xt7f4q7qrf01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qrf01/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1984-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, August 1984 text GSO Newsletter, August 1984 1984 1984-08 2019 true xt7f4q7qrf01 section xt7f4q7qrf01 I———————————IE HSLEI IER ‘b‘t”
POST OFFICE Box 11471 n __
' LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40511 onlozngggoun"
From the President of GED
We are happy to announce that the

in an effort to continue increas- 830 phoneline will soon be back in
ing its services to the gay and les— operation. Qnyone who would like in—
hian community in Lexington, GEO is Formation about our activities may
including special events monthly, call 231-0335 for a recorded message.
directed at specific groups. In this He expect to have the phoneline
way we hope to increase our services manned two nights per week within the
to many more people. We will not on- next two months. lf_you would like
ly continue to provide the general to volunteer for training to become a
activities open to all, but will also phoneline listener, please call
try to include those who might not 299-0352.
otherwise participate.

We would like to draw your atten- HfilLlNG LIST TO BE PURGED
tion to the fact that recent
activities have already been directed We think you are still out there,
toward a variety of interests. The but how can we really be sure? Due
wine and Cheese Party was for people to the number of people who have
who enjoy a quiet social evening. moved or lost interest in G30 and the
The Square Dance was planned to in~ high cost to print and mail the
clude as much of the lesbian and gay newsletter each month, it has become
community as possible, and succeeded necessary to purge our mailing list
quite well. The G30 Gay Pride Picnic of outdated names and addresses. If
was for those people who are proud of you would like to remain on the G30
their sexuality and are not afraid to mailing list, please fill out the
gather publicly to enjoy a sense of coupon below and mail it back to us
togetherness. Free activities in- GR, call Bill at 231-0100 and give
clude Cards and Games, for a quiet him your current address. The
evening, potluchs, as a social ga- flctober newsletter will be sent only
thering, and volleyball, for a sporty to those names on the new list, so
time. No one will feel comfortahl let us hear From you before September
W 15th. .
the ones that you think you might
like and come on out and give G80 a
1P3. EUEY'HOTIE l5 13121601118? WWW“

Future events with tentative HNQHE: .m_ a..l
schedules include the following: H 1
Casino Night, Halloween Square Dance, HSTHEET: l
Cornucopia (dinner/social), Field N l
Trips {Natural Bridge, canoe trip, HCITY: ___“__ l
camp out, etc.). We are also disous- N l
sing activities For parents and their HSTQTE: ZIP CODE: fl
Children! and tapics appealing to lI—_——-—___________———————————___—_—-—Jl
women. If you have any suggestions
or would like to volunteer, organize, SPECIRL EUENT QT LHHOP
or host an activity, please contact
us by mail or phone: GSU, lnc., Post Watch for posters at The Bar and
Uffice Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky LHHOP announcing a 630 special event
4US?5; Phone 231-0335 or 299-0352. to be held at LHHOP on ngust 21.

by Paul Joseph and John
No experience necessary: Bring
your glove and bat to Jacobson Park iexington’s Fourth of July Parade
Friday, August Bist. we’ll play was highlighted by an original
field softball among ourselves at creation sponsored by Cafe LHHOP: a
6:00pm. Come on out and have a good float loaded with local lovelies.
time. Everyone is welcome. Outside The Bar a sizeable group
gathered, despite the drizzling rain,
to cheer, take pictures, and shout
ITS ALWAYS FUN TO CRUISE encouragement. When the float had
passed down Main Street it seemed the
Lambdallouisville is sponsoring a parade was over — so many people came
"cruise” on the Belle of Louisville. back through The Bar to see the float
August 10th, starting at 8:00pm. again, this time as it passed down
Boarding will be from the wharf at Uine Street. The float itself was
the foot of Fourth Avenue and River adorned with some of our finest
Road, the boat sails at 8:39 and re— Southern Belles in their best holiday
turns at 11:30. Tickets are $8.00 attire. Several male escorts also
per person and it is BYOB, but no rode along. The word ”FREEDOH”
coolers will be allowed. Hikers, ice emblazoned the rear of the float.
and snacks are sold on the boat. Two or three people from the crowd at
Housing can be provided for out of The Bar even went out and followed
town guests, but requests for housing behind the float when it initially
or advanced tickets must be make by passed by on Main Street and they
August lst. Tickets will also be completed the entire parade route
available on the wharf the evening of with the float.
the cruise. For more information, Adding to the festivities, a Tea
contact: Lambda/Louisville, Belle Dance was held at The Ear immediately
Cruise, Post Office Box 8415, Louis- following the parade and there was a
ville, Kentucky 40203. County Drag Show at fiafe LHHOP. Also
important to the celebrations; Chuck
SO WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OMENSBORO? from Joe Bologna’s won the waiter 5
race with his partner, Carroll.
The July 24th issue of the Advo- Chuck is a three time winner of the
cate reports that the Owensboro Gay race, and came in second place once.
Alliance has started a speakers bu- (Ho other participant has ever won
reau to make presentations on gay more than once) Chuck said, ”Some of
life at various colleges and in- my customers have called me fast, now
stitutions in the Owensboro region. they know the truth.”
A spokesman for USA reported that
audiences so far have been re- HEENIE ROAST
spectful. Anyone interested in more
information can contact the OGA at On Sunday, August 12th, 630 is
Post Office Box 951, Owensboro, sponsoring a weenie roast at Kingston
Kentucky 42302. Park. The cost for this event is
three dollars and includes hot dogs,
GSO YARD SALE soft drinks and lots of marshmallows,
The fun and games start at 4:00pm.
Just in time for fall houseclean~ To find the park, take Horth Broadway
ing, CEO is having a yard sale. what to Kingston Road (past the 1-75 in—
better opportunity to dispose of all terchange), and turn left. The park
those unwanted ‘treasures’ that have is about one-half mile out Kingston
been collecting dust and taking up Road. He will see you there?
closet space all these years? The
sale will be on Saturday, September
8th at 378 Park Avenue. Please call
Jim at 299-0352 or Bill at 231_OIOO
if you have any items you would like
to donate.
mm mm “WW9 "‘9
”mm Ga” “PM”

