xt7f4q7qph51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qph51/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-02-13  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1948 1948 1948-02-13 2013 true xt7f4q7qph51 section xt7f4q7qph51 The Kamiocr ECernel

November 22;
Maul The Vols




FTA Aiding

Outside States
The University chapter of the Future Teachers of America is conducting a program for giving aid to
educational institutions in foreign

Trie organization has recently
sent ten or twelve packages of food

and educational materials to a secondary school in Baden, Germany,
and has contributed to the Overseas Teachers Relief Fund through
donations from students.

$2800 All Expense Award
Is Largest Single Grant

Plan Dance



One of the first concrete steps
taken by the Association of Inde-- j
Nearly SKKK1 lias Ihtii given pendent Students to promote a so- '
by alumni lo the "Universiiy of cial program for independent stu-- i
.' .
will be a cabaret style dance
Pholo Br Mack Hughes
Kentucky loyally Funtl," from dents
in the ballroom of the SUB on Sat- Board Committee' Chairmen for the fourth Annual Job ConferShown above are the
ence, to be held at the University March
taken. The drive mas initiated in tirday. Feb. 28.
Seated from left to right are Mary Keith .Dosker, General Chairman; Mrs.- - Dorothy Evans, faculty
Music mill be furnkned by Dave
November and mill finance other
advisor for the Job Conference; and John Anggelis, Publicity Chairman.
charitable protects Parry and his orchestra, and tickets
Standing from left to right are
members, I to r, are Millie Johnston, Elizabeth Smith,
in the future, in addition to creating are on sale at the SUB ticket booth
Joe Young, Maybelle Reichenbaeh, and. George Terrell.
for $1.25 in advance, or for $150
scholarships for worthy students.
at the door, stag or drag
Alumni To Nominate
Ellis Poster, piisicient of the In- The reciDieni or the award will
bc selected from candidates nom- dependents, called this the first step
inated by members of the Alumni in a program for the independent
Association and clubs throughout students.
"The success of this dance and
the country- - Nominations are now
being accepted, and it is expected program," Foster stated, "will dethat the scholarship mill be a married pend upon the cooperation and par
before the opening of the Fall se- ticipaticn of the independent stuCompanies
dents. The purpose of the indemester.
Scholastic ability, character, per- pendent organization is to provide a
To Be
program for the independents,
Will Be '
activities, social
sand need, will be the basis for the and to bind independent student
Eighteen companies sending repThe feature speaker of the annual
warding of the scholarship, alumni opinion into a participating voice lit
vocational conference scheduled for
resentatives to the fourth annual
officials said. The award may be the affairs of the school."
March 1, 2. and 3, mill be Miss Mary
According to Fosier, a detailed student "Job Conference"
made to any person providing he or
E. Campbell, job editor of Glamour
this week
she meets the qualifications and has financial statement will be made ' 3 and 4 were announcedMary Keith
by. John Anggelis and
Ray Anthony and His Orchestra magazine. Miss Campbell will speak
the sponsorship of an individual public the week after the dance.
of the event. mill be featured at the first big at a convocation in Memorial Hall
The independent organization up Dosker,
member of the Alumni Association
The firms are Agriculture Educa- dance of the year sponsored by the at 4 p.m., March 1.
to this time, has been very loosely
or" an organized alumni club.
The conference, sponsored, by the
molded, he said. The committee Is tion Department, Ashland Oil and Student Union Dance Committee
Most Maintain
To retain the scholarship, the re- endeavoring to strengthen it so that Refining Company, General Soya at 9 p jn. on Feb. 20, in the ' Blue House Presidents' Council, will cover
Company, County Agents. General grass Room of the SUB.
topics such as Journalism, social
cipient must maintain an academic it can take its proper place in the Electric Company,
Tickets will be on sale Monday work, interior decoration, physical
average of 2 or above. If the student life of the campus.
Harvester Company, Kentucky Util- through Friday during the hours of education, medical technology, psyfalls belw this average, the scholarities, Mutual Life Insurance Com- 10 to 3 at the SUB ticket booth for chology, advertising, personnel, and
