xt7f1v5bg925 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bg925/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1971 1971 1971-12-10 2020 true xt7f1v5bg925 section xt7f1v5bg925 ' ‘Show of the semester’ '. Q _
——‘——_——————— . - . ."
S t t d 'd nge lstd h  
BY LINCOLN R- LEWIS, JR- clarity and the effect the amendment would have “the exact number (oi General Studies arcasi to be l
Assistant Managing Editor on some colleges’ accreditation have been raised. determined by each college," [i ..
University Senate’s “Show of the Semester", as The question of clarity centered on whether the lhe second amendment also adds .i siatctticnt 'i‘ ‘ .
it has been called by some senators, will feature individual college or the student determined the that rules can be waived only in a case or .i A;
debate and some kind of action on the proposed number of General Studies areas to be taken. college‘s accreditation requirements . _ ',
change of the General Studies requirements .:;;;;:::;:3:;E;.:;s_:;;523:....55.;25, =23-:::,::_-;_:rs-,;,.-...-5,,3, __:... ; y ‘7
Monday. The University Senate meeting, scheduled for 3 Amendment approved . L'
The amendment of the University Senate rules, pm. Monday, has been moved to Room 106 in the ‘ lhe aiiic*iitinient was approved In Li ht‘u‘k'd
submitted by Student Government Pregident Scott Classroom Building from the Student Center session oi the Senate (ouricil Thursday by a vote '3
T. Wendelsdorf, would limit colleges to requiring Theatre. 0‘ 5 l0 4» .' i... .
no more than five of the eight areas of General .331333335.33.5533. . . _ . . . . .3 . Dr. Michael Adelstein oi the l riglisli Department . _ .
' « .. . . a , "v q . ‘ ‘ g _ _ . cast one of the dissenting \iilcs. .-\delstein said he
sSttltgiéflstund have the alone 0‘ tht h e to the “Accregttationl‘oi the $01138“ 0’ l;ng1neer1ng. did not approve of the manner in which the vi"; ,_
. . ‘ propose ru ‘5 L hing“ “It should have come up through the faculty in .' 6’. 5.
Since the proposal was circulated to the senators Wendelsdorf has prepared an amendment to the each academic unit.” he mid. ‘ ' ,- i. I]
by the Senate Councrl Dec. 3, objections to its original amendment which adds the statement. Heavy resistance to 1m aniendirient WAS ._
originally expected ironi the language ‘2'."
departments, although it has not materialized yet. : g‘
Dr. John Keller. chairman of the department of f ‘ ’;‘ 3,:
Spanish and Italian. said. “I agree in principle With a: :37"
the idea that all general studies components be ’,."3 'I:‘-‘
treated equally." Keller said he ielt some guidance ’~,.-‘, ‘ j“;
. toward areas should be given by the academic ii _ 3- , ‘.
units. . ‘i‘ “,3 3, in
Negative reaction to the proposed amendment \ L '; ‘i'.'.‘_~.
has been voiced in every department and college, "Tc-"‘5‘ ,.
Many senators. when contacted by phone . 1., Cf .. .‘
Thursday. said they had not arrived at a decision :"1‘ .’ ‘f ~.
and would wait to hear the debate in the meeting. § ‘2“? 1‘ _,
Dr. Sheldon Rovin. chairman oi the Senate “ 3""? ~"‘ ‘
Council, said he Voted to approve the amendment "3‘
in the ('ouncil‘s meeting. although he telt it is not
the most correct way to deal with the problem .. '
Continued on Page ‘3. (‘ol. 1 i. 1i
‘s '.
\ . -’.
an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky A&S reduces 553‘;
Friday, Dec. 10‘ 1971 LEXINGTON. KENTL'CKY 10506 Vol. LXI”. \m ti!) 6.3:}
——————-——_——_—__—__—__ 1
O " ‘.--
Youth power requlrements ,
. O 0 1 .3.
t d t t l l t By LINCOLN R. LEWIS. JR. Dr. Sheldon iii-Km. \cnah
S u e n 0 101/ n egls a u re Assistant Managing Editor ('ouncil cl‘idli'ilicifs ~.::d l); 3."
Arts and St‘lt’l‘lk'k’g graduutlmn HUI Sullbl‘lk‘kl \\lil‘i lllt' ‘ii‘\\.'c‘i'..'?_;' “
‘ By RACHAEL KAMUF . on himself. he said, “I go with the issues. As requirement was l'Ccllict'tl to, 1330 oi‘tipi rcqiiiireilidhiiurs to l‘Zi‘t‘ ‘3
- - - . w , . . ‘ " hours by the Senate (ouncil \.\ 5 Wilt “k rUtUJk I—‘r-
Assnstant Managmg Editor ‘h‘ 155mg change. ‘ change. Thursdav‘ nirht hours or 138 hours or his .1 ,
Raymond Overstreet is 28 years Oldi a Abortion law outmoded ‘ ‘ E ‘ hours'.W he said. “On what l‘;i\l~v ;
third year law student at UK and a He views Kentucky’s abortion law as The (‘ouncil acted on a do we (nude [mi iiuriiber‘.’" ‘_
soon-to-be member of the Kentucky General “antiquated and outmoded” but he does not motion from the (‘ollege of Arts Roviri said he {€015 5mm...“ r .
