xt7f4q7qp134 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp134/data/mets.xml Gibson, W. (William), 1680-1750. 1755.  books b98-46-42334251 English A. Millar, : London : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses Diseases. Mr. Gibson's short practical method of cure for horses  : extracted from his New treatise on their diseases, and fitted for the pocket, with notes of reference to the original : to which is added an appendix concerning the right method of firing of horses, shoeing, ec. / by his son William Gibson. text Mr. Gibson's short practical method of cure for horses  : extracted from his New treatise on their diseases, and fitted for the pocket, with notes of reference to the original : to which is added an appendix concerning the right method of firing of horses, shoeing, ec. / by his son William Gibson. 1755 1755. 2002 true xt7f4q7qp134 section xt7f4q7qp134 


1h  orfes,





C E.

I H E Reafon of publifhing
  this Extraat, will naturally
  occur to every one who is
  any way concerned with
which is, the great Conve-

niency of having fuch a fmall Book,
that may bIe always at hand, either
on the Road, or when Horfes are at
Grafs; or in fuch a Situation or Cir-
cumftance, that it may be difficult
to confult the large Treatife; it be_.
ing well known, that very often the
Difeafes and Diftempers incident to
thofe Creatures are fo fudden, and of
that nature, that they require fpcedy
              A z           Notice,

P R E F A C e.

Notice, much of the Succefs in the
Cure depending upon it.
  It is certain, the Knowledge of a
Horfe, both as to his Nature and
Genius, and alfo the Accidents and
Diftempers to which he is liable, is
no where fo fully and learnedly dif-
cuffed, as in Mr. Gibfon's excellent
New Treatife (an Argument of which
is, the Univerfal Approbation it ha5
met with from the beft Judges, and
alfo a general Reception from the
Public) as it is a Book defigned for
the more complete Inifrudion of
Gentlemen, and all other Perfons
concerned in the Breeding and Care
of that noble and ufeful Animal, on
which fo much of the Strength and
Riches of the Nation depends. There-
fore to make it of the more general
Ufe, he has writ it in a pleafant and
familiar manner; and though, with
much Learning and Experience, yet
fo as to be eafily underftood by the
youngeft Proficients in this Study,

       P R E P A C E.
having comprifed it in as fmall a
Compafs as the Nature of a general
Treatife would bear, and-omitted no-
thing that was neceffary to be known
on that Subje&t.
   But as the Coploufnefs of that
Work may often occafion fome Trou-
ble and Lofs of Time (efpecially in
Cafes of Extremity) before the pro-
per Remedies can be met with, this
fmall Book is ifo contrived, that no-
thing is treated on but what imme-
diately relates to Practice, with the
pioft efficacious and valuable Re-
ceipts. And for the greater Eafe and
Satisfaaion of Gentlemen, proper
Notes are affixed on the Margin, ret.
ferring to the larger Treatife.
   The Ten Copper-Plates here in,
troduced, are thofe that relate to the
external Difeafes, which are curi.-
oufly defcribed, and are of great
Ufe, being drawn by the Author's
own Hand, from the living Subjeas,
and are placed, with their Explana-
                A 3           tions,

       P  R   E  F   ,   C P.
tions, where the refpective Difeares
are treated upon, without regard to
the Number or Page engraved on
them, that only relating to the large
  We think it is entirely unneciffary
to advance any thing more, with re-
fpe&t to the Utility of this Book, only
thus much, to affure the Public, that
if my Father had lived a little longer,
it was his fettled Intention to publifh
fuch a one, as knowing it to be of
univerfal Benefit.



C;O N T E N T S.


OF   Feeding and Exercife.          Page t
    '' he Method of Purging Horfes; qwith proper
      Forms of Prfcriptions, and the It"y of
      admniny/ring tbem.              y 3r
Teproper Method of adnzinjfring Drinks and Bails.
                                      P. 39
Concerning CIGlyers, and the Manner of giving t/cm.
                                     P. 4T

Of the Difeafes of Horfes, and their

C H A P.

