xt7f4q7qrg4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrg4x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1942 Vol.14 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1942 Vol.14 No.1 1942 1942 2019 true xt7f4q7qrg4x section xt7f4q7qrg4x - E E EEEV il :5 ~
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EN PUBLISHED IN 11112: IN'I'1£I{l-‘.S'l' OF COMMUNITY JOURNALISM - - OF, BY, AND POR lxliN’l‘L‘CKY erwsr’API-tks - Ext}; 2E2 51 -;
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W Every publrsher 15 the best Judge 01 By JAMES C. Smurouu, M gr. ey can be saved 1n the course ol a year 2EIEEE EEEE g
5‘23 . . ’5 . ,‘ 2 2 - . - ,, 2.5 32:: :
2:3.how he may cut down expenses 1n hrs Georgia Press Assoczalton by ‘elrmrnatrng from 2:) to 200 extra 1 1.5;? E E1
EEE own plant, and there is no newspaper ,_. copres. Cut off delrnquent subscrrbers. 2 ELEEEE: 2
‘ - . . . . 2 E ' ; 2. ,2 t
In th m r: ' - .' rs .‘ cannot . . 2 (1. Raise c1rcul'ttron and local ad ' - 1 ' lEh: '
EEE b [e C011. [ ‘1 l“ 110? CHE} :35 , 1s caused by dust and drrt, consrder hav- f _ ‘ t Tl ‘ l l V“? 2 1 5 E; ’22:.
e s ream 1 1 1 . ‘ ‘ r- . ’ 2 15111 r1 es. 1e renera ex )errence 1s 2 ‘:2i 2 :2: L“ 5 '
E ‘ l t 1 me; [By .E 161:. E: 11% I?“ b [P6 mg covers made to be placed over equrp» tl [g ‘ a 1 . bi, 1 l . l' E Elf i” :3. . 2
E som s u( 2 ‘ 1 ' ' 11 ron. . . 1a no ) 3 ‘ecla e ( ecre'rse rn ma 6 . =-‘- 3 2‘
’2 2 TI ‘ E 0 1 16- n( H“ u; “u, ‘ ment each nrght. Paper covers, made by £1111 1 t f I g ' E 2,; EEEEE ,E v
1e avera ‘e no - 1 re 11 1ts ex- . . . occurs '1 ‘e‘ an 3(-1"l e rarse. 11 man' ‘ ii:- 12 2-
1;;1 g P C‘EE, . CC pastrng sheets ol wrapping paper, may _ ‘ ‘ ‘ , .E E '2 -; EEK-7!,
22"“ penses tremendously 1t 1t takes advan- ‘ . , E . ,1 , 1 mstances the total amount at advertrs- 4 ;'|‘ aw; ‘
2:22.53” t1 [ l' 1 *1 .1 serve. Keep machrnery well orltt, am . s 01 [C . r l B t 'f 1 2 .2‘ 2,;2 flip-E, .
* ' - ~2~ . . 2 1110' ‘nc 1a: )‘en 1n“ea' . 1' ' - -2 “22‘ t2: 2‘ 2 .
it E ($.61; every 1ttelceta1 ‘ ll 1 1 it see that your employees use It caretully. Ot‘sl'h 1 5 (It 6 L “x L 1 m E 'EE- Elf: E 5
' ou want 11 ~ 2 on r t . ver rcn ‘ (06$ ’cr use on can run a E E2 ‘ wt -
“I , . Elf" -. a tn g “e .( e, (0 . Replace worn parts and maclnnes now, .- ‘1 .. g' 1 ‘1' ‘ 1’ E ‘ ‘ . _ 2 ti?’ ME‘ JEE‘ .
M yourse , 1s as good advrce here as '1 .1 7 l' , l tmitr trg 1tc1, d1]( per raps )etttr, newspaper 3: 2h WEE. 3‘ -I_
E1132 . u 11c you rave tre oppor L y. . ~ ,. y. - . E .
E elsewhere. The followmg are only sug— 7 1 b _ . 11 {E than belore. Lnghsh newspapers wlnch - E EEEE ,2?
$.31 , _ . ‘ l t , . 2 ~ )‘v a _ 2' a )Cl‘. - - ‘ 2" EJIE E .
EE gEStlons prcked up from here and there. ,‘E‘ \E M“ “US? “Exam. E (1’ 1: lb have been forced to reduce the1r srzes 5 11,3, EE ‘
«:5 _ , r ., - r v j ’1' u? . . . ‘2 25.“? 1 ‘.
5% Some may be applrcable In your shop; IE» )0” Clm MEI-“Fl ) dVOl‘l 151“” 1alEI to lour and six pages are makmg more E ' EEEEE' ‘- : ,
3515525 ‘ < r - r I _‘1] . . E 1 22.- , .
gggéfiome may not. And s()n}{: may 0an ENOE‘CH 0F”- you mfg on 5 1a 5 't1 money than ever belore! Thrs results 2 VESEE E '
231$ - ’ . . . . . ’ - - , 2‘ “ ' ‘ 1 - - - - E :3: . 4
EgggiEgrve you a bun as to other possibihtres. amount OE 1“le P00 VEIEOUI OMEEIYEEVI from the savrngs 1n newsprmt, leatures, -. E EEEE .. E
. - . 2 ~- - ~_ , 2 1:1 rs 2 - g 2 -‘
EE.’ 1, Run tlghter newspapers. Thrs may a nearby publisher 1 (in) pu ) s C t composrnon, press run, etc. 5 'EE E‘EEEE //f22 .
