xt7dz02z6514 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z6514/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1988 1988 1988-09-07 2020 true xt7dz02z6514 section xt7dz02z6514  

Vol. XCII. No. 20

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


Independent Since 1 971 Wednesday. September 7, was I


VA head denies agency cutting its number of hospital beds

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE. Ky. — The head of the
Veterans Administration denied yesterday
that his agency was cutting back on hospi-
tal and nursing home beds for the nations's
former military men and women.

He said the VA has more beds than pa-

“If we had twice as many beds. we
wouldn't have any more patients.“ Thoma
as K Turnage said in an interview after a

speech to the American Legion's 70th an-
nual convention.

The VA, which Turnage has directed for
2 1/2 years, has been increasingly crit—
icized as an insensitive bureaucracy by
some congressmen, editorialists and lead
ers of veterans' organizations

Among the allegations was that the \'A
is reducing healthcare beds.

The VA has 85.000 available beds. with
about 71 percent occupancy. in its hospi-
tals and nursing homes and in other facili

ties where beds are contracted by the
agency. ’l‘urnage said.

Another 5000 to 6.000 beds are unavail-
bale because of construction or renovation.
he said

Any indictment of the VA liealthcare
system is an indictment of the national
system because the two are so closely
linked, Turnage said.

"The tVAl system is doing well. it has
the mission of taking care oi veterans. and
it‘s doing it well." Turiiage said

’l‘uriiage took the oiicnszve lll illS -i)t't't l~

which brought [)(Jilll' appiaow ‘v - .. iii'
gionnaires -.-
He said the state oi ueteian- -
since under President Hl‘dLJH .. i. ‘~ \ ne targesi independent agency
proved dramatically ll'lilll i‘nc . government spends 5100
tour years under Jiiiiniy i ai'tei ~, -. z ‘ _ ,_ ta. ii. 4. *niiiion \e'cran constitr
high inflation and high iiiieres' '. an _ v '..1- increased sper-ting on
kept young veterans out oi in - . . '. . cw); ‘ll' ‘i. - ’lui
market and ravased tnen iinan- e»-
The nation has improve-d tili‘i":
and the \etei'ans have time o.» '; ,. waif sat.
'l'uriiage said We nave imam in . '. j» .: .. w
oiiiy aiidoui‘dctensc tin-Au.- :'

oeneiits have iii-
\iI.t't‘ World

Adi i '.i‘li'l';illS

”.4: '~‘.- ,u ,..~,.,‘



(riiit'lsi'lt of his
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ifltii ".(‘

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President Ronald Reagan spoke to a crowd of 7500
members of the American Legion at their national con<

.President speaks .


veniion last night at Louisville Reagan said that "n
restored America to the status of a wodd mliliflf‘,’ t").‘.

to Legionnaires

li\ (.\“l \\l;lill\ii l i‘ _' ' . . .- ,_i .inir'I.: Ii

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””3 r\l:v~ Vina,” > t 1....


Trial date set for girl accused of abandoning newborn baby

contributing Writer

\ trial date was set yesterday morning
tor the (‘entre (‘ollege student charged
with first degree wanton endangerment tor
leaving a baby in a dumpster outside of
Kennedy‘s Bookstore last Wednesday

.lulia K Byars, lit, was arraigned ill liex

iiigton Fayette l'i'ban (‘oiintv illsll‘li”

llyars. a graduate of Lexington ..;i
iayette High School. was arrested List
week after police found a baby abandoned
in the dumpster behind the bookstore to
call-(i on South Limestone

District Judge .liiiia l‘ackett ordered 1

SAB announces dates,
plans for fall semester

Staff Writer

The Student Actn'ities Board announced
its plans for Spotlight Jan. special per
formers. Homecoming. and upcoming con~
certs at its meeting last night

The (‘hick (‘orea Elektric Band will open
the Spotlight .lazz series Friday The per
i'ormance will be at tl pm at The Slit
gletai’y ('enter tor the Arts Tickets are

Stealin Horses will perform on Sept it
during Alternative .\lus1c Week The liex»
ington-based group is being co-sponsored
with WRFL Ticket information will be re-
leased at a later date

