xt7dz02z654w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z654w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1991 1991 1991-02-05 2020 true xt7dz02z654w section xt7dz02z654w  

Vol. XCIV. No. 103

Established 1894 -

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Kentucky Kernel

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. February 5. 1991

LCC students allowed to pledge UK fraternities

News Editor

For the first time, Lexington
Community College students may
receive bids to pledge at UK frater-
nities, according to a decision made
yesterday by UK’s Interfratemity

IFC voted 10-6 to strike point No.
2 from Section VII of the IFC by-
laws, which states that community
college students are not eligible to
pledge or be on the active fraternity

Sigma Pi social fiatemity Presi‘
dent Pat Sullivan, who proposed
that the clause be deleted, said since
LCC students share the Lexington
Campus with UK students, they

should be allowed to go through
msh and pledge fraternities.

“LCC students are allowed to run
and vote in campus elections. They
can be on committees and can join
different groups on campus," Sulli-
van said. “They can take classes at
UK and can live in residence halls. I
felt that they also should be allowed
to join fiatemities."

But Chris Thiel, president of Sig-
ma Nu social fraternity, said he was
concerned that fraternities’ academ-
ic standards would be lowered if
LCC students were allowed to

“The reason that a lot of these
kids are going to LCC is that they
don’t have the academic criteria to
get into UK, to get into this Univer-


“They (LCC students) can take classes at UK
and can live in residence halls. I felt that they
also should be allowed to join fraternities."

Pat Sullivan,
Sigma Pi president


sity,” Thiel said. “I think if we’re
going to let these people go through
rush and into these fraternities, they
may bring down the overall aca-
demic quality of fraternities. I think
we try really hard to keep those

LCC students’ grade point aver-
ages, however, won’t affect a chap-
ter‘s overall grade point average,
because their grades won't be fig-
ured into the cumulative average,

said Ron Lee, assistant dean of stu-
dents and IFC adviser.

Lee said UK’s student code per-
mits LCC students to be involved in
University organizations, which in-
cludes fraternities.

“The student code allows LCC
students to belong to any student or-
ganization, and that cenainly holds
true. Given the current relation-
ship between LCC and the Universi-
ty, the state that it is. then it’s no




Ray Daly, of Estepp Painting and Decorating. took advantage of the unusually warm weather yesterday to apply a new coat of paint
on the Meyers Building downtown. Temperatures climbed into the 605 yesterday and are expected to be in the 505 today.

GREG EANStKarnet Staff



Bork addresses variety of topics

Senior Staff Writer

Former Solicitor General and
US. Supreme Court Nominee Rob-
ert Bork said yesterday that he
would not be opposed to the use of
nuclear arms in the Persian Gulf
war in certain circumstances.

In a speech in Lexington to a
group of 50 area high-school stu-
dents at the Lafayette Club, Bork
addressed a wide variety of topics.
His activities in town included a


“Arabs and the
West," a forum on
the gulf, will be
held in 230 Student
Center at 7:30 pm.

Who is the

real enemy

in the gulf

Page 4

Diversions ......................... 3

Viewpoint .......................... 4
Classifieds ........................ 5

Sports ............................... 6

press conference and scheduled din-
ner party as pan of the Lafayette
Club Speakers Series.

“If I say yes (to using nuclear
weapons) then everyone goes ah."
he said as the crowd laughed. “But
the fact remains that we killed more
people in (the) firebombing of Ham-
burg and Tokyo with conventional
weapons than we did in Hiroshima.
But they dropped the atomic weap-
on because it saved possibly mil-
lions of lives.

“And yes if it would save thou-
sands of lives or tens of thousands
of lives, I would,“ he said. “In re-
gards to this conflict it was a ques-
tion of war now or war later, War
later would have been much more
difficult because of (Iraqi leader
Saddam Hussein‘s) increased bio-
logical, chemical and nuclear capac-

In the rapid-fire discussion he
also touched on topics including the
1990 Civil Rights Bill, the original
intent of the framers of the constitu-
tion, qualifications for being a Su-
preme Court Justice and music cen-
sorship in America.


Senior Statt Writer

The chairman of UK‘s chemistry
department is one of five finalists
for College of Arts and Sciences
dean. according to the Chancellor
for the Lexington Campus‘ office.

