xt7f4q7qrj8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrj8c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 1982 1982 1982-09-09 2020 true xt7f4q7qrj8c section xt7f4q7qrj8c z“
[ ierg e] ".mum
The three major commercial networks
and PIS have released the fall lineups,
., I full of fantasy adventures and mini-se-
3._ ries. For a sneak preview and commen-
-«:.,_-:::.,'VV . , tary, see paged.
_______.____._____.____._. ______,______._..____.——————___..________+________________——
Vol. LXXXV, No. 22 Thursday, September 9, m2 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexmgton. Kontuckv
_ ______________________________________________________~_______
, . ,5 ‘ 4 . c... THURSDAY
- V VV 4 9: _ - . , l V . . , ~14. 25:..ng FromAseaahredPreeereparn
421V, .. j 4 . .V 3 1 . V l V V a V Diplametrescuedframeulchldeam
- ‘ f > ibil‘ ”if 1 ' ‘ ’L 9’ > "a 4‘43 s, l. “. ~‘
to; , 4 w " - I ’ . K "u *5 . ' i BERN, Swltzerland -— While authorities negotiated yester-
3§§i 343.1333: V . V33. ‘ V-.‘ -V " aft day with terrorists threatening to blow up the Polish Embas-
§4 ’ ' 3, if g; ‘ 4 it, ‘~ .3 4W sy, police spirited a diplomat out of an attic hideout where
féi§~ W4 _, " xVVV {‘t " . «.4, ” V" :4 3L, ' - hthaddbeen eluding the armed raiders for two days, offi-
43 ' ' .4433??? "”‘ 9.. 4-; 4 cia sai .
“"4 "3mg? "5 ‘ ~ .3, . 3, 3 l .4. -; 4.4 ‘ I The mission's military attache and four other staff mem-
» . > 4... ‘ . ‘, , 4., .4 ~ . “ ’ 3 V .' bers remained prisoners of the Polish anti-communist ter-
. 34.33.} 4V »‘ ti ' J" . ”R "" W 5’, - ' rorists, who are threatening to kill themselves and their
- i 4 “ 3-3" ' ' r ”' 4 ‘f 'V hostages at 10 a.m. tomorrow (4 a.m EDT) unless martial
t t, Mai}; ...I" 't I law is lifted in Poland and all political prisoners are freed.
’ ' M” J. L A government communique said Jozef Matusiak, an em-
3.... , bassy attache whose wife was one of eight previously re-
u ) leased captives, was "freed" by police officers, but did not
' 4 ' - ‘ . , I "3.33, Sources said members of the security forces surrounding
« _ {3’32 V 4 , ' 4.; . V the building had put a metal ladder up to the attic window
V“, ' e3 V 4 ‘ , V“ Tuesday in a rescue attempt that later was abandoned, and
V at 3'," I; My? 4 there w:s speculation that this method was used to rescue
.‘ 34.4 ' T3". . ' .. ' 3 t»? Matusia .
J V V . ”1”“? .2 :{V- iis. “3 ‘4! 4,4? V Bargaining over the telephone and in one face-to-face
4,“ , .' 3 _ 13‘s . » .4 V _, 4 . *V ‘ ,. meeting, police won release of three prisoners Tuesday and
fl IQ . " ‘ Ls 3' j a?“ ,’ 7*- ; -" 3 five more esterda .
’ 45 :4; ' 4. - 44- ‘ i’ « 3 ‘ . ' at 33V , .5 4 y Y
. 5* 5-447? ’1: V. _, 3: V . , 33.2. 4.33 is . “to . 3' 3’ 5“" V 3 , Arabs want Israel to recognize PLO
. v 436:5: 331V? 351‘ . V: 3"“; ..V 4 '21.; , v .1353" :33: iii’ it: '5‘ ‘ ii 4
~41‘4‘ 4“”; ""2452, ‘ : -' 4} J; 3 ' .. ,f .‘ "J r i“ .4‘ _' 4 . JERUSALEM — a combative Prime Minister Menachem
.. 3334;? "it . g? ;_ ’ .. 3 is 1‘ as??? ' 3 ~ 4 “V ,3» Begin told a stormy session of Parliament yesterday there
I. ‘53}- :" fit? a ‘ +2.1” . ', fi ~V‘ ‘ “it ~ 1: V was no chance lsrael would accept President Reagan's Pal-
:433 . .s. g V‘ .3 . VV , ' , 3;" . * ' 4%} 3, I _, ' estinian plan and challenged the opposition Labor Party,
:3 ' V V, 43 fit“; 4, 2 . ‘.V 'f" W” ' use} 6 93" .93 which supports the -ro-osal, to an early election next year.
