xt7f1v5bct0q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7f1v5bct0q/data/mets.xml Grant, H. B. c1897.  books b92-122-28575472 English Courier-Journal, : Louisville, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Knights Templar (Masonic order) Kentucky. Chronicles of DeMolay Commandery, no. 12, Knights Templars, Lousiville, Ky.  / by H.B. Grant. text Chronicles of DeMolay Commandery, no. 12, Knights Templars, Lousiville, Ky.  / by H.B. Grant. 1897 c1897. 2002 true xt7f1v5bct0q section xt7f1v5bct0q 


 I)eplorable and mortifying as it is, mistakes will occur. I note these.
hoping there are no others:
PAGE   4. First linle of the " yell," read " DeMolay, 'ralb, roo, 'ray!"
      33. Portrait of Sir Knight John Bornhauser, not Bornhansen.
      56. Portrait of Sir Knight C. J. Comstock, not C. 0. Comstock.
      6X. Twelfth line, read Sir Knight R. F. Bower, not Sir Knight R.
            F. Bowen.
      83. First line above sub-head, read J. R. Dupuv, not J. R. Duprey.
      85. Fifth line under sub-head, read J. R. Dupuy, not J. R. Duprey.
      102. Portrait of Mrs. Tlhos. W. Long, of Hopkinsville.
      142. Portrait of Mrs. C. B. Tippett, add, born Rebecca Grant.
      142. Portrait of Mrs. Will E. Ryan, read, born Hattie E. Wortham.
      i68. Last line foot-note, E. C. Pearson, not L. D.Pearson (his father).
      178. Portrait of Brigadier-General Eli H. Murray, not General, etc.
      213. Portrait of W. J. Nettelton, not Nettleton.
      224. Fourth paragraph, Sir Knight Richard Deering, not Dearing.
      235. Geo. M. Rogers, not Geo. Rogers.
      253. Edward H. Stevens, not Edwin.
      259. I. J. Turpin, not Turpen.
      347- Under picture, first name should be Mrs. L. A. Payne.
          Third line, read Miss Sarah Gild, of Clarksville, Tenn.
     350. Number of life members 1895-'96 omitted for want of informa-
           tion in time.
    35[. Last heading to the right, read Prelate, not Private.
    352. Chas. C. Vogt, not Chas. G.

This page in the original text is blank.


              THE MINER'S VASE.
First Prize Won by DeMolay at San Francisco, 1883.






  No. 12

             KNIGHTS TEMPLARS,
                   Louisville, Ky.

      BY H. B. GRANT,
Arthor of Tacti-s and .lanual, Code of .asonic srials, Etc.

         LOUISVILLE. KY.


                    De-Mo-lay; 'rah, 'rah, 'ray!
                    None can shelve; num-ber twelve;
                    'Rah, boom, 'ray; De-Mo-lay.

   NOE.-The numbers after names under portraits refer to the roster, at the close of
this volume

Copyright, 1897. by H. B. Grant.



                              These chronicles were prepared
              l Si A;under the authority of DeMolay
                             Commandery No. I2, as given by
                             the followving resolution, adopted
                             in 1885:
                                "Resolved, That Sir Knight
                             H. B. Grant, one of the charter
                             members of this Comnmandery, be
                             appointed historian, whose duty
                             shall be to prepare a history of
                             De'Molay Commandery No. i2,
                             bringing it down to date."
                                An amendment to the by-laws
           H. B. GRANT. 6   was proposed at the same time,
                             and subsequently adopted, provid-
ing for the election of a historian every five years. No such elec-
ticn took place, but the by-laws were made to read: "At the
next annual election of this Commandery, and every five years
thereafter, the Commandery shall, by ballot, elect a historian. The
historian, as soon as practicable after his appointment, shall pre-
pare a history of the Commandery from the date when the chron-
icles of his predecessor left off, bringing it down to the last prac-
ticable day."
   Inasmuch as no election was held at the annual conclaves,
the first appointee holds over under general law and usage.
But a special election May 5, i89i, resulted in the selection of the
writer hereof by unanimous vote. He has, therefore, become
scout and skirmisher in earnest.
   Whatever stubborn facts he may discover, or when valiant
achievements or noble deeds of the "gallant No. I2" shall be
observed, they will be led captive before princes and rulers, for
their entertainment at an intellectual banquet. He will also offer


Annia  of De.21folay Conmumndery.

