xt7f4q7qp28m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp28m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1972-03-apr4. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-03-apr4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-03-apr4. 1972 1972-03-apr4. 2011 true xt7f4q7qp28m section xt7f4q7qp28m 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, April 4, 1972

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session on the campus of the Maysville Community College at 2:00
p. m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday, April 4, 1972 with the following
members answering the call of the roll: Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Mrs. Rexford
S. Blazer, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Richard E.
Cooper, Dr. Lyman V. Ginger, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mr. James H. Pence,
non-voting faculty members Professor Paul Sears and Professor Paul Oberst,
and non-voting student member, Mr. Scott Wendelsdorf. Absent were Governor
Wendell H. Ford, Mr. Jesse M. Alverson, Mr. Wendell P. Butler, former
Governor Albert B. Chandler, Mr. Eugene Goss, Dr. N. N. Nicholas, and Mr.
Floyd H. Wright. The administration was represented by President Otis A.
Singletary; Vice Presidents Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Peter P.
Bosomworth, Stanley Wall and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Donald Clapp, Budget
Director; Mr. jack Hall, Dean of Students; Dr. Charles Wethington, Assistant
Vice President for the Community College System; and Dr. James C. Shires,
Director of the Maysville Community College. The various news media also
had representatives present.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Clay, presiding in the absence of Governor Ford, called the meeting
to order at 2:00 p. m. Following the invocation pronounced by Mr. Clay, the
Secretary reported a quorum present and the meeting was declared officially
open for the conduct of business at 2:04 p. m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Pence, seconded by Dr. Ginger, and passed, the
reading of the Minutes of the March 21, 1972 meeting was dispensed with and
the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Gift From Maysville Community College Accepted

       At the request of Mr. Clay, Dr. Stanley Wall introduced Dr. Shires,
Director of the College, who in turn introduced members of the Advisory Board,
faculty, and students of the College who were present at the meeting. Following
these introductions, Mr. Clay was presented a check from the Licking Valley
College Development Corporation to be used in launching a two-year nursing
program at the College in the fall of 1972. Mr. Clay accepted the check with the
thanks of the Board members, adding a word of appreciation for the hospitality
being extended to them.


D. President's Report to the Trustees

       President Singletary discussed several of the items in his monthly report
to the Trustees and recommended a more thorough reading of the report by the
Board members at their leisure. Mr. Clay accepted the report and it was ordered

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Without discussion, on motion by Dr. Ginger, seconded by Mrs. Clark,
and passed, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of
the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       F. James E. Funk Named Dean of the College of Engineering (PR 3)

       Since 'the resignation of Dr. Robert M. Drake as Dean of the College of
Engineering, a search committee has been screening candidates for his re-
placement. President Singletary reported that the unanimous recommendation
of this committee was Dr. James E. Funk, presently serving as Acting Dean of
the College. He indicated his concurrence with the committee's recommendation
and placed it before the Board with his recommendation for approval.

       On motion by Dr. Sears, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed unani-
mously, Dr. James E. Funk was named Dean of the College of Engineering,
effective July 1, 1972.

       G. Honorary Degree Recipients Approved (PR 4)

       President Singletary reported that on the basis of informal authorization
given to him at the February 29 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, he had contacted all persons recommended by the Honorary Degree
Committee and approved by the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate as
recipients of honorary degrees at the commencement exercises in May and that
each individual so contacted had indicated that he would be able to be present to
receive his degree. President Singletary recommended that the Board of Trustees
give formal approval to the awarding of the honorary degree of Doctor of Science
to Mr. Robert R. Dawson, Dr. John C. Greene and Dr. Karl 0. Lange, and the
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Mr. John A. Moser, Dr. Samuel M. Nabrit
and Mr. Peter A. B. Widener III.

