xt7dz02z641k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z641k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1979 1979 1979-10-04 2020 true xt7dz02z641k section xt7dz02z641k 69$“
. 4‘ .. 5p» QQ.
CHE 'tt p oves UK build'ngp o' t
(WW-Iii A? “Fm" committee's decision. explaind that the 58.2 is currently about $2.7 billion. construction was “another stepping stone began when Gov. Julian Carroll lended his
The state Council of Higher Education million would “cover the cost of construction When the American Council of passed." support to the Medical Center‘s project
' financecommitteeyesterday recommendedthe for the proposed 60.000 square-foot school. Pharmaceutical Education. an accrediting Romano. notingthat the center has been in proposal in l975. After the l976-77 state ‘-
funding of both a new pharmacy building at We(the College of Pharmacy) were hoping for agency. reviewed UK‘s College of Pharmacy in the planning process since 1974. said “We(the legislature added its approval of the concept. ,
UKasweIl asthe continuation of construction this amount." I977 one of its principal criticisms was. Medical Center) have had to go through a the University began detailed planning of the _ '
plans for the Medical Center's primary care In the past few weeks. UK administrators Swintosky said. “the fragmentation of the number of stages in the project but we‘ve been project.
teaching and research building. have expressed concern that failure to pharmacy school (into) four buildings and the optimistic that we would finally get it(the care The finance committee also recommended
The recommendations by thethree-member construct a new building could result in the difficulties associated with instituting center)" that Northern Kentucky University continue -
committee alloted $8.2 million for the state‘s only accredidated pharmacy school programs under such conditions.“ The concept behind the primary care center. with Sl3.4 million in projects in additon to the
pharmacy school and Si2.5 million for the losing its accreditation. Their concern if CHE approvesthe recommended funding Romano said. “was to fulfill the need for the building project approved by the
primary care building. stemmed from a CHE finance subcommittees at their Oct. l5 meeting in Bowling Green. the manpower across the state through a highly subcommittee in September. ‘
Also. the committee said construction of the recommendation exactly two weeks ago to pharmacy school's departments could be ,specialized patient-care facility.”if the facility The additional NKU projects that will be ‘
new pharmacy school should be given top forego funding of the school. centralized under one building. is built. it would house out-patient services recommended are a $9.5 million academic
priority for funding out of any state surplus at At that time. members of the subcommittee Michael Romano. assistant vice president such as clinics. which are currently located in health and physical education building.
the end of the fiscal year. expressed concern over the state's ability to for the Medical Carter. said the finance the University Hospital and Medical Sciences renovation of Nunn Hall and anaturai science Q
Joseph Swintosky. dean of the pharmacy cover the costs of the bonds that would be committee‘s approval of. 5l2.5 million for building. building. each costing aboutSi.5 millionanda “
college. saying he was “pleased" with the issued to pay for the projects. State bond debt continued planningofthe primarycarecenter‘s The slow process of building the center $900,000 storage building.
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Vol. Lxxrr. No. as “hm""y °' “mm" " «ififit‘wx‘ “3X” ‘ - "3'5“
Thursday. October 4. I979 Lexington Kentucky Q“? a: {is Qua Q... ,2 :Q . .. so“ " r .'
an independent student newspaper ° it. & Qha ‘ Q ‘. , .Q I: s it“ .Q =-» Q 1% .
—I__ _-" "III-“I” — it? " «Q ”wagers “ C; ‘ . =; Q ’4”; “first Q ‘5.» Q,- ”Q
5* ”:3 " 3a; “ ‘5'“;- »" -‘
Odak U K . . Q Q Q s... . _. . QQ. Q
. campus re Igious groups
Q Ex. _ - V. -' QQ % "WW4- .:; tit-"r ’ g ‘.
Q - . Q - no Q-srg- ' - QQ_
local I :5”?! _:=' digit sQ _. Q ‘j: ‘Q #3- ; 1,532.,
cover the s ectru m of beliefs s, .+ it s s ‘ -
A FAYETTE COUNTY SCHOOL ‘ R Q ‘ ‘_ " gs. s a?” r.
