xt7dz02z648p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z648p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-07-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1985 1985 1985-07-18 2020 true xt7dz02z648p section xt7dz02z648p _______________________._____——_————————_—__
— . ‘-
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 169 Established1894 Independent since 197] July 18, 1985
Off'c'als stress funding needs for next 5 years ' ‘
B\'(‘\'.\'TH|A ix. PALORMO u - - - , sissippi, while the College of Agriculture
Managing Editor .We have no room in this state for a fight between . ram sixth behind Mlsswpm Mimi ._
higher education and primary and secondary education. sas. P‘lgriga. Low-slam and (screw in
UK 'ust wants to be able to com to . . . . terms 0 t e percentage of higher educa
withit; benchmark universities. pe We need lmprovements ”1 bOtha bUt WC (hlgher tion appropriations going to those land ‘ .
And. in the words of President Otis A. education) can’t be forgotten in the shuffle” graf‘mnclwné ‘ I
t Singletary, “compared to its bench- , " V Vice President for Administration -
marks. UK is in the worst position in the 0'15 A' SMglem’Jv James 0. King said. "Rhetoric alone will =
state." He said if L'K is to achieve excel- UK eresidem not'makea flagShlP Ill-\llhlh‘m ' ‘
lence.itmusthavemorestatemoney .. .. , hm?! bald there are “‘0 myth“ (‘Uh '
Singletarv made his case last week now.“ he said. Vie have 'd good 5‘8“ 0“ there is no way private funding can sup- cerning higher education in Keliluck} .
when he and other L'K officials presented one __ _ port a university of this compleXity.“ The l'niversit} is stagnate. never chang ;
the University's updated five-year devel— . The updated plan calls for 3 543? hm” Carter said. ing direction. and higher eduction in ' .
' opment plan for 1985-90 to business lead— lion budget W'th 4" percenti$187 million) . . . . Kentucky is adequately funded in coiiipa» ~ ,
ers from around the state, In a five~hour of the necessary funds coming from state He 531d _1h 198584 the 8)chth itegion- rison toits benchmark institutions , ' '
meeting. administrators repeated that appropriations. Student fees Will gener- 3! Education Board ranked le seventh King assured the audience that '

. without the necessary state funds, UK ate $42 million and the hospital $85 mil- 0? the 3'50"”)th states'bei‘ng compared changes. such as the implementation of a '

. will not be able to carry out its mission lion. “We rely heavily and predominant- Wllh major doctoral institutions In terms selective admissions policy and devel- .
as the state's only teaching. research ly on the state aPP'f’Pr'a‘mn-f’ f.” .the 0f support dollars per full-time enrolled opment of new programs. are constantly ' 4
and service institution. support of the actiVities of this institu- student. Alth0ugh statistics for 1984-85 being made at UK. but he added. “Ken- .

S' l tar . d r‘ ght now Kentuck' tron," said Edward Carter, assoc1ate have h0l been released yet, Carter said tucky simply does not provide funding 1
inge y sai i l vice president for planning and budget, UK officials are afraid UK may fall to (com rable to» that tedt ’ V
does not have one modern contempo , . . pa appropria 0 our
rarv comprehensive research universi- In 1984de received ‘18 million from lmql‘hglagek C ll f Med] benchmarkinstitutions H I t J
, 1; . private nations. “We are aggressively : 0 ege 0 i 'cine ranks . . . . , ,
t) ' I WI" tell you we do not have that seeking funds in gifts and grants. but fourth behind Texas. Alabama and Mis- SCQHND'NG‘WKC‘
- .r I 1:1“!!! I] I I ”III” I”!!! ‘ .. ‘
v. .' J‘wvy) . ‘ .7”. .h‘l . . 7‘ ‘ I ' I
d ' ’ not! sum xomiscou
. . . a walking shadow , , ,
Nick Nichols, the director of the Junkyard Player's ”Shakespeare in the stage prevent players "’0'“ falling 0“ 0‘ "'Qh'- The Shakespeare
the Park" rendition of "The Taming of the Shrew," looks over his paint ‘9“in 0"“5 “99 showmgs Wednesday through Sunday UM" AUQ' 4-
iob on the Woodland park stage yesterday. His lines at the edge of
Professor mixes disciplines i ”'7 ““9 ”0"” ‘0 be
I ’ O O
. l sentenced this F riday
for Einstein research work * ””"°'
- ' Elzie Alexander Morton will be formal-
By LARRY THOMPSON contained in the complete Eimtein ar— ly sentenced Friday for the murder. rape
Reporter chive. . d and sodomy of UK chemistry graduate
Howard will sift through as much as W 4 student Lin-Jung Chen.