Of the Difeafes of the Head.

CT. I. (


a an Apoplexy.     Page 47
)f the Lethargy, or Sleeping Evil.
      qf the Ep. 49
Of the E.pi/epfy.       p 52
Of the Pafyy, or Paralytic DJi'rders.
                        P 54

           C H A P.
S E C T. I. Gonvulfions from
  other principal Bowels.


the Stcmnach, and

E C T. II. Convulfions, and Staggers,
Retenfion of the Dung a;nd Alinuzt.
                 A 4            C

   P. S7
 fiJ9, a
   P 63
'H A P.


S E C T.



         C O N T E N T  
           C H A P. IM.
S E C T. I.  Of the Difeafes of the Eyes.  p. 65
S E C T. - II.  Of W   dof fhe Eyes.    p. 67
S E C T. LII.  Of Lwntic or An-Ees; and a
           + ,ta24.P. 69

           C H A P. IV.
                Of Fevers.
S E C T. I Of Simple Fevers.         p. 72
S E C T. II.  Of complicated or compound Fevers.
                                      P 75
           C H A P. V.
S E C T. I.  Of Horfes Colds, and other Difeafes,
  of the Brea/i and Glandulous Parts about the
  Head and Throat.                   p. 79
S E C T. II.  Of the Strangles and Ives.  p. 82
S E C T. 1II.  Of the Ives, or Vives.   p. 84
S EC T. IV.    Of   -Pleur (y and Peripneumony.
                                      P. 85
S E C T. V.  Of the Extenzal Pleurify, or Chef-
  Founder.                           p. 91
S E C T. VI.   Of the Cough and A/Ibma.  p. 92
S E C T. VII.- Of a Broken Jfind.        p. 98
S E C T. VIII.  Of a ConfumPtion.       p. 104
           C H A P. VI.
S E C T. L. Of the Difeafes of the Stomach. p. Io8
S E C T. II. Of a voracious Apptite, and-of foul
  Feedtrs.                          P. 10

         C H     A    P. V1.
   Of the Difeafes of the lower Belly.
SECT. I.     Of the G c;c aedGrifrs.   p. 113
S E C T. I. Of WTorrns.             p. 117
S E C T. 11.   Of   LaX. and wolfrzrng,  P. 122
S E C T. Ii'.Of   tif1r/.          P- 126
                                    SE Lr

S E C T. V. Of the Yelkws, and _aundice.
S E C T. VI. Of Ruptures and Biurfennefs.

C H A P.



of the Kidneys and Uthuiry

S E C T. I.  Of Hurts azd Strains tJ the KitbersO
                                   P1 I33
S E C T. II. Of a Supprejion of Urine, from a
  Defe& in the Kidneys.            p. 1 37
SECT. III.  Of the Strangury.      P. 139
S E C T. IV.Of fJaling Blood.      p. 140
SE C T. V.   Of a Diabetes, Or profufe Staing-
                                   p. 141

C H A P.


Of Surfeits, and other Difeafes that affeCt
      the Blood and external Pans.


0f a dry Surfeit.
Of a wet Srfeit.
Of hide-bound Horfc3"Q
Of Molten Greafe.
Of the Mange.
Of the Parcin, or tar
OAf tkthe Water Fary.

C H A P.
   Of Tumours.

CY .

P. 143
P- 145
P. 150
P. 152
P. 155
p. 153
P.  I71


SECT. I.  Of Critical Tumours.    p. is
SECT. II. Of Swelings eaUfed by Blows, Bruifes,
  and other external Accidents.        p. i76
SECT. III.     0f a Bone-Spvin.
E.planation of the Capper Plate numberedrTab XXII-
SECT. IV.   Of a Curb.             p. i.
                 [ a               E 1al r-

p. lie
p. 1.32

S E C T.
S E C T.
S E C T.
S E:C T.
S E-C T.
S E C T.