      On motion by Mr. Pence, seconded by Mrs, Clark, and passed without
dissent, the awarding of the appropriate honorary degree to the persons as recom-
mended in PR 4 was approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )


- 3 -

       H. Budget Revisions for 1971-72 Approved (PR 5)

       The budget revisions for 1971-7Z as recommended in PR 5 being routine
in nature and there being no questions, on motion by Mrs. Clark, seconded, and
carried, the revisions were authorized and approved as presented. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes.

       I. Designation of Buildings Approved (PR 6)

       Without discussion, on motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mrs.
Blazer, and passed, the naming of the buildings as recommended in P4 6 were
approved as presented. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Policy Statement on Naming of University Buildings Endorsed (PR 7)

       President Singletary explained that the policy statement, a copy of which
had been mailed to the members in advance of the meeting, did not require
Board approval inasmuch as it was an Administrative Regulation; however, he
felt that the Board should have an opportunity to react to the statement prior to
its distribution to the administrative staff of the University.

       On motion by Mr. Pence, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and approved, the
policy statement relative to the naming of buildings on the University campus
was endorsed by the Board of Trustees of the University. (See PR 7 at the end
of the Minutes. )

       K. Committee on Housing Policy to be Appointed

       President Singletary said that the administration and the students had
reached an impasse in their deliberations relative to a housing policy which
was acceptable to both the administration and the student body and he wished to
announce his intention of naming a blue ribbon committee composed of Trustees,
alumni, students, faculty and Student Affairs personnel to take a somewhat
more substantive look at the housing policies on the Lexington campus. He indi-
cated that he would request the names of the three Board members following the
Governor's appointment of the new members to the Board. It is his intention to
request this committee to have a specific institutional policy formulated for
presentation to the Board no later than November 1972.

       L. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, moved that the


financial report for the eight months' period ending February 29, 1972 be ac-
cepted, explaining that the report was routine and that the financial condition of
the University was satisfactory. His motion was seconded, and approved. (See
FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.

       M. Transfer of Funds From Community Colleges Educational Buildings
Revenue Bond Anticipation Note Sinking Fund Authorized (FCR 2)

       Mr. Griffin explained that the transfer of funids proposed in FCR 2 was
routine and moved that the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer
be authorized to execute the necessary documents to effect such transfer. His
motion was seconded, and without discussion passed unanimously. (See FCR 2
at the end of the Minutes. )

       N. Revisions in Code of Student Conduct Recommended by Board
Committee Accepted for Study (See attachment at the end of the Minutes.)

       Mr. Griffin, as Chairman of the Board Committee on Revisions of the
Student Code, reported that President Singletary had transmitted to him certain
recommendations prepared by the Student Affairs staff relative to the proposed
revision in the Code of Student Conduct which was received at the March 21
meeting of the Board of Trustees for subsequent action at a later meeting. In
view of the recommendations received from Student Affairs, a copy of which was
available for all members, Mr. Griffin suggested that they be received and sent
back to the committee for further study and incorporation in the present recom-

       Mr. Wendelsdorf protested this suggestion of Mr. Griffin's, stating that
the Student Affairs staff had had the same opportunity to present its recommen-
dations to the committee as all other groups on the campus; that the deadline for
making suggestions was past; and that the proper action would be for the Student
Affairs comnmittee to present its recommendations for consideration next year.
He moved that the Board reject M\r. Griffin's suggestion. Mr. Wendelsdorf's
motion died for lack of a second.

       Mr. Griffin then moved that the Student Affairs proposed revisions be
referred to the Student Code Revision Committee for study and possible incorpo-
ration in the Revised Code as presented in March. His motion was seconded,
and carried.