. 2 . ~2 - 2 ~ A r 0: ‘ ‘m. . - - - - ‘ l" ' ‘2» ‘ ‘
EEE sound lrke ”old stuff,” but are vou sure ‘1’“ 53‘ mg money )1) P09111110 newspl .So lar as c1rculatron rs concerned, the E E, EEEEE EE :
,. . . _ t 2 ~ - - , 2- - ~ r n . : «E . ‘ -2 .» 75E! ‘2 .'
E you a1e dorng it every week: It. means orders 1egularly “1“ “fig 111011215 62:1 great worry ol the Ircasury Department E E: E2E ,E 21
35:35:; . . _ . 1 , . , . .. 2 :1 - « . 5‘ ' “) 1 . . ‘ .2 “vi-E12; 2’" 2_
EE the ehmmatron' ol all leature materral: papers. “lrtnev Cl P055” 9 S ‘01) '1” 1 now is how the people are gorng to g E152 :1, 'E
“E“; - ~ ' - 2 ‘ i ‘ - Z ‘22 s2: E 4
Elfi 'shortenmg newswhen )ustrfiable: rurr belort. buyrng. spend the extra money they earn [1115 E E EEE'E 15E .
5.2% Enmg‘ tabular matter, market reports, 4}. lrarn your employees to work at year. Your subscrlbers are more able E E EEEE E . EE .
3% t Classrfied ads, etc, in smaller body face: 1‘“ ,10E35- 1-035 OE men to the army may than belore [0 WW :1 tarr prrce for your E‘ EEEE EE “
53:23 A , - . _ , 2 -I, i ' . . . . . U ’, . ‘ ‘. . 225 2:! 2’ ‘2
$th runnmg erght pages mstead ot 12, or 12 necessrtatc a doublmg up Of. dutres. 11 newspaper, and a rarse 1n subscription 2 E EEEE 3_ 1E
E23 . instead of 16, etc. when possible. Some grven an opportunrty your lrnotpr‘Ol)‘ rates may mean the difference between E’ E' 1331",} )2
EEE .2 pubhshers can cut a column from the Gator may prove hnnsell to be a first prolit and loss to you 111 the months to E “f l '
. , - ' . . 2 , 2 2. 2 ‘ ‘ J‘J
3:2 page, but more lrkelv it is cheaper to class advertrsmg salesman. Be stnc your come. , :E ZE‘EEE _l .
253'» ‘2 . I , - ~ . , . 2. .. . . ;- 12'
EE E21un an extra column and reduce the reporters can sell advertrsmg, and your 7. Increase 0th“) efhcrency by proper 1 2." EEEE .
3E2 :number of pages. Others, using 13-em M11116“ C311 gather “CW-“'- 11 “EEC otyour cost accounting systems. Carefully kept . 1 El} 12 E .
EE E COhImnsE C311 CUt ‘0 -- ‘ ‘ 0* em )10 '065 wants 31 T3150: 0“” 111111 a records drsclose manv “leaks” which can .2 ‘2‘; 2 EEEJ t ems, am so not _ _ _ _ . 2 E ,2 2
s Another column on the same 133%‘02 Bv commrssron lor sellrng advertrsrng‘, 101) be stopped to (‘onsrderable monetary ad- E ‘E EEEE E 5
GM ‘1- . _ l . . . r , I . 5 ‘, ‘ . .
a annatrng non-essential material such workorsubscr1ptlons. He may find ”ME vantage. You won’t be able to atlord ,; E EEEE E .
‘t E as large mastheads, more news can be he can lnnsh hrs regular work a hall- losses here and there as before. g .EEgE . E .
H . run 111 less space, hour earlier to try hrs hand at these 8. VA’atch costs of job printing. It is E i223;
‘ , , E- 2 . '5 2, ‘2" 2- 52.
EtE 32 Take care of V'our machrnery. You outside lobs. better not to handle :1 10]) than to lose 2 5.; E‘EE I‘r -
o . . - __ i . . . . - ' 1 "1 ,lf: '1 ‘ i ‘
SE “14) not be able to get more. and re- a. \Vatch your crrculatron hsts. Cut money on It. Ignore the less profitable ,g g2 HE E .‘
. . 2 . ' , _ -. - ‘ ,. . . i 2‘ 231? ‘2
gt.- Ealls are expensrve 1n- rnore ways than ofl all unnecessary exchanges and gratrs Jobs and concentrate your efforts on 3 g EEEE 1-, ?, ‘.. -
.st _ ' . _ . _ .. . -:E 2.2‘ -2 A ..
Mg: 110. Smce most trouble wrth maclnnery copres. It 1s surprrsrng how much mon- those on which vou can show a profit. E EE EEEEE ‘, g ‘-
xwl'j-tfifwke ‘ 4 2 11 EE'EE. 3 .
2, EE. ‘EEEEE ;‘ .2. -‘
2,2 5-2; = "
552,2 . 2 2'
,j ‘1'; LE}: " '
_ , ,- 2” » g -
.1535; ,
.\ 7H
.t _ .