       CON TENTS.
Explanation of the Copper Plate numbered rab.
  XXIII. Fig. II.                 p. 183
SE C T. V.   Oflets and 7ardons.      p. 184
SECT. VI.   Of a Ring-Bone.       p. i85
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXIII.   ibid.
SECT. VII.   Of Splents.           p. I88
Explanation ofthePlate, Tab. XXIV.    p. 189
SECT. VIlI.    Of IJindgals, and other flatulent
  or windy Tumzurs.               p. I191
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXV.     ibid.
S E C T. IX.  Of a Blood-Spavin.      p. 194
Explanation of Fig. I. in Tab. XXII.  p. 195
S E C  X X.Of Iens.                p. I98
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXVI. Fig. I. and IL
Explanation of Tab. XXVII. marked A.  P. 200

           C H A P. Xi.
SECT. .  Of Wvounds.             p. 202
SEC T. II  Of Burns.               p. 206

        C   H   A    P.   XII.
               Of Ulcers.
S E C T. I.Of fimple Ulcers.       p. 208
SECT. IT.  Of the Glanders         p. 211
SECT. III.  Of thePoll-Evil.       p. 2I2
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXVIII.  P. 213
S E C T. IV. Of a FJlula in the hithers. p. 2I8
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXIX.    ibid.

        C H A P. XIII.
Of Lamenefs proceeding from Strains,
         and other Aocidents.
SECT. 1. Of SSrains in the Shoulder.  p. 224
S F C T  II.  Of Stains of the Knees and PaJlerns.
                                   p. 227
                                   SEC T.


III.  Of Strains in the Coffin.  p. 228
IV.  Of Strains in the Back-Sinew. ibid.
V. Of Lamenefis in the Stifie. p. 230
VI.  Of Lamenefis in the Whirl-Bone and
                              P. l2-3 1
VII.  Of Strains in the Hock.  p. 232
VIII.  Of the Sallenders and Alallenders.
                              P. 233
 C H A P. XIV.
Of the Difeafes of the Feet.

SECT. I. Of Aarrow Heels.
S E C T. II. Binding of the Hoof.
SE C T. III.   Of Sand Cracks.
S E C T. IV. Of a Quitter or Qdittor.
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXX.
S E C T. V. Of the Greafe.
S E C T. VI. Of a running 13hru/h, or Frujh.
S E C T. VII. Of a Canker in the Foot.
Explanation of the Plate, Tab. XXXI. Fig. I.

         A P P E N D I X.
The Method of Tiring Horfes.
Some Direlions concerning Gelding, Doch.kA

P. 234.
p. 235
p. 236
P. 237
p. 238
). 241
P. 242
and 111.
p. 243

p. 24;
, &c.

                                      P. 24t
Some nece/fary Cautions with regard to Shoei;ng. p. 2,4
An Alphabetical Lii of the Names of all the Drvg;
  and Ingredients, ufed in the Medicines contained iA
  the new Treati e on the Dfeaqfes of Hoifes.
An Index of Difeafes, with their Reniei.4.j

S E C T.
S E C T.
S E C T.
S E C I'.


Dircctions to the Book-binder for placing
           the Copper-Plates.

Table XXIL
Tab. XXiII.
Tab. XXIV.


Ta  4ib.


Fhr. Il.
Fig. II.
Fig. I. See the Cut,

XXJI. Fig. I. See the Cut,
XXVL. Fig.lI. and II.
XXVII. marked A.

Tab. XXX.
Tab. XXXI. Fig. I. and II.

Page I 78
183, 185
.178, 195

           E R R A T A.

Pagc Z9. 1. ro. for firong and griping, read firong
  they prove griping.
P. 42. -. iq. /or to two, read two.
P. 3.1. 24..for Anitolochia, read Ariftolochia.
-. T. 1. 7. .r Hag's Evil, read Stag's Evil.
P.  1. z2G. fr but -along, read along.
  i; f  1.7and O. for called by the Vulgar, Inflarm
  1.-.ations or the Mi\tdri c or Skirt, re'al which ijs
  ,n inflammation of the Midrif, called by the
  X'Ul r r tI(r e Skirt4


Mr. G I B S O N's

Short Pradical M E T H 0 D

             O F

Cure for liorfes,



Of Feading

HE New

eafes of

and Exercife.