Assembly. “necessarily favor the liberalized structure of and Sciences i-‘at alt} (ouncil to should be evaluated on on.” , 3 .3
Overstreet, who will represent the 52nd other states". reduce the number of hours ability to gather information. ‘.‘
legislative district in Adair. Casey and “We will not have reform (abortion) in the required for a baccalaureate ”in. problems and IN. the 5 ',
Cumberland counties next month, ran legislature." he predicted. “It will come degree. knowledge they haw gained a
unopposed in last month’s general election. through the courts.“ This change affects only 1-31th mm on thc number
In the May Republican primary. Overstreet said he is aware his stand on students enrolled iii the (.‘ollcgc ”um hours they have taken ,', .v‘
J Overstreet ran against incumbent lliraini abortion “could kill him” in his rural of Arts and Sciences. The number- or litittix rt'iiill‘kti ‘If. ..
Block without the support of the district. Senate ('ouiicil accepted the {.q- A tit-gm;museum.p...-\i...;i;;.1 = _ _
Republican party. “i was financed by He also said he's “going to be pushing change with a Vote oi seven in \liic‘t‘ the Rest-rt..- (Hitter '; _’ _‘
contributions ranging from “5.25 to $50 from election reform" when the issue comes one. The dissciiting 'iotc was cast [mining Corps program is as :_' 1. if"
my WPPOTIL‘tS.“ he said. before the legislature. by Dr. Staley l‘. _-\dams. dropped as a requirement an ,'.-. -_. , 3"} ’
Although h C ‘11 PIN)“ Cd the Favoriiig students Voting where they chairman oi thc Department or tun—t. r ‘- ,"‘- =
Finberton—Hosi gubernatorial tit‘kk‘t- attend school. the thinks the nine months (‘ivil l'iiginccring, ":z» ' ‘ ‘
Overstreet said he does ilitl‘lllll‘tlxi he would school year meets the residency Adams Obl‘CCtS . 4.4‘ i - '9 .
haVc had the support oi iormci governor requirement. NW“ \M I“) ”MUM“! m ”W \U [\t’l'lu’l ”urn/II) 3 ._
. Lit}; Etic‘l‘ii‘i‘izla liberal or conservative label . SUPPOHS student vote reduction of hours required ior The Kernel will not come out ._“. .
‘ Overstrcet said he would support a student graduation because there “‘1‘ ”(,3 Monday. The pm kernel for ”H. : ‘
vote on the Board of Trustees and he would ley good {Wm M) decrease semester will be published ‘1‘".

. votc against the governor chairing the Board Arts and Stun.“ h establishing Tuesday. Dec. l4. -
Let/(718 refuses Continued on Page ‘2. (‘01. I; a pattern for other scliooix,"
Law dean post .-~ 5. . ,_

is a -. is) , .3 3 $ 3 ." I -!

By JANE BROWN 7' . "g” . .- ;‘t ,0 2- Ti ‘ . ..

Managing Editor W ‘E g " «5“- i x i' ‘1‘ ; .“.
. The newly appointed dean of the UK »~-M: 3 (in . f ' § % ., ‘. '3
College of Law has decided not to accept the up ":8“ w . t 3; - « ’ ‘ .‘
position. The news has engendered reactions ,. “ m .,_._ .. l, 1 vPa' * _ my ,1“ if. i . -
of extreme disappointment from most Law ...... _ - ., .. "7 Q ’ x i " g ‘r j “’ . l, . 3g. .‘
School faculty and administrators. who must a. «a k M ‘ ‘ $31.4 , ‘ . . ‘3 ” ‘ ~ “ 3 ~ . .
now reactivate their search tor a new dean. g . up" :m / 3f» xii-i3 {3* -; . 3 1, .. .3
Dr. Thomas P. Lewis. currently professor ‘1‘" ‘ ‘ra ‘ ‘ .4 ‘3‘“ ~ ' 3 J; , _ .‘ ‘
of law at the University of Minnesota. was 3-4 ._ 2:” ”3’ .. . ~55" W . 1 ‘ - " . ' . .
appointed UK law dean by the Board of 9..., 1 . 1 «9;» ‘3 z ‘ J: .T“ . " -.
Trustees at their September meeting. He was . '1 . .x‘” " ‘3 " -.\‘“ ' ‘3 . “9.3:... . . .‘ __ '
to replace Dean W. L. Matthews. who had a, v. “3' ,.__.. . _ , RV? 3 v If“ ; ,. . . ‘ f -_ ‘1 \.
requested he be relieved of his duties. 1 .. wru- --~._ .- ‘ ”s x' 3;“; fig a.i‘-"$ _Ii‘§v ‘ '3' j .
Dr. Lewis was expected to begin his role -.- 1“ -' -' ~ ‘_ a: ,- ‘fsjgw ‘. .‘ 3 .
as dean “no later than July 1. W72.“ r " (2’ r i ’. .“i‘i‘ ‘ . 4g}: . ' i » ‘. '
according to the Trustee s minutes. He : ”3;", ’3' 3w 9.4: 5 . ‘gx% .3: , . i . .3
notified President Otis Singletary a few days w ‘ 5- 11,... .3 ,--~ w. -' 3 g r’ x “Mm , ‘_. 3. ‘
ago he had decided not to assume the . ‘ ‘ 'ffi’» w _ y “Eng?” .3. . . 3
: Dr. Lewis. a UK alumnus and former UK M .. . l.. y i? . ‘ C .. , .. ”‘w‘ * .- . ‘ .
professor of law, said during a telephone E ._ 3 r "’ s. . 3%,, 2x '. ._
interview Thursday nighi his reasons for r v ’ ll ~~ L.‘ . . _ 3 . - ._-
changing his mind were quite simple. “ljust .fi .- _ . i ' w 3 z. -0 .5336)? I 6%,: .‘ . .
decided that i didn‘t really want to be a We h... ‘ “s. ska-3. 3. * _ ‘ -
dean." . ~- ‘ ' «. ‘..~- . x '. - »
He said he plans [0 remain at the The freak show, on display at the Student Center Art Gallery, was closed Thursday ‘. ‘ .