 i i
, Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1942 l Noven‘
i .
‘ V ‘ Explain to your public offiCials what first Six months. It’s important to get 10. Does illustrated matter in [hes OflicialRu
your newspaper means to the commun- the order for a full year as this largely copy conflict with text? ,‘ Of A dverti‘
A ity and the neceSSity of supporting 1t. in prevents cancellations. . Other types Of retail and general ad-i From Federal
i , these. critical times by havmg all Job One weekly at $3 a year used this plan vertising frowned upon in the adoptedi Commiss
4 i , printing done at home. and subscribers (if they wished) paid report are: i S t 29 's
' 9. Don’t hesitate to scratch a little .' 1.50 with 0rd r .‘l. 0 ' s': m ntl . - . ep. 1:
. d f 11 t F' l'ttl jib 65 e , 11> 5 in his; 0 is (.3) Copyiwhich reflects upon a com. the policy
, eeper or sma accoun s. we 1 e out per cent took t} two-way petitor or his merchandise. Revenue n
. ads Will equal one big one, and every- plan, about 35 per cent paid in full. (b) Use of the word “free” in tour t.. for t
, . . .‘ . . . _ . ' - ism ‘

. one ‘who has something to sell is 21 The publisher enclosed c0111 cards for nection With the Offer as a gift of an ai-l the enform
legitimate prospect. Remember that the convenience of those who paid in ticle which is obtainable on1y whenanj B 11 t'n N
Z food and clothing are the necessmes, currency and sent a letter, a remittance other article must be purchased l 'u (6); the

