xt7f1v5bg67f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bg67f/data/mets.xml  Kentucky Equal Rights Association 1905 Minutes and reports from the annual conventions and other meetings of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. Includes the following titles: Minutes of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; Minutes of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and Report of the Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association. JK1883 .K4, 24 volumes. minutes  English Newport, KY: Davies Print Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Equal Rights Association minutes and reports Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Rooms of the Lexington Woman's Club of Central Ky., November 17-18, 1904. text Minutes of the Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Held at Rooms of the Lexington Woman's Club of Central Ky., November 17-18, 1904. 1905 1905 2019 true xt7f1v5bg67f section xt7f1v5bg67f 2 7
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 - OFFICERS -. ;
7 ~—Oi~‘—« ' 7
President, 1
' MISS LAURA CLAY...... ........................................Lexington, Ky. V

First Vice—President. 7
MRS.1\TARY B. CLAY..........................................Richmond, Ky. ‘
’ Second Vite—President. - ‘
MRS. MARY C. CRAMER............ ..........................Lexington, Ky. ‘ 7
Third Vice-President. » ‘
MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, 1011 Scott St.............. Covington, Ky. .
V Corresponding Secreiary. :
Mas. MARY C ROARK......................................_Lexington, Ky. 7‘
Recording Socrez'mjr. ‘
MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, 112 W. Front St.......:....Ne\vport, Ky. I
Treasurer. 7 i
MRS. ISABELLA SHEPARD, 31 E. 12th St...............Covington, Ky. I
Superintendents. (
Bible Study. ,
MRS. ELLEN V. GIBSON.....................................R1Chm0nd, Ky. 1
Press IVor/é. ‘
MRs. L. C. OBENCHAIN................................BOWIiug Green, Ky. 1
National Enrollment and Petition Work.

MRS. S. M. HUBBARD..........................................Hickman, Ky. '
‘ Work Among Young People. ' I
MR5. JOHN BURKE. Newport, Ky. I
Advancement of Women’s lVor/e. V I
MISS ANNA MORGAN............................................Newport, Ky. I
Political Study. 5
MRS. A. M. HARRISON...... ...................................Lexington Ky. 7
Literature. ' , 1
MRS. SUSAN LOOK AVERY......... ...............Louisville, Ky. 3
' Educational Opfiorlzmiz‘es for Women. 1
MRS. CAROLINE LEECH ....u...LOuisville, Ky. ‘1
Stale Historian. , 1
Miss HALLIE HERNDON...... Frankfort, Ky. '17

 1 4-" ye abide in my word, * * * ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free."





’1 i l I

7 Frfteenth Annual Conventron

~11}; 1:

( 1} ' OF THE

K k E lR‘ h A ' '

3: entuc y qua 1g ts ssoc1at10n

:71 Lexington Woman’s Club of Central Kentucky.
NOVEMBER 17 and 18, 1904. '

PLAN OF WORK commTTEE, NOV. 17th, at 9 A. n. .
)3 ~ The President, Miss Laura Clay in the Chair.

The committee suggests the following plan of work to the con-
7; 3'; vention:

' That Suffrage Committees be formed, according to the plan of
j the N. A. W. S. A. Committee on Increase of Membership, in those
17"? 1: parts of the State where no local Equal Rights'Associations exist and
.‘3 cannot be formed.

:. That we leave the adoption of the plan of Mrs. Hackstaff, chair-
:5; man of the Committee on Enrollment of the N. A. W, S. A., to the
choice of each local association. ~
That we accept the recommendation of the Woman’s Protest
It}: '3 committee and write to our Senators and members of the Senate ‘
Committee on Territories. 3 g 7:} 3‘7: 3‘; ‘.
7-1;; 1 :

 l 3 at? . ’3; l
i 3.4.4. "_ 9. ‘
‘ ‘ - ima‘ i
That we ask that the word S’ETX be stricken from the suffrage .
clause of the Statehood bill. ‘
' That we make increase of membership our principal work for _
i next year. t
i That we begin an educational campaign so as to secure a law 3
from the next legislature for the co-guardianship, of father and ‘

mother, of minor children.

That we endeavor to have women placed on boards of all state
institutions for punitive and educational purposes.

That we reaffirm our policy of last year to obtain full school 1
suffrage for all women who can read and write the English ' ‘
language. .