University of Minnesota and probably will Freak shout, morning by the fire marshal]. Shown left to right are the “creators“: Emmy Reeves. Bob . :“
Continued on M 2, Col. 2 Morgan and Marian Winsryg. (Staff photo by Ken Weaver). 3 ‘ _ - -

 l I " '4 .
23— Tlll’. kl‘.\'l‘l‘( KY klil{\l~‘.l,. l‘iitl.t\. l)t-t. I11. l!17| ‘
‘ S t t d 'd l t d h w ‘
. , (‘ontinued {mm Page 1 ()nt Proposal ll.l\ .llicad) been on the Senate . dl‘i‘l‘llll ll >14”de “”"mmu‘ 0” ROH‘ ‘0 .,
- ' "There have been loo liial‘l} studies with no ”001‘ ‘l h“ proposal. “lbmi‘lcd . h" . the ““15“ “ti ““1105 {dug ‘l‘rI“C:I“‘I"~ “1‘ ”HESS: ' ‘
results.“ RoVin said. “It nothing else. this could Lllls“{‘£f~'ltltilltllt‘ I IStIlIdeliIt I{\dvlsm‘) (01111111HL‘C ““15“ and ‘1 R0“ “““‘ an WU ”on- ' [’1'
_. , , . , ,. . -~ ,‘ .3 ‘i. was ta i et at tic .iay l0 W70 meeting Stu eiits. '
. prttipilatt some posltm action. ( 3 - .3 3 . . .
. . to the November meeting. . each £0“?th 1“ determine Wh‘d‘ RO]( ' U
I - I Rovin served on an L'ndergraduate Advisory . . courses and credits will count toward degree obta
Council committee which studied the (ieneral SUbSIW‘e for USAC "10310" requirements of that college. next
«_ . Studies Component two I\ears age. No action was A new proposal from the Faculty Council of the The USAC motion proposes to set up a I com
. ' taken on the committee‘s report. College of Arts and Sciences will be considered as committee to study the “Proper role {or ROTC at Tl
I‘ . I . 3 M . I I I a substitute for the USAC motion. UK." The committee would consist of one , estal
II I . .. {ICImd‘IiY S StninIte meeting W1” k‘Un-fi‘ldt’f 011 d The Arts and Sciences Faculty Council‘s motion administrator. one administrator from ROTC, - com
. I I- . , ' SIMUSSIOH only b11315 tonproposals concerning proposes to: three faculty members and three students. heal
. . . ,I 'I tUl: 5‘3“” 0f the Reserve Officer Training (OU‘S ill 0 redesignate the ROTC departments as The Arts and Sciences Faculty Council proposal l. Ultl
' . . ' .','I - - programs within the College of Arts and Sciences. won support from the Senate Council. ' . med
. I. 3 . , cent
. . ‘. I . , . but
. . . O O r
' ~- 3 Lewrs refuses dean of Law 12031th
. . Kg , , ~. J0
- 4’ (‘ontinued from Page 1 embarrassment“ for the Law as popular a Job as it used to professor. commented, “My maj
.. . . - _ In; k bb , 11 school. be." initial reaction was one of the
3 . ' F , ‘ '. . ta A d M fulfil) [sznfbrlgtofiffli Express concern Cochran said Lew1s 5 reasons disappointment. I thought Tom - 1nd
I , I I , ccoiuuig ‘ ‘ .- - u 3 3 " (Lewis was the best person we ‘ ‘
- ' ' ' ' . - l. 1 Law School faculty. Lewis had Others express concern about for dedlmng we” WSOW‘ , 121 ,t d . U’“
- . - . . . . .- '1' . f ~ and LeWis had not been anx10us c o u g e un er the . but
7 3 . ' been approached by the search thL PObhlbl 1') 0 SLLUl’lllg . 3 . , .3 u .
. , I -I . . . ' . . , ~ . ‘d* 21. 3 .1 to be dean but Since Kentucky circumstances. sing
, ., ' . 9 66 6 O committee earlier in their search someont With m “ms! 3 “ll“1 , ’ . .. . . . ~ ‘h , , .
., . . . . . . , . 3. was ‘ home territory had at According to C09 ran, CV6“ h
=. . 3 and had declined their 10 ”1051» m LCWIS- 3 . , ,3 ., ..
