xt7f4q7qp296 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp296/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1904-02-jun10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1904-02-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1904-02-jun10. 1904 1904-02-jun10. 2011 true xt7f4q7qp296 section xt7f4q7qp296 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 266

     Board met pursuant to adjournment at nine otclock
A. M. Friday, June 10, 1904.

     Roll Call - The roll - call showed the following:

     Present:          Messrs.   Barker,
                                  Stout, and
                                  Nelson  -    - - 10.

      Absent:                     Brooks,
                                   Hopkins,   -  -    6

      There being a quorum present, business was preceeded

      Miss Kinkead comes before the Board.

      Miss Elizabeth S. Kinkead appeared before the Board
ard made a statement with reference to her desires about
her lectures.

Action upon same was postponed.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 266

      Petition of Y. M. C. A.

      There was presented to the Board a petition signed
by about forty members of the College Y. IY. C. A., asking
the trustees to furnish means to enable the association
to have a General Secretary.

      Referred to a Committee.

      Upon motion of Col. Clay, and seconded and carried,
said petition was referred to the Special Cozmmittee on

      It was moved by Col. Clay and seconded by Judge Barker
that Mr. McChord should be added to the Executive Committee.

      Attion on said motion was deferred.

      Committee of Ladles.

      At this point a Committee of ladies from various
women's organizations in Lexington and Kentucky, - a bout
forty in number - appeared before the Board, to request and
give reasons for the establishment of a Department of
Domestic Science in the College, under the control of a
woman, who should be a dean of the faculty. Miss Laura
Clay was the leader of the ladies, and statements were made
by her, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Earbison, Mrs.
Durham, Miss Green, Mrs. Beauchamp and others. After
a general informal discussion between the ladies and
members of the Board, the Committee of ladies retired,
and action on their request was deferred.


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 267

      Com. from. Senior Class.

      A committee of students from the Senior class of the
past year appeared before the Board, to ask an appropriation
of $300 to assist them in defraying the expenses of the
publication of the College Annual for the year. Statements
were made by Miss Rice and Shelby.

      Action on said request is deferred for the present.

      Mr. Bryan comes before the Board.

      Mr. Dan Bryan presented a proposition for the support
of outdoor Athletics, requested by the student body, which
had been petitioned for, but which petition had been lost.
Said petition was in substance as follows: To charge each
student, both county appointees and non-county appointees,
a uniform fee for athletics of 65.00. $2.00 of which should
go to defray expenses of out door Athleticd, and $3 for
indoor Athletics, all students to be admitted free to all
out-door athletic entertainments.

      Action on said proposition was deferred for the

      Mr. McChord member of Ex. Com.

      Thereupon Col. Clay called up his motion to add Mr.
McChord to the Executive Committee, which motion was put
upon its passage and carried.

      Thereupon the following resolution was offered by
Col. Nelson: - All students to pay Gym. fee.

      Be it resolved that every student matriculate of this
Institution be compelled to pay a fee of $5 for athletics,
two fifths, or $2 of which is to be devoted to out-door
Athletics, and the remaining three fifths, or $3, to go
to the regular gymnasium fee as heretofore.

Said resolution is seconded by Judge Kinkead.


MINUTES OF 1WE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 268

     Referred to Com.

     Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded
and carried, said matter of division of athletic fees is
referred to the Committee on Finance.

     Upon motion of Judge Kinkead duly seconded and carried,
the matter of making an appropriation for the College Annual
is referred to the Committee on Finance.

     Foot ball game.

     Thereupon  the Special Committee on Athletics, appointed
to investigate charges with reference to the Foot Ball game
with the Kentucky University Foot Ball team last November,
made its report, which is as follows:

      To the Board of Trustees of Kentucky State College.

      Report of Committee on Athletics.

      The undersigned Committee appointed by the Board of
Trustees at the regular meeting Dec. 8th, 1903, to have
evidence and report to the Board touching the charge that
members of the Faculty and students of the College employed
and imported, from other states, men who participated in
a game of football on the College campus in aid of the
student football team of the College, in a game with the
football team of Kentucky University about November 26,
1903, respectfully report as follows:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 268-269

      Your committee met at the office of the President, in
Lexington, Kentucky about Dec. 15th, 1903 and heard the
statements of members of the Faculty and Athletic Committee,
and others. These statements were taken by stenographic
notes, and thereafter transcribed, and are herewith returned.
It appears that on June 4th, 1896 the board of Trustees
enacted the following rule for the government of the
College; viz. " No professional athlete and no one who is
not a bona fide student of the College, or academy shall
play on any team of this College."

      It is manifest from the evidence introduced that the
members of the Faculty constituting the Athletic Committee
of the College entered into a scheme to play under the
auspices of the Stace College team professional football
players, and did send to the City of New York and vicinity
and there employed nine professional players, who were by
said Athletic Committee, brought to Lexington and engaged
in said football game on Thanksgiving Day, under the name
of the State College team.

      Your committee further report, that the conduct of
said Athletic Committee in importing said professionals and
playing them under the auspices of the College team was in
open violation of said rule enacted by the Board of Trustees,
and in defiance of the President of the College and of this
Board and cannot be approved or justified.