“M; ’V ‘V 4:31.33 ' ’3 . . V V V V . , , , V; , «if V . 4. I4 The debate grew so heated
* ’ V V 53$ 31'; “'rV» V .3 _ x 4 in -' $3“:- 3 during Begin's reply that one op-
. V3 ,3 44M? . ~ 4 . 4. " . .4 4, . J" 3. j .4 position Labor deputy. Yossi
5: . 3V 33.33 4* f“ “a” . 3* a "‘ ' 3 4. VVfV . ‘4’ Sarid, was ordered out of the
3:} .5 3 ," ““ >4 ' ,‘ ' ' Q . 'Q’.’ 3f “i -‘ 4‘ h b rf rr t dh klin
“ iii if »» ~ ' .4, «9.33? " . 4 ‘* , ~ 1 4.". it ~ - c ("an e. 0| spec e :3 th 2' i
'w‘ ’_ ' .. ” ' - »- . . _ - "33‘ .4 '- f. .' 3" 4-44 . egin a so announc a ius
4.425; "33" 4&3?» 43...; \ I” , :2: . a ”WA” before he mounted the podium,
Ag’ié?‘ ijififi' ”i t“ .. - VV 4 {I‘m'V‘V " 3b“, , ”"”" Israeli iets destroyed a battery of
3’ V, 5" . $13. , 24‘ , I : 1 ' '3 3. W . Syrian anti-aircraft missiles in
kw; " . 4 .' . a ‘31,? ‘4 ‘II x , *aa’” eastern Lebanon, where Israeli
3.“ " ’ g‘hg‘g ' I " ‘3, 5’ and Syrian troops are massed for
V '3; , . g 1‘ 1;; W ‘1: ~ ' a possible new confrontation.
. . Pig-V4,; . fi ‘ 2 “ Meanwhile. in Fez, Morocco.
. ti 4‘ ‘4 “4 .. 4 = V_ _ .. Arab leaders said they will nego-
a... . ‘ , ' ' " n tiate a Middle East peace on the
M I i I ”yaw/K" “5"“ MENACHEM 'IO'N basis of President Reagan's initia-
e on 005 08360 f tive, but only if Israel recognizes
V . V V the PLO and the settlement includes a Palestinian state in-
StudentsctaVre advantage of free watermelon yesterday at Kirwan on since she was 5. Dawd Berra, a landscape architecture senior. corporating east Jerusalem, officials said yesterday.
V ovVver. in y Qtéll’ed, a resident VasslstaVrcin Vin Kieran IVIVand a biologV- IS in the foreground. lsrael has rejected those conditions in the past.
ca saences an e ucation senior, sai it was er lrst waterme - The leaders were approaching a consensus on proposing
an unprecedented offer of mutual recognition between Is-
I real and the Arab states —— including a sovereign Arab-
Student groups get SGA asSIstance — .4
the officials, who disclosed details of secret discussions at
the Arab summit here on condition their names not be
,_ __ tion Assistance Committee. pus appearances by speakers whose of view," F‘reudenberg said. “We’re used
By JASStgfIflwmter AMS SOAC fi 83:“ ($1915 to Sgrucéups presentation: are not micallg gar- not opposed to that. We are opposed
ri ranging in 'sian ent isanorre' ominna ,sai in- to omot' individualsor ies." - - - -
Fellowship to the American Society cent Yell. graduate school senator 'ip‘he polling], he said, is ”nelc‘tessary Reagan to ”diam“ I" cm W
__—___________ ofVVIViVinei-ior DesigtiersVVV ha iii an: the1 cVomfliitteeV’: chairmanV. de becaoufe of a rule that prohibits the .
ecommittee st‘ 5 more an poi ica y pa isan even is - use state a 'ations to su A _ i

The Amman SW“ Dam“ AS' ”-000 of its summer funds. but “1- filled by the committee as the pro port political org-’erlitglegmactivities. p :4 3732:52144..."i:i.“?:'.t’i°:t::‘4:2"§:£::‘4:33:22
sociation's UK chapta' will hold terested student groups must apply motion of a party’s candidate or I-‘reudenberg said he poposed the ing toward resolution in the 59M"e
eight dental clinics this year to give bySeth). ideas. Religious groups can we policy because he wanted to clarify 4-" is ”me 3 ”and and be c .nted th' . ,. R
free dental care to underprivileged SOAC will not finance an organiza- funds for any project that does not regulations on the use of state ‘d . :3 °uh ld‘ onk '5 'ssue'. °°'
children — and a Student Govern— tion, but the committee will help de- involvepreachm' g. money and avoid misunderstandings 9°" s.°' _'" ° etter to senators o 'n9 ey “”95 m the
ment Association committee is going fray the costs of projects and events The summer Senate established by groupgseeking SOAC aid. °b°"'°V" h9M _
tohelpthemdoit. thatserveeducational purposes. theguidelines. The student government formed UN" "0‘”, R9090" hadVSPOken VOU' "‘ lOVOF 0* Proposed

Marilynn Godby, president of For instance, the ADSA dental Tim Freudenberg, Arts and Sci- SOAC last year. The interim Senate changes to the current national policy of legalized abortions
ASDA, said, “Without their help, it clinics, which will be held on Satur- ences senator, said he spomored the elected Yeh chairman for 192.33, but made no specific efforts to push legislation on the sub-
would have been difficult to sponsor days during the academic year, will bill became he did not want the Freudenberg, Carol west, director iect through the Congress.