Some seventy years ago. at the age of possible of the 20 filecabinet drawers , ‘ . The jury that found Morton guilty of
only 36. a man who would radically full of Eirstein‘s writings to gain insights the crimes recommended that he be sen-
change scientists‘ ideas about time and into the scientist's ideas and determine tenced to prison terms of 20 years each
space sat in his office and wrote the final exactly what his positiom were on the for the rape and sodomy charges and life
words of his “Foundations of the General philosophical issues of his scientific imprisonment with no chance of parole
Theory of Relativity.“ That man was Al- ideas. forfiyears forthemurder.
bert Einstein. One wall of Howard's office is lined . } Circuit Court Judge Armand Angelucci
Today, another man. Don Howard. a with books which reflect his area of . i said he is investigating his legal options
professor of philosophy. also 36. sits in study. The books range from those by t l to overturn the jury‘s recommendation
his office and types as green figures ap- philosophers such as Nietzsche or Ber- ’ ¥ 1 and give Morton the death penalty, He
pear on the screen of his personal com- trand Russell to some by scientists and l emphasized, however. that he is "seeing
puter, Classical music from the radio with mind-boggling titles such as Stir whatthelawpermits"a trial judge to do
drownsout thebeeps and buzzos. chastic Quantum Mechanics and Quan- no“ Howard and has no preconceived notions about
Howard will spend the 1985-86 academ' tum Spaceti‘me. Morton‘s sentencing.
ic year on sabbatical learning more The man‘s long black beard suggests a Einstein‘s ideas continue to create dis- During the trial. prosecutors had re-
about Einstein. his scientific ideas and philosopher. but his sharp eyes and fission among scientists, but not all the quested that Morton get the death penal-
hiS philosophy. black-framed 8188805 are the trademarks ideas he generated are widely known. ty. Defense attorneys conceded that More
Howard returns to his alma mater. of a scientist. On another wall, the know- Howard said. Many of his ideas are re- ton had killed Chen, but argued against
Boston University. and its Center for ing eyes of that other brilliant man stare corded only in personal letters to fellow the death penalty.
Einstein Studies. to do his research. Ev- down at him from a poster. Both men scientists or friencb ——ideas which he Morton. 32. of 1972 Kingtrec Drive. was
erything Einstein ever wrote — pub~ are scientists; both philosophers. perhaps thought were a bit unsupported convicted May 21 for the murder of
lished and unpublished reports. personal Howard received a research grant to report in scientific journals or perhaps Chen, whose body was found June 9.
letters and all other correspondence —— is from the National Science Foundation for 5“ PROFESSOR. m8“, 1&3, in. a restroom in the Chemis-
his project. try IPhysics building

 2 - KENTUMYKERNEL My, My 18, 1985
(Iontinucd from page one g l—————————_
. In the five-year plan. top priority will j
be given to reaching the benchmark me- 2‘
than of faculty salaries. “Recruitment 2 ' "A
and retainment of quality faculty is the y ".7
essence of an institution." King said. =’ 4
”Without competitive faculty salaries. 1 ' A . ' :
we cannot hope to develop into a recog- ‘ ’
nized quality institution.“ . .— ' ,,
“Outstanding people will be neither at— . .—-“- . ‘ .
tracted to nor retained in an environ- l (:7 ; ‘
_ ment that does not convey the notion of i I
' growth and development." said Art Gal- l ‘
» laher. chancellor for the Lexington cam~ ; ' ' ' 3 .- 3
pus ' ' '- l
' Carter said L'K’s faculty members re- m. . fi " ' ;
ceived $1.360 less for salaries in 1984-85 3‘ a \\ 7" X i
than did the faculty at benchmark insti- ’ - : \. = ‘ I
tutions. The median salary was 333.735 ‘ -
while L‘K‘s was 332.375. ' . . —-—
. At L'K‘s 13 community colleges. faculty ‘
salaries averaged 320.514 compared with ‘_. .. .. 3:;
the median of $22031 at the benchmark . -
institutions. “In many instances. public A it ,
‘ school teachers make more than the av- “ I I! §=
erage community college faculty." Car- 1 N“ ‘ ~-—
{er said ., » . .. I f
“The goal iin Singletary‘s administra— 3““ “av ~ » “" :3.- '-
“011* has been to reach the median. Not ’3 u
' a very ambitious level. and we have not «Vii
even been able to reach that goal. In ’ * ”.93 t
order to reach the level that we have, ; _ >_ I;
. funding has been redirected away from .'~‘ i .f
operating expenses and other ongoing .. Q . . ‘I
program-support areas and we‘re still ' 3' ‘_ N ‘.
below the benchmark average," King 5"” ” .
_ l'K's need for an increase in state . _
~ ’ funds was not the only topic of the dis‘ l :_- fl x~ H. . g '
cussion. Singletary and the other officials . ‘ a; ‘“ s ' ~ g
, also repeatedly pointed out that higher . -.
. education in general needs a greater . - ~
share of state funds . r .
' “We have no room in this state for a J
fight between higher education and pri-
marv and secondary education." Sin-
. gletary said. “We need improvements in . “
* . both. but we higher education) can‘t be ‘
‘ forgotten In me Shuffle. NAVAL" CAUMU. Kernel Stall
' v‘ “There has never been a significant MOFtOI’ man
group of citizens in this state who have
made any case for higher education and James Green, on employee of McCoy Masonry, hoists were putting the finishing touches on the brickwork
. , ltSlmPOT‘anCfi he 581d; ‘ a can of cement up to the scaffolding where workers on the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority house yesterday.
