xt7f4q7qrn81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrn81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 2007 2007 2007-09-05 2020 true xt7f4q7qrn81 section xt7f4q7qrn81 CAT-SCRATCHED HEART: KENT STATE HEAD COACH

See Sports page 4

\\"\\/\\". le is [R NEL.(‘( )M

uremia! ’


Building from bottles: Architecture student
inspired by "a late one"

Page 12






istressed '


nominees .

Some say candidate
selection ’defies
logic and statistics'

By Jill Laster

ilaster'dkykerriet com

Some Board ‘of Ti‘llstc‘c‘s ittcntbct‘s are
concerned over how tiic noittinating corti-
mittee selected noittinees for senior board
positions alter a meeting yesterday.

The chairman of tire hoard. \ icc chair
arid secretary of tlte boat d are elected an

This year. nominating committee
(‘hairmait l‘i'attk Schoop emailed trustees
for input on w lticlt hoard nteittbei's sltould
be itoutiitatcd for tire positions. Schoop
then took the three candidates that re-
ceived the most nominations and pt‘c‘sciilr
ed tlteitt as tlte only nominees.

Some on tlte board thought Schoop
c\ci‘cised too ttittclt individual discretion
iii tlte selections.

"I wasn‘t happy." saiil faculty trustee
lii‘itic \attat'el‘ia. “Some of the other board
itteittbeis. as did i. r'ccogiu/e there is a
difference between art c‘~liitlll soliciting
suggestions and votes.

"1 took tlte Crltlttll iseitt by Schoopi as
eliciting a call tor candidates we would
whittle down.” he said.

During the meeting. Schoop presented
three names for nomination Steve Brans
scum. a contractor trout Russell Springs.
for chairman; Mira Ball. current board
member. for \ ice chair: aitd l’am May for
ic-c'lc‘clttili as sc‘ct'L‘ldi’).

Scltoop iiistiticd narrowing the ticld
to three nominees by saying the persons
chosen had a inaiority oi the nonunations.

“Those three names got the vote till
the e—inail i'espoitsesi well ahead ol arty-
body else itoitynatcd.” Scltoop said.

l‘aculty trustee lctt l)einbo. who at-
tended the itieeting biit is not a nominat-
iitg coittmittee member. said the board eit—
gaged in “backroom politicking" with the
e-mail nominations. The fact that only
three names were presented to the nontr-
itating committee as candidates is evi-
deuce ol tltat. Deittbo said.

"it defies logic and statistics. I be
lieve." he said

Dentbo also admonished the L‘tttt‘rittll’
tee for not nominating a woman tor the
hoard chairperson.

"It needs to stop tront the top down."
l)entbo said. “ll things are equal. the
board should look at \yavs to eitltaitce its
diversity ”

l'ls has never ltad a woman head the
Board of Trustees aitd to elect another
ittan as chairman. Dentbo said. hurts l'K
as it tries to rt itch its top 7.0 goals

"it would be hypocritical tor the
ho afit to ‘ oi: on this slate aitd approv c
.l H ’).'i‘li‘ii sait'

l'.)ltl‘ board members not on the noun
nating committee attended yesterday ’s

Star: Nomination in parts: 3

Police search for
suspect in non-
fatal student

Staff Report

news ODkykeriiet (or

l.e\ington police are investigating the
non-fatal shooting of a student that oc
curred Saturday night.

l’ttlil l)‘.tnICl Doss, a c't\tl engineering
\Ciiltir. was shot around 7.30 pm. on
Johnston Boulevard.

Doss said a itiait in a car was verbally
fighting with someone w heti the person in
the car pulled a gun and tired three shots
into a crowd. One of the btillets loiiiid
l)oss' right leg. |)oss said he didn‘t kitow
either person iit\ol\ ed in the fight.

He was taken to the hospital and was
able to walk out under his own pow er lair
er that night and said he was “doing fine."

