xt7f4q7qrh6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrh6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1971 1971 1971-11-04 2020 true xt7f4q7qrh6n section xt7f4q7qrh6n an independent newspaper published by studentg at the university of kentucky ' .. ‘ r. 2
Thursdai«Nuv..i,197i LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY 40506 \-,,i_ ”in, M, ii. . ,
on student fees =
By BONNI BROCKMAN, Kernel Staff Writer .P” ,3 '
A Student Government referendum will ask ’ I‘ ... i
students if they would pay $3 voluntarily each 2 - ”1" .
semester for a Legal Services Office attorney and a j f.- V, . .
student-owned bookstore. ,ngeggg , '“ .. _ fl . _- . . '
Ballots will be distributed to students when they 2.3;: _ 2.: '
pre-register at their colleges Nov. 10-23. x f}: a.» » ' .'
The referendum will ask students if they would ,2 3.5 " _ ' ' _' , " 1'
pay $1.50 each semester for a full-time attorney to - . ' ' _ . ‘1"
work for Student Government’s Legal Services. ‘ -. =- 2 f
They will also be asked if they would pay SLSO is t " V - . . , _. .3
each semester for a student-owned but not I. V . I if. f"
student-run bookstore. _ ' :3 « V ' . '..2 ‘ . _
lf student support is received, the bookstore W ‘ - " e... V ‘ -." l ' "
could be in operation by fall. 1972. said Student , 3:2 I V ‘ '1'” ,22 ' x J.‘ ,_
Government President Scott T. Wendelsdorf. The __..,.."’°, 2 . . '3 3"“ t, , « _ -’ .
Legal Services attorney could be hired by January. ' ' 5 22"“ , ,7 . ' . .- » , . _
he said. 7 . , fl‘ . ‘. - ~ ; VI "V .'
Financial commitments __ § 7V - i. " ‘ : _' ;
“Student Government is putting itself out on a ' " . V ’- . r i" ; V g 2
limb,” Wendelsdorf said. “We're going to make ’ ' g . = ' 'V
financial commitments on the basis of these .53 ' I
referendums. If students don’t come through with ,1 ' ‘ 5‘3“ 3 .. '" ";_'
the money after saying they would, Student _ ‘« g - -~ 1"}?-
Government will never try this again. But if the I I V "”
students succeed in bearing the finances. the - ’ '.".’.
potential will be tremendous.” _ . . We: ’2 ‘ 4, ‘ .‘ V .
Some universities have student-owned record > ' " - 2 . " ’ 9‘2
shops and food stores, he noted. _ . ' ’ _ I . '
If student approval is obtained, students can pay ’ - ‘2 4%; g- «e . t .z , r
the voluntary legal fee in January and the . ,.,,. 2 r" ., “g t ,_
bookstore assessment later in the semester, , ., “~32" « Mi 7 f"
Wendelsdorf said. In addition to the Student ‘3 W;_ «1»- & N . 3:, ‘ ."
Government office in the Student Center, . TNT w WW. «WT, f9 ‘ . ' ' . ‘ f,
prominent points on campus will also be used to " " ' “ ' mg- «- em ‘ . k K
solicit the money, Wendelsdorf said. " .V. .. ' m_ «2 W ' «. . .2
A disadvantage to the plan is that “people won‘t __ , g . ' H ? a 1:3, 1‘ y g, '-
get around to paying it,” he said. An advantage is -. _ ‘ ’ " a? o \
that there will be no obligation to the University, ~ . g @3222»: .
he noted. . g, ' V. ** »“’ If I . ' ' .
Under the bookstore plan, books would be sold ' ’ “it, 1? . ' 2:. . .. .
at cost only at a rented or leased store front. Prices 1&2 fl _ g‘ ‘ - z ’
would rise only if necessary to keep the store from ”’6?“ 39V“ " i r _, 3
“losing money we don’t have,” Wendelsdorf said. .. “a; is“ W .. g ,, ’1 ,
However. he said any interim loss would be Message. ' ' ~. " I
made up by the student fees. The assessment " " " " " -
would also rent the store and hire a professional 0 l ‘ 1 Carl May shows ‘how to treat an enemy in a skit at the Improvisation «‘1‘
staff. Continued on Page 6, Col. 1 n? l 0“ ’1 (III( . . . {Silliirszrdenzgt is a parody on late nite war mov1es. (Staff photo .
