xt7dz02z605q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z605q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2008 text GLSO News, March 2008 2008 2008-03 2019 true xt7dz02z605q section xt7dz02z605q i Gal}; and The GLSO NEWS
* Les ian
‘ Services March 2008
/\ Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
Volume 23 Number3
Imperial Court‘s _
, . IKiEilil’iElllDllQE‘ lFIUllnlllll |D<fll|l§®lr
Twelfth Annual raisin Awards AT THE BANG
On Tuesday, March 18th, the glitz and Starting Tuesday, March 4‘ Bill
glamourofHollywood will be present at the "Meiater" will be hosting Singing for Pride
Kentucky Theateras the imperial Court of for the GLSO Pride Center at the Bang
Kentucky hOStS its 12th Annual Falsie Nightclub. Come out and sing a song to
Awards. This sensational evening Wlll help raise money to keep the Pride Center
feature world—class entertainers and open Bring your friends to cheer you on.
presentations of awards for outstanding Audience participation, tippingI and having
achievements in a variety of categories. fun are highly encouraged.

Each year, categories and nominees This eventwill repeat on every first and
are selected by the Academy Of Drag Arts third Tuesday nights for several months
and Sciences, a committee of the Board Of Bring your own music or use ofours.
Directors of the imperial Court of . .
Kentucky. Doors will open at 8 pm, with the Pnde Month Planmng
awards starting promptly at 9 pm in the The first meeting to plan Pride Month
State Theater. Cover is a $10 suggested will be on Saturday, March 8 and 1 pm at
donation to the Imperial CW”- . the Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. Groups

This year, His MOSt Imperial Majesty, are encouraged to send representatives
Emperor26, Brad Shepherd and HerMost and individuals that wants to help are
Imperial Majesty, Empress 26, Lawren greatly needed.

LaMoore have selected local entertainer Ginger Moore—Minder is chairing this
and ling-term community acctiivistl—LfaToya GLSO committee and you can contact her
Baca as the recipient o t e i etime _ .

Achievement Award. The evening will at 253 0061' continued on nextpage
celebrate LaToya’s many achievements. & W ' 7‘ 3 F“

A number of entertainers will be on
hand to honor LaToya, including the He),
nationally recognized Miss Continental Debra “W
2007, Dominique Shappeile. Also
appearing will be Paris Bacall, Janelle State Farm Insurance ,
Claiborne, Sundae De LaRouge, Madison ‘5
Bacall Heights, Jareje Rashad, and 859 276-3244 ‘
Empress 23, Lady Marmalade. iii

More aboutLa Toya on page 2 t ’

An opening production by Reigning debra.hensley.b1n1@statefarm.co
Empress 26 Lawren LaMoore and (n, .r

continued on nextpage 3:“

 Court News COHtinued from Page 1 Pride Month Planning cont from pg 1
members of her female line will kick offthe .
show. This will be followed by . .We have s°me new “ms for the
presentation of awards for outstanding picnic. this year and we also want to
achievement in Hair, Makeup, Best organize a number of smaller events.
Dramatic Performer Best Comedic Anyone want to help hOSt another WPShmg
Performer, Best Bartender, and more. Chair concert? How about faClIltating

Proceeds from the evening will anotlgtler Pride Reading: t . I d 5
benefit the charities of the Court including March egssvgfige: aonu ge ”NO ve on t
Moveable Feast Lexington and The Gay & ‘ y ' 3
Lesbian Services Organization. :
Founded in 1982, the Imperial Court of LATOYA BACALL 1
Kentucky is a 501©3 public charity. Lifetime Achievement Award 1

There are other events planned for
March including the final Entertainer ofthe Congratulations to LaToya 3903”. for :
Year show hosted by Imperial Princess being honored With the court's Lifetime I
Royale Georgia Peach. Look for flyers Achievement Award. originally from |
announcing upcoming events or visit the Daytoni Ohio, Latoya has a Masters I
cou rt’s Myspace page at Degree in Social Work, and works forthe
www.myspace.com/imperialcourtofkentu Lexington-Fayette COUMY Health
9L! You don’t have to be a Myspace Department. LaToya is also a Prevention
memberto view the webpage. If you would Specialist here in Fayette County with AIDS
like to become more involved with the Volunteers ofLexington. S
Imperial Court of Kentucky, contact us at LaToya has worked for many years in E
ImpCtKY@aol.com. the community and has been performing - E

