xt7dz02z4m41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z4m41/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1924 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_174 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 174 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 174 1924 1924 2014 true xt7dz02z4m41 section xt7dz02z4m41 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOF’ER. Dean and Director
Plans for Lime-Kiln
Pians for Lime Shed ‘
Lexington, Ky.
September, 1924.
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried
on by cooperation of the College of ;\§X`ICl1ItlU`l`. University of Kentucky,
with the I'. S. I>t·p:irtm<·nt of Agriculture and distributed in furtherance
of the work pruvithd for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914.
. s .

 i .
l l

Making Limestone More Available for Farmers.
;\lrlll'l1 experimental work has been done in Kentucky t0
show the value of limestone in soil improvement. For many
years extension workers have been conducting demonstrations
witl1 farmers for tl1c same purpose. Both the experimental work
and the demonstration work have shown beyond doubt that the
use of limestone is highly profitable. There is scarcely a farmer
who is not convinced of the need of Kentucky soils for limestone
and who does not concede its prolitablcness. Yet, in 1923, not
more tl1a11 60.000 to 75.000 tons of ground limestone were used,
enough to lime only 30,000 to -10,000 acres, which is about one-
fourth of one per cent of the improved land of the state, most of
which would respond profitably to limestone. At this rate it
will take 400 years to lime the improved land of the state.
The question arises, then, "\Vhy is there not a greater use of
limestone?" The answer is that limestone is not a retail com-
modity that can be obtained whenever wanted and in whatever
quantity wanted. Until limestone can thus be bought, its use
will not become general.
It is the purpose of this circular to suggest plans by which
limestone may be put within easier reach of farmers.
~   \Vhcre farmers are in reasonable shipping distance of com-
ix   mercial quarries, these should be the cheapest source of limestone,
H9} for the reason that it can be ground much more cheaply by the
large equipment of these quarries. If farmers used more lime-
stone and purchased it thruout the year, quarries could supply it
. . ‘ _ ·
I -

 4 Kentucky Extension Circular No. 171
T more cheaply than when there are only brief periods when the
demand calls for the capacity of the plant, as is now the ease
in the spring and fall.
\Ve oder three suggestions l`or the utilization ol` the com-
t mereial quarry.
A l a. Direct purchase of limestone in earload lots by an indi-
vidual or group of individuals. especially at times other than the
rush seasons, which are usually .\pril, May. August and Septem-
ber. .
. b. The cooperative lime shed. These sheds are built by side-
` tracks and a supply of limestone is kept on hand at all titties.
With a supply on hand the farmer eau utiliyze any spare time he
may have in hauling lime. Many times he may talce home a load *
after delivering a load of produce, when otherwise he wouhl have '
to drive home an empty wagon. Again, there are many l'armers 1
who are not in a position to use a earload ot' limestone and may '
not be able to get enough neighbors interested to order a ear eo· l
operatively to be hauled away when the car arrives.
j The cooperative lime shed requires some one to attend to the
unloading and the weighing out of the lime to t`armers when they
call for it. This service may be paid for by adding enough to
the price of the lime to cover the time and expense of the one
who renders this service.
T Plans are submitted herewith for building sueh sheds. lf
j · larger drawings are desired, they will be t`urnished at lt) cents
a set to cover cost of blueprints.
c. The local retail dealer. There should be a large tield
for the local retail dealer who will build a lime shed and sell
limestone to farmers. adding wh-atever profit may be neeessary
' to warrant his engaging in the business. This could be done as
a side line to some other business, just as eoal is often handled.
The same plans for the lime shed may be used as suggested above Fi
for the cooperative shed.
It is the judgment of the writer that this plan ollers the wi
greatest inducement to the use of limestone of any that eau be cr
y suggested. The local dealer will not only protit in the handling mt
. Ii