. "This state has to qunt floundering and
-‘ . get some quality programs.“ said Ted “h
> . Lassetterngeneral manager of lnterna- Be Informed
tional Busmess Machines Corp. s Lexmg Read The Kentucky Kernel
> ton facility ——_——
_ QBegIey Drugs Campus Calendar
- . _ ‘_t
i ‘ I 00‘ w 18 THURSDAY
' J
_ , (Want in Prices.
‘ 4 I l
- ~ ,/I A Masculine-mambo. l9FRlDAY
Busch or / . 20 SATURDAY
.e. 4‘~""/" \’§ 0 Plays: Shakespeare Festival, ‘Taming of the Shrew', Junkyard Players, Pre Show
- ' ”gut“; all-lg?! _. fl; Budweiser ens pm. Curtain time 8:45 p.m..- Woodland Park. Call 252-7278
. lC - L‘ -
. ,. n; <+i> as & Bud Light
.' BUSGJ . V 12 Pack- 12 az.CIn| 21 SUNDAY
. V: ' . ' The Kl"9 0'999'5' O Plays: Shakespeare Festival. 'To Kill a Mockingbird, Junkyard Players; Pre Show
‘ QL‘JJE: 9 Bquglfer- 8:15 p.rn., Curtain time 8:45 p.m., Woodland Park: Call 252-7278
- v 9 2 i s 59
y y . v; s . a.“ . 22 MONDAY
0 Camps: LadyKat Volleyball Camp, Monday thru Thursday. 8-5p.m., Seaton Center.
. Call 257—2898
- _~—————" —
' n g 19‘ I. 23 TUESDAY
‘v. . “ fl" ' ' Conferences: Twelfth International Symposium; University of Ky.: Coll 2573974
. . . “Mm ' s‘hadcf ~.......v—~" l ’86“ 0 Other: Horticulture Field Day: view vegatable 3 fruit research. Horticulture Farm: 9-
/~-. 3 .m.-Call257-3374
~ & Schaefer Li ht » Blue Ribbon p . _ . _
- - . (TM - ‘2 Pack ‘ ‘2 01 C93 , 73ij . ‘2 Pack _ 12 01 Cans 0 Concerts. Mary Kane. Story teller, all ages. ArtsPlace, NoonAlp.m., Call 255-295l
’ An aura s nicest lager Dec-i Bl“? Blbhc" l Fol the '93} lame 0' bee, -——___——————_
‘ 5t ’l 0 99 9‘ ~ \ 1 9 ' Conferences: Twelfth International Symposium: University of Ky; Call 257—3974
4:" i of ‘ 2'
3' :1 .. , -_,.:,. 25 THURSDAY
l l .‘ . 174-” ' Conferences: Twelfth International Symposium; University of Ky; Call 257-3974
——~ \w— 0 Other The Athenians Medea-A film version of Euripides‘ Tragedy, 340 Classroom
, _—'———‘————— ——_,,_______._____-_-_-_._-__ Bldg..lp.m.
- a l q A" : ' Plays' Shakespeare Festival. 'Taming of the Shrew'. Junkyard Players Pre Show
“‘1' : (' ’ 53/ | 8 l5 p.m. Curtain time 8 45 p m Woodland Park. Call 2527278
v Old Milwaukee . - «w,» Soft punk; :
H ”4 MIlVVd l( ' t2Pscti-12oz.Cnns
, a o s t u 22 . - ; LOOKING AHEAD ,
i . 01d nghl ' peps' V'i.i"lait‘ Dew Diet pens 0i I 7 26 Deadline for applying for admission or readmission to The Graduate School for
- "lllwflllllfi 12 P.ck . 12 01 can, : . 9905' “99 | the l985 Fall Semester
. . .. r, .w W, i. M mm. m, i v i 7 2b Shakespeare Festival. To Kill a Mockingbird, Junkyard Players, Pre Show 815
I > | y ' p.m., Curtain time 8:45 p.m.. Woodland Park, Call 252-7278
'5 : : 7/28-8/2, College Business Management Institute. Whitehall Classroom Bldg. Call 257-
¥ ' ‘ ‘1 I Win | 6368
I - l
I \1 i | Coupon I 7/28. Shakespeare Festival. 'Taming of the Shrew', Junkyard Players Pre Show 8:15
I ' p.m., Curtain time 8:45 pm: Woodland Park: Call 252-72787
. ' . . {humerus QMMM
I .. 1 "all; l/Uiméfiz

 __ _ KENTUCKY KERNEL Thurschy, July 18, 1985 - 3 ‘
A u : i . . .
- -
sr ’ 1 lb - th ° l'f ° " -
mg 5 so 0 a um prov es ere is i e after the Police ' - .