Bl'S DRIVER has said he was attacked ‘ wva Q 2‘16 :‘__ Q ., -. QtQ Q %% '; -QQ Q 3:?
by a high school student Tuesday and By WALTER PAGE l we have for interested students. such t“ t s" .41»; u: _. Q Q ‘».
pulled from the driver‘s seat while the Reporter as many fellowship opportunities, “‘QKQ Q ; QQ ‘Q Q Q gnu?“ Q ,1 .
b"“‘,’“_s""'" mom“: , Rfilj®fl®fi counseling. special projects and § “wt «“5 pr fiéfi‘ “ . ”'9'“- than
This is the second time this year a Second of a three-part series oth rs." Q Qt“ Q _Q . cm 33% QQQ-Q Q. {(3
iiifi’iieiuindi'flil” “mm M “5 ”K's Student bodiw a diverse at tire Bsr benefits from an unusual it“ ”2 “’7 r ~‘- ‘
A l6-year-old Henry Clay High community of about 23.000 assocration wrtha iargedenomrnation. Q -Q “53;?” “‘Q; 1" Q Q Qe . Q Q
School SQ“ dent was arrested and individuals. is served by an MIR “We aren‘t bound by denomrnation- ‘1; Q .. . Q Qs Q Q
charged with wanton endangerment by appropriately large number of . at! or religious ties. though we are 3‘ ‘ Q I. 1' '_ " ‘ u "
Metro Police in connection with religious organizations. They range sponsored by the Southern Baptists. 1?“th N Mitt '- 1‘ t“ _ ‘. ,
Tuesday‘s incident. He was suspended from a Roman Catholic parish 0i from worship services to parties." So. we attract a number of students “1% '- Qia .“ Q . ‘ i‘it . “d:- .r“
from school and released tothecustody more than 4,000 people to a small Praebell said. from many backgrounds.“ Hamm 3%} ‘- Q s: " $- Q
of his parents. group that regards all religious beliefs Newman Center's staff places a said. ’5ng g 7*? .3 '
Thc driver. Mark RhodCS. said the as steps on the one path to God. large emphasis on preparing students “You‘ll find that students tend to “j“ 4' " “Q “g V5.3. “ “”2 »_~ . . ‘ '
S'ud‘im was becommg "mm" on the More than a dozen religious for the future. gravitate towards people they can “3::de ‘§> 9* ‘
run “mm Henry Clay. RhOdcs Clams organizations are officially recognized “We try to deal with anv of the make friends with more than toward 9‘“ “we 35‘- ‘3. - 3 V “’t "*3 '
the studenthan to the front ofthe bus. by the University in addition to the bl { d ' Q h . d . . ff' . . ., \\ $3 at ', Q Q Q . Q _ .~ Q A. _. QQ
grabbed mm around the neck and . pro ems Qo any stu ent we are t Qeir enominattonai a rliatton. he QQQQQ . ,_ Q t saQ Q Q
pulled him from his seat while he was many sntali STOUPS 0t StUdCDtS who involved wrth. For example. we have a said. EQQQ ciao F... ' .
‘ ' ‘ . . . . . V fit 2.:U “:e ',‘- KN . >‘.: _ '1 As» :-.. - .c.
driving. choose to ftiiiOWShil’ privately.Q(QThe number of parties at the Newman Like many campus ministries. BSF *é‘hQ‘i-j. f7" Q; Q a '
- difference between the “offrcrai” Center involving beer or wine.“ does not have Sunday morning a ““' ‘ a. " ~\ _s s . we
"am" “amp“ ““5"“ and ‘“°"""°m““'" ““6““ “‘d‘ "The “mm “C” it “t .. -. i s is t -
groups is the fact that recognized lends itself to good behavior, which “We try to supplement the work of ‘ .Q {{QQ ‘ r. QQ\§“§§:§Q§
ABOUT H.000 TEENAGERS in groups are registered with UK‘s will be passed on. local churches with a number of ‘ § “3“ I ' i i " ‘ a “MM “M Y
Madison Square garden gave Pope HeligiousAdvisorsStaff.whichwillbe “Drinking isaiarge part ofgrowing activities throughout the week.“ By DAVID MAYNARD/Kernel Staff
.lohn Paul ll a guitar.a“RigApple"T» discussed in tomorrow’s article ‘ up. if done in moderation and in the liamm said. \ .