N ’ o r.
eediest get awards first : = ; . .- .-.
$100 000 'l bl f f' ' l 'd
, avai a e 01' 1nan01a al -, ,
By CYNTHIA WATTS, Kernel Staff Writer ” - '
More than $100,000 is available for student At UK three general types of financial aid are receive full consideration for asststancc without 3", ‘1
financial aid awards for the spring semester, available for the student. These include gift having to submit multiple applications." ._ V
according to-James E. lngle. Director of the Office assistance in the form of scholarships or grants. For the spring semester lngle said that no grant 5_‘ -.
Of Student F1nanc1al Ald' loan assistance, and work assistance. funds and very few institution scholarships were .52 l
Students conSidered first for financial aid are At the present according to lngle. ‘TWhen a available for new students. .2\pproximatcly J ‘.
those from the most economical disadvantageous student submits an application for financial aid to $50,000 will come from both National Defense .
Circumstances and havmg the greatest need, lngle the Office of Student Financial Aid. the student'is Loans and the Work-Study Program. 50mC funds ‘~ . 2
said. _ considered for any and all types or financnil "1d will be available in individual college programs ._ -‘
He 90“““Ped2 ‘t‘Every student Who feels they for WhiCh he is eligible." , such as nursing and other health professions. j ' '-
need finanCial asmstance beyond that WhiCh the $50,000 available for sprmg semester Students applying November will be notified by '2 I :
student and his family canprovide should feel free This form, according to lngle “enables a student the end of the fall semester concerning the ,
to submit application for financial aid." who needs financial aid to attend the University to disposition of their financial aid ”ppilmnong .-
Approximately 33 million were available in the ~
. 1971-72 school year for student financial , I . ~.
assistance. according to lnglc _ . - ‘ ' ' -,
[{ernel lnCOr Grates eleCtS The bulk of financial aid awards from this V ‘ . ' “
9 money was committed for the entire academic ‘ ' . g
year from student applications completed in ‘.‘ ,' .I p'
. March I97]. Students receiving financial assistance . " " ‘
' for the 1971-73 school year get one halt oi their 'I‘ . 2 '
Stuart Forth re Sldent allotted amount during the fall semester and the " ,i‘ 7‘ -
other half for the spring semester. 3 -
lngle estimates that the Office of Student 7 ' ‘
BY RALPH LONG. Kernel Staff Writer Ms. Maycs is student publications secretary. Financial \id is ln\(tl\‘t‘d Wllll at least Stittti . ' ' ‘ '
The bylaws of the Kernel Press Inc. were passed In other action the Board authorized the officers students. This figure includes \ctt‘rans attending ‘ . ' . .
by unanimous voice vote of the organization‘s to look into the possibility of buying composing {K under the GI Bill and Vocational ' ‘ 3‘
Board of Directors meeting last night. By taking room equipment for the Kernel. This action would Rehabilitation students. as well as .ipprouiiiately O ' V . ‘
this action the Kernel becomes a legal independent allow the Kernel to streamline and cut its 3.000 students involyed in various financial . . ‘ - ‘
corporation. operation costs. assistance programs. a _ _
Dr. Stuart Forth, director of UK libraries, was The officers were also authorized to investigate Applications for financial assistance can be ‘ , 2 .
elected president of the corporation. Other the hiring of a full time business manager. obtained from the Office of Student Financial Aid . ‘
officers elected were Kernel editor Mike Wines, According to Green. the full time business in Room 573 of the Patterson Office Tower until ' ' ‘
vice president; Director of Student Publications manager would add a “needed continuity" to the November 15. A student IS allowed tWO weeks \ . ‘2 . .