In early February Bang Nightclub was both regionally and nationally - for some t
the host of the Miss Big Bone Lick time. She currently performs at The Bar f
Pageant. James Madden took home the Complex. She is the current All American E
camptitle ofMiss Big Bone Lick 2008. The Goddess Emeritus and was MISS Bar
event raised approximately $700. On Feb Complexr MISS Gay Lexington, MISS I
13th, Main Street Live was the venue for National at Large 2000, MISS WISCONSIN (
the Miss Gay Valentine Pageant. Adrianna Classic US OM 2005. MISS Kentucky Pride
Armand was crowned the new Miss Gay Emeritus, and Miss Gay US of A Classic
Valentine for 2008. Congratulations to 2005- LaToya has earned these, 30d many
both James and Adrianna on their new other titles, throughout her career as a
honors. female impersonator.

The court would also like to thank its
two newest venues, Bang Nightclub and NR "'K th I f‘ d
Main Street Live, for hosting events in eep e ave you "7 3.
February. he; Get [below you want!"

“5° News Dead'me Jessica Bollinger LCSW
MARCH I5 Imago Relationship Therapist
Please send all articles and ads to C ElllDRFTralfIma: V2190; I
. . oupes, am y, n M ua

marycrone@m8lghtbb'com imagoconnection.com 552-6533

Page 2


 C ° N
3 Ollllll‘ll‘l’l‘lty 2W5
3 SLSterSOLmd Ari House Nlovies
3 After a great concert in February, Davina and Kathy have started an Art
1 SisterSound is again in rehearsal for House Movie and Discussion Group
their Upcoming spring concert. This isa through the Unitarian Universalist
great time to join us. We are a non— Church. You do not have to be a church
audition chorus and we haveagreattime member to join us for an evening of
together. We Will again be singing songs independentfilm and discussion.
1 that fitour"RememberWhen" theme. The group meets the first Thursday of
Rehearsals are at 6pm GVGFY the month to view a film at approximately 7
” Sunday at Landsdowne Cumberland p.m.atthe Lexington Green Movies8orthe
e Presbyterian Church, 333 Redding Rd. Kentucky Theater. Afterwards the group
n For more info.contact Pattie at discussesthefilm atanearby restaurant.
'3 paowens@excite.com or 859 806-0243 An e-mail listing the movie, theater and
e . meeting time is sent the Monday before the
h integrtty group's meeting date. To be added to this
n _ . . , , notification list or for information, contact
8 Integrity 13 an organization of lesbian, Davina at artemis427@1 {ahoo.com.
gay, bisexual, and transgender
n Episcopalians and our straight friends. Bluegrass Women‘s Network
- Since our founding in 1974, integrity has . .
e been the leading grassroots voice for the ”Bluegrass Womens Network '5 a
ir full inclusion of LGBT persons in the soc'a‘ group for_women Of all ages. We
n Episcopal Church. have gone camping, shared dinner at local
H The local Integrity group has been restaurants,and gonetothe comedy Club
5 revitalized.For information contact David together. To receive emails aboflt events.
n Cupps atdavid@david cupps.com Contact MEN/MEW-
y Buying or Selling a Home?
Rtmllv Conmiliants
1304 Paris Pike
3.7-2 {’4 It't'if'ir'f-Ii'l ,t j iii? . {EA
3 :5 7: .-,i. . .:-T.;. t,.-_,-,-‘,;,, ,Tiiv':;'ar.,:vr;3.‘
3 ' ,.; " “.'-.f‘.'r;“: ":.';r,7_ , Pamela R. Davenpnrt
w 25 . : REALT°R®
Taking Care of all] our Family Needs
Page 4

