xt7f4q7qpv0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qpv0m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1990-01-12 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, January 12, 1990, no. 565 text The Green Bean, January 12, 1990, no. 565 1990 1990-01-12 2014 true xt7f4q7qpv0m section xt7f4q7qpv0m  ·¤ii¤3.$-i -i- ‘ n 1, 9 9 O
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` The UK Libraries have been awarded an additional $137,563.00 from
the National Endowment for the Humanities to continue the Ken-
tucky Newspaper Project through December 1990. The supplemental
funding will be used for the preservation microfilming of previ-
ously unfilmed newspapers held in Kentucky repositories. Since
filming began in late 1987, over 675,000 pages of Kentucky news-
papers have been preserved by the Project.
` The Kentucky Newspaper Project is headquartered in the Periodi-
cals/Newspapers/Hicroforms Department and microfilming is being
A done by the Libraries’ Microfilm Center. For further informa-
tion, contact Judy Sackett, Project Director, at 257-3493.
(Submitted by Judy Sackett.§
The University of Kentucky presents "Le Tour de France: La cui- _
sine, la culture, et la conversation." Experience the special
romance of France at a French banquet and a grand tour on Febru-
ary 16 or 17. The dinner, sponsored by the UK Office of Special
' Programs, will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the UK Student Center
Grand Ballroom. The grand tcur will begin immediately following
dinner. The tour guide for the evening will be Dr. Raymond F.
Betts, Professor of History and Director of the UK Honors Pro-
gram. Dr. Betts has traveled extensively through France and is
thoroughly enthralled by its culture and history. The tour will
be illustrated by the instructor’s experiences and slides.
Individual and group reservations are being accepted for Friday,
February 16 and Saturday, February 17 with dinner guests being
  seated at tables of six or eight. Tickets are $19.00 per person
and may be paid by cash, check, or credit card. Call now for
reservations at 257-3929. The next Office of Special Programs
dinner will feature the Caribbean on April 13 and 14.
• O
T1} Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Libra '

The UK Integrative Seminars for 1990 will begin on January 22.
A The seminars will deal with the nature of integrative study with
‘ the focus on integrated systems (namely living systems) ranging
from the cell, through the human, to the mythical. Each evening.,
· will be devoted to a few pages culled from a short.story or other
— text——reading the text a few lines at a time and contemplating
what is read. Panelists assembled for each session will initiate
V some of the discussion. They will be there not to represent »
_ areas of expertise but to bring their life experiences to bear on
. emerging issues. They meetings will be held on Mondays 7:30 to
9:30 in Kastle Hall, Room 216. For more information, contact the
Office of Integrative Studies, MN-502, AMedical Center, 00840,
f The University of Oklahoma Libraries and Foundation present "Ac—
quisition Budgets: Strategies for Serials, Monographs, and Elec-
, tronic Formats." The conference will be held March 1 and 2, 1990
A at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Oklahoma City. Speakers will
include librarians from the Universities of Texas, Utah, Michi-
, gan, Louisiana State, and Vanderbilt in addition to representa-
’ tives of Baker & Taylor, ARL, and the National Library of Medic-
ine. The registration fee is 375.00 with a deadline of February
16, 1990. For additional information, contact Donald C. Hudson,
conference coordinator, at (405) 325-2611.
The Center for Renaissance Studies at The Newberry Library has
- announced two· upcoming programs. "Exploring the Xewberry’s Re-
3 sources: Medieval and Renaissance Studies," will be held February
A 2-3, 1990 at the Newberry Library. This colloquium is designed
to introduce scholars to research possibilities at the Newberry
by detailing various strengths in the library’s collections.
A The 1990 Summer Institute in the English Archival Sciences will
j be held July 9 to August 17, 1990. It will provide six weeks of
‘ intensive training in the reading, transcribing, and editing of
» English manuscript books and documents from the late medieval
through the Early Modern periods, as well as a thorough orienta-
tion in the archives and manuscript collections available for
work in the English tradition. The application deadline is March
1, 1990. Stipends of up to $3,000.00 are available. For more
A information on either program, contact the Center for Renaissance
` Studies, The Newberry Library, 60 Nest Walton Street, Chicago, IL
60610, (312) 943-9090.