11. James (‘uTless of l.e\iiigton police
said investigators are talkittg to witnesses
trying to identify a suspect described as a
younger black itialc

Study: assaults on women

By Alice Raymond

ahaynionkoykernel cont

llK‘s efforts to increase caittpUs
safety have made female students feel
safer. btit the percentage of wortten
who have actttally eypei‘ienced assault
has not dropped rtttich in three years.

in the 200-1 Women‘s Safety
Study. women on campus anony—
mously unveiled where tltey felt inost
unsafe at l'K and what kind of as;
saults they had encountered lti re~
spouse. President Lee Todd launched
a $1.2 million initiative to improve
campus salety.

.-\ study released today shows that

St . i» r'fs. i“ am. : gr 1‘ watts wait "

‘bn‘hs tr: trot.»- s ' t' . rat: tier: Burrito Eta


of the 2.000 fentale students who re-
ceived phone calls last spring for the
study. 3L7 percent said they felt "very
safe" oit l'K's campus. Three years
ago. only 16.4 percent felt that way.

That earlier study also reported.
however. that UK women express fear
at a low er rate than the rate at wlticlt
they experience victimizations.

So while more women feel very
safe on campus in this year‘s study.
tttore than a third said they had expe-
riertced a sexual assault. a physical as-
sault or stalkiitg.

That ittirtiber dropped slightly
from 36.5 percent iii 2004 to 34.l per»
cent. but was not statistically signifi-

cant enough to say that fewer women
are being victimin at UK. said (‘arol
Jordan. the director of the UK Center
for Research on Violence Against
Women. which conducted both stud-

She was coitfident. however. that
the slight decrease indicates that UK
is moving iii the right direction.

"We saw the largest leap tit areas
of women‘s [k‘rceptioits." Jordan said.
“We want to. in the future. see equal
improvements iit what actually hap»
pens to women

UK used the women‘s information
to target specific areas with additional
lighting arid patrols and began ad,

drop slightly

dressing safety education.

"Education. prevention and
changes to physical space are making
women feel like they're more at home
and safer here at UK." Jordan said.

She also emphasized, however.
that women should itot take risks oit
campus. such as w alking alone in the

lmprov ing attitudes and awareness
was the necessary beginning step. Jor~
dan said. and reducing the number of
victims among women to nearly half
of what it is will take more education
arid intervention.

See Study on page 3


, ‘5.

swapped at:

“it" 3‘. To the i‘dtK nf Chipolh


on So it." Limestone Street yesterday to receive ttee hernia? and drinks This year

Do you want beans With that?

Students flock to Chipotle for free burritos

By Britney McIntosh

imws @kykerriel com

.liist like (‘ltitstrtt;is. Labor Day arid
Thanksgiving. l’i‘ee Burrito Day at
(‘hipotlc is an event that marks the cal
endars ot many students.

lioi’ some of the regulars it is a day
to save sis dollars. for others it is a first
encounter with \lc\icair,r\ntcrican

”i think ii is delicious " said Lydia
Davis. an electrical engineering sophor
more arid first time (lilphllc customer
“l‘ve nevci cveit had a biut'ito bcioi‘e.”

The line that wrapped around the
restaurant on South l.tittestottc Street
doesn't botltcr itiost customers.

"i don‘t ittttid the watt." said ilollyr
wood Haley. a Lexington resident "I'm
a musician iv: been waitirtg all my
ltlc N

(‘hipotle employees said that the
day of free food is a very sticccsstitl ad
yetiisiiig technique

"This rttoitcy is ittuclt better spent
than traditional adv et'ttsiitg.” said Ray
Sterling. the local itiai‘kctiitg ittanagei'
She came from (‘ittcinnati to help work
the event. "Vi hat makes my job easy is
all yott ltave to do is teed people and
tltey 're sold,”

Mike Wilson. manager of the
restaurant near campus. said the cost ot
the day's burritos comes lroin their ad
vcmsing budget

"We use this as art ad eypcnse.”
Wilson said. ”\‘ie don’t consider it as a

money loss."

