10“ 257-2872



 Pace 2 (

ruddy November i4, 2tlll8











Io get the advantage check the
.iay's rating it] rs the easiest
day. [l the most Challenging
Aries (March 21-Aprii19)—-
:oday is a 7 11111111 111 the
‘YlklUtl to catch 111 111111 rur read
no When you get like this 1,1111
1' 1n devorir stacks of books and
1 ragazmes
Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is 21118 - Fulton. through
1' the prote ects yUlJ .e 1lready
regurr Work IS owned b11111
s1 1 as hard as :1 mad to be
130111 go shopping until the
:heck clears, however
Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today (8 a 7 You re so busy
11111 may not he 111 11111111 .1? an
affectionate mood You're trying
'0 figure out how much .1011
have, and what goes where Set
.1 date for early next week
Cancer (June 22-July 22) -—
Today rs a 7 — Some 11‘ the
most important work takes












place behind the scenes You
can find out, for example,
what's really going 011

ton (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today is a 7 There's no time
for long conversations, but you
can update your plan Also,
make sure your assrstants know
how much you appreciate their

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is a 7 n Follow through
on a project that you've already
begun When this is done. you'll
have accomplished big changes
for the better at home it isn't
going to be easy, but 11 Will be
worth the effort

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) —
Today IS a 7 You're able to
reach out a little farther, and
make the difficult look easy
Accept input and support from
far away It can light a fire
under you and encourage you to
stop procrastinating

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —
Today is a 6 w Better check the
balance sheets while you're 111
the mood You're making big



40111 150111


plans and it's always good to

know where your resources are
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is a 7 Don't be dis-

tracted by somebody who's trying

to get your attention Finish what-
ever you’re working on first, or

there Will be trouble Hardly any‘

thing you do goes unnoticed lately
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
— Today iS an 8 — You're in the
mood to get things done, but cau»
tron IS advrsed Make sure you
get a contract, so you’ll know
how much you’ll be making.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ——
Today rs a 5 .v You can dream
about adventures, but it's not
easy 10 get away You'd have to
leave a whole pile of stuff that
you’ve been meaning to do

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —
Today is a 7 ,, It can be dithult
to listen to people who don't
agree With you It's a marvelous
skill to acqurre, however Just

let them know you understand]

and that you'll think about 11.

(1,; 2008 T' 3.1119 Media Si"’y‘t(9\


Today’ 5
Sponsored By:


816 Euclid Ave.

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your daily dose of entertainment pop culture until 011 WIPQP

Gossip Girls”
"adv romance

Blake Lively and Penn

I'I'le Dis" Badgely are gOing strong

“l‘liiiigs are great \xrth
tltcrrt.‘~ s.i)s .1 iiiiitii.il lllt‘lltl
ol the putt, ”llim‘rc: \t‘l)
close riiid 111st ic.ill_\ li.ippt "
l‘hc L';ls}:_'illiif_‘ couple is
L'L‘lill} L‘Clt‘l‘ldlt‘tl liadgiet‘s
23nd hirthda). .rrrd liclirtt’
thc l1.isl1.tlic lilltl’l‘ilkk .ittoi
told l s his \llL'Jlll hirtlrdat
.ictn it}. "\l_\ ItlL'Jl \\oiild lk‘
rest to go to .r l‘dl .11 ll :11 the

\Vlicir thett'c not him
111;. l.l\1.‘l}. ll. .1ird lit-i 111.11.
spend most ol their true time
together, \.l}s the source and
men collaborated on .1 pro
Biit'uck ()l1.i111.i .id tor
Mmdhtot'}: “lt‘s sortie
thing 1 our about] Budglc}
told l's. “so I \\.is glad to do
in) liit."