       0. Meeting Adjourned

Determnining there was no further business to come before the meeting,



                                 -5 -

'Mr. Clav called for a imotion for adjournment which was duly made, seconded,
and carried, and the meeiting adjourned at 2:50 p. m.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                             Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, FCRs 1 and 2, and the Revisions in Code o~ Student
Conduct Recomnmended. by the Board Committee which follow are official parts
of the Minutes of the April 4, 1972 meeting of the Board of Trustees. )


Missing report(s)


                                                     Office of the President
                                                     April 4, 1972

                                                        pS   ~~~~")

MIcm-bers. Board of Trustees:


I. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

   Recommriendation: that approval be given to the appointments and/or other
   changes which require Board action and that the report relative to appoint-
   mnents and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

   Background: Approval of the Board of Trustees is required for all appoint-
   ments to the positions with the rank of Associate Professor and above, for
   promotions, for the granting of tenure, and for salary changes above $12, 000
   for non-academic personnel and $15, 000 for academic personnel. All other
   appointments and/or changes may be made by the President and reported to
   the Board.

                            BOARD ACTION

   New Appointments

   Dean C. Fletcher, Professor0- (with tenure), Department of Allied Health
      Education and Research, and Director, Center for Learning Resources,
      College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive to April 1, 1972
   Joan Hartwig, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of English,
      College of Arts and Sciences, effective August 15, 1972
   V. Nath, Adjunct Professor;, Department of Geography, College of Arts
      and Sciences, retroactive to January 1, 1972
   J. Robert Wills, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of
      Theatre Arts, College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 1972
   Samuel R. Scott, Instructor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine,
      and Internist, University Health Service, effective July 1, 1972 (Salary
      over $15,000)

   Administrative Appointments

   James T. Doluiso, Professor (with tenure), Department of Pharmacy,
      College of Pharmacy, named Assistant Dean for Instruction, College
      of Pharmacy, effective July 1, 1972

*Special Title Series


- 2-

Dean C. FLetcher, Professor: (with tenure), Department of Allied Health
   Education and Research, named Director of the Center for Learning
   Resources. College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive to
   April 1, 1972
J. Robert Wills, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, named
   Chairman of the Department of Theatre Arts, College of Arts and
   Sciences, effective July 1, 1972

Pronmotions (Effective July 1, 1972)

College of Agriculture
Harry Hudson Bail.ey, Department of Agronomy, from Associate Professor
   (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Russell H. Brannon, Department of Agricultural Economics, from Associate
   Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Wilmer Browning, Department of Agricultural Economics, from Assistant
   Extensibn Professor* (with tenure) to Associate Extension Professor*
   (with tenure)
Daniel Layton Davis, Department of Agronomy, from Assistant Professor
   to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Roger W. Hemken, Department of Animal Sciences, from Associate
   Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Richard Williarn Henley, Department of Horticulture, from Assistant
  Extension Professor-: to Associate Extension Professor- (with tenure)
Woodrow Wilson Hourigan, Department of Agricultural Economics, from
   Assistant Extension Professor-* (with tenure) to Associate Extension
   Professors' (with tenure)
Fred William Knapp, Department of Entomology, from Associate Professor
   (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Raymond Gilbert Lockard, Department of Horticulture, from Associate
  Professor to Professor (with tenure)
Jones H. Smiley, Department of Agronomy, from Associate Extension
  Professor' (with tenure) to Extension Professor* (with tenure)
Frederick A. Thrift, Department of Animal Sciences, from Assistant
  Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
William E. Wise, Department of Veterinary Science, from Assistant
  Extension Professor0 to Associate Extension Professor* (with tenure)

College of Arts and Sciences
Paul N4. Eakin, Department of Mathematics, from Assistant Professor to
  Associate Professor (with tenure)

College of Dentistry
Thomas Berry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, from Assistant
  Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)