. shirt. a pair of blue jeans and a rising. “‘5 hard to say hOW many StUantS proper atmoshere and spirit, such as The Wesley Foundation. funded by I I '
' roaring Qwelcome yesterday at a youth are involved in religious activities. we present at the Newman Center. the United Methodists. is another of wet n W'ld
"it’bmion iha‘ was a combinatim‘ MOSt groups say they can only there should be nothing wrong with the largercampus ministries.involving
”Ck concert and PCP rally. , estimate the number 0i people who it." he said. about 1.500 students per year. ‘
. They 3””th h'm With the qulsrng participate in their activities. it is The Christian Student Fellowship “We are evangelistic to a point.“ No. these aren‘t members ofa nude ontoreycle gang who fell into the '
jungle drums that usually bring the difficult to even contact members of appears to be the second largest said Bobby Howell student president river. Actulllthey‘re membersofUK swaterpoloteam,flghtingit out
home team hustling out of the locker - . . . . . . ‘ . . ‘ in a team ractice at the ol in Memorial Coliseum. Here Richard
. . the unofficral groups. such groups campus ministry. involving morethan “We try to go out and bring in new P p0 '
“mm in a his baSii‘tba" tournamcnt- often amount to little more than dorm 2 . '. . Rogers (No. 27) is attempting to score over Dave Wilson (No. 10.)
One ofthe cheers that greeted John Q Q .000 students during the year. The studentsthrough ads. bulletins. phone
Paul was “wrack ‘em up: stack ‘em up. ”9'3: fteQlowshrps amongQiannds. CSF operates more than 35 programs. calls and personal contact." .
bust ‘em in two; Holy Father. we‘re for C hiVCfSl y-recognrze groups. “The main stress at CSF is to offer The foundation hasa busy schedule. F t h f
you. hOWCVCF. are very open. constantly an informal worship service for any revolving around its center at i5l East ’3 ernlty rus may ace
Asthe59-year-old pontiffenteredthe looking for new members. They student campus-wide.“ said campus Maxwell St. Q
gym. a i00~Pi¢C¢ band Qpifind "Th: attract what some may COHSidCi’ a minister Larry Brandon. “We are one of the groups at UK ' ' Q
2‘7"". f{?mdsj’sp"ma2iQ QBandesm surprisrngly large number 0i people to, “We are funded through specific who have Sunday morning services. many Changes In Spring 1% -Q
a mm a" pa“ ‘ u" e. angqually rig: numbe; 0i aCthltiCS. denominations but we involve along with activities the remainder of
, , CFC are l'iC ViCWSO thCSCSTOUpSI robabl ' 20 different denominations the week.“ Howell said. - '
QJLAMTA M “'35“ the “m The C'thOIiC Newman Centerhoids ipn our pyrogram. We havea vcrv big None of the other recognized By MARK SMITH parties. These events wouldn‘t be I ‘ .
“om“ m “m as US. secretary 0f auni ue ositionat UK: in additionto ' . ' . ' ' ‘» ‘ ' Rc orter included In ”Sh promotion.
