xt7dz02z621g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z621g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1997 Vol.68 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1997 Vol.68 No.3 1997 1997 2019 true xt7dz02z621g section xt7dz02z621g _., on the F (UK) LEX 405 .
lookout UNIVERSITY OF KY LIBRARIES Volume 68, Number 3 _
LEXINGTON KY 40506 ——————-——-—-—— ,
oMarch19.21 The Official Publication
NNAGoveummlalAffimConfaeme A of the Kentucky Press .
Washington, DC. Se er CG
OMarch 27
KPA/KPSBoardofDiredorsMeefing ~
—— Central Office . ’ THE KENTUCKY .
0 April 24-25 ’
_ KPA Ad Seminar ' .
Holiday Inn North, Lexington / .
0 June 26-27 ' ..
KPA Summer Convention ‘
Embassy Suites, Covington . 2
13610 buy Journal lsm Hall of Fame inductees chosen . ': -
E A Northern Kentucky newspaper executive. a W W
en S ear retired Frankfort capitol bureau chief and two veter- {W ' ' M’s .- 4
ans of Kentucky broadcasting have been named to " W l_ . .
o the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame. W ~:' , .. . i i '
The 1997 inductees are: _ g. » ' E.) E
legacy 1n 0 Judith Clabes, former editor of The Kentucky , w R 'f: _, x
Post and now president and chief executive officer of Wit .9: M \s WW. I 7.
the Scripps Howard Foundation. WW if he ,4- We”, ,, __ i
entuc ° Hugh Morris. veteran political reporter and __ - ,fi. ’3 l . '5
chief of The Courier-Journal Frankfort bureau. now W ' y W »~ ' WWW; 'i i .'
retired. E .. .. . E r I I
By LISA CARNAHAN ' lien Rowland. active in the early days of f ’ 9'5 . I , 4 ‘-
KPA News Bureau lxnllsx ille tell-vision as a regtuvt. r - . .~ s il'N‘f'lIH‘ “luui . ? gig; $ng 3.113“; mg: ; _,.
At “no end of this monzh, the ant-hernia.) a. .10: -'i”\ any: \i'l'.-1'\>’--'l‘\. and now a 1__ My J E E K?” - , l f
family-owned publications of Walt business C(ll‘lfifllt‘llliit()l‘ on WllRB—TV. in Louisville. m JUDITH CIT/(BEES HUGH MORRIS i ‘ ‘
Dear Will be sold to a major media “ lired Wiche. popular larm anu garden director __ l ‘ ..
player. A.H. Belo Corp. at WllAS radio and television in Louisville, and , gi‘W‘stWfi‘: E '
The Kentucky publications author of a column published in several weekly ’57“thva -.\ ’ i‘ WWW _ $‘f‘* , /
include the Henderson Gleaner. newspapers across the state. ' 35“ \ ' i I, W
The Union County Advocate Clabes is a native of Henderson and graduated " ,. f i_ . l , I '
. (Morganfieldl. The Tribune from UK with degrees in English and journalism. : ._ ,, ; __ __ l 'f
' Courier (Benton). The Franklin She received a master's degree in public administra- ,j_ ‘ , . ‘ l / \
Favorite. The Cadiz Record. The tion from Indiana State University. ,5 '_s ”W ' . § 4" ¥ ' '1 E
McLean County News and the A former teacher, she joined Evansville Printing g: . A '2'?" j $9 ; .
' Herald-Ledger (Eddyville). Corporation in 1971 as Newspapers in Education i:» W": , E
Gleaner and Journal Publishing coordinator. She later became director of community as; '1 "' _. ' ’ W ;_
See BELO, page 6 affairs and associate editor of Evansville Press and ‘ _ . ' W . .. W . l
in 1978, became editor of the Sunday Courier and i f ,5“;
. CAR ° Press in Evansville. . " ” ”W ——l E
semlnar In 1983, Clabes was named editor of The FRED WICHE KEN ROWLAND ; . _
Kentucky Post and in 1995 became special projects The author ofa nationally-syndicated newspaper f
. t f A '1 1 1 director for the Scripps newspaper division. A year column that was later produced in book form. (‘labes ‘ '
SC or pH later, she was promoted to her present top position is also the author of "New Guardians of the Press," a I:
" ' with the Scripps Howard Foundation. See FAME, page 16
By LISA CARNAHAN ..._...._._..«_........m._..........~..,.._....... ww--w-~-m~~ » .
KPA News Bureau ' ° ° I °
KPA and the Associated press Crulse among highlights of 97 Summer Convention -
‘ will co-sponsora computer-assisted _ . . . . . . .
reporting (CAR) seminar in April. Where would you like to have a June 26 and 27, jom us on the of fun and extra activmes.
The one-day training session, Summer Convention? Near the banks of the Ohio River as KPA The convention gets started *
- ' scheduled for April 11 on the cam- water? Close to a beach? How returns to Northern Kentucky for unofficially at noon on June 26 as ..
pus of Western Kentucky about a moonlight cruise? Wanna two days of programs and lots of the KPA/RPS Board of Dix-ecu)”: -
7 " University, is being geared toward play some golf, tennis? Want an entertainment. _ . gathers at Toyota's new headquar-
._ smaller newspapers. amusement park nearby? HOW .The Embassy Suites Hotel "1 ters in Erlanger for its quarterly
Last year, a similar workshop about being able to see a profes- Covmgton Will be hosting our 1997 meeting. Members will find that .
A. .4 was held at the University of Sional sports team in action? summer meeting. afternoon filled with informative ‘
Kentucky. The two-day session at Sound enticing? There will be, two half-day’pro- roundtable topics plus a general
. UK was widely attended but pri- If so, the 1997 Kentucky Press gram segments to make the trip to session.
W marily by the state’s larger daily Association Summer Convention is Northern Kentucky important for ‘
-‘ . ~ neWSpapers. This year’s session just for you. Thursday and Friday, everyone attending, along with lots See CONVENTION. page 5 . . -
. - has been kept to one day and costs . , . ,. , . , . ., -. 7 ,.,,-___
will be minimal *" ' ' " - ‘...,.......~ IN -:-75' ...._—.~ . '
1’. W Bill Dedman, AP's director of A.” ' . .‘ j ' ” .'_ "7 SIDE
; vomputer-assisted reporting, will WM”. " ”Mum _w:mm Accreditation Imperative .
" . . conduct the CAR seminar with the I now .7 MW 1 .. , our: manua- tom-schools . ‘-
« “cm, 9.9. 16 Eyl ”-3. ‘ 7 Pi.” « a 9' ‘2 , . i W
WI ’ .1 W' W
E “I “w"- ,‘ . , V . w-"ET' E"? _._... _ , . _ ~ . . . .(M ._ ._ ,...,,‘r. (Iv-0... .v; - ’ _W . .. o'~ ‘ .v "
‘.\ .v t " ‘ " -' .y' I. ' ; '5 . - ‘ W “ s . A" ' _" 7
.. H . I -,,E , -. ,‘E, ._ . . . . V.” _ '. ..i s .' . . , 5 ’ v ... _. r . ,‘ . . _
.'-'“i, W W -‘ “ 's I A I '. ‘v i '.W_ -' W 'W .i W. . , W '. .' E. ' W ,. i “ I. W “'5'.‘ W W h l .W i. N ', W I W W I ' a ’ I E E i W T W"
% ”TX”! . .‘l\."- ‘ . h l a? ‘ _ ii.” I... I‘“’ ll. ‘. ’ u I, E, I. ~" “ ‘ k. . P-‘W‘ ‘ . \‘A. . E : y . .. .-
.‘‘ _.. ‘»« . ' . . r W .l'. ' W '; , ‘ W . 7F...W' ' W'W ,, i 'W, Vt. I‘ .W"' 2“ W V’..‘, .W ,“W: -‘ . 4" - LI‘

