xt7f4q7qrm0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrm0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-06-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 14, 1993 1993 1993-06-14 2020 true xt7f4q7qrm0s section xt7f4q7qrm0s  

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has a place
on campus

Tyrone Beason
Editor in Chief





There‘s something big about UK.

Some would say it's the forbod-
ing expanse of the Lexington cam-
pus and the cavernous classrooms
that most freshmen have to endure.

Or it could be the opportunities.

At a university with an enroll-
ment greater than the population of
most cities in Kentucky — 24,000
—- the chances of encountering an
entirely unique individual or situa-
tion are tremendous.

UK doesn‘t stand out only be-
cause of its size. it stands out be-
cause ot' the people who choose to
study and work here —— people who
view the university experience as
more than a four-year means to an
end. but as the last great growth
process before the world at large
comes charging in.

The University itself appears to
be transforming into a garden for
this growth — slowly.

(‘hange is not a painless process.

One of the sore spots is racial di-

In the fall about 1,000 black stu-
dents and about twice as many in-
ternational students will come to
UK. That represents a small portion
of the student body. Yet it is a
source of major conflict at times.

The conflicts do not arise because
the predominantly white student
body expresses hatred or even dis-
like toward others. Likewise, the ra-
cial and ethnic minorities on cam-
pus do not express general hatred
for the white students.

This is not a matter of open con-
flict as much as it is a matter of psy-
chological conflict.

Once students leave the academic
buildings or eating areas they no
longer will be “students" in the
most general sense. They will be
come individuals — individuals
who are defined by every aspect of
their cultural and/or racial makeup.

To see a person in this manner is
to see him or her completely. Often,
the classroom does not allow for
i that kind of recognition.

At some point. however, it must.

UK‘s leadership, if its mission of
integrating the campus and encour-
aging a sense of community is to be
met. should keep in mind that stu-
dents come here with a variety of
social perspectives and assumptions
about others.

Many of these assumptions turn
out to be ill—informed.

And it is a tragedy when a student
spends several years here only to
graduate as narrowly experienced as
when he or she arrived.

Sadly, this happens quite often.

Books contain a wealth of infor-
mation on the whats, hows and
wheres of life.

But the world is not a book.

A university is not sprawling
classroom buildings, lush lawns and
residence halls.




A university is people. and no
form of higher education can be
complete without a greater aware-
ness and appreciation for human
difference. People hate not because
they simply dislike but because they

- There may never be a greater op-
portunity to connect with people
from other backgrounds than the
four (or five, more than likely)
years spent in college.

When you arrive on campus this
summer for the advising conference
and for Fall Orientation at the be-
ginning of semester. take a good
look around.

Perhaps, go to the top floor of
Kirwan or Blanding tower to in-
spect the view of campus and Lex-

Then think about all of the differ-
ent people who will inhabit that
vast, beautiful landscape.

From the view above campus.
UK may seem big enough already.
But there is plenty of man for you.


[J KeriYucfiu



JUN 14 1993 f






cEXPiillDlilG 4|OI2IZOHS


‘”»y r


. 4 _i§m‘wfl.iw ,5.» N,~.."1‘ 5.15 _.





The sprawling UK campus, as viewed from the top of Blanding Tower, might seem imposing, but the University is home to a wide range of social, cultural and
ethnic diversity. This atmosphere challenges students' conceptions and enables most anyone to find his or her niche.


Saturday, Aug. 21
10 — 11 am.
.g‘a. m.- Noon

Honors Program meeting (Student Center)
Program for black students (Student Center)
«w . convocation (Memo )


rientation -

. (optic '
- rectacular


ent programs and Study Abroad




1:30 — 2 p. , .. . .

2—2:30 p. ,1“; rg .
" ‘ e ientaiio

lor adult shrdents



5-5:30p.m. -_ I)

on Tuesd
of King Libra


An evenin tour at King Library will
6:30 p. m. tudents should meet rn .
times will be listed rn the Fall Orienta '-





JAMES CRISP/Kernel Stall
'th t ans't'on to college life
and transfer students a sample of what the 3.
2:53:11 :lae‘wzrézxor University has to offer, it also provides the op- $5
portunity to make new friends. jg
- “One of the benefits of Fall Orientation is
.lIIllfll d . . . .r—T
quail; passirs geagggeggmwfigdgmailgd that it‘s a good time to meet lots of different a
college for the first time in the fall might be- Exog' $58513“ Dean M Students Rebecca 1
come overwhelmed with the fear of drowning or 53‘ ‘ f,

During Fall Orientation, students will be as-
signed to small groups. These groups are led
by upperclassmen who answer students' ques- /
tions and provide more detailed information '
about the various facets of campus life.

