xt7f4q7qr87c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qr87c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1963-09-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September  6, 1963 text The Kentucky Kernel, September  6, 1963 1963 1963-09-06 2015 true xt7f4q7qr87c section xt7f4q7qr87c Lighting Syttrui
Deserves Praise;
See l'age Four

Today's Weather:
Partly Cloudy, Warm;
High 79

im ImE IL
University of

Vol. tV. No, 2


ky., Friday, sept. r,





Record Number Expected
At End Of Registration
A record nuniher of students an- expected to enroll
in the University 1y tlic end
ol nevt w eek according to )r.
( iharles I'. lllon. dean ol
and registrar.

Moir tlian


student. s reg

this week bringing the
After extended resist
is completed the total is
ixpected to be over 0.(100. Th '
hiuh last year v;i f!." 7
rt mistered students.
rev ist rat ion for he
ill con! i r;
fall semester

tutal number of registrants



Organizing For The Year

The Troupers show their stuff to freshmen and transfer students
during organization and activities night held last Tuesday. All
organizations have an opportunity to reeruit new members.

In answer to a report that as
many as 1,700 male students are
without places to live, Mr. Cox
stated that there are some stragglers still looking for approved
accommodations, but they are
few in number. He does not know
exactly how many students are
without housing, since registration is not fully completed.
Mr. Cox has estimated that
nearly 2.000 male students will be
living in approved
housing. This does not include
married students, commuting
students, graduate students, and

A&S Offering TV Courses
The University College of Arts and Sciences w ill oiler two
courses for credit by television and "p'a' hack" another course
on radio during the tall semester.

watch the televised class on sets
scattered throughout the room.
Other students will watch the
class in other rooms of the build-

One of the courses, Plane Tri
onometry, began yesterday on
course will be conducted by Dr.
A. W. Goodman, professor of
mathematics and astronomy. The
class will be given at
9 a.m. each Tuesday and Thursday.
Dr. Arthur L. Cooke, professor
of English, will conduct a course
in "Survey of English Literature,"
starting at 9 a.m. Friday on
Channel 18. The course, emphasizing the cultural background of

Each Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, recordings of Dr. James
W. Gladden's
sociology class.
"The Family." will be presented
at 4 p.m. by WBKY, the UK
student -- operated FM radio station. Dr. Gladden, professor of
sociology, will discuss marriage,
divorce, family budgeting and
other topics. The lectures will originally be given at 10 a.m. on
broadcast days.

various works of literature, will
be given each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Both of the courses will be
presented "live" and will be produced by Ronald Russell-Tuttprogram director in the UK Department of Radio, Television and
Approximately 120 of the students enrolled in each course for
residence credit will gather in
Studio A of McVey Hall on the
and will




:li( li




l:ee. lv.- tioi, will j.V.i. e :!
'lie iv


living in fraternity houses. Freshmen are required
to live in the residence halls and
it is expected that there will be
between 1,000 and 1,400 freshmen
male students
nrolled in these
All male students who plan to
live in
housing facilities are required to have them
by the Town Housing
The Town Housing Department
also helps a student to obtain
housing by providing a list of
suitable rooms and apartments
which are available. But, says
Cox, the acquiring of the housing is left up to the individual.
We only tell him where it is
If a student finds housing,
without the aid of the department he can obtain a copy of the
"Minimum Housing Specifications" and see if his room or
apartment meets the University
specifications of safety.
Another requirement for
housing, is that a landlord, landlady, or I'niversity approved supervisor live in or adjacent to the apartment. This
ruling does not apply to married
Mr. Cox will be glad to see any
available housing, the "Minimum
Housing Specifications" pamphlet, or any other infoimation
which can be supplied by the
department .