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he Kentucky Press M l
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Mad . 3’ people
Cares retires after Inna , a .
r c 1' S
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H‘H‘rlii Mudd "tt' ‘ pus [70% L8 0\’cr 10 6 n6:
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Ft‘ln'tlary'bill”; “Frills in)”: th“ H at RlCh[n()nd_ p 2::‘(l’nlzati()ns lhr h WS
ager t" ' ‘ u (i so”, . I” t‘iirly LII‘I‘. ' ~ “Until car i i . ”11g ”“1 h“ ,
mm. Io the ”(‘Ws' )‘d iii Ids ad ”tori. 150“ pro” . \yttlIt tl“, Lit, (IL II. he is af'~-lh.IpH)_ Ss‘t‘y'i II
Idnd a ll‘lll'\ l Pt] lHt‘ lltt 1 Jam: 1' ]()[Cd of ( "111m Us ( llll) ”n (hlldlc-d ((_
1’ .( .13; i ){5 , ‘5 \i. . , (“-, ,I . . VI ‘ .
KIUdE; {0m Jltlttj11(,.i{sh _ i l [)llltltslni'. ”lit; 1 l)I\) has [H.(III I ( lUl) 2111({II(IK« I Intpd \‘Vfiy h‘lnll)(\r \\'l’](( Illrlln “‘Plac
91., I worked in: l , “ ”“l'illd “I l’l' “(1 take,- oy' . I1" bit-hum,“ “Horned ['(K'intId Ils‘ Masohit ll - Rotary fo- ) IS moving [I (‘5 Allen Bla-
IIWd ”03.513319“;.(letlsm’g “1’ ‘i I- Hilf‘t‘lsor] “lit! the P051 Ho; “#1510in :Su‘lllton I“ 11s (‘dtlc‘ztti“’(lgt‘I. H“ 1}]. daily- ‘dnd “IIIIILIASltlglnd to “I: t].
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: ‘ Slim-n Lie 3' Stand ( rt ran“. it»,- a! ,1. ‘ 1Upuli. H- . (‘t‘sjty ‘ S in
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awaixrt Mudd Won }.{dr"“d>‘bu,~u . kt‘t‘l)\> hasdiihan. l our in @in I“ yy> pap“. (:prII‘II‘ r 3, at C I ms nCWS staff '
leadin h 1}? ath'rtt L‘wwml KP: 0*: 1h" Harltinsii)rvod “5 publ‘ h R“'htmind lpa “mush” ol‘pnw‘ Orbln TiITIC T V
g t o . “Hg in -1 - ‘ “me A ‘ all . . ‘5 er Wan , ‘ P“? hr the S— '
to Win paper-g . ( Udin ,, . - “trust 1 c .\ but“ . *- rho H x l the . : Alan K' * “bu :
the (‘ dd depa t" “(’1‘de 9’4 an} - TPI'ISO pUI‘L'h- tmild-I)- pdst tWo ()f' ’“Cer } . . . “C l '
award for "lnt’ral ‘ ”mom at 50‘.“ . ( prmrt R I dSod l I dlladil” the (‘0 l . .ldsdmnei I.
thre , . 133(ch tht‘ ,}«1,k _ rdl pa ) . . 0 that (‘ngt . .‘ )_\ tho ‘ n \‘VaS Ph run T] r ( the H't' .. l5
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~35 < ‘ ‘ 'ls ‘ i -‘ 2 ' is . ”'0 - . s , ‘ 9 i t r , "‘
__ tkummw- 0‘ 1“x'dminerilj‘d the Biartktiornmg managing“ a badlt’ldrl“?31' Va" thing? dUring hijmc-hm and as ;
' l‘h ActivUJ-mprprlw- 05"1ll9 New Yltl‘kn; and hUSI‘nII‘I’EIITeo in (,nrM'I': ~ Nave He‘lght years in
e e In LI‘lfhnlurn'l . R0Ch(‘st(~r } l'dl‘.‘ levnjy , 5“- from Uni i (-d at ant , 15 CuY‘t‘Cnt] 7 t.
WKmkaym ntuCk ) 50“.in now-“pa - lt-IhaS held trait). in he .‘I‘Tslty's COrbi' (rn Kentucky 3
1'31”de (WWW y Pr Potent Pers In liul b Pthiom at 15 purSUinr I In CampLIq I y .’v
Warm ybymeKen Rust-tub. 688 ____I__ a » )urg_ V'd‘ . ) ”Ck: Te phl’and I l-i a degree , * When, at:
Pmafimmmsgflm Distric113 “d has ("11100: \Bmghamton dial“; u)mmunitv Plan l-n g""grza—
Ky'mlstmwgeiwaidmpfl'h‘f I; GIWGWIMancheS C - 'M' X" Ha . mng‘ r‘i}
pantiucdfym mlm‘gmaddm ”yea em?“ 14 - 6d edit Writ 5 Staf f '
“Wm “Kim . Tog?“ IS‘A edit (‘Ith Cllrhn h' , lmas Staff Writgtfr B I'Iarper iS [h I y
Ck) Press ‘ . Caudiu Le I TI 0] of (hp I‘IdIE been n Demo at the (Va C newest l
‘ 56003110“ D! ’ xmgtonfleraldw ”“65. ~ (.ltlen \7 Iamed Herat- rrOlltOn NOW l
G Idem strict} - def C ' 010“ & - arper r- 4 S-
GabeSIRem TomMooS‘B (Tolmtu'rlm has been . JouYnaqum‘ 0" has 35
rderNeWSpa m“Slavic . ,. 3 paper f thh thx . ~ fr0m ‘, exper' . ‘ Years of ’
PI‘eSident p978 Sta I‘d Interlol'Jou dud dUrln 0T the past ," EStll] l newspaper ““09, ran T. l
GuyHa ,Ebct teat Large ma! three g artother 51X YQarg “g to teach‘ reporting a Elng l.
