xt7f1v5bg23w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bg23w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1969-02-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February  4, 1969 text The Kentucky Kernel, February  4, 1969 1969 1969-02-04 2015 true xt7f1v5bg23w section xt7f1v5bg23w Maine Chance Being Developed For Ag Use

Associate Editor
Despite a lawsuit in federal court here, the University holds the deed to Maine Chance Farm and already
Is developing the
land to meet research
needs of the College of Agriculture.
Maine Chance is the focal point of a $30 million
antitrust suit in which Dr. Arnold C. Pessin, a Lexington veterinarian, and Hex Ellsworth, a millionaire
California horseman, charge a conspiracy kept them
from buying the fann in 1967.
Bank of New,
The two charge the defendants-T- he
York, the Keeneland Association and the University
Research Foundation with trying to keep competitive
horse sales out of Central Kentucky.

Is Developing Farm
Keeneland is the only such breeding, sales and training center in the area.
Pessin and Ellsworth made it known that, if they
bought the farm, they intended to build a breeding,
sales and training center to compete with Keeneland.
Maine Chance is situated between University-owne- d
Coldstream and Spindletop Farms, which makes it
ideally located or University research.
The research activities now carried on by the Agriculture College on Maine Chance have not lightened
the load on the experiment farms at Coldstream and
Spindletop, but rather the Agriculture Experiment Station on Cooper Drive.
"We've used Maine Chance to replace the land
we've lost here in town,", said Dr. Charles Bamhart,
director of the experiment station. "We've lost a significant amount of the old Experiment Station to the
new building program."

piring and, according to Dr. Bamhart, aren't being
ren ewed.
Instead, the experimental work is being moved to
:Ji Maine Chance where proximity is a prime factor. Maine
Chance is on Newtown Pike, about six miles from the
University. An example of a rented farm is one used
for animal science at Burgin, about 30 miles away.
The work on Maine Chance has been divided into
agronomy, animal science and veterinary science with
a director over each area. Dr. George D. Pendergrass
is in charge of the three experimental sections.
Dr. John L. Hagland is in charge of agronomy research on Maine Chance. Agronomy research is primarily
located on Spindletop, but carries over onto Maine
As Dr. Ragland explained "Our prime need is for
land level enough to do extensive plot work year after
year. Spindletop is better for this because MaineChance
is a rougher farm (terrainwise)."
There are approximately 720 acres of land (combining
Maine Chance and Spindletop) in use by the Agronomy
Department. On Maine Chance proper, the section that
Dr. Bamhart noted that at one time all the land borders
is in irrigated plot work.
from Donovan Hall to Shawneetown was part of the
of. the
According to Dr. Ragland, about
Ag Experiment Station. The "new" building program
rewell' irrigated plot work is taken up by tobacco and the
includes Haggin Hall and six fraternity houses as
third in grain crops (com and soy beans).
as such recent additions as the Sports Center, the maining
Another stretch, along Newtown Pike, is used to
Complex and the Kentucky Educational TV building
experiment with soil fertility and forage research for
on Cooper Drive.
pasture and hay crops.
"Some of our programs haven't had land available,"
Handles Overflow
animal science'
Dr. Bamhart said, "including agronomy,
Maine Chance has been used as more or less an
and veterinary science. We have redeveloped these on
overflow for the Agronomy Department. Spindletop is
Maine Chance."
rented farms still the primary research center for agronomy because
The Ag College, before Maine Chance,
of its level terrain.
in the surrounding area and carried on limited experiContinued on Page 2, CoL 1
mental work there. The leases on the farms are ex








University of Kentucky, Lexington

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1969



Vol. LX, No. 88

Crosswalk Needs 'Crystal Clear'







