xt7f1v5bg80f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bg80f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1968 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1968 Vol.34 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1968 Vol.34 No.4 1968 1968 2019 true xt7f1v5bg80f section xt7f1v5bg80f 5—??- .. -..__..;-._....,.....,_...._ “:1 .1. ...~..._,L.L.,,...._.c;::;-‘§_._3,, N...-«:.~_-«-:—:~::—.:;E=‘—1=r—T~..—-—c:as “‘.....” '23,.”‘4: " Ll:‘.....“...a5.‘....::“’“..».a.::3‘r::::5;2:11,:51—W"-3,~?__“_.‘3V_: .- -5;}?57’17va333’EKfir7fiil’i?TL‘.‘:;:::1‘~.—.:~:—:5 .
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Cumberland Falls State Park, delicious feast (Barbecued chick- Time for business tions without having to climb on a , '5'
near Corbin, is the site for the en, corn on the cob, and a few bus and depart for far awayplaces 3
. Kentucky Press Association Sum- other goodies) will be followed by The business sessions get under won’t have any excuse for missing i)
mer Convention. The Corbin news- the world famous RENFRO VAL— way at 9:30 on Friday morning. this function. All you have to do is K .
paper, local hosts for the annual LEY BARN DANCE. Mr. William A. Bray, Executive be on the terrace just off of the 2 ,
affair have promised awell round- Director of the Missouri Press lobby at 10:00 on Friday morning, . j: '
I ‘ ed program 0f meetings and fun Association, will talk with us about pour yourself a cup of tea or cof- . , 7 5
during the three day convention. Old Joe Clark 3 the press association, its func- fee, sit back, and have the-time , (K
tion, hOW it can serve the mem— of your life as you-watch‘our 113- i
. Barb Bar B-Q Flrsf , bership, and possibly a little ad- tion’shistorichats pass before y'Our - - - K'K
. That 5 right, the Renfro Valley vertising gab. If you're interest-3 eyes. There’ll be an added treat ,. _3 “
Getting things under way on folks will be over to entertain us ed in hearing how a .top notch for you also, but you’ll have to be , .
Thursday will be a beer recep- and provide dancing music.Old Joe association runs a tight ship you there to find out more about it.- ‘ 5"
tion hosted by John O’Connor, Clark, a favorite for many years Won’t want to miss the chance to 3 . :, 5
State Director for the United States will be in the troupe, and it looks . hear Mr. Bray. Bill Strode , ' K
Brewers Association. This re- like about four hours of fun, danc- ‘ _ _ 1
' freshing get—to—gether is just ing, and feIIOWShip. By the way, Fontabulous At 10:30 Bill Strode, the famed :
a prelude for KPA’s first Outdoor the dancing patio at the Falls has - Courier - Journal 81 Louisville
Old Fashioned Western Bar—B-Q-. been covered since the last KPA Fantabulous must be the word Times photographer will present - 93.35%
Everyone who attends is asked to convention, so if we should have a ,for the "Ladies Tea and Hat Show” a program with photographs, on his ' - I. K
make an effort to wear Western sprinkle or two, it won’t hurt any... All of you gals who have asked for stint in Vietnam. Bill is the kind ' K":
Garb (boots, jeans, hats, etc_.). A thing. 3 some entertaining special func- Continued to page8 _- ,
a g;- 5 ' " - _ 3 » 5’ 4;“1 ‘4;*',;.;~535.»',r,5._..;5 :5: mums... 5;.'::.-.’;::::;:=:»5..“ x :-_;»_»2=:"-“5~."”j_33_»’_»1::;..;;3~_3:74;“); .vw.-- J

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_ Page 2, The Kentucky Press, April, 1968 . ‘ ’ -. . ,
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THE gENTUCKY PRESS . GUEST EDITORIAL Springfietd Sun JaCIC-Notes . , 3, .
fficial Publication - ' “ _ " ' ,' , «; 1)}
‘* - ) _ By A. J. Vlehman,Jr. ) ~ _ 1-5. . -_
KentUCkzhgrsvsfgsjf’gfimn'Inc“ 0 1" Eight Kentucky publishers and any better work today? Thepointis ‘§ , , ’
Lekington, Ky. 40507 a, mo ers editors recently had the good for— that whether or not Mr. O’Brien _: er , .