Many etttployccs from other l.e\s

ingion and surrounding area locations
came to help work the titth annual


.m Burrito on page 3

i start? Sire?” '

Mfr manager! or». Hair we a its. Bright, .tr' accrue"? rig and p'e-an‘..metri
sophomore, her free niirritri vested av afternoon at the Chipotle on South

Blood donation goals surpassed in annual drive

By Colleen McCoy

views titty/kernel corn

.\ot even a Mitt-pound linebacker
can produce as mttclt blood as l'K
sttidettts have donated.

l'K surpassed its goal of $00 pirtts
tn the annual Battle of the Bluegrass
blood drive between l'K and the l’nr~
versity of Louisville and has donated
more than twice as much blood as l7
of l. with a week left in the competi—

Jim T iiiker. director of marketing
and coittittunications at the Kentucky

Blood (cuter. said l'K students are
exceptionally strong donators.

“Students in particular know that
they can rttake a difference in their
coittittuiiity." he said “When school is
out oi session. the blood stipply cer-
tamly reflects the stiidents‘ absence."

According to the Kentucky Blood
Center. college students provide about
3‘ percent of all blood donations.

“It‘s a great cause and they turn
one bag into three lives saved." said
Misty Puckett. an undecided fresh—
man. “lt‘s one of my favorite hobbies.
saving lives."

Not only are students enioying the
feeling of pride that comes \\ itlt dona
trons. but they are also drawn to other
incentives of the contest

Along with their contribution for
[K iii the competition. donors are en-
tered in a drawing for a 42»inch plas-
ma telcyision and two tickets to the
upcoming U ofl. football game.

"I figure my blood helps people
that need it. plus i get a free T-slim."
said [)ustin Biggcrstaff. an exercise
science senior

Tinker said many students give
blood because of the positive feeling

they get after their donation.

“No matter how your day went.
after you donated you can walk
around tall and know that you did
soittething really great." he said,

Sponsored by the Kcmucky Blood
Center. the contest began Aug. l3 and
will continue through next week. The
blood drive started eight years ago in
loitisville through the Red Cross but
has expanded to Lettington with spon-
sorship front the l'K Alumni Associa-

The blood donated in Battle of the

$09 Blood on page 3

First issue tr». Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 257491 5. Advertising: 257-2872


 LAEEMZjilA/ednesday. September 5, 2007

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yourdaily dose of entertauiinent, pop culture and fun Kemel ‘ Ql


With her custody hearing

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage c/ier‘k the
day’s rating 70 is the eas‘iest day 0‘
the most challenging

Aries (March 21-Aprit i9) Today
is a 6 H' Hold Oii on mailings Shtp»
ping stuff and advertising now Fo-
cus instead on your mending and
listening to the family's woes
Taurus (April 20~May 20} . , Today
is a 7 _., You‘re generally a very
cautious person and that's a woo-
deriul thing Continue With that at
titude, while watching for excellent
deals to pounce upon

Gemini (May Zldune le Today
is a 7 »- A door that was closed
before has opened up just a tract.
Figure out what you really need
and ask for it again

Cancer (June 27-July 22) Today


I70 Donuts DON

is an 8 , it's good to listen, ai~
though you don't always like what
you hear Continue to teach from
your strengths, eyen when criti
cued by a ierk

Leo iJuly 23-Aug 22) Today is a
6 Its becoming apparent what
needs to he done next Unioittr
nately, some of it should have been
done yesterday Dnnt |ook hack,
out do get busy

Virgo lAug 23»Sept 22’l Today
Ls an 8 , The people who ye‘l
louder are not necessarily right Be
polite and resilient Also hr: (ltl‘tik
Don't get squashed

litira i‘Sept 23-Oct Z2i Today is
a 8 You‘ii advance your career
Now by riding what you or ini set:
or. true There Will he on more ox
(uses allowed, so tfiiiit eye." risk
Srurnai i‘Oct 23~Ncy L’il Today
Is an 8 The trisis phase is past,
:t’i‘d thtl‘ii WW9 TTlUTe ill’TP, SilillT TUT
playing w'ith ttrends TiTlS is excel
because you real‘y need a