' , ' ' ' - . . . , . . ' 1 1n
, and this type of account Will continue form, a com card and ietuin envelope (c) If there are restrictions as to the kiwi inc
to be your best. when the second payment was due. quantity of merchandise advertised, the‘ vertising e‘
Cultivate the small merchant and sell (From Circulation Management) advertisement should so state 'ble by fim'
wanmds 'to mdmduals land serv1ce ________________# (d) Irregulai‘s or seconds should bef are discus<
shops which do not use display adver— so called ’N 19 19‘
n . I - i ' ' 0- _ ‘l
tismg. That little claSSified ad can Press Assoczatzon Sets Standard (e) Superlatives should be banned, Commiss
bring blg returns, as proved by other F0" Advertising Ethics (f) Where there is a difference in merit follor

publishers. . . _ - . . )rice for cash and on credit this lacl “

, 9. Watch small expenses. A thorough A committee at a iece‘ntimeeting of a iliould be stated ’ . To be (
cleaning of your shop windows may pay neighboring press association set up a < ) Advertisements such it "(13‘ (litures mu
in smaller electric bills Turn off lights code of ethics for advertising copy. The f g b . ‘ t ‘ _1 n a; {3‘1” and bear :

' . . . . - .. roni usmess em )orari s ou not. ' y

, when not in use. See your insurance standaids of acceptance for advertisnig be accepted 1 y bu.31ne'ss at
, agent to determine what safety equip— COPY are the h‘ghCSt CV91. adopted by . '7 . u . n - prise 15 CI
. . _ _ _ . . . - (h) The turn factory to you own n tl .
i ‘ ment might be installed to save on in- any $10111): aCCOIdmg [0 1- 2- Buckwal» '1 l l ldl 1 ”es lat ‘

l I surance rates. Watch telephone calls ter, Lancaster Newspapers, Chairman 0f 1 211-1) irases s iou _ ae meal legitimate
_ the Penns lv‘n'a Ne oarr Pil 1- ler" (1) Offer of ineichandise in connec-i carried to a

and Wires. Use postcards when they . .‘y d 1 . W31 1c ”181 5 tion with ’11] lotter should b rfusd“

' will do the work of a letter. Send state- Assoc1ation committee which prepared , C ‘ yl . 1 if] 1 1 1 e .E e"! not b€C0m<

1 . . _ . u 0) w11c1 ase (escriesan ,
ments by third class mail. A one»cent and iecommended the code.‘ EV“) “[9210 8111011 d be re'ectedy in): 11:3me

‘ , stamp and a one—half cent stamp look daily and weekly newspaper 1'11. Penn- '1 ‘ ' 1e BL

‘ i as “official” on an envelope as a three- sylvania should examine its 13011065 and Under the code adopted, a large num- necessary f!

s, w icent stamp direct-mail users find. practices which have been in effect to her of so—called medical advertisements war produ

. J _ _ ., n v r) , . . . .
:1 10 Consider seriously the possibility Promote truth in ZldVCI‘tlSIl’lg, Sled N111 are banned. The EleOClflthI’l also YO‘lEd adVCI‘tlSlng

. of adding sidelines to your business. l3uckwalter. .“This is a matter of vital down puzzle“ ads, ,l’ottery. advertismg, knowledge
Often selling related products, such as importance; it means a further effort at raCing and tlpster serVices, fortuiie nets and g
' office supplies, is very profitable to the self—regulation at a time when organized telling COPY 31K} the llke! and certamfyears, 50 th
, newspaper plant. minorities and others are proposing securities advertlsmg. illmeiprodi
. laws 3 ainst advertisin in news )21 mm." quality 0f ‘
________.e_._______ g . g . I 1 _-—_________—___— i i

. The committee suggested in the re- _ Ont 1e PUb]
, A Way To Raise Rates port that was adopted that questions as The Kentucky High Press ASSOC“; _ In detel

, 3 follows form the fundamental basis for tion, WhiCh meets annually at the U1?" (litures 3“

, The home paper costs less than C ‘1 a newspaper’s in acceptance of advertis- versity of Kentucky, has cancelled “if be taken 0.
week at $150 a year. Its less than 4c a ing: 1942 convention by an affirmative mail‘ (2) the a'
Week at $2 a year. And If. he pays a 1. Are the statements in the advertis- V0t€ of its members. lbUdgetS’ (
nickel a week, the subscriber Invists mg copy literally true? ____ _ _ _ _’” ‘Sinaelyto
only.$2.60 a year In the enioymentl t at 2. Can the statements be backed up Ele Increas
reading all the local news. In thef 10,1116 by factual proof? Joe Betts Appointed Editor 61mg Into

paper brings to “We“? m theuami y 3. Are there any misleading state- ()f The Farm Bureau News [Pffndltureg
The pomt: Rate-raising “5}” Y 1“} L merits in the copy harmful to competi- . l'l PIOduetS. 5“
as difficult as the publisher thinks it Will tors? Joe Betts, Paris, who for the past 9; mg habits

