xt7f4q7qp271 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp271/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1970-06-jun9-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-06-jun9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1970-06-jun9-ec. 1970 1970-06-jun9-ec. 2011 true xt7f4q7qp271 section xt7f4q7qp271 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Execuht,,v  Comnmttee of the Board of Trustees
 of the Universitv of Kentucky Tuesday, June 9 1970

        As established earl:er the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
 of the University of Kentuckv met in regtular _-zsslon at 2:00 p. mi. , Eastern Daylight
 Time, on Tuesday, June 9 1970, in thle Uoard Roorn of the Administration Building
 on the University campus with" the: fnIiowintz enmbers uresent: Mr. Albert G. Clay,
 Chairman; Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secrotary; Mkr Thomas P   Bell; Mlr. Richard
 E. Coop~er; anld Mr. Robert H. H~lltxnmyer. Dr Alvin L. Morr s, Special Assistant
 to the President. represented President Singletary who was out of the state, and other
 administration representatives pre sent were Dr Glenwrood L. Creech, Dr. William
 R. Willard, Mr. George J. Ru2chtlll. Dr Stuart Forth. Dr Donald B. Clapp, Mr.
 John C. Darsie, and Dean Jack H-fal!  There were representatives of the various news
 media in attendance also

       A. Meeting Opened

       At 2.00 o'clock, Mr. Clay calltd th.: rn.ectng to order. Following the invo-
c:ation, the Secretary reportetd a qjuorum 'rEpsenlt and Mr. Clav declared the meeting
officially open for the conduct of busfoness at 2:02 p nm.

       B. M nutes Approved

       On motion by MIr. Coopc;- r-  ccorded b.)y ,r.r Hiillennmeve r and, without dissent,
so ordered, the readinjq of the I5nuties. i .;t-E M\,,av 3, 1970 meet~ng of the Board of
Trustees was disoensed xvw-th andll tlhe N'litcs  re approv ed as published.

       C. Comnmencenment Date EztabliA-shed

       Dr. Mvorrns recomm-encded to the.- Executive Comrnttee that Saturday, August 8,
be approved as the date for the conmmencemrient a.xe:rcises which had been postponed
from May II because of unrest on the camputs at 'that trnme  On motion duly made,
seconded, and carried, August 8, 1.-70 was estabbshed as the date for commencement
exercises when degrees would b.e avwarded to cand:dates comilet.ng requirements in
August 1969. December 1969   May 1970 and Augut 1970

       Mr. Clay announced that the prograirt for the commencement exercises wvould
follow the same format as that planned for Mav 11; that President and Mrs. Singletary
would host a reception for tho-e -,n atltendance n the Ballroom of the Student Center
immediately follow-.ng the exerc:.scs, that overnight accommodations for participants
and their famnilic s would be available i-. the B.la-ding4Krwan Complex at a nominal
rate, and that details regarding commencement would be mailed to graduates in July.


       D. Change in Date of August Executive Committee Meeting

       The establishment of the date for commencement exercises on August 8
necessitated a change in the date of the meeting of the Executive Committee in August
in order that approval might be given to those candidates completing their require-
ments in August.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed, the Executive
Committee will meet on August 4 rather than on August 18 as previously established.

       E. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Morris, who was representing President Singletary, briefly reviewed
certain items in PR 1 and recommended a more thorough reading of the report by the
Trustees later.

       Mr. Clay accepted the report with thanks and ordered it filed.

       F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Dr. Morris indicated that the staff changes recommended in PR 2 were
routine and recommended approval of PR 2 as a whole. Before calling for a vote,
note was taken of the persons recommended for retirement and Mr. Bell suggested
that a letter be sent to them from the Board expressing appreciation for their long
years of service to the University.

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer. seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed without
dissent, PR 2, Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and
ordered made a part of the Minutes of the June 9, 1970 meeting. (See PR 2 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       G. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       Dr. Morris mentioned that the items in PR 3 were received too late for
prior distribution to the Board but it was deemed desirable to submit these changes
because of the nearness of the end of the fiscal year.