By LYNt'ARlJSH-Z -' ""' " "',,. "‘7 Ti,“ ‘ rush Settling down. Sting opens the flip chord arrangements Marsalis inhelx
Staff Writer ‘ ;. ' / .,‘. ’5; side with a tireless. monotonous beat in sax and a slinky clarinet With a Dean l li . l
. 4 ' - ‘ '5 “We Work the Black Seam." his mice Martinish slur. Sting becomes an allt‘n' '
llreamollhe Hlue Turtles Sting ; - SREV'E . j ‘ 47.,- carrying notes over the deep marimbas ated vampire cursed “1”] a cone - V I
ASH“ Records '. . "‘4” and drums that work steadily under Man science 7 in one of the album s best ,
l-‘reezef This is not the Police! ,. . . ,l v. '7 ; salis‘searching sax songs
lt is Sting. however. minus the Police's :’ .,....'-. ...._-, 1.. ,..-, '5’: Eddy Grant and his congas join the Opening with a release. Blllt' Tul'lli's -
sharp reggae-pop. It‘s The Dream of tho .. g ‘ band for “Consider Me Gone." a lazy. also closes with a single "Fortress ' .
Blue Turtles. his first solo effort de— the upbeat release already dominating laid-back song peppered with bluesy pop. Around Your Heart" W which. ll‘()nlCall\ '
signed to dissolve the barriers between the airwaves — followed by the reggae As the title song to the Police‘s Reggatr speaks of doing the exact opposite he ' . I ' .
jazz and rock. $0und of “Love Is the Seventh Wave." ta de Blanc was only a short instrumen- proclaimed in “If You Love Somebody
Anditsucceeds beautifully. the first of many songs where Marsalis' tal. so is “The Dream of the Blue Tur- Set Them Free " ' ‘ . '
The 10~song album feamres a flawless sax complements and echos Stings mel- ties." a lively (iii-second jazz interlude Two things are certain about BlUl‘ Tm "
band; Sting's emotional voice (which is a lOWVOICE’ featuring drum. bass and piano tics' Sting proves he‘s a capable singer ‘ ~ ,
valuable instrument in every song): the Sting surrounds his political slant with Based on Anne Rice‘s "interview with songwriter apart from the Police. and if ' ’
up-andcoming star Branford Marsalis on haunting Slavic sounds in "Russwns" a Vampire." "Moon Over Bourbon this LP is any indication. fans mav be - i '
53x; ()mar Harim tweather Report‘s Believing that countries must stop their Street“ features smooth chamber-music gladthe Police have parted watt ‘
drummer I; Darryl Jones (who recently target-practice games and see each other _ ' ‘
worked with Miles [)aVlSt on bass; and eye to eye. he predicts. “What might ; -
Kenny Kirkland. whose nimble fingers save us me and you/ls that the Russians .
have played keyboards for Marsalis‘ love their children too.” » .
brother Wynton. t‘haka Khan and Cros< Written in 3/4 waltz time. "Children's '
by.Stills and Nash. Crusade" parallels the First World War . .
The band‘s tight musical bond is what with 805 heroin addiction. using “poppies "
makes this album a success. a fact Sting for young men” as a symbolic tie. The AND BEHER FOR YOU
realizes by crediting them on the back rarely used meter and poetic lyriCs of ' ' .
cover Even 50‘ fans may begin to won» this song are examples of Sting‘s ability '
der if the jacket shouldn't read ~~5img to break away from the ordinary world lit'ltt'i‘l;l.slilif_{l\lli'j.1t'i\lli.il .ll't‘ lX'llt‘l i: ii \: iii i ' y t,
and Marsalis" 8"” hearing ”‘9 13"?“ OfPOP that s \\ ll.ll liliit-s « ll \iiitiit .l is .ill ll‘i Illl l H I '
sax dancearound Sting'sslurred vocals The Police's harsh “Shadows in the \\i 'l ._ } , i l/ ll) bil - , l l’ . i.
The album begins energetically Wlth Rain” is smoothed from its Original R&B .ltl it I _\t ill t it it ist Hill :I . . .ltt : ,.
"ll You Love Somebody Set Them Free' style. closing side one on an energetic Burger. t till “2 ll). I)()lll)l(‘ l) LIIC Burger 1
‘ ’ Hi i illl'JI‘. D'Lite Burger \t ill \ .ii: lit \lllt' - .
Thunderdome falls Short ilsm.itlt'li‘tiliiiwptiilaliti liill iiiii't, lt .iii 3. V.
ti‘csli. tit illlt‘\llt j_’.l‘i iiiiitl l‘L‘t'l l ,
o o o ‘ ’ \\t‘}.11\t'_\t>ll.lt‘lii )lt‘t‘til l\\til\t'llt‘l‘litliis l ' . ’ “.
In contlnulng Max saga (llll' spct llll litt' \\ llllt‘ \t‘\.llllt‘ st't-tl t it lllt‘ ' -' g I
. llltllllul‘dllll‘tllis lititliliiulici‘iii llllt'l'\\llll , .
By scoTrw-mn ,-.. ‘_ _. . .» , ' .
Editor-in-Chief . ». . ,. 3 "1““ 91‘5"“ . ‘
I ~ ‘ rg ()Lll‘NE“ 1/4 lb. Bacon (.heescburgcrs' ‘ '
Mad Max Without a. car is like a (lay . - " , .ii‘t‘ sci‘wtl \\'llll crisp. lt".lll lxit‘t ill. ( )Lii' litt' '
Efigt‘ijfisgfiodgrlhere‘ b"! "S . If . t'llt‘t'SL' hastiiily l _’ the tilt Naturally. \\ c lct J . .
