xt7f4q7qpt6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qpt6k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-08-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 13, 1976, no. 141 text The Green Bean, August 13, 1976, no. 141 1976 1976-08-13 2014 true xt7f4q7qpt6k section xt7f4q7qpt6k ’ ][:· I {
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8/15/76 ‘ N0. lill
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1-13 August » Laura Lou Levy art exhibit ~ Art Library anu King
Library South Lobby
21 August W Inventory (KLIP) Day · Bw30~4:3O (Library closed to
public) y
25 August ~ Public Services area meeting ~ Cancelled
27 August M Administrative Council meeting ~ Q:30 AM—9:30 AH,
3 Sept. ~ Library Faculty meeting » 2230 AMy Gallery
Contributors to this number; Cliff Black, John Bryant, Davii
Farrell (Eoitor), Faith Harders, Patricia Renfro, Janet Stith.


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AIDS Reactivation: ‘
The AIDS office (Academic Information/Developmental Skills) is
about to become active again. The new AIDS Librarian is Karen
Boucias who has transferred to the Reference Department from
Central Serials Record. The office has a new location ~ in the
area directly behind the Reference desk in MIK South. This area,
formerly the Reference office, is now open to the public. The
reference staff will service the AIDS collection as another aspect
of information services. Karen will have responsibility for
making contact with faculty and staff throughout the academic
community and for maintaining the collection af AIDS materials.
The AIDS phone number will remain the same 25S—26£4. We hope to
expand the functions of AIDS during the coming year so that it
will be a central source of information on what°s going on on
campus. We would welcome any input from the staff.
Faculty elections:
The following were elected by the Faculty at their August meeting:
Claire McCann W Faculty Secretary
Rhoda Channing ~ Representative to Administrative Committee
Bess Clotfelter-·Representative to Administrative Council
missing pottery:
The Staff Organization would like to make a final appeal to fellow
staff members to check their belongings and see if they accidentalL‘
' picked up our large, round pottery serving plate. If you have,
return it quietly to the Staff Room and no questions will be
asked! l
Medical travellers:
The following librarians attended the Medical Library Association
annual meeting this summer in Minneapolis: Bernie Baldini, Chris
Lavin, Sara Leech, Mary Evelyn Minter, Hay Saillard, and Janet
Stith. Sara, Chris, and Janet participated in a poster/panel
session describing the extramural programs onsgoing at the Medical
Center Library and particularly the 3 year grant from the National
Library of Medicine for development of health science library
network in 2G counties in northeastern Kentucky. The theme of
the 75th annual meeting was Frontiers in Health Science Librarian»
ship with programs directed to history, landmarks and new ideas
of medical librarianship.
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In the August issue of Bits & Pieces a piece beginning on page l
discusses a trait of good leaders, specifically that of the extent
people feel free to question the leaderwspoint of view and suggest

 i » A good leader will play down the personal side of the opposing view,
realize that even a leader will make a certain amount of mistakes
and in the long run this will cut down on mistakes before they are
made. t
To encourage subordinates to speak their minds some of the following
are suggested:
~ asking their opinions before you have formed yours.
~ showing in your attitude and actions that you value a person who
_ speaks her or his mind.
A suggested reading;
Gardner, Jeff, and Duane Webster, Goals and Objectives; Occasional
Papers #3 August 1974, ARL Office of University Library Management
Studies, Washington, D.C.
Both items can be found on the management Comron Sense readnig shelf
in the Staff Collection, End floor King North.
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Informal orientation sessions are again being offered by the Computing
Center for interested faculty/staff members. Sessions will include
I instruction in the use of their facilities. Sessions are offered
from 3:3Q~&:3O in Room 103. Mcvey Hall, on the following dates (you
need attend only one): IS, 25 August; l, G, 15 September.
Carolyn R. Hammer (Curator of Rare Books and Director of the King
Library Press) 3l July 76.
Job opportunities;
Clerk typist GOIA (part time) W Special Collections
LT I ~ Acquisitions
Data Process Clerk 001% ~ Acquisitions
If interested, please see Faith Harders. - ·
LT II ~ Circulation/Reference (Medical) (
If interested, contact Med. Center Personnel at 233—5207.
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Director, Learning Resources Center. Worthington (Hinnesota)Community
College. 7 Sept. 76. $13,224 maximum.
Asst. Training Coordinator for SOLINET. $10,000+