 Coup/e Researcfi - -
Seeks- ”mew/:73 lexmelon lvons leather/[em Club
The Lexington Lyons meetthe second
Sherry Rostosky, PhD, and Ellen Monday of each month. Join us on March
Riggle, PhD, are looking for couples to 10atthe Pride Center, at 7pm. The Lyons
participate in a new study about are a group of friends who celebrate
relationship challenges/issues related to strength, unity, and diversity for those who
being a same-sex couple. You will be enjoy the Leather /Levi Lifestyle. For
asked questions about family of origin, information visit http://wwwlexlyonsorg.
work, religion, discrimination, or other
2:331:assists; w mum" mm
A monetary stipend is offered to HOSTED IN CADITOL “OTUNDA
compensate couples for participating. All Tuesday February 19m, the Kentucky
information Will be confidential. If you and Equality Federation and Bluegrass
your partner are at least 25 years old, have Fairness of Central Kentucky joined forces
been together at least4years, and would to host a press rally in the Capitol's
bOth “he to partICIpate, please .90 to Rotunda. The rescheduling — due to
W for more mm or inclement weather-caused a lowerturnout
email rostosky@coe.uky.edu. but members of the two groups spent the
morning approaching legislators about
fidnsKe/Imcky taking an equal-rights stance on the
pending gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
TransKentucky is a support, social, transgendercommunities.
and resourcegroupserving Lexington and "lt'S great that our legislators are
Kentucky. Our mission is to provideasafe $99th that there is a huge Gl—BT
place for transgender individuals and constituent in Kentucky that demands
others who do not fit the standard gender equality and fairness under the laWi" Stated
norms. At meetings we will support each Kentucky Equality Federation President
other, offering advice, resources and Jordan Palmer.
insights from our own unique experiences. After a W” morning 0f citizen lobbying,
This is not atherapy group. we convened at the Capitol Rotunda where
Family, friends and supportive spectators drew inspiration from speakers
community members are invited to attend Senator Scorsone, Universalist Unitarian
to gain understanding of issues ChUFCh Pastor Cynthia Cain, and
concerning gender presentation, identity, University Of Kentucky's Gay-Straight
and variance. We meet on the first Alliance Chair Corinne Keel.
Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm in “Since the Kentucky FairnessAlliance
Lexington. Meetings are free and you may and the Louisville Fairness Campaign are
dress however you feel comfortable. For hosting a separate rally 0” Thursday, we
info and meeting place email are ablelike never beforeto showthat gay
TransKentucky@gmail.com Kentuckians exist in every quadrant of
_ Kentucky and deserve to be treated like
their heterosexual counterparts," stated
Visit our web site at Bluegrass Fairness of Central Kentucky
WWW. GHQ-org Chairman PaulBrown.
Page 4

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Page 5

 G 180 P ' d C t
3389 Waller Ave. 859 253-3233 Open l0 to 3 Mi» = lli‘r lZ “ 2 Still
_ Emotional Abuse
' KARAOKE AT THE BANG A support group is forming for women
‘ who have suffered emotional abuse in the
v FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAYS past or in the present. Weather it is minor
”amp By BILL ”MELATER” or major abuse, talking With other women
' can be healing. Read the article on page
», - - 8.if you have question or would like to join
, Fundraiser for fie Pr/fl’e Cem‘er this group can cw. at 539_4229
Midway to Michigan Party . . . leasing-Ion Insight
V i " Lexington Insight will meet for our
”in @ é W regular potluck on thefirst Friday, March 7,
. 53‘?” ‘33. 3: i '3"? at 7 pm at the Pride Center. We will plan
: ~24 {W “"3 é , . ' an lnsightOut activity for March 21. If you
,—; ,. "Z. : 2‘ F 3 “if: have an idea,call Dana at 859-230-2428
2’ £1: , '1 ., ., :5 Q 'm or bring your ideas to the March 7th
. iii. .1 g.’ meeting.
5 i; , ‘- - - Dlscussmn Group
the“ "3x 6'23”"? fie-$5131 ‘
{Egg/5" ' \iiji‘l ”3:15; 33,‘ - l » EveryWednesday Night
fig ,2 =. w» 4,}: 5"} Pride Center 7 to 9
”ig;” l “ “m gig , x' ;
”f ‘ . “ , ‘ M All Are Welcome
P x 1? fife m‘gé. "“3 3i
Subscriptions help us pay Pride Center expenses
Nome : Phone:
Address: l
Ciy: State: Zig: l
[ ] $20 -1 year Membership & Newsletter for individuals or Couples
[ ] I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate: $ ($12 or up]
] i am enclosing an additional contribution of $
Please mail to: GLSO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588
Page 6