Nancy Green. secretary; and Bess Mayes. treasurer. Kernel business office. from the date the form Is received to return it. -

 - Z—THF. KENTI'CKT KERNEL. Thursday Nov. ~t. IUTI ______________—____________________———__ .
A yea I II I l t ' C
. . O
S llfltOl‘la race 1118 t t (6 S a 6
, . 6 e O a
l 'i B)‘ SY RAMSEY prevailing belict l\' that Cooper. stepped ”1.1K. for Katherine Nunn has ‘more options' a governor‘s race in Kentucky is ,
-» . Associated Press Writer now NS! 70. ”llk‘llm 10 WUTR Peden. from his hometown of Nunn‘s course is seemingly usually ”0‘ relatchto national
' l' R A \ K F O R T. K v , although 1* l‘1m b)’ PWSldk‘m ll opkinsville. honoring a more difficult because he has races; as the Republican lock on ‘
‘- . I “Us, Now that Kentuckv Nixtin t'or (‘ooper to run again commitment. Miss Peden won more options. the U.S. senatorships in the face
. i i . Democrats have sci/ed control cannot h“ ruled ”UL ”10 primary l‘l‘t 105‘ to He could be offered a Of indifferent gubernatorial
, . .' ' ' of the state administration again. Among ”19 DL‘IUOCNIS whose Republican Marlow Cook in a highpost with the Nixon success seems to prove.
‘ ' ' 2 V the} can concentrate anew on l‘TOSl‘t‘ClS in ”CV spring’s fairly close contest for the seat administration. and accept on “1ng have been Suggestions
' ‘ :.j the vexing task of trying to elect l‘glmdtrl' haverbciilltcnlniriwdDh: {iiic’dtfl‘d by ”W GOP’S Thruston the gamble that the President :iheuftedfglllcrbgjovl‘offd” 50mg:
' a [18. senator after 15 dry years. 9 “C 10“ 95 5 5 e l or 0n- would be re-elected next ’ . 'I l
" . '. ' Lt. (10v. Wendell 'lj‘ord‘s lluddleston. the 45-year—old And Nunn November. He probably could Democratic primary (”id who
i A ‘ . decisive victory over Republican 5 I 4 l V 5 V n 1’ t 0 ‘r fro l" Nunn is known to be also have a fcderaljudgeship any endorsed l’ord later. would be
, ' .’ i 4 T om l: m be rt on in the Elizabethtown. 5”” Democratic considering making the Senate time he wanted. IntCTCSth 1” running for senator.
' gubernatorial contest Tuesday campaign manager and 4‘ C1059 race. but the GOP loss But the lure of the Senate CompS 110‘ interested
. I . .i I 5‘ has given Democrats their adviser to ford. . Tuesday~~more specifically. the with its accompanying prestige Combs has scoffed at the idea
' I. I‘ highest hopes in a long time 01‘ ‘Takinga close look publicly. and Democratic
I . .' .‘ cracking the GOP facade in “l‘m taking a close look at igigigz'gfgigfgigig25.3335;2532953355EgigfgigfgifigfsigigigEgigfgfgfgigfgE;$5533;355535535333555333;E55333;EgE3.735;E;E3335553Z;55E;3g533355535;?5333335335335353523¢;E;333333353E$555;E;:IE5E335E;$352533EI:EgEfnggigigz'gégig23355;353355553555355Egig§§g§53§g33253553353333555333553235§55 insiders 3“? inclined to accept his
’ ' ' . I ‘ Washington. it.“ Huddleston said Wednesday. . . reaction at face vglue.