Dr. r.itMh
Dr. Uliiii said the
proi eilurrs and

Most Students Find
Approved Housing
Hert Cox, director of the Town Housing Department
feels "pretty certain that most o f the male students living olf-campus have acquired approve town housing

throu;;h Monday for stu.1er.fs
who were unable to ei trull Tuesday or Wednesday. Only transfer
t.i-f- students and s j c
were unai-.lto ie;v.;t
!!: u









of new

have speeded tl;e rrs;istra-tio- n
process. "With our new methods and modern computers we
find out sooner how many students we have", he said.
Computers have been used for
a number of years in the registration process but not to the extent
that they have been used this
cards, class
year. Registration
cards, fee cards, and the various
miscellaneous cards used in registration are now handled entirely by
systems owned by the University.
Dr. Elton said 2,313 freshman
and seniors participated in the
preregistration program this summer. By enrolling early this summer these students avoided two
days of scheduling just completed
at the Coliseum.
Virtually all of the seniors that
enrolled for this semester
this summer. Due
to transportation or other difficulties only around 75rr of the
freshmen students preregistered
at the summer orientation classes
held this summer.
Enrollment for the University
centers in Covington, Ashland.
Henderson, Cumberland and Fort
Knox is undetermined so far.
Last year the enrollment at the
centers was 1,835. At this same
rate total enrollment for the University this semester, includir.u'
extension classes and evening
classes, could amount to over
12,000 students.



I.ate registrants who have
not had' their ID pictures
taken must do so on Saturday
from 8:30 to 11:30 a m. on the
second floor of the Journalism

Government Agencies Sponsor Seminars
Ity C'AKL I()DI ( KI
Kernel Campus Kihlor

lnstdes the University ol
Kentucky Washington Seminar, several govern nental
agencies sponsored their own
seminar programs lor summer

The White House a':ain sponsored a program for nil students
wuikur: for the summer in a
agency in or near
The White House Seminar climaxed Aug. 27 when Pre.. idem
Kennedy spoke to the students on
the White House lawn.
The President summarized the
themes of the previous speakers
when he expressed the hope that
the students would return to
work for the government because
"your services are vitally needed."
He added that "no career will
.jive a greater sense of satisfaction."
lie said this generation will
deal with the most dangerous and
seiikitive problems that have ever

faced this country.
come pouring across the desk
space, the Middle liast,
Latin America, and the balance
of payments." We do not want
or need' a person who reads a
daily column and has his mind
n.ade up." the President said.
Other speakers in the White
House Seminar included Edward
R. Marrow, director of the United
States Information Agency. Sen.
John Sherman Cooper, S.'ii. Hubert Humpl.iey, and Col. John
H. Glenn.
Showing all the quickness of
mind and humor that makes him
a' much sought after speaker,
Col. Glenn answered all questions tossed at him.
When one student asked Col.
Glenn what he thought of the
proposed electronics center in the
Boston area the astronaut replied, "I only know what I read
in the paper."
To this the student shot-bac"I guess that doesn't make you
very qualified to be a senator
from Ohio." Col. Glm replied
"PerWaps you are correct. "

This reporter had an opportunity to talk with ( ol. Glenn
When questioned
lor a h..ll'-hiu- r.
ahout the rumor that he would
run for a I". S. Senate sent from
Ohio he said. "When mv time
with the space program is
I will consider all offers
from industry, the government,
or for public office."
The niee'iUL; with Col. Glenn
v as jus' oi.e of many programs
Aeronautics and
the I.'.t n
had for 18
t'.jiaee Auikii.is'r-itioNUinn.cr journalism intern

Each week the students attended a halt-cla- y
bneiiug by th"
head of one of the major offices
in NASA. The group was aKo
flown to Wallops Island, Va.,
where many of the United States'
sounding rockets are launched.
tour the group
On the day-lon- g
saw fueled missels, a count-dow- n
it was later held
in progress
when weather . prevented
and photographs 30 minshot),
utes after they were received
from the Tiros weather satellite.
Continued on 1'age 8












Satellites for Which the Goddard Space Flight Center are responsible
include clockwise:
scientific; OAC, the Orbiting Astronomical
scientific; Kebound, communications;
scientific; Kelay, communications;
scientific; OGO, Orbiting Geophysical Observatory; Syncom, communications, and in
the center, Nimbus an advanced weather satellite.

