xt7dz02z4m3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z4m3f/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_094_03 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 094 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 094 1936 1936 2014 true xt7dz02z4m3f section xt7dz02z4m3f  .
 " 'éy
‘1't*<[ While
is iii’··:·· . . . . i
_ V Extension Division
i _;·»i1i·i;.. I
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director I
'!· (Second Revision)   {
` ‘ I
. , 1
'1l*·» for 4·H Clubs |
{mw xviii  
  Lexington. Kentucky
Q I. _]   March. 1936
I . Iii i¤» {
I‘u1~Ii>ht·i1 in cmiiit-¤·ti:irtint·nt of :\i;rict1lttir<·. uml distributed in
1':ii·tht·r:ui<·t· ir!. thu work pi·i»xiiit·<¤}11(’(111 111‘11_11·1`1 ;11·1· (11 111 1°;111;{];.1-V,
11111.\'Ilg`1`1L`1111111`k`11111i(`11111k`1{} :11111 (Z1 1111111‘1‘1·:1~1·1111-¥·g,;-,.1
111`1111· 1>llI’Il1 1111)> :11111 g11‘1> 111 11§l1`11l 111-1·.
1. '1`111· L`1ll1¤ 1111·111111·1‘ l1lll~1 111· 111111 1N 11·:11·~ 111 ;1;1-   `-·,
{ >1\'L'1.
J. 'I`111~1‘111111111·111111·1·11111~1 1111 1111- 11111·1~.1111; 111{1;;»;
:1. 111111111 11111 1.111‘1` 111:111 _111111· 1~1.
11. 11111111 11111· ;11‘1‘1· 111 >·>}1>L`(ll1~ 1*1. 111111-(A,
1 .
c. 1~1· 1111* 111·>1 >1·1·11 111:11 111· 1`:111 ;1·1.
1 11. 1·`·111·111’ 1111* 1`1111111‘;11 111(`111***1‘ §`1\l`11 111 1111~ 1·Et·111:’;.··
V c. k`11\1];(A14;11Li111(`\v(.1.}' 11:11 \\1l1l 111> t`¤*111l1_\ :1g1·111 :11111 ~ 11.1-·‘
C1111\ !llCI1l11L‘I'$.
1. 1{ccp :1 1`CC<1l`(1 111 1111· 1:111111 :11111 1`11>1 111 ;1‘·11~.{1;; 11.:
s1»y111·;111> 111 1l11·>l1;11·1· 111 1111- 111111; (I1. 1111> (`11»\`1111114 111111 {111-Q { ;‘
1111lL i)Ll1'l111>C.
  \\-1·111·z1s11111‘1 s1111·y 111- 111U 111·11_11·c1.
I 11. .\111·1111 1*11111 l111‘U11l1y`<.
1 1. 501111 111c 1‘cc111‘11 1111111< \\'1111 1‘1·1`111‘11 1·11111]111·11· 1- LQ
1-11111111 z1g1·111 11111 11l1<'1` 111:111 N<>\`L‘1l11>k`IA 1>1. ;

Illwm (Second Revision)
1‘11' ‘. (1.11 ""`
I '* `llhl Soybean Project for 4-H Clubs
ll. Ml all '1`l11· —··1l»1·;111 {— :1 11:11111- ·»1`1·u~11·1·11 .\~{:1 uml l1:1> lm;-11 :111
-11;;1·»1‘1:1111 t`l'<·]i lll ll1<‘ Klllllllll-l(.` 1·1- 1l1:11 I»Jll`[ of 1l11· \1·1»1‘l1l l· lll- \\`lll(`ll :111- ll>(‘
E.111r1:111 1'··~·l. l.u1‘;1· 1111:1111{111·~ :11*1- ul~··111il1z1·1l 1`1»1‘ 1l11·1·x11‘:1c—
;€z1~1'~i} lll \\lll(`ll ~··_1l»1·:111 ~1·1·1l {> \l'l`}' l`ll`l1. 'l`llL‘ l`L‘>l1·1·1l
-1—;;f;_;·_ 7-·1;;1l E11 l~l`(`lllll§ \11lll<'1 lll l`<‘k`l'lll }`L'[ll`>. lurgc <111u11111{1-> 111
~~1l»1·:111~1~1·1l_—·1)l11·:1111·{l:1ml>··)‘l»1·:1111111·:1ll1u\‘¢·l1¢:1·111·x1>111‘1c uml l{111‘~1]»1·:111 c·»111111‘{c>. uml
:l11·~1- 111··1·l111·1~ ll<·`.\ ;ll·(` {11111··1‘1:1111 111·111> lll the \\‘\*l·l(l·$ com-
_ _ Ii31·1'1`1:,
\\11i; lily
_\m..[1` T $··)l11·:11: 1·{l {~ :1 1 1·1‘_\’ 1 ul11:1l»l1· 1 l'§*<'l(ll>ll‘ ··{l Zlll1111l`>. ]1u{111>:
~1:111. illlfl 1'··1‘ l11l»1‘{1‘:11{11g uml l{gl11111g. l11 llllS c11111111‘)‘ 1l1c 1·{l
:~11~1·1l llll-glllll 111 1l11· lll(llllll.{l&`llll`&‘ 111 llll`ll Slll>SllllllL‘>. >11:111.