Such is the case with the latest in the 'z 6 » . ~1p 3”“ Cl“ "NI .V‘ ’L” hum ”U I‘llllmlib 4‘ '
Max saga. ”Mad Max Beyond Thun- 5; it f}; ‘ \iiti‘ititiiis and tlclicit iiisf lit-ttt'i‘ tasting
derdome‘ ' Generally the "10?"? laCl‘S the t: I . litii‘uci‘s Illitl are lX‘llL‘l‘ it ii‘ \'( )Ll , in t )llt‘ st it ill '
highenergy action and exc1tement and ~ ‘ “'"h - , . ‘1 .. . _ . . _ - ~ .
utter brutality and emotion of its prede- f t, .11 ‘l Hull“ ”1 U ”“Ule l" .\‘ l” '
cessors (”Mad Max" and “The Road ‘_ V . ‘ l .
Warrior" l. Specifically. “Thunderdome” \% ~ .5 . ~ 7...: ~ V min. ,
lacks intensedrivingscenes. .1 . " -‘— \ " ‘ § ’ " - '
ln "Mad Max.” Mel Gibson A an un- k\v ' ’ W , -' ":43: 1a.: . .i.,“}'?'-T”Tg:s I
known at the time who played the title \ l ‘3 ' " ". ‘\ l,“ ,i~.r§.¥fxm,m . ‘
role was a cop whose wife and child ; A ’ '" “ .y .1392...- “ g ‘7 q ”fatty”, » ..: / .
were killed by a gang of brutal hood- / “ ~ - ‘ \‘vm‘t‘lyflds 'i. ,1" _‘\ >0 ;, ‘ .
lums. That made him mad enough to / . . s "-5.. :w’f": ;,',i..,‘-"‘If. FD JV?‘ ‘ '
shirk the law he valued so much and re— ‘ ( V s:“:».—‘: "'7’ f ‘ 4;".d ‘4, l ‘
sort tocounterbrutality 3,: l .. \/ s . . .- “‘ . I
"The Road Warrior" was a kind of sol- l “ ’1 Q l Mi %m"vé' wt W . - '
dier of fortune driving along in a world 5 1 ' ‘ f‘ . t "" -‘, , ' . , ,_ l
gone mad after it ran Out of fuel or faced " " W , a" l .
a nuclear holocaust or something, He got . H . 1
fuel when he could and got blown up Tina turn.' “"6 MolGlbson ' l
when he didn‘t want to That got him . " l '
really mad Mad enough, in fact. to kill {72‘3" ' -:rr“-"€’ 5:2;- ‘37., s . . l ',
at least 20people. 3% . fl“ ow. . mg l
But Max in “Thunderdome” is a mot» .f' ' - "-1. l '
ley sort who appears to have been soft- if 1 :3. mi; . '
ened a bit in the 15 years or so he has s. ”Cf", L l
eked out an existence in the desert. He (‘13; ._ % REDEEM THESE \Au‘ABLECOI'PONS 1
doesn't even get his dander up any more. \1-Tli,‘__'3_u_.§\l..>~r -.,_,. 1/; Jr‘uh" AT THE FOLLOV'ING ”NATIONS:
Nor does he drive _, with the exception ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ’
final)czgnnetpgrgrffaghgsgfaxhich Is sto— Another disappointment _ {or m“, Offer good at 3030 Richmond Rd.
Ana that‘sJ where the latest episode be #:3053ng ”gala": 32: relative gen- (8‘ Ml' Tabor)
. . . re s no brutal and It 0 I t'
gins. It ends With a chase scene very rape and sodomy as in the first film and I" new 001 IO“
similar. to the final chasein “Warrior." there‘s “0‘ even a good torture scene like corner of Euclid and S. Upper
So Similar, in fact. that it reaches the thesecondfilmhad -_________-_____-__—__—..—
pomtofdullness. Excme this reviewer‘s apparent cal- l ————————————— I ______.___, —-
Max _ and the audience _ is sub- lousnoss, but it seems it one wants to l SAVE ‘ 1 29' SM ‘1 29'
jected to a hopscotch plot based primari- make the world after civilization goes by 0 I o l
ly on happenstance that takes him from the wayside l00k bad. one should make it I —‘——-—— —_———‘ | ”—W ’— l
the desert to a small city called Barter l°0k very bad. Bl" the bad BUYS in this | FREE I FREE I
Town to face the wrath of Tina Tumer‘ flick are more Of the lndiana Jones genre I 1" no DUTE mm I "4.1- DUTE min I
to the desert again where he is left for — mean. but in a lighthearted sort of l wuenvouauv I WHENYDUBUY I
dead. to a place called Crack in the :5! griffin}? {:25 g” tYl°'°"°°v : ANY mm- | ANY SANW- |
Earth where he meets a bunch of prima- "09 l m S um ‘ re "18- ,
tive kids. back to Barter Town and fi- .1" the end. the film just leaves the I wilthfiLélFeSSSnNQSJfiéy l Saitéfifiéiififlélfdfly I
nally to an automobile. which he barely Viewer Wantins more: more of the Mad | WID'OUTE BURGEREREE Served l iidlb' DUTE BURGEREREE Served I
hasachance to drive. Max we all grew to know and _ if not ' on you'choceotiite sesameseed I on vouvchoceotine sesameseed l
. ' love _ a‘ least understand; more of the mine multigrain bun I OllllC'YNJlllrQ'alllbur‘
Notably bad IS the bold banality of the I memo-wet mittxv-tcwiwvmuue wow-Mr» NfltLI‘IliiMhN' "H‘s! I
