xt7f4q7qp03k_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024.dao.xml Townsend, William H.,  (William Henry), 1890-1964 0.44 Cubic feet 1 box The majority of materials in the William H. Townsend papers relate to the point-shaving scandal involving several University of Kentucky basketball players and the NCAA investigation into these allegations during 1951-1952. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William H. Townsend papers Basketball Betting. Basketball players--Kentucky. College sports. Sanctions, administrative. Universities and colleges. Letter from Shelby Blatterman to Herman Donovan expressing disagreement with UK's handling of Bill Spivey case text Letter from Shelby Blatterman to Herman Donovan expressing disagreement with UK's handling of Bill Spivey case 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f4q7qp03k/data/1986ua024/1986ua024_1/1986ua024_1_2/1986ua024_1_2_6/1986ua024_01_02_06/1986ua024_01_02_06.pdf March 4, 1952 1952 March 4, 1952 section false xt7f4q7qp03k_1 xt7f4q7qp03k ‘ COP! GOP! OOP!
Route 1 A
Hsy'e Lick, Kentucky
Herch b, 1952
President Donovan
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
Deer Slr:
I wlsh to voloe my dlsepprovsl in the way the respon-
slble Unlverslty otrlclsls handled the Blll Splvey ease-
thnt le lt I osn believe the late eocounts ln the news-
I hope I een stste ny cease ln e somewhat more gentle-
msnly nsnner than Hr. Bplvey wss treated.
I Just psy taxes ln Kentucky end some go to the Unlvsr-
sity of Kentucky, or which I contribute, but hereafter
under protest. It the responsible University ottlclsls wleh
to nehe the hesdllnes egsln why don't they try to ssve the
texpsyer fron belng choked to death.
I wlll stete I heven't seen Kentucky plsy basketball
slnoe the l9h8 Olyaplc tryouts end I em not en elua us of
the Unlverslty of Kentucky. I sttended Washington t Les
University for two yesrs end a student was not dlsmlssed
from school unless he wss proven guilty of s vlolstlon
of the honor system.
Hr. Splvey was not proven guilty and lf he wesn't he
should have been allowed to flnlsh his Senior yesr. Probebly
hls most severest orltlcs ere the ones who cheered the loudest
et his basketball powers, and else bet on the besketbell ge es.
· elf you deprlve Mr. Splvey of his dlplome, why don't
you §et the dlplonss of Hr. Beard, Barnstable, end Groze
I don't wlsh to esy snynore then to ssy I sm thoroughly
disgusted with the wsy the responslble Unlverslty otflclele
handled the 3111 Spivey cess end lf these same oftlclels ere
responslble tor athletics st the Unlverslty, the sane Univer-
sity wlll swske sons dey and won't here eny·sthletlcs-—perlod.
Shelby W. Blstternen