commerce. has told President Caner .q p , operation. dii invoivmg. and for. organizations have memberships P All romotional material would *
she intends to resign from her post at scrvrng asacenter for RomanCatholic students .. comparable to the preceeding groups. ~ - h tp b ed b ASS“ tant “‘
the end of this momh sources said students. it aiSO houses a large Rather than a determined order of instead. they have anaverageoflOOto UK? fraternities may 500“ be Dacve $5 edappronQ h lyP l lleC l , ‘ '
yesterday. cathOiiC parish. worship. CSF has “students planning 200 participants. changing the methods they use to dano heft“! eths lids; 8:“ .5 ,. ‘
The sources said gaps is resigning Not only is the Newman Center. 320 the worship services ~ five groups The Southside Church of Christ. attract new members. a “5;" l 0;: In coqu b: uQsQe ‘ d t '
for Personal reasons. Her husband. R95? Lane. the largest campus who decide what to do with five located on Nicholasvilie Road At a meeting of the the Th— Q: acoQoh wou h a pweT; {‘5' '
Clifford lQl. Kreps.abusiness professor religious organization. it is one of the different SundaysQ" Brandon said. opposite Commonwearrh Stadium, lnterfratetnity Council meeting f “'5 .8? "‘3 ‘. rusted°v9?h“ ° If; _ ’*
. atthc UniVCFSItYOiQNnrthCaroiinflihas bUSICSt- CSF is located at 502 Columbia developed acampus ministry from its Tuesday night. a special committee Emeritus. ehxpizirimen f ll" 1m?- “'7‘“
, 3:: 31:3ru5:yzcgii;tcricat=arQQc fOQrQ SQnm; “is: have an awful lot of activities at Ave. youth group. recommended that three major :efr‘iesger "'3 t “mg a rus ' rs 3-
. . w s ospr a me " ' r ~ - .. Q - Q ' “ " - - it;
with injuries after. authorities say. he gr“ [533:]? 5:31;:ngszight3; 2:1. B.Acc0rdtng to "8 members. the We have really Witnesscd ‘1 10! of f::n§::i::o?a::tli:s di‘itsihotlirfxzhit‘s ——Alcohol wouldn't be served after 7'3: f ' _ ,
fired a .38 caliber mow" mm his . Q Q Q . ptist Student Fellowship draws growth recently. said campus 8 Q _ P _ [0.30 m durin the Monday _,~_Q_
mouth. Larry HthmanQ. organizes religious participants from the group of minister Ken Durham. the fraternities useto recruit members T ' sd p. d Wed 8d r sh rties‘ 5“} '
Mrs. Krcps informed her staffofher andQ socral activrties for the large denominations With the largest “We have a real advantage beinga during thefirst week ofeverysemester. Tli: ayr325 woulrdesc:riti:ue 2: last “‘3 ' “
decision terda Q din he PatiSh- membership on campus: the Baptists. campus fellowship withaiarge church ‘RUSh parties Wt" be officially . pa I 1.3: ‘
- ”s y “0‘" 3 ‘0 i .. - ~ . . until i am. however. ., »
sources. who asked not to be named. on any given Sunday. OVCT SIX More than l.300 students participated family. This way students get the 9'0"”th only from Sunday ‘0 Th f ll ‘iFC -" t th 5.23;. '
‘ Masses. we Wiii have about 4.000 in BSF programs in 1978. whole view of Christianity -~ in Thursday 0f ”5h week. This means e u - Owr WI); on “I? ii“ ‘
PRESIDENT CARERS PROPO' P¢0ple. with more than 2.500 of them “We feel iikethis is the beginning of fellowship with young and old. ti" ”’5" parties held 0" these nights proposaLs “:8 Ember “3“?th “M ' -
SSA; f:;:stf°c‘:°rf"l 'f‘cw “3”“ ‘° bCQiQhB Stiid¢ht5~ Q Q Q a very strong year." said campus educated and uneducated * as i think would be Opt“ to the ”P"? campus. 35:: the: Sc chn 813;?) iviishg o if:
pfojQQQQQurvifcd'j'gmfcmm[Q5330 Wehaveafuiicaicndarofacuvmes minister Mark Hamm. “Much of this Christ intended His church to be.“ but oniy "1°“ Peonie With imitations " g ' «,2:
from Scum and mm rights “wait: for the interested students. ranging is duetothe large number ofacativities Continued on p... 6 could attend the Friday and Saturday Continued 0" P'Ie 3 if‘t'i -
yesterday. “5““ “- .
The Senate voted 58-39 to table. and U K, I I I ".2
n... on. a .mp0... m... 3 sports budget may end up re - ace 1: '3 year
Mobilization Board with much weaker ’3‘ ‘
j powerrs than those urged by Carter. 4
- QOther efforts to weaken the critical By DALE ARNETT Athletic Director Cliff Hagan said. “is that we have to pay a $400,000 but UK is charged a 50-cent fee for $6.000 for basketball—“upSJ percent 3' '
- PKGc ofthe pmident‘s energy Plan are Reporter “We anticipate running about mortgage per season on our stadium every n0h°StUd€nt tiCitCt it SCiiS- This in the itMt ""0 years.” i
.- “PM“ 0"" the “m t” d3?" 5230.000 in the hole (this year). so we (the actual yearly mortgage is fee is USCd to retire bonds the city 0f Feamster “id traveiaisocuts into of ‘.