. “dicifi MarkN . — T‘ ‘ Years at th ;_ stmt s; ‘ adve tu- mg jo .“d edit— -
Zenvoiman . etkukIKen tmeSI e (Iltiz » ‘pent I 1‘ 15mg “3] urnalmm
Pflmdent (”m Ed . mdcypos‘ A ”a . 9“ VOice & Wel- L es at tho con and 1
John “15am any, 0w€nsb Curlj tlve 0f W- HaVln . egl‘dte l .
. 'AsmandDaflyln Chi 01’0Mes‘éiengerln ‘ from g has a lOUrn a?“ TCxag a dOCtoratg mmpleted W l
Vicemdent depmdem PHulcheson . qull‘er Wo aylor Uni I dlISm degr :I tiong 'It 8 .degree in Im‘k toward l
R"5’31’0we11, Ash} Sh ,PmcemnTimes ne n numerous limit-V" She h“ has t( Oh") Unive (-Ommumca-
andDafl In aronTumm . . ‘ Leader “’8. featurh ‘ PA aVVa . as H flught at t 1 :SlItyI Piaf
Y (1 5k) ts rd 0 h
Treasure, ependent rwmches Culture . f‘ Photogr 5 In V “24' K0“ (' banp _. per
Ma As . terSun ’ ertm r . aphy. ar ' Univ: 9 .g and rally 0f
. 'Appalachian Barbara MCDWSIton ’mmumtV ~ ndlana. t tate
0:5de new?) ExPress Mannheim amei,’I‘oyota M D ‘
William thd'tell, ring may eat S See PEOPLE
. . 2 lton Leader fiedverfiS-mg Divisio V. p 9e11
I‘esaR n l 0 .
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O‘tmaxm Franklin}: I U .IRonwolfe Eamon Page‘ 73 b Orlal and heel 9d most of he (1nd Page
mdfi 8‘70;th “Iver-shy ’ Stem Kenmck Career at the Egan her newI She I‘Ot' dmt? senior w _r authority
MGM:- . y cerUlath NEWS-De 5paper a ' ’ ”ed in 1992 met Wh ,’
Eng-pa“ 'Ehzabeflym Gene 3 . “ Clerk . m‘X-‘rat . glngedit ‘ ~She . . ”1
“News IOn “mammals d “I’lllmnI Sh dnd the 311th ab 21 Du I 0r. was man-
Dian-kt Tat-mama“?! andKin1 Utles at th(, L S0011 t0()k on: 0r of first I‘lng her Cal'Oe
Da 6 “rand Combs Greenie w. and ”the paper and - Other K Wornan ed. ' r‘ She Was‘
WW ’ yatt‘ t romp“ . "11968 . entuck ‘ thr t . ‘ the
ge'Hm'YCoun Kentucx or A] Smith )yees'mclud' 5h“ 00m y Farm B 0 “’1“ th-
m7 Whoa! KenmypressAssociafi ' papervThoI , formed thlng 9di- an mumcationg . ureau annu e I .
Kelhyw . DaVid yPressseM On Sh( i Jogan Lvad, e n"W extensive ‘ aWardI Sh. a]
mom. IIW cesiaff of ’myther, ; er, gmumj h .' agricult (, had
_ mCoun Banner! [‘«Ex . the N ) . («after th th . t C‘lpln Ure b,
m WNews G - OWN 8 ‘ e“MW-’11” a CW5 De ’ ‘3 0w 011‘ fa - {2; her h de-
Ken 89 lomDfivis r “SWM recto, p per to th m"cl‘at : net‘s rmlngo : . USband ‘ . .
Me“ Com” Lisa 'AdVer‘ ~ “agar SOo " new] “’ld th Grav..« eratlon vrth
’33:}, Cami-1“ USngim n, paper“ y formed at J Lblde q , . ‘
. . Mouth)“ WW3, NINewsBureau um and Morgans Were added . gmup. 'han. 19 at Red *OU‘Vices were h
Dmmt10-11 Suecmackimrdt/Mukefinsmm Brentwm'd town: LeitCh 1n Cadiz I tr hOme With ak Cemeter (ld
U WW Buffysams I Seaman, WW Pa ’ . Tenn, field and lng_ Larry Crai .V near
Dem: News Roxan V ’ like‘~’—Pi'n pa ge Was res - M - g Officiat-
12 Exp” W mable'Ad -g"ssi5tam .pm- read- ‘p‘mS'ble f mortal 0 ~
Wk” . MCC Vemsin Set with lng (We 0r a“ th : made t Ontrlbut‘
.. make: Lmd “W’Cfi . g 185511 the h i1 ’3’ Word' “ (y 0 the N . "ms ma
W ”WT C GSlemPICfi Ppmgml'ector Pport they Wor. C; p of a fri I In them ”enter f0 atmnal I y be
a. ;. ""'\...rm‘m/Wle amiPaywn 0})ng Assjsmn w ( prlnted (‘nd be“) RPS - r r Immu * (Ewish
. “u «a... . Hollysfi lctipping 'Siat Wa hm,“ Sm.” re Merglrdmr" Medjc' ”Ol‘mv and
.w fi gels - . 1W I“ S - e I x ( . v , In x , .‘
WWIPngASSistan a I‘Il‘gttrr-i, I).(j .' Went RUS I’FIIa] Fun I t In (,are of ‘
iCh t Prt . . 1n tt Scll tr I
Wingm Mdent] ] 1980 th ) WHO 8' H
~51er became a .apPUintm "’Ugh ‘ "moi
_.‘ (inmrnunpretsndent 0f lint. pag(i John L
. . I lcatlnns lnc , 1 Smith J h loyd Buch
.. as wol] as e o n Lloyd Buch anan
. - . See DEATHsdn‘ 1"“g-
' .' . __ t Page 15
. II -
t \
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The Kentucky Press, March, 1997 - Page 3
' N t d' th ' 't'