      It appears also that professionals were used in the
game by Kentucky University team and that the ringers or
imported players were paid out of the gate receipts of
the game. Betting was engaged in by one member of the
faculty, and some of the student body. We consider said
game a very disgraceful affair.

      The singular defense of their conduct was made by the
Athletic Committee that the only possible way to insure pure
amateur Athletics in the College and coramunilty was to impart
and use professionals. We fail to grasp the force of their
argument. The Committee very much deplores and condemns
the conduct of the Athletic Committee in this matter. It
has a bad effect upon the student body, tending to encourage
insubordination which seems to be rampant in the  College


MINUTES OF THE BOA-D OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 270

and has brought reproach upon the institution.

                         ( John McChord, Chairman
           Signed -        W W. C. Bell
                         ( W. R. Ramsey

      Thereupon upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly seconded
and carried the following Resolution was adopted:

      Be it resolved that it is the sense of this Board
that (I) it approves and adopts the report of the Committee
- (2) That this Board condemns the action of the Athletic
Committee, and expressed the confident hope that in the
future no such violation of the regulation of the College,
as is shown by said report will be indulged in; and

      Be it further resolved that the secretary of this
Board be directed to certify a copy of same to the Committee
on Athletics.

      Thereupon Col. Nelson offered the following

      In regard to morals.

      The Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College of
Kentucky having had under consideration the sinister report
affecting the reputation of the college in relation to
morals and discipline, regret to record that they find
the evidence upon which these reports rest too strong
to be ignored. They believe that this laxity in morals
and discipline is due in great measure to the indifference
and neglect of certain members of the Faculty who have dis-
regarded the Regulations of the Board and especially the
more recent legislation adopted by them.

      These are particularly - The frequent and habitual
1J1gnces from Chapel, - the failure to admonish and rebuke


MIN1UTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,June 10, 1904 - page 271

idle students when seen loitering about the Buildings, hails
and grounds during the College hours and about the Streets
and hotels when they should be in their quarters preparing
their lessons.

      Their failure to enter up demerits and to enforce the
regulations relating thereto. Their substitution of skeleton
monthly reports for the daily reports required by law; the
delay of Deans in sending out term reports to parents and
guardians; the neglect of Deans to hold monthly meetings of
their faculties to canvass the progress of their students
and to admonish and weed out delinquents. And most regret-
able of all, the manifest tendency on the part of some members
to insubordination and irresponsible action in direct contra-
vention of the regulations. The Board likewise record their
intention to make the Regulations of the College effective
to the end that the young men and women committed to their
charge may through the wholesome example of professors and
instructors learn the lesson of duty, of subordination and
obedience essential to liberal culture and good citizenship.
If any professor or instructor thinks that he cannot or will
not heartily cooperate with the governing authorities of
the College in the attainments of the ends proposed, the
Board will unhesitatingly accept his resignation and hereby
invite him to tender it. The secretary of the Board is
directed to furnish a copy of the foregoing to each
professor and instructor of the College.

      Said resolution was seconded by Judge Barker and upon
the roll-call being demanded the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Clay, Frazee, Kinkead, McChord,
Nichols, Nelson, Patterson, Ramsey, Stout, -    -       -   10.

      Noes: - - None.

Resolution unanimously carried.


MINfUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 272

       Miss Kinkead's request.

       Thereupon action upon the requests of Miss Kinkead
was taken up, and Judge Kinkead retired from the meeting.

       Judge Barker offers the following resolution.

       Be it resolved that the students composing the Sopho-
more and Junior classes assemble at the Chapel hour on the
lecture days, and that the lecture be substituted for the
regular Chapel Service; that the lectures be open to any
freshman or senior who may elect to attend them, that the
military organization (Not the military authority) be used
for the assembling of the lecture class, and the calling of
the roll; and that the work thus made a part of the curriculum
of the College.

       Thereupon Col. Clay offered as a substitute the
following resolution:

       Lecture to be given Chapel hour.

       Be it resolved that Miss Kinkead be given the hour for
Chapel on lecture days for her lecture, without any compulsory
requirements as to attendance on said lectures.

       Said substitute resolution was seconded by President

       After discussion, said substitute resolution was placed
upon its passage, and the roll being called for, the vote
stood as follows:

       Ayes: Messrs. Clay, Frazee, McChord, Nichols,
Patterson, Ramsey, and Stout,     -     -   -     -      7.

       Noes:  Messrs. Barker and Nelson -   -   -        2.

       Thereupon the following resolution was offered by
Judge Barker and seconded by Col. Nelson:


MINUTES OF THE BOAR1 D OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 272-273

       Be it resolved for the sake of the advancement of Miss
Kinkead's work in the College, that she be made a regular
member of the Faculty.

       After discussion said resolution was placed upon its
passage, and upon the roll-call being demanded the vote stood
as follows:

       Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Nelson and Stout,   -  - 3.

       Noes: Messrs. Clay, Frazee, McChord, Nichols,
Patterson and Ramsey,  -   -   -    -   -    -    -   6.

       The resolution was lost.

       Thereupon Mr. Nichols offered the following resolution.