David Watt. chairman of UK‘s

Bork said the new civil rights leg-
islation would have required quotas
in every workforce in America. The
bill was passed by the Senate and
House of Representatives. but ve-
toed by President Bush. Bork said
he thought the bill would be re-
introduced and wasn‘t sure if
Bush’s veto would stand.

He also said he believed efforts
requiring the labeling of albums
would be found unconstitutional.

“If the material is not obscene
then I don‘t see how they can re-
quire it to be labele," Bork said. “I
didn’t say I thought it was bad idea,
it’s just not constitutional."

Bork thought his Supreme Court
nomination confinnation changed
the way that confirmation hearings
are held. At one point he referred to
it as a smear campaign and said that
his record was wildly distorted. As
proof he said as Solicitor General
nine of his 1() opinions conceming
civil rights were agreed with by the
National Advancement Association
for Colored People.

“As a result, I think presidents
will nominate people with no con-

troversial opinions or no known
opinions," Bork said. “And that's
exactly what happened with tap—
proved Supreme Court Nominee
David) Sotitcr. And he itiay ttim
out to be an excellent Supreme
Court justice.“

On the subtcct of constitutional
law, Bork said the Court should not
try to create rights not mentioned in
the Constitution.

The reaction to Bork‘s presenta-
tion was mixed.

“I thought he was extremely
knowledgeable and had a lot of
gtxxl things to say," said Mathew
Leichtcr, a JUDIUI at Lafayette High

Others, however, thought his
presentation was lacking for a va~
riety of reasons.

“He scented to swirl around
some of the questions anti didn‘t di-
rectly answer them,“ said Jay
Hicks, a senior at Henry Clay High
School. “I didn't know what to ex-
pect. I think he's Willing to listen to
what other people have to say but I

See BORK, Page 2

problem," Lee said. “If that rela—
tionship were to change, then the
University standpoint may change.”

IFC reported that several UK fra-
ternities had been pledging some
LCC students and had been fined
for violating the rule. In addition,
IFC contacted fraternities’ national
headquarters about their actions.

Fred Wiedenhocfer, president of
Sigma Chi social fraternity, said it
was necessary to notify national fra-
ternity headquarters about the
change in the bylaws because LCC
and UK have a unique relationship
with their close proximity and inter-

“You have to admit that it‘s a
special case from other community
colleges and universities," Wieden-

hoefcr said. “LCC students are al—
lowed to do everything on UK's
campus except be members of
greek communities."

IFC also voted to amend other
parts of its constitutional bylaws

-All UK tratcrnities assOCiated
with IFC must maintain an overall
2.0 average for pledges and and a
combined 2.3 average for actives
and pledges each semester. Frater-
nities that fall below the minimum
will be placed on social probation
between Sundays and Thursdays,
excluding rush-week activities.

IFC rejected a motion yesterday
to refer all Judicial Board appeals to
the Executive Board, instead of re-
ferring them to Lee

Bush refuses Iran’s
offer to negotiate

Associated Press

WASHINGTON 'Iht- I'nitcd
States reacted skepticiilly )t‘slc‘rtl’d}
to Iran‘s offer to mediate the Pcr-
sian Gulf War, and President chh
declared, “We have to go forward
and prosecute this to a sliCL‘t‘Ssitll

“It's going according to plan."
Bush confidently assured the na-
tion’s govcmors, summoned to the
White House for briefings on the
$1.45 trillion federal budget hc \llh-
mitted to Congress.

The budget earmarks $15 billion
as a ”placeholder" tor increased
military spending for the war.
though the cost is sure to Jump high-

In a surprise move from Tehran,
Iran‘s President Hashemi Ratsania-
ni offered to meet Saddam Hussein
for talks on ending the Ill-ilay-old
war. Rafsanjani also said he was
willing to resume officnil contact
with Washington in the interests of

The proposal got .i chilly rev
sponsc in Washington.