ship may be withdrawn by the Unipany, Proctor and Gamble, Rey- $1.50 per person. Sales will be limited art.
versity scholarship committee.
. Topics were chosen by poll taken
nolds Metal Company, Joseph E. to 1500.
John R. Bullock, Cincinnati atSeagram and Sons. Sears. Roebuck
The Dean of Women has "ranted among the women students con
torney, heads the solicitation comland Company, Soil Conservation 1 :30 permission to the girls at cerning the careers in which they
mittee of the campaign, and other
Service, Southern Bell Telephone, tending.
are most interested.
committee members are James A.
'American Telephone and Telegraph Ray Anthony's ensemble was ' The Conference for upperc lass-mShropshire, Fayette County;; Mrs.
Only one sialc or nominees for Company, Southern States Cooper- chosen as one of the outstanding
will be on March 3 and 4 when
John N. Browning, Maysville; Sam- offices in the Veterans Club has ative. Swift
and Company, and dance bands to come out of the war. representatives from various comuel Manly III. Louisville; and Mil- been received by the Personnal OfChild Welfare Department This is
panies will interview interested stuton S. Smith and L. Duncan Stokes, fice, Dr. Lysle Croft, director of the only
a partial list, however, the
both of New York City.
office and faculty advisor to the chairmen stated.
This conference is sponsored by
Cash donations received by the club, announced today.
Delta Kappa, senior
Mortar Board and Omicron Delta
fund total $3997.79, it was anThe nominations, made by petiKappa.
nounced by Miss Helen King, exec- tion, were closed Tuesday afternoon, men's leadership society, and MorR. W. Henderson of theVel-eran- s
utive secretary of the Alumni As and the election will be held Mon- tar Board, senior women's honorary,
Administration announced
of the conference,
sociation, and more pledges are on day. The petition, signed by 22 mem- - are
Employed Women
Thursday that veterans withwh'.ch is designed especially for
hand. It is planned to continue the
drawing from school at the end
"Job conscious", juniors and seniors.
through June 30 and to
refor the ei nt offlccs fe
mei Freshmen and sophomores are in- of the present quarter willdays Should See Dean
. 9 rs
thAia rc n m o r a i a tot
a a,
by the election.
ceive an additional fifteen
vited to attend.
All women students who are empay, chargeable to their eligiAs the club constitution prohibits
ployed on campus or in town who
'write-i- n'
bility time, unless the VA Is no- candidates, the election
do not live in University residence
mill be a mere Jormality, Dr. Croft
halls or sorority houses ire aske )
He said students withdrawing
to report immediately to the office
who do not want the additional
United Ticket candidates Include
of the dean of women.
payment must notify his office.
Sidney Neal, president; Charles
Women students interested in
Room 204, Administration BuildBoggs, executive
part time jobs should file applicaing, before February 17. .
for membershiD: R. Clavton Roland.
tion at the office.
dance honorTau
A travel course in dairying which
lor public relations; ary, is Sigma, modern series of propresenting a
mill include visits through several Mrs. Mary Wild,
grams in preview of the annual
southern states has been tentatively Elbert A. Cheek,
planned for early summer.
business; George C. Sakons. treas- - Spring Concert scheduled for May
25. The group will appear
The trip mill be similar to thelurer: Thomas A. Prather, recording at Good Shepherd Parish tonight
last year which included secretary; and William P. Jones, and the same program mill be given
rtsits t eastern states. Students corresponding secretary.
The. election Monday will be held for the Richmond chapter of Amer
rcccirad lour hours credit for this
at a special polling place to be set ican Association o f University j
course I'u year.
Tills year plans have been made up in the Student Union Building.
Features of the program are: Infor the tour to include visits to
dian: Dot Richardson, Janice Stille
stations at Virginia. North
and Vivian Hereford. Neanderthal
Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.
man: Chester Roe and Betty Elliott.
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Postponed
Go Your Way and Do Not Listen:
Also included are the
Revell Shaw. Classic Suite: Cour-ant- e:
meetings at Athens,