Over the raspy police radio. we heard the A newspaper should be constantly rediscov- , _ , , . .
report of an alligator thrashing around in the eriiig its community. Remember. your readers coaCh s ' ,2; -
apartment parking lot, flailing its tail the way live there for a reason, and if you're not explor- ' - 7’. :_.
Jose Canseco rips at a fastball. ing that reason —— the weather. the rivers. the 1. '

"Stasiowski!" the editor hollered, "get your mountains, the night life, the dominant indus- comer , . .

. butt down there!" try —— you're telling readers you don't care. m 5;? \E ‘

' The veterans in the newsroom giggled. A few years ago, a newspaper in a tourist By Jim Stasiowski ‘ l

' "An alligator?" I said. "Me?" I'd faced down town hired me for a few days of coaching. The ‘3 _J

-' snarling beagles, so my courage wasn't in ques- editor took a couple of hours to drive me around . . .

tion. But I was new to Florida, and the closest town. Everything he showed me was for stopped looking for creative ways to write about

I'd come to an alligator was the little nipper on tourists: new hotels and motels, the beach, the 't‘ And once you Step 'OOklhg for creative ways

my golf shirt. parks, the golf courses, the hiking trails. to cover the same 01d topic. you ve 'OSt every

I "Alligator stories," my editor said with a I looked at his paper for three straight days. battle. b _ . '
g sneer, "always go to the rookie reporter." Not one story about tourists. Remem er. m0“ local stones are about gov—

.j} Years later, after I'd read or written a cou- The problem for most newspapers is, famil- ernment. Clty’ county, school board. When 5 the

ple of dozen alligator-in-parking-lot stories, I iarity breeds apathy. If the circus comes to town last time you 3?” any of)these governments. do

i. asked my editor, "Why do we keep doing them?" one week per year, you'll write a dozen stories something entirely new. .If you re not finding

"We're in Florida, Jim." he said. "Alligators about it; but if the circus lives in your town, new. ways to cover 01d stories, your newspaper "q

3- are what we are." you'll go the whole year without writing one Cir» rotting away.

_' Sociologists call it a sense of place, knowing cus story. . Here are 50$“? ways to get a new perspec-
E where you are and what happens there, know- The standard for most newspapers is: If tive on your familiar 01d place: .
'.'.'j ing the culture, the climate. the legends. the there's a murder, a fire or a bankruptcy. we'll . LOOk up and down. We usually see things

', geography, the personalities, the tendencies. If cover it; otherwise, our culture is something we fit eye level only. We know storefronts. we know

, you're in South Florida. and your paper isn't live with. but. we dont have to write stories “ghs‘ Bl“ whats on )the second floor "f. {down-
running a few alligator stories every year. your about it. In fact. it bores us. town bu‘ldl'??? I onre told an editor h'f‘ toun
readers are wondering, "Are there fewer alliga- If'you're bored with a defining characteristic Add 2' lot ”f 'm'dom'a' hotels. places low-”lwm“

i tors than there used to be?" of 3' our community. that 's because you‘\ e See REDISCOVER, page 12
l Pm] ect examines electronic Police get pact of Silence
_ access IO government InfO from medla 1n kldnapplng

l : ,Fah: access to government infor— the local government. . A Los Angeles police lieutenant tions might have panicked the kid-

' matron m the information age 13 the Roy Eaton, hNA Chairman recently took a chance that the nappers, thereby jeopardizing the
subject of a Jomt prOJect of the and publisher of the Wise County media would agree tokeep a lid on a boy's life.
National Newspaper Assoc1ation Messenger, Decatur, Texas, said, child kidnapping case if he asked “They might have thought they /
(NNA) and American Court & “Combining NNA s and ACCN’S them to. He guessed right, and the were in over their heads, and they
CommerCial Newspapers. . resources for this proyect. we Will story was held until the child was would have to get rid ofthe kid. The

The preject Will investigate be able to analyze the impact of returned safely to his mother. kid was the evidence.” Alba added.

public-private partnerships public-private partnerships on In reporting the episode. Log Following the press conference,
between state and local govern- ways of electronically accessing Angeles Times columnist Bill Alba and other officers also contact- \
ments and private “online” infor- information from courthouses and Boyarsky wrote: “Police Lt. Anthony ed newspaper editors and broadcast \
mation providers that raise ques- state and local government agen— Alba knew reporters didn’t believe managers with the same request
tions about whether government cies. We are pleased to be working him when he first denied there had and got their compliance
information can be sold for profit. with ACCN on this important pro- been a kidnapping at the Simms‘ The news blackout lasted 18