       Mr. Clay allowed a few minutes for the members to examine the recommen-
dations in PR 3 and then called for a vote. On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by
Mrs. Blazer, PR 3 was approved as a whole and ordered made a part of the Minutes
of the June 9 meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )



       H. Revision of Personnel Grievance Hearing Procedure
Approved (PR 4)

       Dr. Morris emphasized that the changes recommended in the personnel
grievance procedures had been under advisement for several months and explained
that under the new procedures greater emphasis is placed upon procedural due
process through administrative hearings rather than judicially oriented proceedings.

      "On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and passed, the
Board adopted the revised grievance procedure, a copy of which is attached to PR 4,
to supplant the present procedure which has proven to be inadequate for the solution
of many personnel problems. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.

       I. 1969-70 Budget Revisions (PR 5)

       Without discussion, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the 1969-70
budget revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved, (See PR 5 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       J. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer stated that the financial report covering the ten months'
period ending April 30, 1970 showed the University was "on target' and moved that
it be accepted and ordered filed. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper and,
without dissent, it was so ordered, (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.

       K. Appropriation for Campus Bus Service (FCR 2)

       Noting that the money to be appropriated to cover the continuation and ex-
pansion of the campus bus service would come from funds in the parking account, on
motion of Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, $200, 000 from the parking
fee account for campus bus service, parking lot maintenance, and miscellaneous
parking expenses was approved, (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Research Feed and Processing Center (FCR 3)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer explained that the recommendation in FCR 3 provided for
the implementation of an action already approved by the Board in November 1967.
On his motion, seconded by Mr. Cooper, the Vice President for Business Affairs
was authorized to take the necessary action to obtain federal funds for the con-
struction of a Research Feed and Processing Center on Coldstream Farm and to
award the contract for construction of that facility, (See FCR 3 at the end of the



       M. Amendment to Employee Benefit Program  (FCR 4)

       Funds to provide disability insurance for Group II employees who were nott
included when the TIAA Group Total Disability Income Insurance was originally
adopted have been provided in the 1970-71 budget already approved. However, in
order to implement this, it is necessary to amend the University's employee
benefit program.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the University's employee
benefit program was amended to provide TIAA Group Total Disability Income
Insurance coverage to Group II employees plus the supplemental income benefits
described in Exhibits 1 and Z attached to FCR 4. (See FCR 4 at the end of the
Minutes. )

       N. Change in Charge-Off of Uncollectible Accounts (FCR 5)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer pointed out that the recommended change in policy relative
to charge-off of uncollectible accounts would permit the write-off of these accounts
at the time they were placed in the hands of a collection agency rather than after
their return. Such procedure would improve fiscal reporting and more accurately
reflect the fiscal status.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer moved that the appropriate officials of the University be
authorized to charge off uncollectible accounts against the Reserve for Bad Debts,
subject to the conditions outlined in FCR 5. His motion was seconded by Mr. Cooper
and passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Report by Dean Jack Hall on Events of May 1-8, 1970

       Since this was the first meeting since May, Mr. Clay asked Dean Jack Hall
to report on the events which had occurred during the period May 1-8, 1970.

       Dean Hall read the following report:

                         REPORT TO TRUSTEES
                                June 9, 1970

              As a follow up to the events of May 1 through May 8, 1970, I
       have been requested to report the status of subsequent action taken by
       the civil courts and the University.

              During the three day period of May 5 through May 7, forty-five
       persons were arrested and charged with forty-six violations of state
       law, Thirty-nine of the persons arrested were students, four non-
       students and two were faculty.



               To date forty cases have been tried. Of those cases there
        have been thirteen who pleaded guilty, sixteen found guilty, and
        eleven found not guilty. Of those found guilty two have appealed.
        There are six cases remaining to be tried.

               Last Wednesday, June 3, 1970, thirty-one students were
       notified that they had been formally charged under the "Code of
       Student Conduct.'" A total of one hundred eight charges were made
       against the thirty-one students. They have been made aware of
       the counseling process available to them and to date twenty have
       availed themselves of this process with four accepting the discipline
       outlined by the Dean of Students and sixteen choosing to be heard by
       the University Judicial Board. Three students have formally re-
       quested that their hearings be postponed until a later time. Their
       requests have been forwarded to the Judicial Board.

              The University is also considering action against seven
       non-students whose presence on the campus during the week of
       May I through May 8 contributed substantially to the unrest and
       disruption that occurred.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Jack B. Hall

       Mr. Clay thanked Dean Hall for his report and ordered it filed.