dairy science
Mary Lynn Sanders, Anne
Raymond Schlachter, student-vetera- n
Georgia, and a number of commerJanice Stille, Ruth
October announced O'Bannon,
dairy herds. The tour mill be he would last
attempt to break the Graham, Doris Coleman, and Cartaken between the close of the world's altitude record for light air- olyn Freeman. Bouree: Marie
Spring quarter and the beginning of planes, said Thursday he has post- - Johnson. Pavane: Georgia Port- the Summer term and mill cover 14 poned his try until Spring.
imann, Joe Marks, Carolyn Pogue,
to 16 days of travel.
Unfavorable weather, oart'.cularly Mary Lynn Sanders, and Doris ColeAll students interested in taking heavy snow on the ground for the man. Pirates' Dance: Dot Richardthis course are requested to meet past few weeks, caused tl.e post-i- n son, Janice Stille, Chester Roe and
the Dairy Building. Room 109, ..ponement, Schlachter said. He was Tommy Montgomery. The Weavers:
g Joe Marks, Georgia Portmann, and
at 7 p.m. on February 17.
a radar observer with tae Army
Marjorie Mattmiller.
the war.
All of Schlachter's equipment, including an especially -- souped-up
automobile engine for installa- Election Scheduled
monoplane, To Give Fellowship
tidn in the
arrived thortly before the sncw and
Nu chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon, zero weather, he said. Originally,
Eligible Member
national honorary fraternity i n he had intended to make the record To
business education, will hold its an- attempt about
The National Council of Alpha
nual election of officers and accept was delayed by lack of an official Lambda Delta, freshman women's
for membership National
Association honorary, will award a fellowship of
at 4 p.m. Tuesday in room 207 of barograph for recording the alti- $750 to be used for graduate work
White hall.
tude and other equipment.
in any accredited college or univerThe present record for light sity.
Z. S. Dickerson Jr., president of
planes is 26.404 feet, established in
chapAny member of Alpha Lambda
the chapter, represented the
ter at the annual convention in 1939 at Gotha, Germany.
Delta who has graduated or will
Schlachter first soloed Oct. 25.
Bloominglon. Ind. recently.
graduate in June, 1948, and has the
A forn.al invitation was extended
honorary's scholastic standing is
to the national council of the fraeligible.
ternity to hold its meeting here Gilliam Elected Head
send their
names to the Dean of Women benext year.
Of Lamp And Cross fore March 7.
Photo By Mack Hughes
Frank Gilliam has been elected
To Show
president of Lamp and Cross, senior
To Be Held
The six finalists chosen last wek In the Kentuckian Beauty Queen
men's leadership honorary fratercontest are shown above. From left to right, seated: Fawn Grey, PatCompetitive examinations for 'cijExchange
nity. Other officers elected are Jack vilian
terson Hall, and Sue Allen, Kappa Kappa Gamma; standing, Nancy
teachers at the U. S. Naval
Shinniek, Chi Omega, Evelyn Ewing, Alpha Gamma Delta, Frances
Bill Bixler, Academy will be held at Annapolis,
The University Art Club mill send secretary,
White, Delta Delta Delta, and Pat Poe, Chi Omega.
and Russell Conrad, Md., on April 2.
an exchange art exhibit this meek
The name of the Queen and the attendants in the order in which
to the club at the University of Ala- treasurer.
Positions are open in Mechanical
they will appear in the Kentuckian have been sealed in an envelope
bama. The show consists of 25
Engineering and Electrical Enginand will be announced at dance and style show which is now slated
prints done by former students in
for April 2. Details of the dance will be given at a later date, accordthe Art Department.
Application forms must be ening to Amy Price, business- manager.
According to President Leo ZimPhi Delta Phi, legal fraternity, tered not later than March 17.
merman, the exhibit of work by entertained with a stag party MonInformation may be obtained
The 1948 Kentuckian Queen and attendants will replace last year's
court composed of Amy Price, queen; Evelyn Ewing, first attendant;
Alabama students mill be on display day at the V.F.W. Henry Lucas Post. from Rear Admrial J. L. Holloway
Angela Meisch Blair, 2nd attendant; Opal Hall, 3rd attendant: Grace
in the gallery of the department for Guests wtre the actives and rushees Jr.. Superintendent, of the
of the University chapter.
IluffaXrr, fourth attendant; and Martha Sue Crosby, fifth attendant.
two more weeks.