       Be it resolved that Miss Kinkead be requested to keep
a record of the number of students attending her lectures,
and submit said record for the inspection of the Board; and
that the Secretary be directed to transmit to Miss Kinkead
a copy of this resolution.

       Said motion was seconded by President Patterson, put
upon its passage and carried.

       Adj ourned.

       Upon motion duly seconded and carried, the Board here
took a recess for the noon hour, to meet at two-thirty
O'clock, P. M.

       Board met.

       Board met pursuant to adjournment at 2:30 O'clock P. M.
of the same day.

       Upon motion of Mr. McChord, duly seconded and carried,
the Standing Committee on Appropriations Is continued, and
permitted to file no report until after the report of the
Special Committee on Finance, to which is referred the
question of ways and means.


MITNJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 273-274

       Judge Stout, the Chairman of the Committee on the
President's Report, reported as follows: -

       Com. on President's Report.

       The principal features of the President's Report
having been considered and referred to the Special Committee
on Retrenclment and reform, your Committee has no further
suggestions to make concerning said report.

       Upon motion of Mr. McChord, duly seconded by Col.
Nelson, and carried, it was resolved.

       President to employ Commandant.

       That President Patterson be authorized and directed
to make an arrangement with the War Department for a
Commandant for the next year.

       Mr. R. Arnspiger.

       At this point Mr. R. Arnspiger appeared before the
Board and amde a statement with reference to the insurance
rate was in Lexington, and the relation he bore to insurance
matters here.

       Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried
it was,

       Resolved that the action of our Business Agent, the
President and the Chairman of this Board in cancelling all
existing insurance policies and having same written at the
new rates for an extended time, be approved by the board.

       School of Medicine.

       It was announced by Judge Barker that President
Patterson had, had some correspondence, looking to some sort
of a connection between this college and some medical college
of Louisville, and after some informal discussion as to the
advisability of such connection the following resolution
was offered by Mr. McChord, which was duly seconded
and carried;


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 274-275

      Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the A. & M.
College of Kentucky, having had under consideration the
proposition to form an alliance with the Kentucky School
of Medicine, after due consideration of the same, conclude
that it is inexpedient to form any connection with any
institution of this or like character, whether of law
or medicine.

      Salary J. R. Johnson.

      MH. McChord presented a communication from J. R.
Johnson, in the matter of an application for a raise in

      Upon motion of Judge Barker, duly seconded and carried,
it was,

      Resolved that J. R. Johnson's application for a raise
in salary be referred to the Special Finance Committee.

      Upon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded and carried,
it was

      Resolved that the application of Prof. Frankel for
a raise in salary be referred to the Special Finance

      Chairman authorized to borrow money.

      Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded
and carried it was,

      Resolved that Mr. D. F. Frazee, the President of this
Board, be authorized, empowered and directed to borrow the
sum of $20,000 more or less for the college, in such sums,
and at 2uch times as it may be needed, to defray the
expenses of the College.

      Upon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded and carried,
it was

      Resolved that the Report of the Committee on
President's Report be received and filed.


MINUTES OF ",HE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 275

     Judge Barker offered the following motion:

     Appropriation  College Annual.

     Be it resolved that this Board appropriate the sum of
$300.00, to assist in paying the cost of the College Annual
gotten out by the Senior Class of 1904, said sum. to be
charged to the advertising fund.

      Said motion was duly seconded and upon the roll-call
the vote stood as follows:

      Ayes: Messrs. Barker, Clay, Frazee, McChord, Nichols,
Patterson, Ramsey, Stout and Nelson.  -    -     -    -    9.

      Noes: - - None.

      The resolution was unanimously adopted.

      Upon motion of Col. Clay, duly seconded and carried,
it was

      Resolved that the matter as to the disposition of the
old brick house on the College farm, be left to the des-
cretion of the Board of Control.

      In regard to publications, speeches, etc.

      Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded and
carried it was,

      Resolved: That no publication such as the College
Annual or a College paper of any kind emanating from the
College, shall in the future be permitted until it shall have
been submitted to the Censor appointed by the Faculty, and
secure his approval; and that no speech, oration, essay
or other performance shall be allowed on the College
rostrum or any public occasion, whether representing
the College or any association or society thereof, until


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 10, 1904 - page 276

such essay, oration, speech or other performance and shall
have previously been submitted to the Censor and receive
his sanction.

      Report of Board of Lady Ylgrs.

      President Patterson here presented the first report
of the Board of Lady Managers tf the Girl's Dormitory,
showing the business condition of the Dormitory. Said
Report was read before the Board.

      Upon motion of Col. Nelson, duly seconded and carried
said report was received and filed.

      Upon motion of President Patterson duly, seconded
and carried it was unanimously.

      Motion for adjournment.

      Resolved that this Board now adjourn, to meet upon
Thursday, June 23rd, 1904, at Nine O'clock A. Yl. in the
President's Room on the College Grounds in Lexington. Ky.,
to consider the Report to be presented by the Special
Committee on Finance, and the Report of the Appropriation
Committee;  and for the transaction of any other
business that may be legitimately connected
with the business of the Board.

                                 D. C. Frazee,