       P. Committee Appointed

       Mr. Clay, as Chairman of the Executive Committee, said he would like to
make a brief statement and recommendation. He continued, "As members of the
Board of Trustees we are in a position of trusteeship of this University. As a
Trustee and under our trusteeship, it is necessary to have well defined regulations,
which we have adopted. Th:.s puts the authority of those regulations under this
Board of Trustees. Unless w;ve, as Trustees, exercise this trusteeship in a re-
sponsible manner, we are not worthy of being members of this Board and. the public
will not tolerate anything less than our best efforts. The public will not put up with
the loss of property and the disruption of the academic process.

       "At the last meeting of the Board on May 5, the Board approved various
revisions and codifications of the University's Governing Regulations and the Code
of Student Conduct. Since that time, there have been rather serious disturbances
on the campus which have afforded an opportunity to analyze certain of the relation-
ships codified in those documents in the context of an emergency situation.



       "In view of the experience gained in the recent emergency, I believe it is
in order to appoint a committee of this Board to consider our rules and regulations,
and recommend such changes in the regulations as may seem desirable and neces-

       "I appoint Mr. Thomas P. Bell as Chairman of this committee; as members,
I appoint Mr. George Griffin, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer and Mr. Richard Cooper.

       "Since the committee may require technical assistance, I would recommend
that they be authorized to engage such personnel as they deem fit and proper to
carry out the charge given them and I would entertain a motion to that effect. "

       Mrs. Blazer moved that Mr. Bell's committee be authorized to engage the
services of technical personnel which the committee deems necessary to the proper
discharge of its functions. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer and all
present voted "aye".

       Mr. Bell was asked to convene his committee for the purpose of carrying out
its charge at the earliest opportunity.

       Q. Meeting Adjourned

       Having first determined that there was no further business to come before
the Executive Committee, on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, Mr. Clay
declared the meeting adjourned at 2:25 p. m.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                              Board of Trustees

(PRs 2, 3, 4 and 5 and FCRs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 which follow are official parts of the
Minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1970 of the Executive Comrnittee of the Board of
Trustees. )



                          JUNE 9, 1970


      Commencement exercises for colleges in the Community College
System were conducted as scheduled. Speakers were: Dr. Ellis Hart-
ford, Lexington Technical Institute; Mrs. John Walthall, Ashland
Community College; Frank Groschelle, Somerset; Miss Edith Napier,
Hazard; Hecht Lackey, Henderson; Alvin Harrison, Hopkinsville; Dr.
Hartford, Maysville; Dr. Henry Campbell, Prestonsburg; Eugene Goss,
Southeast; Dr. Hartford, Madisonville; Dero Downing, Elizabethtown;
Louisville Mayor Frank Burke, Jefferson; Dr. Hartford, Northern, and
Judge Earl Osborne, Paducah Community College.

      The rank by number of graduates in the 1970 class is as
follows: Northern, 177; Ashland, 145; Jefferson, 132; Henderson, 124;
Somerset, 91; Paducah, 89; Elizabethtown, 83; Hopkinsville, 62;
Maysville, 58; Lexington Technical Institute, 55; Southeast, 54;
Prestonsburg, 51; Hazard, 32, and Madisonville, 14. The increase in
technical course graduates in 1970 was relatively high. For the
Associate Degree in Applied Science, the percentage increase was 69.2
this year over 1969. For the Associate in Arts degree, there were
42.8 per cent more graduates over a year ago. The total number of
degrees given increased by 44.6. The number of certificates (con-
ferred to students expected to transfer to four-year institution for
study toward a baccalaureate degree) increased in 1970 over 1969 by
22.9 per cent.


      A total 835 students enrolled for classes during the first
four-week intersession, May 19-June 12, on the Lexington campus.
During registration, 791 students signed up for the 18 courses offered
during the University's newest and shortest semester. The regular
nine-week summer session will begin June 16 and end August 11. Regis-
tration for the summer session will be Monday, June 15, in Memorial
Coliseum, based on an alphabetical schedule. Friday, June 19, is the
last day to enroll in a class for the semester. The four-week inter-
session offers classwork in history, mathematics, sociology, speech,
statistics, home economics, library science, philosophy, and allied
health. Because of the unexpected enrollment, 19 additional courses
were offered, making a total of 37.