"What’s to mediate?" State Dc-
partmcnt spokeswoman Margaret
Tutwiler \‘Llld. “The only mediation
.. that would be appropriate would
be for the people who communicate
With Saddam Hussein to convince
him to comply with the II Ifnitcd



IrLqu withdrawal from Kimmt

Similarly. Dt-tcnsc Murcia“ Dick
(‘hcncy \Llltl. l! soitii‘onc can come
up with a diplon‘iatic I~‘\Ullilll‘ll that
.lk'th\L‘\ that nbit‘ttixr.‘ 'Ti.it Mitiid
be zinc. but I traiiklx .iori‘f cipcct
it. ‘

‘thitc lltltht' press accrctan \litn
lin I5itz:.\iitt‘r \itl‘tl Iran ' .s not ilirci‘t—
ly involyed in Ihl\ conflict and our
lnICft‘\I t\ in cctting iriio HUI Hi Kii-

’Ihc Ignited Stan‘s .ind Iran to
ycrcd R‘i;lilt)l’l\ alter the if!“ ..‘I
mm of :Alllt'flc‘dn hostages :t 'ic
American Iiiiil‘assy .:i l:..': 7.!»
Wilt‘l' rcncwi‘d iitishk
\cars .igo tor .lirctt tail»
thori/cd icprcsctitiitiit'» '1 ‘ric
.iii i:ovcrnmcnt.

Vlannc ”rump icts' 'iiiiiiincrcd
Iraqi tanks n the northern ‘ilIltls
yesterday. .thilt- out :Il inc :iili lht‘
I'SS \lhxtillrl i.‘\iiii‘il\i‘it‘(l .t ticw
iront linc iiic‘ I)2lillt‘\ili[‘ :liut :nd
ed one war iinlcashmc its his rum



a”, 1M
sliil .tli‘


See GULF Page 2



Robert Bork, former US. Supreme Court Justice nominee. spoke

yesterday at the Lafayette Club,

named for Arts and Sciences dean

chemisz department, made the list
along with four out-of—statc candi-

Bradley Canon, who has been
serving as acting dean of the college
of Ans and Sciences since July, is
not a finalist.

In addition to Watt, the finalists
are: Richard Edwards, economics

chairman at the University of Mas-
sachusetts‘Amhcrst: David Hilcy.
associate dean for research in the
College of Liberal Arts at Aubum
University; Lynne Billiard. statistics
professor and associate to the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences dean at
the University of Georgia; and Ruth
Jones. professor and chairman of

political SCICIICC at Ari/.ona State

Each candidate will spend two
days at UK this month meeting with
administrators, faculty and students.

The times for students to meet
the candidates have not been sched-


Edwards is schcdiilcd to mcci
with members of thc I'K tomiiiuni-
t) Feb. II II; \Vall Fcb. l9 It). Hi
Icy Feb. llill; Billiard Fcb 3o 2".
arid .loncs I-cb. Zxrhlarch l

(‘hanccllor for the lcviington
(‘ampiis Robert Ilemenwai said he
hopes to have the new dean in otltcc
between July and August.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, February 5, 1991
the new Inc by Ken m

. Win _ »  
/‘ M? 71:»





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RHA sponsoring blood drive

Contributing Writer

Student concern about American
troops in the Persian Gulf may have
contributed to the steady flow of
students stopping by Complex
Commons yesterday to donate
blood for a drive sponsored by the
UK Residence Hall Association and
the Central Kentucky Blood Center

Although this drive is not specifi-
cally to collect blood for the Persian
Gulf War, CKBC does supply blood
for the crisis, according to Trina
Hembree, a spokeswoman for the
blood center.

“Many fraternities have called the
CKBC asking to schedule extra
drives for the war, but we asked
them to come down and participate
at this annual event," Hembree said.
The blood drive will continue today

in Holmes Hall from 2-9 pm. and
in Haggin Hall on Wednesday from
2-9 pm.

“The weekly goal for this blood
drive is 240 pints," Hembree said.

The UK Parking and Transporta-
tion Department will waive one
parking violation for blood donors.
The citation must have been issued
prior to February 4. and proof of do-
nation must be presented to the
parking office by February 22. Do-
nors also are given a T-shirt and a
blood cholesterol test.

“I like the T-shirts," said [aura
Daugherty, a medical technology
student. “It makes me feel good to
put in a little time to do a lot of

Michael Langhi, a mechanical en-
gineer student, was studying at the
Commons and decided to donate. “I
donated to help somebody out. It's a
good thing to do,” he said.



Continued from page 1

to help win another.

The Iraqis warned they would
fight the Americans in the desert
with “the hit-and-run tactic formu-
lated by our ancestors,” the Arab
raiders of old.

But once again the US. military
machine relied on the weapons of
tomorrow, waking up Baghdad with
“smart" bombs and missiles that
sent Iraqis scurrying down to base-
ment shelters.