I Treatice on the Dif-
Horfes is divided into

f  S i I; ; r g W I  
SSX E C i S N N g F
j v F F X f g  M
X ! a X y S S  t
S i "X::S
_Ah n i X
.'..' 4;t.;;WXj7
ot a Horfe.

three Parts.
  The Firfl containing -the ne-
ceffary Things for the Knowledge

  The Second contains a fhort Abridgment of
  The Third contains an Account of their
Maladies and Difeafes; with their Signs,
Caufes, and Method of Cure.
  Concerning which it will be proper to ob-
ferve, That the two firft Parts are already

comprifed within as

fmall a Compafs as the
B            Nature

   2             Short Melhod of Cur4a
         Nature of each Subjed will admit; and that it
         is the prefent Defigi, only to, treat of the Laft
         Part, which is the Cute of the Difeafes: And,
         as Health is the chief Intention of This, there-
         fore we fhall follow the Method of our Au-
         thor, and introduce it with fome Infiruaions
         concerning Feeding and Exercife, and the right
         Manner of adminifring Medicines.
           In regard many of the Difeafes of Horfes
         proceed from fome ill Man agement in their
         Feeding, Want of proper Exercife, or fioin
         Excrcife ill-timed, or when it is too violent,
         or livcn to Excefs: Alfo allowing too much
         Water, or too little, .or letting Horfes drink
         at improper Times.
The Signs of  Now it ought to be laid down, as a fure
Feath in a Mlaxim, that a Horfe is well and in goodplight,
Blorfe.  when he eats a moderate Allowance of Hay
         and Corn, when he drinks a moderate Quan-
         tity of Water, endures his Exercife well, with-
         cut being faint or difpirited; when his Exer-
         cife does not take him off his Stomach, but
         rather quickens his Appetite;. when his Coat
         lies fmooth, and looks wholefome; we -may
Phyfc no  conclude fuch a Horfe to be free from Sick-
waYsi' enf nefs, and therefore to give him any thing by
fary for  way of Prevention, muff, in a great meafuiv,
Hjorfes when be fuperfluous, if not hurtful.
in Hcalth.  No Horfes are better fed than our own;
-Our Proven- we have the bell Corn and Hay that is to be
der fuited to met with in any Country. Our Oats, when
theConflitu- they are well ripened, or kiln-dryd, make a
tins Hofrfes more hearty and durable Diet- than Barley,
         an  d are much more fuilted to the Confritutions
         of our own Horfes, as we find by Experience.
The QuIli-  As for Hay, that Sort is bell and moft
ties of fI3y. wholeforne, which is hard, of a pale Green,
See New  and fUlleft of the Herb and Flower, and to
Tteatii,                               loer
Ve. . P. be preferred to that which is foft, and without
i66.                                        Flavour;

       Of Feeding and Exeroife.            3
Plavour; tho' there is fome Hay which will
be good and fweet, tho' it has much loft the
Flavour. As to mow-burnt Hay, they may
eat it for a Change, but not for Conflancy,
becaufe it is apt to bind, and make fome Horfes
too coftive. It may be given to fiCk Horfes,
in fome Cafes, when they will relifh no other,
and is better than new or foft Hay, exciting
them to drink plentifully, which is always a
great Benefit, helps to dilute their Blood, and
promote the glandular Difcharges. New Hay
is never reckoned fit for any but working
Horfes; for, till Hay has fweated out its fu-
perfluous Moifture, it abounds with crude,
vifcid Juices, which are hard to digeft, and
therefore may caufe Sicknefs, or breed impu-
rities in the Blood; fo that it is not fit to be
given till the Spring, or at leafi till after Chri//-
mas, to Hoxfes that are not in hard Labour or
flrong Exercife.
  Rye-Grafs Hay is feldom given but in the Rye-Grafs
Months of AuguJi and September, except to the ay.
horned Cattle. Before A'Iichaelmas it is tolerably
hard and dry; and many feed their working
Horfes with it, mixt with dry Clover; but af-
terwards it imbibes fo much Moifture, that it
becomes unwholefome, and few Horfes that
have been ufed to good Hay care for it. As
for Clover, either green or dry, it is very fur-
feiting, unlefs it be given fparingly; though
moft Horfes have a good Relifh to it, and
when they are fuffered to eat much of it, of-
ten produces Cholics, and many fatal Difor-
ders, which the Farmers, who feed much with
it, often Experience among their own Horfes,
to their Coft.
  All kinds of Hay fhould be given as frefh
as poffible from the Stack, efpecially in wet
Seafons; for at fuch Times, even the beft,
                     B :z              will