Primed By time 1tDo be abl: to Jutiigei the Igieor- walnt; to iadmit it, newsipaper cir- 5:);
Voice of St. Matthews, inc. g a ress ssoc at on etter cu a on s grow ng an more pa- ."jy‘tfi‘w g y, ,
St. Matthews, Ky. 40207 Some one has observed that the NeWSPaPer Contest. We were pers are able to use color in their ' ”i -
A.J. Viehman Jr. Editor United States stands OUt 1n the amazed at the outstanding calibre d 1 h d of; e
_ _ . r _ world today because of homage of th a s a l t e time. More an more {a
Florida Garrison, Asst. EdltOI’ . ese papers and I found myself e investin in modern ._ ,
» Member pa1d our mothers; the only coun- picking up almost as many ideas papiers ar , g ‘
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce try in the world WhiCh sets aside from the papers themselves as I equ pment. More. and mgre pa- _ “3:
Newspaper Association Managers a special day for observance as did while talkin with Glen Mc- pers are moderniz‘ing the,” fore- " ’
Internafiional Newspaper Promotion Associdfion “Mother’s Da n Wthh incidental- g mats and thinking young in their .. W ,
Be"... Business Bum,” Y! Cullough, the Manager of the Geor- features teen a es fashionpages
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. ly is heXt Sunday, May 12- gia Press Association. In fact,. d h ’ h hr; g d ’ i i 13:: t , '
Howard Ogies President This occaSiOh has SPeetal Signt‘ everyone there was going around an t roug t e r‘a vert S ng crea- .,
' tiv1ty. ' ,. (”r-t”, .
George M. Wilson Vice President ficance for those Of us Who have the room tearing out promotion 1 v .,. )
A J Viehman J, 'Sec M mothers inthe Heavenlycity. Their 11 - _ It S not surprising that radio is " i '
.. , ., .- gr.-Trs. pages, c pping OUt ads, and gen 0 ular It seems that with. every ~
Executive Committee love was a manifestation 0f the erally stealing every good idea in p p_ ' di W d ,, :35: r; _)
James T. Norris, Jr.,Chairman (Ninth Dist.) \ love IaViShed upon a Sin-StriCken sight. ‘ new car, comes a ra 0.. e Saeln I r “ ‘
wmiam Nelson iFirstDist.) . world by the blessed Lord who so I guess the thing that amazed us more time 13‘ 31m” fiummh es . ,
E.C. Calman (Second Dist.) loved the world he gave his only the most was the extensive use that; evke r, lain W at :se 18d; ere W ~, ' "
Al Schansberg (Third Dist.) begotten son that we may have the of color in small newspapers. t?) 1° “t Steh to tiatf ra 211°“, ‘
Ben E. Boone, ll-l (Fourth Dist.) assurance 0f everlasting life here- Excellent page make-up, effect- iiinatilgto “fiiflitfgfittrvé’e 1;? WE; "-5) ” ‘3
Clayton RolanleifthDist.) after. ive use of pictures, and an air b .1 1 t tw y .. . :3
Thomas M. Buckner (Sixth Dist.) It was mother who went to the of progression left each judge with rititiemHer a lg n% e lo _ 10 $1111: ,t ,
Warren R. Fisher (Seventh Dist.) brink of the grave to give a new the feeling that we have a long “£1 e'i ow a 01:1“: ”131” T% t .