- 2


       Approximately 13,000 people are expected to participate in
the Summer Advising Conference, June 29-July 31, on the Lexington
campus. SAC is designed as an introduction to the University
community as it exists on the Lexington campus, for all new stu-
dents (and their parents) who will enroll for classes for the 1970
fall semester. Edwin Brand, director of Post Admissions Services
in the Office of Admissions and Registrar, explained, "the value of
having SAC in July is we are able to work with groups of 200 stu-
dents a day rather than a mass of 4,000 or more in a fall orientation
program. Even though the University is growing larger each year,
through SAC we have retained an individual and personal relationship
with students."  Brand's office expects to average 220 students and
one and one-half parents per student per day, or a total of 550
people a day.

       George Dexter, also of Post Admissions section, is director
of SAC. He explained that the day-long introduction for new stu-
dents will include a panel discussion with UK administrators, group
discussions with UK students, meetings with the dean of the
various colleges and schools, testing, advising, and registration
for classes. Parents also will be given the opportunity to partici-
pate in panel discussions with UK administrators and students, plus
a tour of the campus. Both students and parents will be shown a
slide presentation on University life and a special show on student
activities, complete with black lights and slide and film presenta-
tions, which run simultaneously. An Advising Conference packet
includes a fall schedule book, dummy schedule cards, the curriculum
for the students' particular major field of study, his ACT profile, a
map of the campus, a parking permit for the day, and other informa-
tion. "By giving the student a schedule book and dummy cards in
advance," Dexter said, "he can learn the mechanics of registration at
home and spend more time discussing which classes he should take
while talking to his advisor." Faculty advisors already have been
given a list of new students in their departments and will receive
each student's ACT profile during their conference with the student.

       Students who will participate in each of the 23 sessions
include all new entering freshmen, transfer students from the Commu-
nity College System, and other transfer students.

       Dexter's staff includes a graduate assistant and 10 UK
students. This is the eighth summer students entering the Univer-
sity have registered for classes during a day-long orientation
program in July. SAC will begin each day at 8 a.m., with sign-in,
a welcome and a review of the program. It will end at approxi-
mately 4:30 p.m. with check-out and an evaluation of the day's


- 3


       Eight students in the School of Architecture have won a
design competition grant of $2,450 for their study of housing and
related problems in Leslie county. They are Ron Case, Marvin
Crider, Chad Reeder, William Sammons, and Sara Tate, all, of Lexing-
ton, Glenn Hubbuch and Rick Feeney, both of Louisville, and James
Ellis, Shelbyville. Announcement of the grant was made in Tokyo
at the annual conference of the National Society of Interior
Designers. The grant was a part of the 1970 educational foundation
student environmental design project competition. Purpose of the
competition is to bring design students into direct contact with
environmental problems in depth, and to encourage them to create
practical solutions. Four faculty advisors aided the students in
the study of Hyden and Leslie county housing. The county presently
needs more than 120 low-income and rent subsidy housing units
located within walking distance of the services needed by occupants,
according to County Judge George Wooten.


       Workshops being held across the state this spring to discuss
existing air pollution control regulations and to help industry,
municipalities and institutions solve air pollution problems will
be concluded tomorrow. Sponsored by two state agencies and four
state universities, including the University, the program deals
with practicalities, not theories. Speakers for the series include
Frank Partee of the Kentucky Air Pollution Control Commission;
Dr. H. K. Charlesworth, director, Office of Development Services;
David E. Bonn of the American Air Filter Co., Louisville; Dr.
Robert B. Grieves, chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering,
and Prof. 0. W. Stewart of the mechanical engineering department.
A session was in Somerset last Tuesday and the final one will be at
Covington June 10.


       Dr. Curtis W. Tarr, recently named national director of the
Selective Service System, will speak at a meeting of the University
of Kentucky alumni in the Greater Cincinnati area Thursday, which
opens an annual workshop of the Alumni Association's board of
directors. Panelists on "Alumni Associations in the Seventies" will
include Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, vice president, University relations,
speaking for college administrators; George W. Griffin, London,
trustee, speaking from the viewpoint of board members; Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Lexington, speaking as an alumni association member, and
Frank Tate, associate director of the Ohio State University Alumni
Association and editor of the Ohio State Monthly, speaking for
professional alumni workers. Joe Creason, Louisville, national
president of the Alumni Association, will preside.