Committee arose. ,i

i ‘ Convention called to order at 10 o’clock by the President, Miss 3
1 Laura Clay. . 1
i Scriptural reading and prayer by the President. j
i Moved that the printed program be made the order of business. i
i Col. John G. Craddock was introduced to the convention and i
l made a few remarks. i
Minutes of Executive Committee were read and accepted. i
i Mrs. Isabel H. Shepard was committee on Credentials, ex-oflicio, i
as state treasurer. ‘

“Some years ago the convention voted that the Executive com— 5
mittee should also be the Legislative committee. Accordingly it -'
became the duty of the officers to look after the bills that the con- ;
vention voted tohave brought up in the Legislature. On January '
18th Mrs. Cramer and I went to Frankfort for that purpose. We ‘
decided that it was best not to try to introduce any other bills than 1

i the one for school suffrage for all women who could read and write
! the English language, and the bill for the co-guardianship of father 1‘
and mother of minor children. Dr. Averdick of Covington consented !
1 to bring in the co-guardianship bill, and we found also an excellent ,
advocate for it in Hon. R. W. Miller, of Madison county. We 5
i made another trip to Frankfort on January 2 5th and found an advo~ I
'. (Safe: for 031$ school suffrage bill in the Hon. Mr. Newman of Wood- 1
i '7: 3'5 ii: :..: 2 l
i . . . . .. . : : . :
l -: .': “11...! z": ' i
l s

 1 .
. ford 'county,~who heartily approved of it, In February we had a
1 copy of the Morning Herald, containing an article 011 co—guardian—
. ship written by Mrs. L. C. Obenchain, laid on each desk in the '
1, House and Senate ;_ and we also had a hearing before the House
1 committee 011 the bill. But though we had both bills in excellent
1 hands and though we made two more trips to Frankfort, one on
February 25th and one on March Ist, staying some days both times,
neither bill was successful. The co-guardianship bill passed its
second reading in the House and was made a special order for its
third reading, but the ruleswhich control the business of the House
during the last ten days of the session operated against its coming
. up for its third reading. We believe that it was the great amount
.1 of business before the legislature rather than any strong opposition
1 to this measure which prevented its passage, and we were left hope-
1 ful that we might succeed in the next legislature if we can make a
5 united effort from all the clubs in the Association to influence their
representatives at home. The clubs at Lexington, Covington,
1 Newport, Frankfort, Nicholasville. Richmond and Louisville helped
1 with the legislative work by seeing their legislators and writing
letters. The importance of such help cannot be over-estimated and
1 I trust that every club will resolve at our next legislative season to
1 bend their energies toward petitioning their own representatives and
‘ senators at home. We found several members of both Houses who
1 declared themselves as believers in woman suffrage.
1 Besides the legislative work I have written 126 letters and have
1 mailed 82 House and Senate hearmgs and 50 copies of the Minutes
1 of 1903. I have published a Kentucky E. R, A. News Letter in
1 November, April and October and distributed several hundred of
1 them by mail and otherwise. Also, in April. by the instruction of
1 the executiAe committee. I had published a new edition of 2000 of
1 “What the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Has Done.” This .
1 leaflet has been so- popular that only a few hundred are now left. I
trust our next legislative session will give us some victory which
1 will justify us in bringing out a new and enlarged edition of it.”
i Voted that Miss Clay’s report be accepted.
1 ' First Vice-President, Mrs. Mary B. Clay.
1 . Second Vice—President Mrs. Mary C. Cramer spoke in favor of
1 using the enrollment cards. . . '- - . . ~ 5
l _ _ .
i 3 , -