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After the Missouri’s 16-inch guns
announced an escalation in the al-
lied offensive, and as bombs again
fell by the ton, an unexpected peace
initiative came from Iran, the only
avowedly neutral nation in the Per-
sian Gulf.

Bush, in his meeting with the gov-
ernors, gave an upbeat assessment
of the war and said the United States
will not be lured prematurely into a
ground-based conflict, where casu-
alties could be high.

“We are going to set the timetable
for what lies ahead — not Saddam
Hussein," Bush said.

“I have confidence that we’re do-
ing the right thing, and I have confi-
dence that it is going the way we
planned,” the president said.

“And there have been no surpris-
es, and there will not be any quick
changes, nor will I try to tie the
hands of the military because I just
feel we have to go forward and pros-
ecute this to a successful conclu-
sion,” Bush said.

Despite such upbeat assessments
of the war, Cheney said, “I would
not underestimate the amount of
work that remains to be done.”

The secretary refused to speculate
about when a ground war might be-
gin. “We have not established any
sort of artificial timetable,” he said
at a news conference. “There is no
drop-dead date out there by which
we feel we have to act.”

Unveiling his budget, Bush said
soon he would send Congress a sup-
plemental request to cover costs of
the fighting.

Budget Director Richard Darman
said the administration hopes U.S.
costs will not go much higher than
the $15 billion figure.

Estimates of the war's cost range
from $28 billion to $86 billion.

“They feel a substantial portion of
the war costs are being paid by the
coalition” of nations aligned against
Iraq, Democratic Gov. Booth Gard-
ner of Washington said as he left the
White House. “But there are some
costs for this country.”

On another from, the administra-
tion defended allied bombing raids
that Jordan says have injured and
killed Jordanian truck drivers on
Iraq’s highway from Baghdad to
Amman. UN. Secretary-General Ja-
vier Perez dc Cuellar condemned
the attacks, saying “Jordan is an in-
nocent victim of what is happen-

The State Department’s Tutwilcr
said the trucks were traveling
through a war zone “and specifically
through an area that has been the
source of Scud attacks against
neighboring states.”


Continued from page 1

don’t think it would change his

Another Henry Clay senior, Jon
Salomon, said he felt Bork evaded
the questions and spent too much
time promoting himself.

But Jim Combs, a Civics teacher
at Lafayette who helped organize
the session, said he believed stu-
dents benefitted from the experi-

“I definitely feel the exposure to
different viewpoints and govem-
ment in action helped them very
much," he said. “They did their
homework and that showed.”

Other speakers featured on this
year’s series are Former Speaker of
the House Thomas P. “Tip" O'Neill
and columnist Jane Bryant Quinn.


Because of a reporter's er-
ror, Student Government As-
sociation College of Agricul-
ture Senator Tony Holloway
was misidentified in Monday‘s
Kentucky Kernel.






Les Tetes Brulees’ sound

Staff Critic

Les Tetes Brulees bring their mu-
sic to these shores from Cameroon
in Africa.

They offer what they call “Bikut-
si rock,” a mesh of traditional tribal
rhythms and contemporary pop

The result on Hot Heads (the
English translation of the band’s
name). is a collection of highly en-
ergetic and emotive songs served
up to please Western ears.

The foundation of the album lies
in Bikutsi, the music of the Beti
tribe of westem Cameroon.

This music features a jumpy, er-
ratic rhythm which keeps its danc-
ers in a frenzied, hypnotic state.

While traditionally this music is
played on the balafon, a west Afri-
can version of the xylophone, Les
Tetes Brulees use a plucky, circular
guitar sound as a modern replace-

Add to this a wide range of per-
cussive sounds, including a variety
of bells.

The vocals have a power and
depth reminiscent of South African
township groups like Ladysmith
Black Mambazo. famous for their
beautiful work on Paul Simon's

This mixture makes each song a
four- or five-minute explosion of
energy. “Papa” maintains a sprint-
ing tempo and covers a wide range
of vocal styles.

Les Tetes Bnilees sing in the Beti
tribal language, but this does not
hinder their expression of emotion.

The lead singer‘s stern tone in
“Ngolc Likas" adds gravity to the

The group’s anthem is “Ma Mu—
sique a Moi," a joyful celebration
of their unique style.

“Zanzi Collection" is a bitter-
sweet remembrance to the band‘s
late guitarist. Zanzibar. who com-
mitted suicide in 1988.