this program. SGAreally savedin.” be manned by dental students super- committee to spend students’ money of Student Services, Louis Straub, Critics said Reagan was responding to attacks tram New
V'l‘welve other Vcampus Vorganiza- vised by dental instructors, who will on events that might not be accepta- senator~at-large, and Tim Adams. Right conservatives who want the president to make social
tions have obtained funding sance volunteertheirservices. bletoall students. . SGA comptroller. are on the com- issues such as abortion and school prayera high priority.

June 1 from the Student Orgamza- SOAC also will help finance cam- (An event) may present a point mittee. "My personal view is h. (Reagan) dogsn" have his hum
in it," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., one of those oppos-
7 ing pending anti-abortion legislation. "It is a token ap-
en er ea peasement of the right wing."
I , in a second letter to Majority Leader Howard Baker, R-
Tenn., the president said he would fight to overcome a lil-
e a a e e n e - ibuster organized by liberals who want to black enactment
Suicide instruction manual draws criticism in France 3.442.144.44aiggt..4444 4,444.44 4,, 444.44.44.44 5....
esse e ms, - . .
________...._..__.. him the name “Monsieur Suicide" in in the next five years," says its pub~ phlet “Guide to Self-Deliverance" a "I am expending my efforts to support" the attempt to
By CAROLYN LES}! France. lisher, Alain Moreau. year ago, but that how-to-kill-your- shut off the debate as well as the Helms proposal, Reagan
AssociatedPressWi-lta “Nine out of 10 people who try to He says about 10 suicides have self manual is available only on le- said. '
kill themselves don’t want to suc- been linkedtothebook. M d quest from Exit members of three
.____._._____———- ceed.” “I feel no remorse," oreau sai months whoareover 25. . . .
French Minister of Health Jack during an interview. “This is a book The Exit pamphlet lists four Kennedy hints OEPIMMWM
.PARlS — 0i} a "fideummer’s Ralite has urged a ban of the book. that pleads for life. But it also rec- bloodless methods of committing
night in the bone Valley town of So have the nation‘s largest medi- ognlm that the right of suicide isan suicide by using non-practipt'ion LOUISVILLE _ u.s. Sen. Edward Kennedy came to Ken-
TPW'S. V27-year-old hm?“ Bondy cal, pharmaceutical and consumer inalienable right, like the right to drugs. It was delayed for more than tucky to tout the talents of three Democratic congressional
killed himself W swallowmg bub“ groups. W9“. the (mm to In“? certain a year because EX“ feared prosecu- candidates, but he also dropped hints, amid remarks that
turates. NW ms body lay a how-to- me m" Catholic Church has things. the right to publish. What tion “hm a 131 British 1“” that he's now trying to win re-electian to the Senate of another
comméV-sulcgf 3:!wa ml)?“ condemned the book as have suicide use is a right without the means to carries a mm“ ls—eyéeaif- jail sen- presidential bid '
CO e em ' F or- executeit?" ten for oonvit o ai‘ ' .
France this year - VWeVethVlng wagging; ficghsur- Moreau said he has received about suigiCde. c m a The M150; huseg; Democrgt was 'erduced Tuesday to

Bondy, a former department store vivedattemptstokill themselves. soolettersabout the book. In the United States, most states ° Fr°Wd ° a 3m" 8 peop 9 V G°"' J°,h" Y' Bmwn' “3"“
worker, hadVbeen kwused and out “Silicide” was published in April. “In all my m years in publishins. havesimilar laws. said KeVVnnedy may well be the next preSident of the United
of work ‘0" mne months. has sold 50,000 copies in five months I‘ve never had such a response from British Attorney General Sir Mi- 5'0'95- . .