81km: a W. yer T303 (SHEETS TOMGA’TQ
P Ilaco- Ims Vacation
2- Ilaco- 2 tree mm: to Clara Concert

break. Sign up for some comic ref

Sagittarius {Nov 2? Der: 2i} ,, To»
day is a 6 Continue to build a
strong economic base for yourseif
The security yo.i gain increases
your contrdence and your status
Capricorn (Dec 22dan l9) To
day is an 8 . . Make your decismn
and take action neloie discussing it
any tuitnei You've talked about it
eoauuti Nottung's rlitterent except
our times, running out Choose
Aiiuarius idai‘. 207Feo 1x8l To;
Carefully explain so
eve'tonrv raii iini’terstanr: Nobody
sort: this was going to be easy In
fact, it‘s tery hard work

Pisces lint: TE‘i-h/larch 70er Today
is an ti A person who loves you
tery ruin."i wants to tell you some
thing important The trick is, it
could no anyone Better listen care

tray is a 8

Haiti? ‘RiRllN‘E MEDIA SEP‘y’ii‘t'f's Wt:

\ it: i "l " ii ‘ rt 17:» 7‘

L“ RII|3slIR~KNI b- NIKJH (Mil! L...‘



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.“ Mite-mm



we Di

By Jessica Mahalic

“\MVrc playing around with
it' \VL'd'L‘ still figuring it out."
magician (‘riss Angel cagcrly
told is at an August 33 (‘u‘cluc
du Sulcil (Ont-0 party about his
ncwcst trick' hclping Britucy
Spcars with her potential MTV
\'idco Music Awards pcrfor-
uiaucc on Scptcmbcr 0. But
when .iskcd it thcir rclationship
wcnt bcyond thc protcssional.
hc flashcd a grin and stay cd
mum. 'l‘hc l.as Vegas illusitinist.
3‘). had reason to bc coy. That
night. hc and Spcars. 25. sharcd
a slccpm cr at 'I'hc Towcr Bcwr—
ly Hills the latcst in a scrics
of cncountcrs that bcgan August
15. when the two met tip tor a
mutually bcncficial photo Up at
LA. catcry ('ray‘ings.

Thc drama—prmic pop star
lct‘t Angcl's suitc at 9zl5 thc fol
lowing morning. hcading to hcr
chcrly Hills homc. Waiting for
hcr thcrc. hcr sons. Scan. 33
months. and .laydcn. ll months.
whom shcd 1ch at homc thc
night bcliirc with yct anothcr
ucw nanny By 3 p.m.. thc boys
wcrc pickcd tip by a bodyguard
Hi dad Kcyin i“crlcrliiic's so
Spcars‘ parents could .scc thcni.

Wild Life

\cs. cwu as scrutiny of licr
pai'cnting .ibilitics intcnsitics
and a custody itmms.
Spcais sccms almost dctcrmincd
to flaunt hcr pcrsis‘tcntly bad bc»
hil‘.ltil'. Hci‘ latcst troublc-fillcd
w cck began August 23. w hen a
bikini»clad Spcars was pho-
tographcd in her backyard. hold~



looming, Britney Spears keeps
partying — and now faces claims

mg a cigarcttc inches away from
s0” Sean‘s tacc. and drinking
what appcarcd to bc a margtu'ita.
That night. at MS LLIIL. shc hit
l...\. club ()pcra. w hcrc shc un-
knowingly took OVCI' frcncmy
Paris Hilton's rcgular tablc.
thn Hilton w LlH/Cti in and
spotted Spcars. shc appcurcd tr»
ritutcd but stccrcd clcar of thc
troublcd star, 'l‘hc next day. thc
[.A. Socicty for the Prcwntion
of Cruelty to Animals \isitcd
Spcars‘ mansion to imcstigatc
pusslblL‘ mistreatment of her
new Yorkic puppy. London. who
had bccn wearing a splint, ”Wc
had lots of calls and csmails al—
Icging a problem," LA. SPCA
prcsidcnt Madclmc Bcrnstciu
tclls Us. Spcars~ \‘ctcrinarian
confirmed thc dog was trcatcd
for a lcg fracture. and the case
w as closed.

Hcr ncxt brush with thc law
camc inst one day later. shortly
after midnight. when cops
pulled her over ncar LA. for
driving erratically. bcforc rclcas—
ing her without a citation.