.iird .\ .itt'h .1 sott'cr

Michelle and Spike:
he's part of the family

l11\L‘l‘Il'Ll,\ \llc‘liL‘llc
Williams .1111] Sprite ion/c
seem to he \Cllllitf,‘ into .1
happs lilc “Illl Matilda. lit-1'
F)c.rr~old daughter urth
llCdlli l t‘xlfJCl’. ”( )lit‘ «1'
Michelle? linor’rtt‘
:thotrt Spike is him
Is \\ith \lulilda " s.1_\s
sotirt‘c plus; to lllL'
LlKltllk \L“ \h‘llK tellt s
'llit r‘ni
so corr.1ort.rhlt .rrrd eds} .1133;
each other.” ()11 (let :7. the
HOW-pill‘llt' Loriplc look .i
lt‘islll'u‘l5 stroll .11111 111 .rv'rr:
through llk'l' Brooklsn notch
borhood \\ hat else
Williams dig about her ‘1‘)-
)c.tr-old director lM‘dll) llL"\
"She is so hupp} to haw



L“ Hl lltc‘llr .ti't’


lilCl sorticoitc \\|1o l1.is her
some l.iidh.icl\ iiiciit.ilit).“
lllu' [\il lt‘lls l's "Slit lt‘lls .1”
her friends lio\\ firipp) she
is" \uoiids .1 ,lon/c p.il ol
lllL'll |Cl.lllilll\lllp. "It's wall)

sliilll-J I'lfjlil 111m ‘

Matthew and Camila hit
the road

llt‘t'l‘r ill llic littlt‘l Ul
lL‘\.t\. .\l.illllc'\\ \lt‘
( 1111.111yl111 l1.is hccn shim
3*. .irid tlicir >l‘iiiillllll old
son. l.C\i. his tools

\ll\'l \lsllilif.‘ the actor’s
rnolhcr. ls'rt \ltt‘onatight-t

\\liil lk'll\ l‘\ \‘l llt‘l
jit‘dtrdsoir. 'llc‘s l‘L'dlllll‘dl.
:tist so rrrclloo'" ~ the 1.1111
1|} took to his turnotrs
.'\ll\lit'.llll ll'.t!lt‘l'. tit \tliich
\it‘t‘orraiighcs. ‘1".I1.is been
your: them .1 111111 of liis
horn: lmr‘s :_‘Ull|:.' to
prim tip to he Lt “tinderliil
5.11:) \\l1o lt\\Cs lllic‘h

stale, ”

\il\ \

Jesse chooses Deanna
'l'Iti i‘lt’ll} [‘\\Cl‘iL‘Ll l"
l‘lL‘l the 1.\orii.rr1ol 1115
.vv*.1..11s Ir:ss1'('s11‘1.s.ils told
li' Hm lir‘
Intuit; ll. ‘~.r‘irr.i l’.ipp.rs on
11‘ llll_\ 7 1111;1'1.‘ ol 1hr
5.113. loiir‘th suisori. '\lltl
111.111 the druirri is met lire
\klro lr.1d liven plot
.1 \ld) :llll‘l \‘rL‘tl
11‘. unit ,\o\u111

l .. wilt-I prion-sir“;


1111111 to:
ding: split
'l)1-.\rii1i l‘l'tll’sL tip \\itl1
n(.\lilti.\|ls J1 s.ritl 111.1
.rdco posttd on lliLll \M l1

sitc .\o\ T. "I did cu-nthriig
111 111_\ pout-r111 it} .iiid 111.1lsc
lllls \\Ull\. .111 11:.it
pctsoir. hut \lk '.\.isrr't \\lll
111;: to ll} .iritrrioir " l'rr.rt‘s .1
1.11 \l_\ trorrr tlit'
l’.ipp.is \\lto told l s 111 lill\

\l \llk'-\ J if

1'1 \l.lllk

"l lllil\ l‘Cllk'\L' l lt.|\t' lrlfil
”TC pt'isor: l .1111 11:..1111 to he

\\lr.1l t.irr..' ‘x'l‘
11.1111 .‘(l

.t't’ti llrt‘
real L'\|.ll».' .1111! lit-r
piorstioxaboarder b.2111 ' " l l1.-
\‘\ l\ l lil\k'

1: \\ tilt

.iItsut'r l 1,1111
\oti hut 1111 11
)oti."' lit; s.ii.l \s ’or
srhlc it-twritiliatiorr lr.‘
l‘_\lt.t. "l ltl‘tL‘ llr.1l \lottmtl
She is .111 .’lll‘i.l/tti:.‘
l'irr \1ill1n;_‘ to \xork through

