xt7f1v5bg94b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bg94b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1973 1973 1973-02-21 2020 true xt7f1v5bg94b section xt7f1v5bg94b The



Dorm tees

Vol. LXlV No.97

Wednesday, February '21, i973

Eight pages


an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexmqton, Kentucky 40506

Board decides to charge students 5100 more for housing

It) s‘l‘liVli S“ ”’1'
\ight News I‘Iditur
.\ (ltll‘lltlttil‘_\ tee inereaseut Still) per )(‘tll‘
tur the three meal dinner plan \\ as passed
h_\ the Board ut 'l‘rustees Tuesday in its
munthh meeting
The \\'lll the
huusing lur students using the three meal
plan tu $1.174 per _\ear Similar rates lur
the hreaklast and dinner plan and the
ehuiee ut tuu meals plan were raised h_\

inerease raise priee ul

Still and $74 per )t‘tll‘

'l‘he inei‘ease \\ as passed h_\ a \ ute til H
l. \\llll Student President
seutt \Vendelsdurt heiiig the unl) 'l‘rustee
easting a nu rule un the measure

|,\|t|{\’ I’UIHAY. \ii'e president
husiness attairs. the
huusing and dining pt)ll(‘_\ is to euntinue an
inerease in the rates are
heeaus‘e ul the higher eust ul’ ll\'lll).'.

\\endelsdurt agreedu ith Furg) and said


said it present

the "ruuiii rate inei‘eas’e is iiet'essat‘} as

lung the that
huusing and dining haxe tu he sell sup

as \H' suppurt premise
put‘tiiig H
He suggested the l‘nn'ersit} take a luuk

at suhsidi/ing durni i'usts \\ itli liiiids tl‘tiltl

the general hudget ut the l'nirersit} like
sume ul its henehmark institutions (in
l'ltl-..\'II)IC\'I' tl'l'lS Siiigletai‘y said. ”It
is a lung estahhshed pulley at this in
stitutiun that the tlthilliit‘) enterprises he
sell suppurting.” hut added he saw. nu
reasun uh) the huard euuldn‘t ehange that
l-'ui‘g} said luiir ut l‘K's henehmark
institutiuns have higher durni rates and six
are lu\\er "\t e liiid that thuse institutions
suhstantiall) helim us are sushidi/ed h}
their unn ersities.“ he said
tenehmark institutions are thuse in
suri'uunding states \uth eumpaiahle si/e

and hiidget tu [K

“then eunsidernig suhsidies, tun in
stitutiuns heluu us are \\lllllll Sluu and une
|\ \Hllllll {situf‘ hurg) euntinued

'llll') \I'I\\ priees tttl‘ the hreaktast and
dinner plan and the ehuiee ut tun meals
plan ‘.\lll he $1 .u.-‘.h and SMITH. respeetn el}

ln uther nia iur aetiun the huard named
llardx lll. as the Dean ul the

tullege ul La“ and aeeepted 3“ re\ isiuiis

(ii-urge \\

in the student l‘ude 'l'lie huard alsu passed

a tinani-e l uniniittee tt“(‘lillllllt‘lltldtllill that

Election fills vacant seats

llaruld \Villuughh} and llaruld
Leggett taeed little eumpetitiun
tu \Hll tu u \ aeant Student Senate
seats in a special eleetiun held

’iuth Were the only eandidates
in their respective sehuuls to tile
tur ult‘iee

\Villuuglih}. a
edueatiuii. pulled 34 \‘utes to earn
the seat \‘aeated h_\' 'l‘pm Kendall.