. THE SENATE ETHICS com. Item: Holding 0'" football game at will haveto take it out of our reserves.“ 5600.000. but 5200.000 is paid before Lexington issued to finance the the women’s budget. although to it Q
' MITTEE said yesterday it believes one Commonwealth Stadium this “850" At first glance. that statement might the season starts). Also. we play only construction of Lexington Center. Of i995" degree. "lt‘s 00““ expensive [0" .
; or more witnesses lied under oath Wlii COSt UK'S Athletic Department seem surprising. In the two major five home football games this season. Which Rupp Arena is a part. For a us since we are not in the SEC Q
Q during testimony in the investigation of nearly 5100.000. revenue-producing sports _., football “Having to play our basketball sold-out basketball game. the bond fee (Southeastern Conference) and we r ,
‘ Q t the ethics Of Georgia Sen. Herman Item: it costs about$l5.000 for UK and men‘s basketball .- Kcntucky‘s games off-campus means wc have to is around $7.500. (ti'ic udy K“ buketb‘iitum) Phy '2 i
g Tlimldse-_ Q Q Q to play a basketball game at Rupp home attendance per game ranks 16th pay rent.“ he said. “At Rupp Arena. There are no bonds to be retired for games within the state." she said. it i
, : mfithze'r misting:laggliQrQchleudmg Arena. it costs $500 to play a Lady and first in the nation. respectively the rent is 52.000 or l0 percent of the Memorial Coliseum. the home of the runs :bout Sl.000 for each away : .
Q ’ , 30“,“an sand compiling“, defraud Kala Shine at Memorial COhSflim- TogetheQr.Q these two sports anng in gate. whichever is greater. For us. it's Lady Kats. Bththeaverageattendance game. _ d i
i, [he 'ovemmemQ mo my my: tests. Equipment costs have soared 53.3 million. which looks like an about $6.500a game." at the womens basketball games rs QSheQalsopoQintedoutthatmanyroa Qt
Q mqum commute: “Q d in “mm! so much in this decade that it now impressive figure. But that's not the only cost. only about l.500 to 2,000 people per trips In men: basketball are linked ‘
4 Q report on the It-month investigation or takes (for example) 5500 to 5700 to it becomes less impressive when the The University has to pay the game. While the revenue from these t°8¢th°i ("10“ road "if” involve 't l '
g Talmadge. a Democrat. “l“tP one football player to” 598500- cost of supporting these two sports is salaries parking attendants. security tiCKCt sales allows the basketball team least "”0 Fm“ While the Lady Kats‘
Q W author Item: Title IX. which mandates considered. officers‘ushchtickct-[akcrsQclean-up to operate ata profit. the money wont trips. since they are closer to home. do .“i _
Q . , . better sports opportunities for women. In fact, Larry Ivy. assistant athletic crews and other workers at each game. cover the costs of all women‘s sports. not) and that women sbasketball team it.
Q * Q’ TODAY SHOULD I: A GREAT has caused UK‘s athletic deparment to director in charge of finance. said UK At Commonwealth Stadium. those according to Assistant Athletic is smaller than its malQe counterpart. r Q
,‘ ' . ‘y. ' DAY TO STUDY. with cloudy skies spend “90000 0“ womens QSPOi’tSr anticipated a budget deficit two years costs add up toapproximately$l5.000 Director Sue Feamther. The NCAA. With which the mens ‘_ .. Q
. * 'Q and a chance or ,howm. h will be WhiCh htihz "1 only an CStlmflted ago. but the basketball teams success a game. When the average per game Other COStS hflVC "30h dramatically. program it 'ftiii't‘dr “'0‘" i“
. Q. , . ‘ tr breezy and cool. with a high near 60 3'0'000 '“ r°V°““¢~ in the I978 National Collegiate mortgage cost is added to this figure. One of the most dramatic increases in members to 1in3 '6 basketball ‘ '
'- ’ ' . 7 I expected. Clearing and colder tonight Q The” and other iBCtS add UP to one Athletic Asociation tournament plus the pricetag fror an afternoon of UK‘s athletic budget has been travel. scholanhiP'. while the “mu!" 0t ' .