_1 [111s



Simon and Terri call it

Alter sr\ _\U.ils or \l.lllll_L‘.
\‘11111111 (1111.111 and lutr Sm
happened .11111111 .1 lliil'i'll
ago.” .1 top 1111 the »\111cri.‘.iir
ldol tildL‘C. ~14. lt‘lll l s on
\o‘. l.‘.l\li.llit:; 111.11 Sutrriotii‘
sltm‘ls. H

lllt‘\l‘\ lll

11.11131; l1 \\.i\ll r ..
‘ the l \.11.-. .g.
tlt‘l‘il st‘L‘lliL’il ‘11 lt.i\.'
.1. ;y. \.;pr.~1; he: \1l11'r‘. slle‘

ll rll\


li‘itlt \‘tl
‘l1<\\ Cal

\"..ls \Ck'l‘ \\Illi 11.1’1‘l
l‘Iotli 1‘ .1l s\.sl
\\~.1.\ds( lr.rr.'.1‘\l:r

dlk ‘1‘..1st'.1rcs..1; lelll~\
leg their the; ll'il together.”
.iir oiilooka'r \.l:1\ H111 dorr‘t
uspt'tl '11.11.l lt'elrrr;s. \uts
(oucll‘s 1gp. ‘Srrrroir .irrd
lcr‘ri 1.\1|l he liiciids, llrc)
how so 11mph ill\l(il\ ”






Good Samaritan
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I i

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Light refreshments
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The first 100

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UK HealthCare Good Samaritan Hospital offers the
same quality care as UK Albert 8. Chandler Hospital
and the Kentucky Clinic. Join us on November 18
for an open house to tow the facilities and

learn more about the services offered. Services
participating in the open house are located in the
Good Samaritan Medical Plaza, the Good Samaritan
Professional Arts Center and Good Samaritan


Parking for the open house is free and convenient.
You may park in either the UK Good Samaritan


Hospital garage or on the surface lot located behind
the Medical Plaza building. Please come to the
Medical Plaza building, located at 125 East Maxwell
Street. to sign in and to begin your visit.

For more information about the service.
offered at UK Good Samaritan Hospital,

pinto call 281-1000.


Good Samaritan Hospital

aw?“ ,
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442 s. Ashland Ave. . 2697702

Accepts: Visa, Masterraro, Ft l'L

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$2 on
haircuts iiil
student In



#22 UK [23—4. 14—2]




7:00 pm



#22 UK [23-4, 14-2]


#12 Florida [ED—E, 14-1]


1:30 pm

All hnmrv run“ her-a a! Mr‘ntnrlnl (nllt-vurn
Irv-v Admin-inn with MK II)


November 14, 2008


Sophomore out-
srrle hitter Sarah
Mendoza and
the Cats Will try
to end a 738-
game losing
3 reak to Honda
on Sunday at Me-
morial Coliseum


Major road block

Florida stands in the way of Cats' SEC Championship hopes

By Metz Camfiold


Nov. 10. 1990.

That was the last time the UK vol-
leyball team 'beat the Florida Gators.
At the time UK freshman middle
blocker Becky Pavan was only six
months old and freshman middle
blocker Gretchen Giesler wasn't even

Since that infamous date. the
Gators have strung out an improbable
38-game winning streak over the Cats.
All of that could come to a halt on
Sunday though. as the Cats (23-4. 14—
2 Southeastern Conference) take on
Florida with a shot at the SEC cham-
pionship on the line.

Florida extended its streak over
the Cats to 38 on Oct. 10. in a five-set
match that junior setter Sarah Rumely

said wasn‘t nearly the best UK could
play. Despite the fact it was only the
second time the Cats had taken the
Gators to five sets since the I‘M)
match. don‘t tell UK‘s players about
close calls.

"There are no moral victories."
Rumely said. "We have to get that ‘W"
in order to be happy: and we‘re not go-
ing to be happy unless we win the rest
of our games this year."

The Gators lost a surprising match
a few weeks later to Georgia. but after
the Cats' loss to Ole Miss last week—
end. they still find themselves one
game back of the Gators. With only
four games remaining on the slate for
UK. the match against Florida this
weekend will be one of UK’s last op—
portunities to take down the champs.
And while everyone wasn‘t willing to
openly express their desire to beat

Florida. the thought of taking them
down brought a few smiles.

"We're heating Florida." senior
middle blocker Queen Nzenwa said.
“if we beat them that also puts us in
the running to be at the top in the SEC
this year Yes. it‘s more than just an»
other game."