some criticisms, in passing, sharply, it may be-but will "nothing
extenuate nor set down aught in malice."
   Let us devoutly trust that these chronicles may be prepared
with sufficient skill to satisfy the psychological appetites of courte-
ous companions, while the "historian" murmurs a prayer that
they shall not criticise the caterer too severely.
         I've struggled with these annals now for years!
            With anxious hopes and efforts day and night,
         To make a book that, spite of human fears,
            Would prove to be what DeMolay would like.
        You'd scarce believe that men-Sir Knights, full grown-
            Would fear to face a camera's dread muzzle,
         And simper, "I don't care. . . " like maiden prone
            To say "No," meaning " Yes," and puzzle.
        My fraters truly wish to see their face
            Appear in " shadow," and elated feel,
        Yet claim they're " modest "-(that is woman's grace)
            And wait and wish some vandal theirs would steal-
         Then put it in this book to beautify,
            Without their knowledge. Then they might look wise,
         Examine it, and, frowning, make reply:
            " I don't know how he got it; I'm surprised!"
        This calls to mind some lines in Don Juan-
            See canto eight, stanza one thirty-two;
        I dare not quote them here, but read you can,
            And doubt the "modest" claim-as many do.

                       Passing Obstacles.

               In noticing events in the career of DeMolay
            Commandery, and some of the causes that led to its
  I S formation, many incidents are brought to mind that
           are freighted with peculiar interest. They-
           "Hauiit me still, though many a year has fled
           Like some wild memorv."

   Sad recollections, also, have been awakened; but, happily, the
lapse of time has mellowed them until they
                  "-Resemble sorrow only,
                  As the mist resembles rain."




    In recounting early struggles, the faithful registrar is often
compelled to refer to facts that he would fain omit. But when
events are so closely interwoven with results that they seem to be
a necessary part of the story, he can not ignore them without sub-
jecting himself to the reasonable charge of suppressing truth.
In such a case his annals would become suspiciously uncertain,
while distrust might vex the reader until the account became de-
preciated in an accelerative way, and the entire narrative be
clouded with distrust; for it is often the fact that there is nothing
more insidious than to tell part and conceal part of the truth.
   On the other hand, to give all the occurrences might be sen-
sational or severe. Just where to establish the line is difficult to
determine. In either case
                   "I'll be damned if I do;
                   I'll be damned if I don't."
   However, this much may be relied upon, nothing but the
truth will appear herein, and that will be taken from written
records and personal recollections.

            "What's in a name That which we call a rose
            By any other name would smell as sweet !"
'ti11' I'J  lAt the first meeting of the petitioners for a dispensa-
1ht' 0 tion, Jacques de Molai was suggested as the name for the
         proposed Commandery, in honor of the twenty-second
and last Grand Master of the Crusader Knights Templars; but
finally the plain English of it, DeMolay-dropping the first name
(in English James)-was agreed upon.
   That distinguished Crusader was born of noble family in Ber-
gundy (1240); became a Templar (I265); and subsequently
famous in the wars with the infidels. He was elected Grand
Master (1298) by unanimous vote, during his absence from the
Holy Land. While mustering his forces in Cyprus, preparatory
to renewing the conflict (I305), he was summoned by Pope Clem-
ent V. on pretense of taking measures for uniting the Templars
and Hospitalers, which made necessary an immediate return to
France. The real facts were that the wealth of the Templars had
excited the avarice of Philip IV. (called Le Bel, or the handsome),
generally known as Philip the Fair.



8  Annials of De.1iokay Coinmander'y.

    In 1307 all the Templars in France were suddenly surprised
and arrested at night, and their property seized,. all upon false
charges of heresy, immorality and unnatural crimes. The Pope
published a bull abolishing the order (13I2). Molai suffered
.untold cruelties and indignities for five and a half years in prison,
and was burned at the stake in Paris (1314). Just before his death
he reaffirmed the innocence of the order and summoned Clement
an(1 Philip to meet him before the Judgment Seat within a year.
Both pope and king died within a twelvemonth.
          "And in the spirit of the crucified,
          With trembling voice and tearful eves lie cried:
          'Receive our souls, 0 God! Forgive these men
          Our cruel tortures and our death. Amen."'

   Thus died the valiant Jacques de Molai.