“The authors m m“ andhasbeen m the French non-fic- the public," said the 45-year-old chael Haven has Mt a high Kennedy said he had tried to 90' Brown to make the
Marcel Bondy said aftc' his my tion bestseller list for the past two Moreau. ' court ruling to (helm Exit‘s sale same statement in 1980, when he was challenging former
death. “This horror mint be with- montln. “The bulk of the letters are from of the pamphlet illegal. A hearing is President Jimmy Carter tor the Democratic nomination.
drawn from publication." It is scheduled to be published in elderly people who want to know dueinthefall.

He has joined ”mum“; poll- West Germany and Spain this fall. where theycanbuythebook.'V‘ Vln fiance, efforts to ban “Sui- \
ticans, religiom leaders, sulcitb Ile- Publishing houses in the Umted Most book stores in Paris stock ends“ are, for the moment, stymied. \ /
vention centers and others who went States, Japan, Italy, Brazil and Den- “Suicide." But a number of stores. The Justice Ministry, replying to a \
mew; seller withdrawn. marksrenegotiating forthen'ghts. especially in smaller towns, have re- Health Ministry niggestion that the _

Based on the belief that suicide Its 10 chapters take up such topics lmedtosellit. book's “recipe“ chaptc be out- WEAT
should be painless the mm. as suicide and insurance, the right VSeveral French newspapers. mag- lowed, has said “Mela" violet.
book titled “Suicide Mode D’Em- to choose death, the history of sul- azines and radio stations have re- noli‘rencthew. V V / \
ploi" (Suicide OWN“! lmtruc- dds, alto-natives to suicides, and fined to carry advertisements for “'l‘tiet-elsmthlng nowinthepenal
tions) contains so recipes for lethal whceandthwtncommltsulcide. thebook. . code that tiltit‘Vies that this text be

. . “333cm.“ 333.3 "mm 33 ”M. “Veal-mound: Ind Yves be m 75:13; flyugfmtmrnzm forbids: 3mm wéimsc'; rod-y wlll be mostly sunny and warm with a high In
W “Wh- who, wrote the book, retina all re in France each year. About 10.000 by French mitten cam be "nth“; :3.le b. toir and cooler with e low i the

“This book is “d ‘0" W quests for interviews. 'lhey say that succeed. No statistics yet indicate if named. | °" ' "
people With wield” fantasia who everything they have to say about that number hm harassed since the “A relorm of the penal cork is °‘” ‘0‘ d
are seeking help," said Jean Pia-re sulcilbisinthebook. publicationof“Suicide." under way and legislation is ex- '°"‘°"°" "m 5‘ “""W "‘ "'m‘ with ' MI.| 'fl
Soubrier, a psychiatrist whose so «i expect on. book to make about Exit, ii British euthanasia society, pected that would make aiding it out. "-0 mid 00'-
publication- on suicide have and atom thu year end about swoon began distributing copies of its pem- cideacrime."

K‘e"r' ‘ Bel i
Illlfloldon swam isotherm IOOMWquM Llnll.lodobo 1.0. Vania... oar-amen
Editonlnschiol News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Special Protects Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor
Mules links Monk Cindy Doctor lotion I. “the Mickey Patterson lothlo Mullen Ion Von Nook Owls Ad- ‘3:
MonogingEditor Editorial Editor IIIII.WIIOWJV. Assistant Sports Editor Spoclal'roiecti Assistant Chief Photographer K00 Mill. {7.
Assistant Arts Editors Copy Dosh [7i
, u ‘
Since it opened its doors 10 years ago, stu- For UK to lose its health services would be
dents have made a regular habit of com- comaparable to a small city losing its only
plaining about the Student Health Services. hospital and community health department L 's‘rgN ”0‘” 1% OBE— WHO WOOL-WT ,
Much of the sniping is justified. The health at the same time -— a crisis of no small pro- / i
services, housed in Medical Center Annex portions. . PAY Fm A MODER N, C 0MPR£HENSNE
Four, are overcrowded —— 10 doctors share a Of course, it would be entirely posible for TH $£RVlCE / 1,
paltry 8,000 square feet with a professional President Otis Singletary to simply make a $1 UDENT H EA Lr . , 3’
staff — and overworked — 40,000 students presidential recommendation to the UK ‘ '
used the health services last year, making Board of Trustees “and leave it at that. \? g
for long waits and short tempers. Frankly, the admmistrators of the health 4 “f
But imagine what it would be like if there :gécehewggdcggfmlieihagnvgg1.813230% 3 / ..
were no health services. Where would one go of the’student body y (V A. ,n
- 9 v 9 . . ' . 7" / ' ‘
to get a virus treated. Or athlete, s f°°t' Ve- Originally, that reaction was to have been 5 f t ' A
nereal disease. A broken arm. A broken \ _ , 4. . .