(“tipping off Spcars' tumul»
tuous wcck'.’ A shocking
TMZcom rcport that the singer
is bciug actiycly inycstigatcd by
thc LA. County Departmcnt of
(‘hildrcn and Family Scryiccs
for potential abUsc 0r ncglcct,
Among the allegations: cxposs
ing hcr sons to poor dcntal hy
gicnc and improper eating and
slccping habits (all prcyinusly
rcpiirtcd by L's). TMZ noted that
dctails of the charges appeared
in lcgal filings made by chcr~
linc’s attorney. Mark \"inccnt
Kaplau. and .suggcstcd Spcars‘

of child abuse or neglect

cs may ha\ c filcd the complaint.
A rep for chcrliuc had no cour
mcnt. but a FCLIL‘I‘IHTL‘ sourcc
tclls Us. "Kcvin's just scarcd
(for thc kidsi."

Just how scrious is this latest
dcwlopuicut“ “If thc iudgc rulcs
.ibusc. shc could lose hcr kids."
attorncy Stcycn (‘rou iwho is
not inyolycd in thc casci c.\-
plains to Us. “Thc court could
go in without noticc and takc thc
kids with policc ufficcrs. it thcy
think there is imnuncnt pcril."

Working Girl

Spears may not bc focused
on hcr mothcring skills. but shc
has been working on a carccr
comeback. Of primary impor-
tance: hcr collaboration with
Angel on an opcuiug act for
MTV‘s VMAs. which .shc was
doc to prcscnt to nctwork rcps
on August 27. (That day. Spcars
was sccu cntcring l..A.’s Allcy
Kat dancc studio with manager
chf Kwatinctz. who. a sourcc
says. "is working with Brit on a
trial basis")

"Shc's planning it to bc a
big comcback pcrl‘ormancc."
says a Spears insidcr. w ho adds
that thc goal is to make it
“shocking." ()nc curly idca that
was canncd'.‘ Performing “My
Prcrogutbc" amid a mcdlcy of
hits. as imagcs ol c\Cs Justin
’l'imbcrlakc and Foilcrlinc and
other gossip fodder liashcd on a
scrccn behind hcr. As for a rc»
port that she‘d do a duct with
Tinibcrlakc‘.’ "Totally. patently
falsc." says a Timbcrlakc sourcc.



Today’ 5
Sponsored By:



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. o





UK Police reports from Aug. 28 to

Aug. 29

Aug. 28

Aug. 28

Aug. 28

Aug. 29

Aug. 29

Aug. 29
Aug. 29

Aug. 30

Aug. 30
Aug. 30
Aug. 30
Aug. 30

Sept. 1

Sept. 1

Sept. 2

Sept 2

Theft of bicycles reported
from the Barnhart Btiilding at
8'l5 a m

Theft of purse reported from
Whitehall Classroom Briild-
mg at 9:30 am.

Arrest for theft reported
from the Student Center at
ll a m

Theft of vehicle parts report-
ed from Commonwealth Sta-
dium at ll I5arn

Theft reported from WT
Young Library at 940 a m

Terroristic threatening re-
ported from UK Hospital at
4:52 pm

Theft reported from WT
Young Library at 6.20 p m.

Theft reported from the
Hamilton House at 7 pm.

Liquor law VlOIaIIOTI reported
from Farmhouse Fraternity
House at 2.06 a m

Theft reported from Maine
Chance Farm at 8 39 a m

Theft reported from UK Hos
pital at. 1.30 p m

Theft reported from the
Barnhart Building at ll a m

Theft reported from the
Johnson Center at Z 30 pm

Arrest for possessmn of mar-
iiuana, reported at the UK
Police Department at l a m

Theft reported from Com-
monwealth Stadium at 4 30

Criminal mischief reported
from Rose Lane at 9 a m
Cumiled from repom at
[It Police Department
Conmiled by staff Miter
Alice Haymond.
E-mail aliaymond@kykemel.com


Continued front page I

Bluegrass helps supply ()7 hospitals iii
central and eastern Kentucky. ’l‘hese I‘ltisi

pitals use over 200 pints of blood in trans»
fusions e\'er) da). according to the blood


“There is a constant. ne\ er ending ap-
petite for blood." linker said. “The donors
are reall) the ones is ho rue in charge. be-

cause the) sate the lisesf‘

Although 37 percent ol Kerituckt's
population is eligible to donate blood.

mil) 5 percent actuall) do.