tt -


" Will

point somewhere between Harrif
son and Lexington Avenues is
considered for a crossbeing
walk, but students crossing from
Holmes Hall still might go
straight across to the Student
Center. The city government has
Kernel Photo by Howard Mason
proposed that Euclid Avenue be
This "student crossing" near the Commerce
widened. If this occurs, the trafBuilding is just one of several spots borderfic would be heavier and the
ing the campus where the University is faced
problem more pronounced.
with a pedestrian safety problem and stuLimestone and Upper Streets.
dents are faced with a daily run for their
Coleman said a plaza might be
lives to get a Phillip's sandwich for lunch.
built over the entire triangle area,
but that it wouldn't be necessary
if the College of Education complex is converted, as has been
suggested, into Administrative
Services. The area is listed as a
problem now because of students
crossing both Upper and Limestone going to and from educaMarlene Dixon, a sociology professor who
tion classes.
she "learned to be a radical in the streets," remained Monday
University Drive. The
Ithe rallying point for a group of students who have occupied the
walk area at the end of the
of Chicago administration building for five days.
Complex Tower mall may be University
triggered by the
utilized for a raised crossing area
"I don't think I'm incompeuniversity's decision not to rehire
due to dormitory traffic crossing
continued to be a tent. Universities, in general,
University Drive. The overpass stand-of- Dixon,
have become hostile to radicals,"
The university's diswould be placed at the end of
ciplinary committee convened to she said.
Huguelet Drive.
meet with the 61 students susMrs. Nixon visited the campus
$1.5 Million
pended Sunday but no students Sunday night. She said she be"Since pedestrian overpass fa- showed up.
lieves university officials "really
cilities are expensive, they won't
The student protest leaders are trying very sincerely and very
be used unless in exactly the held a noon rally and remained
honestly to respond. We are in a
right place," Coleman said. One disdainful of the disciplinary ac- difficult situation. I hope and
William B. Arthur, vice president and editor of Look magazine,
overpass construction is estition.
pray it will come to a creative
will be the guest speaker at the first annual Journalism Alumni mated to cost $1.5 million.
One student told the 75 per- solution."
Feb. 13.
Dinner on Thursday,
He continued: "It is easy to sons who attended the rally in
She also said she does not exThe dinner, sponsored by the Journalism Department and the
say that it would be nice to have the hallway of the commandeered pect a reversal of the decision to
journalism society
campus chapter of Sigma Delta
an overpass, but students and building: "The disdpliqary com- fire her. "I am actively seeking
be held at 6:15 p.m. in the Student Center Small
for men-w- ill
faculty must use them. You must mittee is illegal and the body is a Job elsewhere," she said.
bring 60 to 80 percent of pedesirrelevant."
Students protesting against
Arthur is president of the national Sigma Delta Chi.
trians to that convenient point.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Dixon, 32, a her dismissal contend she was
from the University in 1937, Arthur worked Then
After graduating
must encourage every
stocky blonde who has been a fired because she is a woman.
before joining the War Departfor the Louisville Courier-Journone to use it."
faculty member since 1966, re- Mrs. Dixon, however, admits her
of public relations during World War II.
ment's bureau
He concluded, "In a grade fused to discuss the university's teaching methods are unorthoArthur started to work for Look in 1946 in the Washington
19G6 was promoted to editor.
separation, you can either elevate decision to fire her.
bureau and in
"I'm not fighting formyjob,"
the pedestrian, depress the vecited Arthur as one of its distinguished alumni
The University
"My classrooms are demoshe said. "I feel the main issues
hicle, elevate the vehicle or dein 1962 and awarded him an honorary doctor of laws degree in 1967.
of women and cratic," she said. "The students
Interim President A.D. Kirwan will introduce Arthur at the press the pedestrian. A tunnel or are the
radicals at the University. I have vote on such things as the subunderpass seems to be undersir-ablalumni dinner.
from a psychological and been very careful to take a neu- ject matter of the course and how
Alumni and students of the Department of Journalism are
tral position. I have made no many term papers they're going
safety standpoint. The other alwelcome to attend the dinner. Reservations ($2.50 for students,
are equally
attempt to incite them or cool to have."
$3.50 for faculty and public) may be nude with the Journalism
Continued on Face 8, Cot 3
them off. It's their thing.
Office, telephone extension 2703.

at the same game. I watched
one scamper across the street,
Kernel Staff Writer
picking up parts of my pencil
There I was teetering on the as good luck pieces. He still was
yellow lirie in the middle of balanced neatly on the double
South Limestone Street with cars yellow lines when I rounded the
whizzing by several inches in Commerce Building.
"The need is crystal clear,"
front of me.
Ail I wanted was to cross Lawrence Coleman said in a telethe street to get a sandwich phone conversation. Coleman, difor lunch, but it seemed that rector of campus planning and
those angry cars were about to design, was talking of the need
use me as meat for their own for pedestrian crosswalks around
the UK campus.
He continued: "We are hoping
splatJust as a
end of my nose, to undertake building one or more
tered against the
I saw an opening and started grade separations when we have
to make my move. But a pencil decided where they should go."
He said the problem now is
fell out of my shirt pocket, hit
the pavement and rolled in front to attempt to identify the probof a car that just missed me. lem areas and decide on a crossThe pencil was smashed and ing point that will be useful for
I wasn't hungry anymore. I had 10 to 15 years.
just swallowed my tongue.
Problem Areas
So I gave up and edged back
Coleman said there are three
I had
across the street the way
major problem areas at present:
y Euclid Avenue. Students are
There was a crowd of stuluck crossing all along the street. A
dents waiting to try their