ABOVE AND BEYOND We very much appreciate the
contribution you made in pre-
The following letter was re- paring and presenting the
ceived by Sandee McAninch from "Using the Library and LS2000"
Rep. Jim Bates, Chairman of the session. A summary of student
Committee on House Administra— evaluations for all four UK
tion: 100 sections of this session
is enclosed. . .
` Enclosed please find a copy of
the report on the Subcommittee
on Procurement and Printing’s This letter was sent by Lynn
hearings earlier this year on Fogle, Ann Davidson, and Can-
the government printing laws. dace Owens of Greenbaum,, Doll
Once again, I would like to & McDonald to Russell Powell:
thank you for participating in
the hearings. Your comments We would like to express our
were most informative and help- appreciation for your time and
ful to the subcommittee. In assistance in instructing us
addition, I have enclosed a in engineering bibliography.
copy of a revised draft bill to This information will be help-
amend Title 44 of the United ful to us in our future re-
States Code. I would be search projects. If we have
pleased to have your comments further questions, we will be
on this new bill. . sure to call you. If we can
‘ ever be of service to you,
please call us. Again, thanks
Rob Aken received this letter for your help.
from Becky Jordan and Betty
Hall, Co-coordinators of UH
100: Jeffrey Suchanek was the re-
cipient of this letter from
` Thank you for your involvement William E. Leuchtenburg, Wil-
in the pilot UK 100 freshman liam Rand Kenan Professor at
orientation course. We have the University of North Caro-
` received strong support and lina:
approval of this course from UK
100 students, faculty, and It was extraordinarily gener-
student assistants. In written ous of you to write to me and
class evaluations, a large to send me the two tran-
majority of students stated scripts. I have worked in
that they would recommend UK scores of archives around the
100 to incoming freshmen. Your country, and I cannot recall
efforts, combined with the that anyone has ever done
V efforts of many other faculty anything so thoughtful before.
and staff, significantly con- I am most appreciative. Thank
tributed to the success of the you warmly for your kindness.
. course.

§ THANKS over the holidays. Thanks
j too, for a successful 1989 in
; L.S.O. the Library. I appreciate
` Thanks so much for the gift your thoughtfulness.
i certificate. Barbara and I Paul Willis
~ will enjoy lunch in Versailles
A Library Technician V, grade 9, Asst. Librarian, Cal. State I
, IBM Technical Library. Univ., Bakersfield. Salary:
. Library Technician VII, grade 530,240—36,372. Deadline:
‘ 11, Microfilm Center. Feb. 9, 1990.
‘ Library Technician VI, grade
V 10, CSR. Principal Japanese Cataloger,
Library Technician V, grade 9, V Univ. of Cal., Berkeley.
A Hath Library. Salary: S27,360—39,276. Dead-
% For any of these positions, see line: March 15, 1990.
: Ann Howell in the Director°s §y; 4 .
Office. . ’? ;. y Q I
. niixwots
. ` Preservation Librarian, North-
Q western Univ. Salary:
‘ Social Sciences Reference Li—‘ S21,000—Q4,000. Deadline: none
. ` brarian, Auburn Univ. Salary: given.
I S22,0D0—25,000. Deadline:
_ March 1, 1990.
§ Asst. Management and Economics
? Librarian, Purdue Univ. Sala-
. Head Central Reference Librari— ry: $23,000 min. Deadline:
an, Univ. of Ariz. Salary: March 15, 1990.
$32,000 min. Deadline: Feb. _
, 23, 1090.
4   .;· .%§{f,_€.
. ` [@5 1 ji ·

Asst. Head of Acquisitions, Collection Development Lib-
Johns Hopkins Univ. Salary: rarian, Rutgers Univ. Salary:
none given. Deadline: Jan. 31, $30,705 min. Deadline: Feb.
1990. » . 1, 1990.
_ Technical Services Librarian Library Instruction Coordina-
(Mgr., Retro—con. Project.), tor/Reference Librarian, Ore-
Mass. Inst. of Tech. Salary: gon State Univ. Salary:
$26,000—34,000. Deadline: Jan. $25,000 min. Deadline: Jan.
1 20,1990. 31, 1990.
@1 Director, Bio-Medical Library, Reference Librarian, Engineer-
?· Univ. of Minn. Salary: none ing, Univ. of Pittsburgh.
. given. Deadline: March· 1, Salary: none given. Deadline:
I 1990. March 1, 1990.
, Librarian, Social Work Collec-
;l tion, Univ. of Pittsburgh.
Q Salary: none given. Deadline:
q` MISSOURI V March 1, 1990. V
g> Reference and Instruction »
Q . Librarian, Univ. of Pitts-
j,_ Director, Pius XII Memorial burgh. Salary: $21,000. ,
§ Library, St. Louis Univ. Sala- Deadline: March 1, 1990.
5 . ry: none given. Deadline: Head, Forbes Quadrangle Libra-
i· Ongoing review from Jan. 1, ries (Econ. and GSPIA), Univ.
Q 1990. of Pittsburgh. Salary: none
¥~ . given. Deadline: March 1,
s A Director of Computing and Tele- 1990.
1 communications, Washington
;’ Univ. Salary: $45,000 min.
Q, Deadline: March 15, 1990.
f . 5

 TEXAS   .\ I
University Librarian, Rice
Univ. Salary: $80,000, Dead- Documents Information Services
line: Feb. 1, 1990. Librarian, Univ. of VA. Sala-
ry: $22,000 min. Deadline:
March 2, 1990.
Instructional Services Lib-
rarian, Univ. of VA. Salary:
$22,000 min. Deadline: March _
` 2, 1990.
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.
_ 6