xt7f1v5bgg68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bgg68/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1909-05-28  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 28, 1909 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 28, 1909 1909 1909-05-28 2020 true xt7f1v5bgg68 section xt7f1v5bgg68 ,WL _' ,‘ I L
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State University of Kentucky,

Le: cin ton,£cntu01r Hey 88, 09.

The Lecultv met at 5:50 in the pren1d>nt'o room in the
gymnasium huiLiin.g, those present bein:; Pre011.nt Patterson,
Profeeso rs Whit.e P"ttcr on,Prvcr,Aquerion,W1tners,liller
pGnCQ,110KDU4 worvo0o,w1lsoq Z embro. ,Tuttle,L unxel,ooron ier,
L fLertv Hexson, iIoopc r,)tout,flon and Jonee‘ .

Tile minutes of the meeting of Hey leth. were read and,
after a minor verbal correction, approved. The reports of
the various com ittees were then taken up in order.

Committee 1 and i had no formal reports to make. Prof.
White for the Committee upoh Calendar and Bulletins reported
that the catalog was now reedv for delivery, and explained
in some detail the rxe1u1roren.; of the postal authorities
relative to the issu:1neeof oulletine bv the Univoreitv. He
'jein urged thot Werv mewoer 0L the Lecultv when orooo>1n"
to issue 1 bulletin should confer with his committee in re
gard to it.

r Anderson for the Committee upon Diplome61nd
D11rocs etc d that his committee had had an application that
the de rec of Bachelor of Pedagogy oe con1‘erred u on Professor
culllnb oL Covington. The comr ittee had decl.ined to ac cezde
to this application, oelieving thrxt a degree of this sort
should not he conferred es en honorer v degree. The comr ittee
referred to the faculty the quee tion as to the expediency of
recommendinf Professar Collins for the honorary degree of
H.A. It was learned upon further discussion that Professor
Collins hil been recommended for this degree by Supt.Cassidv
of M13 Le YJQTLOH City Schools. It was further leirned that
theixi was little acquaintance among] ruenbers of the faculty
with the attiinmente of Professor Collins, and it was therefore
ieelied inerpedient to take action at present»

In this connection Professor Miller entered a protest
against the :ractiP cc of awarding the H. A. JBfIOG as an honorary
degree while we are at the sema tine cont‘errinw it :tor Univer—
sitv Work. Professor Hiller: entioned apilic etions that had
be eon made for Master's degrees by Professor Lewis of Berea and
or Hr.H.C.Wilson. By consent these applications were referred
to the Committee upon Diplomeaend Degrees.

The heme of Hiss Joeie Alexander was presented as a eanu
didete for the H.A. degree. Some criticism was made ot the
character Of her work, but it wrs Linilly ordered upon motion
of Professo anckenzie, seconded hv Professor Zembrod, that ,
she be recommended for the H.A. degree.

The following lists of candidates were presented by the
respective deans for the dawccco named:~

BY Professor Miller for the degree 3.S.——

Blumenthal,P.L. Sendere,H.B
Devis,H.A. Troll, IYV1

Isaacs,Edith T cher,r.1.
WHurricnymreh Wi son, B. do

Hardesty, Lizzie
Hart, Robert S»



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Akers,hary Hinesley,P.R.
fikmars,Susan Luten,l:nez
Cannon,flarry led me ,R. L.
Carroll, T. C Moore,f. Yc
Crosthweite, J18. Neblett,P.H.
Daugherty,Helen Robinsson,J R.
Ellis,C.Ba Redes,"ry
G1nss.Rhof~ stacknousc, 0.
Hannah, him Do V7.11h09, 1" "“

For the degree of h.S.-«
Taylor, Guy

neeCertgr, i.C,

For the degree of M.A.—


Alexander Josie


Professor Anderson pre ented for the degree or B. ' E.
the nmves of -1

Bennett,Clarenee SW1 npsen Mnrk0,Lc“s Thornton
Bennett,Edgnr 1tler1,ulo rt Marion
Bewley,Willerd Crawford feignbors,Jesse anIH
Browning,George Francis Orr,Thomes James
Crewfori, Andrew Jackson Parrish, Charles Swift
Eifort, Harry Earl Perrine,Emmett Bur5ess
'Jerine, Ernest England Rency,hurrey

Horine, John Sherman Reidel,Gus B.

Hudgins, Thomas F"ederick Talbott, Daniel Cline
Jablow, Charles Teylor,Newton Stout
Johns, Chmrle cs Ashley Tigert, John James
King, William Aoner Townsend, Hal Eubank
Lowry, Hiter H.Jr. White, Charles

For the degree Meche ieel Engineer—m

Lewis, L.L.
finches, 20W.

