xt7f4q7qp03k_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024.dao.xml Townsend, William H.,  (William Henry), 1890-1964 0.44 Cubic feet 1 box The majority of materials in the William H. Townsend papers relate to the point-shaving scandal involving several University of Kentucky basketball players and the NCAA investigation into these allegations during 1951-1952. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William H. Townsend papers Basketball Betting. Basketball players--Kentucky. College sports. Sanctions, administrative. Universities and colleges. Press statement on SEC ruling by Herman Donovan and A.D. Kirwan text Press statement on SEC ruling by Herman Donovan and A.D. Kirwan 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024/1986ua024_1/1986ua024_1_3/1986ua024_1_3_17/1986ua024_01_03_17/1986ua024_01_03_17.pdf August 11, 1952 1952 August 11, 1952 section false xt7f4q7qp03k_7 xt7f4q7qp03k C 0 P Y
We sppenred today before the Executlve Committee of the S.E.C.
and admitted such violations of Gonference rules as we have discovered
g st the Un1vere1ty of Kentucky. -For these vlolatlons we respectfully
· requested punlshnent commensurate with the offense. We told the
Gommlttee thst we were not eeeklng e whltewaeh. We promised that in
future we would see that ell rules would be observed st Kentucky, even
those whose violation ls unlverselly condoned.
The Executive Gommlttee hes seen fit to suspend our basketball
team from Conference competition for one yesr, We were impressed with
the honesty and the sincerity of the Executlve Gommittee ln their long
and exhaustlng deliberation. Nevertheless, we feel that the punlshnent
g we have received is excessive. For the vlolatlone wlth which we have
¥ been charged and whloh we have confessed, have been committed by other
  v members of the B.E.¤. 1n recent years. We polnted to speolflc lnetances
l of such violations.
E We shall accept thesterdlct of the Executlve Goanittee with as
i good grace as possible under the clrcunstencee.
{ E. L. Bonovsn, President
‘ ‘ _ ‘ University of Kentucky
[ A. D. Kirwan, Faculty
e Ghalrnan of Athletics
4 University of Kentucky

0¤%uhQP 22, 1952
H. L. Bannvau, Praamaaut  
Unxvvrzity at Innmuaky ·  
Lox1¤gt¤n, Ky.
naar Prusiémnt Bamavan:
I knew that you are !u11y aware nt the that that tha Hgtxnnnl
Hollcgxata Athlatxa A»s¤¤1nt1u¤ uhxaugh its H nhnruhxp Bam xttoo  
and Geumnxl h s hsam x vastxgstingigurtamn nlltgtd viclatxcnn ¤! 4
HGIA prxmcigxes, rulns and raguxay ann by tha ¤h&r¤r¤1ty at ‘
I•¤t¤¤t;.v   want-to thank yum nnat a1¤¤•r•1% fur t o fxan
¤¤—¤p•rat1¤uvy¤u a¤¢ ath : cttxnxals at th  }R1TUP8$$1 nf Inntueky
have iiznn tc cur tmvastmgntxng cunaxttae, m d ter ]¤¤P@gO?$¤R%1
~ aaaxn ¤¢ ta tha unnmxttna xn thntr nmtuwus tank at ev untzng
who avidsnan hutara thnx. =
It !¤11¤ tu my Lat as éhamrnnn cr tha @0¤¤¤11 and Pr•¤1d•¤t ·
or the Annaaxntxan to xnsnrn yan atwiaxally thnx the Gaunnil will  
rspwmw vn; fwlluwih; findxnga nn¢.r¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤at1c3» to th: hvth