- 4


      Six faculty members have been named Great Teachers by the
UK Alumni Association. Recipients of the annual honor--three from
the Lexington campus and three from the Community College System--
are: Dr. Gifford Blyton, professor of speech on the central campus;
William M. Byron, chairman of the English and Humanities Division of
Northern Community College, Covington; Dr. John W. Greene, chairman
of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the College of
Medicine; Charles J. Isbell, senior instructor of biological
sciences at Prestonsburg Community College; Dr. Albert S. Levy,
associate professor of education on the main campus; John B.
Sowards, senior instructor of speech and dramatic arts at Ashland
Community College.

      Recipients, who receive $500 each, are nominated by student
groups through Mortar Board and Omicron Delta Kappa on the Lexington
campus and through student councils in the Community College System.


      Four faculty members each will receive $500 awards in recog-
nition of "distinguished achievement in research and creative arts,"
it was announced by the UK Research Foundation, which sponsors the
awards. They are Dr. Frederick J. Bollum, professor of biochemistry;
Dr. Robert B. Grieves, professor and chairman of the Department of
Chemical Engineering; Dr. Ronald E. Phillips, associate professor of
agronomy, and Dr. John S. Scarborough, assistant professor of
history. Accomplishments upon which the recipients were selected
were made during the 1967-69 period.


      The School of Library Science has been chosen by the Agency
for International Development to present a two-week training
program for six librarians from Venezuela, June 14-28.  Dean
Lawrence A. Allen said an AID official told him the UK school "was
our first choice because of its strong program." The librarians,
all women, will be accompanied by an interpreter, and will be
taught by faculty members of the School of Library Science. Their
program will be coordinated by Mrs. Edith Hernandez, a library
science student. Course material will include technical processing,
reference organization and library management. Practical concepts
of librarianship for small and medium-sized libraries will be
gained by visits to nearby college and public libraries. Some of
the librarians are on the staff of the National Library in Venezuela
while others are associated with university libraries in that
country, Dean Allen said.




       Recognition of 22 new University of Kentucky Fellows--
whose gifts have brought the Fellows' contributions to a total of
almost $4 million in less than four years--will be made at a re-
scheduled Fellows dinner this summer. Certificates will be pre-
sented by the University to individuals who, since the dinner last
spring, have provided gifts of $10,000 or more or have arranged
deferred gifts of $15,000 or more. Since the Fellows program was
set up in December, 1966, by the UK Development Council and the
Senior Associates of the Alumni Association, 90 gifts and commit-
ments totaling $3,948,671 have been made. At the first Fellows
dinner in April 1968, 45 individuals were recognized for gifts
and commitments totaling $2.4 million. At the second dinner a year
ago, the Fellows group had grown to 68 and the giving to $3.5
million. Among the 90 who have become University Fellows, 49 are
Kentucky residents, 31 live outside the state, and 10 are deceased.
Fifty-five are alumni of the University. The Development Council,
which sponsors the Fellows program, is a group of prominent
business executives and professional men who volunteer their ser-
vices to aid UK in obtaining private funds for programs not supported
by tax money. They also plan a semi-annual meeting in the near
future. C. Robert Yeager is chairman. Appointed members are Rex L.
Allison, Scottsdale, Ariz.; Thomas A. Ballantine, Louisville; Barry
Bingham, Louisville; Rexford S. Blazer, Ashland; John Y. Brown Jr.,
Louisville; John N. Browning, Maysville; Richard E. Cooper, Somer--
set; Edward S. Dabney, Lexington; L. Berkley Davis, Washington, D.C.;
James C. Givens, Hopkinsville; Louis L. Haggin II, Versailles; A. B.
Hancock Jr., Paris; James S. Hudnall, Tyler, Texas; Wickliffe B.
Moore, New York; John G. Russell, Paducah; David C. Scott, Milwaukee,
Wis.; William C. Smith, Louisville; Floyd H. Wright, Lexington, and
William T. Young, Lexington. In addition to Albert G. Clay, chair-
man of the executive committee, ex-officio members are Gov. Louie B.
Nunn, Dr. Singletary, Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, and Philip J. Brunskill.