_|tllll()l‘ in


reeened t\\u \\l'ltt‘ in \utes and

ahu resigned l.euna rd

lli'uee l,i\ingstuii reeen'ed une

Leggetl. a seniur in
engineering. replaees purged
Shelln 'l‘humpsun alter uhtaining
.ii \utes li‘uur \iriterin \ utes \\ ent
tu l'lnl l’atlun and une eaeh tu
(ii-urge liatluun, .liin t'uuk. (lregg
l"innel and .lei'r_\ ('rail

Engineering student
develops flying saucer

.-\ \'(‘l'tl('l(' take ull~ and landing eratt.
hetter knuvi n as a llying saueer. has heen
designed and huilt li}' a 1K ('iVil
engineering student.

Mlkt‘)’ Lee. a seniur. has huilt a uurkmg
model ill a thing saueer “.16 inches in
diameter. The model consists (it a eireular
dise like euvered air ti‘ame. a small 1 049
eu. in 1 internal eumhustiun engine. and a
three hladed prupeller

It varies in depth lrum ll\'-" inehes at the
eenter lu une~halt ineh at itsuuter edge and

is hasieall} eunstrueted ut halsa “and It
has llt)\\'ll as high as .itlu teet

'l‘he eralt \ieighs appruximatel) 12
uiinees a nd eunsutiies ahuut tun uiinees ut
tuel during a hriet flight

The eratl‘s engine is puwered h)‘ tuel
similar tn the mixture used in inudel
airplanes This is hasieall)’ eastur nil
\\ltll a nitru methane tl(l(llll\'(‘

('nnlinued an Page i. (til. it

(il‘t‘Vl‘) ties lur l'K suphumure i‘eeurd
vpage .ii Find uut it siekle eell testing is
iust the legislature‘s \\a_\ ut
diseriminating against hlaeks un page
and eunsider the ptlssllilllt} ul ahurtiun
See page

leading tu “seleetne hreeding”

t‘unsulidated lidueatiunal lteVeiiiie Builds
issued in l‘fil he retunded at the lust eall
date in urder that the l‘iiixersiu ma) sa\‘e
M T iiiilliuii

Hard} . \\ hu has direeted the Institute ul
\linei‘al l.a\\ at l.uuisiana State
I ll|\('l'slt_\ sinee tutti. “Ill assume his neu
pust un June I lie ieeened a unaniniuus
the (UH)
inittee and anuther unannnuus \ute trnm

ieeuinmendaliun lruni seareh
the Trustees

The eiitle rex isiuns taeed little diseussiun
and reeened a unanimuus \ute trum the
'lrustees .\n ad hue ad\isur} eumniittee
un Student t‘ude ltexisiuns uriginall} sent
3.”: prupused i'hanges tu Singletar} and he
lli he appruxed \uthuut
apprmed in


elialige ti\e utltet‘s he

Par excellence

and arid

amended turm and the remaining tuur he

’l he ehanges are seheduled tu take elteet
,\ug it;

l-‘tilttd 5H“ revenue hunds refunded
at the lirst eall date \Hll he replaeed with
anulher issue that \wii't he realized until
ahuut .‘uiil

'l‘he seeund set ul hunds Vt ill he issued at
.733 pereent interest in eumparisun tu a it :3
pert-ent rate issued With the tirst set

the lirsi plan passed h_\ the huard \‘His‘
e\p('t'tetl tu (‘tlllt‘t t $4 milliun and the next
resulutiun is e\pet'ted tu dra\\ eluser tu
\t’. T milliun

w. m wwgaws'xvm
M. wavy vm

M.» . ..;

Seniur plusieal edueatiun major

Sheri") (‘hapinan strikes an
artistie puse un the hanee beam
in the Seatun ('enter. (Kernel

pliutu li_\ lid (ieraldl

'l'uda_\ \\lll he a repeat ut 'l‘uesda} \Vllll
\ ariahle eluudiness. a high temperature in
the luu ttl's (‘hanees ul pi'eeipitatiun" 3n
tuda} \\ltll ltl pert-ent tunight
luu \\ illhe in llieiiiid 'Ju‘s