Eligible students include those \\ ho
are at least [7 )e'ars old. at least I III
must be separated b} a period of it» tla_\s.
or if the donor has been e\poscd to malar-
ol‘ the
States, a l2»nionth \iziiting period is re»
qurred. 'l‘aking antibiotics pi‘e\ents some»
one frorii donating. as \\ ell. Prior to go mg
blood. sitideiits ha\e a mini health screeii~

pounds and in good health

iaAr'idden areas outside

irig to asstire their eligibilit}

Although the blood center's goal for
donations \\ as surpassed. it is continuing
to encourage [‘K students to donate.

“I don't think I'K laris \\oulil tell the



football players to stop tackling \\licri thc_\

are up at Iiall time. but right no“ l'ls' is
clobbering U of I..." 'l‘inkci said, "I \\otild

call it a hloodbath "

Continued from page I

()tie indication of him edu-
cation and a\\ar‘eriess has aIA
read} made a difference. Jordan
said. is that more rapes are be,
iiig reported.

In 2004. onl_\ 2.5 percent of
\somen ‘.\ ho Iiad been raped re»
ported it to the police. That
number Iias increased to 0.1

Most \somen think the of-
fenders in rape or an_\ other
types of assault on \sonien are
strangers. The rnaiorit} of of»
fenders. howexer. are men
whom the women alread}
knovs. and according to \\ hat
L’K “omen said in this stud).
they are also other college \IUA

That is not surprising. .lor—
dan said. becatise college men
are the ones \sitli \shom \somen
spend time. but more edtication
needs to be directed at men.

"It‘s a homegrott'n prob-
lem." Jordan said. ”Too often it
is another student committing
(the assault). \shich signifies

that we need to do education
about \\ hat is appropriate cori-
dtict and “hat is not

I‘s.‘\\L’l' \somen in this year‘s
stud) said the) mold some
places on campus out of fear.
and most of those a\oided
neighborhoods around campus
rather than areas on central

The stud) listed specific ar-
eas off campus. itist as it had
listed onrcampus areas in 2(tlt4.
Jordan said she \\titlltl gise the
tipdated campus list to [K Po~
lice and CK Ph_\sical Plant l)i—
\ ision.

She would also gi\e an off—
cariiptis list to Lexington‘s town
and gown commission. the Di-
\ision of Lexington Police and
neighborhood associations in
the l'lx' area to help target the
dangers “omen associate viith
certain off-campus areas.

"Safers is an ongoing
process that will nc\cr bc com
pleted." ’l‘odd said. "This stud_\
shims ‘s\llL‘l‘t‘ \te‘\e made
progress. But it also shous “hat
is left to do and. in that \\a). it
reinforces our commitment to


Continued from patio l

"The I'Il‘sl
nears) it \\ as tough. btit riots
ste‘xe got the s_\"le‘IIT doun
and it's fun nou that \\e
knou hour to do it." Wilson

B) the end ot the da).
eiiiPlU} ces \tor'ked a'collcc-
ll\'C Stilt hours and went
through close to Sltll pounds
of chicken,

“(‘hickcn is dcfiriitel) the
most popular." Wilson said.


Ctir‘tiitaed ‘rirn patii ‘

meeting. including Deniho. Student (imcrn-
merit President Nick Phelps. stall trustee Russ

“illllllllls and Ball.

The committee also


“To keep the same nieriihti's scar alter
)cai deities board mcriibers to stand in a lead

couple of

members to he nominated to the c\ecuti\e
committee of the board. :\ll si\ riieii‘ibeis
nominated are the same as last tears coin

Wednesday, September 5, 200/ | PAGE 3

Despite the increase in
the number of customers at
(‘hipotle. the neighboring
.\Icl)orialds on l.iiiicstoiic
denics that their business has
been hurt.

"I \\oti|d sa_\ II an_\tliing
were getting more I‘llsl'
.\latt louden.
\\ho has been the manager of
.'\Icl)oriald\ for tour scars
"People lrttik Lil llic “leL‘LI
line and come here instead."