       A grant to the College of Pharmacy of $107,998 will be used
in support of its undergraduate instructional program. The grant,
Dean Joseph V. Swintosky said, was made by the Bureau of Health
Professions Education and Training in the Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, and is part of the Federal government's continuing
effort, under the Health Manpower Act of 1968, to increase enroll-
ments and to improve educational quality in health professions
schools. The college plans to use the funds for supplementary sup-
port of its undergraduate curriculum in the area of drug manufac-
ture. The program support is expected to include the equipping of
a laboratory for studying the processes and procedures whereby drug
substances are made into tablets, capsules, injectable products,
ointments, aerosols and other preparations.


                             - 6 -


      Dr. Malcolm E. Jewell, chairman of the Department of
Political Science, has been named the fourth recipient of the
$3,000 annual Philip D. and Elsie 0. Sang Award. Established in
1966 by Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Sang of Chicago, Ill., the award
recognizes the member of the graduate faculty who has made the
most outstanding contributions to graduate education at UK. Dr.
Jewell directed a program during the past semester which provided
20 students from Kentucky institutions of higher education with
assignments as assistants or interns to Kentucky's General
Assemblyleaders. He presented a course, "Legislative Process,"
for all the students at Frankfort during the legislative session,
and two other courses, "Kentucky Government and Constitution," and
"Problems of State Government and Administration," in intensive
form after the legislature adjourned. He was a member of the
steering committee which organized and supervised the academic
program. A native of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Dr. Jewell is a
graduate of Harvard University, where he held a four-year under-
graduate fellowship. He received an MA degree from Columbia Uni-
versity and was awarded a Ph.D by Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Jewell was editor of the book, "The Politics of Reapportion-
ment," and author of "The State Legislature: Politics and Practice,"
published in 1962 by Random House as a part of its studies in
political science. With Everett Cunningham, he co-authored the
book, "Kentucky Politics," published by the UK Press in 1968.


      A check for $3,000 has been presented to the College of Engi-
neering by the Armco Foundation to assist in the establishment of a
new program in industrial engineering. Dr. James E. Funk, associate
dean of the college, said the initial contribution was part of the
$15;000 total that would be made by the foundation over a period of
five years. Funds would be restricted to the establishment of an
industrial engineering department within the college, a discipline
concerned with the design improvement, and installation of integrated
systems of men, materials and equipment, Dr. Funk said.


      The UK Woman's Club has established the Nell Donovan Inter-
national Student Loan Fund in memory of the wife of the sixth UK
president, Herman L. Donovan, making loans available to any student--
foreign or American, graduate or undergraduate--according to Mrs.
Boyd Wheeler, chairman of the club's Student Welfare Committee. Alan
Warne, director of the International Students Office in the Student
Center, is responsible for the fund's administration. Members of the
committee hope that all professors, counselors and advisors will
inform any student coping with a financial emergency of the fund's



       Miss Lula Hale, a native of Letcher county who founded Home-
place near Ary in Perry county, has received the Sullivan Medallion
Citizen Award given by the University. Student recipients of the
Sullivan Medallion, established in honor of the late New York phi-
lanthropist, Algernon Sydney Sullivan, are Don Carlos Graeter,
Louisville, and Martha Ellen Harney, Cynthiana, both graduating
seniors. Miss Hale initiated the first Bookmobile program in Ken-
tucky, and organized a private telephone line serving 60 families
on Troublesome Creek. She established a nursing program to supple-
ment the Frontier Nursing Service and organized Homeplace Hospital
to serve her people and her region. She used the Homeplace Farm
as an agricultural center where hay, grain, and stock were developed
and demonstrated, and organized the first Vocational Training School
in that area as a supplement to the local high school. Graeter, of
102 Burnley Road, Louisville, completed his studies in the College
of Business and Economics in December and is graduating "with high
distinction." He was a member of six honor societies, serving as
president of three. He was Outstanding Greek Man in his senior year.
Miss Harney also is graduating with honors---from the School of Home
Economics. She has earned five awards for excellence in her academic
field, membership in five honor societies, five undergraduate schol-
arships, and a fellowship for graduate study. She has been active in
residence halls events, state-wide 4-H programs, and church affairs.
The medallions are awarded each year to a man and woman student and
to a non-student who best exemplify "such characteristics of heart,
mind, and conduct as demonstrate a spirit of love for and helpfulness
to others." The medallions E~re presented by the New York Southern