Oatsq, their
Vt I. 1. p.

Reans, their
and Ure.

         Short Method of Cure.
will imbibe a great deal of Moiffure, and foon
turn foft and mufty in the Hay-lofts.
   Some Horfes will not feed well upon it;
and when they do, it often proves injurious
and hurtful to them. Soft Hay, of all others,
imbibes Moijiure the cafieft, and retains the
EffecEs of it the longeft, which generally turns
it rotten and unwholesome, and fo affords but
a crude, faint Nouriffiment ; and thofe Horfes
that are forced to feed upon it for want of a
better, are generally weak and faint, and in
time (rrow difeafcd, if they continue long in
the Ufe of it. When Hay is rotten and full.
of Du'11, and the Feeder can have no better,
he lhould (hake the Duft out of it as much as
poffible; for, befides that the Duff is unplea-
fant to a horfe, it is alfo very hurtful, and apt
to breed Vermin. Long Hay is more dufty
than fhort, even though it be well got, and
ihould be well (hook before it is put down in-
to the Rack. The fhort Hay is always the
beft, and generally full of Sced, and needs no
Preparation; for the Hay-feed, when fweet
and dry, will never hurt any Horfe, and,
when it falls into the Manger, they will of-
ten lick it up before they eat their Hay.
  Olats are the next thing to be confidered in
a Horfe's Diet. Oats are cleanfing and open-
ing and inwardly healing; and our Horfes fel-
dom receive any Damage from their Oats, un-
lefs they be given with too liberal a Hand,
and then they are heating., and they will eat
but little Hay: But Horfes that eat little Hay,
and many Oats, though their Flefh is gene-
rally firm, yet they feldom carry any Belly;
and if they have not a good dceal of Exercife,
are apt to fall into Fevers, or breed Surfeits.
  Beans are another Part of our Horfe's Diet,
which, however, are chiefly ufed with Bran

       Of Feeding and Exercife.             5
or Chaff, and by fome on the Road with Oats,
but they are inofly given to Coach-Horfes,
and others that are conflantly in Draught.
They afford the Urongefi Nourifhment of all
other Grain, and will enable Horfes to go
through a great deal of heavy Labour: But
in fome Seafons they breed a kind- of Vermin,
which the Farmers call the Red Bugg, and is
reckoned dangerous; and therefore, the beft
way, at fuch Times, is to have them well
dried and fplit.
  Peas, when they are hard and dry, have a Peas.
near Affinity to Beans. As for Pea-Straw, or
Pea-Ham, which Farmers give to their Cart-
Horfes, it is but a coarfe kind of Seed, and
only a piece of Frugality, becaufe they can
put it to no other Ufe. They alfo give their
Horfes a good deal of Chaff amonrg their
Oats, which is not amifs when it is fweet
and frcfh; but if it is mufty and old, it is apt
to breed Vermin; and even the beft Chaff,
when it is given in too great Quantities, to
Horfes that do not work, it makes them grow
pot-bellied; and, if long continued, will
breed foul Blood, and turn them difeafed.
  Bra.n is a ufcful Ingredient in a Horfe's Branitsufie.
Diet, and, when i'alded, is a kind of Pana-
da for fick Horfes: But nothing is worfe than
a continued Ufe of Bran, either raw or lcald-
ed, as it is apt to relax and weaken fiiorfIes
Bowels too much, and thereby expofe them
to many Evils, as Botts, &c.
  Grafs fIeens to be the mobf natural Food of Feeding at
Horfes; but the Coldnefs of our Soil and Grafs, ee.
Climate, makes it not fufficienit Nou ifliment
to ftrengthen a Horfe for hard Labour, with-
out an Addition of dry Provender. However,
moft of our fpare Horfes in the Country are
kept much at G-rafs, both to fave Charre and
                   B 3            Trouble;