 Scott Ackerman Real Estate Service With
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Page 7

 Emotional Abuse in the Lesbian Community by CW. .
Are You Being Emotionally Abused? Signs, Symptoms and What you Can Do About Ii.
' _ _ Do-you get the feeling that you are People that behave this way in their
llVlngfl With Pr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde? Are intimate relationships need professional
you walking on eggshells much of the help. Sometimes they are deeply
time? Are you being controlled by you; emotionally disturbed. Often the emotional
loved one s moods and temper tantrums. abuse does lead to physical abuse which
Well, my dear, you may be a Victim of makesthem dangerous.
emotional abuse. . Unfortunately, one of the characteristics of
_ Th's serious form 0f domestic emotional abusers is that they do not take
Y'O'ence has ”0‘ been glVe” the attef‘t'O” responsibility for their behavior. They will
it deserves. The truth IS that emotional attempt to shift blame away from
abuse does .hOt leave erIses ahd scars themselves and will even blame the victim
0" the OUts'dh bUt Oh thh 'hslde' The for their behavior. For this reason, they
damage done '3 often more 'hs'd'ous then present a real challenge in therapy, should
With phy3lcal abuse and the healing theyagreeto go.
process maytakemuch longer. . . it is more often the case that they will
h _'S often d'fhchlt for the “Ohm to give you up before they will agree to take
recognize that she '5 being temotlonally full responsibility for their behavior and
abused because ofthe confu3lon she may undergo the scrutiny and honesty that
suffer. if is not unusual for the perpetrator therapy requires. The normal emotions of
Of emotional abuse to begin the remorse, grieving and guilt are simply not
relationship as the k'hdeSt' most lovmg part of the abusers‘ repertoire. The truth of
and glVlng partner one could ever hope the matter is someone who can be
for. It is not until the victim is totally sucked emotionally cruel malicious and show no
in that the relationship takes a very ugly compassion is so absorbed in themselves
turn. . _ that they are not capable of truly loving
Because the relationship was so anyone.
“perfect “in the beginning and it felt so Emotional abuse and domestic
good, 't. '5 only natural for the V'Ct'mlto violence in general, is difficult to quantify
rationalize the behaVIor With thoughts like due to the stigma associated with being a
“she was JUSt worn 0‘” from work" or [I victim. For lesbians, it is even more difficult
khoh’ 'f she knew how much she hUh .my to admit and seek help. Four differences
feelings she wouldn’t act like that again". emerge as unique to lesbian couples:
The harsh reality is that abusers really homophobia, merging, reciprocal abuse
doesn't care if your feelings are hurt and, and lack ofsupport.
in fact, all the better because behind the The reality that domestic violence
abuswe behaVlorthe goal '3 to CONTROL does, in fact, exist in lesbian relationships
you. shatters long-held beliefs and myths. It is
The worst perpetrators are even out not easy to talk about and painful to deal
to DESTROY you and W'” use an arsenal with. Because the abuse often takes place
0f emotional and-psychological taChCS to away from the eyes and ears of friends and
accomplish the" m'sfs'Oh' Make no family, many women do not openly discuss
mistake, you are h°t 90an to change her it and feel they have nowhere to turn. They
With pleas for mercy and budding good continued on a e 12
communication skills. p g
Page 8 FE

