xt7f1v5bcv2f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bcv2f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1909-02-jun1. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1909-02-jun1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1909-02-jun1. 1909 1909-02-jun1. 2011 true xt7f1v5bcv2f section xt7f1v5bcv2f 


     of the




tuo 1909 - June 1915


     Vol. 3




     Meeting of the Board of Trustees of State University of
Kentucky, held at the President's room, in the Gymnasium Build-
ing, on the University Grounds, Lexington, Ky., on June 1st,
lq09, being the regular semi-annual meeting held in June.

     Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded and
carried Mr. 0. M. Olay was elected temporary chairman of the-
meeting in the abscence of the Governor.

     Mr. Clay took the chair.

     The roll call, showed the following:

          Present: Messrs. Carpenter, Davies, Cox, Hopkins,
                             Nicholas, Stout, Stoll, Patterson,
                             galker, Wathen, Crabbe, Terrell and
                             Olay.                      -     13

          Absent: Messrs. Gov. Willson, Judge Barker, Mr. Brooks,
                          and Mr. Smith.                    4

     The Chairman announced that there was a quorum present, and
that business would be proceeded with.

     At the direction of the Chairman the Secretary proceeded to
the reading of the minutes of the Board of December, l9Og meeting
and the called meeting held after that time.

     During the reading of the minutes Governor Willson came into
the room, and took the chair.

     The minutes stood approved as read, there being no objection

     At the direction of the Chairman the Secretary proceeded At
to read the minutes of the Executive Committee, of meetings of
said Committee held since dale-December, 190Q meeting of the Board.

     During the reading of these minutes Judge Barker came into
the meeting.



     Upon mlotion of Mr. Hopkins, seconded by Judge Stout atdfly
carried the Minutes of the Executive Committee were approved
as read.

     At the direction of the Chairman the Secretary read the min-
utes of the Board of Control of meetings held since the December
1908 meeting of the Board, and after discussion action thereon
tos postponed for the time to give Judge Barker an opportunity
to look at the law relating to the control of the Experiment

     At this point the Board took a recess until two o'clock P.M.
of the same day.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at two o'clock P. M., June 1st,

     Present same members as stated. above, and in addition Mr.

     Judge Barker being temporarily absent, upon motion duly made
seconded and carried the consideration of the minutes of the
Board of Control was postponed until his return.

     At the direction of the Chairman the Secretary read certain
Darts of the minutes of the Faculty of a meeting held since the
December, l908 meeting of the Board.

     Upon motion of President Patterson, duly seconded by Judge
Stout, and carried, as recommended in the minutes of the Faculty
the following degrees were ordered conferred upon the following
named persons, to-wit:

     For the degree B. S.--

P. L. Blumenthal



For the degree B. S. continued

     H. A. Davis
     Lizzie Hardesty
     Robert S. Hart
     Edith Issacs
     Sarah Kaufman
     H. B. Sanders
     Ivy Troll
     F. H. Tucker
     B. D. Wilson

For the degree Mf. S.

     Guy Taylor
     vW. C. ftoftrt*

For the degree B. A.

     Mary Akers
     Susan Akers
     Harry Cannon
     T. 0. Carroll
     J. S. Crosthwaite
     Helen Daugherty
     C. B. Ellis
     Rhoda Glass
     E. L. Harrison
     P. R. Hinesley
     Inez Luten
     R. L. Maddox
     V. Y. Moore
     P. H. Neblett
     W. D. Reddish
     J. R. Robinson
     nary Rodes
     W. 0. 8tackhouse
     L. D. Wallace

For the degree M. A.