QQ ‘, QQ . t withalow in the tower. pmrycroudy inescapable conclusion: For the first the football team's appear...“ in the football .r Commonwealth Stadium According to Hagan. chartering a intercollegiate Women‘sQAthletiee. of ' Q
Q ., _Q ,. "‘1 °°°i tomon‘ow; hilh In the 609. time in many years. the athletic Peach Bowl brought in extra funds. rises to about 595.000. plane for an away game costs about which the women‘s team is an affiliate.
_Q -1 g program lt UK I5 running I detiCIt- “The bas‘c problem.” Hagan said. The cost at Rupp Arena is lower. $20,000 for football and 35.000 to CM 0| It... ‘ »
‘,e . {._~,.,.~.4w¢»q~t.uo w; a» - ‘7" O.."W‘.OO'~O.OJD4 -"‘" ”""'T.i'_.fl_ff‘.’__\.._f..".“1_2.“““:'Wa-—-——_—___.~".“” ." -- ‘ - in i "" ' F " ‘“‘ : ~ - i i ‘I ‘ V . ‘0 h ‘L i “ I ‘
. . . A. l BEST copv AVAILABLE l

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KENTUCKY mu. McDaniel 1., you,“ Steve Malay Moth Green Thom Cloth Gory London
Edam m ('Imrr ("urn/rm ifdunr Toul- Young Pld Mull lz’nlerlarnmenl Edirm Direclor of Photography
Annual! hell/or Richard MCDOIBW e
("an Willie Lia Dousurd ‘ (‘indy McGee John (by David Maynard
A t Manugmx helm» IRIIIUIIUI hitmr Kirby Stephen Spam Eduor Photo Manager '
. . (‘u/rr kill/rm Iri- III I d ’
II C 0"
edltorlals & comments Axililanl Spurn Edum t_
" I l l '
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Pope John Paul II represents belief in world peace, not Roman Cathollcrsm
the its. visit of Pope John Paul ll and the injustices at a time when our leaders are increasingly peace. since in every instance it concerns man in its There aft "0 OUtPOWiiiSS °t_ii¢ii'5 fire and brimStone ’
appearance ofa three-part Kernel series dealing with shrinking from the problems of the day. But his entirety.“ to the Sinners. only the promise that somewhere in the
religious groups. is only a coincidence. but it rhetoric is not radical. his intended revolution Maybe the largest favor the pope‘has done for church the mdwrdual may find a quiet place to settle _
illustrates the increasing exposure religion is receiving untainted by hate and violence. The man possesses a humanity is to present us wrth a religion of man — his inner problems. '
on the national scene. humanity that tempers his criticisms to the point of based on the ancient writings which form the The pope's religion. although he sits on the Throne 3
. . _ . . being almost palatable for the institutions berng cornerstone of the Christian faith. but tempered by of St. Peter. Is not exclusively Roman Catholic. It i
MUCh 0t this attention stems directlylromthe 59" criticized. the realities of modern life. The pontiff led the transcends religiousdenominationsand offersitself to i
)‘t‘ar'md POhtitt‘ the Spiritnai leader 0t the “'Oiid‘S “ . .. _ worker‘s life before entering the priesthood and those who have never seen the inside of a church. '
Roman Catholics. A much more public figure than his I" my heart. thts man speaks to me. said a young knows the heartaches ofthat existence. and even in his It is for each person. be he priest or wino; available ;
immediate predecessors, the Pope has attracted an black woman yesterdayas she StOOd m the mid“ 0f religious role. he preached not from the security of a without obligation and without a membership card. ‘
., immense following 0t people from all religions it" no Harlem waiting for a glimpse Of the pontiff. monastery in a Christian world but from a pulpit It is alsoa religion which has immense appeal in this 7
' tel‘g'tmt‘ anxious to see. hear and interpret the man indeed. he speaks for us all when he addresses scrutinized by an oppressive government. era in which people are grasping for something in . i
and his messages. global representatives with the words “Any threat to From this background. the pope is presenting the which to believe. but are increasingly suspicious of _
Pope John Paul is a spiritual leader for us all. He human rights. whether in the field ofmaterial realities world with a religion that is intensely humanistic. organized faiths. Pope John Paul ll's religion of .
displays courage in speaking out against the world's or in that of spiritual realities is equally dangerous for tailored to the individual to be used as he sees fit. humanity couldn‘t have come at a better time.