 r ‘ l1
1 Third Vice—President Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin reported having
1 organized, with others, a new association at Ludlow, Ky. - 1 ’
Mrs. Harriet B. Stanton of Cincinnati, Ohio, was introduced .
" and addressed the convention.
. Voted that the courtesies of the floor be extended to Mrs. 1
1 Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Mary C. Roark reported work
done at Women’s Council at Lexington Chatauqua and recommended
that as there is now no Lexington chatauqua, we hold a council
3 next year at Owensboro or some other place having a Chatauqua. 1
1 Recording Secretary Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck reported having .
3 obtained many new members by circulating literature. ‘
: Treasurer Mrs. Isabella Shepard read financial report. . 1
Voted that treasurer’s report be accepted and the books placed ;
1 in hands of auditing committee. ' .
i ' Report of Mrs. Mary E. Giltner, Executive Committee mem— ;
1 her of the N. A. W. S. A. was read and accepted. l,
Appointment of committees: ‘ ' 1 '
; Finance—-Mrs. A. M. Harrison, Lexington. 1
j Publication—Mrs. E. M. Roebuck, Newport. 3
Auditing—Mrs. S. C. Bennett, Richmond; Mrs. Laura Spinks, 1
3 Newport. ' 1
e I ResolutionsmMiss Margaret Merker. LouiSVille ; Mrs. Sarah
‘ Charles, Newport; Mrs. Sarah A. Corrington. Nicholasville. ,
i Subscriptions to Suffrage Publications—Miss Hallie Herndon,
Frankfort. . » . 1
Courtesiesv—Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin,- Covington. . .
Voted that the plan of work recommended by the committee be 1
considered seriatim. 1
1 Voted that we adopt the first recommendation of the committee -
. on plan of work, and form sufirage committees according to the 1
. plan of national committee on increase of membership.
. Mrs. McClellan—Brown of Cincinnati, Ohio, was introduced and
addressed the convention. ,
' Voted that the courtesies of the floor be extended to our frater- 1
ma] delegate, Mrs McClellan-Brown. :
Voted that we leave the adoption of the plan of Mrs. Priscilla i
Hackstaff, chairman of the committee on enrollment of the N. A. i
'.. W. S..‘A._v", {cqjghe choice of the locals. ‘
1 2 4 .1
'.:‘.: :2 l
1 _ .

 ii '

Voted that we postpone the consideration of the third and fourth
, 7 recommendations of the plan of work committee in regard to the State-
, hood bill until after Miss Shaw’s address.

Voted that we make increase of membership our principal work
‘ for next year.

Voted that we begin an educational campaign to secure a law
for the co—guardianship of father and mother of minor children and
the placing of women on the boards of all State institutions for
punitive and. educational purposes; and that we reaffirm our policy of

i last year and endeavor to obtain full school suffrage for all women
of the State who can read and write the English language.

. Miss Mary E. Harrison, President of the VVoman’s Auxiliary

j ' of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and delegate front the Frankfort

i E. R. A., was introduced to the convention.

. Mrs. S. C. Bennett of Richmond. spoke to the convention in

: favor of obtaining as contributors those who do not care to become

‘ regular members. '

. ' Convention adjourned until 2 o’clock.



i Convention resumed at 2 o‘clock. ~

Devotional exercises led by Miss Mary E. Harrison.

- Minutes of morning session read and approved

The President, Miss, Laura Clay, gave her annual address. She

said in part :


i “The ideal of what is called “true womanliness“ has changed within the

, last fifty or sixty years. It is ditlicult to realize how far the ancient ideal has

‘ been left behind. because, like a traveller over the unbroken prairie, or a voy- .

: ager on the open sea, there are no fixed landmarks by which to measure the

‘ way : but if we read books intended for the formation of the mind of young
women of fifty or sixty yezns ago, we can see that at that time women were not
expeé‘ted to take part in affairs not strictly within the four walls of home ; and
now we do know that to the intelligence of our day it is evident that allof those

, interests that centre in the. home have connedtion with all that passes in

i the greater world outside. The health of the home is conueéted with the sani-

i tation of the city. and the state; thebaby's food is one of the objefis of the pure

: food laws; in fact, there is no interest of the larger home—the stateiwhich

i the intelligence of the womanhood of the present does not see is identical with

that of the home, Those who admit that women may and should think about

and influence laws and other public affairs, even though they maintain that

women should seek to obtain this end without the ballot, do, after all, concede

1 - 5


l .