, , - ' . - - ' cmr t'

be. And what may seem to be.hlg? rates 4. Are the claims as to results to be months has been organization ($361.3. iho‘il's’ by P
(352 and $3 a year for weekliesf, or ex— obtained exaggerated? of the Kentucky Farm Bureau 6;“? f0:ity of
ample) really are but a very ew pen 5. Does the advertising copy include tion [01 the Blue Grass dlStuet’ wof [he )ronlerly f3

_ nies a week. Two profit pomts on iais— anything that might be misleading? pomted director of information '111 l “C ucts,

‘ ing rates: . . federation which pOSItion carries W1 l Reason;

i . . 6. Is anything omitted from the ad- . . . Burefllllco .

‘ I. Say very little about it. vertisin co which should no erl be it the editorship of the Farm 13' mpanies

, ' 2. Break down the price into cost-per- g py ‘ 1 p y News, St. Matthews. He succeeds Ca" ”1g technii

stated? . . 10 has am .
day, or cost-per-week. . Camenisch, Lincoln county, W1 (1 0ng the;
~ Some publishers have had good suc— . 7' Does the airangement Of advertis— been editor for the past five years. all i (10th acci

’ cess, too, in establishing a comparatively ing COPY as to layout and type size tend who left November 10 for United Stale" SCnces and

, high subscription rate and then selling toward misleading implications. Army service. 1“ deductio
‘ i , subscriptions on the installment plan. 8- Are mere opinions Stated 1n the Mr. Betts will continue his residenfizitures for 2
, i In this, they get the order [or a full mm as facts? in Paris. Mrs. Betts recently ioihedliihromotion
year, bUt the SlleCribel‘ pays, say, half 9. Is the product to be advertised staff of the Paris Kentuckian-Citizem v“ wartirm
‘ { down and the balance at the end of the falsely reported as a cure? news editor. age or th
5, ,els 1“ .