. ‘ senselessnas 0f tlB new world that 'iuwm ANDYAIfI‘RA msm'cmiimrowuts I '(NAYUAMV'AIEI'RA mrsrv ‘titmiwwum
introductory scenes of the Crack In the dc n hi . nd the I tin/35mm o~e:tsis~wvt»nwsm(n thmivtumtimmnetav tisnmn I
Earth crowd The children r3 ' ' m. l'ia accept m‘ a more“ I W‘t‘DW“NANvT"N€D:WKfR I VWIiIDW'NANVCWWHO‘H’Q
_ ‘ ‘ MIN In onglmhty and daring action scenes that sooneswnvmi 9°in I :‘s‘lltf-(S'EDWNM mitt I
ages from infant to about 16. worship Wt u» Wm! home in an entertain- ' ri-Aivriitiwct Mn um ' fivlmwmlmri “mains '
icons of our generation‘s childhood, while ing and visual way ' l "MW“ "“1"“ ’5- '“ ' ”$7.35"” I
they 18'3"“ 35:0"? loss 0‘ the almighty But above all. “Mad Max Beyond l | I
' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' Thunderdome“ leaves its hapless onlook- l | |
A harsh indictment of today‘s society? ers wanting less: less of the watered- l d d |
More like a harsh indictment of today‘s down cutaey violence that makes it all I ‘m no I m no '
directorsandscreenplay writers. looksofun—and possiblyworthatry. L_-__________|______-______.J

 4-K ”1'“
E MYKERNEL My July 18 1905 L
Kern i ’ _m___-_____
i l f“ ~ at) \
met-um. ‘ wAl ‘J . An -.
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Sconw rd ‘ an ~ 2 i
Editor-m»:h.e§ I \ daplace ’0 sfand . . . , V i \
cam... . i ’ 'i /
' °"°9ing Editor “m“ A-SO¢:ill ; \/ 'l . : /
EditoriolEdiior 3 ' \h i /
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1 .-
5 \ I
l - ' "
Rea ’ 1 '
. gan S awyers l . i x i
make weak case i V i l
/ I,
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g ns abortion is... ,1. \ We / ;
It's July 0 ' \ U4! 4‘5 j
Vear and. ‘h ne 0f the hottest months of th Er“ MG. Coo i
- 5 an on one of th . a ‘ ———_,,, ~ V__ 3—!
abort , , e hottest ._ —_——c_________.[
3....23: threw publicity mum: a Onna nude: textb k - .
argument is l rief. the administrations We arelivin“ . 00 ca It
St t V . argely faulty and its Andla "la material way-1d lsm
a ‘5 rlghts could have'd' .SUpi’o” of mama‘e'iaigirt .
qur'ences iSmaying conse- Madonna - J hy’enliodny'S better televisiOn {
he Justice De La I ~ .. times A ‘ "‘° “ding ”Hill s are
' paftment‘s ' . 5 Friday the $9 te be . . . ' "St. Else he n ‘lreet Blues."
, 1 itglgfndl-Of-the-Court) brief fileszl/Ic:t‘lsd curiae (gerillfgboy hit the Siali‘dsmherre i533: a STOLL {mugs 35‘" ”129‘ “sphgi such Km oh
‘ , ~ u v‘ ' i “ , " '
cert; 0“ er mu” rulings that inv {iii a" when it 333:5?” 3 ““9 second U L’s *7“ — cannot henfii bit 5.11“"
and I;n stat? abOrtion regillations inallu-ated tition comas becaiislgatli The compe‘ iii/813m lportmyi“ls °f Sexual £2338
ehhSy Vania‘ . aniS lain hi hl ey bOth con. Gu - ' eOpe do fall in 10' "
cases in October The Court WI“ hear these graphsg—yphctftlt‘iebraif:i nude Photo to tuihlfiwfla: harm-Y be expected and have sex ‘8' 39‘ naked
The governm'emts 1 ‘ Madonna‘ grap 5 of rock star assure hlm incl-)lCtOrial whjch Wlll ~ [I really lS a natur I ‘
COUrt's 1973 Roe vs 8&3”er said the high hThis week the hwocntes sales and subscrifiaei‘i‘f anSstand “RE-Honest a function of
‘ Proved inherent] - a e deCision ”has eard carping all ouer Am (can .be Showd he? Oya ty' Why Housewiv
. . unwo .. so - erlca. lk .- , 95 -~ ‘
”has on state rigiii‘iiii'fiitagd wrongly $31212; echo it; photograph. . it when — emitters
, . - .. , , in w ' r
. e brief appears to m k a ortlons, can yo“ believe , The man behind the cam clear. _mgthis—alread:__
the 0 - a 9 two 0 i ii. Harold" taki , era mat be
ne hand It attacks the S p Int-5. 0n you 9V9“ believe What tha - Can not n8 adVantage Of his SUbjeCt'bu There ' '
emphasis on factOrS like viabiiPremo Court‘s Madelia' woman did? Hamildthere without that subject'sconsem‘ t h is no Issue
’ 32" the right to terminate olniiy‘ tr'meS‘e’S igsuivenrmifiewfi ”f "‘3‘ magazine' :55 “goody, even cared about m “6' The“? is no fault
. ' _ 031186 such an argument ha (:5 pregnancy all her fame" 0w “mid she do this to big.5 liilligi: p3: um“ me Singer intuit to be admitted no
» , in the text of our C0n$titut' 5 no moorings Give me ‘a break 1 ha began their gears 0f capitalism blame to b ’.