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 GLSO Newslefler Calendar To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 E .- 7 .
MARG 2&a’ Visit us on the web at: WWW.GLS0.0rg \ ;
Sunda Manda 1' esda Wednesda Thursday Friday Sflilll'duy
- Center 0 en 12n-2
Our Thanks to ThlS Month's Newsletter Sponsor ,prmsKfinmcky "
contact for place; Weekly Aaliviiies:
i 51x-‘rllll— E D'ehra: A. Henflsl'ev “I kill .\ {:LW H“ M d
an‘u-mnm‘ r Jingle nt, CiLU 3 l’lii’rr/r’l/ . 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
._ _ y ,(‘I Discussion/Speaker[Ca/I for
_ . y . _ _ _ " " " Location} 278-7403
10:30 a St. Mychal's 7P GSA I63" (amine 7" GLSO Diswssm 7P Pot-Luck @ Center Open 12n-2p
11a 00 Church 266-5904) ~ *2 (“WP-P? Center (“a Tuesday“
6:00p SisterSound 1%, ‘l 3 Mia/5,3 @5433” 7pm - GSA [Gay Straight Alliance]
“'55; L225? EFL”? —— a , 2,, 9 m - Karaoke Tunesda
,~— :7 ex»; . EEZZENEEtiteitJ fii- p y @
6% tier, _ ,3, , ear .3, The Bar Complex
ifl p Karaoke @ The Bang 8p Gay/Lesbian AA ' ,‘Eiiflggbflg Kw“?
a fund-raiser for The PC i Call for place 948-3434 ’T‘ “'d Wednesdays:
"'5‘5'37l77ifir7f'" ' , , H ‘ ' ' 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
10:30 a St. Mychalfrsww , .L.” 7,, GSA (call for place ép GLsFoCDiscussion ‘ I 3 Center Open 12n-2p 8pm . Gay/Lesbian AA [CO/I for
11a UU Church k 5 ,1 . . W‘va-s. rOUP- , ,_ "*7 "W 'I ' _
coopnpciucrrxv 0 III “”9”" 3g, , w l Wm“ 7‘03
Mtg.PC \tflp Lexington Lyons-PI . t 4 a. ,3 "r, gfiyfifl l rigltfgiyti presenttheir Annual 'd _
6P SIS‘G'SW Rehearsa' . ft 3 T ,. ll t~i Best Basket Contest @ F" W‘- .
;:}c‘ H‘ N ‘3 i “M4 1I LwJ‘t The Bang. $3.00 door 8pm ' GOV/LGSbIOI'I AA
Z33" ye» age ~ 8p Line-Dancing . 8p Gay/Lesbian AA [Ht M (Call for Location) 278-7103
big (3 \fihflflfi f“ . @ The Bang I Call for place 948-3434 7:00!) GLSO Board Mtg.
13:77 ' x j" ‘ " ” , ‘ff ‘ ” _"—' "’5 ““ ' ‘ Saturdays:
. 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 12n-2p
10:30 a St. M chals 7p GSA (call for place _
11a 00 Churcyh 266-5904) ' Gm"? PC r 19D Leather lntemet Sundays:
steepestggound 11$ . . I , Nleht @ The Bans 10:00 am - UU Church Worship
5. ‘ “f .1, "calm“. ., r» 7 ‘ EFF,” v. ' mm seIViceS-
S f -‘ "g ‘e’ a Mr; E "a?“ 10:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The Martyr.
. ' 3%“ 1' 1 3 '1 ' t. it pKaraoke@The Bang iii? ’ 6pm - SisterSound Rehearsal @
Palm Sund y afund-ralserforThePC' IiglllillIIJ Landsdowne Presby. Church.
10:30 a Stin'chéteggc 1%: 7p GSA (can for place 7PGLS° DISCUSS“ a, em. Centerolren 1:. .p BI-‘m'dw
113 UU ChUICI’I XXV 3‘? ' - 266-5904) in GI°"P'PC , iii APE agitate“? 6pm ' The Imperial CCU”
6:00p Imperial Court . :t ' gg m, we”) We) Ls? its“.
Mt PC . '1‘ E “451 .j “I;
e A... e... a
h- . . 7 " - - ”'7 rt Kate cl , Karaoke @ The Bang
0 S .- 8p Llne-Dancmg [.Mfiu {we were; rims: , _
1 8p Gay/Lesbian AA A f d f Th PC
. H_ 7 fl@ The Bang I Call for place 948-3434 ”" -ralser °r e
MOIII'IIIY ACIMHGS: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
Mondays: 7pm - Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon.) Thursday: 7:00pm - GLSO Board Mtg (2nd Thurs.) email the groupto confirm the date and time, please see the directory for phone listings.
Friday: 7pm ' Lexington lnSight “St Fri-i Saturday: 7:00p ' TronSKenTUCky [1 5T Sat.) Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- CFP
GLSO Page To GLSO Page ii