I s'ati‘oe.
dike W nes Editor in Chiet

Mike Yterney Managing tailor
Larry Kietkopt

Rd"? My ktii'

a an in“ Reed Day News Editor

Associate Editot Joel lam-m Avis Ed‘lul

‘y Ron M knelt Steve Swdt Night News Editors

ionn Httks Photography cuitor
charlie Dwiwison Sports Editor


Editorials represent the opinion 00 the Editorial Board not me UniverSi'V


Dorm unity: one more chance

Last week l'K's dorm presidents
were invited to a meeting to discuss
the possibility of an interdormitory
council. (tnly two ot them showed up.
with tour other people representing
four other presidents.

lt was one more good idea dead
trom apathy. .»\n interdormitory
council could have provided real input
from dorm residents into the
l'niversity‘s dorm policy.

For example. an interdormitory
council could have negotiated for a
new housing contract The present'
document offers every loophole tor
the administration while practically
none for the students.

Hr. it could have represented the
interests oi students in the dorms to
the various people dealing with the
Student ('ode l)orm representatives
were lacking in hearings betore last
semester‘s Student t‘ode Advisory
t‘ommittee .\nd some ot the
recommendations dealt directly with
dorm residents.

()i'. it could have discussed. from a
more powerful position dorm policy
directly with the Dean of Students
The individual house councils now can
matters with the Dean of
Students. but only in respect to their
own particular interests The in-
terdorm group could represent the


collective teelings ot dorm residents
on policy

The mterdorm council could also
campaign for changes in that policy
as the representative of all dormitory
This position would be it
than any particular
house council or area council could
deal from


stronger one

The mterdorm council is a badly
needed innovation for the people who
live in dorms and would like to see
changes made .\nother meeting.
scheduled this 'l‘hursday night will
give the presidents one more chance.

Tempest in a typewriter

There‘s a controversy raging on
campus which you might have missed
since there has been very little about
it in this paper. It all started last week
when we ran a story on a rather
routine meeting of the ['niversity
Senate. Part of the routine was the
naming of live recipients of this
year's honorary degrees.

The meeting was "open” with all
discussion and business on the
record.” When the issue of the
honorary degree candidates came up.
however. the names were announced
as confidential. The Senate (lid not go
into closed Executive Session or
remove any of the 200 visitors from
the room.

Later one of the Senators spied our
reporter and registered a strong
protest. He even demanded the
reporter erase his tape.

When we printed the names. the
response from the Senate was im-
mediate. We personally have
received one letter and two phone
calls. Perhaps hoping to get better
results. many more Senators have
lodged complaints with the Kernel
hoard chairman.

In addition there is also talk about
Senate resolutions to officially cen-
sure the Kernel and ban our reporters
trom further meetings,

We can‘t understand why there is so
much fuss over five names buried at

the bottom of a story and involving
nothing more earth shattering than
the awarding of honorary degrees

What we won‘t buy is any group on
campus holding an “open" meeting
and then decreeing later which
portion of the meeting is open and
which isn‘t

When any news source be it a
meeting of zoo or one individual
wishes to give “off the record”
statements. he solicits the reportm‘s

We hope they show a more en-
thusiastic response this time
agreement before hand, You don‘t

lilab your secrets and then demand
that your confidence he kept
especially in an open meeting. In a
competitive business like journalism
that‘s the way everyone operates. We
are no exception,

We‘re sorry it we blew the Senate‘s
big surprise. but we're even sorrier
that the Senate wishes to make an
issue of such a trivial matter