., . . gauged by means of a referendum attached «L‘k'hx , \ , .
heart. (The health serVices are responSlble . . . , r; ., l ,r‘ - i q , ~
. . . to the Student Government Assocultion 7’ ~, \ _ ‘ n . - . .
for psychiatric counseling, too.) fr hm . . . . c v \\ , .
. . . . as an senate elections in November. But - ,l f '. ~ - '
Unfortunately, UmverSity admmistrators \ Q , I / f. s ,
. . . fears that turnout would be too low to be rep- \\\ , J?"
say the health seerces Will revert to nothing resentative uashed the referendum ro ,J— \‘ , /, a, \9 _
more than a colds-and-viruses infirmary in sal q p po- : A. I, ‘ m A ll , f I”, . \ -
Sea-1&3? fegnll? mail): mszaii-si-ist‘telli?)asfttiia'ralleiililtl3 Instead, the SGA senate will vote on an en- . o f l N " I ‘ Jet/S; , , ’ 1 l ‘
time students y dorsement of mandatory fees at its next f _ 3 w; .', / , , ‘ . s
' _ meeting, 7:30 pm. Sept. 13 at 206 Student l " g__, . ’ ’ a' "
The alternatives to the health seerces are Center. Alternatively, it may remain silent ' ____ ,1 l/ / .«g A \ .
few. Sure, there’s plenty of doctors around on the issue or approve a statement opposing ” ill ,: '3‘: . ~
town. All it takes to visit one is a car and a the fee. <:.—— i l g ..
Blue Cross card — or wads of cash. And then It’s encouraging that Singletary has cho- ’l “Ill, , y “it! i” ‘ . / . ,
there’s the UK Medical Center emergency sen to rely on student opinion, but discourag- "755M; :‘Il —‘ ‘ *3 . .,
room. The health services clinic may seem ing that the members of SGA have so little .. ‘l Al“ %
crowded, but the emergency room is packed. confidence in their ability to mobilize stu- i ‘ ~ <
Considering the consequences, $25 a se dent interestinanimportant issue. 7 \
mester isn’t much to pay for on—campus Still, students who care to make their opin- ‘ ' , ‘ ,\ {3‘ / ,
health care, as students who have not paid ions known can hope the representative sen- 1‘ ~ j ' i [Q é // ‘3", / y .g
the fee and then found it necessary to use ate system functions as it is supposed to. “, 1 I . “¢’§, ' ‘Wyfly "
the health services have found. . Rather than leave the issue entirely to the ‘ . l l I“ wry, ' i W‘ , ,r'wv it“.
Also, the health services prov1de a number whim of the senate, they may contact their b l U ’34.? } 17%,”, / Kin-ill»! ,5
of peripheral services, such as assuring individual senators or address the Senate as . ..' ° l 42 “m“ l\- ill] it
healthy conditions prevail in residence halls awhole. “ . w "12»le ' 7 j,
and classrooms 311d PNVidlflS tuberculosis Students unsure of the names of their sen- '
tests and required shots for student teach- ators or senators-at-large can call the SGA '
ers. office at 257-3191. ‘ .,
E ' ' R ’ I ' ' "
/ x-presrdents chrde eagan spa 10193
All three alcohols- of the 'exclu- save him from his other great this as they have contracted to do, and sore, it turns out, is not the deficit .
. . . .. . ) . sivs «presidents club — Jimmy take. the Europeans threaten to jail them mess or the pipeline mess. but, the .
Carts, Jerry Ford and Richard —'—_—'_ if they don't. What next? Everybody environmental giveaways; it is lnte- ‘
\ Nixon — have chided Ronald Rea- hopes for a graceful exit. Where’s norSecretaryJames Watt. .
a, \ , gan recently. It fits into the bewil- Tip O’Neill? Breaking a well-imposed silence
t 5 E Lb , is, derment of time in which it has f Let us consult our three ex-presi- before the Wilderness Society in At- . .
if; k, ‘8 .‘4 7’ sanetimes conned that the Reagan ' TRB dents. First, Jerry Ford, talking to lama oriAus 20. Carter saveooear- 5
4f " “fir—'- administration was flylngapart. ABC’s DaVid Brinkley on Aug. 15. Ills _indictme_nt 0f the administra-
‘ 7“ ,, \ 1 \l ,. 7;“ The administration chased the Reagan, of course, came to office trons handling. 0f enVironmental . .
x' 3‘ .- 5 A9395. , will-o’-the-wisp of supply-side eco- —— with a hard-line approach to the Issues, blamms it first on the trucu- '_
t f "9‘3 ‘ £ ' ""—"""" nomics right up to the abyss of defl- . He has gotten himself into an Rissians. He was gomg to be tough- lent Watt and second 0|l_ the Pl'Gl' -, , ._
.3" it , p 4.," fl cit — and then who saved it from di- awful mess by trying to forbid our erthan Carter or FordorNixon. dent. Watt, he charged, “01130 50"? ;..