                    To Pronounce the Name,
As we hear it now and then, is like torturing afresh the noble
   On this subject-when he could no longer endure with equa-
nimity the affliction of wretched utterances of an honored name-
Sir Knight Rob Morris, Poet Laureate of Freemasonry,
                    -Sternly pronounced
                    The rigid interdiction,"

and handed me the following lines for publication in the MXlasonic
Home Journal, of which I was then the editor.
            "Oh. who of all that fight and delve,
            Can rightly name this Number Twelve
            Some ignorantly claim and say.
            You ought to speak it Dem-mo-lay.
            Some in a word that rhymes with folly,
            Persist in calling it DeMolly;
            Others in word that sounds unholy
            Inforn us that it is DeMolv;
            But courteous Knights should always say,
            There's onlv one way-' De Mo-lay."'

   In the French, the name is Molai, the prefix de (pronounced
deh) is equivalent to of; as "of the family of Molai." Not being
French, few of us can hope to give it the accent of that people-



(Omma ndlery   feiber.,.                            9

= -  : = -------    N






JNO. C. BARTH. 297


10Annals of Deilfolay Conmmandery.

nor is it desirable. We may, however, profit by the excellent
hints of our frater, and avoid a possible charge of ignorance.
   Let us speak it correctly and emulate the valor, piety and con-
stancy of the martyred Grand Master who, through the treachery
of Clement and Philip, courageously suffered and died.


       y The demoralizing effects of (an uncivil) war left their
       blighting impress upon all classes of society, leading
       to a laxity in morals that threatened to tarnish the good
       name of our order and revive the old adage, "He tip-
       ples like a Templar." Under this unavoidable state of
affairs, zealous Masons were wont to lament that the tendency of
the times was toward extravagance, intemperance and profanity,
that threatened to invade the most sacred inclosures of our
guarded lodges and asylums.
   The formation of a new lodge was effected and a new Coin-
mandery was talked about. While I was active in the organiza-
tion of the former (Louisville Lodge No. 400), being, in fact,
the principal actor, I strenuously opposed the latter because of
the harmful results already experienced in the alienation of
friends, and a generally unfraternal feeling and recalcitration. I
was, therefore, persuaded that augmented trouble would follow
any attempt to organize a new Commandery, and suggested rem-
edies for the real or imaginary evils that furnished the arguments
in favor of such an undertaking.
   The prescriptions were tested, but failed-except that a Ma-
sonic trial followed, which engendered bitter personal estrange-
ments, such as to force a conviction that little good would grow
out of any attempt to coerce a reformation, without unflagging
determination and long, persistent effort.
   It is thought, and perhaps truly, that the manner in which
offenders against moral and Masonic codes are treated, determines
the estimate placed uppn such trespasses; and that the awards
made by any society is the gauge by which it would be judged
by the world at large. Some one has said, "Justice is not in-
humanity, and mercy is not license." Yet there was no one who
cared to sacrifice himself, or lead a crusade and become a martyr



Prolegoinenon. .

           In those days champagne was rarely absent from the
       knightly banquets. It was a tempter not easily resisted.
       Wine and stronger drinks were deemed indispensable and
       candidates were expected to furnish an abundance of
       these essentials. When I was about to be seated among
"princes and rulers" Companion Wm. Cromey, who was a fellow
"captive in chains," informed me that "it was the custom for candi-
dates to send up a basket of champagne the evening they took the
order of Red Cross." Of course we conformed to the established
usage, and at a cost of 17.50 each, so I suppose the article
was good enough for the Sovereign Master and his royal court.
              "He best deserves a knightly crest
              Who slays the evils that infest
              His soul within; if victor here,
              He soon will find a wider sphere.
              The world is cold to him who pleads,
              The world bows low to mighty deeds."
   Whatever may have been the practice of those early post-
bellum days, it is pleasant to record the fact that to-day both
Louisville and DeMolay Commanderies have banished the wine
cup from their banquet tables.  Notwithstanding all that had
been said, and objections made to the use of liquors, the records
show that in December, i867, DeMolay Commandery used wine
at its banquets that cost 7 a gallon, and "pilgrimages" are
now made with spirits neither stale nor dry!
           Thus men go wrong with an ingenious skill,
           Bend the strict rule to their own crooked will."
   Thus do we sometimes forget the admonition: "You must
be sovereign over yourself, king over your own passions."