 . . :1...“-
‘ ; 11-1 *
: '1'1’ ‘- 1 .
. * 1:1
942 5 November, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 3 1"1 .
. -. 11.111
i 1 I: i' 1 '
in tht‘ Official Ruling On Deduction are signed by the advertiser, will be de- are the definition of super standard 3 1111 "'1 "
'OfAdvet'tisz'tig Expenditures ductible provided they are reasonable newsprint and the establishment of ' 1'1 '1
eral at} From Federal Laws Bulletin No. 33-1942, Oct. 7 and are not made in an attempt to maximum price differentials when this - 111t11
idopted' Commissioner Guy T. Helvering on avqid proper taxation. . . . . grade is used for rotogravure printing. 11'111 '
Sept. 29 issued an official statement of It is the statutory respons1bility of Licensing provisions, similar to those in ‘ '1'11'1'1?‘ .
atom. the policy of the Bureau of Internal the Bureau to determine and collect other regulations, also are incorporated. 1 111-1
Revenue regarding deduction of adver- Federal taxes, among which are the 1n~ Geographical limits of the pricing ' 111' 1 '1 1'
in €011, 1 tising for tax purposes. It followed up come and excess profits taxes, and to zones and the actual price differentials _ ,"1 " '
,f 21,1111 the information carried in Advertising prevent abuses and attempts to avmd applying to each are specifically identi- "'i-"lt ‘
hen 2111.1 Bulletin No. 17- 1942, Sept. 2_ The rul- the high tax rates to which business fied. Hawaii and Alaska are excluded 1 1 "
j ing of the Commissioner relates to the will be subtlect under the proposed tax from the list. I- 1111:} '1'11:
1 to lht1 federal income tax deductibility of ad- bill now before Congress. Other alterations made by the reviS- ' 1' "
sed,tht' vertising expenditures that are deduct- ”No definite rule for determining ed regulation include: 1 1 1'11 11
1 ible by firms engaged in war production “"131 15 reasonable 1'1 the C856 Of CXan- (1) Record Requirements. These are 11:11; . ‘11 '1
)uld bet are discussed in Advertising Bulletin ditures for advertising can be laid down expanded to require each buyer and - '1 '1' 1' "t
1’ No. 19- 1942’ Sept. 23. in advance so as to fill all situations and seller of newsprint to record the order, 1 I 1 11111 '
.nned. Commissioner Helvering’s statement all classes of taxpayers. In determining and roll or package number of all ' 1111.111 .
ence 111 ment follows: whether the amounts are reasonable it newsprint bought or sold. This is de- '1" '1' 1' ".-
:his [1111 “To be deductible, advertising expen- is necessary to take into consideration signed to facilitate identification of the '111'11' 1
ditures must be ordinary and necessary all the facts and Circumstances 1" each transaction and the IMP“, and '0 help - 1111" -
“retired' and bear a reasonable relation to the Particular case. in enforcement. ‘ [121111
“1'1 '10" business activities in which the enter- "The Bureau “"11 consider f‘H’lica’ (2) 33165 by Merchants. Merchants ""1'1511 ‘
prise is engaged. The Bureau recog- tions for iiidtvidual rulings. It is, how-' now are required to apply their mark- . 1 111' 1111 '
’orsint nizes that advertising is a necessary and ever, busy with an. unusual volume of ups to the price of paper in the form in 111?" 111' .
legitimate business so long as it is not work. and it is believed that 1f.taxpay- which it is sold (whether it be in sheets 1 111 1111 '
comet-1 carried to an unreasonable extent or does ers Wlll keep 1.11.111111d the foregoing gen- or rolls), with a slight modification 111' '1' 1i
refusedjnot become an attempt to avoid proper eral rules, individual rulings Will not be where a merchant himself performs the ' "11' 11""1
ribes amt tax payments. necessary except under most unusual conversion operation. No change is at j 1111 1
I “The Bureau realizes that it may be circun’istances. lh'lS- time being made in merchants' 1111111111
-ge num- necessary for taxpayers now engaged in ____________________ CE'hng markup Percentages. pending ', 1111 '
isem'ents war production to maintain, through _ _ _ "1C C(md'mon 0" a S'Udy 0' markups 11" '
so voted advertising, their trade names and the Maximum Prinz Regulation No. 1,3()—« for all grades of fine papers. The mer- . ' '13" '11:"