     Josie Alexander

For the degree 3.13.---

     0larence Sampson Bennett
     Edgar Bennett



For the degree B. M. E. continued---

     Willard Crawford Bewlay
     George Francis Browning
     Andrew Jackson Crawford
     Harry Earl Eifort
     Earnest England Horine
     John Sherman Horine
     Thomas Frederick Hudgins
     Charles Jablow
     Charles Ashley Johns
     William Abner King #
     Hiter H. Lowry, Jr.
     Lewis Thornton Marks
     Albert !Marion Mathers
     Jesse Thomas Neighbors
     Thomas James Orr
     Charles Swift Parrish
     Emmett Burgess Perrine
     Murray Raney
     Gus B. Reidel
     Daniel Cline Talbott #
     Newton Stout Taylor
     John James Tigert
     Hal Eubank Townsend
     Ch4rles White

# Upon these men the degree will be conferred to become
  operative from the date of the satisfactory completion
  of their work.

For the degree M. E.
     L. L. Lewis
     A. T. Lewis
     J. tW. Hughes

For the degree B. S. in Agriculture

     George Tho-mas Scott #
     Otha Balfour Chisholm #

For the degree B. E. M.

    WJ. E. Hudson #
    Harry E. Taylor



     For the degree E. M.

          William Washington Shelby, Jr.

     For the degree B. C. E.

          James Floyd Chambers
          Holton Cook
          Cecil Clement Garvin
          Robert Schuyler Haff
          David William Harp
          Harry Lee Rankin
          Marshall Wood Shankland
          Roy Whittaker Smarr
          Benjamin Ellis Stout
          Charles D. Wells
          Andrew George Yankey

     For the honorary degree LL. D.---

          Dr. William Benjamin Smith
          Joshua B. Garrett
          David William Moffet           C. W. Mathews,
       Upon these -.m.len the degree will be conferred to become
       operative from the date of the satisfactory completion
       of their work.

     At this point President Patterson stated that Prof. J. X.
Davis, the first assistant in the department of mathematics had
occupied that position for several years with distinction, and
that he had been recommended by Prof. White, the Dean of said
department for promotion, as shown by Prof. White's report; that
Prof. Carrel had acting in a like position with reference to the
College of Civil Engineering; that he is very competent, and that
he is recommended for promotion by the dean of his faculty. Miss
McCann, as Junior Assistant in the dep~artment of Entomology, has
given efficient service_there for several years, and the dean of
her department, Prof. Miller, recomi-miends that she be advanced to
the position of First Assistant in that Department; and I have
the honor to recommend, in accordance with these recommendations,
that Prof. Davis be made Associate Professor in Mathematics, his



salary to begin at $1500, and to go up to $18O0, in accordance
with the scale already fixed; and I have the honor to recommend
that Prof. Carrel be promoted to the position of Associate Pro-
gessor in the department of Civil Engineering, and that Miss
McCann be mnade first assistant in the department of Entomology.

     These recommendations were referred to the Committee on
vacancies and promotions.

     Upon the suggestion of President Patterson there was also
referred to the same Committee, his recommrendation that Prof.
James G. White, be elected Vice-President of the University.

     At this point President Patterson read his semai-annual Report
to the Board., which is as follows:

                              Lexington, Ky., June 1st, 1909.
To the Board of Trustees
     of the State University.

          I beg to submit for your consideration the following
report of the condition and work of the State University for the
academic year which closes on the 3rd. inst. The report of the
heads of departments are herewith filed and made a part of this

          The session opened auspiciously Thursday, September
10, 1908, with a good matriculation. The numbers entered during
the year in the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes
do not differ materially from the aggregate reported for the year
1907-190S, in the preceding report.   The action of the last
General Assembly by which the Normal Department as heretofore
existing was eliminated has materially reduced the list of students
as  compared with that of the preceding year. The shortage will
amount to not less than 200 students. A considerable number of the
those who would otherwise have entered into the Normal Department
entered the Academy, thereby causing a considerable increase in
its numbers over those of the preceding year, the difference



amounting to 73 or 63 percent. The unrest in Central and Westperu
Kentucky which has unhappily introduced into many counties of the
Cormmonwealth regrettable animosities which will not be extin-
guished for years, interferred to so.me extent with the gttendance
upon the University. Heavy pecuniary losses resulting from the
disturbed condition of affairs prevented some, perhaps many, from
sending their sons and daughters hither. Whether we have reached
the end of these disturbances remains to be seen.  it is to be
hoped for the sake of the peaceful development and the good name
of the Commonwealth, that they are now matters of history and
will not be repeat ed.