                       Decisive Acion.
   Early in the year i867 the question of establishing a second
Commandery in Louisville was again urged, and after a time those
who were personally concerned were invited by Sir Knight Haw-
kins and myself to meet in the Masonic Savings Bank, of which
the then Grand Secretary (McCorkle) was cashier and I was
teller. This bank was situated on the north side of Main street,
about 30 or 35 feet west of Fourth. The building was torn down
to make room for the foundation of "The Commerce," now "The



12  Annal. of De.11olay COo'imaiidery.

Columbia Building." At that meeting the sole discussion was
upon the matter that called the Sir Knights together, and perfect
unanimity prevailed.
    The officers proposed and recommended were:
    tRichard G. Hawkins, to be first Commander.
    tJames A. Beattie, to be first Generalissimo.
      Charles G. Davison, to be first Captain General
      William Ryan, to be first Prelate.
      A. Henry Gardner, to be first Senior Warden.
      Henry B. Grant, to be first Junior Warden.
      tWilliam Cromey, to be first Treasurer.
      tjno. M. S. 'McCorkle, to be first Recorder.
      Charles Russman, to be first Standard Bearer.
    tJoseph G. Wilson, to be first Sword Bearer.
    tSamuel Russell, to be first WNarder.
    Of these eleven Sir Knights, who were chosen to be the first
officers, but four survive as members.
   Sir Knight Hawkins was book-keeper for his father's firm of
Hawkins  Thornton, on Bullitt Street. After the senior Mr.
Hawkins' death, R. J. Thornton  Co. succeeded the old firm.
   Sir Knight Beattie was a brainy lawyer of high standing.
   Sir Knight Davison was president of a city railway company.
He and Sir Knight Wm. J. Duncan, afterwards commander of
De'Molay, built residences and established the Louisville suburb
known as Parkland.
   Sii- Knight Ryan was general agent of a life insurance com-
   Sir Knight Gardner was a wholesale grocer.
   Sir Knight Grant was bank teller, now Grand Secretary.
   Sir Knight Cromey had a wholesale paper and powder house.
   Sir Knight McCorkle was bank cashier and Grand Secretarv.
   Sir Knight Russman, then and now, a watch-maker.
   Sir Knight Wilson, County Attorney.
   Sir Knight Russell, lawyer.

               The Petition for a Dispensation,
Written by me, was signed and a facsimile copy of it appears on
the succeeding pages.
  fNow deceased. `Since withdrawn



The Origbial Petition.

The following is an exact copy, or picture, of the original pe-

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    dz4. iLM W-v  



Annals of De.11olay o6mmandery.





Prolegonenono 1.

                   Recnnoitering in Force.
r l l l nAt a meeting of Louisville Commandery No. i, March
        26, i867, a paper, of which the following is a copy, was
        presented and action taken thereon as shown by the rec-
        ords of that body, to wit:
   "Sirs and Fraters:-The undersigned members of Louisville
Commandery No. i, having paid all demands against them, re
spectfully ask permission to withdraw from the same,
   "A. H. Gardner, tWm. Cromey, tJohn B. Davis, tSam'l Rus-
sell, tR. G. Hawkins, H. B. Grant, tElisha D. Cook, W. E. Rob-
inson, C. G. Davison, tJ. G. 'Milligan, Chas. Russman, tj. B.
Kinkead, J. F. Weller, tJas. A. Beattie, Wm. Ryan, tLouis Tripp,
tJ. G. Wilson, Fred Webber, tW. P. Boone, tD. Cummins,
Thos. Rankin, Theo. Harris, Michael MVuldoon."
   "Sir J. G. Milligan requested his name to be erased from the
   "The accounts against the Sir Knights not being in the posses-
sion of the Recorder pro tem., the Eminent Commander assumed
the responsibility of the amounts owing by each Sir Knight as
desired to pay their dues."
   Demits were then granted and the record continues:t
   "A petition from a number of Sir Knights naming Sir Knight
R. G. Hawkins as Commander, Sir Knight Jas. A. Beattie, Gen-
eralissimo, and Sir Knight C. G. Davison as Captain General,
for the formation of a new Commandery to be called DeMolay,
was presented for the recommendation of this Commandery.
   "The yeas and nays being ordered, resulted as follows:
   "Yeas-tKerr, IlFox, tHowe, tMatthews, tWatts, tHand-
werker. Powers, JjWilkes, tVanderespt, Alex Evans, Bourlier,
tNeal, IIfXount, tSkidmore, tParker, tCowling, and tMun-
   "Nays-tWarner, tAnderson, tHurst, tMilligan, and tHud-
   The Sir Knights recorded as present, but not voting, were
tJ. F. Sewell, Geo. F. Evans and tSamuel Hillman.
   After this, the warmth of real opposition began to be felt.
Personal appeals were made to the Grand Commander, R. E.
t Now deceased.   Withdrawn since.  11 Unknown whether living or not.
                 See pages 22, 37.



Annals of Deliolay Comnmawlery.