 Making Limestone More Available for Farmers 5
of limestone, hut if he be engaged in other business he will find
trade coming to him thru the increased purehasing power of the
farmer due to his useof limestone.
Many t`armers have sueh a long freight or wagon haul or
hoth that they eannot patronize the f'UllllllC1'Clill quarries. or they
may have roek so aeeessihle on the farm or may want limestone
in sueh large quantities that it is eheaper to grind the llllltt on the
farm. This may he done (ag hy a privately owned grinder, (b)
hy a ··t»-eywratively owned grinder or te) hy some one with a
portahle grinder who is engaged in tl1e work l‘01lllll(‘I`t‘l2lll}'. Some
.»]»erat·»;-s ot' portahle grinders have found that they can grind
t'orar··n1nl $2.23 to 92.50 per ton. inelnding quarrying the roek,
or for $1.23 to $1.50 per ton when the roek is quarried and
plaeed at the maehine.
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Fi:. 1. liallast tfrushn-r and I.im·st<»ne I‘nlver llettnzed on Same Truck.
At least one man operating a portahle grinder for enstom
work has found it to l1is advantage to use a hallast erusher to
crack the roek for the grinder. Ile says this is eheaper than ham-
mer work in preparing the roek. lloth maehines are mounted on
\ . ,
I- » A '

6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 174
I ` a strong frame of a truck. The rock is delivered from the first
to the second machine by an elevator. The outfit is shown in the
accompanying illustration.
It has been found by keeping cost records that where wood
is plentiful, lime may be burned as cheaply as it can be ground.
Records on 4 kilns, representing 230 tons of limestone show an I
average cost of $2.18 per ton, with a range t`rom $1.90 to $2.47
per ton. One ton of fresh burned lime does the duty of two tons
i of ground limestone.
Plans and directions for building and burning a liinekiln
are given herein. If larger drawings are desired, a set will be 1
furnished for 10 cents to cover cost of making the blueprints.
Marls of good quality have been discovered in the following ,
“ counties: Adair, Allen, Barren, Bath. Breckinridge, Bullitt. I ,
Caldwell, Clark, Estill, Fleming, Garrard, Grant. Grayson. ` ,
Green, Henry, Jefferson, Laruc, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Mar-  
ion, Mason, Meade, Monroe, llontgomery, Nelson, Oldham. l’n- ,,
laski, Russell, Shelby, Taylor, Todd. Trimble, \\'arren, \\'ashing- H
ton and \Vayne. i ,,
I A marl might be called an impure limestone that has not ,1
’ solidified. The marls thus far discovered have about half the A
value of a good grade of limestone. They are soft and can be
handled with pick and shovel and spread without grinding. Il
For details concerning marls, how to recognize them and how to W
tell good ones from poor ones, ask for Experiment Station (`ir- il
‘ cular No. 32 on the Maris of Kentucky. Maris occur on hun— _ 3,
dreds of farms whose owners wish to use limestone or have been  
using it, but have never known of their presence. th
In one ease a deposit 15 feet thick was found in the barn- W
yard of a farmer who wanted limestone but could not get. it i
except at great expense. In another case a man had limed his in
land the second time with ground limest one and had on his farm in`
. Ii

Making LiYmc.sl0nc More Available for Farmers 7
a deposit one-fourth mile long and ten feet thick which was 80
per cent pure. Ile was planning to buy 100 tons of ground lime-
1. ln nearly all parts of the state one ton of finely ground
limestone per acre will he suflieicnt to produce clovers, including
sweet clover. Two to four tons should be applied for alfalfa.
On most soils two tons will be sufficient. One ton will 11ot last as _
long as two tons. but it is better to have all of the farm limed
with one ton per acre than half of it limed with two tons per
acre. _
2. lleliming should be determined by whether clover is
growing successfully. The writer recently saw in Laurel county
lll1l1Sll11ll}` heavy clovcr on land limcd 12 years ago at the rate
of 4 tons per acre and good sweet clover on land limcd at the
rate of 1*: tous per acre six years ago. On tl1c Kentucky soil
experiment ticlds. good clover was produced in 1921 on land that
was limcd in lftlii and 1017 with coarse limestone at the rate of
2 tons per acre each time. The two limings were equivalent to
about 2.5 tous of pure limestone that would pass screen of 10
meshes to the linear inch. Once land is gotten in good condition
to grow clover. very little additional liming will be necessary, in
most cases. if the land is properly cared for by good rotations
and the return of manure.
2. Limestone is most effective when finely ground. Stone
that does not pass a sieve of 10 meshes to the linear inch is not
very effective. Screenings may be sold cheaply enough to
justify buying ll1(’ll1 for the fine material in them. 1'snally the
],Q—ineh to dust. stone will contain about 75 to S0 per cent of
material that will pass a 10—mesh sieve. Limestone coarser than
this is of doubtful economy at any price. Cases are known in
which the coarse material ran as high as 47 per cent.
4. Limestone may he spread either before or after plow-
ing. If spread before plowing it should be disked in before plow-
ing. It should also be disked in when spread on plowed ground. _