     The subsidiary reports of deans of courses of study and
heads of departments show that the work done is quite equal to
the-average. increased facilities for instruction and additioxs
made by way of assistants to the instructional staff ought to
yield commensurate results.  The departments of Chemistry, of
Physics and of Mathematics have been materially strengthened by
additions to the teaching force. This enables us to reduce
materially the numbers heretofore taught in classes that weie
to large, to make them less unwTeildly and consequently to bring
individual instruction more frequentl-y to each rmleambers of the
class.  The much needed provision made for Physics and Civil
Engineering by the erection of the large and commodious build-
ing now nearing completion will relieve the congestion of these
departumentus, which had heretofore been badly housed and un-
economically provided with the material appliances which make
instruction effective. We anticipate`.good results from these
advances and hope to be able to report substantial progress
along these lines in the future.  The facilities for a growing
institution like this are never quite equal to its requirements.
we find ourselves now, notwithstanding the buildings recently-
erected sorely in need of additional facilities by way of space
and equipment for the departments of Mechanical Engineering,
Mining Engineering and Chemistry. A part of the fund provided
by the legislature for the additional buildings has been applied
to the relief of;the Mechanical Engineering by a substantial
addition, and we are upon the eve of -making contracts for build-
ings which will relieve the necessities of the department of
Ohemistry and of Mining Enginedring. These it is hoped, may be
so rapidly pushed forward that there occupation in the early
autmn will be possible.

     Passing from the material conditions set forth in the pre-
ceding paragraph, I may refer in passing to the inconvenience
caused by the untimely removal by death of Prof. Milford White,
who was called fromi us in the maturity of his powers, and his



usefulness, and Prof.John H. Neville, who passed agya in Sep-
tember, full of years and of honors. Those who h3t41'ready
adverted to in previous reports to this Board., but it is q matter
of regret to report that the vacancy occasioned by the death of
the former has not yet been filled.  The committee on appointments
having this duty in charge has had several meetings, but has been
unable hitherto to agree upon a successor. This is partly due to
the difficulty in finding a suitable man, and partly to the un-
wieldy character of a large committee. It is msucy more difficult
to get five men together than three, and when brought together,
the divergences in opinion are more numerous and. frequently more
distinctively marked in a committee of five than in a committee of
three. The Co0mnittee on Appointments, instead. of selecting a man
to succeed Prof. Neville as Deen of the College of Liberal Arts,
thought proper to divide the cbair of Ancient Languages into two
departments, viz., Latin, and Greek, and to select a competent
man for the headshio of each, making them. of co-ordinate dignity
and emolument. This was Practicable fromn the fact that the College
of Liberal Arts and the College of Science had been previously
consolidated under one dean and under the designation of Arts
and Science. Prof. T. T. Jones was selected for the headship of
the Department of Latin Language and Literature and Glanville
Terrell for the head ship of the department of Greek Language
and Literature. This arrangement will begin nest autumn. The
committee has reason to believe that the selections were judicious-
ly gmade and that good results will accrue from their action. Is
now develops upon me, as the representative of the comm3.ittee,
though not its Chairman, to report this action to the Board of
Trustees and request their confirmation on it.

     The Lll feeling toward the University throughout the State,,
consequent upon the disappearance of young Smith at the beginning
of the year and the censorious criticism to which we were sub-
jected by the majority of the newspaper press of the Commonwealth,
has subsided upon the re-appearance of the missing boy. Some
of the newspapers made the proper amend for the injury done the
institution. A few, however, still cherish the hostility, for
giving expression to which the disappearance of the boy furnished
a welcome pretext. Their readers would not know, from their
silence, whether the editors of these newiospapers are yet aware
of the re-apnearance of the missing boy.

     The general behaviour of the students has been commendable.
There are, however.) undercurrents of vice, the results of which
are manifes* in the lowr-&ades _,lade by many of the male students,
as well as in the countenance of the unfortunate youth who allow
themselves to become the prey of intemporate and licentious habits.