~ ' I I If _ 1 Senate seat is target “There are things to consider, Eleonon AnalySlS Also, Ms. Pe en cannot be
. ' ' i -. The target IS the post of Sen. but one is not“ who my EIolpntedI Oli't:k Dfesfpltde .8
.. ,I ' john Sherman Cooper whose opponents might be. . 2225;522:252252.2.sizzgzgsrsséaszsaszg2225;222:2222;r;2535:5533;:szzssa:issséssssgssssaszszgssss2222;222:2522;s2;22:22;:s;2222225;:22;22:22:;252222252:252:2:225255223222522232assassssssssszzsiassz22222225225532:5222252222232-122222assasassssasssssssssssss2232223222.: ”:5 eaffterimgw dis 0 h u” 5 1“
; . _ term ends next year. The The letthanded reference e . ina ee i S e came
.' . . apparently is to former 60.000 margin—may give him may be powerful for Nunn. surpnsrngly close to upsetting
.' - ' ' , Democratic Gov. lidward T. pause forthought. especially since he believes his COOk and may feel she C3"- d0
. .. , .-I I ,' . Lenny 8. Joelle 3' the B re a t hi tt a n d outgoing The governor plans to become administration has popular better next time. .
‘. ’ " ‘ I RUSTY NAIL Republican Gov. Louis B. Nunn. associated with a prominent acceptance. Another dark horse 151011“ Y.
. ' ' , ' ' . Breathitt also interested Lexington law firm. Breathitt Does the Democratic sweep Brown, If. 0f KGDWCkY FTlEd
,. Z I I I' 8'6 Eud'd A'e' Breathitt is known to be has been practicing law. . . on the state level Tuesday show CthkCn tame. WhQ reportedly
II I ' . , . = -‘ FRIDAY — SATURDAY interested in running for the Breathitt’s course obViously lS otherwise? Not necessarily, and was on the verge ofiumping into
‘ - ' ' . Senate. In 1968 he gracefully easier. It is time for him to make Nunn will be busy studying the the race had Combs won the
I. . I' such a political bid while his implications in his realistic Democratic primary last spring.
. ‘ ‘ (OUNIRWIDE IHEAIRES INC name and position still are fashion. Brown has said nothing publicly
- . I' .. . . I widely known. Furthermore. the outcome of SO far.
-I. , ; - KENTUCKY NOW— - 6 0 9
_ I . . . . RU e e
. » 1‘ I , , . ’ ‘W "LL“, “'- O 1 rs PrOt S
' t - . i.f"‘.< ' " :(r‘I -' _ ' l
, « - a nu pvmu -
. ‘ ' . . "’ .1 4‘9 z-. I, . ' . . Amusiu usisu mama: . l
.- --  , _ . - t - TONY ANTHONY~ " With toy uns son 5
z , , . A . : . - a at Gametogether " g 9
I l. I ' . ' " ‘ I» ' '1 ' Tun/MIN "MW ”com C I Carrying cardboard gunS. the Committee on Militarism gaidI ‘Give them coffee and rest.’
- .A ‘ EW- about 18 “American soldiers” welcomed Small’s attempt to .t I ‘T ,
. _ -. I. -I I c I N E MA w FIRST sang anti-war songs and decrease friction between Army And I to]: him: hat st :0:
, = ' - - D , , . , .. NO — RUN' . awkwardly marched to Buell ROTC and other UK groups by the way mer‘ca“5,,,r a
.> ‘~ " -.~ '~ I ' . :— MM All 254.5% m. ., Armory. Then they captured 12 proclaiming the week‘ but DUSOHCTS- We ShOOt them-
TI ' .= - j’ ‘6 '” “helpless Vietnamese villagers” disagreed with his method of Small said the r t t
. . _ . . . . p 0 es ors
. . -. F . A JOLLY GOOD TIME. near the armory. “senseless drills” to accomplish asked him if they could
_ . . , g . . fLA. Herald-Examiner I. This guerrilla theatre was part this. participate in the drills. Small
I -. = - U ' 7. i, . ‘ll _‘;’” ~ / ,: 3:: . of I3 demonstration to “9““ Villagers captured said he “didn’t address their
_ I I I I. I; ‘ ,,I@ ‘ gs, __ .. Military Week Wednesday night. W h . l h question.”