“We‘re very excited about some oi the
bands were going to be getting this year."
said Michael Bowling. SAB President
”We‘re off toa good start "

i‘omedian Steven Wright will appear
Sunday. Sept ‘25. at it pm in Memorial
Hall Tickets are $10 for students and $15
for the public

“Tickets are gomg very fast tor the Ste-
ven Wright show.‘ said Bowling "it
should be a good performance "

Homecoming week begins Tuesday Sept
20 and SAB has a full slate of events

. (in Tuesday Sept 20 the homecoming
fashion show will be at it p m in Memorial
Hall The iii finalists for homecoming

queen WI” be escorted by various i’l‘t‘Sir
dents of student organizations lioor prizes
will be given l‘K President llavid ltose-
ile's wife. lniiise. will be the mistress of

- Royalty voting will be held Sept til—2i

. The Wildcat Roar and parade \\lii be
Thursday Sept 32 The parade will begin
at Memorial i‘oliseum at Twin pm and
will end at (‘ommonwealth Stadium The
pep rally. Wildcat Roar. will begin at it
pm. immediately following the parade
.lerry (‘laiborne coach of the l'K iootball
team. and the l'K cheerleaders will appear
at the pep rally

- (in Friday Sept '33 the homecoming
house displays will be Judged Each orga-
nization will decorate their house accord»
ing to this year‘s theme. ‘lt's a Wildcat
World ” The theme also will have an inter-
national touch.

"l‘Zach organization will draw a country
at a meeting and they will gear their deco
rating towards that country and 1K." said
Elilabeth llushong. homecoming chair

0 The Big Blue Boogie also will be l-‘ri-
day It is sponsored in cooperation with
iictoberfest I988. WI.AP 04 1'2. The Red
Mile. (‘oca Cola. and Miller Beer The
'Boogie' will be held at the lied Mile from
3 to 3:30 pm

- The Homecoming tootball game will be
Saturday. Sept '34, l'K will host Kent

gii‘elinitnari. T'I'Jll‘m...’

.321 Sept i"

The 3‘, round ,' . titli‘t‘ into L vi“ ..-

". ‘be tiinitps'ri' .i’ “tie ~

.iiid lCiiclid \'~.r~ lbw t’lf int “ml PM 'i 'i



The baby

, .i 2.: "!V‘E"-\ “he.

.ind lizid “owned ‘i'i-s‘l

named itehecca' o ' ix \lei‘.

"Howl ”Noun...

»_ l"\' titETY“\'

{ipinion says
police records
are not open

.. sjwct-

llir'io \

e W“. h‘

t, n' .' '.liliin\

v-t'~ ' t.\t‘i' in Y' e "pinion
' i \ipliii

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()PI\IU\ l' inc 5


li‘ ‘ . :eporteiw l-‘rer the wrong
,uilliiit’li mlndldélif‘. .-\l
\i'twgasl was Liv-'i 2.: a story List FHA

1!!! "l'

JAMIL msm... .

Student Activuties Board Presudent Michael Bowling announced .1 ' .I: .eie

semester programs at a meeting last night









Van Horn announces Lexington fight


Spyro Gyra has a new album.

Today: Sunny For a review, See Page 3.

Tomorrow: Sunny 8. warm

. date. See Pa 9 2.
1 9








 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Wednesday. September 7, 1088


UK’s Van Horn to
fight on campus

Ry \l.l-IX \Iil\'l'lit)\lr?R\
Stall Writer

l‘i'olessionai lxixtng pl'Ulllilit‘l i «-
tint l\ll.\'llllt"l made it official us
terilax l'K student and Ullllt'lt'dit“!
junior middleweight Darrin \ar.
lloi'ii will fight on l‘K's vampir-
\‘cpt L’llth

ltic l9)t‘dl'i)ltl \Lii; lliii‘n .im:
uklil tight Jake i‘ori'ciii‘c oi i‘liit a:-
at .‘ :le n. in \lt‘ihill'ntll vlilst‘lllli