. l ' . . 3 H‘ .. . "d d V" , . . least at one point. made an though they need not act on 501),
, . -. . 9 9 0 09° nominaItion. I t wasI tIonsi trItII II iIctI lrtSlIdtnt for Academic exception. resignations. the Board of . advi
. I ’. 3 again. iIIinutr. ant rom tIiIisI Affairs. Lew1sIIC othran. praised Dr (‘arr'tt Fli ‘k'n *r )ne of Trustees will be notified at their _ and
, I . I (33 t pornt is dppOll‘ltanI was Lers. saying lie is :i very able - ’ k I “I 1 g“ ~ (I . next meeting. Tuesday. Dec, 14_ in
. .- I- , I completed. man and ot the first rank of the members 01 “‘8 orianal The search committee will be alr
.- I».I . . -I . .3, I .I . I 3 1. .. .1 . ‘ HI i I ' C
. . I. PRIVATE BANQUET ROOM .. To ”(mi hf.“ most ““m potential Ll“ SLhOOl dtdn 59“”1 “)mml‘u} “Id “l‘ reactivated by next week. He are
‘ 3 , re 'd ““510” ’5 doubly Cd’ldldatt‘S.” Cochran Siild llk‘ faculty had received cryptic said he thought it Possible a new ' l
.I' T V 3.‘ Reservation — 233-1511 U” 1‘0”“!th 01” Pmlcw” hOPCd the search committee “Um“ Of ‘“° Chung" 1‘“ plum“ dean will have been: chosen in .13
’ ' =. .. . ., n 1‘ 3. . .- ,. . .. II I li‘ .u .,. L I ell
- . '7 . ”9 South Limestone renldrlttd: It I“ [I‘m ”r lhdl ll“ Would ht able to lllld sonitont b‘” L “0 Id ”0‘ SPLLUJIR ‘18}? time to assume {CSPOnSlhlllties
. ,, . . schools functioning should be of equal 93“me but expressed the T038011 behind LCWISS byJulx ~73 *
. II.I impaired byI someone with no some reservations about the dIeC’S‘O” “m“ he ”‘W‘Wd further Acting Dean of the College of 'k
' ' _ I I‘ } '-') My”; more commitment than lI.c\\'is fulfillment of that goal. word. Law. Matthews was unavailable ’ and
‘. I . I , , . I. ‘f K M”, 3.. has I shown. The protessor According to Cochran. “It‘s not Dr. Robert Scdler. law for comment. be
. . . . continued. that alter the public UNd
. , use {he announcement of Lewis’s proI
. ‘II' '. .‘ I I w appointment. his refusal will it.
, , , . aw stu ent e ecte s
II I I pro
I ,I . I I I DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE ARTS AUDITIONS Continued from IPage II had no doubts of wendelsaorf’g While he was completing his :12“
. , I~ . .v _ ‘ I I On the questlon 01 Student ability to head the committee. undergraduate work at Berca ,
II I. ’ -II Jules Falffer 5 Government President Scott However. he said there needs College. Overstreet was active in Y?
; . I: . LITTLE MURDERS Wendelsdorf servmg as chairman to be someone else as strong to Republican politics and thinks :, (
in; .I 1 of the UniverSity Code show the other side. “Scott by there is a place for students in ."f
. I ‘ I ’ Directed by Raymond Smith Committee. Overstreet 531d he virtue of his personality can partisan POIitiCS. 5 ”‘ '
;I, . II .. I -. , RE dominate the committee.“ he Backed Nutter
j - ‘ Sunday, Dec. 12 1:00 pm. in Lab Theatre 593/5 — 5318- 'd h f II He supported Col. Ray Nutter
. , II ,. :‘I . . ‘ verstreet sai e ran ort e . - , ~ ,3
3. I. ' ' Monday, Dec. 13 7:30 pm. in Gmgnol Theatre our Spring 16 datum beam. he want. ,0 Who ”5‘9“" “‘5 “va , _
> : -. .'.‘ Textbooks NOW, glk l" ‘ i't’ ., d‘“ c o m m i s s l o n to r u n Sci
’I ..~ ' I f ', " I Please read play. Audition material from LITTLE MURDERS I ma L pfdlItKSIIInyl I II LI ‘ “11?. t0 unSUCCCSSfUlly for the Sleh 415
. TI 7. '. - I: w”, be available. WALLACE S BOOk Store prove O U ”SP L d“ w1 mg ‘0 district Congressional race left l in
. -I '; . I. . ,I' II 3W6?“ cliange. Vacant by the death of John l for
n . I. . .I,‘ g Waits. I
I III 3 I - - - - - 1;" -I\ I» 3-: - f ‘ . . . Overstreet does not know on 5‘ Ru
‘ ‘ . . ' .- . .’-'-'> ‘ w. tor . . F
.' I. I II III -. I - ,I_--III I'-=-;- .. ‘ ~» ‘ which committee he will some col
. ' . I. ‘ . ,- .' ‘ . (I) ”$113511. 5‘. "2 I ‘ . .3 I ., . I
’ : ' .‘ ~ . .‘ VIZ}: fig: (Afr Iggy av») 1/. 38; but Wlll lind out this weekend oi
. .~ ’ . . .' ~; 'sp’yf‘ \‘ ' ‘- , ..t , a"? ‘>>' :2:~ " :::;:.-. \\ l1 ‘ l‘ he '1 1 ten d s l h .3 l
.,I ""33 I . , I I . I‘\VZ’:/ §‘(/; 34 3". . 1'5. : ’3“ I I n L l I t 3 A
-. -. I _-. ; I .. . j if: . ., \ ‘ ., 3,5; - x , 3 . -._ ‘ tire—it‘gislatlx“ ‘lmH‘l‘llOIl a? cor
- ‘ ~ ‘\ gif"? S‘x F3}? 1'; ‘T\ "‘i he '~ ‘5 ww‘ l ‘ K“’l"ljh\ nu‘u \tllwt ‘
. .' 3 “ '. / 3. //- “\ 5 l\ -~\ ‘ A x 3% 33”" v“.- 2 ‘ l ' ‘ ‘ LL '
~ - ‘ 3 /" ' / / \\ x v « t3; 2.3.2.:zsrsséaagg..:;::=a 3 333,33 ._: " . Democrats lumen
~ 2 1 -' ~. ".1' " ,' , /I . ‘\ ’ ’z'ifffféz’l“ 33:2. - \r’ 3 vi , l 3 [1- 3 . 4.