The leader of the Gators success
has been Mary Wise. a former associ~
ate head coach at UK from 1986-
1990. Those five years also happen to
be some of UK‘s most successful sea.
sons in program history.

At Florida. Wise has established a
perennial powerhouse. More signifi—
cant to UK is the fact that Florida yet
again stands in the path of the Cats in
their quest to win their first SEC
championship since 1988.

See Volleyball on page 4


Bobby Reagan
Asst. Sports Editor

Football deserves
autumn attention

.smemoer is aiuays a
special time iii Kentuck)
The cool bree/e mm me
through the air sends a \Ktll‘ll'
mg ot “inter last approach
mg and
has man)
tarts .tlle
set dllttlll
Cl L]ll\“\l
tar lllr.‘
l'titir l l\
l‘tlll. lllk‘
pride ot
the Bluegrass. U\L'l'\lliltltl\\\
c\cr'_\thmg_' else that mattered
itist “cvks ago

:\It«l uhtit mattered
“ccks .igo \\.t\ .t tootball
[cam that lr.1lll\t'tl .llltt‘ll‘.’ the
strongest dctcriscs iii the on
[till]. _

\Vhat's lctt |\ a tetirri that
tart \llll .tcmrriphsli .i teat
that hasrr I been .tthiewd .it
his in _\L‘.ll\
coriscciitixe bowls, ;\rrd .i
coach that cart \\ Ill eight reg

trlar‘ season f_‘.tltl‘\'\. .1 permit


.i trip to thitc

to best at t-i\ .

Both are goals l‘K head
coach Rich Brooks \.tltl \ull
help detmc [llls tear 's senior
class‘s Iepac} UK has \wri
l‘ttlll lltc llllfi and 31x)“ (id)
lltltl Hotels \ltlsh (.ll_\ Ht|\\l
garric. dctcatrrig ('leriisoii and
Honda State

Senior linebacker lli'.t\
tori Kellc} said .ichitwrrr}: thc
tun flit.ll\ set to liliNtlx‘
\\i)ttltl help torrtrrburt- to thr-
ttiriiaiourid or l l\ \ triutball

"II he go itlll Mth t'lglll
“ills llll\ season. it would be
lllljJe‘... kt‘llt‘) ‘ulltl. ll \\\lUl\l
be .i better \t‘dM‘ll than \\c
had last war. and up all knots
the t)pc t‘l hilt-tit that \\L‘ lost
ti’orri |.ist scar '\ tcarrr. .iirrl
lltt\\ teams around the ll.tltt'lt
gamed respect tor tls \tt that
\xc trrultl be “ht-re \\c are to
tlLl) ..

lor‘ llll' time being lr‘ml
ball. not Ixtskeiball. tit-syncs
the spotlight iii \:t\t'llll‘t‘l
l'ltc ltlsl l\‘.t> goings trill K-
lt‘jJttlttI stirstir‘r st llL'tltllL‘ .tlltl

the lolltm Lit: pool 1.1l‘.t‘.tt,‘

more irrri‘vrutam tot ix .rtlilc?

~ Williams


Questions linger
for season opener

By Bobby Reagan
tit-Hit;irz~l.kt'swr-w rwrr

ll \ trrrtlix ltcre Had“:
ball sctisori has .tr'riwd lit the

Bluegrass lltrt \Ntlll tlllt‘\ll\tl.\

s\\iil:ri}; .ir'rrtirad lt’\!ll}'lr‘l]_

\lll“ I! Hit lll‘t

4‘)“K xii. .r‘

are ltllll‘l}‘
l K l\i\l~_r‘ll‘.|ll

\lllil‘vllt l lll‘
health of wpiar: *an ‘ .- an '1
l’ntrrtl. l’n.“
guard ,l-rtlrc \l “33* L‘ l‘
\tlro \\:rl ltl.1\ rlit- i‘tllfil t,‘ll.tltl
.\t»t tn :tit'lllti-t‘.

r y i -
r r. -.r- rtrrrwr

liriecriri; t'tla't't wt his:


\t.l \
't‘l‘mc :C,

lli‘ll ultrtcrt'ricc
urirth \.l\\ tiettzrtx .11 how: to
tennis lll\t‘ l r.ir'tlrtt~r \\.'l‘l‘ :rid
\air llicg-r

llrt\\t‘\L‘l.l K ltlx‘ihs lttis
lxctl‘mll head Hill}
(iillispit‘ ntitl lit-R llttl \tor
ritd .tl‘rtlll tlll\ tit those stltld
llttlts .lllLl looks toward to tlic
_\c.tr. \\hrth begins
against \rr’errira \lrlit.ii\ li:
stizrrtt' rrrr l'rrd.i\