 ’ l!
, .
i the main contention of the sufiragists, which is, that women are interested in V .
i all matters of government equally with men, and should have equal power to
i . influence them. This main contention admitted, all the rest becomes merely
. a question of method ; the suffragist believing in the use of the ballot and the
public-spirited non—suifragist believing in the use of influence or petition.
. Sulfrztgists should accentuate their points of agreement with other women, and
. met their points of disagreement, and ere long it will become evident that the
, most truly womanly method is the direct method—that of accepting as a right
i the established instrument of law making, the ballot—and using it asa'a duty to _
I the community and the state, in efforts to better the conditions which surround
: the home, by bringing to bear upon them the feminine view."
3 The report of the Superintendent of press work was read and i
. t
: accepted. , l
Mrs. A. M. Harrison, chairman of committee on finance, made 7 i
i. an appeal for free will offerings for the extension of the work, as . .
f the dues now are sufficient only for convention expenses, postage
,- and stationery, and a small sum for the expenses of the committee ‘
i going to Frankfort on legislative work. 1
- l
i The following free will offerings were made : ' ‘
Mrs. MaryB. Clay,...... 55 5 oo 1
f‘ M.E.Giltner..............,...,... 500 , .
, -“ S.C.Bennett........._...........3ooo ‘
“ SarahCharles...................... 500 ‘
“ Laura Spinks..................... 500 l
“ M. C. Roark 500 ;
“ VVellingtou Payne..,............ 5 oo
“ John Reid 5 oo
Miss Belle Bennett...........,............ 5 co '
Mrs.HarrietB.Stanton.....,.,.,.,....... IOO ,
, " E. M. Roebuck...................... 100 i
‘ “ Isabella Shepard..................., roo
: l
. Total.....................$73oo "
Mrs. McClellan Brown told the convention of the good work t
that had been accomplished by having mother‘s meetings once or i
twice a month at the public schools in Cincinnati, Ohio. . l
. 6 ,
\ I
, .

. - A delightful musical program was rendered under the direction
of Mrs. T. D. Ballard. .
Vocal selections—
CalmastheNight Balm;
Nightingale Song....... .. ...,Nwz'7l
‘ Miss Bonta
. Instrumental— ,
Kamennvi Ostron....,..,..,..... Rubmslez‘u
' Miss McGarvey.
‘ Melo—Declamation— .
j Roses—The Land of Happiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . _ . . 'lbmgrmicy’
, Miss Eva Stevenson.
‘ Mrs. A. M. Harrison spake on “Woman’s Debt to Missions.”
7 Miss Bertha Garrison recited a story by Mrs. L. C. Obenchain:
“Sally Ann’s Experiences."
. Rev. Anna Shaw addressed the convention and explained the
i necessity for protesting against the passage of the suffrage clause of
i the Statehood bill.
Voted that the Kentucky Equal Rights Association protest
1 against the passage of the Statehood bill as framed at present.
1 Moved that we ask to have the whole of paragraph 5 stricken
from the Statehood bill. This motion was lost, because it would
i only remove the indignity to women of mentioning them with defi-
l ciént classes, and the Association wants full suffrage. therefore it
3 was .
; Voted that we ask to have the word svx stricken from para<
, graph 5 of the Statehood bill.
i, Convention adjourned. . ‘
Friday Morning, Nov. 18th.
Plan of \Vork committee met Friday morning at 9 o'clock.
‘ - Committee decided to recommend :
1 That we endeavor to secure legislative enac'tment whereby the
county judge can be empowered to establish a juvenile court.
i, That we continue ourefforts to secure a Dean of Women and
the establishment of a Department of Domestic Science in the State
1 college. . ‘
i _7

 l l:
E I.
; That each local association appaint a Press Superintendent who . 1
t is to communicate with the State Press Superintendent.
E Committee rose. ‘
i Convention called to order at 10 o‘clock. l
i Devotional exercises led by Miss Clay. i
: Minutes of previous session read and approved.
i ‘ Voted that we continue to make the program the order of
[ business.
‘ Reports were read from the following local associations : i
" Fayette County E. R. A. .
Bowling Green E. R. A. ‘ '
‘ Campbell County E. R. A.
i Frankfort E. R. A. ‘ '
Louisville E. R. A. p i
Madison County E. R. A.
: Twentieth Century Club of Covington. ‘
f Lancaster E. R. A sent dues for 4 members. _. j
Nicholasville report given verbally by Mrs. Sarah A. Corrington, l
its president.
5 Kenton County E. R. A. Verbal report by Mrs. Isabella H.
i Shepard. .
Letters of greeting were read from our National Treasurer, l
. Harriet Taylor Upton, from Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, formerly of
3 Kentucky, now Press Supt. of the Minnesota E. R. A., and from
1 Mrs Virginia FranceWay, president of Madisonville E. R. A. .i .
Report of State Historian, Miss Hallie Herndon, was read and ‘
i accepted. A ,
i Mrs. Nellie Arnspiger, Recording Secretary of Kentucky \V.
' C. T. U. was introduced to the convention.
Miss Anna B. Morgan sent report on Advancement of VVomen’s ‘
Work, which was read and accepted. . 1
Mrs. Mary C. Roark reported that the women of Louisville i
were working to enforce the new compulsory education law.
Voted that we endeavor to secure a law whereby the county A
judge can establish a Juvenile Court. l
, 8


- 1 Mrs. McClellan Brown told the convention of the successful
, work of the Juvenile Court of Cincinnati, 0.