Sir Knight Charles R. Woodruff, that he should refuse to grant
a dispensation, but he had the courage to reply that with the
recommendation of the Louisville Commandery No. i before
him, to a petition signed by more than a score of Templars
who occupied rare social positions and enjoying the confidence
and respect of the community and of the order, he could not find a
valid reason for declining to favorably exercise the power com-
mitted into his hands by granting the dispensation asked for.


   The feeling of opposition became more intensified and in some
instances personal, so that four of the original petitioners dropped
out, viz.: Sir Knights Rankin, Cummins, Russell and Milligan.
How this took place in the case of the latter has been shown, and
will be noticed in other cases as they are reached in chronological
order. (June, i868.)
   The portrait of Sir Charles given above is copied front one
taken of him about the time he signed the charter of DeMolay.
It was presented to DeMolay Commandery at Newport and now
hangs in the asylum.



                      CHAPTER I.

                      Under Dispensation.

   On the I3th of April, i867, Right Eminent Sir Knight Chas.
R. Woodruff, Grand Commander, with Sir Knight Wm. C. Mun-
ger, Grand Recorder, met the petitioners in the Chapter rooms,
then over "the large hall" (now theater) of the Masonic Temple,
and set De.Molay Commandery Under Dispensation regularly to
work. Richard G. Hawkins and other officers as recommended
(page I2) were duly inducted into their respective offices.
   A committee was appointed "to act with a similar committee
from Louisville Commandery No. i, to ascertain and report upon
what terms DeMolay Commandery U. D. can occupy and use
the furniture and property of said Commandery, or purchase an
interest therein."
   The committee, Sir Knights Jas. A. Beattie, A. H. Gardner
and Wm. Ryan, reported (May 6th) that they had not been able
to effect any arrangements for the use, etc., of the furniture of
Commandery No. i.
   Two weeks later (MIay 24th) the committee reported that
Louisville Commanderv declined to make any propositions, and
that two propositions made by the committee were also declined.
The committee was then discharged from further consideration of
the subject, but another committee was appointed in lieu of the un-
successful scouts, as will be seen further on.
   At the first conclave of DeWNolay (April I3th) Louisville Com-
mandery's by-laws, with a few changes, were adopted for the
time being, and Sir Knights H. B. Grant, Wm. Ryan and Jas. A.
Beattie were appointed to draft a new code, which was presented
and adopted August 5th.
   Petitions from Companions Wm. G. Gray and J. Emory Tip-
pett for the orders were received at the first meeting or "con-
clave," and the Recorder was authorized to procure the necessary
books for his office.

(I -, I



Annals of De-Volay Cmoimaiodery.

   The new Commandery "fell in line" for efficient operations,
while some of the officers and private members "deployed as
skirmishers" to make reconnaissance in squads of threes and twos,


or singly, that they might discover and secure properties essential
in the work.

           A cherry cross, made by one of the members for
        "Pilgrim" and a larger one having the letters I. N. R. I.
        upon it served their purposes. Really they had the ap-
        pearance of having been fashioned by the hands of a
        skillful workman. The same companion procured a
very nice set of relics from a professor in a medical college.



The First C'ommander.                      1




0Annala of DeJIolay Cobnmwudery.

                              A detachment caused a "scene"
                           to be adjusted to a frame and fitted
                           in an ante-room door. Candles were
                           placed behind it and this contrivance
                           moved as an endless curtain over
           d  10     li  rollers in the frame, subserving the
                       -  purposes admirably. Rouzh boards
                          upon "horses" were arranged for a
                          banquet table, while the dishes were
few and simple. The chapter veils were made to do service for
partitions between the asylum and other apartments.
    Each officer eagerly studied to inform himself that he might
be proficient in his part of the work. At that time Grand Re-
corder Munger was the only Knight Templar in the city who
could take the Prelate's place, and Grand Commander Woodruff
the only one familiar with the Commander's duties. Therefore
if either of these fraters happened to be absent the orders could
not be conferred. There seemed to be a tacit admission that they
were "an indispensable number"-par excellent-and none other
could succeed in these important positions-if any one should
have the temerity to undertake it.
   At the second meeting of DeMolay, May 6, i867, a petition
was received from Red Cross Knight Henry C. Shivell, a prom-
ising young lawyer, now deceased. The petitions of Companions
Wm. G. Gray and J. Emory Tippett were "declared cases of emer-
gency," under the by-laws, according to the usage of our mother
Commandery, and both companions were elected to receive the
orders of knighthood. Louisville Commandery was by formal
vote invited to be present at the Red Cross meeting when these
postulants should be created Knights of the Order of Red Cross.