Chicago Protesters
Disregard Suspension


Look Magazine's Editor
To Speak At Alumni Affair




� KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Fch. 4,

2-- TIIE


Work Already Started On Maine Chance Farm

Asked if the land was well
not the case with suited to his department's purThis Is
the Animal Science Department. pose. Dr. Carri gus said it was
ideal. "We need proximity to our
Headed by Dr. Wesley P. Carrthe department has been other holdings (Coldstream and
able to implement a program Spindletop) and we have this in
that had been neglected because Maine Chance."
Dr. Carrigus added that the
of lack of land.
physical properties of the farm
Carri-ru- s
"At best estimate" Dr.
have only undergone minimal
places the animal science
allotment of Maine Chance land improvement. "We needed buildat 459 acres. The new program is ings, fencing and water, which
light horse nutrition, which gets were already
"It is a new program," said
Dr. Carri gus, "brand new, only
about a year old. We just couldn't
accommodate it before."
The Associated Press
Dr. Carri gus said physiology
Dr. John W. Oswald testified
reproduction and light horse nuMonday "my sole and only intrition share another 100 acres. tent" in helping the University
Physiology reproduction was one acquire Maine Chance Farm was
program formerly carried out on the future good of the Univer;the leased Mercer Farm at Burgin. sity.
"It was the only land available,"
Testifying in the $30 million
Dr. Carri gus said.
suit filed in connection with the
Animal nutrition occupies purchase, Oswald denied he had
about ISO acres ofMaine Chance. ever conspired with anyone in
The work ws formerly done at any dealings surrounding the purthe Experiment Station on Coop- chase.
er Drive.
He did say, however, that he
Thirty-fivacres for dairy cat-- , had been told three times of a
tie nutrition and 129 acres for beef competing bid that was to have
cattle nutrition, formerly based been submitted about the same
at the Mercer farm, have been time the University made its sucset aside and are being developed cessful offer of $2 million on the
on Maine Chance.

Dr. J. II. Drudge, director of
veterinary science research on
Maine Chance, says his department has "utilized pretty fully
the additional facilities we've
been given."
Veterinary science occupies
about 150 acres on the back side
of Maine Chance, adjacent to
Coldstream and Spindletop.
There are two barns in the
vet science area. One is used
for studying pathology of the

docs not involve ownership of
the farm.
The question is whether a
conspiracy was present in the
University's purchaseof the farm.
A decision favoring Dr. Arnold C. Pessin and Rex Ellsworth would not alter the fact
of the purchase. A decision
against UK would cut funds to
the Agriculture College, which
could hamper research in many
ofits departments.

reproductive tract and as a general holding area for animals
used in other research.
The other is used to study'
sex hormones and their relationship to breeding problems in
mares. The bam is near its
capacity, housing 22 horses
and "a couple of cattle."
Maine Chance Farm is owned
by the University. The $30 million
suit now in U.S. district court
24-sta- ll

Dr. Oswald Testifies In Maine Chance Trial
Lexington veterinarian Arnold
C. Pessin and California horseman Rex Ellsworth filed the U.S.
District Court action after they
became underbidden on the farm
at $1.94 million.
They charge there was a conspiracy between the University
of Kentucky Research Foundation, the Keeneland Association
and the Bank of New York to
keep them from buying the acreage.
Oswald, who was president of
both the University and its research foundation at the time,
said the University had had its
eye on Maine Chance for years
before it actually bought it.
Oswald said he had tried to