'i‘oi'it tier it is l] l .nii‘. tit
\k‘l‘llX‘ti .l\ .i it'lll'tlt‘\li:.il‘ ti

tickets for thi- 'lL‘lli will tw uni
N l'll' ~’ii«ii tits “ii" .1 '.li -“ 5 ix \"1.
«lent ll!

tin mg .51” the Kentucky
reported .1; ii copyrighted
that Van Horn would light .1 pinyin
mind! timing lli.iil'll nit t-iiv'igwr

:"iuiit for thi



mitt \aii il'll'l «ital.-
‘woriil title in itm'o'u:
.:1 Lexington
pi‘i'ss conference tit ‘ht‘ li‘mt' l3»
Lit-iii". 'm-niphasi/o that point

Kushnei saiil that attei tlu- \t‘t'
'(‘il’lltt’l‘ figh'. Van lilll’l' would. 2 pr
l~nu' audit: ii: iii?! 'lttoiw:
\.\\‘l."iilllL‘ \‘iiii Hot" tins knitm‘

\nd he wants that light it; i-e
He used yt-sti-t‘ila‘.


“Darrin really wants it
(the fight) in Lexington
but I've got to have

butts on the seats.”
G.L. Van Horn,
boxing manager

\(‘t's itet :t as the preliminary date
for the world title match

lie Milli Van llorn's opponent
would in one of three boxers WBA
. iianipioii Julian Jackson. WBC
i‘ll.illlpl\>ll Donald Curry or IBF
champion Matthew Hilton

Kusiiner also said he had an ar-
.n:eeiiient with NBC to televise the
lit-t ilwiit nationally

in. Sept 30 light wtll determine
ii Lexington plays host to a world
ililt' fight according to (EL Van
Horn iliii'rin‘s father and trainer-

The attendance on Sept 20 will
1 a lung way in determining if a
.yoriit chariipionship fight comes to
Lex'riatnii said the elder Van
lint“ ltiirrin really wants it ithe



l" d '7‘; :‘D'Y‘

Thurs 530137: a:’:‘

p“ ‘8 Sat 530 p n, 1:5

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ARE YOU 40-60



The UK College of Pharmacy’s
Drug Product Evaluation Unit is cur-
rently seeking healthy male volun-
teers who are between 40 and 60
years of age to participate in a clini—
cal investigation. You cannot be
taking any medications in order to
participate. Payment range for
study participation is $400-$700.
For more information call 233-6644
or 233-6180. 8 a.m.—4 p.m. week—

DAVIO SiERL-lidmttevn’el shaft

UK junior and boxer Darrin Van Horn (right) said yesterday at the
Hyatt hotel he will fight at Memorial Coliseum on Sept 20th

fight) in Lexington but I‘ve got to
have butts on theseats."

Van Horn, who is the No. 1 WB('
contender, has won 23 of his profes
sional fights by knockout. He
hasn't fought since May 5 because
of an injury to his leg. which he
now says is 100 percent.

"I‘m glad to be getting back in
the ring.“ said Van Horn. “l was
bored. I‘m excited about fighting
on campus.”

During his layoff from boxing.
Van Horn said his weight dropped
to 148 and described himself as

looking “anorexic" He‘s now at
162 and will have to get down to the
154 limit by Sept. 20

Kushner said the site and price
of tickets are an illift‘llln't‘ to lure
UK students to come out and sup
port Van Horn. The same students
Van Horn said have been asking
him to fight on campus

"I expect nothing less than 3.500
to 4.001) people to show up." said

"It makes it easy lot the stu
dents.“ Van Horn said

0 .
5 receive $15 every time you
donate plasma. experience a


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Your family is waiting.



College Lunch
September 11, 1988

Activities begin 9:30 am.




Need transportation? Van stops:
Complex Drive at 8-1“ (9:20 am)
Haggin/ Donovan (9:25 am.)
Blazer Hall (9;30 am.)