Voted that we continue our efforts to secure a Dean of Vt’omen
and the establishment of a Department of Domestic Science in the
‘ State College.

Voted that each local Association appoint a local Press Supt.

who is to communicate with the State Press'Supt.

Report of Committee on Credentials was read and accepted.

: Moved that we take up the Election of Oflicers. ,

Mrs. Arnspiger and Mr. Chas. McLaughlin were appointed

receiving tellers. ‘

Mrs. L. G. Patton and Miss Nannie McLaughlin were appointed
, distributing tellers.

‘ The election resulted as follows;

‘ President, Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. -
, 1st. Vice-President, Mrs. aMry B. Clay, Richmond.
L 2nd. Vice-President, Mrs. Mary C. Cramer, Lexington.

3rd. Vice-President, Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin,Covington.

Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Mary C. Roark, Lexington
‘ Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck, Newport. '
Treasurer, Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard, Covington.

3 Mrs. F. C. Beauchamp, President of the Kentucky W. C. T. U,

l was introduced to the convention and told in a very interesting

3 manner of the hard work done by women all over the state against

‘l ‘ the liquor trafiic.

‘ Prof. B. C. Hagerman was introduced and spoke very encour-

, 'agingly of the progress of woman’s suffrage, for which the conven-
tion tendered him a vote of thanks.

Mrs. .\/I try E. Giltnzr of Cwington was unaninnusly chosen

Member of the Executive Committee of the N. A. W. S. A.

. Voted that delegates and alternates to the National Convention
, be nominated by acclamation. The nominations wers :

Mrs. N. S. McLaughlin, Covington, Mrs. Sarah Charles, New_
1 port, Mrs. M. C. Cramer, Lexington, Miss Hallie Herndon, Frank-
1 fort, Mrs. Loring, Covington, Mrs. S. C. Bennett, Riclnnond,Miss
‘ Elizabeth Aylward, Covington.

‘ As- we are entitled to only five delegates the nomination
of Mrs. S. C. Bennett and Miss Elizabeth Aylward is conditional up-


 ‘ ‘ l
‘, ‘ .
l on our having over six hundred members. They will have the posi-
‘ tion of first alternates, however. I ’
The nominations for alternates were: '
;' Mrs. Laura Spinks, Newport; Prof. Giltner, Covington ; Mrs.
[ A. M. Harrison, Lexington; Mrs. B. C. Hagerman, Lexington;
i, \ Mrs. J. R. Morton, Lexington; Mrs. Mary Light Ogle, Covington;
Prof. B. C. Hagerman, Lexington. .
l Voted that the first alternate fill the first vacancy, second alter—
' mate the second vacancy, etc. ‘
l Voted that if when the delegates arrive at Portland, Oregon, '
i: there should be a vacancy, they be empowered to fill that vacancy
i with some member of the Kentucky E. R. A. there present. ,
f Convention adjourned.
3 Convention resumed the adjourned session at) o’clock. ,
l The auditing committee presented the following report:
‘ We, the undersigned appointed by the Chair, have audited the
; books of the treasurer and found them correct. _,
l Committee on subscriptions reported four subscriptions to the l
, VVoman’s Journal, and three to the Political Equality monthly series .
i of leaflets. I
j The Executive committee nominated the superintendents and ., i
5 historian of last year, and the nomination was confirmed by a unani» :
’ mous vote of the convention,
Committee on Resolutions reported.
, ' Voted that the resolutions be adopted as amended and read. ‘
i , Voted that the whole of the resolutions be read by the chairman
' of the committee at the evening meeting. .
Convention adjourned.
No business. Adjourned. , V
The convention accepted the invitation of the Woman’s Club of '
Central Kentucky to ”An Afternoon of Old English Ballads,” I
which was very much enjoyed. After this they were most delight- <
fully entertained with a reception and tea.
10 1


. MORNING, NOV. :9, AT 9:30 O’CLOCK.

' Voted that the following appropriations be made : ‘ .
Rev. Anna Shaw’s fee for two days. . . . . . . .. ..........$ 45 oo
Printingof programs 2 5o
Printingof minutes , .. 20 oo

, 'Oflicers’ traveling expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . II 40

' Stationery for press superintendent, and typewriting . . . . . 50 00

. Total...... .. ......., .,,....,.$128 90

Voted that the treasurer keep her books open until January 1st.