l.,\‘. _ s l \ l ,. ' saster? Why, Sputum 'rip O’Neill closest allies from helping the Sovi- “Itisinteresting, inmy opinion, to in history among our Cabinet offl-
Lgfiflfl! i" N 4,3, so" andtheDemocrats did, tobesure. ets build their 3,600—mile pipeline to see President Reagan moving away cers “88 me who "105559!”le be- 1,,-
, fl‘ .‘ \ ".‘3 l, Reagan won, zoo-an, but he won deliver Siberian natural gas to West in a number of instances from the trayedthepublic u-ust.’ . 1%;
' l' ‘ ‘3 't 41(5) 8 ‘» m~ becallse he ind himself changed ern Europe. Reagan threatens to jail positions that he took in 1900," Ford That sounds more like old times. iii .
.. , , ' ' a: w K‘ sides. Now he wanted more taxes, heads of US. firms if they sell tools said. It WOUld he mce to have unity on for" g
YES .1118 ONE WORK$ MUCH BjT.'_ER_.... TMNK YQU, ENG WNW” , not Ice. The question is who will and equipment to European states Brinkley intajected, “The tax in- eisn aftell‘si Dempsi but It IS ml'
———-——_—_—_——.——_——_—— crease, for example,” and Ford con- likely unless Reagan can get his ,,_:.
tinned: “The president is recogniz- hard-liners under control. There ; ,
in that litical wer of the United really is a basic difference in philos iii”.
s ,p0 in . _. 1.
States is more in the center and ophy, I believe, between the modero ‘- _
therefore he has to be tless 83:51:88 :tsdoéaglte old SAlaTmtzlkaggxon:
de dentonsu rtrom or or er—an - _,
W r1351? " ppo compromise, oil-pipelinegroup. _ . .
Thanks 50 A This country decided long ago that human at the yeatut gift of all: his must also refute your rather are. Exactly! And 8;» Ford 333, ms;- chime Edmemgmmd P152013! ’ ;
' slavery is prime-facts wrong. inli life. matic editorial on Sept. 3. It claims ‘qu am!“ the “Palm- um eh: ' mfg declares has “shock”; {he .~
The local chapter of Amnesty ln~ tary service, Whal forced, requires A peacetime theft, at best, would the guidelines would prohibit SGA mmtratlm ller :31 CO d be: nation ,, Caner» im some to let .
ta-national and the UK Campus Net- the draftee to forfeit two years of his be a mass indoctrination of learning from bringing G. Gordon Liddy. handled 1‘ bette- 1 ”3:: half Reagah “hide behind a secretary of
work of AI, would like to express life (orherlife, too, iftheKu-neled- to kill. At worst, some president George McGovern and Hunter more_forthright a year a Th theinterior ”
their thanks to both Jim Dinkle, the itors were to completdy fulfill their may decide it is time for all of these Thompson to campus. You couldn't 88° 1" the" @9081le . - - e Some of his own wounds show “1 . ,
Student Government Association, fantasies); two years of involuntari- troops to get sane real battle expe- bemoreoff base. whole darned thing mt have been have served in the Oval Office ..' he f
my 3mm and Lawrence Bisig ly obeying rules not forced upon dance. As others have indicated, To repeat, the SOAC guidelines aVOIded-d , NW malls and when an “unpopula', de_
fa- .tmpmg n, vim the polish other-citizens. historically, high levels of troops apply only to SOAC funds, and as _TRB peso; Mtg]; quote ,de t cision" was made “it was my w
embmyinWaahmgton' ,D.C. When one enters “this man’s hnvccveuuianyledtowar. such. only prohibit the active Iam “"9“ "“3“ “t “we“ " s ibilit ., iie’ underlines the - ‘3
They tried to visit the unbassy on army,” one is told when to eat, The patriotic (whatever that may mating of a political candidate, Pointed 0‘" on {We 18 that we have P‘i’n“: "1 gm from .eme that - ;
behalf of our adopted ppm, sleep, drink and talk. One no lotus mean) will scream, “Love it or party or religious belief with SOAC 3_ key common ii‘i‘ta'estgith the Rm- fie ' esident himsell :15! personally ..