"(lire thing i reel vow



.tlna'ts been able to .‘4- rs
h.i\t' out plate-rs marrow“
(iillisprc \ttttl ‘l\cryutc be
curries ;i much better pl;i_\ci.
and that \\lll be the \ttltlt‘
\\llll llll\ team ”

llt‘c‘ (Ills \\tll l‘t‘ it‘stt‘tl
against \'.\l| dire to the Km
dets stslt‘ «it pl.r\ lhc Kex
dets l'llll a trio it sort t\pt‘ oi

>ltcrm .itl. ~_t.r. incurs
riii.rti.ritl '

rtl‘ t.'r par

..t.‘. i. .r'h-

rip tempo 0:."
hurls tn ‘tzrzt'
\tlrlttl‘il.tl1l'_"" '
urrrt‘trit thy ~37 ._
ngdcts '2' ’
tlillttiil' tgi ...

'l} \,.\ ‘ .i
to: W 3:21;.tttt» 1.

\‘lt‘ld .-.‘i‘ :5.

def-crises H 13:" \p
"llral irraktw it \_:t .l
tor its ttr prcpu'.‘ cs; ~
.rt llth tirrrt o! tic
r'iit-y. art-
\i‘tl to

erosion l‘l .
pun trier


M Basketball




N9 Experience Needed

fl Flexible Schodulln;

r": (‘131 an tll'l‘ll(.llltlfl .rt lllt‘ -.

t .llltl


ill i

tlltt'tlttiri' [it
nun lli‘llt‘\rlt.ll‘


:rt -.tnrr


fl Meals Provldod



 PAGE 4 | Irrrlay, November I4, 2008


l'ls'ys. \'.\.\'I)I£RBII.'I‘: l’osi'i‘iox in Posi'i‘iox


If there was e\ei’ .1 team
that has as big .1 quartei'biitk
Dt‘obleiii 11s the (Kits. it's \‘11117
derbilt. The constant s\\|lL‘ll*
mg between Mackeu/i :\d11nis
11nd ('hiis \ickson is border
line bipolar. Not that [K has
n‘t been doing its own oltcrtuo

A111 t'k
Running back

.lunior Jared Hawkins is .1
decent running back. btit he
only 11\er1iges 5-1 yards 11
game. Meanwhile. I'K‘s l'llll
ning game seemingly got oft
the grotind against tieorgia.
That may be because of fresh
man quarterback Randall
Cobb. who makes things dillir
cult for defenses. but the (‘ats
shotild take \\ hat they can get.

Adv I'K

Wide receiver

The similarities between
the Commodores and [K
aren't over yet. Yes. there‘s
another Southeastern Confer
ence team that is in desperate
need of someone \s ho doesn‘t

By Kenny Colston

k1 olstoriékykernel cum

tieat the Iootball like a hot
potato \anderbilt's No. 2 re—
ceiver .i\er11ges IX yards 11
game Somehow. those IX
yards matter.

.>\d\. \‘andy

Oilensrve line

l'ls' still gives up the least
amount of sacks in the confer
ence It‘s 11 facade. but it gets
them otte category this week.

Ad\ : l'ls'
Defensive line

Vanderbilt has more sacks
than l'K docs. e\en tliougii
they 've play ed one less game.
Blll lllsl like L'K‘s offensive
line. it's 11 trick. UK has NFL—
ieady defensne lineinett. The
‘I)ores ‘iust scheme well and
play as 11 unit.

Adv: l'K


A“ season long. the Cats
ha\ e locked down this cate—
gory because of their strength
as 11 unit. But Vanderbilt‘s de-
fense is good and their line—
backers are the reason why.
I’atrick Benoist 11nd Chris
Marve both rank in the top

five in tackles in the SliC'llK
has two linebackers in the top
IO, but that‘s not good enough
this week.

Ady: Vandy


II 'l‘reyard Lindley were
Itltl percent. UK would take
this close category. But
Vandy gets turnovers. and in
terceptions account for most
of them. Second in turnoyei‘
margin iii the SEC. the
‘l)ores take this one with
l_ind|ey ~s status unsure.