� 2



Days Planned
Friday, Saturday
At Kentucky Fair

Photoelastic Stress'

Spindle top Acids
Analysis Service

A photoelastic stress analysis
service has been set up by the
Spindletop Research Center to
assist manufacturers in the .scof their products.
M. L. Cli vett. senior research
engineer, calls photoelastic analysis one of the most important
methods for determining
proper .structural shape of products, devices and machines.
"Durinu the last two derides
there has been increasinu emphasis- on scientific techniques of
design and improve
nient," Clevett said. "Applications
of the photelastic process have
shown great promise in increasing product reliablity and structural integrity."
Trie process involves making a
transparent model of the part or
product to be studied which can
be subjected to polarized light to
examine stimulated internal mechanical stresses. Photographs of
the stress patterns quickly reveal
which those portions of the design which should be changed to
give improved strength-weig- ht
ratios and load distribution.
According to Clevett, many

such design changes in the products of smaller companies can
be determined at low cost in two
or three man-day- s.
"More strength per pound of
material can be achieved by use
of this technique, and design
changes of the product's contours also frequently results in
extending tool life," Clevett said.

Sjl. Largr Joins


S Sgt. Herbert C. Large has
been assigned to the U.S. Army
Instructor Group, at the University, upon his return from duty
in Korea with the 7th Infantry
He has served extensively with
airborne units, including the 11th
Airborne Division, Fort Campbell; the 82nd Airborne Division,
Fort Bragg, N. C; the 503rd Airborne Infantry in Alaska and the
11th Airborne Division in West
Germany. He holds the Expert
Infantryman and Master Parachutist Badges.


James How ell, president;
Charles Shearer, corresponding
secretary; and James Lindsey.
the UK
chapter in the conference which
lasted from August 28 through
the 30th. Shearer and Lindsey,
from Louisville, are both seniois
in the College of Commerce.
Howell, from Harrodsburg. is a
senior in the College of Pharmacy.
More than 250 undergraduate
officers and national leaders attended this eighth leadership


Hunters paid $599,536 to hunt in
Oklahoma in 1962. The interior
department said 255.188 hunting
licenses, tags, permits and stamps
were issued in Oklahoma last
year. All but 2,390 were bought by
Oklahoma residents.

The friendly smiles and the
College Corner welcome YOU!

Starts 7:45 Niqhtlv

And especially to you who don't know us, may we offer our
assistance in any way we can not only with your wardrobe
problems (which, of course, is our business) but in any other way!

The Kings of Horror Scavatnon!
Vincent Price
and Edgar Allen Poe



Ask those who are already part of our friendly circle. . . .
They will tell you that, we KNOW the college look.
Come in and get acquainted. .We have a charge account




Three officers of Yhl
Cainnui Delta recently attended an educational leadership conference at Indiana
University sponsored by the
fraternity's national organization.


277-764- 1


Twenty students are now rated
standings In the
University's College of EngineerListed for this rating were:
James Merle Vowling, Covington; William Carroll Furlong.
Lexington; Paul French Haggard.
John Bela Imredy,
Myers, Ashland.
Stephen Elwood Pendleton,
Lexington; John Darrell Sears,
Elihu; Roland George Siegfried,
James Baxter Sims,
Yancey; John Melvyn Smith,
Moscow, Ohio; Benny Ray Spicer,
Trenton, Ohio; George William
VanCleave, Greensburg, and Joseph Madison White. Lexington.




Harrodsburg Rr.