V .- r . “i IE3, ‘9 I ' i The UK Committee on 1'6 t, e actors
I. . , .' . . i: ’4 (i m . Militarism. an anti-war group, demonstrated, a ROTC class However. some of the
I _- _ . iI ; I . % «a \, . portrayed the Vietnamese scene ‘d‘l'lllt‘d nearby. After the demonstrators drilled besrde the
I. I ' x " l -. «6/ ~ . with the help of the Free Vietnamese Villagers were cadets and later marched around
I .- ~ i. :I- '- . g / \ . . .- . - ~ captured. Committee 5 okesman them.
_ .1 .. . , 'I University imprOVisational B'll M ‘d l p I
-. : fl . ' ._ ...AMEmCAi\ lN'EPNATIONAL. - Erncmon . I actor; 1 00” 531 “C prisoners . , ,
-.I I‘_ . ~ E- ' ””""“"‘”“—' " " ‘ . (‘01 Fu er‘e Small it I were taken to Small. who was Four policemen StOOd nearby“
IIIunuIncon-ono.oluaolIlccnoouncullcu- ' , ’ g‘ .miiary drillin'theROTCcad‘ts butmadenoadvancetowardthe
. ' If. ' ' . s T . . ZCIICIDCC professor, “recently E t ” group. Demonstrators set off
i " - '. ' . .. .' _ , R A N D 2 Bold Fllms ,LkldIrI‘Id \OV‘ 1'7 . Military "WC 113de him. ‘Wllill shall firecrackers and two smoke
I I x ‘ I} W . i, . ' H Mk v‘ ’ " % “061‘. A Statement lSSUCd by WC (10?: “ MOOTC 53ld~ “Small bombs.
_ ., .. .. . . mm ””3“ PUSSYCATS Sociolo rad students ush
.. ~. .. , . , mums ran tovr... ‘- 5’} g P l
: ' i | 4 ‘ (s I . . 9
.I -. I . , .; ~ "t we . credr -n0 ere r p an
.. ‘. : ‘5‘ I! Ir" ‘EMA E BfixAleslthgltdelrET pass-withdraw because there 18 Clyde McCoy, an instructor,
-. : Z . . .4 . a} inCOLOR .. A we"; a fire: 1 no failing. CQUYSBS 8 student said. “A concensus class said
-. .I . I . /I- .'- . h' l ”6 It'll]: cre 1‘ 'ftan doesn [ get Cledlt K” are “Oi PM that grades passing tests are
- .' » i - .. W 110 It W09 t :53 fw? “e” on his record he said. , tantamount because of the way
, '. .- , I. u HILARIOUS . eva ua ions ms 68 0 6 er At a meeting in the home of 3 things are set up. And I got the
. - - . . . u u - Coughlm and Case I grades 15 being pushed by graduate student Wednesday fe 1- f h ,
.' , . ' .. -, re the oddest couple since Jack Lemmon and Walt M ' d ‘ e mg many 0 t em were” t
. -. . .. _ . . . .. . er attha . soctology graduate stu ents who night, some of the students and concerned with learning ,,
, T '. . I I , . I. and their marriage ls gust as funny: . ,. . . ~ . teach introductory courses. faculty expressed their views. [nstruaorg took 0115 in all their
. I-II '_ ' . -- i/HI/"“72" r l” " 0m Of the 1500 who take “Are we ”timed With What classes last week p
i. .' I . f g {A . . introductory sociology. student we have now?" graduate Dick - I - -
'1 » 3 i3. " 9"" xv” I - o osition ran es from 25-30 Wells asked th “D Lindsey advrsed setting
1 ' ' ' . \ '1‘” .< f l . Erpcent Fa‘ultgmembers in the h. t? groul" 0 we “minimal achievement levels:
._ '. ., ..I . '\ .-" VER ‘ . p ' L y I d V e I m 0 ‘V at ‘I0 ”I for what you have to know to get
. . . I -. .- I . ‘K . v . department are skeptical. memorization or motivation for d‘t f th Th
I. . .' , -[ ‘ .'- \ . Q . I A 2““ 1.19 " .l - F l . . l . ‘7 CFC 1 or 6 course. en we
. , . . “he. c ()mth, .tr , -xp aimng the pan, graduate learning. We (graduate students) . , - - ~ -
, ' ' I' \ v a“ ' *3 student Bill Lindsey said “The don’t think we’re ettin can start putting continuity into
l V' .- - ‘ . . . . . ”a [E . . . . . . . credit- 0 redit lan is like it whe " g g our introductory courses.