Job, Vocational Conferences Planned
To Begin Here First Week Of March

extra-curricul- ar


Ray Anthony
To Appear



Veterans Club
Votes Monday





Vet's Extra Pay





Tau Sigma
Plans Concert

Dairying Students
Plan Travel
Southern States








Freshman Honorary







The FTA, which was reorganized
1946, has as its
purposes academic betterment within the teaching profession, improving class relationship through association, broadening the aspect of the
future teachers, and planned social
activities for its members.
'Kentucky is now in dire need of
3000 qualified teachers to supplement the shortage that now exists."
William E. Vick, president of the
chapter stated. Vick asserted that in
Kentucky in 1947. 5200 of the 17.700
teachers were holding emergency

here in November,

four-vc-a- r.

scholarship, l he largest individ-ua- l
academic award oik red by
the L'liivcTsitv. lias been established by l lie alumni, according
lo an announcement from die




High Of 28


Alumni Offers
One Four-Yea- r
UK Scholarship

Partly Cloudy
Rather Cold;

Honorary Entertains


certificates to teach.
Vick said chapter membership
has grown from 24 members to 82
during the past year. He credited
the increase to interest created by
lectures and discussions by outstanding educators and foreign students, tnd a planned recreational
program that precedes each meeting.
Vick said the chapter helped organize a unit at Transylvania College and an affiliated club at Henry
Clay High School. It sponsored
"College Day" for Henry Clay senior students to acquaint them with
the University.
The FTA meets on the second and
fourth Monday night of each month
in the University Training School
recreation room, and persons interested in teaching are invited to attend meetings.
Faculty advisers for the FTA are
Dr. Ellis F. Hartford, Dr. Frank
Dickey, Mrs. Carl J. Boone, and
Miss Nancy Trollinger. Chapter officers are William E. Vick. president;
John A. Wells, vice president; Dorothy Grugin, secretary; and Flem

Barkley Favors
Longer Term
In Speech Here
Constitutional Measure
Would Combine Elections

WSSF Drive
Begins Here
This Week
The drive to raise $5555.55 for the
World Student Service Fund began
this week with solicitations being
made in various residence halls.
Harold Friedly. chairman of the
drive, said interest in this year's
campaign is high. He said the group
sought support "of university people on the basis of their interest
in the survival of university life
throughout the world."
Last year students and staff contributed $2275 to the national campaign which was supported by nearly a thousand American colleges
and universities.
As a starter for the fund, memcommittee
bers of the
contributed more than $75 toward
goal. Friedly said.
"Operations University" as the
drive is known, got underway last
week with a meeting of leaders from
campus, social, religious and academic groups. It ends with special
activities and publicity during the

week beginning March I.
Gene Deskins. in charge of solicitations, announced the division of
leadership on his committee. For
sororities. Pearl Parker and Ann
Lair; fraternities, Dick Plgman and
Justice, treasurer.
The chapter was organized by, Peter Black; organizations, Wenand is affiliated with, the National dell Pounds tone ; women's resiEducation Association, and is an af- dences. Millie Johnston: men's resifiliate of the Kentucky Education dences, Joel Ungerleider; Coopers-tow- n,
- Shaw nee town, Mrs. William.

Allendarf faculty and staff. Jean

TM' Honors
Indian Leader
Kuiper. head of the
Department of Philosophy, and the
University's Indian students. J. J.
Ghia and Jacob John, presented a
program at the YMCA meeting last
week paying tribute to India's revered leader, the late Mohandas K.
Dr. Kuiper discussed the philosophy of Gandhi and its basis in the
Hindu philosophy and religion. He
stressed that Gandhi was one of
the few great leaders who have
sought to carry out their programs
through "soul-forcand
rather than by coercion.
He said Gandhi's use of "soul- -'
force" or moral persuasion distinguished him from almost all other
great political leaders.
Jacob John, graduate student in
public health from Tranvancore
State in southern India, told about
Gandhi's life.
"When Gandhi died", said John,
"he was the poorest man in India".
He emphasized that while Gandhi
collected vast sums of money for
charitable purposes, he saved nothing for himself, and was absolutely
penniless when he died.
John and J. J. Ghia. an engineering student from Santa Cruz,
a suburb of Bombay, agreed in an
interview that Gandhi's death made
major outbreaks of violence between Moslems and Hindus much
more likely. Ghia, who met and
talked to Gandhi in 1939. said the
Mahatma's influence has in the past
prevented civil war.
Both John and Ghia agreed that
no one could replace Gandhi as a
political and spiritual leader. John
expressed the belief that "Gandhi's
death was the greatest catastrophe
ever experienced by India."
Syd Husaln, graduate student in
bacteriology from the Moslem state
of Hyderabad, said that since a man
of Gandhi's own faith had shot him.
it would take some time for a reaction of violence to set in.
Dr. John