 /////////////// / --- ~
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Shack and Carpal}: winners 5? the
Maiters’ Race.
\\ \\\\\3 3'=' \\ “ \\ 3. . 3
”Fregdam” float, spansarefi by the
LHHQP, 1n the Fuurth of July parade.

 {he gSOthnewsletter is published PUTLULK
mon l e exin ton Ga Services - .
Bryanigat?on lncorpogated HP 0 Box Sunday, August 7th 15 BP“"Ch 3“
11471, Lexington, Ky 405?5. $35 is a the Park! This time we’ll meet in
non—profit organization whose purpose goodland ngk ?? l%-%?PM forthrunch.
is to provide educational, recrea- ennis an no .EJ.R . cour 5 are
tional, social and referral services available and SVIMMIHQ ’5 Open at the
directly inuoluino or relating to ‘pool. Bur last Brunch at Castlewood
gayilesbian people_ ‘ Park was so much fun we dECldEd a
Uiews or opinions eupressed in repeat performance was in order. So,
stories or letters are those of the bring a dish’ a blanket! and your
writers and do not necessarily friendly smile to Brunch 1n the Park.
represent those of the GEU.hoard or
the newsletter staff. Publication of PICNIC lH THE PARK
the name or photograph or any person, UDLLEYBALL
organization or other entity in Jaoobson Park Shelter #5
articles or _ advertising in the _ .
newsletter is in no way indication of The PlCthfPfitluCk and Uolleyhall
the sexual orientation of such per- are held in Jacobson _Park on the
son. organization or entity. second and fourth_ Fridays_ of the
Submissions for the newsletter are month, from 613UPM until park
welcome. all submissions become the 01051119. fittendance has been _ex-
property of the Lexingtan Gag Sep— cellent ano everyone has a good time.
vices Organization, Inc. fill submis- _ _ ;
Slons must indicate the Full name and GEO is supplying P-latES. uteri-115.
address of the author, although no soft armies and ice. If you wish to
byline will he published without per- Jew. in Clothe Potluck. Please use
mi5510n of the author. Hon-original the following charts 1n_dec1d1ny what
material must indicate the source to bPlfiQ {USE thE PIPSt letter fit
Publication. Original material which your last name to select what type of
contains names of persons must in- food you should bring). You don’t
dicate that that person has given have to play volleyball to come out
hisfher permission for the use of and have a good time.
hlsfher name in the publication. _
Anonymous submissions can not he QUSHSt 10 ngufit 24
accepted. The editorial staff has 9—D SnaCh 9-D Entree
the right to alter submissions E'H Entree E—H Breadeuns
(including advertisements) to meet 1“L Breadifluns I—L Ueyetables
publishing requirements. ”‘P UEQEtRblES H-P Dessert
Q-S Dessert Q-S Salad
T~Z Salad T-Z Snack
Tees eeeee is reee ee hoarse. e
small donation to help cover the ex-
pense of renting the shelter is
requested. but not required. If you
* Theswfims.m4lehd%vmeRd.ZW-HBI would like to contribute, just look
TheBaL N4E.an5L zw—m51 for the Donation Jar. Any donation
. .1 u .. . E
* Lady Diana Hair Design, 508 E. Main St. 252-4595 :29 Sgfiatigreappremated. we hope tc
Joe Bologna's, 103 W. Maxwell St. 252-4933
Kentucky Theater, 214 E. Main St. 254-6010
Brett Johnson Gallery. 144 Harrison Ave. 255-2124 -'
Movieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 278—1451 1
Reflections in Hair Design, 835 Winchester Rd. 255-3325 ‘
* Fur'N Feathers, 2909 Richmond Rd. 266-0226 ~
FIOWeI‘S By Don, 200 Southland Dr. 278-0555
* Mark Cross Productions, PO Box 25601. Lex. Ky. 40524
Please send us your
* Ask about DISCOUNTS for 680 Members!! nge Of address
before you move.