YE11 ·l1~11111. uml l'lil>l11‘l` >11l1~1{11111·> 111 111:111) kimls. l1 {> :1l>·1
1;11u‘l1 llFk`ll :1> :1 >llllFllllll(' I·<·1' llll~<‘l‘1l 1»{l 111 1l11· 111:111111_:11‘1111‘1·
l<‘ V ?·Y‘   11:1{111~ uml \:11‘11{>l11·>.
` lll l{L‘lllllCl{}` 1l11· ><*}`l\l‘(lll {> 111{l{z1·1l cl1{1·I`ly :1> :1 l1:1)‘ 111111.
lz l~ 11-11 1l1··1111l1»1‘1·>{~1:1111. uml 111:1l<1·> :11 l('ll$l :1 l`1ll1' )‘11·l1·;1~1111s <1» 1]1-_1 {l1;11 1»1l11—1· 1`111·;1;(- 1`1·1»11s glu- 11111»1‘ I`k`llll`ll>.
"111l1¤···1l11-1-l1;1ml_ 1l11· >1>}`l1L‘(lll ll]l`l\`L‘> 111111‘l1 l10t1C1‘ 1111 ]1<11¤1‘l}`
‘ll`i1111<‘1l >11{l> 1l1;111 ]Il1>~[ 1»1l11-1· l1‘glllll(‘\. ’l`l1c s1>}‘l>1‘Z111 &`1`<111
111;11111‘1·~1111{1`kly :1 ll(l\`l \\`lllL`ll 111:1l<1·> {1 :1 \`(lll`l£ll1lL‘ L*lllL‘l`§CllC}`
1`l`~1l1l11 ll>\' {11 1l11· &‘\t’l]I 1»1` 1l11- 1>:1{l111‘1· 1»1' 111l11·1‘ ll1l}` c1‘.111>.
l’l;1111111g> 111:1111- u» l:111- us lll(' lll`>l 1»l l11ly lll`\lllllC(` g1»111l }AlLll(l`

4 [1.1-111111-L-_v IE.1-11-11.1-11111 1`11-1-11/111 .\111. **4
111 11:1)- 111 1{Cll1llL`1{)`, S11)-110:111 11:1)-. 111-11111-1-1) 1-111-1-11. 1-;11_1_.   1*1
11-1-11111;- 1-:11110 11-1111 :111:111:1 :11111 1`11|\4l‘l` 11:1)-. `1
'1`1lQ 1111111111-111111 1111 s11)‘111-2111 $l`l'l1 111 1{<‘l1111l`1i_\ 11;1~ 5- 1;  
. 1-r0:1s1-11 111111-11, 11 :111)-. 111 l`1`k`l‘ll1 )-1-:11-s. :11111 11 >l'l'11l~ 11 111;-`—{ ¤
1110 S1;110 will 01-1-1- 11{.(`(1111l. :111 11111)*1141:1111 >1-1-11 111-1111111611; ;_ --:» 1_ _
111111-0)-1-1-. 11 s1-1-111s 11-1-)- 111->11-:11110 111 111-1111111-0 :1» 111111-1; g.; 1. :1
1 s11111-111 1111-$1111111) 111 $1-1-11 111-1-111-11 111 1111- Slilll'. :11111 1111-:-1-   :-  
, 0111111 1-1-:1s1111 \\'1l)' 1111s 5111111111 11111 111- 1111111-. '|`h1\ ·11111;`1§`_.  