 E ' - .
motional Abuse cont from-pg 8 crazy" ? Exactly what is emotional abuse
may feel ashamed and helpless. It IS not and how do I know that‘s what’s going on in
surprising for the woman to exclaim that my relationship?
she would never tolerate physical Ifyou seek answersto such questions,
battering for one mlnute yet feel trapped 'n or if you believe you are in, or have been in
thistype ofrelatlonshlp. an abusive relationship, If you grew up in
f I have ”Ot even scratched the surface an emotionally abusive home and/ or have
0 this Important Issue. Although you can trouble with intimate relationships, a group
never change anyone but yourself. there may also be appropriate. a support group
are concrete ways to change YOUR could be helpful. Sharing your experiences
behavior 'n response to the abuse that with other women can be healing. lwould
sometimes evoke changes ln‘the abuser. like to get together with 8—10 women who
Also, de you know the warning Signs to are interested in healing and healthy
'00k 05 from the first date W'th her. How relationships in the future. Let’s talk. You
about Is it time to get out before I go can reach me(C.W.) at 539_4229_
, .
Women s Hlstory Month in medical and law libraries. She read that ,
Barbara Gittings 1932—2007 homosexuals were considered deviants, ‘
by mary crone perverts and abnormal. She later
commented that she was struck by the fact ‘
Barbara Gittin s was a rominent thattherewere no references to loveinthe
. . g . . p . . books she found at various libraries. The .
American gay rights aCtMSt who d'ed JUSt lesbian pulp novels of the era provided her
°a M...
thewa all ofuslive ourlives toda scientific or legal literature. Her research ‘
Giyttin s first heard m: word was more important to her than her school ‘
,, g ,, . work and she subsequently flunked out of
homosexual when she was rejected for colle e l
membership inthe National Honor Society ghe returned home briefly but moved l
in high school (in about 1949)‘ Despite out after her father found The Well of i
being an excellent student,ateacherwho Loneliness in her room Gittin s be an I
had reservations about her charactertook ——s endin weekends in New Yo“? Cit ind
her aside and told her that the rejection dFrJessedgasaman to visit a bars y '
was based on what the teacher believed In a 1975 interviewg syhe recalled "I l
wereDflzmose‘Zualfrirriglnagzrrisi." colle e wore drag because I thought that was a l
Gittin sdegvelo edaclosle but non-sexfal way to show I was gay. In the early 508 l
. g . . p there were basically two types of women in
friendship With another female student, the a bars the so-called butch ones in l
prompting rumors that they were lesbians. g y. ' . . 1
Gittin s be an to uestion her ex al short harrand plan masculineattrre andthe (
orientation gan d tutine d to book: at] d so—called femme ones in dresses and high .
. . . . . heels and makeup. I knew high heels and ‘
psychiatry for Information. A psychiatrist makeup weren't my personal style so I I
offered to cure her with regular therapy thou ht lmustbetheotherkindl" ' ‘
sessions but she had neither the money sign {£551 The Homosexual i6 America
northe Inclination to follow his advrce. . was published and when Gittlngs found the 1
Instead she continued seeking 1
. . . . book she arranged to meet the author.
information, spending a great deal of time continued next a e ‘
Page 12 '