fgggal Gonweutxnn tc ba ha; xn Wnshxngtan, H. »., ¤¤ January 9·10,
“wh¤r&¤s tha HGAA.M¤¤hor¤h1p Gsnmittau has znxsstxgasou nllugea
v1¤1at1 ¤a an thn part ¤! th: Univarnxty cf Kgntusky at
HGAA pvxnaxplan, ruin; ana vngulatzunn ana r•¥§rto¤ its
txndéggs to can Gaunwxlg ana w nruxs zi  éaans has fauna
tks vawwxty af Knntunki ts have h••¤ 1¤ v1oLnt1n¤ an tan
nuuntn, Ln that al athla as rmaaivwd pay rar pnrtxuxpntxau
1¤ ¤th1at1¤r Ln vi lntivn at a waustitutiaunl priuaapla
(&r¢1¤1• III &¤¤t1¤¤ I wi thu ¤¤ns%1t¤t1¤¤); ana (b)
athlatcs were ¢¤T$£f1l¢_&$ emigxbia rum ¤@AA avant; wh•n
Luulxgxhms an4 thu snaah xnwolv d hua kmawzadgu at the
facts whinh aaa: t n iunlxgikll, in violatian uf n
gsazinman at tht By¤Law¤ (Ar®1¤1¤ IV aaatxnn 1 at th 
y"*’ ¥·»
*Th» ¤¤u¤¤11 rnuanmcnds tn ¤h•_Aaa¤¤;xt1¤¤ »
(1) that the Buivernxty nf Kentucky be p1n¤¤d on pr¤b»t1¤¤ ter
nhs aanémmxz y¤ar·1952—53$L  
(2) that the Asseuxatian r•¤t tha m•mbart at tha Anancxntxon
to rnrrmxn from aa pntang waxh tas Huxvarsaty at K¤¤t¤¤ky in
bankttball aurxng ¤h  aaada xn guar 1952~§3; _
(3) that vhs Asgwain lan declare that the tlkms and athletes
or the Huxvaraxty at Eeuxunky ara 1¤¤11g1b1• to cnnpntn Ln
HGAA avant: dumxng wha aaaanmxn your 19$2»{3* and
(¤) that the Aaséékntivn axmunt ¤h» anna ; %¤ ravxuw the
‘ athlntins aparaticna at tha Hhxvsrsitg at Kentucky at th•
nu mnr wanting of the Gaunnil  n 1953).
§‘ ·»·.,     ·VV> » ·, ‘ M j ` I . _» , E   `»;‘   iq···¢Im_:‘·,,y»·~_·»a<¢..i,‘~.N   .·—— :1     , .,_. ~   -   .4     I·¤|~~#i     »‘·· ~ —`··»- ~·

 i 2
. 1% also tsmlm ta my x¤& tc xufavn yum that the Gaunaxl
aénptaa a r¤¤¤1ut1¤¤ urgxng all nnmbeva of an  RUAA unt tn ¤¤a»
pats Ln b skntbull with ¤h• ¤h1vnrul¤! at Kantucky from tha ¤at•
at th  nnnouunamant at the ranvxutian anti; the uaatxng cr thc
#?th Annual Gnnvuutxun in January 1953.
¤•an Kirwan nné Br. Ghnmhorla n an uunvnrnatxan with me •
few ¤v¤n1ng¤ nga r¤voa1e& Ks¤t¤¤xy*¤ lan: rar A hnakntbnll
s¤n¤¢u1• t¤1¤ your. It xs ay perwcnni bape, umn tha h¤p• at
cthar trznnaa ¤r the Bnxvarsxty at lsntucky an our Gunnnxl, that
you una your Ath1•tx¤¤ H nré wxll vnxuntavixg and an your ova
xnxtxavxvt array %¤ release mgmbarc ¢! tho HGAA fran say ¤¤mm1t·
monte they m y havn andy tn engage in basketball with Kentuakg}
this year; cr, it this cannot ba Anno, t¤n¥ yvu u111 grauxaus
ucaada so thazr requasvn ta: saab vulanaa. Qv guage tran the
present atbxtuaa of mwmbars or uur Gaunnll, I an euro that xt
wculd be ta the u ttmats grunt advantage at Ksutunky, af you
cauld ses yo¤r·wuy ¤xaar to.¢¤rry out this suggastxun.
A ccnnunxcutieu xnxarming aur manners of tha above ¤c¤»
  alusians and rnann audutxana at the Guuavxl will bs ¤n11•& tran
. aur nst1¤¤¤1 ¤ff1¤¤ 1n ¤h• naar tutur•. I nhaulé lika to vnqunat
that you wxthhala pub11c1ty rvgardin  the matters I hnv• t¤u¤¤•d
  upau xu thxs latter, until yan ruasivv that na niaatxau.
P1¤¤¤• uccnpt my kxudant porsannl raguraa.
Tsry truly yours,
/s/ H. 5. willstt
H. G. Willett,