1 1111- :111)-:1111:11;-1- (11- g`1\`1llQ` 115 >1-1-11 111. 111(I 1:11-11-111-~ 111·—: ;1Q;1·t I A1
_ 1111` 11:1)-. 111111- S(1I11(*11111l°$ 1111111-1111 111 111111111l, 1`11111 1;;11;;%-·.  
\\111(‘ 1-:111 011111111:11111 1:11-111111·< 1111- 11:11-1-1->1111; :11111 1111-1U-:._ -_ L1
SCCL1 L`l`11l1 >11U111(1 L`11llS111L'l` Jl >1-1-11 l11'11_1l`\`1. 5
\ 11
'1'111-$11)-110:111 is :111 :1111111:11 100111111- :11111. 11111-111111·1-Y1-0-;--1, V
1 1110 01111-1-1-s, :111:111:1, 11-~-110111-:/:1. 1-11-.1-111-:1<. 1-11-.. 1~ :11111- :.1   "
111l1$1 111 11s 110011011 11111-11;;-1-11 1A1v*1111 1111- :111-. 11 \\1'11 11111-::“1t1·€. 11
V '1`110 1-11111 s)-$11-111 111 1110 111:1111 1s 11111 ('X11‘l1~1\1‘ ;1~ 1-11::-1:11-1{ 1
\\'1t1l 111:11 111 1110 1-1111-1-1-S. :111:111:1 :11111 >11-1-1-1 1-11111-1-, :11111 -.-.11::; S
1110 01-1111 1s 10111111-011 11 11111-s 11111 11-:111- lll 111(' ~11£I 111111-]1 :1 :1:1 1`
1111r11g1-11 1:111011 11-11111 1110 :111-_ 1`·1l1` 1111> l`1A1111 111 111- 111·111·:-E1-::11 E1- "
$1-111 111111111)-01110111. 1111-1-01111-0. 1111- lll(llllll`1‘ 111-1111111-1-11 11)- :111-
Z1I11IIlZ11$ CL)115llIll1Ilg` 1110 11:1)- $11.111111 110 1-1-1111-111-11 111 1111-1:11111. 1f
ll $0011 011111 is gl'l)\\'ll, 1110 S1I`Zl\\` $11(1111(1 111- 1-1-1111-111-11.111-11-;:1r
)-01, 115011 1111 1301111111;- :1111111:11> :11111 1-1-1111-111-11 111 1111` 1.*'14111  H
111:111ur0. If t1lC$C 111-:101101-s :11-0 111111111-1-11. 1111- ~11)111-:1:1-1-$11 I
p1-111-0 :111 0x0011011t $1111 1111111101-. 1
N0111-1)-0 :11-01-0:111) 11.1 1)I`ll1`l’(‘11 \\`1111 1111- 1111-1-1-111111> 1111-01-1~11= 1
ing 1110 crop. 1
- ¤\ 1101101- 1110:1 111 1110 1-:11111- 111 1111- $11)-111-:111 :1> :1 1£11`111Y1-`11 I
\\‘111 1>0 1111t:1111011 i1 1111) 111-:111s :11-0 111:11111-11 1111 1:11111 111£111'¤'1‘1°` _
$01115 1110 :1)-01-:180. :1s 1-lԤ':11-11s 111-1111111-111-1-111->s. 111. 111(1 1:11-111 1111 1
1-0g-11111 \\`1lCl'C gl`1)\\'1l77lll11 1110 1111151 101-1110 11111- )-1-1 1111-1111111-1-<1 ;
ZKCYC. S<1)'1JOH11s :11-0 11-011 :111:1111011 111 1·llll()\\' 1-111-11 111 1111-1-·11¢1¤1·--1

 .\`ll_l·/lvull ]'l·njl·r! for 4-II C/ub: 5
IM _, mit ii 1l\'IlIl£ll)I¢‘. il piece of corn stuhhle land would he a
limi iii .nil;ll»le selection for tlle $U}'l)CZlll project,
Qlwiil li Une of tlle chief £lfl\'llIll£l.§L'S of tlle soybean as a Ilay crop
lm! wl g. ns allility to give good returns without the necessity of
"""1 `i ,1,t·nllillg collsirlcl‘:1l»le IlIal»ly. then. the fertilizer treatment should be
Ima   }i;nned to tlle £l]J]>lIl`Ill.I¢>lI of 200 pounds of superphosphate
I "“f‘i_i” nynlller phosphate fertilizer per acre. In the Central Bluegrass
lil'?   ycgjnn no fertilizer llt‘(‘4l l>e used. 'l`lle fertilizer SlI()llI(I be ap-
li°`l°i;* l‘ plied llroadcast, after lJI`t'£llfll1(`lI\`C condition, a conlplete fertilizer
,i'_.miL_t_ lllily he >¤>lIl('\\`lI(ll more effective than the phosphate fertilizer.