. As courthouses and state and ject that will provide valuable house. I’ve been in police work 29 hours __ until a woman who lived

3 local agencies more frequently turn information for community news- years. and I can read faces," he said. in the house where the' abductors /

l to private information providers to papers.” So Alba, the LAPD's top press were kee ing Matthew spirit ed him .
make government information NNA will examine “exclusive officer, gambled that. for the safety 0f to a nearhv hos ital while thev were
available electronically, new con- electronic access” arrangements, the victim, the media would go along slee in iRans'dm demands» revi-
cerns have emerged about the legal and prepare a legal and public poli- in helding the story if he admitted ‘ 1p hg'd b en sent to thepbov’s
and public policy implications of cy report. NNA’s government rela— there had beenakidnapping. (gusy a e ‘ ' ‘
these public-private partnerships. tions department will collect and When 7-year-old Matthew 3mg] ct bet th 1' d

N NA and ACCN members analyze information gathered from Simms had been snatched from his th edpa weten e po$ce :md
have expressed concerns over states and localities across the Sherman Oaks home, reporters b in}: (113 was n: hinprece epte ’
. existing and proposed partnerships country. monitoring police communications 'I‘iiv l oes no happen 0 benf

. under which electronic access to Brad Thompson, ACCN believed there had been a kidnap- enty years ago, t ere was a “e ,.
court and agency information is President and President of the ping. n?“ embargo on the Patty Hearst ./

. provided for a “user fee” that is Detroit (MI) Legal News, said, But detectives, according to kidnapping. ,

, split between a state or local gov- “The combination of NNA’s nation- Alba, asked him to tell the press it “Y0“ have”to take these things .
ernment and a private access al network and ACCN’s expert was a home-invasion robbery. What case by case, thd Times editor l
provider. knowledge of public records is an actually happened was that two Shelby Coffee III. Our ha?” urge as

NNA and ACCN began scruti- excellent way to work for equal maSked gunmen forced their way Journalists ‘3 to present Just about
nizing the legal and public policy access for all to local units of gov- into the bOY’S home and fled With ever ything we .kn9w' Bl.” I dont
implications of some public-private ernment. Matthew 3391‘ ordering his mother have any hesitation m saying we d'd
partnerships after learning of “ACCN’s newspapers have his- and amai'd to he on the floor. the fight th‘hg' The key P01"? was
. “CivicLink,” an information service torically served the purpose of Wrote Boyarsky: “All the ingre- the question Of a human hfe at
. of Ameritech Information Access quickly and impartially informing dients Of a LA media show were stake. “
'| (AIA), a subsidiary of the “baby the citizenship about the process coming together, and, 1n a town Alba commented to Boyarsky, I
Bell” Ameritech. In Indianapolis, and product of governmental oper- where teleViswn goes "8173' over a t°°k 3 mg chance and thank GOd
Ind., CivicLink is the exclusive ations. We do not fear competi- routine traffic chase, this WOUId everyone went along “nth W h was
platform for electronic access to tion—we have all thrived on have been 818311th the fight call, and I really credit the
court and agency information. healthy competition. We want to hm the show was stopped by media for this kid getting back to
Users of the service must sign a prevent unfair arrangements that Albas deal “nth the media. The 001’ his parents unharmed.
subscription agreement and pay a could create monopolies on elec- told 303'th that mund-the—clock . (Reprinted froni the Feb. 15
fee. AIA shares the revenue with tronic access to government data.” coverage by televmion and radio “3‘ 1881“? 0f Editor & Publisher) ,
. I
. ..\ . . *. . - , . ~ -
l ~ . e