Brian IllLl's\. a local .\Ic
l')onald's customer. agr'ccd

"Well I‘m homeless." he
said. “I \\ait iii a lot of lines.

. “ I
IIL\\. sillti

ersliip position,”



.lar‘k Athenas, a mechanical engineering freshman donates lilood yesterday during the month-Iona Battle of the H'iieorass hlorid drive
‘lft the second floor of Commons Market The annual drive is a riimpetition hetwenn UK and the Universay of turnstilte

but I'm not \saitirig in that."

(‘Iiipotle emplo) ees said
the long lines gne them rob
c\pcricricc. .'\II of the people
uho Litlllx' in from other
(‘liipotlc restaurants to help
and from other cities do so
on .t \oltinteer basis. Sterling

\t tlit end of the da_\,
there \\as a campus full of
liapp} Iicllics

"( iiitI. trial “as good and
II \\.is \it ll'c‘kflH stiltl [Itle‘l
“mulling a business man
.igciiiciit sophomore "l \\ill
delimit-i} be l‘ili k. ‘

said \\ illiaiiis. a 'aiisiee sincc

Schoop told \‘silliams he made a good


"If I scr\e on the toiiiriiittec iie\t _\car. I
\\Ill take that into consideration.” \clioop said.

\\illiariis responded In si\rng the com»

on the si\

niittcc had time at testerila) .\ meeting to corir
sider iicts noiiiiriecs Sclioop said the} mast
Illtl‘sk‘ Illl'\\.|l'tl \KIIII \i‘llllg'

I'lic Hinir'tl HI

liustees \‘xlll \ote on the

nominees .it the nut lull board meeting l'ues-

da_\. .v\t the meeting. board trieiiil‘rers \\ Ill be
allo\\ed to make other nominations.



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Eric Lindsey
Asst Sports tdrtor
Phone 257 “:75

erndsry ékyletbe‘rfld'


Former UK player returns

as Kent 8

91 Eric lintlggy

elrndsethltykernel com

Kent State head coach Doug
Martin isn't shy about adrrirtting
it. In fact, he almost boasts it.

When the fourth-year head
coach enters (‘orrimormealth
Stadium on Saturday. he Will be
returning to the place he gradu—
ated from. the place he grew up
loving and the place that “ill al-
ways hay'e his support.

"I had one of the greatest
college erqwrrences ey'er'." Mar-
tin said. "I loy'ed the l'niyersity
of Kentucky and still do. it was
a great place to go to school.
Oby'rous‘ly my playing career.
with injuries and things like that

l vyas probably a little oyer
my head athletically. but it \y as
a great place to play."

Martin. a 1985 graduate of
UK. returns to Lexington on
Saturday the first tirrie he
will enter (‘omniomy ealth Stadi-
um as a head coach. The 4-1—
year-old was a four-year letter-
man from l‘iXI—X-i as a reserye
quarterback under former coach
Jerry (‘laibome

During his jitnior and senior
seasons. Martin Vias a part of
[K teams that played in the
Wit} and 1934 Hall of Fame
B(W\ls, Injuries limited Martin‘s
time on the field. brrt (‘larborne
let the Oak Ridge. Tenn. natiie
stay on the team as the holder
on field goal attempts and as a

After graduating. Martin ref
ali/ed his career calling card
“hen he stay ed on the staff for
two years as a graduate Lisslsv


Kent State head coach Doug
Martin graduated from UK at i985

”Claiborne sat me down
one day and gaye rrie a talk
about what a coach is and what
it should be." Martin said. "He
really kind of led me down that
path. I really kricyy at that time
that this is what I named to

Martirr “em on to coach as
an assistant at East Tennessee
State for fotrr seasons and then
moy ed on to East (‘arolina
yy here he coached tor ll
sons. Knoyyn as a quarterback
gurtr. Martin ser'yed as the of—
fcrrsiye coordinator in the last
scycn seasons at [2(1) gr'oorri-
irig the likes of Day id (iarrar‘d.
the .lacksonyille Jaguars starting
quarterback. before iiioying on
to Kent State. ‘

Throughout his tenure at
other schools, Martin picked tip
different philosophies from a


tate head coach

\yealth of coaches. but to this
day. he still models his plirloso
phy off of (‘laibonie

“I think I‘m \ery firm “fill
them but yery fair; yery de-
rnaridrrig of them but not oyer-
bearing." Martin said. "I think
he had a great sense of how to
motiyate you as a player. As a
person you kneyy he “as \ery
honest with you. He didn‘t blovy
smoke up your skirt and tell you
how great you were when you
weren't. and [We tried to be the
same way."