,.,_,;,,_;1..L_i llllf llllly he used instead of :1 l)ll, a 2-10-4 formula. L`se 250 to 300 pounds per acre.
  l·\' ilk
*’l` l’“ll“i The lillltl Slltlllltl he plowed early. if possible, and worked
‘ l"*`*Y   illllIlt‘If\`iIl$ with the harrow or other lIlll)lClll(‘I][ until planting
l’*'l‘ll "`*·l iftlle. lt is especially ll]l])Ul'I2ll]l to ll(lI'I`U\\` tlle ground after
llcavy rains. ill order to prevent its crusting and consequent
I·U,.g,.,_,,-_ l·l>> of lll<1l$llll`C. lfarly plowing followed hy several workings
lint ollly assures a well—pulverized seed-hed containing enough
llloistllre to l>l`Illg` the l)(‘llll$ up l)l`Ollll)[l}`, hut is a great Ilelp in
cnlltrnllillg weeds. 'l`he harrow hrings the weed seeds near the
[mm [WP >ll1`fllCc. \\'l·l(‘]‘t‘ they g(']`ll]ll](l[C, only to Ile (l€S[I‘O)‘€' alter 1?lO\\`lI`lg, before the Clods
W l)M.,,§, fltirtllll-e hard (III(l dry. I llls sllould he lOlIO\\'C(l by the disk and.
U 1.,,,;,,,,,,] m"ll}· llw llI`I.2lL`k‘ 1s $IIl1I1I1II. .\ 1`j11{j·,
1111111-111011. s1111111111 s001l111-11 1s :1 g`l`1'1l1 Il1l\`Ill11(lg'1‘, 111-1-:111~1· 11.1.
s1·1·11 Cilll 110 111:11111-11 :11 :1 111111111111 (I(`lI1II :11111 1111- 111111lg 111:1:;: _
011111v;111-11 \\·II.II(III1 llljlll`}`. 1
S111111·:111s 111:11 110 1)I1I.1I1L`(I :1s (`1II-I}- :1s 1111111. '1`l11·1 {11111 Z 1
0:1s1l1 1I1'1IIl-C11 111 01111l,11:111111 11:0:11111-1; 111 I·1ll`1, 1II(` ~1·1·11   ~1 ::;··
‘ J \`(l1`1L‘1.1C$ 11111 g\‘I'lll1l1(l1C Jl111‘l` 11111;; 1111 1110 gI.1*111I‘1 :111 11.€1,;~;-V 1
'1`11010 1s 1111 l1l1l`11L`l11il1` (11I\'Zll11{lg`L‘ 111 \1'I`} 1‘IIl`11 ]11:1111111;. E; 1 l
I 011-1, :11111 :1s il g`C111‘I'{l1 Illlllg 11 ls III1I\1 (`l1II\ 1-1111-111 1'11'1(1l11` y 1
110:111s 1l.11C1` C(II·1l lllilllllllg 1s 11111s111·11. IIl11k‘ 111·~1 }11`111~ l- Z`. 1
s01-11:1111111:11 :110 l1$1lIl11}` 11111;:111011 111 l1l:1111111g 1111111 1111- 1;;:11f`1·
1 111 A1(l}` 111 _111110 1. 11111111 111-111s 1111 11:11 111:11 111- 11:111 111 ~111.·.:t20 .