"When you go to the 1963 Kentucky State Fair in Louisville,
be sure to see the
Club exhibits and events," suggests Uay
R. Rnnta, chairman of
Extension programs at UK. Friday
will be the imporand Saturday
tant days for most
at the fair.
exhibits and events
at the fair will give you a good
Idea of project work and activities carried on by the 85,000
Club members throughout Kentucky." he said.
"At the Fair, outstanding
from every section of
Kentucky will compete for state
recognition and championships
in several
Demonstrations, public speaking and judging contests are the
major events scheduled for
members, in addition to exhibiting of livestock and items concerning home economics and
other projects.

Fiji Officers
Attend National
Leadership Meet

Top IJatins (In on
20 In Engineering


J I.







Edgar Allen


Edgar Allen


& the Pendulum"
Vincent Price



'House of Usher"
Vincent Price

Better Fitted At








'TIL 9 P.M.


Visit our HOB-NO- B
for the "Right Look" in Campus styles
Have a "Coke'
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Over 25 Styles To Select
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Linen & Leather Shoe ..'15.99
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Matching Handbags

125 East Alain St.


Well, gang another year at the
ole alma mater has started and
ns usual confusion reigns supreme. To these of you who are
returning to the hallowed halls
I have one suggestion for the
semester, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
If you don't do it now you'll
never get caught up. remember
there's only one day off after today until finals end in December.
To the freshman there hit
many comments that can he
made but you'll soon h .i : n the
and be making sup;'' enrop'.
crypt ie comments of yo,;r xu. In
fact after five days ol ivireluvrv
around playing foil .w tin l":i.-r- ,
I'm sure your opinion of college ranges from boring to rinkv-dinThere are a few campus traditions you should become acquainted w it'i early. The one
which has passed from the scene
this year much to the dismay
f all the freshman
girls who
have been warned about it, is the
Sigma Nu registration table. This
novel bit of fraternity cataloging
has been an institution for years.
The Sigma Nu's set up a table
in front of their house, next to
the Wildcat, and signed up freshman gills for a directory as they
hurried to and from that battle
ground known as the Coliseum.
That's the only place on this
campus you can enter and five
minutes later leave minus your
mind. Rumors have been drifting
around that this year things
aren't quite so harrowing but the
old veterans of five or six semesters have their suspicions
that the rumor was planted by
the registrar's office. Anyway its
the one experience of your college career that you will never
forget if you live to be 100.
No doubt as a freshman you've
passed the statute of Piesident
Patterson on your many walks
are our lovely green University
area. There is the oldest of UK
traditions associated with this
.man. It is said that the old man
will rise from his brone chair
the day a virgin w alks by. Of
course this is a good joke to play
on fieshman women but its getting a little tired after these
many years.
As I mentioned
before you
have no doubt noticed the lush
of the grass and excellent
condition of the walks that rut
their way to class. That mud you
see will get worse as the days

Women's I 'am Editor

go by, the 1'niversUy Is in a conof expansion and with
the fall monsoons the dust will

stant state

settle in to sticky muck which
is not unlike quicksand.
You will also soon learn that
things are always done at the
right times on this campus. Like
tearing out the walks the first
week of school. The bin'-es- t
of your existence will he to your
the lack of efficient

Unless there has been some
really stupendous mirae'e of mechanics ciurinu tiie summer you
will find yourself hi the eastern
at the Si U'ient Center
time 7
on l..i
ten, lime in lie Fine.
Arts :''i;ii(h.;:: und over the
cate line in Funk- tern,

On the snci il s'.de you will
find that there is a marvelous
institution known as TGiring
thank goodness its Friday . This
is celebrated with a mug of your
favorite brew at one of the cozy,
charming, and student inhabited
pubs in the area.
These sessions will soon find
you involved In the earth shaking discussions that only college
students can hash over so well;
religion, war. sex, philosophy, and
ultimately the latest in
Now most of our parents would
be horrified at such goings on

but these discussions are a very
important part of your college
education, and should not be bypassed. If you don't drink go
along and have a "Coke" but no
matter what join in.
Right now the freshmen are
sort of isolated from the rest of
the world what with rush and
all. Dut there is going to be a
chance to get acquainted with
the upperclassmen tomorrow
night when the Interf raternity
Council sponsors a rampuswide
street dance.
Take heed of this event freshman men. It is the last contact
you can have with those fiat
men. So let's all go and make it
a real success.
And you greeks have a really
thrilling weekend in store for you
with all those evaluation sessions
into the wee hours. So the campus looks like it will be really

