xt7f4q7qp55h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp55h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1996 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 66, no. 3, Fall 1996 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 66, no. 3, Fall 1996 1996 1996 2012 true xt7f4q7qp55h section xt7f4q7qp55h   I5; _‘ > <     .. __.
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res But Goo res ‘
Support your Alumn1 Assoc1at1om and have fum doung 1t.
v0t.uM¤ 1 1960-1967 ‘‘’‘       ij ’ . I . ·l
¤¤=r¤=t-¤r€tl¤F·¤¤lln       GOOd J[IYYI€S, good I;Y`1€1/IOIS
Shout-The Isley Brothers I W';   ;·· .;,
Wooly Bully-Sem tlteSr10m und the Plruroohs *3   "ff}'Q’j _       t
Run¤1ounr·ISue-Dr0n .  I Z?  ffl ei I   w W
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Somebody lo Love-lelIers0nArrp|r1ne       · IYJY     I
IIe's So Fine-I|1e(hrI‘I0ns   Q A ,;I;'?Z`;/I@€‘ r QT?  '_ YM
Hong on SIoopy—lIrelrl<(0ys _.  M  ;;f}SEI;r_ I I A '
Y¤¤*{¤l·r—ll¤l¤·tl¤¤   5 ”;,.,1rr     what OI/IY college y€6.Y`S Ql I I  
Do You Believe rn Magi:-The lovrn'Sp00nIrr| ·_ ;_   ;:  ' M ` ‘
Il You Wont Io he H¤ppy~lrrrtmy Soul ` A 4 °` DO FOR \ ` N   ,_
IWIII Follow IIim—lttt|el’eggyl/rorrh YOUR .·   ·   FYI
rz rrr rrrrrr   V _ _  ‘ ·
me rr..Z’§lSe,,Trl’l,$.£rl2‘rrrm     { eemrrm. W€Y€ all GIQOUU I »__;r;_;   e  \
VOLUME 2 ,,68-,,,5 OM Our Remember When Music Program II in  
Mrrtrrrrprrrmrrr to oeergrrr-orerrvsxmgmarmrrm RQI]]Q]]]I_]Q[” · ·
‘"'°"‘°" "'°"“"*ll‘* P”*“l’l° ‘“"“‘ will bri n ¤ b wck those ere wt memories
v I Tire R¤I:IIer—lhel0gger2   ‘ · · SUI, FOR 5 C O ( ' `
You Am I Seen Nothin Yet—Buthnrr1nlUrner0verdrrve `NU5
W¤r$tTI¤¤t (wld H¤I1p¤¤—Bt¤¤I·tl¤t rrr rtllrrirt tlrr·r»r`rlr·t‘Ior`rirlrI·lr¤tv SIIIIIIIIIIIII I   , I
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  I " crrmzsr rms
GIGIIUUIIIIQ (loss SCIIOOI   SIIIIB Z|P I     “Etrre Kleine Nurlrtmtrsrlr" “lhe Four Ser1s0rrs"
    I Y "Ovgrtute from the Bt1rberulSevr||e“
  un rrrunymorel
. Remember when rr (l960—l967) SlO.50 ;r $9.50 J K- r SLlppOl"t I
- Remember wom #2 rr9ee-r9rs> Sl0.50 .r $9.50 ;r -- · Av
- remember When es (l976—l983> sr0.s0 .r $9,50 2 _— [   kg
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- Bonus2 St0m rn' 01 the Suvo $6.50 QI $5.50 Il   ' ° ,/  L ` L ) I
- B0nus3 C|0ssir0|Music'sGre0testHits $650 QI $5,50 j]   : , JA . Q.? I
[ Arumut SPECIAL Remember When so pr . $25,50 ;r $2 , WJ { '
- Alumni serctrtr Remember when 3-re e pk .   $22.50 .1 Q- · Ip  ' JD. ·‘_ I
‘l¤¤ - I f \\ ,
Allow A t0 5 weeks for delivery. S&H $3.50 I I Q. I
`MD residents 0dd 5'rr soles lux. Nl residents odd 62 s0|es tuxi TIIIIII - I t
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l l COVER: Carol Martin 1996-97 OFFICERS   CT Err 27   Wn Kr Tl   W"'
l Gatton hopes his gyft to
Business and PRESIDENT  
~ Economics will spur Hank Thompson 71  - »#~#- —»—Yr —— r—r# ~ r——— — —»e —— — r~— ——- —— 7
Q other alumni tolgive to Louisville
their colleges. P zoto by _
Tim Collins. PRESIDENT-ELEC T Satellites 0Il Hand technology helping farmers in the field 7
Marianne Smith '
7 l ’ T • . . , .