The Bar...hou long has it been The floral majority has its Show on
around? Gf course. the location has the Pfiad again, this time invading
had several names, but has it always San Francisco in time for the
been a meeting place for Lenington’s Democratic National Convention. This
say population? what did it look act, tltled the Family Forum III,
like before it acquired its neons. fEHtUPES the _ EUEP popular JEPPH
tivolis and ”surprise pink” FRINEIII decrying the spread of
floodlights? homosexuality, and his side kick
If you have ever wondered about Phyllis Sohafly who attacked
the history of 224 East Hain. you’ll Geraldine Ferraro as ‘an advocate of
soon know. {And if you’ve never the radical feminist movement’ and
wondered — start now.) ‘the personification of the abortion
watch for ”Q Rendezvous with Our issue’. How aren’t you sorry you
Past” in an upcoming newsletter! missed that?
{:38 is, in need 0f office space-l Lambda Louis-ville reports that a
The space would be used for the resolution opposing an amicus brief
phoneline and GSG businessfboard £1184 by the Presbyterian Church in
meetings. If you have any ingggma— the case of Sam Dorr versus the First
tifin abgut a nige space, preferably National Bank of Louisville has been
free or at a nominal rent, please voted down In a VOICE UOtE by the
Cantact any baapd member or call Jim national church. another resolution
at 299-9352, Thankg, which was raised at the Southern
fresbyterian Seminary in Louisville
HEHSLETTER fiDBERTlSlNG 1n surport of Dorr’s case, meanwhile,
PQLIQY was voted down by the faculty at that
school in a tie vote.
If you would like to advertise in
the newsletter, please send your ad LOUISUILLE’S GAY QHD LESBlnN
copy and payment to £30, P.Gx Box HUTLINE NQHED HS BEST
llé?i, Lexington. Ky 4G5?5. See the
calendar for the newsletter deadline. ther a nation wide survey of
Due to rostal regulations, we reserve Hotlines, the Hationa] Gay Task
the right to refuse advertising due Force’s CRISISLINE has named Louis-
tc content or space availability. vllle’s Gay and Lesbian Hotline as
the most informative and most helpful
HQTES Hotline in the Nation. They felt the
Full Page $40.00 counselors were so well educated in
Half Page sfifigoo rhases of Hotline crisis counseling
Quarter Page $15.00 that they are referring all their
Eighth Page 5 8.fifl after hour calls to the Louisville
Classified 5 .fififletter Hotline. To reach the Hotline, call
{$3.56 minimum) (532} 63?-4342.
(502) 637-4342 ANTI-GAY VIOLENCE
. 8 m-1Im1 Du IAWook
Monday- thru Way mwmw A . If; norm
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM mull}; t ' m W
O ' n . . 6
221 '7800 (800)221-7044 (21213074016

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When the chlps are down, Morgan knows she can bet on
Fur ’N Feathers
L k ‘ Pl
a ev1ew aza
2909 Richmond Road
Lexmgton, Kentucky 40502
- 266-0226