The allurements presented by many of the saloons in the tom,
in tuhe way of free lunch, tempt many a youth from the habits
of sobriety and restraint which he brought with him. The lax
discipline which has obtained in the dormitoryuand the frequent
abscence from quarters resulting t-herefroml, when students ought
to be in their room preparing their lessons, or in bed, has
tended to encourage these habits. Intemperance, unfortunately,
is not the only vice prevalent among a-considerable section of
our young men. 1Many of them-. have lost considerable sums of
money at the gaming table and in the faro banks found in connec-
tion with these drinking establishments. And still worse, many
have been frequent visitors to other dens of iniquity, where
both soul and body are wrecked by lascivious indulgences. How
this state of things is to be remedied is a serious problem and
confronts not only this institution, but all other institutions
in the country where large numbers of young neople are assembled
and emancipated from-nthe influences of home.  Unofficial infor-
mation comes to me from time tb title which - Rs unfortunately
I am not Ebable to use, but which if available for use would
result in the exclusion of some and the withholding of degrees
from others.  Except for the leverage which information of this
sort provides for individual admonition, it is sometimes a matter
of regret to me that I am. possessed of it, when I am quite un-
able to use it. These conditions are not peculiar to the State
University. I sometimes, thin'k, however, that exceptional induce-
mients to vice are found in our vicinity. It is true a young man
may resist the solicitations of evil even though surrounded by
seductive allurements of vice on every hand. If so, his char-
acter becomes all the stronger, but it is equally true that all
young men are not found of the stuff of which heroes are made.
Whether we shall be able to take any more effective means in the
future for reducing the area and d.iminishing the degree of ths
temptation by which our youth are beset, I am unable to say.
Whether any aid can be gotten from legislation is equally a matter
of Aoubt.  The obligation to look after and to conserve the morals
of the stiudents of the University is imperative, and adds mater-
ially to the burden of administration.  In this connection I think
it proper to suggest to the Board of Trustees that county appoint-
ees who matriculate in the institution, to w hom tuition and
other fees are remitted, travelling expenses coming to the Univer-
sity and returning once a ymr, free quarters, fuel and lights
provided, ought, when they fall below a passing grade, viz.,
seventy five per cent., for weeks in succession, to be excluded
from the benefits of such appointments and the County Superinten-
dents from whom they obtain them notified that the beneficiaries
of their resjective counties are neither meeting the expectations
of those from whom their--appointnnents are obtained nor the re-
quirements of University instruction and should be withdrawn in
order to give place to others who will better appreciate and make



a better use of them. The adoption of a rule of this sort would
when generally knonL, materially strengthen the discipline of the
institution, and work out better results in the class room. I
recommend that the Board of Trustees take this suggestion Into
serious consideration and. report upon it before its adjournment,

     Inasmuch as high schools are likely in the immediate future
to be established in each of the counties of the Cormmonwealth
where not already existing, and inasmuch as the special function
of the Department of Education is to provide competent principals
and teachers for high schools and academies, it is necessary that
a very intimate relationship be established and maintained be-
tween the University and the high schools.  For this purpose-an
officer of the institution ougEht to be employed under a competent
salary whose duty it would be to visit these high schools, each
one twice or thrice a year, In order to see that their courses
of study provide an adequate preparation for admission into the
University classes, supplying the instruction for the required
numbDer of units for admission, viz., fifteen, that these courses
of study exist not only on paper, but be honestly and rigidly
adhered to. In other words, tat the course of instruction in
the high schools should be adequate in compass and thorough in
degree. The elevation of the high schools will have a corres-
pondingly healthy effect upon the comnon schools and thus the
'University will become not only in theory, but in fact, the head
of the educational system off Kentucky. The person so employed
should be a man of liberal attainments, well educated, of good
personal presence, able to interest and instruct an audience,
and to present to each high school which he visits the State
University, its aims, its facilities and its readiness to do what
It can to encourage and to enlarge and to strengthen the intellec-
tual development of the men and women of the State. After all,
our young men and women are the most valuable assets of the
Oomraotealth. What avails your broad acres of fertile land, your
flocks and your heatds, your mineral wealth of coal and iron
and all your potential resources, unless your people are so
educated as to develop their possibilities to the utmost under
the sanction of law and order and to enjoy the bounties of
providence in a rational way. This it is the function of the
University to do, to take the lead, to hold high the standard
of excellence and to inspire and to induce high ideals.