  gi[§]_5Ji)r0 Fitzgerald Bfamwell h1s t`ll]g€l` on the pulse of UK s research projects 10
r The Kentucky Alumnus _
I is priblislwrl quarterly TREASURER Davld Ott consummate composer working with youth orchestras 13
1 by the University of Robert Miller
  mn “ "whcmr Carol Mafhn Catton benefactor to College of Business and Econonncs 14
Kentucky, for its dies- SECRETARY _
paying members. Bob C. Whitaker ’58 H0meC0m1Hg at the Hop registration for Homecoming ’96 16
Opinions expressed are Frankfort
R    OSB Of ASSOCIATION Cemmuhity-Based Faculty educating UK’s health professions students 18
Kentucky orthe UK STAFF
Alumni Association.
DIRECTOR "Y‘ X`;   i' ’       ””' " ’‘’’’’ "   ’ ‘
POSTMASTER; Bob C. Whitaker ’58
` Forwarding and  
address correction EDITOR i___   ___     __, _ ,,,,__ _, L_  
requested. Send to Li; Howard ’68
The Kentucky
Alumnus, UK Alumni ASST. EDITOR . _ _ . . _ _ _ . __ I
{ Aswcimony Lcxmglgm Kllylolmwn 86 UK Beat V10l€Il(.€ lurks ll] middle school, L1b1.ny W`\V\V 2
; Kentucky 40506,
OUTREACH/CLUBS Sp01*tS Notebook On the Couch; 1996-97 basketball schedule 4
PUBLISHING it Stan Key 72
PRINTING ' _ _ _ _
Host Communications, MEMBERSHIP Class Notes Cldss by Class ul)d‘1t€S  
Pat Hendeicson, Peggy McClintock- Faxlllle Focus Itls about UK  
r· Project Manager Pauli ’68
Dana Bart, • • • ~
Z Senior Graphic Artist STAFF Prcsldenhal Postscmpt   ’
Brenda Bain f
Linda Bmmfield `
Margie C arby .
Ruby Hardin Q
john Hoagland ’89
Charles Livingston
Carolyn Rhorer
FALL 1996 Kl·ZX'l`l'(ZKY A|.1’x1x1=s l
l    i l 7~. L /“  

I TRANSITION AND SCHOOL Q_   ·"' " ' ’ “ . , Q   I   {  I (     A ’    J    
VIOLENCE   .· l i l · . "   `li -'AV— [uf ‘O     ”fYi      i
.,..3,  _;I._ ,   ·   sg   _ “te       ia‘4t ii »_‘‘` iff? \i:: {T,  sts   * £ "‘T      if A  U E  
school, according to a new study by UK   I    sy   HEHORY`=  INNOCENT . _A .
msemchgm ` U  i IN NQRRECIATION OF THE H ' *
In a study using nationally represen—  A TUNIQERSITY OF KENTUCKY Z
tative data, more students reported RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION _
being victimized and perceiving their   M MA`; 26/1qqG ·I_!i;L,_»    
school as dangerous when the transition ‘°°‘' ·—     -—4.    `*’t ,_ .=»   
from elementary to middle grades oc-  
curred during early adolescence, accord- A group of students representing the UK Residence Hall Association attend-
ing to findings by UK College of Educa- ed a conference in Oklahoma this summer. While there, they placed a memo-
tion researchers Enc M. Anderman, as- rial banner at the Oklahoma City bombing site. Their adviser is assistant
sistant professor of educational and director ofresidence lyfe Melanie Tyner-Wilson.
counseling psychology, and David
Kimweli, doctoral student. second consecutive semester. The Ker— - LIBRARY ON WEB
“Middle school teachers probably nel’s Internet edition placed third in a
blame the students’ raging hormones, recent Best College Press web site com- Anyone around the globe with a com-
but what we’re saying is that what petition sponsored by Tribune Media puter and access to the World Wide
schools are doing as a whole is psycho- Services in Chicago. The contest drew Web can now watch brick-by-brick 1
logically and developmentally inappro- 50 entries from across the nation. progress of the W.T. Young Library on
priate for that age," Anderman said. the UK campus.