Aside from all those social activities this weekend I would
like to clue you in on one of
the biggest social events of the
school year. It's a daily event but
not quite as relaxing as that


break in the grill. It's that trip
to the library, the procedure one
has to go through is somewhat
like the process of top security
clearance and takes about as
After you've been OK'd you
have the joyous task of finding
your book. You thought it took
a long time to get your library
card. Well, students have been
known to enter as freshmen and
leave still without finding their
book as graduate students.
They do provide you with a
handy little map but it's so complicated it takes an architect to
decipher it.
Those of us v. ho have bren
around this place a few years
are thorough!.- confused by the
new Student Center formerly the
Student Union or S'JB. It's saci
to see these land marks pas;;, yes
sir, the ole place changes quickly.
So do the lreshinen, change
quickly that is. This week you
may think you are a clod by the
standards you see in force here,
but next week, freshmen you will
be no longer; just one of the
throng hurrying to an eight
o'clock. Better get plenty of
sleep this weekend. It's the last
chance you'll get.

Belts Make News
AP N'ewsfeature
Despite fickle fashion's shifty
attitude recently, belts are a
cinch to be around dresses for a
long time, if Norman Norell has
anything to do with It.
And the dean of American
couturier has. His swing, belted
suit from last season's collection
became a national uniform in all
price ranges. Almost every suit
had to have a belt because his
This year, although Norell has
created an easy, waist less silhouette with a tier of a skirt, he
is still belting his suits, to the
delight of the Belt Association.
"Some dresses need belts, others do not. This has always been
true," Norell wrote to the association's executive director. Herbert Novick. "Belts are always a
part of my collection."
These are comforting words to
the industry, whatever Norell
does others will follow suit. Thus,
while the shift, skimmer, chemise, muumuu, and Lillie. may
have their day. the waistline is
still here to stay.

EnMay, S( J,r. (i,

WoiM Of


Social Sidelights
Hy Nancy


Christian Student fellowship
The Christian Student Fellowship will hold its first weekly
meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at
the Christian Student Fellowship
Center, 375 Aylesford Place. Refreshments w ill be served.
Christian Capsule Topics
The Christian Capsule Topics
will be held daily at noon in
room 109 of the Union Student
Center. Officers will be speakers
for the first week.
Wesley Foundation
The Wesley Foundation will
hold its first meeting at G p.m.
Sunday at the Foundation.



A drama
based upon the 14 books written
Issac Loeb Peretz will be proby
duced ofi Broadway with Zvee
Schooler, veteran of the Yiddish
Art Theatre, in the role of author.

Folk tales, sketches and poems
have been assembled for the
by Isiuh ShefTer.
Several seasons ago a similar
show derived from the stories of
another Yiddish writer wa.-- . successfully presented under the
title "The World of Sholetn



Sorority Husli

Delta Zeta sorority member talks with F.velyn Karnes of New Castle,
during one of the rush parties.





Squara Hoot



announces with pride
the opening of cur brand new . . .





grand new





A basic classic moccasin in the
season's favorite leather BRASS
WAX. A soft, casual shoe vith
toe that goes
a smart squared-of- f
so beautifully with skirts, slacks
and dresses.



10o discount


Opening Date



just for you! absolutely the nicest
fashions for your
'round-the-cloc- k

Saturday, September 7th.


on any shoe of your choice Sept
D. or business

through 14th. Just show us
office receipt from U of K.

a complete new shop
thing in town! Featuring


for everyone!