Dislikes writer's
poor grammar

In an article appearing recently in The
Kernel that l was reading with my usual
interest and concern for l'niversity af—
lairs. l was shocked to see that a senior in
the ['niversity could use the expression
"worser and worser". It is generally
known that in many school circles there
has been a lessening of emphasis placed
upon good grammar in the hope that freer
expression of thinking will be en
couraged up to a point. and that point IS a
place on the education ladder far below the
rank of Senior. Junior. Sophomore or
l’reshman in a respectable l'niversity

llerhert ll. Bushong
('ollege of Education








The used
deliberately in the comment. the writer
says. not inadvertentlyn
Airing a

or in ri e
p k 9 9 9

I've had a gripe I‘ve wanted to air for a
long time and Robert llester's letter of the
Feb, 14 Kernel gave me the incentive to do
it l’ai‘king would be a whole lot easier it
people would take an extra minute to do it
right I boil when I see one car taking up
the space of two. and I see it several times
a day. It when parking people would think
of the next person and pull as close as
possible to the car in front. a whole lot
more people would be able to park closer
to school instead of a go or :iii minute walk

(Editor‘s note: term was

Ly iin Fish
l’resli ma n—loology


the moon

Sickle tests
are OK, but
why blacks?

My |'\l l.\ lll(.t.l{l{S'l'\l’l“
lt|('ll Hill It “)1 Hill


lilack .\niericans have had to put up
with overt and covert racism most of their
lives .\iid now that a black conscious has
lift millions
above the pettiness of bigotry. the Ken-

emerged that promises to

tucky Legislature has gone into its
paternalistic act
The 1973 Legislature voted to make

sickle cell testing mandatory for all blacks
applying for marriage licenses and for all
newborn black children

The knowledge that one is a carrier of
sicklecell trait is certainly useful, but
program" .\nd how
does the formula for determining black

babies go" And why lust blacks anyway"

why a compulsory

IT IS’ 'l‘ltl If that 9‘.) percent of :\lllt‘l‘l('&tll
sickle cell v ictiiiis are black. but that other
one percent. an .‘iiiialgatii of "white” folks.
entitled to the
lorniation there

are useful in
the Jewish
people ot northern European ancestry who
sometimes have 'l‘ay Sacks disease.
somewhat akin to sickle cell in the way it
is inherited .v‘vnd one musn't forget the
southern Kuroix-ans. .-\Sl£tnS and North
.\tricans who pass along Mediterranean
anemia the .sainc way blacks do sickle


'l'hen are

A compulsory testing program is an
insult to all black Americans and even the
Kentucky Legislature ought to be able to
see that

Now. voluntary programs coupled with
the wide dissemination of factual lll'
tormation is matter. one that
states like (‘onnecticuL the first to pass
legislation concerning sickle—cell.



IT‘S Iltti\'l(' that after years of not»so—
benign neglect. American government
agencies have decided to do a sickle-cell
thing tine can't help suggesting that
current government vigor might have a
taint ol political profiteering

We‘ll soon know for sure The (‘ongress
has indicated a willingness to spend a lot
of money to cure sickle~cell between now
and 1973 Will Richard Nixon refuse to
spend these funds as he has so many other
appropriations" Will the President do to
the sickle cell program what he is doing to
(Hit) programs like Model t'ities. (‘omr
inunity .\('ll()ll. Legal Services and a
variety of health programs"

We hope not Ailtl we hope the Kentucky
Legislature can work its way out of the
“kindly ole massah" role of white-suited.
inuit iulep smelling prejudice.


Richard Paula

Biggerstaff write "Bad side of the
moon" weekly for The Kernel. Their
column appears every Wednesday.


Mew ‘1 :::" siesta-w '-






request. the seltishness Involved amazes 'I‘IIE KENTl'CKY KERNEI.. Wednesday. February 21. 1973—3
me. No motral has the right to kill even if

A b t. . lht‘ \'l(‘lllll H lun‘t think “"‘ himself 'I0' '40‘0'00'0'00'0' 00' 00'0'00'0"000"0e0'00e' 0'00'0'00'0'00'0'00' ‘60" '0 '0'0 ' ' ’0 H000"'0000
O r '0 n O IN n It the IhilIl wouldn t have a happvr “" 3.: 4' guys-a :9. = “E

. no.9 0320ef'mnfiwfflemoanoa0?"..10.0.0v.0.«.0.00 3.40300. .00 .0. 40.0.03“



030. 0"


homI It the law called for mandatory 1' .. 23:3

T h d killing of all people who are n t happy this g“; a“:
e roa IouIItiy would be III sad shape. ant: (mm :3qu
Recently the Supreme ('ourt had the E”; m If“:

f H '1' ? nerve to constitutionlize abortion in all in; '5}?
o I e r . I-ases where pregnancy is six months or g"; mi 3% fist If“?