Iertising, knowledge of the quality of their prod- SM’HMM NWUJfJWH—Reww‘l (Shams maxtmum sales price now must 1' ."" ‘ 11."
fortune nets and good will built up over past OPA on Nov. 11 announced issuance include the allowance of freight on car- 1 ,' 1113': 1'111'1"
l certaiit'years, so that when they return to peace- of Revised Maximum Price Regulation load shipments regardless 0' whether '1 "'"- "'1' "" 3
1tiine PTOdUCtiOH thCiT names and the No. 130 on Standard Newsprint Paper, the shipment '5 from the ml" or the i 1'1 El" 11 i
’ quality of their products will be known effective Nov. 16. There is no change in warehouse. . ' ii: 151'" 1'1 1
"— [01116 PUth- the general price level of newsprint. , (5) Converters. .1110"? formerly were ' 11.: ii
Associi "In determining whether such expen- The CPA press release follows: 1'16“"th as d's'md from manufae- ‘ ' '1'11‘11 '
the Uni- (litures are allowable. cognizance will Maximum Price Regulation 130 as turers and merchants. NOW they may ' "'1' Eli
fined is. be taken of (1) the size of the business. revised, effective Nov. 16, prohibits be é'lhel" as web 1'5 SPCClal'StS in con— .' 111'
:ive mail' (2) the amount of prior advertising newspaper and magazine publishers versron. The 110156" regulation con- 1 25"" 11'." ' '
thudgets, (3) the public patronage rCa- from accepting delivery of newsprint at tains " S'JCCII'C 115' 0' conversion opera- 1 "é "ii/1'" -
sonably '0 be expected in the future, (*1) destinations other than those normally “.0115 Wh'Ch now “'3," be priced only by 1 1t '1'2'1 "
—~ the increased cost of the elements en- used if use of the unusual destination differentials determined by each COH‘ ' 11111 '11.
tering into the total of advertising ex- would increase thC price above the hub cerns maxnnuni price charged during " '" '1" '1 "'
benditures, (5) the introduction of new lishers’ established ceiling cost. Pur- a'base period, 0C" 1115’ 1941' These 1 '1 " 1 'i 3
t1pr0ducts and added lines, and (6) buy— chascrs also are specifically prohibited dtfferentials may not include merchan- 1' 1" '11s 1' ,
:past191 mg habits necessitated by war restric— from buying newsprint f.o.b. mill and dismg markup. Converters other than ' ".1 1'11 "'é '
diretm' tlons, by priorities, and by the unavail- paving all the freight charges themselves. manufacturers must report immediatc— ' 1" 1111 v‘
i Fedefa' lblmy 0f many of the raw materials This revision does not change the mean- 1y '0 the nearest O?A regional 0'1"“ 1' 1" ' 11 "
1W3”? fOrmerly fabricated into the advertised ing of the regulation, but is designed to "'61" base PCI'IOd differentials With a ' " '11": '1 '
n 011'" PmdUCtS. clarify it by Specific prohibitions of breakdown 0' all variations. ' "'1 l "
ries wtlh' "Reasonable expenses incurred by such practices. (4) COI'CS' T1165“ were 110' mentioned ' 1" ""—' 1 '
t Bul'ea'l1F01nPanies in advertising and advertis- The regulation establishes maximum in [110 original regulation. The I‘CViSCd -' ' :i‘i'l
ECdS 0"" mg teChnique to speed the war effort prices based on 10 zones for delivery in regulation states that no charge shall ' 1'.-' 1' 1'1 3
who has among their own employees, and to cut the United States. Port prices for ship- be made for non-returnable COFCS CX- 3 ' 'll1 -
ears'afldi'h’wh accidents and unnecessary ab- ments to certain designated ports are C'31)t that they may be included in 'hC 1 151 ' '1'
:edStaI951sences and inefficiency, will be allowed still fixed on a basis somewhat lower billing weight 01' the papcl‘- NO charge '- 1 1'1 '1 '
as deductions. Also reasonable expendi- than those established for surrounding are returned. The maximum price ' 1,1'i 1Q" -.
reSidentt1tures for advertisements including the “mes. may be made for returnable cores that i :4 1'] 1' ' '
gined [1161 promotion of Governmental objectives Other interpretations and amend» charged for those not returned shall not 1'11 1 l? '
Zitizen 1'" in Wartime, such as conservation, sal- iiients of the original regulation are in— exceed the price charged between Oct. 1111 j
Vage 01“ the sale of War Bonds, which eorporated in the revision. Among these 1 and 15, 1941- ' ‘11 1'31 ' i '
, 2.; 1 _
911121 1:1: 7'
'1‘ ‘