                Flashing the Maiden Sword.
   May 24, i867, the officers of DeMolay filled the stations
(excepting the Warder, not present), and created Compan-
ion Win. G. Gray a Knight of the Order of Red Cross.
The officers behaved like veterans, making bout one blun-
der and that not at all serious--a mere instant hesitation,
and omitting a few words in the address to Darius.
Such an unusual and unexpected occurrence created u
not a little surprise as well as comment in Templar cir-



(Tioder Dispen.atioon.

cles. After curiosity to see how the new Commandery could get
along without "the old stand-bys" had been gratified (or disap-
pointed, or whatever it may have been), visitors were not numer-
ous. Indeed Sir Knight H. S. Burkhart (now of Chicago) be-
came one of the few, if not the only visitor who was willing to stem
the tide of popular opposition by thus manifesting any friendship
or countenancing the new body of Templars, before the severity
of the opposition could have time to moderate, or be alleviated by
the great physician, old Father Time himself, whose soothing po-
tions finally mitigated, in a large measure, the irritation and
   At the third meeting, June 3d, two more petitions were pre-
sented, namely, those of Companions E. S. Robinson and F. W.
7Merz. Both were declared to be "cases of emergency." owing to
the fast approaching annual conclave of the Grand Commandery,
and both companions were elected, as was Red Cross Knight
H. C. Shivell.
   Companions J. E. Tippett and E. S. Robinson were dubbed
Knights of the Red Cross on the same evening and by the regular
   June 20th, the order of the Temple was conferred for the first
time and by DeMolay's officers, on Red Cross Knights Gray and
Tippett. Three visitors from Commandery No. i witnessed the
impressive ceremonies.
   The conclusion was inevitable, that the new Commandery and
its officers were competent to fill their several places, and that
their work compared favorably with the best. The hope that
failure might follow any attempt to undertake the ritualistic part
had not been realized and the disappointment did not tend 'to
cement fraternal bonds nor make the young Commandery feel
more comfortable, except in the consciousness of personal and
collective ability to perform any duty devolving upon them.
While the effect was not a little depressing, it also stimulated to
increased exertion and greater effort to avoid giving real cause
for offense.
   June 2st, Red Cross Knight Robinson and Shivell were made
Knights Templars in the presence of visitors: Grand Commander
Chas. E. Woodruff, Sir Knights Samuel Griffith, John V. Cowl-
ing, Sr., Geo. W. Wicks, A. 0. Wilkes and E. C. Hegan.
   E. C. Hawkins was requested, by motion, to visit the Grand



Annals of Deiolay Coitmmantdery.

Commandery for the purpose of procuring a charter, and the
Recorder was instructed to forward a return of the Commandery
with the dues (25) to the Grand body.
      Original members ...................       24
      Knights Templars created ................... 4

          Total .................. 28
   The Grand Commandery dues were 75 cents per capita, and i
for each order conferred.
   When the annual report was made, it was not known to the
Commanderv that three of the original petitioners for the dis-
pensation had claimed membership with No i, hence both Com-
manderies reported and paid dues on them until June, i868 (q. v.),
when they were dropped by DeMolay.

                   Under Charter 1867-68.
   As the time for the Grand Commandery to convene in George-
town drew near, the opposition to granting De'Molav Command-
ery U. D. a charter developed and prompted corresponding ac-
tivity to secure it, resulting in a charter being authorized June 27.
   Grand Commander Chas. R. Woodruff, having been re-elected
as the head of Kentucky Templars, installed the officers of De-
Molay Commandery No. 12 and set it to work July i, I867, as-
sisted bv Past Grand Commander Wmi. C. Munger, the Grand
Recorder-Sir Knight Harry C. Burkhart, of No. I, being the
only visitor.
   Those inducted into office vcre:
   tRichard G. Hawkins, Commander.
   tJames A. Beattie, Generalissimo.
   Charles G. Davison, Captain General.
   William Rvan, Prelate.
   A. Henry Gardner, Senior Warden.
   tHenry B. Grant, Junior Warden.
   tWilliam Cromey, Treasurer.
   tJno. M. S. McCorkle, Recorder.
   tWilliam G. Gray, Standard Bearer.
   J. Emory Tippett, Sword Bearer.
   Charles Russman, Warder.
t Now deceased. ; Since demitted  t Installed at the next meeting, August 5th.



Organized Untler Charter.


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            01 THE STATR4 OPP -EXTUKeY.

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