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. March. 1997
’97 KPA Ad S ' T h d'
mm 1” in ads
e a ry t e unexpecte
0 Ad-libs© /’_ room. as he asked his first ques- ;
set fOr A r11 24-25 ByJohnFoust , tions. “Sir. you say that you
. p Raleigh, NC {I I‘ V" were some distance away, when 7
.. , My cousin grip -, i you claim you saw the car burn- .
lhe two-day annual hI’A Ad Sue tells about _ ,} ». ing. 1* lhdt “ght- _
Seminar features a workshop on 2. -._‘.-.,.; ~ an insurance ‘ ‘ , ’ “Yes." the old man nodded. 3
how to inexpensiyely maintain , 2 <2...” trial which Q99 “And it was dark that night :1
current readers and attract new I ' I 6’ ’2,“ had an unex- \ ,3 W351“ It) ‘
ones and of course. the annual i I 3 ‘ ‘ pected twist. um“ ‘ “Yesm
awards banquet that will for the I _ » According to Hot Shot. waved his arms .
first time be held on the first hpr‘ it hap- . ‘4. dramatically. “Sir. I believe it H;
night ofthe ad seminar. I . '* I” “4‘ I '. Pened years I 7 “"“11d interest the C011” t0 learn '
Thursday nights banquet ' 9g _ ‘Afivi at; ago in a little town in eastern hm" WP” a .00er 0f .VOUF iii-{9 ..
begins at 6:30 pm. and awards in ‘ ' 'xfu'T-li‘ '; North (‘arolina can see. (‘an you see a hundred r ’
the record-setting contest will be I ,9 ' 3., slag, It seems that a man filed an yards at night?" 3
presented. This years ad contest I ’ 2%vi‘g; < insurance claim after his car “Yes." '
drew 2.231 entries and 89.562 in I ‘4, ‘* “as ' was destroyed by fire. He hoped “(23“ 5“” 50" two hundred ;
revenue. Another record was also . _ ’33“ “3 t for a quick settlement. but the yards at night?" 3
established as 63 newspapers par- I .2 II V 5.: ‘I s insurance company had other “Yes."
ticipated in the contest. ‘ a; it; ideas. They suspected arson. (“an you seen a tenth of a
The seminar will officially ‘ g 3. 9 The case ended up in court. mile at night?“
begin that afternoon with work- ; a» 2;; In an effort to pull a power play. "Yes.“ l
shops set for 1 pm. to 5 pm. on . s. a; the man hired a slick lawyer “(Ian you see two tenths ofa ‘,
ciassified ad sales and teleniar- E _j "W from out of town. From the mile at. night?"
keting. I s 3:,“ beginning. it was obvious that “Yes."
On Friday. a nationally» L“‘“" “W” {M this attorney had a high opinion The lawver winked at his
known marketing expert Will pre- LISA DIXON "f himself, H“ P1It on a real client and leaned on the witness
sent. "Promoting Your Newspaper print. radio. TV. outdoor. direct show. walking around like he stand. “Sir. obviously you have
on the (Ibeap... l'sing Time mail and collateral materials. owned the place. showing every- outstanding vision for a person
Energy and Imagination." This She's spoken at the American body how smart he was. of your age. Tell me, just how
three-hour workshop. scheduled Press Institute and has conducted As the day progressed. the far (TAN you see at night?" i
from 9 am. to noon. is designed this workshop for other newspa~ insurance company produced a The old man thought for a i
for promotion marketing direc- per associations throughout the witness. an old man who moment. and rubbed his chin, Li
tors. general managers. circula- country.‘ ‘ claimed he saw the defendant “Well. I can we the moon. How