     The awakened desire for improved agriculture throughout the
state has afforded much eneourageement to the Agricultural College
of the University. The periodical meetings of the farmers in
institutes and associations and the evidently increasing intelli-



gence with which the various processes of tillage, plowing,
sowing; and reaming are discussed, the possibilities of in-
creased;-income from intelligent husbandry, especially in the
direction of dairying and cheese makaing, the increased facili-
ties for transportation of the produce o- the soil to reach
the best markets, all indicate a forward move-ment of most en-
couraging kind. The Agricultural College of the State Univer-
sity can do much to stimulate and to encourage and to guide
these movements. In the first place, by providing the necessary
education for intelligent discussion of these measures, and pro-
viding the necessary means for their realization and in the
second place, for restraining from visionary and reckless ad-
venture. All success in agriculture as in other lines of in-
dustrial pursuit, depends upon an intelligent adaptation of
means to end, and this the education provided for in the Univer-
sity adequately supplies.

     The sa-me is true of rmining enterprise. Success in mining
is achieved nowadays by the organization of cormpanied with suffi-
cientl capital to carry on the proposed mining operationssecond-
ly, by a judicious expenditure in opening and operating the
ine, thirdly by economic transportation in order to reach the
most available market. These conditions under a well organized
school of mining engineering can be largely supplied in the
instruction given to mining engineers and mine operators, while
the economic management of corporation funds can be supplied by
the instructions of the class room in economics and sociology.
It may be observed that collegiate instruction in these depart-
ments of productive activity are in the main theoretical. This
is so, but a basis laid in sound theory becomes eminently pro-
ductive through an intelligent application of the conditions
upon which all,processes of productive enterprise ultimatelt

     What is true of agriculture and mining is equally true of
manufacturing and commercial enterprise. The theoretical know-
ledge acquired in schools of cormmerce and in schools for scien-
tific instruction as given in relation to the multifarious
processes of manufacture, provide a good foundation upon whic4
experience and practice may build.- All over the Coomonwealth,
wholesome Indications of a new departure from the old rule of
thumb processes which had obtained for ages and which sufficed
for our fathers and grandfathers, are manifest. The fierce com-
petition found everywhere applies with rigorous exactness to
the survival of the fittest. Those that are intelligently and
economically conducted succeed. Others go to the wall. In all
these it is manifest that an institution of hig'h character and
wide scope can take the lead in determining pecuniary results



out of all propdrtion to the sums expended upon its maintenance.
It is to be hoped that within the next twenty-five years, the
Commonwealth of Kentucky will be fully abreast of other allied
Coazmonwealtihs-.-n the Union and that it's record for intelligewe
and industrial enterprise in all the fields of oroduction will
place which it upon a level with the best, The rich heritage
and abundant wealth it possesses, with the prepotent energy of h
the Anglo-Saxon stock from which the bulk of our population is
descended and which wnhen fully awakened to its opportunities and
possibilities must achieve stupendous results, warrant the anti-
cipation of an era of progress such as our fathers could not hame

     To you, gentlemen, has been confided the administration of a
trust whose importance for the present and for the future we can
scarcely overestimate. You are laying the foundations upon which-
must be builded the prosperity of future years and future gener-
ations.  A deep sense of responsibility, therefore, ought to at-
tach to your management and control of the institution whose
destinies have been confided to your care.  Men pass away, gener-
ations fade into the distant past, but institutions and the ideals
which they embody live on and on.  The vitality of an institution
destined to live must be maintained and its organization must
possess flexibility and adaptation adjustable to every varying and
ever changing conditions.  But through all these variations and
through all these changes, its identity remains the same. May
this be true of the State University of Kentucky and may your
name and influence be indissolubly associated with it ages after
you have gonie to your rest and your reward.