� The Kentucky Kernel

Summer Registration

Univkhsity ok Kentucky


at thr post nfficr-- nt l.rxinntnn. Kentucky a
clas mutti-- under
Tulilishtni tour time a week ilnrinU the regular M'htHil xmr rxcriit dtiriiin

the Act of March I, 1K79.


Si'E Emmcott, Managing Editor
Caul Moikcki, Campus Editor
John Bi hkhamd, Advertising Manager
TFUlitorl.il staff: William Grant, EliAaln-tl- i
Ward, Billiard Stevenson, daily editors; Tom
Woodall, Huss Weikel, and John Townsend, associate daily editors; Peter Jones, editorial
assistant: David llawpe, James Curtis, and Nick I'ope, asstxiatc editors; Jolin I'feiHer,
arts editor.

New Lighting System

Deserves Praise

The newly expanded ami improved campus lighting system is one of
which the University can justly he
proud ami is an area in which
the administrators must he congratulated.
The new system is not one which
can he measured for effectiveness in
dollars and cents. Rather, it must he
that the approximate
$73,(MX) cost of the lights will buy
more than convenience for those students and faculty who traverse the



grounds after dark. It is hoped the
lights will provide protection for men
and women against the potential criminals known to frequent college and
university campuses.
These lights have been specifically
designed to eliminate the dark spots
existing between the old lighting fixtures on campus. The old lights,
while they illuminated a specific area
to a satisfactory degree, left much to
be desired in such areas as the botanical gardens. The light from each of
the new high intensity fixtures will
overlap the lighting area of the next
lamp and thus provide a continuous
path of safety for those who must
cross the campus at night.
Too often many students fail to
realize the real danger of walking
in an unlighted area after dark. There
have been cases in the past in which
these people have learned that such
dangers do exist on the campus. Fortunately, there have been no serious
incidents here at UK.
It's especially important to note
that we didn't have to wait for a serious crime to be committed on campus before we did get the lights.

The Kerne! tips its hat to the administration for its policy in handling
the registration of the senior class during the summer months. Those who
were able to participate in the program found it exceedingly efficient,
and time saving.
This fall the seniors did not have
to stand in line for as much as two
clays to get their classes and their
schedule completed for their last year
on the campus. Things generally
moved smoothly and speedily.
The Kernel believes this is a pol- -

Lellers To The Editor

icy which could stand some consideration in planning the registration
program for the second or spring
semesters, and one that should continue in the future.
The Kernel also believes that
seniors are not the only ones that
should have these privileges. The
efficiency and speed with which registration took place could be extended to all students of the University.
The Kernel suggests that the administration in planning registration
programs in the past, consider a
plan which was as efficient
as the one many seniors enjoyed during the summer months.

All letters to the editor must be
signed by the author and must include his college, classification, address, and telephone number. Faculty members submitting letters must
include their name, rank, and college
or department.

Register To Vote
To The Editor;
As a citizen of Kentucky and as
one backing a candidate for the office of city commissioner in Lexington, I would like to remind the readers of the Kernel that tomorrow is
the last day to register for the general election on Nov. 5. This is, of
course, a necessary step in exercising and protecting the right to vote.
Someone who fails to take that step
now may regret it when he becomes
interested in the election during the
next two months.
Gilbkrt C. Adams
Senior, Arts and Sciences

College Years Termed Best Of A Lifetime

From The Daily Texan
When I left for college several
years ago, my father said. "These will
be the best years of your life. Enjoy
For a while, they may not seem
so gay. Chances are you'll go home
quite a bit during your first semester,
and will wait anxiously by the mailbox to hear from your friends at home.
For a while, von might sit by yourself at night and wonder why you
are here.
Then, slowly at first, you'll begin
to find out. The faces are different,
the conversations might be dilferent,
but you're still with people. And
you're still yourself.
You'll change some, more than
likely. You might stay up later on
some nights, burning the midnight oil
). You might form
(and then s
different ti ieii;k!iirs than you had
ever thought you would. You'll learn
some new words, and how to pronounce some old ones. You may even
learn what they mean.
At first, all the faces will just be
faces. As time wears on. you'll occasionally see somebody you know.
And by the time you graduate, you
won't be able to walk the length of
a football field without seeing a friend.
Some of you won t be around for
the spring semester. There is a lot
of beer to drink here, and a lot of
parties to go to. if you're so inclined.
That's one way to get out of the
Another way is to chain yourself
to your desk, leaving your room only
to go to class or to the library, by
deeping w ith your books, and abvays
carrying them with you, you can lxi- -