James L. Crawford (Eighth Dist.) life to the world. It was a mother way to go in order to catch some t tire hs an ex: t hghme urnf. ie - ,, '
R. Springer Hoskins (Tenth Dist.) who was last at the foot of the of those fellowS- on Ylt ing we (”it have fob 31' fl “ii-7,3 ’ 7
Tommy Preston (At Large) cross and first at the open tomb. , It is appropriate, then, to carry sme 1 alongh Wit the 551 t a_n, '* it t
Donald B.Towles(At Large) It was the love of mothers that in this issue of THE PRESS, a .SSUhd éand t at mag he a essmg §
inspired mankind to noble deeds reprint from another Press pub- Ju .g ng rom some 0 tle limgrgmf ' $.35;
- and higher aspirations, and it is lication, in which we read of Mr. ming). A; any reite, to $1); SlonEls a ‘ ”33375:, '
h mother lovethathas revealed itself Donald M. O’Brien, vice—presi— young an growlng file "ma get“ fight}: '
T 9 Weekly press in human nature, inspired redemp- dent of Mabley g, Carew Depart- rit‘iwspaper piOP‘ehlin 811‘“? tha ' is _ .‘
tion, and has kept the world from ment Store in Cincinnati, giving e ntefi‘est ng t ng St at w en «t
- -We won“ like for YOU to sinking into an abyss of com- Ohio ad directors “Hell” about any of t 056 “1d telewsmh waf' " ‘
read a few comments made the ' moral deca , Christian , 9 _ chers want to find. OUt what S _;,=;_:-:: . “gin ,-
. plete y their newspapers advertising ef h win at the mono where to , gt. _
other day by Representative John mothers are truly religious lead— fectiveness. It seems that much S o g ’ “‘73 “
W- Wydler, a member 0f Congress ,ers 0f the world; their love is of What Mr. O’Brien says is true buy that new dress, WhiCh sltore I 3;. ..
from the State Of New York. ' ‘ the impress 0f the Divine. It is uP- but there are some grey areas, has the best deal on golf c fish " ,
‘The weekly press is the hometown on mothers God relies for revela— here. He indicates the excuse where to buy the next car, w c .) _
voice and conscience of our coun- tion of His Love. It is the love that labor and materials are cost- grocery store IS offering the best‘. a;
tIYI It hasn’t the far :1qu or- Of mother transplanted into the ing more is not a valid argument buys this Week, hor anythiflg .e]..SC g ‘1311‘?’ .
ganization 0f the big daily. Often heart Of her sons that bring mes- for increasing advertising rates under the sun, f; iavid te Swflfin
one, two or three people gather sages 0f hope, or redemption, to unless a circulation increase can viewer turns 0 t e set an p c s .‘ i : »
the heWS' write it’ edit it' write mankind, and it should he a also be shown. He cites the ex- up the NEWSPAPER' - 1 V
the headlines and do the makeup Pleasure for every individual to ample that we might pay more for Granted, there 1s room for'im-
' ' It’s an excellent medium and join the observance 0f mother on a suit today than we did five years proving the advertising messages, ‘1 . t
' ' and supplements the daily. Let’s “Mother’s Day.” ago because the stores are pre— in ourpapers. Ads can be more"???
help it prosper.” - Vinton, Va., It was Kipling who wrote: ‘ senting more contemporary styles illtltractive, COPY more iallurihg’fw "'
Messenger. “If I‘were hanged on the higheet (that’s not hard to believe), the ustrations 111017? cieriihve'm not;
w hill, workmanship is better, and the ' .sp ace moripreval en ' es ec‘ ag— cw" & ).
e I know whose love would follow' fabrics are better He mentions ges are ta ng p ace as. ourpu-simfa
ta. ,, GUEST EDITORIAL. _ . » ' , lishers pick up, the} ideas,,or.,,as¢-.;ttte§§§§xa,
est-a‘ —————-———. » me Still, , that the department store has pro— some of the -. putts)». E1322.)