Calvary Baptist Church

150 East High Street
Three blocks north of the Student Center

Tom Speldlng
Sports Editor

UK’s DeBoer finally
getting some respect

Contributing Writer

UK volleyball
coach Kathy
DeBoer has
taken the UK
volleyball pro-
gram from
being a suc-
cessful one
into being one
of the best
ngrams i" osaoen
the nation in

only four years. But few have real—
ized what an accomplishment that
is i'ntilnow

Just last season DeBoer estab-
lished [K as a force to be reckoned
with after years of effort.

The Lady Kats stayed in the Top
to most of the year and won the
Southeastern Conference regular
season and tournament

championships. They also ended
the year with a 31-2 record.

This season that success has car-
ried over: UK swept its state rivals
in last weekend’s Kickoff Classic.
It made UK 2-0 and was Ken
tucky's 20thconsecutive home vic-

“We are one of the up and com
ing programs in the South,” De—
Boer said. “We are just trying to
improve from year to year."

Kathy DeBoer received the high-
est honor that a coach can receive
when she was named National
Coach of the Year, as voted on by
nation‘s volleyball coaches.

But said she‘s prouder of what
her athletes have accomplished
than what she has done.

“I‘d like to be remembered as a
coach who made a difference in the
life of the student-athlete." she

A Weekend of Fun and Learning
Natural Bridge State Park
Cross-Cultural Workshop

To improve communication between
American and International students

September 24-25

The University will pay for room at Hemlock Lodge, transporta-
tion and materials. You pay for your meals only. Application
deadline is September 16. Come to Room 112 Bradley hall or

call 2574042.

Application is limited to 20 students.
Sponsored by: international Student and Scholar Services.

i So you want to write

hard work.
You're right.


Maybe you think you can just walk in to the
Kentucky Kernel office, sit down at a com—
puter terminal and just get started.

Or pick up a story assignment and that’s it.
Or maybe you have an idea for a story of
your own. Something that matters. Some—
thing people will care about. And you think
you can just come in here, walk up to an edi~
tor and say: ”I want to write.”

Maybe you think it doesn’t take years of ex-
perience. Just a good attitude and a bent for

And to prove it, we’re personally inviting
you to our staff meeting on Friday — this Fri-
day — at 3 p.m. in Room 035 of the Journal—
ism Bldg. (That's in the basement).

The Kentucky Kernel — Your Future Begins Today





These People aren’t worrying
Because they know about
Independent Study.

You can begin 0 course now and finish it

this semester. Visit the ISP office, Room l
Frozee Hall, or coll 257—3466 today for





Crossover blues

Alternative bands starting to have mainstream success

It happens to even the best
hands. They get a little airplay,
show up on Billboard’s charts and
the next thing you know, they’re on
sale at the local mall record store.
Yes, the story is sad, but true.

1988 saw many alternative or
progressive bands crossover into
the “other side." The Cure‘s most
recent album (if you call last year
recenti, Kiss Me. Kiss Me, Kiss Me
has probably outsold all of their
other albums combined. A Top
Forty radio station in Louisville,
notorious for constantly plugging
“artists" like Tiffany. started play-
ing their songs. The Cure even had
videos in heavy rotation on MTV.

But it didn't get quite that bad.
Their singles ”Hot, Hot, Hot" and
“Why Can't I Be You” both
bombed on the Billboard Hot 100.
Their journey into commercializa»
tion began with their compilation
album Standing on A Beach.
Absent were such great songs such
as "A Night Like This" and ”Kyoto

Another victim has been Depeche
Mode. At a recent concert which I
attended. there were more pre-teen
mall queens than at the checkout
lane waiting to buy Teen Beat. And
now they’re performing on the
MTV Video Music Awards. Come







At a recent concert
which I attended,
there were more pre-
teen mall queens than
at the checkout lane
waiting to buy Teen

on guys. if you‘re that hard up for
money. . , .

I'm sure all of us die-hard INXS
fans can relate to this. Of the
hordes of people who bought Kick.
their newest and worst album, and
saw them in concert, in one of a
billion cities, how many could actu-
ally name their i‘irst, second. or
even third album? If you were to
say Shabooh. Shabaah in front of

these people they probably would
think you were taking a course in
Intro to Swahili.