Miecyslaw Bednarski, during their enjoys the freedom of movemuit of leave it," about my country, but if funds. slans not to let our di erences . . . and green res nsible for the poll-
trip to that city this sum- other citizens. And, after Carver vs. such a choice has to made between Has the Student Organization As- leatlmmtoaslgootmswar. cm “hisagmmgmmn ,, ,. . _
mer.BednarIki, as member of Soli- US. Air Force, one is told whatnot being‘ drattadorlcaving, i would not sistance Md Comrru'ttee stiffled Nixon doesnt addrggg‘elleasan by mm m bewildering days that ,'
darity, was mm for organizing to say as well. Interestingly mush. want to comider myself a member free speech in these areas? Of name. I.“ he say" Cold {3“ we could grow tumultuoln Reagan has ,
astrike atawoolmill. this same paper sweeten! the fol- 0‘ this wintry. I “We thoseinta- course not. Grants have been issued retreat “Mtg: 3081? or cf: switched signals on the economy
His imprisonment is in violation of lowing day that free ecu-salon, “is ested to contact local anti-draft by SOAC to Amnaty international, frontation, 53:51:: elleducehi c: and could do so on foreign affairs as '
Article so of the United Natiom Dec- one of the best features if our sys- groups. lexington has itsown chap- Socially Concerned Students, Chris" gmgtltgnltfi . s altw The well His Gallup Poll approval rat- .
laration of Human Rights that tern.” ta- of the Commttee Against Regls- tian Student Fellowship, Mmllm e .V‘ th nlon “.sm' at is in! is below other recent presidents 1*
states: “Everyone has the right to The Kernel purports to save our tl'ltwll and the Draft. It may just Student Association, Kappa Alpha mildqmmrawe lwaerefluu” ‘ including Carter’s. ’ .,
iuocii'iioiif"mceful my and “w” "m“ ”me “3" WWW me your me' Mme“ Elks? “hem“ m U'S' 8‘“ I‘m “Nixtlilgdoal‘ilt mention the pipeline TRB doubts that he will try for a 3'
nil” Persimm- in"; meat: hfimm mm ,sesgcwwwehm- ”smartest? tags: smashes“:
8e In e “In ' e - . , i ' t '
bassy, the effort is still greatly ap- gym? timid If this am: Story Inaccurate They have assiu-ed .ihat antdcnt met; 0:212:60:- 1:08; a mu wt: algaawtdlislilsl: mce man. It s his .
9mm“- _ truly threatened by those with ovcr- i would like to clear up several ."‘°"" “"11 b." fi‘bg‘éfg 23? act together. If we allow the Bug- @1982, The New Republic " .
Jackie Edmuton whelmingly militaristic minds. the mincprcsmtatiom which appeared "“I “I mm" sians to divide and conquer, they
Vicepresldent answer is not to indoctrinate the intheKa'nelrecently. ' “"1“me will!“ TRB la the pen name of Richard "
AICampus 1“th mintb of millions of yolnge citisuls In “SGA Refuse to Finance So- AltSSenator Well, that's two of the living ex- Strout, a Pulitzer Prize-winning re-
f . l I r with militaristic thotUIt. dalllt Talk!” in the Sept. 1 Kunel, SGA "aim“, the Republicans. We porter who has been with the Wash- » ,
DH] 1 l5 5 avery The answer, it scans, in to put staff write Jason Williams claims haven’t heard much from Carter 1.- lngtori bureau of the Christian Scl-
lus animals at the military alto that waits of the lill said its Staff Writer Jason Williams mere- tely,but that’s goingtochangesoon. ence Monitor since 1921. Strout has .
HlVlllS former ly mad the gather. Intbed, that would In file on- passage would violate SGA ly reported the debate between our He's wring; a book, he’s unhappy been writing the TRB column in The
Kernel to be It lent mew” "'0' swer if one believed the highly im- (mains F'dlll'ltlll‘ partisan bias ntors at the Aug. 30 meeting in the about Reagan, and he's not re- New Republic for over 35 years. It is
naive politically. l WIS dismayed probable chance of a military coup inSGAevults. story. He made no implications or strainedhyhig Mypmlintion. nationally distributed by Field -
to read the editorial Cl 59" 2 “1 inthiscountry. It is hum tonote that oeithu' interpretations ofthose comments. The thing that gets Carta‘ most Newspaper Syndicate. ..
supporf'it: allnilitary dildtile editorial Religion exemptions, slanted 1, nor many of my colleuutzs. recall I
At t, thoulh the Ranch editors docs tlas- an rderaicc mode than .7
‘ was a joke. perhaps pokins fun I! :ny the severity, indeed thelg'uslty, guidelines dining debate on the Har- ATM TREKL A motion ol Gm Rodomoovw By Padralc Shlgetani
eta-emisumuiedslltoftherolltl- ofadraft.Noteverymewhoappliu ringtonBill,which|roposedtobring ’1 . '.
cal spectrwn. What I realized "let it for such exenptions gets than, and Michael Harrington to campi- for a 01v: at am AffAtA’ERS may CAN’T 4573 ”we 'fM
was not a joke, I also realized it was .3 history mommy“. it i. the scrim of lectures. Even if these ref- IS Girl/Na AMY/ mmx ref 6 InéénroogELFTqJL-le’ // ‘ . /
notfunny,anyway. , upper middle class who will get off. «moss had beat made, they Wild Sugg‘fi‘gofnl '5' , . . I; - l _ .