Small groups benefit students because
“there‘s something comforting that other peo-
ple are experiencing some of the same things

See ADJUST, Page A7

in the college scene.

But Fall Orientation. a program sponsored
by the UK Dean of Students Office. is de-
signed to make the transition to college easier.

The program, which begins Aug. 21 and
ends Aug. 23, will feature campus tours.
mock lectures and various sessions on adjust-
ing to college life.

Not only does Fall Orientation give new



Summer advising conferences begin soon ...................
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A2 - Kentucky Kernel. Monday, June 14. 1993

Changes may make
FRC more effective


By Lance Williams
News Editor


In the past few years, UK‘s Stu-
dent Government Association has
had a reputation on czunpus for be-
ing out of touch with the average
student, but this year‘s administra-
tion hopes to bring about a change
that begins With this fall‘s freshman

The first step will be to r'et‘onn
the freshman branch of StiA. 'l'he
Freshmen Representative l‘ouneil.
which includes 25 riiernbers of the
freshman class, has undergone sev-
eral changes for the tall semester.
and SGA leaders say they hope the
revzunping will make I Rt‘ more ef—
fective for freshman on c impus

"We wanted to giy e more .ttitono~
my for the group with Sti.\. and we
wtuited to give them more free—
dorn." said Evan Reynolds. exeeu~
live director of Academic Affairs
for SUA.

"I have talked to past members of
the group. and the biggest coma
plaint I heard was that they felt like
they didn't get to represent every—
one (in the freshnuur classi." SGA






president Lance Dowdy said.

To combat that problem, plans
are being put into place for the
group to hold freshman forums that
will allow FRC to meet with stu-
dents across campus to tind out
what problems freshmen are having
at UK and what can be done to help
solve the problems

"The biggest problem with for-
ums in the past is that it has been
SGA saying, "this is how it is. and
this is what you want.’ " Dowdy

Dowdy said this year‘s SGA will
be a body that helps everyone and
that FRC will let freshmen “have an
ear to hear them."

“We want to hold these forums to
give freshmen a chance to gripe,"
Reynolds said.

See FRC. Page A7





K-Lair, located near Central Campus, is one of several eating establishments currently offered by UK Food Services. A KFC tran-
chise, similar to those found in mall food courts, is coming in the tall. Students can purchase food with their meal cards.

Lake Edna, KFC coming to University in fall




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By Ty Halpin
Sports Editor


This year‘s Student Center food
will be finger lickin' good.

KFC —fomierly Kentucky Fried
Chicken — will open in the Student
Center next year. bringing Lake
Edna to Lexington and expanding
selections customers can choose

“We certainly hope to have it
ready by the opening of school,"
UK Vice Chancellor of Administra-
tion Jack Blanton said.

UK had hoped to open a KFC in
the 1993 spring semester. but con-
tract details slowed the process. The
project began last fall when Food
Services Director Robert Braun an-
nounced UK‘s intentions.

Blanton said the possibility re-
mains for more outside franchises
to peddle their goods in UK's cen-
tral eating location.

“We've been dealing with three
vendors,“ he said. “There are con-
tracts out for all of them. We are
waiting for them to be returned."

No services will be taken out of
the Student Center's foodlirie to
make room for the franchises, Blan-
ton said.

"We won't be replacing any one
area. What there will be are coun-
ters with the companies logo and
preparation facilities.”

Currently, UK Food Services of-
fer facilities on campus at Blazer






Hall, which includes the BX. a
small grocery store: Donovan Hall,
which holds the Oak Room, a buf-
fet-style eatery: K-Lair grill, which
offers fast-food type meals; Kir-
wan-Blanding Complex, which has
a food court and a grill; and the Stu-
dent Center cafeteria, UK‘s most
central location.

The franchise mini-stores will be
similar to those seen in mall food

Students will be able to purchase



Present at Check-in and we will subtract
$10 from your bill. Certificate good for

. each night of your stay. Offer not valid
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available. Not redeemable for cash.

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the fast food on their meal cards.
Blanton said.

“It will be just like another part of
the food line. Students who have a
meal plan can use their meal cards.
They don‘t have to pay cash."

Prices for the food will be similar
to the prices found at other KFC‘s
around Lexington, Blanton said.

Among other changes in UK food
services for next year, plans are be-
ing made for a new food center on
the mezzanine of Patterson Office

ROBIN JONES/Kernel Grannies
Tower, Blanton said.

The food services at Lexington
Community College will be en-
larged as well.