   6            Short Method of Cure.
        Trouble; where, for the moft part, they do
        indifferent well, efpecially thofe that are ha-
        bituated to that kind of Living. Many Gen-
        tlemen keep their Hunters abroad all the
        Year with good Succefs, where they have a
        Stable in fome convenient dry Field, with Hay
        at all times for them to come to as they pleafe,
        and where they can fhelter themfelves from
        tile Inclemency of the Weather.    Thefe
        Horfes are feldom fick or difeafed; and as
        they move and reft themfelves at pleafure, fo
        their Limbs are always clean and dry, and,
        with a Feed or two of Corn, do their Morn-
        ing s Work, and go through a Chafe, as well,
        and frequently better than thofe that are kept
        conflantly in the Houfe, and have a great deal
        of Airing and Dreffing beftowed on them.
           Our Farmers alfo keep moft of their Horfes
        abroad in the Winter, where they take their
        Chance till the Froft and Snow comes on; or
        when the Weather happens to be very rainy,
        that the Ground grows pouchy, and then they
        fodder them in their Yards, or near their
        Houfes, fo as that they can come into the
        Stables, or under Shades, which fome build for
        the Conveniency of their Cattle.
The Proper-  That Grafs is always reckoned the beft,
ties of Grafs. which is fhort, thick, and on dry, but fer-
        tile Ground, that needs but little Manure;
        efpecially fuch as has always been made ufe of
        only as Pafture, and has little or no other
        Dunging, but what the Animals themfelves
        leave upon it; therefore moft Horfes thrive
        better on Commons, or on the Grafs that
        grows near Commons, than on Meadows that
        have been often mowed, and have had feveral
        Crops of Hay taken off them. For though
        Horfes will grow fat upon fuch Grounds when
        they have good 'Water, yet they are not apt to

       Of Feeding and Exercife.            7
hold their Flefh, nor to ftand fo well after-
wards, unlefs in dry Seafons, when they feed
altogether on the Root, on which bare Pafture-,
Hories will grow extremely fat; for the Roots
of mofi kinds of Grafs are very cAolirg and
agreeable to the Confihtution of Horn(fs, and
have more of a Diuretic Quality than the
  The Fields which lie near great Towns,
and are much dunged, cannot be fo well re-
commended either for Flay or Pafture, as thofe
that lie more in the Country, and are not lo
much forced, ncr fo much exhaufted with
heavy Crops.  WVhere Grounds arc naturally
poor, tho' the Loads of Dung will make them
yield a plentiful Crop to the Owner, yet they sTe tifew
often prove injurious to the Horfes that feedVol I p.
upon them, efpecially if they go the whole 174.
  Many Horfes are alfo injured by running at
Grafs on cold clay Grounds; but if Horfes
are turn'd out on the Clay, they ought by no
means to run late in the Year, but fhould be
taken up before the latter Rains; for unlefs
they be uncommonly hardy, they may receive
great Damage, becaufe the Water never finks
deep enough in thofe Grounds.
  The Salt Marfles, alone the River Thames, The Salt
are as good Paflure for Horfes as any about ol.jl7SP
London, where many run all the Year round 177.
in open Seafons; this is the fureft Rule to go
by. The greateft Danger is from the deep
Ditches, fome of which have their Bottoms
of a kind of Lome engendered by the Weed,
which comes into them in great Plelity at high
Water; and if a Horfe that is a Stranger to
there Grounds, happens in Leaping, or any
other Wray, to ftep into one of them, he may
run the Hazard of being loft, unlefs he be dif-
                   B 4.           covered