- - ~ _ _ publishers themselr-a gr - ,
Owenton News-Herald If I were drowned 1n the deepest blems with higher salanes, cus- ves fall into the 20 to 35 year: ) F;
- sear tomer services etc. but what ‘ , ) « e” ,_
Faderal Educatlon I know whose tears would come aboht the fact that the,suit is just :ge :filoup’ whighevle r the; aisehtn ay .. h
- down to me; plain costing him more money to ie" ehuse o co or I: If g_ 6115-“ 1. x
If I were damned in body and buy in the first place. Why! Be? ng up t e appearanceo t enews- :
The idea is common among ed- 50111, I know whose prayers would cause the manufacturer is charg— paper. ‘ “i -
ucators today that the federal gov- make me whole; , _ ,, ing him more for the product, It’s funny how everyone expects, 7 ' *
ernment has some sort Of a dUtY Mother 0 m1ne, mothero mine. the same manufacturer who sup- to pay more each year for every-, ~,
to educate our citizens. There is ———————-———-—-———— plied the suit of its day five years ' thing they buy. . .everything thatlfli} L ,
nothing in the basic American way better? _ _ ago. Five years ago-nobody would is except their newspaper, from a) ) _, ,.
of life that says or even implies In the th1rd chapter of the Bible pay as much for a suit as they will subscription standpoint as Well as I;
this. we read. that Get) Hlmself created today. It might be the same mate- an advertising standpoint. It could) ' - f '
A recent widely-circulatedreport the inst1tution of the home. Clean, rial, the same company making the be that newspapers have always _ .3».
suggested that boys and g1rl‘st be proper relationships between men suit, and the same skilled labor charged less thanthey shouldhave. _ h.
started in school at age four be- and women, parents and offspring, going into the suit, but because Well, Mr. O’Brien, it very welltiiiiéf? \ ’ ;
fore they are agversely influenced form the basic foundation of our it is cut differently and 'because may be that no-one will ever go; _‘
by the home. We suggest .you system of laws. this is five years into prosperity around whistling “The Daily News 5’ ) 1 ~
study these words and cons1der Some insist that the money—filled from that date five 'years ago, Rag,” or “You’re In The Journal ' - .
thelr deeper meaning. hand from Washington holds the the traffic can bear to pay more. Generation,” but don’t doubt for a r . "
anSWer to all our educational pro— What about the trend to do away minute thatnewspapers are chang— £5,155 ’ _
The strength of our nation is in our blems. Let us remember that the with lapels and handkerchief pock- ing. . .keeping an eye on future fig-“Eff; .g '
homes. Good homes produce great ‘ hand is filled only with that which 813. That means less material in readers. . .staying_ abreast of ._ '
leaders and solid citizens.Who are will eventually be taken from our the product, but did the prices come things technologically. . .and that' j -
these dreamers who think the fed- own pockets. down? Hell no, they didn’t and they .in the next hundred years they’ll: . _ '
eral government and a socialized We seriously doubt that Washing- won’t! Does it cost less today to still be the best way for you to r ; -
school system can replace the in- ton has come up with a better plan pay a man to dig a ditch today than get your advertising message to g r t '
fluence of the home with something than that instituted by our Maker. it did five years ago. Does he do the buyer. ‘ . , - ’ :_ ‘ _ ,
' o 0 ) ’ We}; . "1‘
TI mely odvrce for yout a n a u is
Because of circumstances of the you are ever called tobe witnesses Someday you may seek a position You will report to the men who » ' : '
present, and its timely importance, in any court of law, some lawyer in the civil service of your state have accepted your parole as often . ‘ 1
we take liberty to reprint the fol- will point his finger at you and or nation. On the application blank as they may ask. Your convenience f g:i§fi{:;~ ) _
lowing pre-sentence lecture by a ask: ‘Have you ever been con- you will find this question: ‘Have is not a matter of importance. You ‘ , .