Blanton said the move to outside
chains comes down to basic market-

“We wanted to add new additions
to the choices and opportunities stu—
dents have in the Student Center.
Hopefully, we are making the meal
plzm more attractive to the student."


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Wilts-“f9.“ smawv , ;

.5.: .v.‘









James Kuder
Vice Chancellor for
Student Affairs
tsuation. Kuder oversees a numba of
University offices. including residence
life, the Student Centa and financial aid.

Chancellor for the Albert B.

Chandler Medical Center
Bosomworth is in charge of the Medical

Charles Wethington

UK President
The University‘s 10th president. the Ca-







sey County native was Chancellor of the Center. Which includes the colleges of 35
Community College System before suc- RObert Hemenway nursing. dentistry. pharmacy and allied . :
owding David Roselle. Chancellor for the Lexrngton health notesswm. ;

Campus ;-

In charge of the 13 colleges on the Lex-
ington Campus. Hemenway holds a se
ries of town meetings every fall to hear
concerns from students. facutly and staff.

masts-m“ ,



iks-wag; “w "1:. n “ 1"
‘ " d. ,f








Wes Butler
L Do Student Activities Board
David Stockham we way . Pms‘dcm
De f S d ‘ Student Government As presrdent of SAD. Butler oversees the
an O tu LlltS Association President scheduling of events for students. such as

For students. the buck stops here Stock-
harn has the final say in all disciplinary
matters involving students.


Homecoming, movies at the Worsham

Elected president this spring. Dowdy Theater and various comm

oversees the student political body and

' I also holds a seat on the Board of Trus-
C.M. Newton tees.















































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1: giate athletics. NeWtOn helped turn , _ V ) ’ ., . --------
2,, Ntllll bt’l‘S‘ t0 READ mound the Univmitfl Fromm-madden ‘i A Fen (II the Mam Bt rights (it .: .
é ‘ p. men‘s baSkflballlmsmm- :-:-:-:.:-:-:-: Living in a University ut Kentucky Residence Hall :_- _ _ _ _ '.‘
i ' ‘ t' :-:
:2; Area Code 606 " :: Th M 't' l-I
3"} - u Utilities are covered: Unlimited seconds on e opportunity to any excr mg programs are .I'
.“ Infomahon :| Electricity, heat, water, healthy foods make many friends offered through resrdence .'.
- ‘n' trash service and (Commons Dining, from diverse halls. I.I
257 9000 , .
. ND NE W I: maintance. Donovan Hall, and backgrounds that last h . :‘i
Campus Recreation :- . imam ““9th strange ham, .;.
257-9898 S T q B I I i: ‘ 7 I I ”W :: 23:23.5 are i There are always lifestyles, career tips; t:
l ° - Unlimited Salad/ peo Ie around, sporting events, coo outs, . .
career center :3 Sgciffitdlegggflsfibnés Desrert/ Beverages (at stu_ ying, playing, and road trips. I:|
257-2746 T :. deposit, no phone the above locations). eating, etc. Recreational, social, :5
Dean of Students :: hOOk‘uP fees. Everything from Yourl prglfessors are f academlic, culgrral, .aln‘c’i] H
i I . Cheesebu ers to inva ua 9 sources 0 p0 itica even avar a e I. ;
257-3754 :' Fumrtur‘e: , Veggies agilable. information and. g soley for the residence halls. ::. s
. . FEA TUBING u l in Rooms are fupmrshed ‘ . . friendship, provrding , ,l,
M. 1. King Library ' ' ' M i it ‘I: W‘th bed, desk?“ Condiments provrded: assistance and Campus wide events, 5'
257 3788 0 TWO BOOI'OOITI/TWO Bath 2 3:? ‘ :: Spr‘ffrtgriangxfi‘e Igetchup, mustard, encouragemcint Yhile prfigli-aarlnanc‘fivgitileicglcesa’re t:
- ' ' ' E : * tt , a onnarse, ou are in s 00 cu u ., . | .
‘ . spaCIOUS L'VIng 'I tables, C airs, utensils, ttii'ngfogns, ettuce, 0nd grind beyond. more accessible to on ,I,
Registrar 0 One Mile From UK Main Gate :. dishes, etc. unions h campus students. .:.
- ' ' w at a su on u I
257 3107 J Washer/Dryer Connections :: Transportation: Dishes, silverware, system! PP Access to campus {I
Student Billings o Handlcap Access I :| Time and money are cups, and napkins ublicaltiorks suclhgs the H
_ ' ' t saved b not liavin to rtlvlded. tnth 3/ erm- , cc '.
257-2406 . on Slte P'OfeSSIOI‘aI Management i drive fig/m classes, gr P Magazine, [If/all Notes, and t,
- - - finding a parking space Time saved b not Apartment ews. . .
Financral Ald A :: on campus! No shopping, cod/king, or ':'
I asoline costs because cleanin u , 'u'
257-3172 Stable View -: in. are within walking 8 P :-:
University Housing __ :. distance. '1'
F----------- ------- ----- ------- - -------------------------- .
2 7-1 11 ’ I'Universit ’ Housin" ' 12." Funkhoust‘r BltIU. 0 Lminqttm, I\\ JIHIIh-(ltH-I ' (Mlhl 2:7-Ibhh'.
5 6 1100 Horseman 8 Lane (At Redmile Rd.) . 254-9020 :Ll‘l‘l'l‘l‘l"2'l'l‘I‘I‘I"I1I‘I‘I'Z'I‘I'I‘I‘l‘l‘l‘l‘I‘I‘ll?-‘I‘I‘l’l'l'h‘l‘l‘l‘l‘l‘u‘l’I’I‘I'I'I’I’I‘n‘l‘I‘I'I'I’I’I’l I