Adv: Vandy

Special teams

Yell. scream and holler that
last week mattered on a special
teams level. Consistency wins

Adv: Vandy'


Vanderbilt started the se11‘
son 5—0. but has since fallen
off the map. If UK's defense
rebounds and Cobb limits
mistakes. UK may finally be
able to crawl out of bowl pur~
gatory in Nashville.

Adv: UK


Picks for Saturday, Nov. IS

South Carolina at Florida
Cmcrnnati at Loursvrlle
North Carolina at Mary-

Alex Hale

UK tan

Record: 46 - 20
North Carolina
Florida State

Eric Lindsey
Sports columnist
Record 44 - 22
North Carolina
Florida State

Kenny Colston
Sports editorr
Record: 41 »25
North Carolina
Boston College


Boston College at Florida

BYU at Air Force

Arizona at Oregon

Bobby Reagan
Asst. sports editor
Record: 41 ‘25



North Carolina

Florida State



Alex Risen

Staff writer

Record 4t ~25
North Carolina
Florida State
Air Force

Brad Luttrell
Editor in chief
Record 39 — 27
North Carolina
Florida State



Continued from {rage 3

While (iillispie is worv
ried about falling into the trap
of playing the quick—shot of~
fense that \‘MI wants them
to. he said he doesn‘t mind
playing as last as possible. In
fact. he is encouraging it _.
that is.11s long as during the
halfcourt sets. Patterson' gets
the ball III the post.

“I want 11s to play as
fast as possible. But that dcv
termines on how well we
shoot and handle the ball."
(iilhspie said. “That's not to
say we‘re going to cut
Patrick out ot the offense
because he can play last.
However. in our halt—court
sets we will be looking for

While there is specula-
tion of who will start and

who wrll see playing time at
the point guard position —
currently iunior Michael
Porter leads the way -
(iillispie said he isn‘t wor—
ried. He said he has seen
good things in Porter. De—
Andre laggins 11nd Kevin

Gilltspie said he is most
excited about having a deep
team and not having to worry
about players staying on the
floor for an unusual amount
of minutes each game.

"We have I9 players on
the team. and I don‘t know
who is going to play Fri-
day." (iillispie said. “I‘m
happy wrth everyone right
now and the situation will
play itself out. No one is go
ing to have to play the min—
utes Ramel Bradley and
Patrick did last season. That
will benefit us. because I
believe we have a fairly


deep team."


Continued from page 3


ics than the 30-»plus games
that will be played on the

I know it‘s a bold procla~
mation in the place that intro~
duced the world to Mashbum.
Rupp and Riley. And who
could ever forget Bow ie‘.‘
Well. maybe scratch Bowie.

But in the building
process that UK‘s football
program is in. it‘s important
to keep moving forward.
There‘s no national prestige
to carry UK football follow—
ing a hard year. There are no
stories equivalent to those of
Rupp‘s Runts in UK football.
nor are seven national cham—
pionship banners hanging
from Commonwealth Stadi~
um's rafters.

But UK football wouid
love to be there one day. It's
the progression pushed by
every athletic director in 11
major conference. Not neces-
sarily to win a national
championship every year. but
to contend 11nd have dynasty
meet opportunity occasional—

In the coming weeks.
there is no room to mow
backward, Brooks has said
all year long the (tits have
pros en they can compete in
the Southeastern Conference.
They have a chance to do
yiust that with wins over \‘arr
derbilt on Saturday and Ten—
nessee on Nov. 29. Two wins
would bring them to 1m even
4—4 in conference play.

When the final play is
made this season. a lot of
things Will be said. No one
knew how victorious or how
hideous the (‘ats would be
this year. But after looking
back over the last weeks. UK
football has shown that even
wnh missing pieces it could
find ways to give fits to the
SEC powers. What mattered
weeks ago was 11 UK team
that played the now—No. |
team in the nation time to
the final gun. A team that
could have finally beat Steve
Spurrier. A team that almost
downed Georgia.

What is left is 11 team in
the shadows that can still ac-
complish a feat that has nev—
er happened at [K

These are special times.

JD. Williams is u jllllF
nulimi senior, Ii-muil


11 Mrs to 1A»: Ami


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