tion and or advertising rulin'dgtxrg Don t miss out on getting burning his car late one night far is that?" 2
and is (.‘spfl-iaihv yaiuublp for some ready—to-use a.. irdable on a deserted country road. The courtroom erupted in .
small and mid—sized newspapers ideas you can use to maintain VN hen it was time to question laughter. and the lawyer lost his -
The pregame“ Lisa Dixon. current customers and attract the old man. the lawyer strutted composure. According to my
has 15 years in newspaper map new readers. ‘ 4 . to the front and glared conti— cousin. he never regained con- - '
keting and promotion. 5h“ 5 mm Vt atch for registration niateri- dently at the witness. ‘
“V” 17 awards {W h” work in al in the mail next week Silence fell on the court- See UNEXPECTED, page14 a! l
. - i i
NCAA. College tip ads ! l t .
* Video workshop can help : t
i t
s ,. »-‘ s , .:
COUId ““156 P511961 5 t0 1086 your staff create better ads ' t l
tournament credentials é .. 2., -. - :;.; < ,2
‘ E wastes“ .
' ‘ ‘ ‘ i . . 2 i S‘Nss‘m 2~ i9: ,. .
l’x‘ LAL RA RI‘JNA l’h i- ‘ '. ~ .\ "t it t z: t "i i in: :s I ,“' ””"""‘*“"“7“* , - a 3ft“. > ‘1. : ,3
The \athviisii '.I.ii.I‘Ll£il(' Tito. El ;_.‘-i :1 ‘:o you Tfi' Em» I 3*” I; § ‘
.\lliio'ltt‘ .\\\Ht'l.‘ililitx NWXK ba~ ketiml‘: \Iill;!liill"t‘ has 2 «It'iitr I E H ». I I . <'%'\ .' ‘
.2 in he 3x: pick Mill": i‘t"x\~~ti.iii<'t‘> (’nliv't‘,’ ti «til‘lltl lliis l lit \ e .' . '3 i i} \--~ 2 ii ” ‘ I) . i
that rni. ads for ser\ H‘t s that “run: t‘tilil't'lli about it ' I as}? ’ ,- ‘ - 3:2 ‘
give caller.» tips on college games The })i’ll|’i"\ to a it llholti t yr. I “f'iflfl’r < ‘I . '
N““'rlJ1‘l"(‘Y‘> ”Ml Pllhlhh deiitials troiii offt iidint: iie\\spa< i g ,. >_ s"
IlIII‘SI'\:III*‘ “mm ”and “I II’-‘" pers has actually been in elli-(‘t i
.1. Hr“ s ‘2 ‘;~ ~' -. i2. " . .
:,..f,:f (”Winifzfislkfizt{lfliifiizul :(IIIII IIII. I‘I“ “I’D-f. attorduii. tlast...a program that istailor-madefornewspapers? :
. y . I the .\( AA. l)a\e ( awood. B I , I (If ,‘g It 1, wreViewsfrom .
pap“. the M AA tournnnwm “Hum,” Nt‘AA ()xvmmw dmw _ (151(50f -(Iyiu an ,opii. ge mg a L . :
mmminw specifically “mod 1., for. said M newspapvr has MM publ‘ishersand ad managerscoast-to-coast. . . 1 I
(.m. as an “ff-Md” is USA Today. [ml its (.rpdmmah ”mu“ Itsaworkshop, not alecture.Y0ur staff Will be involved ‘
Cedric Denlpsey. NCAA exec. we”. “my a publication has fromthestart—workmgonlayoutsgettingadideasand i
utive'director, said in a recent been approached. ”3,5. dropped writingmoreeffectiveheadlines. ‘ _
Assoctated Press story, “I see a th9 ads. VF'indout how totrain yourstaffthequick andeasyway.
half a page every Monday morn- (jawwd told P2&l’ H“, Nt‘AA H’rztctoda’vjorfreebrochure. -.
12g ”11(le fTOday thm- {mils With did “0‘ initially idmt ”5‘ USA john FaustAdvertz’singSeminars
I ‘II If" I’ I’PPI’IIII’III’ “I ”3‘" Today as an offender - thv PO Box 10861,Raleigh,NC 27605.3(919)834-2056
ple to call in. Even though they re , ‘ 2 - .. ‘ _ _
, . . ~ paper was identified by another ’ézkop'uighll'w Injohnl'oust Allrightsvesrned
only advertising professional
lines. .just call and ask them what See NCAA. page 14
-, _.____._ . _ ..-__—-.__.___..___...._ . .--r
\ r ,
‘. I