Sayre Hall Entertains
With Formal Dance
Sayre Hall residents entertained
with a formal dance at the Phoenix
Hotel Saturday. Members of the
committee in charge of the affair
Campbell, Becky Hurt, Dottie Eith,
ind Sandy Morgan. Mrs. Stephen
Fleishe, housemother, was hostess.

Hobo Swing: Planned
A "Hobo Sweater Swing" will be
held from 8 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Tuesday in the ballroom of the Student
Bob Compton,
chairman of the SUB house committee, has announced.
Prizes mill be awarded to the
man and woman with the best


Welch. Prof. John Kuiper, head of
Department, is
the Philosophy
treasurer; Cortna Cook is In charge
of public relations; and Howdy
Stephenson is head of special events
Foreign students are participating
as speakers for the drive. Sebastian
van Goudoever. Holland, has charge
of speakers committee. Jacob John,
India, is head of the special project
committee for India. Other memGroup are:
bers of the
Charles Boggs, chairman of publicity; Claude Sprowls, radio publicity; Ralph Summa, posters; Myron
Finkelstcin. Pat Evans and George
Martin, special publicity; and Rosemary Dummit, foreign correspondence.



told a convocation
afternoon that he
amendment to the
providing for the

W. Haikkv
favored an

eleiiion of

of the House of
at the same time the
president is elected.
Senator Barkley, who has lx-eone of Kentucky's senators s'uuc
1927. said he believed such a process would prevent stalemates in
the functions of government
In an interview afterwards he said.
! believe the president would feel
more certain of his program if he
knew the House was composed of a
majority of his party."
Introduced by President H. L.
Donovan who reviewed the speaker's
career. Senator Barkley outlined to
the capacity crowd the duties of the
majority leader In the United States
Senate. He served in that position
from 1937 until 1948. the longest any
person has ever held the office.
After outlining the growth of the
in Congress,
which, he said, became necessary as
ail the problems of a complex civilization knocked on the doors of
Congress, he explained the duties of
the majority leader.
These duties, he said, were chiefly to guide measures sponsored by
the President or the majority party
through the Senate.
Barkley was the third in
of speakers brought to the campus
by the Department of Political Science to give students a practical
view of the workings of government.
Prof. J. K. Reeves, acting head of
the department, said the next
speaker would be Wilson Wyatt.
former mayor of Louisville and former federal housing expediter.
Senator Barkley in discussing the
committee system said that he approved the Congressional Reorganmember