The Smiths and Echo and the
Bunnymen broke up just in time.
Had they not, they might have
ended up as Columbia House Re-
cord Club‘s Selections of the

Those four Irish lads known as
L'2 probably have been a Selection
of the Month. And now they have
filled the world‘s largest concert
arenas and even have a concert
film being made When i attended
their concert at the Hoosier Dome
in Indianapolis, a guy sitting be-
hind me stated, "I have liked them
since their first album The L'nfor
gettable Fire," If one must boast.
one should at least take accuracy
into account. What's next, ltono
wallpaper? other potential candi
dates are New Order. Erasure and
The Church

l'm just glad that my tavor‘ite
bands Front 242 and the Jesus and
Mary Chain are beyond the digesti
bility of most people's musical ari-
Charlie Mr‘Ciie : ll iresl‘w 1"
Journalism may" and ii imitrz‘ii
ing Kernel writer


Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, September 7, 1988 - 3

Rob Song
Arts Editor

Redundancy is name of the game
on Spyro’s ‘Rites of Summer’ LP

Staff Critic


Spyro Gyra
MFA Records

How do these guys do it”.

How does Spyro Grya manage to
produce album after album (if the
same commercial tusion ihey'u-
been playing for years \tihtout pro
gressing stylistically”

The group’s latest effort. Rites
Slimmer has. with the exception oi
about l‘.\ll tracks. the same start
iliil‘tl liaekheal tommet‘r'ial feel
and plastic texture as the majority
«if Stir} o Crya‘s earlier efforts

“hat emerged in the late it?»

by Berke Breathed as .i talented )oung group i‘t






The Kernel ——

treative musicians has proveii i,.
calculated and formulated

l-r' .i




t '2 block Scott Street




Markus .: ‘.,‘.Lli .iit
illltlit'lit‘t an”. . 1'


\t‘t‘lff .Llll‘l‘ 'L.‘ 3.1"

‘111‘5'1lllli iifi


drum!“ in mi "(ltll




Spyro‘s iormula Kt‘t'ftn ' -. r1».
like this . la}. dour; a ii: rw s
backbeat mow M .i': -‘.i‘!j.
scendo, follower! til. \i‘i lilzi.."' an"
leader or the you; .l.i:.
enstein playing mil llit‘iiii'l:.
then wade through endlw
tionsviithsiilosoxi'r tilt; “l

(in most Ui'i'Zi~-Et‘~.':,~ ,
could pl‘WlUt't' t f'i-Kt‘
piece I iii'iii"'..':;i'i
usedcoritzriiioiilj '5: ‘~

'l't‘ar'k\ like intro
“The \r't'l‘it-t‘ “ -".‘l
Karma "
rugs as
gireVious ma'era!

'l’lii- lil')\'
rates ,. K , — '3 vgz‘.
liet‘kenKte‘n :- ".e .. .
“.ucer i .

.xhile h» ntzK‘i'ai -k"‘~
»"l'll)l“l l.:K ivi'tttiiir" .

\rlt ’if‘il‘.
'rie um.-

wriil it: 'he K'_l.'“t‘ iv


\inll‘J my my“,

about ‘ ’txrf

L'lfltll‘ i-i M I"

‘E'l"\ l'_‘l"‘ ‘

\ HT".

‘t K‘inL'K‘ t"?ll'ILY .

3,“) w. '31.” . “Wt g:

bitlriivuw l'y't‘"\ ',‘,‘i-'lim

”L‘t‘l"" ,~.~._.r . l,


. Wl .


lll‘ighl.‘ -‘i!:i_'. ‘ii l)t‘ \tl‘lilt‘léi} litlit'”:

In“ Ri~'t~'~ur.

:lui h \illv\l.