We ore iooiirig lor lalen'ed. ambilioos




Who wonf to work hard



make contact with the late Elizabeth Arden Graham during her
lifetime with the suggestion the
farm might be given, wholly or
in part, as a gift to the University.
These efforts, he said, came to
The farm was offered for sale
after Mrs. Graham's death in
1966 and it was July, 1967, when
the University's research foundation bought it.
Oswald told the jury of receiving a letter from then-ArtGen. Robert Matthews asking
that transfer of title of the farm
be delayed, but said he discounted them to some extent.
He said Matthews wrote him

on Sept. 6, 1967, asking that
transfer be delayed while his office was making an investigation of the legality of the sale.
Oswald wrote Matthews Sept.
2D giving him information he had
requested and pointing out the
University's trustees had asked
him to carry out the transfer of


Matthews again asked for a
delay in a letter dated Oct. 9,
Oswald said. The title was
transferred Oct. 11.
Matthews' first letter asking
delay, Oswald said, was published in the newspaper before
Oswald actually received it.
In addition, Oswald said he
was aware of "political involvement" at the time surrounding
Matthews. "I was aware he and
the governor were at political
odds," Oswald said.
Earlier testimony has indi
cated then-C- o v. Edward T.
'Breathitt endorsed the purchase
of the farm by the University.
Oswald said he was told twice
before the university submitted
its bid on the farm that a competing bid of $1.85 million might
be put in and once that a bid
of $1.94 million might be offered.
In no case, he said, was he
told who might submit such bids.
Testimony has indicated they
all were in relation to the bid
offered by Pessin and Ellsworth
the first two figures identical
and the latter the same figure
with a type of commission

o job they con be proud of

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� THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb. 4, l9-- 3

'Drunkard9 Barrels Into Barn Theater

Assistant Managing Editor
Can a morality play on the
evils of demon rum, a play which
elicited tears throughout the
country one century ago, become
a really funny musical comedy?
Can an actor who "has been'
pursuing a theatrical career since'
appearing as Coldi locks in a Boy
Scouts production of "The Three
Bears" succeed? Can he avoid
being typecast?
Drunkard," which
opened Wednesday night at the
Lexington-WinchestBam Dinner Theater, answers these questions affirmatively and indicates
that the theater possesses the
ability to consist ently bring good.

Week Offers
Tryouts, Blacks,
Bach Arid Lear
The week's activities offer a
diverse program to widely divergent tastes, from Blacks to Bach,
to King
from student
try-ou- ts


freak-ou- t.

The Black Arts Festival continues all through this week high- -,
lighted by various Black works
of art on display in the Student
Center Art Gallery. The festive
week, sponsored by the Black
Student Union, ends Saturday
night with a dance at the Student
Center featuring
BSU president Marshall Jones
and The Fourth Dimension.
The week also provides an excellent opportunity for students
with little or no theatrical experience to receive dramatic instruction gratis while becoming
works. The opportunity arises
each year as students of Charles
Dickens' directing class hold
this year commencing at
5:00 p.m. in the Guignol Theatre
on both Feb. 5 and 6. Among
the plays open for tryouts are
"The Rainmaker," "And Things
That Go Bump In The Night"
and "The Lion in Winter."
Wednesday, Feb. 5, also marks
the appearance of writer, critic
and lecturer Kenneth Burke.
Burke, whose" appearance is sponsored by the Department of English will present his lecture,.
Form and Psy"King Lear-- Its
chosis," at 8 p.m. in room 108
of the Commerce Building.
Finally the department of
Music presents British musicologist Jack Westrup at the University Laboratory Theatre in the
Fine Arts Building on Friday,
Feb. 7 at 8:15 p.m.



The Kentucky

The audience is invited to hiss
the villain and cheer for the hero,
and responded as generously to
this invitation as it did with
laughter and applause. It was
obvious that everyone present
enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
The songs are outstanding.
Laura Williams, "A Poor but
Honest Widow," and Julia Monroe, "The Widow's Daughter
An Innocent Flower," were particularly pleasing together when
they harmonized on "Heaven
Will Protect the Unprotected."
Donald Arrington was the perfect, leering villain, casting nasty
asides to the audience and acting generally like the dastard
that he was. His performance
demonstrated the progress he's
made since his
start as Coldilocks. "They call
me lecher, leech and toad," he
sneers, "but I don't care."
"Mr. Edward Middleton," the
hero of the play, falls to the
evils of drink provided by the
tempting Mr. Cribbs, who, as
might be expected, then goes to
the Middleton home and demands the rent money from the
hero's wife. Of course, she cannot pay. Walter Charles was excellent as Middleton, with a
powerful and clear voice and a
smile as toothy as one has the
right to demand from a hero
in such a play.
The production, like each ofj
. . . Participation
The Performance began .with, the Barn Dinner Theater's plays,
is produced in New York before,
led unenthusiastitwo members of the cast going on the road. It will run,
cally by
who did much better jobs in sub- here until February 23.
And Digestion
sequent scenes.
It was surprising to see more
Dinner was served almost
hour late, and although the
than a dozen young persons scattered through the audience
play's beginning was delayed an
ting silently while the audience equal length of time, some cussang "Dixie," perhaps demon- tomers had little more than 15
strating instead their con sciences minutes to eat before the tables
by holding aloft peace signs. began to be cleared.
This problem should be reThe play was wholly free of any
racial content, however, and their solved, for the buffet dinner was
peace signs had to be viewed excellent and one that adds greatrather than ly to the evening if there is sufas an amusing
ficient time to enjoy it.
any meaningful display.