-mmu‘. -~ v

M — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. June 14. 1993





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M - Kentucky Kernel,londay,June14,1m

fl. “m... .. ,

Summer advising conferences
give freshmen first dose of UK


By Lance Williams
News Editor


The road to a college degree
takes many hours of hard work.
dedication. discipline and good
planning. The University registrar‘s
office hopes to give students the
sound advice they need to plan for
successful college careers.

That is the reasoning behind the
Summer Advising Conferences.
which begin June 21 and come to a
finish near the end of July.

Students may select either a one-
or thy advising conference.
Both give an overview of services
offered at UK and allow students to

leave the session “with a complete
schedule for the fall," University
Registrar Randall Dahl said.

Students also will have their Di-
nerCards and student ID cards
made during their summer advising

However, if students chose to at-
tend one of the six two-day confer-
ences, they are allowed to spend the
night in a UK residence hall.

Two-day sessions begin June 21
and run for three weeks. One-day
conferences begin the first week of
July. Special days will be set aside
for transfer student advising confer-

The main function of the summer

sessions is to give students a chance
to sign up for classes they will take
during the fall semester. During
their advising conferences, students
wiu meet with advisers from their
respective colleges.

These advisers will help the stu-
dents begin their academic careers
at UK by assisting the students in
selecting the classes they need from
the thousands offered at the Univer-

Also during the advising ses—
sions, students are divided into
small groups to learn more about
the campus through tours and other


Renovations in residence halls funded
by $2.8 million loan from government


By Lance Williams
News Editor


Higher education will be just that
in the 1993-94 academic year be-
cause of increased fees, but students
should see those extra dollars put to
good use around campus.

The UK Board of Trustees voted
to raise University housing rates by
$122 over last year's fees. Included
in that agreement was an increase in
the minimum deposit in the Diner-
Card charge and a 572 increase to
cover higher personnel costs, in-
creased utility costs and higher debt

University apartment fees will in-
crease only slightly from the 1992-
93 rates. The increases range from
$8 a month in the efficiency apart-
ments to $14 a month in the two-

bedroom Greg Page Stadium View
Family Apartments.

To accompany the increased
costs. students will notice an in-
creased focus on campus residence
hall safety and usefulness. Begin-
ning in the fall. Kirwan II will be
known as the Wellness Hall and
will serve residents with special
equipment, programming and in-
struction that allow students to live
in a healthy environment.

During the summer, campus resi-
dence hall electrical cirCUits will be
fixed so that they can handle heavi-
er loads when students anive on

This means that students now
may bring microwaves — legally
—- and use them in their residence
hall rooms. “The policy of not al-
lowing microwaves is going to
evaporate," said Bob Clay, director




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of Residence Life.

In addition to being allowed to
bring microwaves, students may be
able to rent combination micro-
wave/refrigerators from UK's Resi-
dence Hall Association.

Other additions include the instal-
lation of security systems in the res-
idence halls.

Haggin and Donovan halls al-
ready have security systems that re-
quire all residents use their meal
cards to gain access to the building.
Clay said the system will be imple-
mented in a few more residence
halls by the end of the summer and
will be in place in every residence
hall by the fall 1994 semester.

Allen Rieman, director of Auxil-
iary Services, said other renova-
tions are under way in residence
halls across campus:

oSecurity cameras will be in-
stalled in Holmes, Patterson and
Jewell halls.

-New roofs will be placed on
Blazer Hall and the Greg Page
apartment complex.

~Repair work will be done on the
elevators in Blazer and Kecneland

-Smoke detectors will be in-
stalled in the low-rises in the Kir-
wan-Blanding Complex.