ization Act of 1948 which streamlines th work of Congress. This act
reduces the number of committees
and limits the number of committees on which a Senator or Representative may serve.
He predicted that the law would
be amended from time to time as
experience proved amendments necessary.
The Senator returned to Washington immediately after his address
to attend meetings of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
In discussing the Marshall Plan
for European aid. Senator Barkley
said "I hope next week the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee will,
without regard to politics but think- ing of humanity, bring out a pro
gram mat win give us peace ana
economic stability so that we can
Carlos A. Rodriguea, Latin Amer- justify the leadership the world has
ican artist whose work is on exhiti-tio- n placed on our doorstep."
in the gallery of the art department, will visit the University tomorrow. He will address the senior
art seminar of faculty and senior
art majors.
Miss Mary Nay, of the Louisville
A permanent Committee on
Art Center, will accompany Rodri- Scholarships and Awards
for the
guez. The Ecuadorian artist is a
College of Agriculture and Home
teacher in the Louisville school.
Economics has been appointed. Prof.
Thirteen works of Carlos A. Rodriguez, Ecuadorian painter, have been L. J. Horlacher. assistant dean, has
The committee will
placed on exhibit in the gallery of announced.
out plans of procedure for
the Art Department on the second workpresentation of all scholarships
floor of Biological Sciences building. the
except those designated
Prof. Edward W. Rannells. depart- and awards
by the
to be
ment head, has announced that the by some donors agency. administered
exhibit. Including oil paintings and
Members of the committee are:
crayon drawings, will be shown for
three weeks. The artist will visit the Prof.Chamberlain, chairman; Dr. Leo
vice president of
campus for one day during the show.
University; Dr. Statie Erikson.
Rodriguez, a native of Quito, the of
Department of Home
Ecuador, attended the Ecuadorian Economics; Dr. D. G. Steele, proNational Academy of Fine Arts, fessor of genetics; Dr. L. H. Town-sen- d,
graduating with honors and later
associate professor of agriteaching drawing there. In 1944 he cultural entomology; L. A. Bradford,
was awarded a fellowship for the associate professor of farm manstudy of mural painting in Mexico agement; Miss Lottie Sumner, asCity. In 1946 he received a fellowship sistant professor of home ecofrom the French government for the nomics: Miss Mary T. Wooldridge.
study of French art museums. Last instructor In home economics: J. W.
September he accepted a teaching Whitehouse, state leader of H
position at the Art Center Associa- Club work.
tion School in Louisville.
Scholarships and awards to be adExhibitions of the Latin American ministered by the committee are the
artist's works have been held in Jesse and Mary Jones scholarships.
Ecuador. Colombia, and Mexico. Block and Bridle scholarships. BorJustus Bier, art historian at the den agricultural scholarship, the W.
University of Louisville, calls Rodri Atlee Burpee award, farm bureau
guez "a great recorder of the human scholarships.
Club scholarships.
quality of the people."
Phi Upsilon Omicron and Alpha
Zeta freshman awards. Republic
Steel Corporation scholarship,
scholarships, the Jones Weil Memorial scnolarship. Danforth FounAlma Magna Mater, the associa- dation scholarships. Swift and Company essay awards. Kroger scholof alumni and fortion of children
mer students of the University, arships, and the Saddle and Sirloin
elected Bob Coleman president at essay contest.
a meeting Tuesday.
Sarah McConathy was named vice
president; Beth Bicknell, secretary
Social Work classes visited the
and treasurer; Nancy Shinniek, program committee chairman; Fred Veterans Administration Hospital
Dupree. chairman of the member- on LYeestown Pike this week to
ship committee;
Bee be, study the social work program for
chairman of the constitution com- the mental patients. Harold E. WetMary Francis, public zel head of the Department of So
mittee; and
cial Work, announced.
relations committee chairman.

Art Exhibit

Ag College Appoints
Awards Committee


4-- H

Alma Magna Mater
Elects Coleman



Classes Visit Hospital

� vtwtirfcl.



Jvfc SfMtRf ll
VI ......

the Mardl.Gras

The Stfice Of Life

1Y, K ntucky Kernel

you just step right up
(don't be backward) and tell them
",eT M SK,,,
While trying to find an appro- about the bookstore's new coke maN(w
"-- ''
r"1,c' ) ( Hikmu.
priate poem for Valentine' Day, chine. If that isn't something as
Frank Dornheim came up with thi3: new as the atom, our progress has
t . Ft i
Her eyes held promise of rapture beea retarded. What other machine
F lr..can give you change for a quarter
and bliss
young lad expected a and a coke too?
he da-e- d
Since there is such a long list of
But, ah, she was a practical miss congratulations due, best we get
T as Valentine's, when coeds ex- started. We will take them as the
pect a
events took place. First the campus
Co: fe"tionary kiss.
sing winners, the Delta and Jewell
Of course his se ling candy didn't hall (whom we are especially proud
la e anything to do with the theme of) ; the Kylan finalists, Sue Allen,
iiu I
of the poem, oh no - - .
If I
White, Pat Poe, Ev. !' . Mir Prrs AnMMJmtlOiWhen
this John Frances
lll F V Lawson(AKI1 WMAI.M school for not being progressive elyn Ewing, and Nancy Shinnies;
Konrd of Comnwrtf
Prc Association
tattonst Editorikl AKaormttot







By Amy Price and Helen Dorr






Mumik Osns,

National Advei ti

.4 Scr 4 ce, inc.