COUStltutionald - .. mm 01‘ in familiar b9tter uest' . ‘ V? a much Woe be" methOdiCal grind , e aSSlgned
This t ‘ OCtrine, picturesqof m' When “'1“ SieaZy bet . tide anyme Who got c' and This is ate b '
peals t: rtll'clt constructionism probably t°ih95urlac$ary Tyler Moore ooze “eenthecogs, aught of ca 't 1‘ Xt 00k Case
' e Conserva ' . ap- w ', N0thin pl a $th
:15“; Igut in an issue liltlgib‘oiiitsitofie.tlgepart- age 2313,6222: :95; itnnuzt be a pack- Profitmagxiénggmthan your basic Opportunis m Ev
- r ' Ver Since L0 _ _ ‘ 1 oesn‘t there SO 1 arOund out ' . eryOne
unsv11 - . . mewhere, DOnah . -
. used economic and sociolha‘.n Louis Brandeis day it will drift 39:2: 3°39 fateful the plighfofrsmnded everyone of Was Just out to make a
' ter which certainly has Oglcal data — mat- “A": 90"" scum. ' the re“ lost her Miss 22:? Williamsv Who bUCk.
- , —
- text Of Our Constitution” no moarmgs m the Ameiiictz:1e will3 heal?“ mat’ suburb“ Semen” p“blishedi:2’‘cutilmiiymeziv[lien So h
- wage and ’“ 15 riefs PM it _- togra . PIC- 0w ea
to rule iué‘i‘i’3‘JSWS' -°°““S have been as]: $2333 figured exT‘ifiiss“§m.:;: “man- 6530: :3}??me me be shxiieduilfifiudsi'fietme
. soci . l iams one the eve . do iC ures of
4 4 practice should continu;ll Concerns, and the voui'lng Madonna. and are now de- putting £82122?!) not ”010$“ gr “my: 34:30? sells that image
1 The second thrust of the brief hi a Penn-mu“ publisher Bob Gucci” position, He minES'm't" this SOrt of Wh e a see" the videos.
i ’ tegal .attack on the high court' 5 f ts from a the mot'nion ”3:?th Donahue 51“” bmalamk'e for the scandal 83?:an wait €36 middle Amer ica alwa s
nicminctf” (me. it assails theircmerha ‘0 a stands naggiiaiiy firm hit the '"gh'mquiierich- ' y‘ hypocriticsiiiii“ fiend“ “m Smhya
' ‘ . 55 ' eCause of u “ar itrari. no hel . . 3 Was little or Thethi - , . s“ V?
_ > both technological Subsequent developments momggmbclifntfymg the issues that it ma "3is,hesnght. Fear? [gm-aim, M
" The «'atdministrasi:d medical? ‘ After aii evenl iii‘ZaZ 3;" his fault "0 reastannfio 3213* 5°. and there is PhiSiication? ‘ "91““ of so
. n ' ‘ u ‘ ' .
i » here: Indeed it Is 0“ firmer ground Smegxacuywhaiitwantgjice was“ "3°“? are man on? ab°‘-" '3' b‘" W knowsv
seems 1 ”Flu . to kno y r medi . You
“5 “institutional arg a most to contradict wankaboutit w. ciety Where the human bodyaaiig as: :bsclnpum and ”233’;ka your
- ument. If - S Donahue‘ sho morals that - ora posit 95 your
on abortion are . COurt rujln be - . 5 w supposed . are Supposed . . ion.
- - . unav gs diSCussi - . t0 it etm . . to Inhabit
. tific eVidence then 31123:? based on Scien— mom Wongwgzgfim’: t2; {3. :‘he ltbisfticssappetlzmeplay. wMadonnii and Vanessa win-
' ‘ - ‘ mini ' . ot - , ere n t - Iams
Jetsiiléfctflh caniifo' '"eView if it ex??? 5?“ Ernip'iifiemifng ab°ut how ever; Soap operas. mmmpiiiylimmev‘s‘m ““de arid finflgtoxotmen ‘° 9°”
‘ as c anged in th n ‘ ‘0 Situat’ 3" 0‘ this kind of Piecfi — dos ite .e ”Ste" and more 1 ' - ° grater —
, However th . eiaSi decade . '0" (even Madam with - 9 me“ being gra ed ' - ”mm“? — thi
. , . . e adm ' - , - CClves mas“ . . a. Who re. qmte com . c Siderlng the - "SSCon.