8 Kentucky 1n'.z·tensz`mi Circular Nu. 17-I
Limestone 2ll1(l aeid phosphate lllily be spread at the same time
and disked in together. Aeid phosphate should not be applied
before li111estone. Aeid phosphate and limestone may be mixed
T before spreading. Limestone and aeid phosphate applied to-  
` gether should be disked in before rained upon. (lenerally it Q
is 110t advisable to use roek phosphate on recently limed ground.  
p It may be used two or three yea1·s after liming. Limestone may -
l be spread at a11y flll1C of the year. lt should not be left on the   ·
surfaee if it will wash away.  
.   For alfalfa it is well to apply limestone a year or two i  <
ahead of the erop. Experiments have proved that this produees  
· better alfalfa. l·`or elover. it is a good praetis to spread the lime   ;
on tl1e ground for eoru or some other preeeding erop. The in-  ` .
creases of the preeeding erops will often pay t`or the limestone.  i {
and the tillage distributes the lime better for the elover. i 
Limestone does not often di1·eetly benefit tobaeeo. but it   I
will indireetly benefit it in a rotation in whieh elover is grown. _  _.
V 6. Limestone may be spread with a shovel if eare is ex- U  i
ereised. lt is neeessary to get aeeustomed to a "swing" of the  
shovel that will throw tl1e limestone evenly in a fairly broad .  8
strip. A man standing in the rear of a wagon ean eover a strip  `_ \
about 15 feet wide at a "sling." The shovel is swung around in   3
Z1 semieirele on a horizontal line and so held that the limestone . 
A leaves it i11 a uniform stream. The "liek" must be learned by   tl
’ praetis. The writer has seen two men spread two tous of lime·  
stone 011 an aere in this way in less than an hour. ‘ 
7. Limestone may be spread with a manure spreader by    
observing the following rule; Set the spreader at the lowest j_ A
number of loads it will spread per aere. llivide the amount of   St
V limestone desired per aere by the number of loads at whieh the _» p
spreader is set. This gives the weight of limestone to be used   _
eaeh load. Spread enough litter on the apron of the spreader to   ls
prevent the stone f1`O]11 sifting thru. if
8. Time will be saved if the lime can be spread from the * jx
wagon as hauled to the field. This can be done with the ordi- _:
nary lime spreader by removing the tongue and putting in a ~
. UA

.l[(lA'l·)lg 1.l.lIl(’Sl0}I(' More Available for Farmers 9
stub tongue which can be hooked to the rear axle of the wagon
so as to draw the spreader close up to the rear of the wagon box.
A man shovels limestone into the spreader while another drives.
A If two o1· more wagons are being used, the spreader may be used
on eaeh wagon in this way.
lt` an end»gate spreader is heing used. an extra sprocket may
he bought for each wagon in service and the spreader attached
to each wagon as it is unloaded. The end-gate spreader has the
i advantage of spreading a wider strip than other types of spread-
_. ers. ·
fl. A method sometimes used for spreading with shovels is
as follows; Divide the weight of application desired per acre by
-10. which gives the applieation fo1· four square rods. Place this
— amount in piles two rods apart and then spread with a shovel.
](l. (ln 1nau_v soils that are only very slightly aeid, sueh as
the limestone soils of Kentucky, often a small amount of lime-
1 stone will he sut`ticient to produce clover. The following praetis
is recomzneuded for trial where limestone is ditlieult to obtain;
Blix TOO pounds of finely ground limestone or slaked lime
and 300 pounds of acid phosphate. Drill the mixture on an aere
with tall-sown grain or spring-sown oats. Seed a mixture of red
and alsike elover on the grain in the late winter or early spring.
]l. In liming land, leave a small strip unlimed in order
to eheck on the results.
o 12. Important. Except on the better bluegrass soils. a
phosphate is just as neeessary as limestone. ln fart. in most
eases limestone used without a phosphate will be disappointing.
Ask for (`ircular 123}, which will show you how protitahle lime-
stone and phosphates are when used together.
lil. Marls are much easier to handle if well weathered. lt
is a good plan to blow out with dynamite a supply a year ahead
of the time it is desired to use it. A dam or other obstruction
should be plaeed o11 the lower side of the loosened mass to pre-
vent its washing away, as it will readily do on a slope.
r,. — . . * _ _
t ‘ _ .