For some fans in attendance.
seeing Martin and UK offensiye
coordinator Joker Phillips on the
same field might seem like a
flashback to the l980s. Martin
and Phillips were both a part of
the same recruiting class and
vyere teammates for four years.

"it‘ll be different." Phillips

. said of seeing Martin on the op-

posing sideline. “His ysife tVicki
Martin) is a Henry (‘lay grad.
my one is a Henry (‘lay grad:
so it‘ll definitely be different."

Martin‘s rise in the coaching
ranks comes as no surprise to
Phillips \y ho cotrld see Martin‘s
coaching ability early on.

"He was al\\ays a smart
player." Phillips said, "Being a
quarterback as long as he \y as

, you always kneyy he \\ as go-
rrig to be a coach because he
n as a smart football player."

No matter what happens on
Saturday. Martin‘s heart will al—
\\ays lic \y ith ['K. he said.

“We hayc a lot of roots
there. a lot of friends still there."
Martin said. "Tlie first thing I al-
vyays do is pick up the paper and
sec hoyy the (‘ats did."

Mid-major foe Cats' biggest
challenge of the year




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This isn‘t the neck that eyery l'K tan. player
and coach has circled on their calendar.

'l‘his rsn‘t the neck that the ['K tarthful has
been drearnrrrg ot or haying
nightmares about.

This isn‘t the stage for
Andre Woodsorr to kick off
his Heisman 'lrophy camr
pargri or the stage for the
goalposts to come doyyri

littl .ill of those blue
bloods should bcyyar‘c This
is the toughest yycek oi the
year for the (‘ats \\ hen yotr
critll‘lc lllk' /L‘\l itl ct sertsttll'
opening \\ill arid the .lllllkl
patron ot the game llltll no
one is supposed to be talking about yet. Kent State
\ycck becomes the most drifrcult yycek oi the year.

No oficnsc to Kent State l'K has struggled
against ltarns lr’oni the .\lrd»s\rrrcrrc.trr (‘onicr'ericc
arrd the (ioldcri l'laslies “em on the road last
neck and beat a Ho\\| (‘liarriprotishrp Series learn
in loua State but tlirs isn‘t \\li.rl has people c\r








l’co'plc .irc curled betatrse tlrc (irits had 1it
porrits rriidyyay through the sctorid quarter against
l-..istcrn Kentucky tirr‘st gamer. and there is a real
possibility» oi beating l.otrrs\rlit- (tire third and
biggest garnet llic middle game coming this Sat
ttr'day is about its popular as the middle child

But let's make one tiirrig clear [K says they
haye no interest in lotrrsyrllc rrght liti\\. ('hrll
about the '\ illc. they say

"I “am to try to say tlirs nicely. but eycry body
keeps bringing tip l oursytllc.“ head coach Rich
Brooks said. ” lliey lrr'otrglil it up before the open
er. Some of you all ttlrc rricdrar and .i lot oi other

soptt‘-iiiltt-i rtlr pm

It ‘y't'tllllt” tlrlllli‘ titrrtjy.

people are upset that Louisy illc \Arrsn't otrr opener.
\\'hate\ er that means. \ye"re not playing
l.ours\rlle. \ye'rc- not \yor'ricd about Louisyrllc.
and I‘m not \Hti'l'iCtl about my players thinking
ahead to Loursy illc."

'lhat may be true to a certain e\tent. Kent
State is more than capable of knocking off the
Cats. But it is hard to imagine the players not hai-
rrig flashes toyyard l’ of I. rather than the Golden
Hashes \y rth the rryalry game so close.

But the team “out talk about it. They ‘re as
quiet about L' of l, as Rttpp Arena is \yhe