     I have the honor to be, with much respect,

                       Your obedient servant,


     I have long felt that the salaries of our full Professors
and Assistant Professors are not commensurate with their desserts.
As compared with -he salaries paid in other Land Grant Colleges
and Universities, they are from 12 1/2 to 330 lower than most
meet of them pay.  The services of men of ability but of little
experience can be obtained for relatively small compensation.
But in the course of a few years they are open to negotiation with
other institutions, whee rates of compensation are in advance of



     Moreover, the cost oI' living has advanced fully 33/-44O
within the last five years, and a small salary then becomes
relatively sraaller now. We cannot afford to take men into our
service and train them for the benefit of other colleges and
universities:, losing them when theirincreased efficiency should
be available for ourselves. If the statement of the Comptroller
be correct, and I should like to be advised of its varifications
before basing any action upon it, there will be this year a sur-
plus of revenue over exoenditure. Nbt forgetting the increased
demands of the Deioartments of Civil Engineering and Physics for-
equipment of their new building. I would respectfully urge that
if the finances of the institution will warrant an increase., that
such increase be made. I would recommend bthat the existing sala-
ries of all professors except my own, that of Professor Anderson
and of Judge Lafferty, whose salaries are now much higher than
they should be in proportion to our funds, and in proportion to
the salaries of other professors, be increased by an increment of
10%. I would recommend a like increase for first an second
assistant professors. This would require about $6,000.00 per an-
num, I commend this recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Of
Course we could not wisely add to our existing obligations, unless
the revenue be in sight to meet the increased expenditure. If it
cannot be done now, I recommaend that the forthcoming Legislature
be, asked for $20,000.00 or $25,000.00 additional income with
which to meet this and other requirements.

     The Chairman thereupon referred said re-oot to the Oorpmmittee
on President's Report.

     Upon motion of Mr. Walker, duly seconded and carried the
Treasurer's Report was referred to the Comm-aittee on Finance.

     Upon motion made by Judae Stout, seconded and carried the
report of the Business Agent was referred to the same Committee.

     At this point the Chairman apnointed the Standing Cormittees,
as follows:

     Oomtittee on Prezldent's Report: M.essrs. Cox, Barker and

Committee on Finance: Messrs. Nicholss, Olay and Orabbe.



     Oormmittee on Approoriations. Messrs. Brooks, Carpenter
and Nicholas.

     Comrmittlee on Exneriment Station: Messrs. Nicholfs, Walker
and Stout.

     Coimmittee on Salaries: Messrs. Patterson, Stoll and Davies.

     Committee on Internal Expansion: Messrs. Terrell, Stoll and

     Committee on Military Instruction and College Discipline:
Mrlessrs. Stoll, Walker and Carpenter.

     Comimittee on the Minutes of the Faculty:  Messrs. Crabbe,
Terrell and Hopkins.

     Committee to Nominate an Executive Committee: Messrs. Barker,
Patterson and Crabbe.

     Oommittee to Nominate a Board of Control: Messrs. Hopkins,
Cox and Stoll.

     At this point upon motion duly made, seconded and carried
the Board adjourned l.ntil nine o'clock A. M. to morrow morning.

     Met pursuant to adjournment at nine o'clock A. M., June 2nd,-

     !he roll call showed the following:-

     Present:  Messrs. Carpenter, Hopkins, Nicholas, Stoll, Pattea
               son, Walker, Terrell, Clay and Brooks.       10

     Absent: Messrs. Davies, Cox, Stout, Crabbe, Willson, Barker
             and Srtith.

     The Chairman, Mr. Olay, announced that there was a quorum
present and business was proceeded with.

     Upon the call for reports of Committees 74r. Stoll read to the
Board the report of the special Committee appointed at the last
December meeting of the Board for the purpose of reporting upon the
question of Military Science taught and to be taught in the Univer-


Missing report(s)