The only drawback is the addi-
tion of a trumpet in “Nauom Wom"
and “Ma Musique a Moi."

The band usually plays without a
horn section or backup vocals
(backup singers perform on most of
the songs on Hot Heads.)

Les Tetes Brulees are somewhat
unique in their own country.
Formed to combat radio domination
by the disco-oriented zouk sound,
the group found instant success.

Their gritty exuberance differs
greatly from the slick zouk and
highlife sounds.

Audiences were captivated by
their lively shows in which they
don native dress. Last year they ac-
companied the Cameroonian soccer
team to the World Cup. serving as
official morale boosters.

So when will this sound explo-
sion hit the United States? Possibly
never. Most non-European artists
have trouble getting visas to play
here. This is due to the fact that
they aren‘t certifiable, bankable

Hopefully, as interest in world
music grows, their chances of play-
ing will increase.

Hot Heads places Les Tetes Bru-
lees at the forefront of African pop.
and Could bring international recog—

This is the liveliest African pop
album since Fela Kuti‘s Beasts of
No Nation. Hot Heads will certain-
ly leave listeners in a state of ecstat-
ic exhaustion.


tony GIBBS -
;.:E_.very Wednesday








Les Tetes Brulees
Shanachie Records


Staff Writer

Passion, energy. creativity and
unbridled talent made Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart one of the most
famous figures in the history of mu-
sic. So it is fitting that those attrib-
utes also describe the performers
who will honor him this year in

This year marks the bicentennial
of Mozart's death, and ArtsPlace
Gallery has organized “Mozart a la
Carte," as part of its regular “Art a
la Carte" series.

Some of Central Kentucky‘s best
talent will perform tributes to M0-
zart in the six-part, yearlong, lunch-
time series.

The free performances will be on
six Tuesdays during the year from
noon to 1 pm. in the ArtsPlace Gal-

Kentucky Kernel, Tueedey, February 5, 1991 - 3

Mozart celebrated at ArtsPlace with six Tuesday noon concerts


“It’s a very informal concert. You can come late or
leave early. Since it’s at lunchtime a lot of people
can’t stay for the whole hour.”

Iery, 161 N. Mill St.

The performances. which were
organized to attract college students
and the downtown business commu-
nity, will include excerpts from Mo-
zart’s operas. symphonies, sexe-
nades and sonatas.

The first performance of the se-
ries, held today, features Gregory
Sioles, a pianist arid former Transyl-
vania University faculty member.

Other scheduled performers in-
clude Alan and Judith Hersh April
16; The Lexington Philharmonic
String Quartet April 23; The
McCracken Quintet Sept. 24: Uni-



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Tue. Feb. 5:
Tue. Feb. 5:
Wed. Feb. 6:


Feb. 22, I99I.



You can help your fellow Americans by donating blood. Msingle
blood donation can give up to three different Americans another
chance at life. Show you care by donating at campus drives!


Complex Commons
Complex Commons
Holmes Hall
Haggin Hall

* All donors will receive a free t-shirt and cholesterol

* The UK Parking and Transportation Department
will waive one parking violation for blood donors.

' The citation must have been issued prior to Feb. 4, 1991.
0 Proof of donation must be turned into the parking Office by

0 This does not include impounded vehicles.

Sponsored by: UK Residence Hall Association m




Herb Wilburn

versity Chorale Nov. 5; and the Op-
era of Central Kentucky, which is
scheduled to perform Impresario, a
one-act opera comedy with piano
reduction Dec. 3.

Herb Wilburn, the program‘s co-
ordinator, said the performances are
very laid-back.

“It‘s a very informal concert." he
said. “You can come late or leave
early. Since it‘s at lunchtime a
lot of people can‘t stay for the

whole hour."

Performers try to develop a rap-
port with audiences by chatting with
audience members between pieces
in an academic as well as anecdotal

“Mozart a la Carte" is part of the
continuing series of “An a la
Carte," which features Central
Kentucky musicians front all back—
grounds every Tuesday at noon.

“In the last six months we‘ve had
Bluegrass, Jazz, New Age and Folk
music," Wilburn said. “The re—
sponse has been incredibly enthu

For more information about
“Mozart a la Carte" 0r "Art a la
Carte," ca!!255-295].