», ' , . - ., . x l, \ .V \ - 3 3:53 ~-f:.. .;:.:s' 5 “ W”?! ‘L ‘ "“"Lr“““ 5““P
l‘ H: ‘ / “HHHHH’P ‘IH‘ l/‘IHHHHHHHHH )HH‘ I' ill \ I” i. “I‘llr >5 "X “15533:." ‘5 [slid-I- I' 55:: g in the pledcral election not as “a
.- '. ‘ j . ‘ ‘ 3 'r/ff-‘Tfll' \\\ - 3 ‘ 3/21 ‘,’ V , / 3‘5 ‘ 335.15". ‘ .5 administration,“ Overstreet mid.
v .. w . 3' * v: .33; X3 . WWW Out for Jobs who gm
. ~. - J -- SCANDIAN 150. BRADCLIFF 275. CAROLINE 200. “3 ‘ ' , éét "f?-‘%:'=." ~ out and hustled: as opposed to
' - . . ' 3:3. '2 --“-*-:;K i; 5:: ; ..I " t . . 3.
I,. .I , Wedding Ring Wedding Ring 67,50 Wedding Ring 75 . .k'. .. $5.3. I 3...: some fat cat Republicans who
:I- I .. ' 34 75 M I R' 125 - .. ”w“? 2:.) .I ‘25.»..343. .35??? thought they didn’t have to do
I I ,I .- I. III .I I , an 5 mg . E it" anything.”
. " I‘ I'g‘ § M 3. 3 ‘9 “When we get hungry enough
it: ,l'lII‘ I‘I' 'I , l ,i . USE YOUR DlAMONDOLOGlSTS N"l““""K‘r‘l““l'"~4|¢'dll. >0. LI‘” piledfllCt in four yeafS) We,“
. i. I I I . I .. 3K; . . ” ‘
I I , _ ,. BANK CREDIT CARD . 3 . \-‘. avet e ouse back .he said.
“ . l 3 ‘3‘ ' 90 e ’3 When you know It S for keeps . . . 3*) Explaining he was willing to .
. I ., '. - I '1. DAYS . , _ . . ,
-, ._ .- , , : smeasmsu _ A Keepsake Diamond Ring 3 :foflonfi lights: “gfitgovemf’r:
3 - g . .‘ . ~ -3: 083 or e e ermen o
- ' ' ’ -' .3 ff ‘\:\< 99 - - .
I I . I I Love. all wrapped up in a tiny (3“ the state, he said he was Willing
. .I ,- . i .i‘. .f: , , 100 w. MAIN STREET . - ' 53:“ to ' '
.' - ', '3 'I I EASTLAND SHOPPING CENTER zfianimmj" package. That s a Keepsake Diamond 53; ovlisten to Eord and five file
‘ '. -. 3, ' TIIJRFLAND MALL EASTLAND suonmc CENTER Ring. . . the gift that means so much K“ g cm?” a C ance to eep ls
‘ . j '. . ' -. i - ; 1 In lull-star! in Frankfort " ' i campaign promises.
. I t. X .l ‘I I‘ "W “*5“: i ~ 7 ‘;:§‘*~‘\ ‘~;\ \t§...\‘;;>“,;‘ : 33*“? “£3;‘Si*{t;l\13.\;~s v:\\‘\\\-‘\\‘g§‘\}>1‘Q.)xligv:\:‘\ll.‘;l*§\‘i‘:Itréf‘hii‘I-C;The${“i:§".l‘“‘.\£§\2:~\‘ ‘~ 1.. ‘3\\$.<.1.3‘~.‘<‘~.‘..;.s {31“ OVCTStl’Cet 831d although he
s ’ . .. ‘ i ‘ S .. T "‘\‘ ‘”"“‘"“““ did not alwa s a ee with
‘ 127' if} The Pertwillab Pa ers b D ‘ ' ‘ Nunnys pom: “Miro” Will
I. 3 , , I. . . I y P y on Rosa and Ron Weinberg record him as one of our better
' l“ " ~. :- - l, l T, 7" " 5 7123‘ , Maw. ., 4/ Aw I DREA I.) TAKM/C PAW/VG TU/T/OM R’ooM 7” QEMEMBEQ governors.
.I €I‘ ' 3 I. I‘ ' ‘ ' t ' / "4 "l’lll ("Jo/.7 AL 3 (17... JL (”flit/[h J, L AAL [ - JOARD) Ct") “/0014 D BE IF I p/iO/V 'I'r z
_ I .. I I; . l7 Sonar wcuz L) BE MCE BAD firearm. 3w F54 WEE PERPE m4 TE We; % ”R ”20ng H¢fl|¢l
I' . I, I, I I . " "’ .r W}- 7_ f f l 0th D BE (”Vi/l3, j DOA/I7 HflVf f0 IPROVE R’t’l’fit .' no _ 1,», ' U S The Kentucky Kernel. University '
'. . , I: , . .3 i ..I; ;~_ 'k’ ,33 «‘c 1; Ir, , . I. y 3/ , .3 3 ,3; ,3 3, ,3 . _ :‘tntion. Univers ty f Ke tu k . Lex-
‘, .. . . I I . I . .3 I . .. I T E e/KA- l/Ol, . ' M 551 F f0 015 3‘ NE A n. 4/ 3 Lt! [MS 3’ > lngton. Kontuckly 48506. gecznyd class I
.i 3 f " ‘ ’ '4' ' ~ - """ 3 l PEP/08$ M/ T5575 0/? AH. «In x we: Q;".‘lf‘flICIp-'Ildt:lt Ilexinlintlin.dKentuc:(§'- I
, II I I V . I - I I I; ,3 3 - I _ . I W . 't . ai (‘( ive im~s 3 ‘ e
,' I. .' . . I I I . .I . , . .. » ,.‘ t: 3), t [of f, if 7Hf \ [ p/[N F [/t/A/ 5 IV .5 «, ' r; r' . ' K school scar cxeetpt Kglidabys :istlingxam I
. II . I I II , _ I A . VQU/T". 3; ”7," 1 4 , ’; a . I -. I I,, ' 0 periods. and once during the summer
, 3' ' ' - " ; . _ (0 Q 1 " >3!Vu‘.’.’4 ,IIlIipIcI; ”If; of.“ I *3 emf/75*; . - .y ‘ ’4 ‘ ’ “ lelTlTI‘ished by the Board at Student I
. f ' ; . l ' . ‘i "i r) ’ . f. . ' ‘7 . ‘ - , T ‘ » . . ‘13, ' . ."':l‘\ f A.“ , l‘l;:>lll~:itions. [{IK Post Office 8314982 I
. , . * : z .4’, Z n . “ -: L: I .I i,,‘ " “3“" i" l ‘ Cid t ' 18 a“
3 I- . I : I ‘3, i 3‘? , ,- I l r I \ I t ‘ 343‘ . :3, [)Ubll\l11()‘1(l (‘lilltl'rlll()ll;l§ agnthe Kernel :
. .3 , . - . ' ' -» ,1.‘ .4I ‘- t 1’ r‘, ' 1 . , I ” .-/ I ‘ éi‘ \liilv S 5.