ductions to the Bluegrass.
Degradation . . .
"The Drunkard," written in
the 1840 s, was for several decades
an emotional release for con fused
to sadAmericans, a
den all audiences and a portrayal
of the degradation brought upon
a family by the conquest of man
by liquor.
Today, however, the earnestness of the drama's sermon seems
hilariously funny, and the play is
to capture all the
allows. Allaughs the
the ploy follows the dethough
struction of a "good man," the
characters are exaggerated in the
competent spoof, so that the ambivalence between the play's original tragedy and its present humor is seen in only a few
instances. The brief reminders
that this is a play which might
in reality be a tragedy seems to
magnify the audience's pleasure
in being allowed to laugh at it,
just as viewers welcome a play
which laughs even briefly at poverty or war, in a short escape
from the horrors of their realities.
It is a sort of "Mighty Carson
Art Players" parody of every
melodrama, of
lains and smiling heroes, and a
delicate, beautiful, and

Best Group
Rest New Group
Best Vocalist


Best Vocalist




Best New Male Vocalist
Best New Female Vocalist
Best Musician(s)

Best Songwriter(s)


Best Single Record of

Best Album of 1968

show-busine- ss


Favorite Type of Music
Best Local Group

(Lexington, Louisville, etc.)

Sex Symbol

Sex Symbol



Best Film of 1968
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Director




Mail to: Pop Music Poll, Kentucky Kernel, University of Ky.

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Call Winchester 744-20-



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For Reservations

The Barn opens at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is served
7 to 0 p.m. The performance begins at 8:30
Performances are Tuesday night
through Sunday night.
Just off U.S. Route 60, midway between
Winchester, Ky. and Lexington, Ky.
P. O. Box 735
Winchester, Ky. 40391

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Best Song of 1968






The Kentucky Kernel, University
Station, University ot Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 4u5u6. Second ciass
postage paid ai Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weetuy during tne
scnooi year except holidays and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Omce Box 4tftt(S.
Begun as the Cadet in ltfirt and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1V15.
Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The Editors.
Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files
Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sports
News Desk
Advertising, Business, Circulation 2J19


if not always stimulating,

First Annual Kernel Pop Music And
Film Poll Kallot



� ROTC Credit Must
Yale and Dartmouth universities


as well give credit for a course
in revolutionary tactics, as both

recently have added their names to
the growing list of institutions who pursuits arc of approximately equal
are denying academic credit for philosophical legitimacy.
ROTC. This seems to be the only
Perhaps the chief argument
honest thing an institution of highagainst giving academic credit for
er education can do. More specifiis that
cally, the University of Kentucky, ROTC classes, however,
of the major
since it has not chosen to lead in they undercut one
this respect, should at least follow functions of the university, that of
challenging students to objectively
analyze the institutions of our soThe denying of credit for ROTC ciety. After doing time in his ROTC
classes can in no way be construed classes, which just are not taught
as academic intolerance because the on an objective basis, and then
his moves,
program can still be allowed to re having to rationalize
main on campus, though only as an the student in all probability will
extracurricular activity, as it should approach the institution of the milibe. If universities are to give credit tary in a biased if not indoctrinated
for ROTC classes, they might just frame of mind.

At Kentucky


In times like these, when the
nations of the world rest on the
brink of disaster with overly-powerfmilitary establishments nudging
them toward the edge, it is
especially important that people be
able to perform this critical function. The old cliches about military security and national defense
just will not suffice any more. A
,more reasoned attitude is demanded.