The pin-pose of compulsory mill- Hardly fair for the impoverished, is have been moot. The Student Orga- macros BEAMS, , 4 % J ,3 ' 1'
WY ”M09 h“ “”3“ M to P” W titration Ambiance Committee MR SULU‘ . i' l " r . «2/, '
tact the country from those Who 'l‘hedraftsignifiestheworatinou gliidslin-applyonlytotheeefm , W_ \ \,;
would like to overthrow the loveflr government. Men are taught from allocatedtoSOAC. X , . ' . ‘ , a ‘,‘
malt, whether from within or from birth that killing, gammy in cold Thu-e is absolutdy no comection _ , “ , . .3 —--,-
the ma- While the pm my blood, is mtirdy wrung. Yd an a. m the “all!” and the flil- 1‘. it ' j ’ ‘ . ’,---~.\\
be hudable. the means 0‘ I til“ t0 ception is made for the military. Kill me of the Harrington Bill. In fact,l 3 7, a; - ,' a?
ccrvcmchapurposcmwrons. theGooh;kllltheChink|;killme mamduieeffu‘tto : -42 l :/
Amflltlryfilftllmmm Cannuel-‘ags.Kulinginbattlcipu. in... lemon. Mr. 1- _~,,’ (‘3‘. i, _
than aislavelnerit for than sub- lqedly heroic — yet, I find mthm‘ Wally to look at the is _ ‘- ~s,.___.// r
)octed. heroic about depriving sooth.- .ponnorlisttoucdut. ' - ‘ r"

A.I. sponsors program
ii IT I '
on p0 I I08 prlsoners
é By STACY Sill-SMOKE She said that while the city's chap- ,
'1; 309°“, ta- ls working for the release of two ,
5“ political wismers, “the goals of the '
———————————— uxdiapterismhriagipuieissue
’ lnanertorttoattractnewmem- olhuman lightsingenerai Wewill
it“ her, the UK chapte- of Ammty In- pobshly me some symbolic ac-
3.? tel-national yesta-thy presented a tide.” , l
mammmliticalmsanerswhn slealmuidthecoupwuplan- .
m the intentional peace group is try- nisg s candlelight vigil for Prisoner , ,
i?“ ingtofree. etCoruciulceweek 0ct.11-l7.
; Jackie Edmiston. the vice [rui- Mike Nichols, a history and politi- , -: - . . _ . _, ,
* dent of the chapta', said, “The pur- cal science junior, was one of the ' w . ~,,‘j""“.
”i; pose of Amnesty Intentional is to students attending last night’s meet- , , a gr;
1;” raise the conscienceness of the com- ing. “Impfisoning people became of ’ g
munity in general and to release their religious or political beliefs is ~ ‘ ,. 5“? ~
\ those who have heal imprisoned he- aheinous act,"hesaid. ‘ dim, -- 2.. y
cause of their beliefs, color, sex. eth- Another student attalding the ‘ r-- 'f 1* _. . .,
7‘ 'c trigin, language or religion po- meeting was Joel Tessie, a pre-vet- ‘ ""-‘.-‘~';-'qu€~‘7\ ‘ .
Wed they have neither med nor erinary sophomore, who said he has ' ' , ~
:53 advocated violence.” been wanting to join a group such as " no: ~ .4, ...
, Edmiston, a Business & Eoonom- Alfor more thanayear. _‘ f N-:W-
433‘ ics senior, said the University chap- Edmiston said the coup gained ' ‘ .. ., '- ’
'v ter was started by members (I the five mernhers after yesteday’s p'o— n' 4’ ...“; ' ’ _
.. Iaxington chapta' who were stu- yam. ~ W515" , .. w '
Group seeks to serve . MWw
adult students’needs ’
.‘ [MOIILDIIS/Kernalsmff
B MARTHAREEDPERRY tion also tries to deal with some An Op." fIOId
" y Reporter commonadultstudentproblems. During the summer months, there are dog days, dog-gone days pace of life picks up. Recently, 0 Lexington woman found that 0
Harris said it is djfiicult for an and days as lazy as a dog, but when the weather turns cooler, or do day didn't have to be lazy as she took her dog for a brisk
adult student who works to meet at least cooler than late August/early September should be, the walk alongapoved road around an open field.
~ with an academic adviser during of-