It was reported that W.A.King and D.G.Talbott had not
quite eomple tr 9d their rork and that it would require sevesa
dnve more for then to finish their theses in a satisfactory
manner. After some liscus.sion relztive to recommending these
men as candidates for the B. M. E. degree, it we.s ordered upon
motion that their names be plnc d upon the commencement pro—
nrem ni that they shouli be starre with a footnote stating
that "upon these men the le mr e vill he confe.rr ed to become
operative fret thedateof the satistaetory completion of
the eir work", thus permitting them to be eons ilered memo rs of

this yeL r's clues.

By Professor Mathews the nam,s of r.eeorve Thomas Scott
and Mr. Othe Be four Chisholm11vere preseited for the eegree
of Jeehelor of Science in Agu icnltuie. Prei‘ese or Pence celled
:ttention to some deficieneyr in the work of iIr .Chi helm
in the Dooartvont e- M. 111, and it was n5reee upon recommende—
tien oi the Dean that his name shoule be starred upon the commenee~
-mentprogram like those oi the two students in Engineering.

Professor Norweod submittee for the Je5ree of B. E.M. the
names oi —«
Hudson,W E name to be starree on commencement program.


Taylor, Liar ry g.




Minutes of the Faculty. Hey 28,09.

Preressorfielso presented for the degree or E.M. the
name of nr.hill1nm Washington Shelby,Jr.

On bchelf of the Committee on Discipline and Morals,
Professor Vsthews reported that at a recent meeting of his
Committee the editors of The Idea had been before them and
that it was learned that the editorial supervision of the
paper was extremely lax, and that both the outugoing editors
and the editor-elect had been warned that in future they
would be held personally responsible for everything that
appeared in the paper. It was further reported that arranges
ments were in progress‘for the adjustment of the disturbance
caused by our students at Transylvania Universi y in re“
moving n sign, by the erection of s new sign in its place,
the cost of which is to be charged to the deposit fund of
the student body.

For the Committee upon Commencement Exerc ses, Professor
White regorted that the auditorium had been considered as
a place for holding the commencenent exercises but that a
committee from the senior c ass had appesfied before his
committee requesting that they notgo to d Vuditorium, and it
had the‘eforc seen decided to hold the exercises in the
University chapel or in a tent. He asked for an expression
of preference on the part of the members of the faculty,
which upon being put to the vote showed a decided majority
in favor of the use of the tent for this purpose.

A discussion followed relative to the question of the
use of cops and gowns and it was agreed by all present
that cups and gowns should be generally used by the faculty
this year. The secretary was requested to send notification
to all the instructors to this effect, requesting and urging
that they comply with the regulations of the Board of Trustees
regarding this matter, and also urge that all meet at Patterson
Hall at 10:50 on Sunday morning, May 30th., in order to march
in a body to the First Baptist Church where the baccalaureate
sermon is to be delivered.

Professor Mackenzie urgedthst at the commencement
exercises in the future it would add dignity and interest
to the occasion if we should do away with the oretions of
the graduating class and have in their place addresses
from sneakersvof distinction and also devote more time to
the distribution of diplomas. No action relative to this
matter was taken.

Professor Norwood for the Committee on Student Publica—
tions reported that representatives of the college annual
had appeared before his comrittee end that Professor Rowe
had been ippointed by the committee to reed the proof as
it came from the press. Nr.Csssidy,the editor-elect of
The Idea, had also appeared before his comnitte and had
outlined his policy for next year, which included a strict
supervision of his paper in order to make certain the
elimination of all objectionel features. he had been warned
by the committee that it would b%?$t§icy to suppress the
paper un see it is improvcr.

Professor Mathews for the C mnittee upon Entertainments
NonuAthletic reported that on application had been received
for the use of the gymnasium building on Tuesday night,
mune lst., from the Philosophian Society, which had been
eranted. In considering the rules of the Bouru of Trustees
limitinq the number of dances during the year to five,
the confiittee had interpreted this regulation to refer
only to the dances given during the poriou of study and
not th the various functions of the connenceront season

after the studies of the yes were over.



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j Minutes of Waculty.Mav 38,09“
‘ 21L...

Fresiuvlt intt rson culled the tWontion of tna COT“ittGe
to the regulation of the Boari o: lvuotw~s volutW“d to the
use of cmrvi gas an” flowers in connection rith tlase ounces
at the University.

Tho co :ittee appointoj to nofinitelv outline the Juries
of tho ”0” ittoa upon fituient Publications reported through
the 31”‘L”"Q,D19E‘uttle, that they TOT? not yet ‘eady to
”erort but 'onld have a meetin” earlr in the .3xt 00113 38

It x 'L7Bd that t it? oulgr should root on commence”
moot may in tua gyrn nasium )Hll'Tn” at 921?, “mi upon
motion Wtjoc wOEbISiGT we, unanimously >301ntei marshall :or
that ooousionq

I A o 4 , _ _ _ ,
1 vno foouity tnon 11])n non to 9 o'otooK on Tuesday
‘ morning dune lsta
i / 77‘" ‘ u A,
' rooidoit of the Wniveraity;
.o,0‘“0t"r\r Oi. tJLo E1101tlt37.
41.2.1 “" fl — _.,(,.- '_ v "' a I gumm