At the University of Kentucky,

contrary to popular belief, the two
ROTC programs are here on a
contract basis. The contracts provide that the programs may be
ended should either party indicate
a desire to do so, provided it give

forewarning of a specified time
If the University wishes to maintain any facade of integrity, it must
do away with the credits it allows
for these courses. Not only docs
subjecting students to these courses
make them less capable of evaluating the military as an institution,
but it makes the school itself less
able to deal fairly and on an enlightened basis with this establishment. If the University and the
military are engaging in a privileged relationship, how can one expect the former to deal with its
partner objectively?
These are the considerations
which demand that credit for ROTC
classes be disallowed and now.

Student Government And Its Political Games
The Student Government Assembly, which only a few months
ago showed signs of becoming
aware of the students it is supposed to represent, now seems to
be moving into the darkness again.
If the meeting Thursday night is
any indication of the circus the Assembly intends to become in the
forthcoming months, all hopes of a
responsible body of students working for the betterment of the University of Kentucky can be quickly
extinguished. That meeting seemed
only to indicate that many, perhaps even most of the assembly,
is more concerned with the upcoming elections and factional politics than anything else.
Assembly Speaker Steve Bright
got so embroiled in what seems

to be Greek factionalism that he
saw fit to overrule the SG parliamentarian, Bruce Carver, and pack
up and go home when the assembly began an attempt to unseat
him. Bright was successful in keeping his seat, however, thus holding
onto one of the most powerful

positions of the student governing body.
The move to deny to Thorn
Pat Juul a third vote in the assembly also was purely political.
The assembly voted to expel John
Daugherty, but at least one member of the assembly, after learning

The Kentucky




TUESDAY, FEB. 4, 1969

Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker,



Darrell Rice, Editorial Page
Guy M. Mendes III, Managing Editor
Jim Miller, Associate
Tom Derr, Business Manager
Chip Hutcheson, Sports
Howard Mason, Photography Editor
Jack Lyne and Larry Kelley, Arts Editors
Dana Ewell,
Frank Coots,
Larry Dale Keeling,
Terry Dunham,
Assistant Managing Editors



'He's Ordered Me To Land
Back In Washington, D.C


that the seat would go to Juul,
saw fit to question that expulsion.

Juul, it is clear, is gaining too
much power to suit some of the
And, of course, the whole controversy over censuring SG President Wally Bryan is hard to understand unless one considers politics. It just might prove unpopular
in a few months to have been one
!of the assembly members who did
not defend the retiring president,
especially since he has been somewhat faithful to his largely greek
Yet, it is that time of the year
again. Student leaders are forgetting whom they are supposed to
represent. And that noble SG body
is up to its old games again.

'c' i




� f'


T1IE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Feb. 4,

1969- -5

Kernel Forum: the readers write


in Vietnam. Whether we were right or bestowed on men merely because they
wrong to be there is not a question for are men, but rather because they have
Thant to judge. His job is to facilitate earned their dignity and worth. The only
thing that I can see that men are all
college is basically just like running a cessation of the conflict.
business. Of course, there's no managemeIn the 19G7 situation in Israel Thant born equal with is value as human bent-labor
problems in a college. And then again acted irresponsibly by precipitously
ings. All other things are relative.
if the process of education doesn't seem removing the
UN force
No one has ever said anything about
to be progressing at a reasonable rate, in the Middle East, thus commencing the the Negro not being worthy as a human
you can simply convert the school into Six Day War.
being. What they have questioned is his
This week Thant proposed that Red claim to virtues that he has not earned.
a factory (and sell cigarettes or someChina be accepted to the UN, again Cranted that the chances for progress
6) Naturally enough, 73 percent of those
taking a stand on a controversial issue were slim in the past, if not nearly iminterviewed felt that there was no room in which is decidedly odious to some parpossible, yet now with legal equality I
a university for collective bargaining by ties (for example the United States). It cannot see too much standing in their
faculty members. Good heavens! Give is. not in the purview of his position to way. So what are they doing constructive?
'em an inch and they'll take a mile. take stands on issues.
Burning, looting, rioting, killing.
And again this week the worid witWho knows? They might start wanting
Is it really because the white peonessed the barbaric butchering o( 14 peo-jpto make decisions concerning curricula,
ple do not like the Blacks that tley
an act which was clearly provoca-- I are discriminated against, or is it becau e
teaching policies, salaries, fellowships and
or st