. :1s 1:110 :1s _11111 1,11111I1111>11g111111§1.S 1111111 s11;11111 <`JlI`11l‘Z`   A
ing. 110:111s 11111-11111-11 1111 s1-1-11 >1I1I11I(l 111- s111111 111 _11]|]1· 1 ;* 1
1](I5$11)Ic. `
11 1s 110s1 111 0l11111s0 il \£ll`l1‘1.}' 111:11 1s 11:011 I{ll'I\\Il1 :111111··1y— 1
111:11 111 1110 51:110. 'l`111s 111;11<1·s 11 1·:1s11·1 111 11111:1111 *L`('11 (11111.11
:1 s1·01l C1-111) 1s g‘1’1111‘11. g’11‘1·s :1 111*1101 (|lIlN)l411IIII1§v 1.*111 111~1111~E:;;
111 1110 s11111l11s $(*1*11. 1*111 s001l l)I·II(I1lC1I1III 111111. 1111- 1111·11£1::1;
L‘Z11`l}' \`2l1`lC11L‘$ \\`1l1L`l`1 1`11>L‘ll s1-011 111 1:110 SL`lI1ClIl11K`l· s11·11111E 111'
11s011. 111 >11C11 \'21.I'1k‘[1CS. \·ll“g'll11il. NIl(I\\`(`>1 :11111 \\`11s1111:1:·1
V 11111st 11-111011 g.1'()\\'II :11 1110 p11·s1·111 111111-. 1111101;:111111 s1111~ :1r·1·
L0x111g11111 1I2ll)Cl'121lll11, 1‘0l<111g :11111 1111111. 1'·lIl` 11:11 111·11111101E1-11.
1110 s:11110 l11C(1111l1l L‘£ll'1}` 1‘:1111·111·s :110 1111151 s:111s1:1011111 :11>11. ;1~
11101 10:1011 1110 l)l`(ll)C1` s1:1g‘1· 1111 11Zll`\`1‘$llI1Q 111 1:111- .\1lg1l~1I1i111
L‘ZlI`1}' S€1I[CIIII)c1· 11:11110 1111- 11·0:11111·1 1s I1l{L‘11 111 110 1:11:111:111l0 1111
Cllflllg 11:11. L:1101 111 1110 1:111, 1`1ll`111g` 1:11<1-s 1ll111`1l 11111;1-1111~
. C:111s0 111 1110 5111111 11:11s :11111 01111101 11’1·:11111·1. '1`110 1:110 1:1110111·#.
$11ClI :1s M:111111111t11, :110 \\'111C1)' 11s1-11 1111 11:11 :11111 Ill’k‘ 1111111-s:111~-
1ZlCt11l`}' 11 1121.l'\'CSt1llg` is 11111 11011-111-11 1111111 11111 1{l1L‘. 11 I$11I-g(`l1
111:11 011111 lll(fl11l)€l'S usc 11110 111 1111- ll11‘(l11111l 1'Z1|'1}' 1:1111-111-> if
sc0<1 0:111 110 111>t:11110<1.