.. ‘ . . ‘ _ less. Since when does a group of humans .3 3. & y ': :'

“5 P" I "H l‘ ("RTFM (“\Lh‘ have the wisdom. right. or power to place g"; :3“:

T“ “““'“ " ”“‘." “"”‘"“m: I am ””' such technical restrictions on human lit‘e‘.’ 33;: ”SPECIALIZING IN" E";
sonally led up to my sensible. sensitive The court plains six months as “the age (:81: 5":
eyes and ears with the unquestionable where life can be sustained outside the in; layer cut Hair straightening éui
controversy over abortion “rights“ which inothrss bodv." ’l‘hink ol all the premature m3: businessmen cut facials :3”?
'5 “”‘ ”"‘““’””~V heard in “’d‘U‘S “Ck babies living as uselul. happy citizens :36; Shag CUi Private Styling Booths If”?
socIe y . . fig 5 .'
I” “"5" 5"“ "“'” “‘H by ””“V I am “)(lildi‘nv sensitive opinionated thoughts are Eng: APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLt. in;
staunchly opposed to abortion. and capitol too much lor the practical-minded é"; Mon—8:306:00, Tues.—Fri.—8:30»5:30, Sat. 8:301:00 23::
punishment or murder tor that matter. Inaiorih ol kidstodav. |ustremember that 1;“; l96 Walnut Si. 252_9429 :2“:
“"' ”"”'“ provided ”1 “ student legalized abortion could very wellbe one of :21: Free parking at front door . . . . . . gjlfl
newspaper cant begin to oller a con- the iii-st stepS toward child limitations. °31:33:3°313°I:II:.I.1:.I3.:.3I.33::13.131173.:I:.I.::.:.3.:.:I.:.3=‘.-’


selective breeding. or other such immoral

"plans lor the luture.”
cmmenr And a word to all you persecuted
women‘s-lib advocates who are trying to

use abortion as a plank In the platform lor
equal rights society can‘t help it it (iod
chose woman to bear life.

In these troubled times. shades oi llitler
are becoming brighter and brighter. So
murder now. while the Supreme (‘ourt
says It‘s UK. then sit contentedly and
deservedly III llell where God. not man.


sIIlI-Iable outlet toi priession ol my
stIoiIg and many IIIII\iItIons on this
deplorable subject However. I am Irked
and must be heard

It Is absolutely ridiculous lor any person
to sanely argue tor the “privacy of the
womb" with respect to a vulnerable.

Innocent human lite Inside l truly pity a m” call the shots. ; .{H;{Hm©/O>W’O>Ey
woman who could lee justified in ter- Patricia Carter Crnle 'sa A83 1 " r‘r"
) y I. n -.


Coupon good Wed. Feb. 215t







iIIIIiatIIig a human lite because "It‘s her
body " liyen III cases where Irrespon-
sibility Is not the basis behind an abortion

xlxxxlxxlxxn :

Libraries face growing pains















5) 'l‘lHl \IUUHI‘I iiscal year 1972 lloweyer. due to stall shortages
Kernel Slat“ “l'ilt‘t' l"oI'th said due to a rise In the library can‘t process the We also have a complete menu Of a” your
The l'III\eI'sIt_\'s lIliI‘aI‘Ic.s .‘Il‘t’ enrollment, the number of materialtomake the it available. favorite foods. Steaks, chops, sandwiches,
not growing as last as the taI-ulty members and an Im- he said anything you want!
colleges. here proyedacademicprogram.there l’orth pointed out that two