District Judge to two teen-agers Victed of a felony?’ You will hang you ever been convicted of a fel- will also obey your parents. If - j) ,
who had been convicted of a fel- your head and admit that you ony?’ Your truthful answer will your parents send you to bed at 5_71_;‘f,", ‘
ony: have, because if you deny. it,'re- bar you from appointment.An un- nine o'clock you will go without a '
“You Come from good homes, cords of these proceedings Will be truthful anSWer will be detected complaint. You will perform such " i,- ,_
both of you. Yet now you have been brought from the vaults and read because appointments are made tasks as are assigned to y0u, ) ‘t , ‘
convicted of a felony, a crime for to the jury. The question will be only after investigation. The re- Your parole is a fragile thing. i
which you might be sent to the asked for the sole purpose of cast- cord is here to be found by any— Should the slightest complaint of .
” penitentiary. In this case I do not ing doubt on your testimony. Con- one interested, . your conduct reach this court, your
have to send you to the peniten- victed felons are not believed as “In a few years you will be 21,‘ parole willbe revoked immediately _
tiary. I am permitted to give you readily as other persons. and others your age will have the and you will begin serving your _ ‘) ,, ,
a parole. But even if you never “Someday you may have achance right to vote — but you will not. sentence. You will not be brought. ’
see the inside Of a Penitentiary to live or work in one of the ex— You will be a citizen of your state back here for questioning and/or _»';_§,;gz
or jail, you will not have escaped panding countries of South Amer- and country, but you will have no explanations. You will be picked _ _,
the penalties of your crime. The ica, and you will apply for a voice in public affairs. Someday up and taken to prison — without - I52,
record of your conviction will be passport. You may not get it. You the Governor may pardonyou and notice to you and without delay.” g _ " ,
here as long as the courthouse might enter Canada for a fishing restore your rights, but it is going This lecture, 'made twenty years _.j‘ ,
stands. No amount of good conduct trip, but you would not be allowed to be humiliating to ask him. He’ll ago, was printed in an Oregon * ,1
. in the future can ever erase it. to stay. No country will allow you want to know your whole record. newspaper and is reprinted ,be— ,
-, “Next year, or ten years from to become a resident. Your world “I am granting you a parole, A cause it contains atimelymessage ' s ‘ s
-' . now, or when you are old men, if is so much smaller than it was. parole is in no sense a pardon.; for hOth youth and adults oftoday. is;
' -. , , , _ _ i.' '- oar-“1:" )2 ‘ .- " « ~ 1533??” El”; 315)“

 v ' ' - ‘ . ' - April, 1968, The Kentucky Press, Page3 "
331‘: : ________________—_______________._______—_____—__—.__
Mister X F | 0 th 0 tlook
J Miss Juliet Galloway, Lexington praise recently from President to attend re calves hall]
- ff; / ‘Herald reporter for over 30 years, Kelly Thompson of Western Ken- *
. was honored at the annual Matrix tucky University Inaletter toaMrs Th
a.» .11 ' ' e Falmouth Outlook w
5;“ Table dinner, held recently by Harralson President Thompson 0 the newsstands only two houra: 1332 ,
the Blue Grass Professional Chap- stated, “You are doing a truly P conven'lon on Wednesday April 24 the day - ,
ter, of Theta Sigma Phi, national great service to the young men who following the ’tornado which left «
’- -_ professional society for women wear the uniforms of our country over a third of the PendletonCoun— ‘
in Journalism. . . .Your column is so unique, so Once again “Mister X” will be ty town in ruins.
1-. . _ _ , . comprehensive, and so well done present .at' the Kentucky Press Outlook publisher Warren Shonert
\ Randall FléldS, editor 0f the as to put it in a class by itself. ’ Association Summer Convention. reported his Staff worked by the
-_ Richmond Dally Reamer. has been This year his transporation is light of C 0 a1 oil 1am S un’m past
. _ named to the executive committee being arranged by the American midnight the ni ht 01; ihe storm
1.; ‘ of the Kentucky Assoc1ated Press. Mrs..Je1;11ene flies? whoziias bCeen Fidelity Assurance Company. A- Two hundred exgtra‘ copies of the
assoc1ate Wit t e ay “3’ merican Fidelity will begin to . . .