10 Kentucky E.z·fen.si0n Circular N0. 174
A Plans and Specifications for Building and Burning a,
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Fix. Z. l·`1·<’>iit View 0f Limekiln.  ‘ {
Size 0f Kiln. The tliinensiens, enpaeities and quantity 0f  .. O
fuel required t0 burn vzn·ious sizes of kilns ure given in the fol- J _]
lowing table : Y (
-··— "***_t l—·‘*"  ;_ ¤‘
· N0. l   A
Of Length VVidth of Capacity in ` Fuel Required,   `
Eyes of Pit i Excavation Tons of Rock   Cords of `\V00d  
i `;
Wiimgtz ».`~-1-, H M V W   .wrVY.. K L1, .   W4.- 5: P
1 15 ft. 5' 30 i 10 A-  IC
2 15 tt. 9* 60 20 2*
3 15 ft. 13' 90 30   li
J ,iif;L1,l B 0 M 12° iiii __ i.Vi 0   0   li? ei  2 W
V •

 Making Limestone More Available for Farmers 11
E.rcavatlt`0n. As shown on the drawings, the excavation
for the kiln should extend back into a hill fifteen feet, having the
top of the bank in rear 6 feet to 10 feet above the bottom of the
pit. ln excavating, the back and the sides should be made
straight and perpendicular to tl1e level bottom.
Builtling Eyes. The foundation for the "eyes" or fire
boxes are made by laying large fiat limestones in tl1e bottom of
the pit according to the dimensions shown. After the founda-
tions are laid, construct the eyes, starting at the rear and fin-
`  ishing at the front. Smooth, flat rock should be selected for this '
A purpose. The eyes are formed by extending each rock two or
three inches over the one below, depending upon the thickness of
the rock used, so that the eye takes the form of an inverted V
about 36 inches higl1. A tlat rock about 6 inches thick and at
° least 2 feet long is laid across the gap at the top in place of using
. a keystone. All tl1e joints should be broken and occasionally
a long rock placed across the spans between tl1e eyes to tie them
together. The stones in the walls of the eyes should be kept
’ }'iI!z`ng I/tc Ifilni. After the eyes are completed, and before
building the outside walls the pit should be filled to the top of
the ground with broken sto11es. The heavier rocks should be
placed di1·ectly over the eyes and the smaller ones at the top of
the kiln. Continue to fill tl1e kiln as the walls are built.
Bttt`I·Iz`ng flac Walls. The front should be built to a height
of 10 feet. The side walls are built on the ground at tl1e outside
ofthe pit. extending up the slope from the front wall. The front
and side walls should be level at the top a11d be securely tied to-
gether at the corners. lf necessary, a back wall 1nay be built.
All the walls should be 2 feet thick and absolutely plumb.
1’Ia.|7’U**= { 
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Fig. 3. Plan for I.ll]`I¤*l{llll,  
fieient draft is secured thru the rock and earth and while the  
' rock is burning a heavy, black smoke escapes from the top of I 
the kiln. Q 
The kiln is usually considered sufficiently burned when  
the heavy, black smoke ceases and a erowbar driven into the top  
will not meet the usual resistance of the unburned rock. A CZ
sample of the burned rock taken from the top of the kiln should » 
slack readily when placed in water.  
‘ . 

 .l!ak1`uy Ilinwxlouc More z1l'(lrl'l(1blC for Farmers 13 “
'l`l1e length of time required for firing will depend to a large
extent upon the quality of the wood and the ability of the fire-
man to keep a hot fire. The average kiln requires 7 days and 7
nights of continuous burning.
i N/a/ying {ln I,[nu·. lt will be neeessary to slake the lime be·
. fore spreading it. This may be done by adding just enough
water gradually to make it slake and crumble out dry. If too
mueh water is added the lime will be pasty. lt takes about 30
pounds of water to 100 pounds of fresh burned pure lime to
y eoinpletely slake it. However, a smaller quantity tha11 this will e
V erumhle the lime so that it may spread. The lime will slake
T itself in time by absorbing water.
i 5 U! Clay do 72/0 CZ' L /,'77€54’?7/75
` 5/0vc B/00UMy/rev' 7/ui'!
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Fi:. 4. Plan for Limekiln.
_ \