; .' ". . ,..~ .6: ‘ 3 , '* 3' , , .. i - I *L'w‘. .i erlis v . 11s} ii ' '. '-
. . _ , é vaa. ~ .. .3 , . 1/ . 66 v. \‘ 3» . . \.-. 3:. It llama l
.I . ' ' ’ W) ,I / “A“ 3,‘ 3 -~-.’Ilt', ,1- l. ’75..» ' .V l ‘ ‘l~. \ I -I. ‘\f~ 7'“ A ' e ,3 ‘-ll~l' or Illl\l(‘.’ldlllg advertismu should I
V ' " I t . (D ' ‘ L l "'T iflfiyfili' .3 Eli‘s / lW. )n v" ""I,' “C7 1 " s. [KY/’1; . ,3 ['3‘ ~ “" ”'lwl'tl'rl to Thr- Edltors. I
' ‘ . . -, ’- 3",] =7“ ‘»: 13:3 1 ,l' ‘- i 3 l . . *’ «’ ‘. ‘3 u 3:51;. -. ' ‘ A tax. -. SUBSCRIPTION RATES
', I ' ' {"5525— ’ 2?} 35:3 ' l {i\ “I" ’/ I H -, " x; x 5 5:? (‘3 2‘ -' . ‘ "L $3 " YV-Hlf»: ln mall $10.3“
_ o , . §“ 33$} « 3/“ 3. ' -7;;,2~.¥ x f ‘3... ' ‘. .. sex“ . 3 .313... ,1. KERNEI. TELEPHONES I
.I ‘ , (I) I . . ' l / (Fl,f" 1.3%.?3 QT...“ -. ‘ ‘3' ,‘ i\ I‘ 1 :l' ‘t ‘7; \ > T 2' ." * 77" :. ‘3““"' I‘lillhllzllit.’ Editor 257-1753 I
. , \ I .. ..‘3 "“ . c / 7, if, 453')?» N16 . I. ‘~". 3% I. /, I.‘_ 3, [I I: I‘-- q 1-; g‘Ii 3’0. . .— T‘ll'riildl 1mm. Yditor.
. Q , ‘a ..- ‘I‘ 1'5- 'I, Iv .\v. \3. f' ,': _IJ I-:.I ." Jaw-II ; w‘h $2.2; .1; ..z: . _ \d\‘ it-zliton. Sport“ . 257-1741» I
. I I I . m II II I I ,,‘:.' “:1 . $3“ I I I "I'I“I',".'.'., . III] I I .‘ . . _ ,I ; . .. 43,31; I_I _ “Tm“... ~22. -. , _ ., . ,I 3 IIIIlIltl mg. Thllklll(‘,<\_I ( ”villa-2584M“ I

 __ 'l‘lll-I kliVll ( K\ kl“.R\lil. liiilax. Du. lit. i‘iTl C i
' a 7714}? 1/15 716 5 ( .0!“ pl led in III e I\ 1‘- r n «l «I all . ' , 1' ,
' a . “As long as China continues aid providing for Illilion. hooks and ‘ ' 'l‘he celehiaiii Will i-.- the Rt . ‘ 7
_ ) ‘ 7 I I 'I . ..
‘ Indepomlr nl slur!) m mm” so will Rm to MM 1...” j\.cx.c_1,,c,.k.usf.(, h}. ,. (it I( hi tit’ion RN MGM ”(ML WW ()1 ; ,
Undergraduates will be able to India," said Simon. recent legislation troni 5,500 to [he 'Rev. lNilham ls. lluhhell. Lexmgioii. '1 he Rt Re} William ; “ .
. obtain independent study credit The SOViCIS’ major concern is 6500' Ulli‘i‘lfl“? t" “WSW“ ““1“”51” R. Moody. Bishop l'-nei‘itiis (rt 7 . -' ' .
7 [1ch semester by creating it to blOCk ()l‘f China. This is ”10 Tilt: scholarships Llfk‘ LllelttlllL‘ ”1c lllllVLTrSII} tor ”N in”, “Vt the Diocese Ul LOUD}? ‘11., Will , -
1 community health care center. reason “China is urging to two-year as well as four—y ear 3‘7“” “”1 F"”“g”°”l"“”9 ”‘7" he the preacher _ , ,
. This project involves the settlement," he said. AFROTC students. Previously, ”“3“ _ “‘HIWHUU f" “‘5 . . i if ' .