2, 4. Jack Nelson .has joined the staff Times since 1965, has been named underwrite the KPA insurance pro- ggfngggelesd1tvtiryewzgidplgintgiiggd
’ of the Greenv1lle Leader-News as manager of that paper. She Will gram just as soon as the Depart— ‘noon Shonert reported h: left the,
'22-? , photographer. gave as her as‘s1stant Mrs. Jewel merit of Insurance in Frankfort Outlook in the charge of Mrs
'- ose , - -
, ' oils its gears and clears the way . .
.cowmawria- aaaaaya aa m
.‘ ten for the CentralCityMessenger 7 Cecil A. Blye, Sr., has been nam- . business with us. ictures of the destruction before
:a . by Mrs. Agnes Harralson, received ed managing editor of the Louis- Ray Robinson, Vice President gundown
5 -- ville Defender. of American Fidelity has assur- Many publishers from surround—
1‘ EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING ———-—-—— ed us that Mlstersg W11; 17:00:11 ing counties offeredahelping hand,
-, FEATURES 222C510? vyligszh‘akis hi: thfnd it the Falmouth editor reported.
*1? “Would ou believe it?” he said
.a ”1:; j FOR WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS Be“ Boone heads the convention. It doesn’t pay “The Gui/look’s front page was sei
‘3‘ DETA0L§BCLT RAEtigEST. to be shy this year. in type by the Carlisle Mercury
. _.-_ v
_ '7 - " ' N G T N ’ WKPA ' _______.____. compliments of Editor Warren
is .- Community & Suburban FiShSVr‘d Vge left Falmouéhdby 6
f”; Press Ser i e _ - 0 am e nes ay morning an rove .
, ' 100 E Ma‘ F k: f K 4060] Ben 13- Boone 111: publisher 0f could ‘l'illS all the way to Carlisle for ”help.” ‘
r - “57 '"' m" °' ' 7' the TOdd COUHtY Standard, Elk- Shonert added, “Jesse and San-
) 1 Telephone 502-223-1621 ton, was elected president of the ? ford Alverson of the Paris Daily
- 7 _ Frunham F. Dud eon Western Kentucky Press ASSOCla‘ be (I record - Enterprise were so great a help in .
A . g I a n 3 n
3:: ‘ Editor & Publisher tlon .at the ASSOClatiOn S Aprll the emergency. Their staff was
' meetmg at Kentucky Lake. Other , f h just wonderful and they bent over
, officers named were Ralph Grav— Publisher Ralph Graves 0 t e backward in helping us get our
\ 3- es, editor of the Carlisle County Carlisle County News, Barqwell. paper out nearly on time.’
if . Be Profii-Minded NeWS, vice president, and Miss reports receivmg a subscriptio? Clayton Roland, editor of the
- '. ' ‘ -., 1. wiiir your orrser ” Jane Willis, editor of the Meade renewal fr‘om A.B. Robertson 9 Grant County News, Williams- -
if inn... if :f-maiesi ‘ County Messenger, secretary — Bardwell. Twp1 things make :2? town, also called to offer help, .-
F “”536 f‘fiifs prhsviizitguaessifirgvlte . treasurer" events, nOtewirtd y,h “fives S C_ and Tom Preston, publisher Of
“1775i source of selling values. ed, It maMI' e R the t 3n 1380:2215 the Cynthiana Democrat and Bob \
_ ‘ mg: Easy-io-read formal; . - utive year I. 0 er s . . ,- _ ,J
_ ‘”‘*~ 7 “WWW '°°‘°'e°‘ d STAMPS ' CONHAIM for a subscription, and in all that Watson, CRY editor, v1s1ted Fal 5.1”
.. » .2 bmé'W- Updaled 5" - . - . . h c - mouth bringing food that had been
. “’ "'“ed‘m‘Mhame- NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING SERVICE 7 time, he sald. he as never mls- collected at the Menace”,t office
5} :~:':\, V 7’ Write iqday for _ 60-DAY FREE TRIAL . 555 la la Bic: - in {nuclei C