 ‘e " 41'3“"; £13.;- 7 Philadelphia's Independence Hall. Dr.
in {5; .fiit " ' “‘- A‘ta: Kameny had been dismissed from his
— i I" , _, . '7, 1‘ it" :' " («bale-ER. position as an astronomer in the Army
s, .f‘ . ' ~‘;.“"* Map Service in Washington, DC.
I“ =' x” a _ “3'93 t'. because of his homosexuality. Gittings
in .. 1"“; fl _ . a; 7 ‘ said: "It was risky and we were scared.
le ‘ pip? ’ Picketing was notapopulartactic atthe
ip (:1; JV" . ‘ . 5s.” .~.- timeAnd our cause seemed outlandish
lP ”15‘; ,_ 'L .m 1‘: eventomostgaypeople."
33 . i ' , {tilt i, 'T,,'t”’f‘ 7"" The evening prior to the group's
id M ( fit Mill}? '5 ' picketing the State Department,
lo a“ iti.,"itt”'it\\ii~-,T Secretary of State Dean Rusk
1y L i M lT W“ announced at a press conference that
’U _ ,‘ , , gays would be protesting. Gittings
9- P'Clmtmg "1 W‘Sll'"gm"’ D'C' considered this announcement to be a
— From him she learned of the Mattachine breakthrough into mainstream PUbiiCitY,
Society and their publication ONE, She a challenge to invisibility. At that time,
at traveled to California to visit their main lesbian were asked to wear dresses or
[8’ office and heard about the Daughters of Skirts and heels and men were
er Bilitis (DOB). She attended meetings and expected to wear coats and ties to
let met DelMartin and Phyllis Lyon. demonstrations. (see plctureabove)
1e Atherfirst meeting Gittings broughtup Dr. Kameny had previously
rte the obscurity of the name, which she launched a campaign to remove the
ier thought was impractical, difficult to classification 0t homosexuality as a
we pronounce and spell, and referenced a mental disorder from the American
Ch fictional bisexual character. Gittings Psychiatric Association's manual 0f
’0' remembers; "Even then 1 was pretty mental disorders. Gittings credits
Of assertive...What were they doing with a Kamenywith first articulating the radical
name like that?" At a DOB picnic in l961, position that gay and lesbian people
ed Gittings met Kay Tobin Lahusen, who were hOt suffering from a psychiatric
of became herlife partnerof46years. disorder but were just as normal as
an In l958 Gittings organized the New heterosexuals. She joined him in the
nd York chapterofthe DaughtersofBilitisand fight, setting up b00th$ at medical
,, edited its magazine, The Ladder, until conventions, testifying before
I 1966. Under her leadership The Ladder Congress, and advocating for a panel
a became a more "out" publication including, diSCUSSiOi‘I thatwould bring gay activists
0.3 for example, addingthe word lesbianto the and psychiatrists together.
in cover. Gittings also challenged some of When the Panel discussion was
In the DOB's assimilationist positions. and scheduled, Gittith' partner Kay
he opposed the position against political Lahusen noticed all the psychiatrists
9“ action. The controversy over her political scheduled to appear were
nd beliefsledtoherleavingtheorganizationin heterosexual. They contacted many
)l 1966, psychiatrists before they found one
In 1965 Gittings worked with Dr. willingtoappear. Dr. John Fryer, calling
Q Franklin E. Kameny to organize many of himself "Dr. H. Anonymous", agreed to
he the first gay rights demonstrations at the appear 0“ the panel in heavy disguise,
or. White House, the State Department, and at and With a voice diStOltihQ microphone.
_ continued on page 14
Page 13