*Special Title Series



Thomas W. Brehm, Department of Restorative Dentistry, from Assistant
   Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
James Glenn Burch, Department of Periodontics, from Assistant Professor
   to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Roland DuelL, Department of Endodontics, from Assistant Professor to
  Associate Professor (with tenure)
L. Roy Eversole, Department of Oral Pathology, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Warren E. Fischer. Department of Restorative Dentistry, from Assistant
  Professor:* (part-time) to Associate Professor* (part-time)
Quentin Z. Frazier, Department of Prosthodontics, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)                        I
Milton E. Gellin, Department of Pedodontics, from Associate Professor (with
  tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Albert Heise. Department of Community Dentistry, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Clem J. Hill, Department of Pedodontics, from Assistant Professor to
  Associate Professor (with tenure)
Markell W. Kohn, Department of Oral Surgery, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Raymond A. Kopczyk, Department of Periodontics, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Karl W. Lange, Department of Prosthodontics, from Assistant Professor'
   (part-time) to Associate Professor* (part-time)
Marvin R. Lutes, Department of Prosthodontics, from Assistant Professor'
  (part-time) to Associate Professor* (part-time)
Louis A. Norton, Department of Orthodontics, from Associate Professor
   (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Robert H. Spedding, Department of Pedodontics, from Associate Professor
   (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
Robert C. Wesley, Department of Prosthodontics, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Nann A. Wickwire, Department of Orthodontics, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)

College of aMedicine
Robert G. Aug, Department of Psychiatry, from Associate Professor (with
  tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
H. Douglas Jameson, Department of Neurology, from Assistant Professor
  to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Michael P. McQuillen, Department of Neurology, from Associate Professor
  (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)
H. Mac Vandiviere, Department of Community Medicine, from Associate
  Professor (with tenure) to Professor (with tenure)

*Special Title Series



Promotions - Joint (Effective July 1, 1972)

Gerald I. Roth, Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, and
   Department of Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine, from
   Assistant Professor to Associate Professor (with tenure)
Herbert W. Sorenson, Department of Pedodontics, College of Dentistry, and
   Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, from Assistant Professor
   to Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Pedodontics, College
   of Dentistry (reappointed Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics,
   College of Medicine)

Tenure Granted (Effective July 1, 1972)

Michael B. Freeman. Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics,
   College of Arts and Science
Donald Hook, Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, College of
Patrick P. DeLuca, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy,
   College of Pharmacy
Albert C. Selke, Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
   and Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine

Changes in Status (Effective July 1, 1972)

Howard Hopkins, Professor, Department of Pharmacy, and Assistant Dean
   for Instruction, College of Pharmacy, changed to Professor, Department
   of Pharmacy, and Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy
Charles A. Walton, Professor (with tenure), Department of Materia Medica,
   and Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, changed to
   Professor (with tenure), Department of Clinical Pharmacy, College of
   Pharmacy, and Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry

Reappointments (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1973)

Milton E. Morris, Associate Extension Professor* and Chairman, Department
   of Public Information, College of Agriculture
William S. Gochenour, Jr. , Associate Professor, Department of Community
  Medicine, College of Medicine
Norman L. Goodman, Associate Professor, Department of Community
  Medicine, College of Medicine
William G. Malette, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, College
  of Medicine

*Special Title Series



   Leaves of Absence

   William R. Willard, Special Assistant to the President for Health Affairs,
      leave without pay for one year beginning July 1, 1972, with the
      possibility of renewal for an additional year of leave without pay
   Bradley C. Canon, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
      Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, sabbatical leave at
      half-salary for the period July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973


   William R. Proffit, Professor (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of
      Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, reappointed Chairman of the,
      Department of Orthodontics for a four-year term, should read six-year
      term (See March 21, 1972 Minutes. )

                      ADMINISTRATION ACTION

  New Appointments

  William Clinton Baldwin, Assistant Professor, Department of History,
     College of Arts and Sciences (All requirements for the Ph. D, must be
     completed by August 15, 1972 or rank will be Instructor)
  Francis M. Burke, Assistant Professor, Department of English, College
     of Arts and Sciences
  Gordon P. Cheesewright, Assistant Professor, Department of English,
     College of Arts and Sciences
  Tay N. Fizdale, Assistant Professor, Department of English, College of
     Arts and Sciences
  Edward F. Stanton, Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Italian,
     College of Arts and Sciences
  Richard L. Oliver, Instructor, Department of Business Administration,
     College of Business and Economics
  Helen Jean Winther, Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science,
     College of Medicine
  Charles S. Robertson, Jr. , Instructor, Prestonsburg Community College