_ establishment and operation ol'a None of the members o1~ the scholarships were authori/ed ordination to the priest iood on A . dinner honoring Vl‘llsdiii‘ -. _. .-
é comprehensive community panel said the United States only to students who were Decemherd / at 5.30 pin. in Si. ”Hiki‘lr‘ Ilsisliopl Howl} and lk’l. ,. . . -‘
. health care center which W'UUld play it“ important FOIC in participating in the tour~y ear éugustnn- \ ( h‘mcl‘ 4/“ Rm“ l U 3 ".1 “'1 I “11”“ I 7'" ‘ __ , _ f
7 ultimately may include a 1110 COIifiiCI. program. SHWI‘ “MWN' E_ . j
" medical and dental clinic. The One panelist Vt‘iltUR‘d :1 ”100:: The subsistence allowance. ‘1 ~
‘ center’s location is undecided, range SI‘CCUllitiVC guess“ and which det'rays‘ the cost or l'ood .i ‘ 7f .
but it will probably be set up in said. ”111W“ WOUIG N NW and lodeiiiv. given to all - ' -
.. . ' . H . ., . , ‘ ‘ ‘7‘ ‘* _ 9 ~ , . ' g. ,
’ a lower-income area. Ullimdtk‘ beneticiary. because Al'R()l(‘ students was raised BEN SNYDER DEP 1 STORES 7. g .
= .t 2 . ‘ Japan holds the “greatest t in «so .1 n-(tiiiit 1 ) $100 ‘ ~ .
, Schools cooperating . 7 _ .. W « » i 1 . A i ~ - - i . ;
. . 7 . _ _ _ Oppmtunm, tor diplomacy. For Your Complete One Stop Shopping . . . r ..
Jerry Jones. a junior topical When the question was min In The Ben Al' 60"“. i . :3 -.
6M ‘ I - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t; i ( A . . ‘ . | . .I ,7 , ' | I.
yf major Siu‘bwi and director oi as to how long the war would l "110'! u "‘ I'HOUR FREE PARKING , * ' , - "7-
o . the project, sit}s it consists oi ‘ . ) ax . .1 ._ . wtth $3 Purchase _ .- .
Pom ’ . d’ x d ‘ . , . X continue. Dr. (n.0fgt (.adbois . _ .g , . 3 ,' ._ ~
in c pen cnt v» 0le in the .7 ,. , . lhc ( ampus [allllkll Via) - .
‘ ~ . . , predicted the situation would , . - . *
7 Wk 7 UniverSity S separate SChOOIS‘ continue for only “a few more C’ 7" m p a I g n r 7"7 p or I ‘7 d . . . . _ i . - . . , i . . , . . . . . . , . .7 ' i .'
the i but also unites them to form a da 5 or at the most a tew contributions oi SS(,‘()()7_(1)()‘ i’rxsx'xxissxix‘sx’xsxxixwwx\<’{\(\O<><><‘- My» .- ; .~ . .» j 77,,
new architecture. home economics. , . C. ‘ 11
n in education and nursing. ‘ :7} 'E '. '.
““95 . Everyone welcome _ . . 7, 7
00f Jones is asking for freshmen .
ihle ‘ and sophomores since they will " ‘ .g f
be at UK longer. but any " g
‘ undergraduate interested in the . - = ‘ '.
, project is encouraged to consider " -. ' ’7;
Student response to the , 2 ‘ _‘ ~
project this semester will be / 3 7, f V »
his important since planning must \ l; \i . ' 1. '. "a
Serea continue during the Christmas \l L: Ime an axwe . . .
ve in vacation. Interested students ’ 7 V
hinks . should see ' Jonts at the 53‘. ‘ ._ I,
t 7n Commons library or call 2% w ‘9‘ 1 j 7
‘5 ‘ 257-3377.;ii‘icr 5 p.m. z” "st 2 ' 7 p
i "Q q'. Yc . ~. .7 -. ‘.'
* st: . .
1 l l 0 7 o i ($721k: tie 75”»? ‘ :P x is} ”— 1 7‘ _> -7 ~ 37
mm m iii-Pakistan 322 . 3:90 5;} ~.. .. .- .
y 7 ‘.‘ ' o’ 7 , '
army Professors from UK's Political [3‘9 5% ‘1? 7| . i .
r u it Science Department discussed 'Asfi‘l‘“ l. ' . '7 j. 7'7
sixth aspects of the recent \~}T w‘ ‘ 9% B d Sh b v H d J l
, . i , . . . 1.91%.“. fig. we. a. o y irts y an eusen an oe __ , .
, lctt , lndialakistan conthct in a Jam . 906%.}? ‘ '. 7- _
John forum held last night. 2 g 7 .. 7 9 hi?“ " . 7 t ‘ ._
a Dr. Sheldon Simon explained _ ‘3“ 73479034,; 735373; $900 -- $10.00 — $12.00 . :1 u ‘
we on r, Russian support for lndia in “ii Yi‘qi v ‘5 M"l'j;"fr(’(j/’(\ I W,’ p
serve ~ contrast to China's subsidizing ' "‘3 1 a¢. J; ,gf'ffh'r' 7 - . I
ekend of Pakistan. 2 a ' ~—~. " 7' I .l.7 7.
r h e ile said the military aid would 7 ‘ 45/77 2' , 7'. ’7 7
n at continue in a “Vicious circle." 2‘ 77’ Sweaters by Revere/Lamplighter __.- .. .