 DICHlTBKLEXINCTUH The ECTC presented their bid to
. lCBB representative from cities all
Being gay and having religious across the United States and Canada.
beliefs are incompatible, right? Included in the presentation were
fiany gay men and lesbians don’t letters of support from Mayor Harvey
agree. Sloane, County Judge Hitch HcConnell,
Christianity and Judaism, with few the Chamber of Commerce and the
exceptions, have been largely unre— Louisville Convention Bureau.
sponsive to the pastoral needs of Ether cities bidding for the
lesbians and gays. Support groups, tournament were Detroit and New York
formed by gays, lesbians and their City. Louisville was selected over—
friends, exist within most denomina- whelmingly. Other cities that have
tions and in Judaism: Integrity hosted ICED in the past are Dallas,
{Episcopalian}, Baptists Concerned, Houston, Chicago, and this year
Lutherans Concerned, Presbyterian Cay Seattle.
Caucus, United Methodist Cay Caucus,
Bffirmation €flormon), Beth Chayim Q NEH D9?
Chadashim Synagogue, and Dignity (Ro-
man Catholic). This is the beginning of a new
Dignity was started by a Catholic day. I have this day to do as I
priest in San Diego in 1963. He was will. I can waste it or use it for
concerned with the difficulties many good. what I do today is important
gay and lesbian Catholics experience hecause I’m exchanging a day of my
in integrating sexual expression with life for it. when tomorrow comes,
religious tradition. this day will be gone forever - leav-
DignityfiLeuington is one of more ing in its place something I have
than 100 bignity chapters throughout traded for it. I want it to he
the United States and Canada. Louis— successful — not a failure, a gain -
ville and Cincinnati also have chap- not a loss — in order that I shall
ters. never regret the price I paid for it.
95 members and friends of Dig-
nityiLexington, we work within the RIDE UIBUS ‘QUITE HlCH’
church to help meet the pastoral 1H RISK GROUPS, CDC SRTS
needs of gay men and lesbian in Len-
ington and Central Kentucky. Dignity Exposure to the virus that causes
works within the church to develop a AIDS is ‘quite high’ among members of
more enlightened, sensitive theology high—risk groups, but the chance of
of sexuality. flany of our members such people being afflicted with the
and friends are not Roman Catholic. disease is uncertain, researchers
DignityILexington’s next liturgy is said.
Hednesday, ngust lst at ?:30 pm in a The national Centers for Disease
member’s home. Control reported that antibodies a-
For more information, write: Dig- gainst the QIDS—causing virus - in—
nity/Lexington, Post Office Box 1934, dicating exposure to the virus — were
Lexington, Kentucky 4GS93. detected in 65 percent of the 215
homosexual men attending a clinic on
5TH RNHUQL BUMLING TDUBNRHENT sexually transmitted disease in San
Francisco earlier this year.
The International Gay Bowling
flrganization (lGBGl 5th hnnual 50,900 GBTS HQBCH 1H 39H FBQHCISCD
Tournament will be held in Louisville
during flemorial Day weekend in 1985. In a festive, sign—waving march on
Less than a year away, it will be the July 15th, the eve of the Democratic
world’s largest single gay sporting National Convention, 59,000 gays
event ever, with nearly 118G bowlers carried banners demanding an end to
participating. discrimination and federal funds to
The IGBU Tournament will he combat RIDE. ”We are not protesting.
sponsored and operated by the Blue" This is an affirmation of who we are,
grass Classic Tournament Committee that millions of gays and lesbians
(BCTC), an affiliate of Lamhda Louis- are oppressed,” said an organizer,
ville. The annual Bluegrass Classic Marc Uirga. Police reported no
Tournament, usually held in February, serious trouble, although there was
will take a bye-year in order that some pushing and shoving between the
the BCTC may prepare for this large gays and a handful of fundamentalist
event. hecklers along the parade route.

 AUGUST 1984
Do you have a 1 2 3 4
birthday you 7:30 Dignity Cards and Sages.
would like to see Liturgy Call 231-0100 for
on the calendar? 8:00 Gay AA tile and place.
Call or write Room 186
and let us know. St. Joseph’s
5 6 7 8:00 Gay AA 8 9 10 11
858 Potluck BSD Business Room 186 6:30 Volleyball
1:30pm, Woodland leeting, 8:00p: St. Joseph’s and Potluck in
Park (231-0100). Conp Care Center. - Hospital. Jacobson Park,
4:00 Say Al-Anon Call 299-0352. Shelter 45.
Re 186, St. Joe Call 231-0100 ,
4:00 Heenie 12 13 14 8:00 Say AA 15 Last day to 16 17 18
Roast, Kingston Rool 186, St. subait items to Cards and Games.
Road Park. Joseph’s Hospital appear in August Call 231-0100 for .
Call 231-0100. 7:30 Dignity Newsletter. tile and place.
4:00 Gay Al-Anon prograa/leeting.
RI 186, St. Joe . Call 266-2046.
19 20 21 8:00 Gay AA 22 23 24 25
Special events at Roon 186 6:30 Volleyball Tentative Date
LHNOP. Hatch for St. Joseph’s and Potluck in for Dignity Yard
posters at LHNDP Hospital. Jacobson Park, Sale. ‘
4:00 Say Al-Anon and the Bar. Shelter #5.
RI 186, St. Joe Call 231-0100
26 27 28 8:00 Say AA 29 30 31 Entries on the
R00! 186 6:00 Open Soft- calendar are free
St. Joseph’s ball at Jacobson and are subject
Hospital. Park. 231-0100. to available
4:00 Gay Al-Anon space.
RI 186, St. Joe