\ report prepared tor the has been a It}: SI percent Increase librarians have been hired since

l niyersity senate’s library III library use over the tour year the study were made k‘ P k W
I-oInIIIIttI-I- shows that although period He said the student body The report compares the er I": ahca 6 case

I'\t*l'_\ college has added lull time and the laculty haven‘t outgrown library with other research





laculty members. the library has the library but they are catching libraries on both a national and 729 50- Limestone

had no new library positions up regional basis. Kentucky's

llllt‘tl other than t'lcl‘lt'zll during Hook prices have Increased by library system has improved its

the periods covered In the report. 5;; per cent but book l'llnds haven't position in most areas. Forth W‘“ I T” 7‘ 4.
The report. given by Dr Stuart been Increased to keep up with called this a “big plus" because 9 If.
l-‘oi'lh. director ol libraries. needs. said li‘orth However. the the other institutions are having 0

I-IIIIIpares lIscal year ltttitl with library still has the resources. the same problem [K is


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Summer School after: July 2- -August ‘
11 anthropology, art education
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femment language and literature.

Tultlon 3165; board and room 8211.





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Specttic styles for your kind of action . . . all ItalIan
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lr—'I‘III{ KI‘IN'l‘l't‘KY KENNEL. Wednesday Fehruar) 2|. HITS:


15“ drafts

with any


"old .Sit'iliun ruripc"
Carry out pizza and beer.

Plantation Resturant

l03 W Maxwell

(corner of Maxwell 8. Lime) Otter good til Feb‘ 28





To all salad eaters


Cliff Hagan's Steaks is


now featuring an unlimited


gourmet salad bar.


Go stuff yourself!


You deserve it.

Also featuring:


Rib-eye steaks
Mixed Drinks

Home-baked bread




\.. ,.‘ rill/1’ ’3', o FUSQ'




Trying to form FM station
Free Media to apply for license

It) \ \\('\' I),\l.\’
Kt‘l'llt‘I SluI'I “rilt-r
I’l'i-i- \lmlul, lln- group at
lvmplmg lo >(‘l up :1 minimum}
I’M station. \ull
upph In IIH‘ I"(‘(I(‘I‘;ll
muuuulmus (‘umnussmn lur an



nu uml

npi‘rululg Iu‘cnsv

"ll .w'rv lurky \w nughl gi-l nu
llw gur m-xt lull.” Slmv
Iluuilvr at a tum-tum lust uight (ll
llw Student (‘vnlI-r “ll all
depends on llu- \‘(Igui‘ws ill the
I“(‘(' and tho huri-ulu'rur} ”


l-‘ltlilf \lI-Tlll \ “as churn-red
Inst .Ium- us .1 mm prulil cur
purulmn I») the slate (ll Kt‘ll


Here Now A Marine
representative WIII answer
your questions about the
Corps and describe Marine
programs and opportunities
in detail


The Marines are looking tor
a few good men








lurk} Muu- llu-u ('II()I'I.\
Imu' llu-
smlm \'\IIIII.III'II as m-n-ssur} In
.lMlh lnr lllt‘ lu'i'nw I’lmlgvs :uul
lnlk llwu~ mum
\uuru' «ll uu'nuu'

,\ luml raising ruuu'rl “III In-
III‘III I'illld}. I“l‘Il L’II (ll IIJII p m
III IIIIUIII 13m; ul llw SlutIt-nl
(‘i-nti'r Iflllk pvrluruu‘rs 'I‘i‘rvsu
“Intakvr. and
Jr“ (inunrv \\ III In- lvulun-il ;\ .30
“ill lw