   8            Sbort Metbod of Cure.
        covered in -time.  Sometimes Horfes have
        been wafhed away with the Spring-Tides, by
        going too near ,the Dykes; but thefe Acci-
        dents feldom happen, not only becaufe the
        Marlh-men are always upon the watch at fuch
        times, but moff Horfes have generally fo much
        Sagacity, that themselves are foon aware of
        the Danger, and will very carefully avoid it.
           But though we hoare the greateft Variety of
        Food for our Horfes of all Kinds, both of
        Grafs and dry Meat, and in the greateft Plenty,
        yet many are but indifferent Managers in dif-
        penfing it, for want of fufficient Experience
        in fuch Matters: Though it muft be acknow-
        leged, that forne Gentlemen, who in a parti-
        cular manner take pleafure in their Horfes,
        and vifit them often in their Stables, and dired
        their Feeding and Exercife with great Skill
        and Judgment, who, it is not to be doubted,
        will give their Approbation to what our Au-
        thor has further advanced on this ulrful
Direeions  Now as to the exadt Quantity of Hay and
for Feeding Corn which is to be given to any Horfe, that
Vol th Hu cannot be certainly afcertained, but every Man
ISO.    muff ufe his Own. Difcretion, as he finds what
         the Conftitution of his Horfe will bear; for
         fome Horfes are much better Feeders than
         others, and at the fame time require more
         Food; other great Feeders muff be flinted in
         their Diet, when it only produces a bad Blood,
         and fills them full of gumours, or endangers
         their Wind. Horfes require lefs Food when
         they Rfand in the Stable, as happens Sometimes
         in bad Weather, without Exercife, or when
         Horfes have but little Exercife; and it ought
         to be a conflant Rule to feed Horfes in pro-
         portion to the Work add Service required of
         them; and therefore all Hunters, Coach-
                                             Horfes S

        Of Feeding and Exerci:e.             9
Horfes, and Horfes that are much on the
Road, or work hard in any kind of Drudgery,
ihould be well fed, otherwife it is impoflible
they can go through their Bufinefs to their
Owners Satisfadion.
   When a Horfe mangles and leaves his Hay, Horres that
and yet has no manifeft Signs of Sicknefs, that a"e their
generally happens either from his having too
much Hay given him, or too much Corn,
which kind of Management makes fome Horfes
loath their Hay; and therefore, when that is
the Cafe, his Corn fhould be abridzed; nei-
ther fhould his Allowance of Hay be aug-
mented till he recovers his Appetite, other-
wife he will by degrees fall fo far off his Sto-
mach, that he will lofe his Belly, and look
iniferably; and nothing will recover himn but
Grafs, or fome other Change of Diet.
  Young Horfes that have firong Appetites, Young
and have not done growing, fhould be in- Horfes, of
                    . , . +-,.       .        lfirong. cr.aw-
duLged more in their Feeding, than thofe that ing A1pe-
are come to their full Growth and Maturity; tites, how to
and if their Exercife be but little, fo as tobe managed
obligre their Dict to be leffened, in that Cafe
it will be convenient to lay a little fweet Straw
before them often; for a young Horfe that has
a craving Appetite, is never eafy to Rfand to
an empty Rack, but will always be in tome
-Mifchief, either entangling himfelf in his Col.
Jar, or kicking againft the Stall, or againif the
Pofts; and fome are continually nibbling the
Rack and Manger, and in the end turn Crib-
biters, which is as bad a Mifchance as can
befal a Horfe. This feldom happens but to
Horfes that Rfand idle while they are breeding
their Teeth; Working is the beft thing to pre-
vent it; but where Horfes have but little
WVork, which is often the Cafe of Troop-
Jlorfes, and foine Coach-Horfes, therefore the