“nine Tilt". i s i
Tvlllltlfi‘x' l.1v>¥'Y‘.‘:ili
i.'.‘tir\'ltll‘i at ”nit



known-wreawnu-Wnc u»... “it“... . ~ 7

333 Reading Road


For students, by students, about students




Taekwondo breaks
classroom boredom

The Kentucky Kernel

Editor in Chief

Executive Editor
Assooate Editor
Editorial Editor A
Arts Editor

Sports Editor
Photo Editor


Advertismg Director
ASSIStant Advertismg Director
Production Manager


Enroll in the UK Adult Fitness Program

W Photon
Worms, mill/art
_, iii White

L urine l’ivOnllti‘i'
«on 5. end
Wm :goaidino
i«iaadal VNllflmSOn
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Get on lndividuol Assessment of Body Fat and
Aerobic Fitness

Walk/Jog classes will be at 5 pm. Swim class will

be oi ll om. Aerobic donce will be at 5 pm.
Fee is 860 per semester

Call 257-3695 for details

The Kentucky Kernel .w
year and weekly doing trio surmmr ms ’3.“

l‘hirdrclass postage paid at l creator: r ‘v’ 4 Jig“
rates are $33 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard PtJUi s". ":3 am: i"
mart St. Shepherdsvnie. KY 40165

Correspondence snould be addressed to t ~e l‘rPflfJunv r ewe, l1. . ,.
O35 Journalism Budding. UlllVGlSi'tV r-r keizdmv Lei ".110". 'rJY
40506-0042 Phone (606) 2577:7871

{FLA} *-’ “G C" " 1x.){‘."v(‘i"‘ .' :1 a)?" i

Mateo doficictc"

ca, ;3~‘ Econ (‘3
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”533 Alexandria l'

('Sardensde i‘iaza







Males and

Savings On Computers

Will Be Rolling
- * In By The

There will be a
meeting for tryouts
for the LadyKat
cheerleading squad
at 9 pm. Thursday,
Sept. 8 in the
Seaton Center
Gymnastics Room.





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Off New Circle


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Join Us for
”Divine Drama”
Bible Study .
Com mg
Starting Weekly at
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10:15 a.m.

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Form No. 1341






 4 — Kentucky Kornol. Wednesday, sopiombu 7. isn’t.



United Way drive
needs support of
everyone at UK

The was timed Way will begin its annual UK fund—
raisci 'i‘litii'sdtiy with a luncheon in the Student Center

lllt' thought oi .i kick off luncheon probably isn‘t turn-
ing tor many heads at the breakfast table during the morn-
ing read of the newspaper

.\llt'l’ till. another fundraiser doesn't mean that a new
tii‘lil\ il'tuil) this been signed. And it certainly isn‘t as inte«
i. the thought of impending allegations into the men‘s
ilti\l\t'll‘.ill pi'ogi‘aiii

Hui iii be large scheme of things. the l‘nited Way ranks
iii‘i‘ii'y lllt;li on the list of important items.

the reason is simple

a :..t«til Way helps people.

The theme for this year‘s drive is “What a Difference
‘i'iii. ‘tldkv l'Ktind l'nited Way.”

Kissing .i difference places a heavy burden on all of us.
it '~ won thing we can‘t say we get to do too often.

it..: when you contribute your time or money to the
t vveo Wig . making a difference is exactly what you do.

' .. l :ilit'll Way helps people like the parents of Travis

7 :.;:i «i Way poster child two years ago. to pay for
‘ innirtiig implants and schooling.
' . grist the beginning.
'llt‘ l'K‘s ['nited Way fund drive raised more
This year the goal for the campus drive is
. .iillpillgn goal for the entire Bluegrass Area.
;;.‘ ‘i‘ . .2 or eight counties. is $5406.31?

”1;; s ‘iii' ‘liii'
1st“? so! PM
“ ...' molt y does a long way in helpingalot of people.
.‘ "lliiiii::.i*i's and students can help the United Way
in giving and then giving again of your

. . .
‘v‘ ‘4? _r:i;,

w percent of the funding comes from payroll
RKllft‘l‘: employees fill out a deduction form
pimtai -_‘ : wei'tain amount of money to the United Way
‘f'oit‘ ’ht‘r {in}. check each month.
\"I'il»rt'< .‘iisli have gotten involved in the past through
. .iiid the Boyd Hall haunted house. Vegas Night
- ~ . s “all andsporting events.