.\`u_\·lll’1IlI /'l'l*_I»l‘l`/ fm' ·/-]/ Cl/HI'.? 7
ll~l·;1;l; '[`lll· nllillty lll- ll‘;Q`llll|(‘> lll lllllnill 1litl‘ll;;·l·ll li]-|I]]l lllc ;lil·
; llllllpl ,ll·lll-lllls (`lllll·(.l}' llllllll llll· z1l‘lil‘l1il·s lll l·l·1·l:1ill ll:1l·lel·i;l w·hil·Il
lilly ill lll|(ll`l(.> llll lllv rllllls lll tlll· lllnllts. 'l`lllrse:1l·l·kllllw·ll ;ls
Yl·glll1ll·11llll1lll· ll:1l`ll·l‘i:l. Il lll('~(‘ :1l·l· lllll ]ll·l·sl·1ll. l('{.;llIll(‘> must
l:~l· ~llil llilrllglwl, Ii~ llll llll1l·l· l l`(‘<]lllI'l' 1Il\lk`ll llll1‘llg‘l·ll llll‘ llll·il‘ grllwlh
  ;,llll_ ·ll·lll·ll lllll lIl<>k`lll1lll‘l° slrzlills llzlll lwll
W   ll· llllll·l· ll'§vlllll(` ll'}`l` lll(ll ls. ll·g‘llll1l·~ wllll \\`lllL`ll lllcy lily,
lll l ll 'I`lll· sll1·lll~;1l1 >ll`Illll. ll<*\\'l‘\'l‘l`. is l·'lllll(l llllly ill Il\>l¤(`lZl[l l1;1l·l·
l*L‘l`ll QI‘ llll lzlllll new lll llll· l~l·.l]l_
`llwilm ll ls ll(_`Cl'>>lll·}- lll lllll‘l·lll·llK`l(`lll ll;1l·-
lllll U" Llri;1 llll llll· sl·l·lls lll ]ll`<¤\l¢lk‘ i11l»l‘l1l:11illll_ lllll lllis is Illll 1l·lll·
wu lm lll Illc sllyllczlll. lllllclllllllllll is ll>llllll}` zlllclllllllllsllqll lll lrllgll-
ll-l`_m lllglllll sel~ll \\`llll illllclll;1ll·ll sllll lll. :1 l‘lll11llll·l·vl:ll L`lllllll`L‘, l·`lll·
lll]m"ill' $l’}`l|K`;lll>. ll1l· sllil ml~lllllll sl·l·l11s :1llll‘l· l·l·li:1llll·. llrllvillell well-
llslnllllli illllclllzllvll sllll is ll$L`(l. ’l`ll lll- >lllIillll(’ llll‘ llll> l)lll.l)(}$C· Flbll
lblc for ‘ll*’lll‘l llv lllllillllvll Il‘l·lll il llvlll lllill ll:1s g']'1l\\`]] ;l l·l·,.ll lll sl,)-
·l·l·l· lll·· lll·:1lls l·ccl·lllly— ·lll·l·l`l·l·:1llly thc lllxwilllls }`L'Ill`. l·`l1l·tllcl‘mlll‘c.
limes, ll Slllllllll lll- kllllwll lll·l`ll1ill·l)‘ lllzll lllc lllilllli llllrc :111 Zllllll]·
U MMV ‘l?lllV€ lll 11·ll`&‘ lllc‘ llcillls zll‘€

S Ix}11/111‘k_1· [{.1%*11.111111 L`1`1‘1‘11[111‘ .\'11. VI
to be l)lilllI.C(l, ptilverize the Still :1111l >k`l't't‘ll IIlII llllll]>s_ 1 ` \'Zll`lt
pieeg txt \\'lll(ll)\\` $Cl'Ct`ll lllily IW 11#1`l]] gi {mi. lieek
ning inill. Sprezul the see1l IIII il ll1~1»1‘1>1‘ Illlllilllllll :1111l sliiinltgl. 111l11
lightly witl1 \\`1lIk`l`. Stir the se1·1l s1» tl1:1t every be:111 111:11* l»1· »»;1ts
, wet. '1`hen sift the 1l1‘y s1>il 1>x·e1‘ tl11· se1·1l. using illllllll 1e11 s1:1t1
pountls of Still t1» UIICII l1ll$lIL‘l 111 see1l. 'l`l1e s1·e1l sl11·11l1ll»e >1·tt
shtweletl over SC\'t‘l`{lI times. 1>l` until 11ll :11‘e well e1¤:1t1·1l with :1U1‘11
. tI1e soil. .\lte1‘1l1‘yin;;‘:1sl11·1‘t tiine, the l>('(lllS >Il1|lIl(l be s11w11. l` il
, It is best t1> lIlUk`lll{lIt‘ just l\('Ii1>I`t‘ snwing the se1·1l. 'l`l1i>
i :‘1·:11l
Must 11i the L`t)llllllL‘l`L`l{ll l`lllIllI`L’> s11l1l t1·1l:1y g‘l\‘e 1·t`t'1-eine my