 During the panel, Gittings read aloud ta _’
lettersfrom psychiatrists she had solicited = , ”‘7‘”
who declined to appear for fear of i” wot-'5'
professional ostracism. The next year, ital j 7:4 i
1973, homosexuality was removed from j‘ifls‘ a g; ‘l ,
the Diagnosticand Statistical Manual asa lit .5 71 ’ My... , ,
mental disorder. , “‘W’ ,
Gittings early experiences with trying ‘
to learn about lesbianism in libraries, "1 (fiANNLYl‘
fueled her lifetime work with the American 1 1V 1‘: \V’l'l‘HOUT
Library Association (ALA). In the 19705, BOOKS." 1
she helped form the Gay Task Force of a; ~ 1
this group, the first gay caucus in any "i" ‘
professional organization. She became 7
its coordinator in 1971 and worked to In an interview, Gittings remarked t
promote 903“”? literature about about herdecisionsto beout: "Everytime i
homosexuality in libraries. She helped I had to make a decision to put myself V
create the Task Force's Gay BookAward fon/vard or to stay back, to use my real ,:
Wthh was presented the first time at the name or not, to go on television or decline,
1971 ALA convention to Alma Routsong to get out on some of the earliest picket 1P:
(pen name Isabgl Miller) for A—Place for lines or remain behind. I usually took the v
$' later republish-ed as ______Patience and publicposition becausethereweren'tmany
Sarah. (available in the Pride Center ofusyetthatcouldaffordtherisk." h
__r3L)Libra _‘ , _ Gittings has been honored in many a
_ _ Gittings fought gay/lesbian ways. She and Frank Kameny were
'"V'sabil'ty _'” many ways- A'°”9 W'th ,S'X honored with the first John E. Fryer Award 9
other _lesbians she made a tradition from the American Psychiatric Association Q
breaking appearance on the PM in 2006. The award goes to people who c/
Donahue Show 'n 1970 and on PBS’ have made a significant impact in the [Cl
David Susskind Show in 1971 . They were mental health of gays and lesbians. fr.
among “Tel-"St open lesbians to appear She was awarded a lifetime membership in w.
on teleVISion and debated long-held the American Library Association, and the W
stereotypes aboutgayswnh SUSSkmd' ALA named an annual award for the best {/1
In 1997' Barbara and Kay requested gay or lesbian novel The Barbara Gittings c/i
the American Assocration of Retired Award.
Persons (AARP) t9 grant couple's lfyouwantto see and hear more about
membershiptothem,includingareduced this remarkable woman, find one of the H1
price 0'," heglth insurance. AARP documentaries that feature her. Gittings re
changed its policy and GLBT couples are appeared in Gay Pioneers, Before W
now acknowledged and granted Stonewall,After Stonewall, Outofthe Past, gc
membe’Sh'PbenefilS- , _ _ and Pride Divide. Several of these are m
Afew years later, Gittings moved into available in our Pride Library. at
an assisted living facility. One of her last Gittings will be remembered for her ta
acts as an activist was to come out in the dedication to GLBT issues, her cheerful th
newsletter published by the facility they optimism, her kindness, and her gentle E“
reside. She died there 'n February Of sense of humor. Our lives are better m:
2007' because of her work.
Pw——— ,—

. """l’ “L"‘l‘:)’:i_pf‘~m\‘?€i aft?
Q..1\/iy [Joy/ricnrl is a wor'lealiolic. WE'VE only é“ ,l 3%???
[war] Lialing a few maul/is [7111 ii scams like ' {a ' ‘fil‘
cucry lime we lmvc (/il‘ll'lcl' plans, /1[,‘ calls [0 ' . ‘ l:
cancel because [70 lms to slay lalc 01 [lm office. :8", .
“Vim! can icio [0 gal liis allcnlion? fly H g . a
DiningxlloncinLcxinglon 1‘ 7 “ill
I'll—l... I've often wondered, if given a What I mean is, if you aren't truly happy
choice, would I rather have a man that when 1JOu are together then why waste
works too hard or one that won't work. another dag, let alone 10 gears with
Trust me honeg, at least gours will get someone that brings you down. Pack up
his backside off of that couch and go to that U-Haul and ease on down the road.
Ed work. However, no one wants to be a
"6 work widow either. It is great that he is Q" " I "006/ 5’0”" ”(him My I’WL‘MJ "5 "0
Elf motivated to better himself and aspires lon