('(‘Illl‘l't'll nu

vullu'l'h .ll‘t‘

(Kilt-I'll} .quvs,

rvul admission Im-

(lun' I'rm- .\IHII;1 upplu-s lur
llu- lu'vnw. .1 mnslrurlmu pvruul
\nll Iw ul‘uulwl Ml llw} run Iwglu
In Illlll(l llu'xlutmu ll\(‘ll Iluiiilm‘.
vugunwrmu umrilumlnr lnr llu-
uruup. lvulalnvl} pmim‘ls .‘l
l.lltll 3.4lllll\\.lll \Iulmn llml \UIIIIII
(”\(‘I'ilI\\1H)I‘lIII't‘t'I‘HIIIII} arm

(”IT \I \I\(i 'I ”If III‘I‘II\(‘

mulil lukv lrmn I; ll months and
IlquIi-r lm-Is II shouldn‘t Iw hm
IIIlH‘II HI :1 pl‘ulilmu lnr IIH‘ I“(‘(‘ to
grant ll “'I'Iu-rv's pli-ul} nl rimul

lur nuullu‘r slulmu Iwrv." lu-

.\I4‘\(' kn). programming
runnllunlur. prnpnsvd u uu'vluig
llw group
Ill-ginning In Mun-h

rum-tings uri- .\(‘II('(IIIII‘(I lur IIH‘

prm'mlurt' \\I1H'Il


lu'sl and llurd 'I‘uvsduy ul ('\'1‘|‘}
month on llu- ground IIINII' ul III
IIH‘ Sluilvnl ('vulvr

I‘II't‘Q‘ \Imllu lIt-pvuilsi'uIIrt-I} uu

\Hllllllt't'l‘\ m run llwu'
Ilpt‘l'illltlll\ l‘nm‘illuulurs uri-
ll('f«lull.lll‘ll \\II¢‘I'I'\('I' .l um-(I

('\l.\l,\ II‘>I(I(‘> Ilumli-r and Kn}

arr Mark Hurslu-rr). lrt-usurt-ifi

Itun \M'mlwrg. publicity and
lil'I'JIll (nun I‘t't'tll'll\ «our

Student builds saucer

(unliuuo-il Irmu I'ugi- l

"I'In- ri-m'unu ul [qu inr Imuu-

prupcllnr mum-s lln- ('IIIII'I' lrunw

lul'quv i‘xvrlml I»).

In rululi- .il .l xix-ml nl ulmul l3ll

rpiu's. ' I.H' \illll "'I‘lus rululmn
('l't'.‘llt'.\ L‘Ulmvupu‘ i'ullll'nl H
“In lllghl llu'

mun/in;1 \lnlnlll} and looks and

sounds \i-r} much IIIU‘ “Ila! HIH‘

\UlIIItI Min-r! ul .‘1 prmvrlnnl

“llwm \uuu’r.” Im- sluil

'I'Iu- llupkulw mull} uuln v mlrl
lln- mmlvl 1~ Ilmm mllmul will
uwlmn In llu- Lil'llllllll. .IIHI \\ lulu ll
runsnul ul luvl ll \ull Iluul mlwl}

InH'k‘ In mil‘lll





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'I‘Iu‘ (Ii-sign ul Imus IIIIHII'I l.\
luiswl on .I (Il'lll‘ll‘ III lhv HIT: l,\.\ll(‘
ul .\un-ru-uu \u‘mul Aux-mil
\Imlvli-r Iii-(Vs prulm‘l Is _|U.\l Hm-
ul umu} llml \HII In- on (Inpul)
Suturilu} lwlw-on 10qu .‘Hlll .T
p III .1! llu- I‘lllflllll‘t'l‘lllg Building
nurlnu llu- I'Inuuu-i-rmu ('nllvgv's
npt'll Imus:-

I'Iu- (IISIII(1_\.\ \HII rvpri-svnl {III
lle‘l(l,\ nl I-Imginm-rml,l mlh lumls
lnr lllt‘ pron-Ms .illm'ulml ll} lhv
IiiuJIm-vrumI Ili-pnrlmrnl ‘1:in
isrm-x nl \gu‘mus .‘iumunls \\III In-