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Denounces overuse, abuse Letters to the Editor '
’ A d ' I d ' UK 7 ————————-——-—————
re rugs essentla to goo time at l who‘stostopthem.Ontheotherhand. .
Speed reading at U K the basic speed reading techniques are
beers myself occasionally. so i have no pressures of everyday life. cannot fully explain the problem and ' at hand and have been for a long time. ~ .
“l “is get ”‘th .. intention of pulling a Hatchet Molly The good which recreational drugs does not explain why people who Yes. PTOfCSSOT Johnson. there i5 a We welcome this opportunity to pornt ‘ ‘ .
D. i h ‘ t ' _ _ y . 1) and condemning alcohol as morally do in situations like these far consider themselves individualists get Santa CiiiiiSi Speed reading this out agalntoyouand t0 otherswho
D 0°“ atiommgntlsoundtamiliar. depraving. My quarrel is not with the outweighs the bad.aslsee it.although smashed just as effectively as those techniques are and havebeentaughtat may have missed our Kernel .
C0 3°!” per aps ec are it yourself? use of recreational drugs itself. but idealistically it wouldbenice if people who admit that they follow the crowd. this Universny for 7-0 years. The advertismg. y
hasua eavfesdropping “t“ '“dtcate rather wtth the overuse and abuse of did not have to rely on external Boredom is often given as a reason Counseling Center has been offering 3
t at if.“ 0 Let 5 get drunk and 0" these drugs. in other words.lquestion supports to give them courage. for using drugs. Seriously folks. life is non—credit study skills courses Whieh P9! “We '
stone _ are common. and empirical the use of drugs as an end in itself. Unfortunately, the insecurity and self- only as interesting as you make it. This incorporate speed reading With study Luming Ski“! Co-ordinltor '
Obsenat‘t’” ,w‘“ demonstrate that -—-——————— doubt that lead many to drugs in the campus provides an abundance of techniques. iii fact. this fall the Center Counseling and Testing Center .
tlfiteseI suggestionsdare coinsrstently and first place are a necessary evil of being different opportunities to choose has. sponsored a series of _ Friday '
ih “,‘t‘e’i tame hourhn ddd‘tion t0 STEVE human. Still. this does not adequately from. instead of complaining that “55'0“; “Speed heading in One 1
alliihi ldPPeaTS t at t e amount 0t explain why so many people persist in “this place sucks.“ get out and get Lesson. advertised m the Kym" The Death camPS? i I
, C 0 one can conSJme or the , a flagram display of drug abuse. involved in something. Take upasport next session Will be held Friday. Oct. . ;
amount of pot one can smoke. is welngarten The concept of rationalization as (the pitiful physical condition of the l2 in304 Mathews Bldg. from 1:30 to At the entrance of thedeathcamp in l
Witportmnately mated t9 the high applied to drug abuse is interesting. average college student todaydoesnot 3300 P-m- AuschWItz there remains a curious . 3
;_Cgar: “"h Wthh one iS held b) ————————- For cxample' if UK wins a foo‘ba“ need to be Claboraicd upon: simply The Centers SpOflSOfing 0f Speed aflifaCl. a Sign; arChlng overhead! . .‘ .
“en 5' . _ . rather than as a means to an end. game. everybody gets bombed to look around). read some good books. reading programs however, is not an reading. “Arbeit Macht Fm t" !