I . v_ . n C p a y re. Doing this would “put more of
. ‘ ‘ “ . ,- - the learning res ' ‘ '
'. . . .- . . '. . ponsrbility on the
.~ . 4 , 3 The Pertwrllaby Papers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg student” Lindsevsaid-
:. -. . _I ' .'.'L' Dr. William F. Kenkel
"I ' ‘ . " ' < all r hat w' Aw. mil wit/é W' snortifss, 1‘ HO” M47 ”‘3 E suggesmd baCking the “Kelly
. - . "; -. f at v w 18K M'- {421/ 1- is a; (swim/en ro MWti‘if/"Cvfiiff Wat/7 MAKE A ms; x plan." Under the Kelly plan,
'14.". ; ’ 'I .~ - t d if. .1. ‘. , "ff/i t" W! Mitosis 481% r W": (J/t/f/[z/A’fss . . . _ . ‘: Wh'Ch “'35 Pm forth by a
I, I, , ’ .. . .I v, k: I . f / @3st f . I ‘. . : Q”, .' fMZ/tfl our .7 ,7 MW 1m 7' tam/é 1’4746/A/KD /7‘ V Faculty Senate committee. a
, I _. .' .‘ r - . ‘ L It . ,- L J V“ 5 “Ct/E p41 WEEDS 4// 7 f 445/3 7 do 007 Alt/P (7) Continued on Page 7, Col. 2
t ,' I ,I v . - . ‘4 ,‘ . .11 I 7' ‘7 o N
I ' ,, '. . I r r -~‘-. : t . i, A 4,44% 4 . . a» elf/U? MY #1541)... AND U
.’ -, ' . ' .1 . . ‘ I. II‘ , 4”” -ABR4$/0/17 F0? ”/fk’ 7‘53? VH/s SUBSWM/Ffi g] 11“ Kentucky Kernel
I, . l ' :I' ' I . . . :_ _ . .' ' .I I) f m ' 7O I‘I‘t’pv'zc ”(N ‘7’ng [II I til/AS/V I ‘74 The KentUCky Kernel University
, . '. . . - ,I < —, . . . '- .-;. .t , ‘ . _ . Statin U ' , '
I , . . ,, I l h .( !\ I “f [WE 4N7/4 M II \ x _ 11- mierstty of Kentucky. Lex-
' ' " . , ' ' " ' . .. .I -. , e r” ( i/s ‘ : ‘ i , —%‘*“\. _ ‘ s ‘:j 'tglon- Koh‘UCky ”506. Second class
i . . . , , . , - Z \ , w\ I : {75% I. . I , , . 1x _ 5:15:35? Paid at Imxmgton. Kentucky.
. > , I t .’ i -_ . r . - ‘ ~ I: / .7 . v‘ / t: 3 . . - l i 4 ,-\. i! , ' ‘ ‘erimd bear except holidays and exam
.‘ . -, I ‘I a ‘I ', if 4 / ,,,, «HI >1 f ,. ; 8.7" § I, I I f 1/5 “3:,” u fessi‘bns' and once during the summer
. ‘ ' ‘ . ": ‘. .. Vim '4 . .i- , ;-' " A ’ n S ' * i " ei-7V“"‘*!" ‘i. 3“ P biih d
I , , 0 , i. . s‘ \-._ _ I/ f i/ ”4/ : 2-: r 5 . . I l . 11/51,»??? ;-‘.‘fl\i\l“/ '3 ; Publlicafioens.ngnlfos?)oafgc: {33:12:02}!