‘ Voted that the appointment of chairman of suffrage committees
in localities where there is no association, may he made by the Pres-
ident alone.

‘ Committee adjourned:

EMMA M. Ronnch.
_, Recording Secretary,

' Executive Committee had no meetings but acted on three cir-
cular letters written by the President in which the business attended

to was the voting of $30.00 to Mrs. L. C. Obenchain, Press Superin—

, ‘ tendent for postage and stationery ; voting to have a \Voman’s

i Council at the Chatauqua Assembly at Lexington, in conjunétton «

l with the Fayette E R. A,. and accepting the invitation of the
Fayette County E. R. A. to hold the convention in Lexington. ‘

Recording Secretary.
' ' Night Sessions.
Thursday Night, Nov. [7, eight o’clock.
This evening’s session was held in the Lexington Opera House.

V After several delightful musical selections by Saxton's Orchestra,
Prof. Charles Loos opened the session with prayer. Miss Laura

‘ Clay then introduced Rev. Anna H. Shaw, the speaker of the even-

' ing. The subject of Miss Shaw's lecture was the Fa/e of Rtyézzb/frs, and

. her pleasing delivery and witty anecdotes soon gave her an enthusi-

astic as well as a large audience, At the close of the lecture the

1 - 11

7 orchestra again rendered several selections during which some of the
7 members of the Fayette County E. R. A. passed through the
7 ' audience soliciting the names of those who wished to become
3 members. \
Friday Night, Nov. l8, eight o’clock.
3 The second evening session was held in the Circuit Court room [‘7
; which was crowded, many being obliged to stand in the doorways ‘ ‘
and hall. After a prayer by the Rev. R. O. Kirkwood, Miss Clay
' again introduced the Rev. Anna Shaw, whose subject this evening Ct
‘ was “The Evolution of Democracy.” \Vith her logical arguments
. and her charming manner Miss Shaw again delighted this large
‘ audience. After the leéture several members again passed through
the audience to secure the names of those wishing to become members.
‘ The number of those who gave their names as desiring to become
. members of the Fayette County E. R. A. at these two evening sess-
. ions was over fifty. .
. at

To Balance, Jan. 1, 1904 $150 73
4} Free Will Offerings as reported.............................. 93 00
j . Donations: Miss Clay for Press Work..................... .........$ 37 00
“ “ “ 4 60
. “ “ “ Legislative work 9 55
J “ Mrs. Cramer........................ 2 45
“ Miss Clay, Dr. W'ood’s expenses................... 116 25 169 85
Annual Local dues to State Association:
Ashland....................... 11.. 3 85 .
Bowling Green............ 10 3 50
Frankfort...... 13 4 55
Hawesville 3 1 05
Kenton Association...... 6 2 10 ‘
Lancaster «1 1 40
Lexington............165 57 75
Louisville 20 7 ()0
Ludlow........................ 7...... 2 45
Newport............... ~10 14 00
Nicholasville 8............ 2 80
Richmond.................... 80 28 00
20th Century Club........ 90 31 50
—~ 457 ._ 159 95
‘ Total“ .. $973 58
Nov. 14, 1903—Miss Shaw, lectures........................ .............$ 45 00 ,
Traveling expenses—Mrs. Cramer......... .....$ 4 90 i
' “ “ Miss Clay 4 60 9 5t) ;
Salary, Cor. Sec’y 60 00 i
Stationery, etc., Cor. Sec‘y........ . 5 ()0
Salary, Press Supt 60 00 i
t: Stationery, etc..... 30 ()0 l
Printing Programs................. 2 25 l
ll “ Minutes 20 00 i
' Frankfort expenses.................... 34 55 j
‘ Dr. VVood’s expenses, state work............ .. 116 25
Annual dues to National Association............ 45 70 _ 1
Balance, Dec. 1, 1904 145 18 l
’10ta1$573 58 ‘
Kentucky E. R. Ass’n. ,
1‘3 i l