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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, February 5, 1991

Kentucky Kernel

Established in 1894
Independent Since 1971


Editorlal Board
Tom Spalding, Editor in Chief
CA. Dune Bmifer, Assoctute Editor
Jeny Voigt, Editorial Cartoonist
Brian Jeni, Managing Editor
Jonathan Blmtm, Specral Projects Editor
Victoria Martin, News Editor
Dale Greer, Assocmte Editor
Julie Esselman, Senior Staff Writer
Clay Edwards
Ken Walker


American media

too euphoric
about Gulf War

When news of the devastating air attack against Iraq came into our lives
via the television tube, we were left with the strong impression from the
media that the Persian Gulf War would be over within days.

This media—induced euphoria came to us despite the fact that the Bush
Administration and military officials warned us that the conflict in the

gulf would be a long one.

But the media would have no part of that reality dose. In search of im-
mediate pictures and headlines, the media took the quick fix.

Engrossed by what appeared to be the overwhelming success of the first
missions, the media virtually assured us that America would emerge victo-

rious sooner than later.

But now, nearly 20 days into the conflict, the media seem surprised, and
in come cases critical, that the conflict will indeed last beyond an episode

of “Family Matters.”

Many act as if they did not hear the admonitions of administration offi-
cials — including President Bush — to expect a long, perhaps even

bloody, conflict.

The episode shows one of the problems of American media.

Media in this country try to view things in terms of black and white. But
things are not always that way. Sometimes there are no clear winners and
losers, no clear depiction of good and evil. Life is often a nebulous shade

of gray.

But in this country, where we are supposed to have short attention
spans, and television seeks to feed our need for the quick-fix, the media
often jump the gun. They make assertions that just don‘t always measure

up to the reality of the situation.

Moreover, the media — in a search for tension and conflict (another
component of the media quick-fix) — have depicted inaccurately this

country as divided over the war.
That’s just not true.

All major opinion polls show the country resoundingly in favor of Presi-
dent Bush’s actions in the Persian Gulf thus far. Yet, from the view on our
nightly news. we would think the country is evenly divided on the issue.

To be sure, there have been some voices of dissent. That should be cov-
ered. In fact, on this page we have vigorously encouraged such dissent.

The media must do their pan in covering those many voices. That's

called balance.

Balance, however, also involves presenting the story as close to reality

as possible.

The media have a great amount of influence in this country. It is their

responsibility not to abuse it.


toward peace

I am deeply angered and dis
turbed by the Kemel's incessant ar~
rogance toward the peace move»

Columnists N. Alan Comett and
Toby Gibbs have insulted, belittled
and criticized their fellow country-
men who express the opinion that
war is the solution to nothing and
an act of authorized, deliberate
mass murder.

Comett‘s and Gibbs‘ arguments
have nothing to do with the mes-
sage of the peace movement; they
are the Red Herring illogical argu~
ments that focus on the particular
methods used to get the message

Both Comett and Gibbs have ridiA
culed the various chants of the
peace movement.

Any collective group must come
up with a unified, short, casy»to-
remember slogan if it is to have any

Advertisrng and political carn—
paigning use the same methods.

That Comett and Gibbs can re-
member these slogans as they mock
them in their editorials is a testa-
ment to the peace movement‘s uni—
ty and effectiveness.

Organized marches and protests
are not only rational ways to make
a point, but logical ones. Only by
getting in the public's face and get-
ting its attention can the peace
movement have any hope of getting
its message to the people.

Comett's and Gibbs‘ arguments
are basically this: Say what you
want, just do it quietly so I don‘t
have to listen to it and challenge my
mind to deal with the intensity of
the issue.

They would rather strike noble
journalistic poses and condemn
people they don‘t agree with, stere-
otyping them in the process, rather
than applauding people that have
the guts and the love of what this
country is all about to stand up and
say what they strongly feel and be

David W. Overbey is a Spanish

Bush causing

George Bush aspires to be the
harbinger of a new world order. But
his massive military response to Ira-
qi intransigence is just more of the
tired, old order of the past.

An elite group of white, hetero-
sexual men again made a costly de-
cision that the rest of us must pay
for with our lives and resources.
These men revel in macho talk
about kicking ass. They want us to
believe war is of no more concern
than entering a Super Bowl game.

The only new thing I notice about
the world order is that much of the
news coverage of the war has been
about the workings of high-tech
war machines ~ machines used
with the detached enthusiasm of ad«
olcscent boys playing Space Invad-
ers in a video arcade.

But these machines are not pan
of a teenage fantasy. They are sow-
ing very