. . - $ A .. ‘ I g . \ 3 w «2“ 5k ‘ 1‘! § .' /th‘,li 1’ [‘4‘ a. . rim/4 V7» Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
. . . . , . f t, - it" t ,I.. at . & \;~ '1 ill 31‘ . u . ~~ . a I «(iii/d" . "I 1". (3‘; 23:29:35.5 continuously as the Kernel
, . i _ 1/“ ' ‘57,," a ‘ .‘ ‘ e‘ " ' ~ ,. .‘ i- " ‘ . a r' i ’ -
’ I . g ,. p , M, J“ 1‘77." {x 3"?) . I. " ‘3‘ ,1 3;? '- ' is u i ' z 7% ,, ‘ ' 3 -, .1 241' ' g’ t Addverttslng published herein in in-
o . ~ It I ~ . \ ., , - i 4 / ~- 7, m m mud m Any
. , , 4 ‘ u) ‘ w ' "M'At ; I!" - j j ‘ . ' ‘ \' l f, I.'// ' 3s” in:regirflii‘iid?§,“%¥,73‘g‘“' “mu“
‘ ' ' t 7‘ f ‘ 3 4" l ’, .m- ' '. W, l ,,.. I '- ' " k l": SUBSCRIPTION '
. w ,9)”, mag“. - ‘ -_ «arr: .- ”4/ '4! '7- v - - Yeariy. by mail 3:33.?)
. . . . - Per copy, from files —— 3.10

 __________________—___ TIIE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. Nrn. I. I97I — 3i ,i
C ampu d ' b t ' I
an leappe ace Ill t-lIl problems - '
By DANNY WILLIAMS, Kernel Staff Writer :.
There are 409 handicapped students attending Nichol said, and the group hopes a permanent one puffing]Sgflghr‘ictéfidtflfiorpgzslzz; oidfiggéfi t: . 3
UK and each day these students face barriers built will be erected for the new library addition. that isn’t. blocked b , a lant truck orpptud ’ t' i I " i
into the classrooms and the campus in general. The Rita Weber, a psychology major, criticized Man eo le )3ka i: front 01. m: 'uret: 5;)“: " " ;
barriers are things most people never give a second Kastle Hall. There are no elevators in the building also Michal iddid and , stud) t ,L h 18%,“ 3
thought to: stairs, high water fountains, heavy and, being in a wheelchair, she can’t attend many h' . t t" d , ‘ t‘ [ill 1 -Ln m d 2/ 6,8 Lb’d” ‘ ,
metal doors, and even bathroom stalls too small to classes held in Kastle. “:1 31013; )rsfigggnc 0 u p mm (mm t e cur or 7. ‘I "
allow fora wheelchair. Ms Weber said handicapped students have to L t ' . . . . ,.
. .. E-y f” b' 'jk , . _- , ,> " . , ,,
.The handicapped students, Jacob 'Karnes, UK register {Or classes far in advance to allow the Webe3Llsiii:ld“lLtl’ds :spirrggbltcojr]litrelposlgrritctginhecs; “it? , '.
director Of handicapped student servrces, and Dr. instructor to move the Class to a classroom the you can‘t open the door for yourself and [on can’t ~ .
John S. Jackson of the engineering school have handicapped can reach. get an onc’s attention 'n’dli" h _ t‘ ) d
formed a club to eliminate architectural barriers V ‘ l 5‘ “‘ e con inue ' ' - K
The club is designed to help the handicapped W t d I P k PERKINS I -.
student in every aspect of campus life and to e goo e = anca e House =
create interest among the handicapped, students, _ I I -,
and faculty of UK. _ A‘story m Tuesday’s Kernel = STUDENT SPECIAL! = i i ,
Karnes said the club “is an effort by the ’mPhed that ASSIStant t0 the E 3 ’ ‘2 ,
students to do things for themselves." VIC? PWSIdem‘ for Student 2 Hamburger Plate 2 3 h f ' '
3 Club’s prupose Affairs for Minority Affairs 8 3 : -- . ‘
Bill NiChOI, a handicapped student on crutches $33311) SEE/:25 SiflldStnt aplprove % Hamburger, FrenCh Fries: E I 'i
and vice-president of the group, said the main . e “.10“ I Coke and Cole SIOW = .