 f .
f; The Kentucky Press, March, 1997 - Page 5
Apple may be saved by new operatlng system
' By KATHY KEITH Bortman said the system soft- purchases. doesn‘t think Apple will tages is the acquisition of NeX'l"s
: Have you ever dreamed of a ware plan put Apple in a difficult pull together all of the necessary ()penStep development environ-
crash-free Macintosh? Have you position last year and damaged the elements to produce Rhapsody by ment. ‘
’5 ever wished those Type 1 and Type company‘s credibility and sales. the beginning of 1998. Even if ()penStep. according to (iulker.
‘ 11 errors would disappear forever But. with the purchase ofNeXT Rhapsody does roll out on schedule. looks and feels just like a .
i from your favorite Macintosh technology. Apple‘s future may Enderle doesn't think the cus— Mklt'intosh and can deviilop pro< .
' machine? have brightened. tomers or the developers will have £1“de 1‘) times iii-<1! 1' than the tra-
. Well. those dreams tnay “it was a bold decision to waited. ditional methods.
become reality if Apple (‘omputer acquire NeXT and set a completely “The imbalance between NT A‘i‘liti‘HWHAU APP” hi”
7' Inc. makes good on its promise to new course for an operating sj.s- and Apple applications will increase promised developers that .iny or»
,i deliver an entirely new oi‘ieruting it‘lll.” l‘mrtnmn said, "it" they do it lor the tiext couple years until f—U'iilll written for the Nt‘xri‘ l‘liil' ~
I system by W98. right. they will have .t t‘iitilln'liitlg iAppit-i can >ikli)iii/i‘ llimpsoily .. MW” ”Vi” “”1“”! “ii-“HY 1"” 'V
' The new operating system. operating system and something iCinli-rlesaul “hill“WiV Hi“ iil“"“i-“"‘ "IV-“ii“
”4 code—named Rhapsody. could be iil‘li will not ill’ l‘:‘.itit‘ti 1.}. i':lliit‘l'i(‘ said until lilaapsmli' 1s *it‘Vt‘iW‘l "‘4 "11” "A” ““1”“! ”Didi“ '
' Apples saving grace. according to Windows ” sold en iimsse Apple '»\!ii not take “1mm” it” WWW-“”1" “"1“."
" industry tiiiaiysts, Spine indiist ry .in.il\ s:.- are in tiny new revenue which makes it “\V“ 7‘ “('L'iiii‘l‘ii“? t“ ‘4“! 1’ ii‘ii‘i-i“ i
‘ Apple Computer lnc. posted