   To            Short Method of Cure.
Crib-biting, beft way is to have a little frefh Straw con-
how pre- ftantly in their Racks, when they have eat up
waentd.  their Allowance of Hay; and fometimes to be
         ftrapp'd back, to keep them from this ugly
         Trick,, which at laft grows into an incurable
The Advan-  But Exercife, duly given to Horfes that are
tages of Ex- well fed, is not only the beft Means, of all
Vol. I. P. others, to prevent ill Habits, but to preferve
si9.    them in a perfedt State of Health: Though
         when Horfes grow old, their Appetites are
         more moderate, and Reft is oftentimes more
         agreeable to them than Labour. Neverthelefs,
         Exercife is, more or lefs, abfolutely neceffary
         for all Horfes, young or old.
The tight  It has been already obferved, That a Horfe's
Time aid Food ought always to be proportioned to his
Manner of
Exercife.  Exercife; but the Time and the Manner of
Vol. L. p. his Exercife is alfo to be regarded: For if a
iS3.    Horfe happens, either to be w orked at an un-
         feafbOnahle Time, or beyond his Strength, it
         will be more injurious to him than if he had
         not been work'd at all. Therefore this gene-
         ral Caution is always needful, viz. Never to
         ride a Horfe hard; or put him upon any violent
         Exercife, when he has been newly fed, and
         has had his belly-full of Meat or Water; but
         fhould be moved out at firft gently, and he will
         naturally mend his Pace as his Food and Was
         ter begins to affuage, when his Rider may
         urge him on to further Speed.
            When a Horfe is hot with Riding, or any
         other fharp laborious Exercife, he (hould be
         cooled by degrees; and therefore when a Man
         has travelled hard on a Journey, or when
         Horfes have been driven hard in a Coach or
         Chaife, it is not fufficient, after they come to
         their Baiting-Place, or End of their Day's
         Journey, to walk them about in HIand for half

       Of Feeding and Exercise.               I I
an Hour or more, which is ufually done; but ilow Horres
their Pace fhould alfo be flackened for a Mile are to be ma-
or two before they come in, and after that, tntag ind
fhould be alfo walked fome time in Hand, that on the Road.
they may cool gradually before they are Vol. 1- P
brought into the Stable, with a thin Cloth laid I84.
over each, if they have been uifed to it. This
is the fafefi Way with young Horfes that have
been kept well, and work'd but little. And
when fuch Horfes come late to the End of
their Day's Journey, or when the Weather is
fo bad that they cannot be walked about in
Hand, they fhould then be well rubbed ail
over their 3odies and Limbs, till they are quite
cool, without taking off their Harnefs and
Saddles, then they muft be cloathed.
  Another neceffary Caution for the Prefer-
vation of our Horfes, is, never to feed them
too foon after they have been heated with Ex -
ercife; nor give them Water whil c thcy are
hot; but when they travel gently, and con-
tinue feveral Hours upon the Road, and their
Mouths are parch'd and dry, they fhould be
indulged with Water at any convenient Place,
for they often fuffer for the Want of it. When
they are over-heated, it is not right to feed
them till they grow cool, and therefore, in all
fuch Cafes, they fhould have nothing at fi-ft
but clean Hay given by Handfuls, at proper
Intervals, until they are perfedfly cool, and then
they may have both their Water and Meat in
fufficicnt Quantity; only with this Caution,
That if the are to travel further the fame
Day, their eed fhould be but fmall, and at
Night a full Feed given at twice, which every
one will find by Experience the beft way to go
through their Work with Safety.
  The Method made ufe of in feeding Coach-
Horfes upon the Road, by giving them Bran

   x2            Short Method of Cure.
         with a few Beans, before their Oats, is not
         at all amifs, becaufe their Work makes them
         perfpire fo very much, that without fomething
         of this kind they would be faint, or apt to
         grow coftive in long Journeys, which would
         be injurious to them.  The Bran keeps their
         Bodies open, and the Beans is a Stay to keep
         the Bran from fcouring, which is another Ex-
         treme Horfes of weak Bowels are apt to be
         flubjea to on a Journey, and is no lefs inju-
         rious than Coftivenels; but then Care fhould
         be taken that the Bran be