Most of the renovations are being
funded by a $2.8 million loan from
the US. Department of Education.





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Many students visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center to study or talk with friends.
The center also sponsors lectures, displays art and holds forums on racial awareness.

King Center, Learning Services
offer support for black students


By Tyrone Beason
Editor in Chief


To remain culturally grounded
is a common challenge that re-
quires uncommon fortitude.

There are no guarantees at a
large. predominantly white uni-
versity that a niche has been
carved for all racial or ethnic

Black students at UK can
boast about such a niche —— al-
beit with some trepidation.

“There’s no doubt that there's
a great deal of work to be done
— work that must be endorsed
by every member of this institu-
tion," said Chester Grundy, di-
rector of the Office of Minority

Still, he said, UK's Martin Lu-
ther King Jr. Cultural Center is a
solid start.

The Cultural Center, located
in 124 Student Center, is at once
a resource facility. an art gal-
lery, a lecture hall and a campus
home base for black students.


The only limits to this black
culture zone are its walls; the cen-
ter is fairly small.

But don’t be fooled by its size,
Grundy said, for the center pro-
vides a wealth of service to the
University. “What we know is
that oftentimes the determining
factors for whether or not Afri-
can-American students are suc-
cessful aren‘t the skills they bring
but a lot of intangible factors. One
very important factor is how hos-
pitable they view the campus."

Grundy said the Cultural Center
is a concrete expression of the
positivity in the black community.
It gives black students a sense of

“For black students, (the center)
is essential, and it‘s almost to the
point where it should be mandat-
ed," said Thomas Aaron, who is
fulfilling the duties of Cultural
Center director temporarily.
“We’re here to give students the
opportunity to share in the vast
richness of African-American so—

“The University says it’s sup-


posed to be a place to nurture
spirit, knowledge and wisdom. If
that's the case, then the Cultural
Center is ahead of its time as far
as universities go."

The Cultural Center may be an
expression of one culture, but its
mission is not, by any means. to
alienate representatives of other
races, Aaron said.

Everyone is welcome.

Another facility dedicated to
the success of black students is
the Minority Learning Services
Center, 660 S. Limestone St.

Independent of the Cultural
Center, Learning Services pro-
vides various forms of academic
and personal support, such as tu-
toring and peer counseling.

“It‘s a place where people can
feel comfortable coming to," said
Toni Thomas, director of Leam-
ing Services.

The Leaming Services Center
has a computer room, study area
and two counselors on hand to
help students during the schml









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On behalf of the student body, I would like to welcome you to
the University of Kentucky. UK offers many opportunities to
every student and I encourage everyone to get involved In all the
various activities that interest you during your college years.
Lessons gained in such cxpeeriences will be of great benefit in

future years.

Student Government has a place for all students. We function as
the voice of students at UK. We have a wide variety of commit-
tees that are seeking fresh ideas and open for more student input.
I encourage you to stop by the Student Government office and
learn more about what we have to offer.

As your Student Body President, I am hereto assist you in any
way. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.



lt-ungton, Kentucky 4(l‘3l7 Sincerely.
e mom 266—] ms
revise: K4!“ 2 '7‘
Lance Dowdy,
Afflicted u‘lfh the Rental ky im'm'd, smtnmdr Rt'puliltr group nl lamb and {manual \t’f’l'lt‘t' mmrmmvs Member F D, C SGA WWI
Bagdad ' Benton ' Bowling Green 0 Eliiabethtown 0 Frankfort 0 Inmglm 0 | oum tile ' Mavfield 0 Mumv 0 (Mmsboro ' i’aducah 0 Shelbvnllr
A h ‘ ‘ ( t


groups enrich
life at college

Staff reports



Between classes and studying,
new students might find plenty of
free time on their hands.

Never fear, because UK is home
to a number of clubs and organiza-
tions that can enrich the college ex-

One of the activities many stu-
dents participate in is the UK greek
system. There are more than 35 fra-
ternities and sororities on campus.
Besides social functions throughout
the year, greek organizations pro—
vide service to the community and
help new students form friendships.

Students leaving behind their
churches at home can find new ones
at the University. There are more
than 17 religious organizations at
UK, including the Baptist Student
Union, Campus Cmsade for Christ
and Catholic Newman Center.

For the politically minded, the
Student Government Association
offers a chance to represent the stu-
dent body on a variety of issues.
Other political organizations in-
clude Residence Hall Association,
College Republicans and College

The Student Activities Board
plans events throughout the year
such as Homecoming, Spotlight
Jazz and Parents‘ Weekend.

Good seats at athletic events are
just one of the benefits of tw