and can produce untold thousands of facts upon
Still another way is to split the
extremes. Study, but not exclusively.
There are several different commodities of which to partake at the University. If you confine yourself to a
limited diet, you may become so
deficient in the other nutrients that
you are unable to use that with which
you have gorged yourself.
You may spend a large amount of
time searching-f- or
truth, for companionship, for yourself. You will
learn, with any degree of luck, to ask
why. You may even get some answers.
You don't stand a very good
chance of finding what one professor
relers to as "instant wisdom." You
may bluff your way through, by taking easy courses in an easy major
field, and possibly even eliciting a
little. Vu II come out with about
as much as you put in.
Your first semester here, you'll
probably write out a comprehensive
schedule, showing yourself what
times your classes meet, complete
with buildings, room numbers, and
professors. Alter a year or so, you'll
be able to remember your schedule
as soon as you register.
You're bound to draw
classes at least some of the time,
and some semesters you may go so
far as to have Saturday classes. You'll
learn how to avoid both, however, as
you move on up the scale and leave
the unfavorable schedules to the
If you've never been a
you might become one. Dur
early-mornin- g


ing final
of your

exams, you can watch some
fellow students scribbling
with a wide-eyestance,
to the gills with Benzedrine.
You (and they) will wonder why
they don't study more during the
At the start of each semester,
you'll vow not to fall behind in your
work. Chances are, however, that
you'll learn the joy of staying up all
night .to type a term paper to hand
in the next clay. Of course it was
assigned three months ago. but Vou
actually only had two weeks to work
on it, for some reason.
Y'ou'll meet Puritans and sinners,
and cross - b u r n e r s.
You'll probably see an integration
demonstration or so. Y'ou'll watch
student politicians in all their glory,
trying to sell a usually apatlU'tic student body on the advisability of help-inallocate some S25P.OOO in student
money annually.
ou may smoke, because everyone tells you it is the thing to do.
You may not. because you don't think
you ought to.
You'll get to read about, and posmeetsibly participate in.
ings on "Individualism, a Croup Problem." You'll see tables full of bearded
and leotarded males andor females
sit over col fee in the Union and talk
about the evils of conformity.
Y'ou'll learn to buy books early, so
that you can beat the rush to the
lxtokstore and get inexpensive used
books. You'll learn to distrust buy ing
books early when you find that the
professor doesn't really plan to use
them in this course.





Probably you'll discover which
professors give quizzes from the class
notes, which you neglected to take,
and which teachers concentrate on
the library outside readings in the
course, which you'll get around to
fighting for, along w ith everyone else
in class, about a week before finals.
Sometime during your stay at the
University, you might have to go to
the Student Health Center for a sore
throat, cold, or other ailment, and
you'll curse socialized medicine and
inefficient bureaucracy.
As a freshman, you'll bemoan the
fact that you aren't allowed to have
a car. When y ou get to be an
you'll spend happy hours
searching lor a nonexistent parking
place. As a
life will seem a constant imposition on
your privacy and peace and quiet. As
some morning yon
may find yourself being engulfed by
the creeping apartment crud which
has taken over your haven.
During your dormitory or boarding house sojourn, you'll complain
about the grease content of the food,
and will question its origin. As an
apartment-dweller- ,
the mysterious
hurdles of
will be encountered. You'll learn how to eat
TV dinners.