‘3 ;w 'uri- lmirig for the United Way fund drive shows
tins ye.» s push: child. Dustin Porter. touching hands with
tlic l ‘K 'TiLisi‘H‘

\yneit-ier tile symbolism was intended or not. reaching
out a? tool hing presents a fitting portrait for the people

f' x mm 'iiiiig they've been doing for years.

Everybody’s one call:
Do something, SGA!

'fizt» Studen’ Government Association Senate will hold
li.‘ mu: meeting tonight And while expectations are not
high it»: Lill‘ylhlllL‘ of substance to be accomplished. there
.iiway s is hopt

Bu! when you talk about the SGA Senate. hope is usual-
ly all \ our dealing with

Thai . not to say student government doesn‘t accompl-
ish .iiiytning on the behalf of students. They do.

Ins? year's student government executive branch head-
04‘; lay si‘. \ President Cyndi Weaver provided several stu-
dent \t‘l"\ ices

Tlii- t'\t‘t'tlli\'t‘ branch. you know. the ones who are not
(‘lt‘i'lt’i‘z i-i.: who volunteer their time. sponsored a majori-
ty of the legislation

Tltn‘ ltlf‘ is designed specifically for the Senate. the ones
represent students. However. they were spend-
their time bickering. and promoting them-
interiiai legislation designed to bolster their
t’li‘t'lillfi tropes

tut .ii.i-. it s A new year

\li'l \\ on .1 HP“ year comes new hope,

l‘ wotiii seem that student government is at an all—time
high ii': it-i'llls oi popularity More than 100 freshmen re-
portedly \ltlllwl up for the Freshman Representative Coun-
\ri equally high number signed up at the end of last
\t in“ l Hui? liil‘ o.‘,\'t‘t‘uil\'t,’ branch appointments.

\llli ltnl year’s SGA. election had a record voter turnout

.iiiiiiiucii illilt‘ll of that probably can be attributed to pop—
l.ll.ll' sire-M i .indidates. not excitement about SGA.

\t‘\i‘l‘itlt‘lt‘\~‘. 50A has found itself in a unique position.
it ll.i\ llit opportunity to really do something for students.
Wei .5 budget of more than $100.00 and student support
>t‘l'i‘l iic. 'iieli. pillt‘illlilllSlht‘rt‘

\illtlt‘i'il L’tnt'l'lllllt’lll pundits are likely to point out that
’lii to»: Hi .- oyerly negative to SGA That‘s not the case
.i' it i' \llilill} .i matter of wanting an organization to
:itl iii! lti ‘is iliiii'lliléil
.iiii thit‘tl with the responsibility of representing
the silir’li'lil~ oi I'K its a responsibility that should be re
Lill lll'll liiL‘Jilt

p... otter: though. it is a responsibility that is left on the
”runner lllt'l’.lllll‘t‘ and posters and forgotten when it
tilillt“- to ’llt' \i-nnii' floor

it is out ~1il('i‘i‘l‘ hope that this year that's not the case

l—“‘?‘.‘ lg.
i t. .


t‘lt‘t it“. ‘

\l‘f'cl s

l‘lilb'» i‘


“ r.l\ !

CA. Duane Ionllor
Editorial Editor

Joy Stanton
Editor in Chief

Michael Ironnan
Editorid Cartoonist

Jim Whit.
Associate Editor

Thomas J. Sullivan
Executive Editor

Juilo Euclmun
Special Protects Writer




Letters Policy

kinder are encouraged l0 submit letters and opinions

’!li kt‘iilrl\k\ kernel

\\ 'ilL"~ should address their comments to: Editorial Ed-
lxwuiiti-y kernel. 0.15 Journalism Building. Lexington.
kt Jii‘myiitidj

i t'l't"‘~ slltlllld be 350 words or loss, while guest opin-
mm siiiilild m- 850 words a is. Al It!“ out be ty-
pew r it ten and double-5pm.

i Yt‘ililt‘iil wriicrs may be limited so that we may publish
it."lt"\ iitiiii ,is many writers as possible.



it At GET 0N To?





Computers mak

Computers have become as nec-
essary as oxygen. They‘re a life—
support system not unlike the tech-
nology needed to tavel inside a

On the other hand. computers
are not comparable to hospital de
vices that enable terminally ill pa-
tients to live longer.