purpose of the club is to get a building code set up $03323 Stevensd only adVISeS = = ‘ I '
by UK to make entrances, bathrooms, telephones, e nityersngéajn has no power I —- We serve 28 types of Pancakes —- I _ .
water fountains, and many other structures (:eierrets theee ‘ The Kernel = 729 SOUTH LIMESTONE = ‘13,. .‘
accesable to the handicapped student. g ”0" EJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOUPONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! . 1 '-
These changes, Nichol continued, would be of , I. 3'
benefit for the older students as well as for the '- , 3 ,
handicapped. . .r.
Ron Weber, a UK student, said he thought he ‘ 5an l 7 ~, . .3 ..
was the first person in a wheelchair to live in a W! _'
dormitory on the UK campus. He now lives in ‘7 ‘ ~ ,
Cooperstown with his wife Rita, also a UK student a // ‘ ' ;
and in a wheelchair. 'm~ ‘ ‘ .
Housing problem 9 l ~_
Ron Weber said the housing problem was a I . :]
matter of planning on the part of UK. A ' hp ‘- ‘ .
handicapped person must be housed on the first . . ' . :
floor of a building according to fire codes. 1H t ' - _ 3 '
Ms. Weber said two blind women were not ave ou nluprfil
allowed to live in a dormitory on campus because % ® .
there were no facilities for their seeing-eye dogs. up
Many of the handicapped students in ' ‘
wheelchairs are living in Cardinal Hill Convalescent 0 e ,_
Hospital. They are bussed to UK from the hospital 1 ‘-
by staff members of the hospital. ‘ ' - ' .
UK has allocated $10,000 for improvements on , ' ‘
campus for the handicapped. About $8,500 of ' ? I
that money is contracted, but Ms. Rita Weber said ur I a , f ’-
only about 20 percent of the work is done. I I v ,5
Objection to ramp . ..
Weber said one handicapped UK student’s father ~ . 3 :
donated $700 to build a ramp for the law building _ .
on campus, but the contractors objected to the .3 .. ., 3
ramp because it was wood. ”3.5, ' . ' ' ‘
Small ramps have been made on some of the g; . _ “1;?“ _,,-- 3' -
curbs around campus, but Weber said motorized . '.
wheelchairs can’t climb the steep grades and even (i/ _.
manual wheelchairs have difficulty climbing them. V ' v . _ 63“”?é , '2' r
The temporary ramp outside the library was a 7“ 4 (F\\/-"' - .-.\< f‘ - .,; 9. . '
product of the Handicapped Students Union. N“ “ ”V "’0’: ‘g% " J I .‘ -
a We m... » is — ~v , :  
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The AEC risks disaster for what.
.- I U “i everything 1100* according I0 Meanwhile back at Amchitka. example of an overt willingness by o
7 I' - planSaturday.anotherin 3861108th the wildlife that has lived in the some to flirt with cataclysmic
i . ; A underground nuclear [WIS Will area for thousands of years may be natural disaster to further the cause
' . .-‘ shatter UN lonely SUCH“ "n dead from radiation that has made of science.
‘ "i' . i ' Amchitka 151111“ OiliAlfi-‘hif its way the surface or it may be It is an example of a policy that
.‘ But if everything doesn‘t go dead from an earthquake. which is sooner 01‘ 1;,th will be djsustroug
" 77. 7 according to plan. as many not unusual in the area. The Amchitka blast may go off as Q
‘ 77 ." environmentalists. including Russell The obstinate policy of the AEC planned. The animals may live and
- 7 ' Train. the Chairman of President of to carry through with the blast an earthquake may not occur—«this
' 7'77 .7'.‘ linyironmental Quality. fear. the despite all the warnings. is a further time,
T 7 . '1 .7 '7 77 blast may set off an earthquake or a
7 7: ' .' .7 tidal waye.
" ' = I e Henluc Heme
.‘ ' ' .7 according to plan. radioactiye
'7' _. debris may make its way to the [‘\,\,R.H\ U