We have now 76 papers publishing suffrage matter either regularly or oc-
casionally, and I have begun anew the work of approaching the non-suffrage
editors. No matter how many times an editor has refused our suffrage articles,
he must be appealed to at least once a year.
I have done better work during the last year, and I begin to see gratifying
results. For instance, a year ago the editor 'of one of the best papers in the A"
state said. in reply to my annual letter of inquiry, that he hardly thought it ‘
worth while for me to send any more suffrage articles, as he published veiy few
of them.‘ I retained the paper on my list, telling him that even two or three . 1‘
articles in a paper like his were worth much to the suffrage cause. Twice in
theilast few weeks I have had papers from him with marked articles printed in
large print and conspicuously placed with ornamental borders around them.
Another‘who had refused twice to publish suffrage matter gave a courteous ac-
' ceptance a month ago. Somehow or other he had become converted. Many
editors send me their papers. Some not only publish the articlcsbut make
editorialcomments on them. These comments are generally sarcastic, and by
no means complimentary to the superintendent of press work, but any notice of *
our cause is to be welcomed. I have all sorts of papers. from the large city
dailies to the little country weeklies; and I value the latter just as highly as the
former. Indeed it is probable that a suffrage article in a small weekly paper is
noticed by more readers than one appearing in the crowded columns of a great
daily. The daily papers are carelessly read, as a rule, but the weekly papers
are taken by the farmers and carefully read by every member of the family.
The banner paper on my list is the “VIM/511' CONN/j" Al‘a’u‘, published at Willi—
amsburg, Ky. It is not much larger than a piece of sheet music, but it publishes
fifty suffrage'articles a year, one every week. and its editor asked me to send the
articles weekly instead of twice a month. as is my custom with the other papers.
Last year we had (31'! papers, this year we have 76, but these figures do not
‘ show how many new papers have been added to the list within the past year.
Occasionally a paper has to be dropped owing to a change of editors, financial
. failure or failure to publish our articles. The number of new papers acquired I
last year is If).
An interesting feature of the work is the reply which an editor writes on
i self—addressed postal card I send to him, when asking him to publish suffrage I“
matter. I have a large collection of these and they are an amusing and instructive '
, exposition of suffrage and antirsuffragc sentiment in this state. One editor re-
minds mc that “The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the worlrl;” another says
that if women attend to their home duties they will have no time for anything 1
elsei another expresses skepticism as to the final success of the suffrage move—
‘ ment, but says he admires our persistency ; another consents to publish our
articles occasionally. but says he does not want to give us too much help. The
most satisfactory form of reply I have ever received was an emphatic “ 11/65 I”
with an exclamation point after it. just that word and nothing more, but it
said plainly: “I am an enthusiastic believer in woman suffrage and will gladly
publish your articles," ,I commend this style of answer to all editors.
14 ‘ .
. .

 I ought to have kept an account of the number of articles I have written
for Mrs. Babcock, our National Superintendent, and the specials I have written
for the Kentucky papers, but I can only make a rough guess and estimate the '
number at 18 or 20. Of late I have written so many for Mrs. Babcock that I am
ashamed to send her any more for some weeks, lest she should think Iain trying
to “run” the National Press \Vork. And this leads me to mention a need of
it. this department, namely, facilities for syndicating the articles I write without
A sending them to Mrs. Babcock. Frequently I write a special which ought to be
sent out immediately, in order to be timely, and sent to all the newpapers in the
state, all I mean that are on my list. I cannot afford to have 75 or even 35 ‘
. ‘3 copies made, so there is nothing to do but send it as a special to one paper, or
send it to Mrs. Babcock and wait one, two or three weeks for it. A suffragist
with a typewriter or a mimeographingr apparatus would be agreat help in this :
Week before last I sent out 78 copies of the circular protesting against 1.
the disfranchisement of the women of Oklahoma, Indian Territory, New Mexico ‘
and Arizona. At the top of each I wrote a request for an editorial comment on ‘
the threatened injustice, and also asked each editor to write one letter of protest 1
‘ to Senator Beveridge or some other member of the committee. i
f I made out my last report October S, 1003. Following is a statement of j»
the money spent since then : l l
Cash on hand October 8, 1903...”... .....35 (3 ()0 l
Received from Mrs. Shepard, Feb. 6, 19()»t......... 10 0t) 1
“ “ July 6,1904......... 10 00 I
" Miss Laura Clay, Oct. 1904.... 10 ()0 i
Total, $36 00 i
This has been expended as follows : I
' Envelopes...................................... .. 2 3t) 1
Type-writing 3 (H) i
I , \Postal Llrds l 75 i
‘ $31 on g
,A, Cash on hand................. 5 ()0 l
A list of the towns whe