A fundamean question is wheth-
er we desire to keep our feet firmly
planted in the 19th or earlier centu»
ries. or if we long to discover the
new worlds of the 215i or later cen-

Part of the sheperd in me longs
to be closely associated with Ewe-
dawg. the Great Pyreness puppy
recently acquired at Plum Lick

Ewedawg is bite. not byte. and
she won't ever need a spread-sheet
to tell her when a coyote or wild
dog needs to be sent down the road.

Yet. there‘s another side of the
sheperd that yearns to be a part of
the restless onward course of tech-
nology. There‘s no standing still on
this one

Just as Columbus went out to dis-
cover a new world. just as Neil
Armstrong took one giant step for
mankind. so sheperds can ill afford
to be disinterested in the latest

The next wave of advanced com-
puter technology will be “multi—
tasking.“ Soon. the old adage about
not being able to do two things at
the same time will become as out—
dated as horse and buggies we‘ll
still be able to respect the Amish -
we‘ll just have to decide how up-to-
dateweneedandwant tobei.

Even though the jury is still out
on multitasking. there‘s every rea
son to believe that the folks at
Apple. IBM and other closed and
locked rooms from Silicon Valley
to the hidden recess of Japan will
figure out how to do it.


That doesn‘t mean we‘ll all have
to multi-task all the time. There
are some things that are better left
as they are.

For example. Ewedawg need not
worry about protecting the sheperd
as well as the sheep That’s asking
too much. She‘s got one job to do.
and as long as she does it well.
there‘s no sense in piling on
another expectation.

Bigamy. likewise. is against the
law. and there's a fairly sound rea-
son for it. How one man could
please two women. or one woman
please two men at the same time
within a marital framework has al-
ways been a mystery to this shep—

Although the Mormons took a run
a polygamy and may have found it
to their advantage as well as their
liking. the rest of the nation decid-
ed the better way was monogamy.
Multi-spousing is out.

Then there‘s the problem of
going forward and backward at the
same time. Who needs it'? One step
forward and one step backward
equals going nowhere. Doesn‘t
make sense.

Might as well stand still in the
first place. Hedging bets and strag-
gling the issues is an indication of
lack of resolve. and usually results
in new worlds going undiscovered.

Two steps forward and one step
backward sure beats on step for-
ward and two steps backward. and
that may be the healthy compro
mise on multi-tasking.

In fact. the art of compromise is

e the world simpler and more efficient

fi?‘ gs




Computers have freed our individual creativity and increased our

productivity and excellence

probably some of the most impor-
tant work we'll ever do To that
end. this sheperd is going to keep
one eye on Ewedawg and the other
on what‘s presently out of sight on
the other side of the hill.

It seems important to hold on to
what we have and try to improve
the quality. rather than the quanti—
ty of it Computers and the new
multi-tasking can help us do this

Basically. we'll be able to do
more of what we do best. We‘ll
teach more skills. become more
sensitive in marital relationships.
pray more carefully. govern more
wisely. serve our communities
more generously and mind our own
stores more kindly.

A world without computers may
be simpler. but not necessarily
more efficient or benevolent. The

word processor. for example. frees
up individual creativity. increasing
productivity and excellence.

Graphic art is available to all
those poor souls not born with the
ability to draw a straight line.
Spread—sheets become the road-
maps for everybody from sheperds
to chief executive officers.

Ewedawg is perfection in guard
dog breeding for the flock. but the
sheperd needs more than one kind
of help. The Great Pyreness is an
ancient breed still sewing well. but
the sheperds of the 215i century
have greater responsibilities and

The computer has become the
new sheperd‘s rod and staff.

Syndicated columnist David Dick

is director of the UK School of

Leaders need to harness area’s growth

A couple years ago i spent some
time vacationing in San Antonio.

Tantalizing magazine ads had
filed my imagination with beauti-
ful. mesquite-scented sunsets. lazy
afternoons sipping margaritas at a
quiet cantina. spicy tacos for every
meal. maybe even a reckless Hol-
lywood gunfight in the shadow of
the Alamo. lco