.M-V question is. what the hell is all Indeed. alcohol and pot (l refer to celebrate. |f UK loses. everyone gets write a letter to the editor denouncing endorsement of .speed' reading as a English this means Work makes :
this for” Why has partying and these drugs because they are the ones bombed anyway. “Because we lost." me for my brash uppitiness, join a panacea for dealing with the current freedom. To this day. no one really
celebrating become synonymous with used most by college students) can be everyone says. So what‘s the club. do volunteer work. geta job, orif information explosion or as. it knows whether this sign was an .
drinking and smoking? Is it possible beneficial. A drink or two maybe just difference? Do the fans really care none of the above appeals. give subsitute for careful study reading. attempt to fool the incoming people ‘_
for people to get together and enjoy what a shy guy needs to work up the about football as a sport. or do they yourself an enema. Don‘t cop out and The aim of our speed reading sessrons into thinking that they were enteringa ‘
themselves thoroughly without the and courage to ask the Si” of his dreams simply use the game. regardless ofthc fall back on the weak excuse of is to teach studentsbasic. practical labor campand not an extermination .'
of external stimulants? It would. sadly. for a date. A few tokes may enable a outcome. as an excuse to get blown boredom as an acceptable reason for ways to practice reading and thinking camp or if it was simply a sick joke. f
appear not. person to sort out the mixed up away?(The terms used to describe one drinking and toking. more. effectively and to foster the in the advertisementsection of the
First off. let me say that I don‘t thoughts in his head and give him a Who is drunk or stoned are interesting Have faith in yourself. confidence required to be it Get ,2 Kernel there “PW.“ [She
mean to appear as some modern day perspective on matters which he had in themselves Awasted.doped.blown discriminating reader. followmgc itappa Sigma 1"; '5 .
messtah with naive intentions of not previously considered. in away. etc.) Steve Weingarten is a Psychology To Pay . for the Evelyn Wood Rii—ih/ TOT'iiflht/ 9330 p.m./ outh ‘
improving the world. In addition. I addition. for some people, moderate i believe that part of the problem ”Education senior. His column will program is indeed to motivate oneself SC“ Party.‘/ (iii honor Of the boat
enjoythe pleasure of indulginginafew drug usage providesarelease from the canbetraced to peerpressure.Butthis appear on Thursdays. to read faster. The techniques peopletl Its nice to know who is
employed by Wood. as you suggested. continuing certain traditions. ‘
' Professor. are not magic. The magic is
WLD ”FEAT NJ. Y5”. I MttST’ YAhYAn-YAi-w HAS WWWQED MT OWENS in the motivation and ability of the Richard W. Disney
REESE E iUHON l0») MAT- Win-1D .- 1 5K, EN fl [5 “AWE reader. if students would prefertopay Philosophy and Political Science
m mg“ TO THE W GENE». MW 6 W SMOKI |N A H TH for that by attending Evelyn Wood senior '
C¢UHDER luvs DElRMINE‘D "‘ Tom [c lflLIli TO TWKOMS m WINK? ALRE l j ' :
w - i
« . ._ --— Letters oIIcy .
t . l r we. .
( 'e . . . . . -
, . 3 Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and trtple- .
1 i‘ ' spaced. and must include the writer‘s signature. address and 1'
‘ f ' ' phone number. UK students should include their year and major ‘
y'- ,4, > " v and University employees should list their position and .
. 4 ~) ,) h I! . 4” ( z department. 1
‘\ w" i)‘ The Kernel may condense or reject contributions. and frequent
. i v 'i . , I. ‘ writers may be limited. Editors reserve the right to edit for correct ;
\ - ‘ g/ / Q spelling. grammar and clarity. and may delete libelous ‘ l
» ’ ' 4535 I Q / /, / W , , s A statements.
. ' . {1;}? i .‘\ " , 3 ,/ fl . I , VI Contributions should be delivered to Room “4 Joumlhn.
‘ \ ~ I' .. «’ , ///, ‘ x N University of Kentucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506.
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Changes proposed for frat rush-
' Originator and , I "s r .
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. - Singer for q . i IN CONCERT
' IFC consrders Adopt-a-House Am“ “‘r— J
. Continued from a el _ , ,
. p I sections of the report Rick sortable community protect to community really need your ~~~ . , .ndE LEGEND
. Palm said he supports the Williams, president ol Sigma become intolted in when we help. lhts pro