 ’, g if»
‘ J lagc Foul IHL leN 1 UCle PRESS November, 1942 1 Novel
. _ 68 Published In "'llie Interest Oi Com- lion, demonstrated in a material man-l, Forty Cen
, iiiunity Journalism—Oi, By, And Por ner that they were, and are, glvmg un-’ Wage Ra
, ent _‘ SS Iscntucky Newspapers.” stilitedly ol time and space to war effort,I
' ’ We reiterate our pledge made ill the not, only in this drive, but in support of; I‘lduml
. ' first issue, and repeated every year since bond and stamp drives, recruiting, and: “‘1 tor the
’ Official Pglelgsauonogagggliemm‘ky —VVe will do all ill our power to pro- all other patriotic movements towalils‘ Allied Gr
' ILSS ‘ . u ' I 7
1 mote community iournallsin and to that, ultimate success. l 111 New it
_————— ‘ a . . 1 (
1 . . serve th 'nte st ‘ 1' 11 v~ ’lhe (Tl‘OWIllli‘ results 0 t1- ' ,1 “125 [0 ‘
Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher e 1 re S OE [,1 c 6‘ 3’91)?” 0E . . g . 1 10 Damn ' , (1 Hour
, the state to the best 01: our ability. w1de scrap drive again demonstrated, il[ .111
_ printed 0,, The Kernel press, Lexington ——————-——————————— demonstrauon was needed, the influence; l“18‘ ”"195
- ____——— .r-i [ml/er To Mr. Nelson oi the nation's press, large city (lallitsi 10‘ C"‘P 0.
‘ Kentucky PreSs ASSOCiation Officers , and the smaller dailies and communityi Standards
' Harry Lee Waterfield .firiélsipécggn Co. Gazette. Clinton l):)iidl(l N1» “01“)“ newspapers, ii] [110 American Wily Of lllCi l7 [0 10 l
' . . . )1 ' . . . 1, . .
Vance Armentrout e..-“ Courier-Journal, Lomsvllle “ ‘11 ll )ductlon Boald lt demonstrated that the American news-l “on to 16
Vice President Dear Sir: . ., . 1 :.. -. - 1 ‘1 tor that c
1 Victor n. Portmann _.,._....__. U. of Ky., Lexington In Se itember vou Gave '1 ‘hallenv‘* m Pdpels must )0 Ute—lice to publish in-[ .
‘ Secretary-Treasurer _ ‘ l . , b ‘ L . at lorniatlon alld guidance in our war ellort issuance “
1 District Executive Committee the American Press. You challenged the ,u well 'is l'ree‘to criticile that 11' l ,l for the el'
‘ 1 J. Curtis Alcock, Advooate-Messenger, Danvtlle, (State- news m )Ci‘s 10 )l‘()(l11(‘c results in 'l na— . r it um 15 _ l ‘
. tit-large): chairman; “mm 308 Lac'met Sue'Demo' I l ‘ l ' ‘ ‘ not right or to condemn that which is “K ustly.
crat, Paducah; Second, Tyler Munford, Union 00. lion-wide scrap (li‘iYC .,
Advocate, Morganfleld; Third, John H. Hoagiand, Q ' ' l ‘ l 1 1 1 wrong. action on
Providence, Treasurer. .onie )ersons tiou ., ' . r ,' success 111 0111 W211 (illOii. l .
Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R. 16.6 CCUVCHC55 0 tl‘C umlpdlgh ‘5 AS in this scrap (l1‘i\'C, the AniCi‘iCilll unable, 1))
“79113081 Advertlse” Walt°n1 Rew’dmg. sec‘em‘y' found in the statement ()1 the American , ., _ . - 1‘ to hrm 11,
Miss Urith Lucas. IndependinhBngSVlug» tCOHPS- I . l P b1' 0 . . H \ 1 picss, and 0111 state press, has Shown HS, ‘ ( 0
di S cretar; Mrs. J. . ra ey, nerprise, 51 1' )- L 1 Ill 1; ,» gm 1 . . ~ -
. 9°“ "3 e y mil“ LC 1( 1 11 C 1 P1_ 01 1,18 1;} entire cooperation to the war ellotttO sub-1111mm
1 onc1t1 n.1l' 11* - . .. ., . .
(1 . l C U till llc St L ”Cl “ 1 1L tl “3 its highest ability and its hillest degree: “1 0111 b“?
. (av 11' sl 1 )‘ s 10’ . - ,
1 1 NATlONAL eon-OBI,“ 911 C “c s t l' :11 1 10%? s. t“ 61(1 11“ It has not, and never Will be, been loundi 361% as
‘ ‘ ' .‘ )C‘ .‘1 ‘ )Ll 1‘—'11‘Ua ' - ~ . . . . . . :’
, \ : ,' ASSOCIATION .1 11:“ t0 K 111, L ‘ . [5 “c1 wanting. It IS American; 1t 15 Aiiletlcty £01m 0i d
. ‘ .. _ ,, 1.1. .. ) .l _ ,1 1 , . ‘ .
wiifiim U“ ‘C 1 “a C P01 u ‘ 10” .“‘ S“ l .Omlec Your challenge has been answered. 1‘ fices and
filly?» l ' / / about the scrap metal drive, indicating .- . , i quate . f
l L {If t' f tl Sincelely yours, ,1 53
1 ‘x“€11 c irei ss 0 1- n s- 1 ~
L C L 1 1 e .C 6,, ‘ 10 0 CW The Kentucky Press 1 “19”“le
Pail“ campalgln- 1 b . d? B ___________________ FLSA i‘Cgt
ow were tiese resu ts o talne