":dwldual stat 6‘ rilglliltsstrfigonst suppo" of the Show "fgilfugixifi Perhaps fvhootse to offer apggflnglg ‘f g°zneggraphicsmlggg:5 (lamina of
i S andards on ab . 59 their 0 forum t 3 Wblic “"0" lust and ' - x 0 u DOWada . "‘3 PTO-
. Ortion co ld - - W“ - 0 allow societ , necki - ‘mi’rwriety. The nt ’5' "By Will certa'nl
result "1 a nauo u ‘ If It prev '1 Judgmenta] m . y 5 more . n8. groplng and . 0 be the last. Sooner l y
_ n3] t h a1 5, . . Oralists to debate plied 58ml Constantly im— “cl ,, or later othe
AS Is the c pa c work 0f regular “a"OHWIde telev‘ - - ‘°" u‘00“"tersinthese ”Ml" celebrit' - '
ase new w' - Ions. cal .. . 15'0“) the 50cm] '- mas are abso ' dra- Lhemse] '8 WI" find
‘ :haie °°uid forbid all zittiitlirtiilggce laws~ 0he scarigtila'imgifiyo: Mad°nna‘s :5; W-andimnrmbedfllfi/amesw'm in 'imlmzzzisi‘iiereadflyed ‘" a na-
e mother’s life except When Na ' ' '
Was th . aah. Chxk out And,
other could have m h reatened. While an- The problem Phil ciassic In the your run-0f-the-mill and “Emorimtely, the frustrated
A . . . “C more 1 ' the - . had was tha - ., eternal “R0 P inIIICal of - .
t'n" State mlght become the N ergem laws_ fa net's no lS’sue here There is t Jilllet. those kids have a [12:0 and Standms by —- ever svicilny WI" be
l0n_ And 9V8 a of a , “_ 0 be admitted ' no on their m“ _ more their st: , 3‘ ant — with
simply bu those Who. Could afford it cgfilrd ass‘.g"ed~ This is a Q1232? e i° be hands 01’ consist;- 56;,” .mlding “Wigs? We” and moral Poses
barrassmgma plane ticket to solve their em capitalistic opponumsm Eves-SQ of travaganzas as -.‘écam'3t§ical ex- .
. - - “’38th out tomake yone ”Kismet." whi H and Edit" ' '
The administration will have t abhck- “Pasflonateenccit‘mfiglf a variety (1 ihea,;',"'aft‘:':’e’n¥0mvs A. Stou is
iiiileciiidfltonfir Case than it has ilfitiisifl-Sentla “I‘m“ COUNTY ' coiu'nnist. "" “"d a Kernel
S 0 c llenge the s ‘0“5 y
. . u " ‘
sition — a position the 0331me Lou" 5 PO- mama-m ‘0“ Wimp/NW5 by Berk: ”testbed
firmed two strongly reaf, WAT! mm“; W .4. A mu m mar 50“,“
m it years 380- Present] - Mitts mites Mame”; 176M our: 56W
P ' l e nor Pro-Choice grou . y. neither coat/rm H" ,5 Man: mm m of Winn/(3h I Mr ,
mUCh Chancef PS give the effon Wm, aw m, ”6"“ r’ MAW A mm mm mam"...
. 0r SuceesS R)? A M , WY. cm“
And 'i the govern ' . . \ ”3%”. ‘mflqgm FAD. fif’m Wu m
for the public’s berrifiiit s brig is as much 9%; \ i / I 0N- - Wt Val?!" ”54°97?" 'rw’W”
- as v . h /_ ’ ‘ ~ ,5 ‘5 H
should restrain itself to Wbl' e court S, It [\gt \(V a ‘ ( $11.. s
enter the arena only when 3 figmment and K is ‘° ; g:- YQL ‘ ., \ - , \
can argue with the legal arid 5 a ease it , h : \ 7 _ c r; i\ i?) A ’\\ .- ,
genee theissue deserves moral intelli- . 7 i 0,4 ; I , f g l g. -
I V I, ‘ \I& r 7 . i O i z’ » 1 ii i ’59). J
it? 2. ., \ t = t' ’1
> i

 . . . KENIUCKVKERNEL "trashy, July 18, 1985 -5 I ‘ . ‘ '
Institute still promoting research Bomb threats clear buildings .
, Staff reports .2 ~ 1 -
. . . D - .
seerce to advance mlneral Industr Two buildings were evacuated Friday and four Mon-
day when police received bomb threats, said Donald A . .
Thornton, associate director of human resource services '
l‘iyALly-IXCROIICH | division ‘ V __ g ‘
staffVinter V. I” Kastle Hall. Patterson Office Tower. the tlassroom - -
I Building and the Chemistry Physics building were ' -
While controversy about the loss of its state energy cleared for about an hour Monday morning while police - ‘
research contract fades, L'K‘s Institute of Mining and _ searched for bombs Thornton said no bombs were
Minerals Research prepares to leave its development J ,V,_ . ~ _ ’ I. found in any of the buildings '- " 2
I phase and enter a period of what