14 Kentucky Exterzsion Circular N0. 174 T
T Plans and Specifications for a Lime Shed. g {
By J. B. KELLEY. . E
Size and Capacity. Blueprint E-70-00-1 contains the plans 5  l
. and detail drawings of a lime shed designed to hold tlu·ee car-  W. l
loads of 40 tons each of crushed limestone for agricultural pur- i  f
. poses. The lime bin is approximately 10 feet wide and 36 feet   <
{ long and can safely be tilled to a depth of 6 feet. As crushed  
limestone is very heavy, tl1e building must be built according Q  ;
to the drawings and the following specifications in order to if S
i withstand the pressure exerted by the stone.   a
Footings, Pirrs and Floors. The plans show the construe-   Y
tion of the piers and floor for a shed where the building site is   t
such as to make it desirable to raise the tloor above the ground.   Y
The shed is to be supported by concrete piers plaeed 5 feet apart   9
one way and 9 feet apart thc other. The piers which are to be  
made of a mixture of 1 sack of cement to 2 cubic feet of sautl   b
to 4 cubic feet of crushed stone or gravel, are to be two feet   f
square at the bottom and one foot square at the top. A if l"x22"   r
bolt is to be embedded 12 inches in each outer pier to hold the   w
girders in place. The height of piers will depend upon slope of   fl
land at building site.   ti
If the location requires the shed to bc raised above level   ll
shown on the blueprint, the piers should be made of 8"x8"  
T wooden posts, cross-braced with 2" plank and plaeed on concrete   p
l footings 12" thick and not less than 2 feet square. as each pier   p
must support a load of 131/Q tons. The floor, which is designed it  ct
to support 600 pounds of limestone per square foot. is to be made  
of 2" plank and spiked to 2"x12" yellow pine or oak joists L  H]
spaced one foot apart on the 6"x10"x14’ yellow pine or oak   tl
’ girders. The joists should be braced as shown at the center of   hi
each 9-foot space.   T
Where the building site is on a level with the railroad tracks   it
it may be advisable to use concrete foundation and floor. The   to
foundation should be made of 1-2%-5 mixture (one bag cement,  
to 21/Q cu. ft. of sand, to 5 cu. ft. of crushed stone or gravel),  
and it should extend 18 inches below surface of ground and _ 
i ., 
- `l]

 Making Limestone More Available for Farmers 15
extend six inches above level of floor. The foundation wall
should be 8 inches thick and IA/x]2" bolts, spaced 2 feet apart,
_ should be placed in the wall for bolting to the wooden sills,
which will prevent the walls from spreading. The floor should
be 5 inches thick, made of a 1-2-4 concrete mixture, and the top
should be trowel smoothed. The sub-base must be made of gravel
einders, rock or clay, well tamped into place.
y A cheaper building may be constructed by using a dirt floor
i and placing the walls on 4”x4" sills bolted to concrete piers or
fj spiked to locust or cedar posts 3 feet long and extending 4 inches
  above surface of ground. In this construction the side walls are T
to be tied together at bottom every 6 feet with 2"x4" well spiked
_ to opposite studdings. In some localities it may be necessary
to make front of shed on track side 12 feet high in order to
easily unload the lime into the building.
`..` Walls. The walls of the shed as shown on blueprint are to
be constructed of 4"x4" yellow pine or oak studding placed 2
`  feet apart and are to be sheathed on the inside with one-inch
e rough plank. In order to prevent tl1e walls from spreading
when shed is full of limestone. a 2"x-l" cleat is to be spiked to
A floor around the building outside of ~1"x~1" studding, and 2"x4"
i..,» tie braces as shown on drawing are to be placed -1 feet apart
. thruout length of building.
Roof. The roof is to be framed of rough 2"x-1"x12’ rafters
‘ placed 2 feet apart as per plans, and sheathed up solid if pre-
t  pared roofing is used, and with boards placed 1 foot apart if
V covered with sheet metal.
1)oors. On the front or railroad side 4'x4’ hinged doors
are to be provided to be used as ehutes for unloading ears. In
the rear the 4—foot Ll001' openings are to be eribbed up 6 feet
high with 2—ineh planks in guides so they can be easily removed.
The bottom plank is to be placed at an angle as shown, so that
it can be easily removed with a shovel. permitting the limestone
to come out on to the wagon loading platform.
te ‘ ` . ‘
sl, ‘ _ .

16 Kentucky E.z·fmzsz`0n Cirvulur No. 171  
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