"For example, in terms of academic Construction of the new library is
achievement, middle schools often give I EN(;[NEERIN(; FIRST being tracked and sent to the World
less cognitively demanding work — a lot Wide Web by way of a small camera J
of fill in the blank type work — at a time Kim Ward Anderson, associate pro- mounted on a UK building within sight
when students are finally able to think fessor of chemical engineering, has been of the construction. The operation is au-
about complex issues." appointed dean of administration and tomated so that no human intervention
The system is fairly difficult to undergraduate studies in the College of is needed.
change, Anderman said, but Kentucky’s Engineering. The Web address where you can find
educational reform efforts are on the She is the first woman named associ- it is http://sac.uky.edu/~libcam/ and is
right track. Certain aspects of a building ate dean of the college, and was the col- automatically updated (auto-refreshed) 1
block of the reform movement, the un- lege’s first female professor when she on the web site every five minutes. The I
graded primary program, should be car- came to UK in 1987. tiny digital camera displays a 640 X 480
ried over into the middle school system, She has successfully headed the col- true-color picture. The camera and re-
he recommends. lege’s efforts to attract more female stu- lated equipment was manufactured
dents into engineering fields since she specifically for this purpose, cutting out
arrived on campus. The number of fe- the need for video capture cards and
I KERNEL ()N-L[NE male students has risen from 138 to 329 camcorders.
in 1995. Soon, you will be able to access an
The Internet version of the Kentucky Meanwhile, the number of female online video of the library’s construction
Kernel, U K`s daily student newspaper, faculty at the college also has risen from progress from the previous 24 hours.
has received national recognition for the one in 1987to nine this year. Information about the W.T. Young
2 Ki·:x‘1‘u<¢m‘ .~\i.1‘xixi‘s FALL 1996

    vvnlv   » ‘’`-               I I
I Library is available at the UK website of Mount Sterling, herself a former Pan rnaining two years. All but one of this
I · http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/wty.html. Am flight attendant, that the exhibition year’s recipients are from Kentucky.
    While on-line, visit the UK Alumni web be shown at the University Art Museum.
I   site http://www.ul       T
dants, to be held in Lexington in OCf0— An exhibition entitled Beads: Ancient, Traditional, Tribal and Trade will be ‘
ber. It was a suggestion of Kate Prewitt on display at the UK Art Museum from September 15 to December 24.
FALL1996 Kl·ZN'l`U(IK\` A|.{'MNl’S 3

&i’?’ ;%l# ’      
1          v
  `/;*   ,
I YES...YES...AND N0 ‘ i
A reporter at the first football press i W,  __~V _ _  
conference referred to veteran quarter-   " '”   t V   .-~-»J- — »··°  *   ,
back Billy jack Haskins and high school  (  ig '
national player of the year turned col-   ,  
lege freshman Tim Couch as “neck and   _ Q §___     .
,, . . . » .   .=·.       · · .'’r ·   . , i
neck in competition for. the starting     ;_=; ,,3   éi  ·— R¤>¤R FORM. `I I
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V 1 ·-·r . · . 1. 1   ·~.».J 1 .  Tait   ~ ,-' - ._l4 ·. L. r
1 By Jerry L. Robbins __
When Shelby County farmer Mike Ellis ~ ‘   __,A t ,   li" o    
crawls onto his tractor or combine, he · ·   0 `
begins to communicate with it. That’s not .,5- ._ _1.`   1 —¤ f"  V_  
to say he starts to talk to his machine the    ` A · _ t ,_ S   HT _
way farmers used to talk to their mules. {V   " ~ "  >·—·— —Z     -. VV _ _J__i _
He communicates WITH his machine     L '   /‘       V
equipped with a little black box that    1   '‘'    »·`   `. V .. M; V t `”“‘ T N. $1 I   `
enables him to gather data from numerous , ,5li \;;Eg~ ‘ VV I., . V V may   " V 1
navigation space satellites spinning rapidly "." . , E _ ' V 4 r j "“"“ 
fourtimesadayaroundtheplanet. V gil? ._ ‘V V‘,‘   I V',  ",, . . . [ ~ V V ~· V ‘ ` ·
By using a computer and the satellites, E?  __{ " J   I, \V_ _, jg       ..VV ._ { L,   , -.7¢_ .;,·>~.sv,¢; leaf .·L ’F¥ ' _" ?"·*j€ I . » 1;,,r4,i
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Ellis can tell just what kind of fertility the ;       Vp ,. V V gm`? . -j_   ¢ ’ ·”N ; ¤€   .; 
soil has at this particular spot, and when   j     I  ;;* r’ _ér, ;g "*i]; .§{; ,_gé*¢?   V $ .j,,,_\? ··     ·
.·· Ln .