  Promotions (Effective July 1, 1972)

  Barry Taylor Baughman, Department of Theatre Arts, College of Arts and
     Sciences, from Instructor to Assistant Professor* (Applied)
  Gerald Janecek, Department of Slavic and Oriental Languages, College of
     Arts and Sciences, from Instructor to Assistant Professor
  Bobbie Holtzman, Department of Radiologic Technology, College of Allied
     Health Professions, from Instructor to Assistant Professor"

 *Special Title Series
*All requirements for the Ph. D. must be completed by September 1, 1972 or
  rank will be Instructor


Williamn M. Anderson, Department or Restorative Dentistry, College of
   Dentistry, from Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time)
Ervin C. Belcher, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of
   Dentistry, from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Hugh N. Burkett, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
   from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Robert N. Jennings, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, from
   Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time)
NMarion D. Miniard, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of
   Dentistry, from Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time)
M. Raynor Mullins, Department of Community Dentistry, College of
   Dentistry, from Instructor to Assistant Professor         I
Rodney L. Oney, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry,
   from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Terry R. Schneider, Department of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry,
   from Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time)
Robert Lee Southwood, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of
   Dentistry, from Instructor (part-time) to Assistant Professor (part-time)
Jeffrey M. Brandsma, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine,
   from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Gerald Hill, Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, from
   Instructor of Student Personnel to Assistant Professor:

Reappointments - Lexington Campus
July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1973 (unless otherwise specified)

College of Agriculture
Charlie Frank Abrams, Jr. , Assistant Extension Professor:, Department of
   Agricultural Engineering
Curtis W. Absher, Assistant Extension Professor--, Department of Animal
Melvern K. Anderson, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Darrel Arvin Apps, Assistant Extension Professor', Department of
Marcus R. Barnett, Assistant Extension Professor:, Department of Area
   Extension Programs
Bruce Robert Beattie, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural
Morris J. Bitzer, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of Agronomy
Arthur Franklin Bordeaux, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of
   Agricultural Economics
Russell L. BreDahl, Assistant Extension Professor':, Department of
  Animal Sciences
Stanley B. Carpenter, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry
Ronnie L. Edwards, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of
  Animal Sciences

-Special Title Series


- 7 -

Dennis Bruce Egli, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Joe Dennis Fox, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Robert Goodwill, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Wesley W. Gregory, Jr., Assistant Extension Professor*, Department
   of Entomology
Harvey E. Hamilton, Assistant Extension Professor', Department of
   Agricultural Engineering
Daniel D. Harrington, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary
James C. Hartley, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department of
   Animal Sciences
John R. Hartman, Assistant Extension Professor-, Department ofNPlant
Randall B. Heiligmann, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry
James Henry Herbek, Assistant Extension Professor::, Department of
Gordon S. Hess, Assistant Extension Professor:, Department of
   Animal Sciences
Clarence James Kaiser, Assistant Extension Professors', Department of
Thomas Rogers Kemp, Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture
Logan T. Louderback, Assistant Extension Professor"., Area Extension
Loys Leroy Mather, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural
Daniel Clement Milbocker, Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture
Donald 0. Morgan, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Science
Lloyd W. Murdock, Jr. , Assistant Extension Professor,:, Department of
Gerald L. Nordin, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology
Charles G. Poneleit, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Harley G. Raney, Assistant Extension Professor*:, Department of
Charles E. Rieck, Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Horst Schach, Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture
Gerald T. Schelling, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Charles L. Shilling, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry
Thomas W. Swerczek, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary
Ruen C. Tang, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry
Dennis M. TeKrony, Assistant Extension Professor",- Department of
Lafayette Thompson, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy
Ray Edwin Tucker, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences
Hayden Watkins, Assistant Extension Professor', Department of Agronomy
Ronald Wendlandt, Assistant Extension Professors*, Department of
  Animal Sciences
Edwin H. White, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry

Special Title Series



College of Arts and Sciences
Michael Baer, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science (July 1,
   1972 to JUly 1, 1974)
John R. Baseheart, Assistant Professor, Department of Speech
James E. Brennan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Vasily C. Cateforis, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Joel L. Cunningham, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Paul C. DuChateau, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
James H. Fetzer, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
James E. Fletcher, Assistant Professor, Department of Telecommunications
Ronald Gariepy, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Lawrence V. Grant, Assistant Professor, Department of Political..Science
   (July 1, 1972 to July 1, i974)
Roger D. Haney, Assistant Professor, Department of Speech
Daniel B. Henry, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Kenneth J. Hofstetter, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
David C. Johnson, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Joh.n Edkard Kerlin, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Richard A. Kramer, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Kenneth K. Kubota, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Alan Lambert, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
James W. Manns, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Edward T. Ordman, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
J. Patrick Ryan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics
Henry A. S. Schankula, Instructor, Department of Philosophy
Leonard Paul Tipton, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism
John R. Wasson, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry
Ernest Yanarella, Assistant Professor, Department of Political
  Science (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1974)

College of Allied Health Professions
Karen P. Brown, Instructor-, Department of Dental Hygiene
Robert J. Floro, Instructor:, Department of Respiratory Therapy
Edmund Hoy, Assistant Professor;", Department of Respiratory Therapy
James Albert Jackson, Assistant Professor",, Department of Medical
Susan B. Lipscomb, Instructor,-, Department of Radiologic Technology
John D. Serkland, Assistant Professors, Department of Clinical Pastoral

College of Dentistry
Neal D. Bellanti, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry
John G. Gattozi, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics
Don R. King, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Diagnosis and
Gene P. Lewis, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Dentistry

Special Title Series



Ronald L. Rosenthal, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Diagnosis
   and Medicine
Hobson Sinclair, Instructor, Department of Restorative Dentistry
Thomas M. Skeeters, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative
Eric E. Spohn, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry
Dee L. Williams, Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry
James D. Woodward, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics

College of Medicine
Raymond E. Papka, Instructor, Department of Anatomy
William J. Carey, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
William B. Wood, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Laia Hanua, Assistant Professor-', Department of Behavioral Science
Bernard H. Brownstein, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Grace Donnelly, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Jessica Gorman, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
Thomas L. Roszman, Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology
David S. Bauman, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
Carl W. Friedericks, Assistant Professor, Department of Community
F. Douglas Scutchfield, Assistant Professor, Department of Community
Coy D. Smith, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
Fekreya Aly, Assistant Professor of Social Work::, Department of Medicine
   (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1977)
V. Aravindakshan, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (July 1, 1972
  to January 1, 1976)
Jack R. Coyer, Instructor, Department of Medicine
Hugh F. Daly, Jr. , Assistant Professor of Social Work,,, Department of
  Medicine (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1977)
Claude Farley, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (July 1, 1972
  to July 1, 1976)
Ronald D. Hamilton, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (July 1,
   1972 to July 1, 1977)
Stanley R. Huffman, Assistant Professor-', Department of Medicine
  (July 1, 1972 to January 1, 1977)
Robert C. Nobel, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (July 1, 1972
  to July 1, 1977)
Mary Leonidakis, Instructor":, Department of Neurology
Beverly A. Smith, Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
David S. Swan, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and
  Gynecology (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1976)
John R. Van Nagel, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics
  and Gynecology (July 1, 1972 to July 1, 1977)

Special Tite Series



John D. Blair, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Olga M. Blair, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
William V. Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
Ingrid Daoud, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Abe R. Fosson, Jr. , Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Martha F. Greenwood, Instructor, Department of Pediatrics
Linda R. Walters, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Ralph E. Miller, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology
William G. Drew, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Helen L. Hallock, Assistant Professor::, Department of Psychiatry
George M. Henry, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Robert K. Johns, Instructor of Social Work"', Department of Psychiatry
   (July 1, 1972 to January 1, 1