7 Mil iiiiiiiiiiiii‘l“‘:‘ i d B i d $8 00 $13 00 . “W
Sim-p illicit i i 2" Sleeve ess an e te , . -— . , .
as “a i i“ -7
Nunn ‘._ j g i .7 1. :
t said. i‘ .1 7i " if.
i l 3 .. . i y .
iungry ’ 9 . . ‘1 . .
ho got B b h h d ‘2 .- . .
sea to \¢ ,_ ottoms y t e t ousan s _ ..
5 who ”9 ' 7’ ,7
‘0 do w «066 3 i To Match the Shirts and Sweaters _
:nough ‘we 7 7i ,7 ' 7 Z.
) we’ll O O . ‘ _ —
:aid. 0°6’w 6(9‘ . -_
ling to & . . . ,' g - .,
mops <9 9 Make Your Christmas Gift Shopping _. .. .
tent of E Th' Y i" 7‘
willing . _ _ IS ear .--7  
we the The Christian Seience 05y ' 7 j
:ep his Monitor. Facts. Ideas. , '
Solutions.That's what ,I 7 . i
xgh .he the Monitor isa” about. ; i. Get The Complete NOW Look At . _ j . 7
: With . l" (l/ —— .. ., .‘ .. L“
'y will To prove thisto yourself. j' 27,. '7 ..' .. a
Tbetter send us the coupon. 7 . __ i' , _
We‘ll send youthe ’ 1 ‘ . .
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ind class I (Please print) I t i .,~ ‘
entucky. H ’ » 7 . .
iring the I Please send me some free I X t .
“;‘u,$,’§§§,‘ I copies of The Christian I ll . ‘ 7. t
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‘ . . I Add'ess .. I ______________._——————————— ‘ \ ’ : _
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=3 l ———- V - - .
257—1mn | THE CHusnAN SCIENCE Mormon. I . .. .
257-174ii I P O Box 125. Astor Station I ’ 7
“-25“ “4'. I Bostontvlassachusetts 02123 I _ . ‘
7 77 u—.—______.___._— ,_
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 ' l ' l ‘h S t C 'l t ' t l
t l S t' h ' h Id 11 l) d ‘
~ t at never s 011 ave een ma e
. ' ' lht , oi eyery school year can you are a qualified something. makes it take effect immediately. action even though it did take over
usual easily determined by the Why llb‘i’ Well it‘s a story that's The Senate action will probably five years to correct a mistake that
‘ pixst i' a large group of people. been told before but is worth touch off a spontaneous. joyous never should have been made and
1 . - knov- freshmen. yy ho go around retelling just one more time. When celebration by most seniors who we advise all freshmen to memorize
. ' babbi; numbers in some weird compulsory ROTC was abolished. have hoped all year thatthis action their ID number. their room
, " , ' inc non trying vainly to the extra hours that it took up were would be taken. number. their course numbers. their th
. I' tt‘tngtntwt- them all. kept and the number 128 took on The Kernel congratulates the classroom numbers. their GPA’s an
. , And there are many numbers to its present significance. Senate Council for taking this and the number 130. p,
. - 7 ' ' newt-r. , T ‘ yiur UK ll) .. s - ab
. t . . I ”I l‘ h‘rI Hun \ A l [he l 22s hour graduation
' - c' '. ., i‘ . \ ii ro ml nuin ier. . _
' - ’ ‘H" mm “r A” l requirement has long been a sore at
. . v ' nuinier. \our . .
,. , you. “Ml“ I ' point Wllll students when they 0 j?
. .. ‘ , class 'UOIll number and alter one . . , . - °r~l 03% U
- - . icali/etl how it came about. for k 4 t <- M,e/ / ~00 W
l . semester your (IPA. But by tar the I .. I _ , _. - Hie W” / “‘1‘ . C ° it)"
, . . - _ - . years they have been asking it to be m,“ _ . _, ha
4 , ’; most important number you Will . . . vwfi,...¢-;:ag:sfé*~*» . . ,w' ’ f
. ‘~ . . . changed and yesterday it was. ; .. ;W~f I , _ o
.1 _ .‘ TL :inber troni your tour years or .X/ W 3*th t . s. .I I pe
. , . . .- ”5 ‘ ‘ . . 1/ -,-:.- Elsi-"T“. ’/ . WW. I. I I'-
* ' ,' more at L'K is llb‘. lhe Senate ( ouiicil unanimously 6,6939% WW. ' / < ' ,
.. ; " 1281‘ ()1' course that‘s the yoted to change the number of flit/2} x/ ._ (5&5 . " ', -. " ' I};
'. - ' ' . number oi hours required to obtain hours to lZO effective this year. viz/f ,t't'i , I: III ' 7 1“} . 4%. at
' .,~ . . 5 , . . . 1.; {fish I/. if‘ ,i ', ', ii“ '
. j that little piece ot paper that proves Apparently that action iii itselt . I? , ft’iii .- -. i- s“ :t it \_ .‘ (p U
I . . fl i gfu' il V .4 AV ' if ‘ flit . ' ;'\ till? I \‘3 ' it. / fr
. ‘ - . :7 if") ~ . Iii-(W‘s .s‘itt‘isl' ”E .33! u
I- ‘ -. . £7.44 ,1 . . \ . 5' l “5‘“. '4 5:5: \ q f) k (. u, l
I i i ’ i ’7'" .V :l\.., , V f. \‘ ' '94 i u g I; ’7‘ 5 u
' .- ‘ ' i ‘ l 593T ' ' i ,:"