One Qutrwr - tl.50 On

Chakif-- s




si'aix. Frank Dosmium Frfipa Fair.
I oi
Ann Fur. Mary Powfli Gticts,
IIhik HtNSY. Janev Jameson. Henry
Maionf. Virginia Minshall. Lillian Ann I'aroue. Busi Phillips. Freu
Sitvts.s. Donald B. Towles. Monte
R Ti'ssfy. F. Ford Waller. Mary V.
Wim. Ann Vaughn.



This poll is being conducted by the Student Union
Dance Committee in an effort to ascertain what the student body as a whole would like in the way of dances. When
you have filled out this blank, tear it out and put it in, a
box provided for this purpose in the Campus Book Store
or in the Grill.

Think Ahead


Driving a car on iic, snow, or slush, is hazardous at best, but
accidents may le pro cn led if the proper precautions are taken.
A few simple rules, if remembered, would do the trick.


Drive slowly. When the road is slippery, keep your speed
down 20 miles an hour, at the most. If you forget about the ice
and have to stop suddenly, you've had it.

Your favorite local band?


Do you





brakrs Hgkth: Whatever the situation is which confronts )o- . do:i'i sT.mp down on the .brake pedal and lock your
wheels or an u.cmaiic skid will result. Shifting into second and
letting the inertia of the engine slow down your car is a good
3. Turn into the skid. If you do begin to skid, take your foot
off the brake jxdal and turn the wheels in the same direction in
which the car is skidding.
4. Use your head and think ahead. This is the most important rule of all. keep vour mind on the road and on any situation whkh might occur. If your mind is constantly alert, if
you are eer readv for any and all problems, other accident prevention methods will not lie necessary.
2. Use




To Ou think that the dances
no what are your suggestions?


Goisip: Tom Perkins, WEKY and
radio announcer, and Phi
Beta Kappa Floye Mullineanx were
married Friday evening, February 6.
Bill Benjamin is making the
rounds quite frequently with different gorgeous gals, now the question
Is, "Will he call me next?" "I hope."
John Morrow and Mary Julia
Samuels are seen together about


Windy Myers and Mary O'N'eil
Joined the pinned group last week.
This is news!
Glen Weatherspoon
and Mary
Kay Brownlow. and Marsha Cloyd
and Douglas Delano are pinned.
Who has- been receiving letters
from Alex Groza while Alex was on

When girls were coming in from
house the
dates over at the
other night they were met by a
wierd looking monster leering at
them. The "Frankenstein creature"
was placed in different girl's closets
The confusion lasted way into the
The greatest excitement in the
Journalism department this past
week has been the birth of Dr. and
Mrs. Kiel Plummer's twins. An extra
was put out for some of the classes
with the streamer, "Double or Nothing." Then the sun lamp was mentioned in the story . . . which was
the result of much kidding.
Randy Tussey and Mary Watkins




of'en would you like a name band dance?
What type dance do you prefer?
Ballroom ( )
Or what?
Cabaret ( )
What are your reasons for not attending Union

Id you

like to have a Black and White Formal?



Do you



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0 Breakfast & Luncheon
Served till 3:30 p.m.
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This week's Colonel of the Week is Judith Keen
Johnson, arts and sciences senior from Richmond,
Judy is secretary of the League cf Women Voters:
treasurer cf Theta Sigma Phi, journalism professional
honorary; a member of Cwens, sophomore women's
leadership society; Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
scholarship honorary; and Phi Beta Kappa, senior
scholastic honorary.
She is also a member of Chi Omega social sorority;
a former member of SGA; and listed in Who's Who In
American Colleges and Universities.

Alpha Xi Delta
Delta Delta DelU

The Management of Cedar Village
nounces the opening of the

i --T 'Mad Man'







Stirrup Cup



Main and Ashland


5 to 8
11:30 to 2





Cedar Village is temporarily
closed for remodeling!



Watch for our Grand. Opening!






Amy Price, chairman
Janey Jameson
Helen Deiss







Editor's Letters

sup-nor.- -d








Viaduct Pharmacy





or not

At Kentucky

Of The Week



Would you be interested in a concer