I lllt>L`lll1llltlll it 11111 t1>1> 1>ltl. I1 II\‘k`L‘$>Il1`}` t1· use il CIlllllI't‘_ lie bm
sure that it is IIIII llll>l`C lllilll :1 lew 1111»11tl1s 1»l1l. l`s11;illy_ili:· mc
llllllllll{).C[lll`€l` prints 1111 tI1e lztbel 111. the l>1»ttle 1·1‘ 1*:111 Ctilllllllllllg wu]
l the culture :1 1l:1te in1lie:1ti11e‘ the li111it 11l tl1e ti111e 1llll'lllg\\`lll[l1 M
the culture lll(l}' be expected 111 give etlieetive results. liull i11-
5tl`llCllUll$ t`1·1‘ i1111e11l:1ti11g‘ the seetl :11‘e :1ls1» giveii, iIII(l these
V shtlultl be i1»ll1>we1l CZl.l`t‘Iillll}'. In 1111 e:1se SIIIIIIIII the see1l he UM
IllOClllll[C(I lllllll :1 few IIIIIII-S l>e1°1»1‘e snwing. 5
Inoculation is highly important. Du Illll iiegleet it.
lim lIZl.)' p1·111l11eti1111, St>>`l)L‘(lll$ Slltlllltl be $lI\\ilI with the l\`lll
OI'(IlIlZll`}' g1‘:1i11 1l1‘ill just :1s \\'IlCZll :1111l 11:1ts Ill't‘ $1»\\`ll. li :1 gr:1i11 .11,,
tI1‘ill is not :1\‘:1il:1ble, it is best t1> s1>w the be:111s i11 1*11ws :1l.>1111t Nu
_ thirty inches :1p:11‘t. using il l)llL'll1lI`$C e1>1·n 1h·ill_ ln the £ll)5t‘llCC my
of :1ny kinrl of tlrill. the g`l`Ullll\\'1l by l1:1n1l_ Snybezuis _Q`l`t)\\'ll in 1·1»ws l'C(lllll`lf e1>11siwn \\'CL'flS :11111 1ll't‘ likely t1¤ 11111l<¢ lil"
rather (`L)2lI`$C l1:1y, s1» IIIZII l>1‘11:11le:1st 1l1·illing· with the g‘1·:1i11
clrill is tl1e p1‘ele1‘:1ble IIICIIIIKI.
_ the
ln sowing s1»ybe:1ns \\'lIll the 1l1·ill, tl1e 11:1ts runs sl11i11l1l Ul
l>C 115Ctl CXCQl)t li111‘ \‘:1t‘ieties with very s111:1ll st-1-1ls. s111`Il 3* D]
I,:11·e1' UIIWY LH.
4 L

_ ,\`.i_i·/wuii I'rujm’I for ~l-ll Club.: 9
_\ varieties with seeds oi niediuin size, set the indicator at hve
lair pt‘t‘l{> on the oats scale. l·`or Xlaniniotli and Ilaherlandt or
ilde otlitr sorts with large seeds, set the drill at eight pecks on the
lie »»:its scale. The varieties with very small seeds should, as
teii stated. he sown through the wheat runs with the indicator
lie set lo sow three peclts wl wheat per acre. Drills are not always
lm gteeurate and seeds Ml the same variety vary greatly in size It
xvii. is advisahle. therefore, lu ohserve the spacing of the seed.
This van he done hy running the drill a short distance over a
r»i;i·lvv‘ziy where the seeds will llnl he covered. The disks should
l"U iiist touch the glolllltl. .‘\ll l1\`('l`Zi_LfC ol lollr to five seeds per
llf {oat ol drill is ahout the proper spacing. This gives a seeding
lll< rgtteoli1tppl`¤rXilli£llL‘l}' six pecks per acre for the varieties with
lll? seeds nl inediuni size, and eight pecks per acre when the seeds
lVll sire large.
¤>¤‘ In so\\‘lllg` in rows, an ellort sllrrlllfl he made to sow from
I". eight to twelve seeds per foot ol row.
l·`or seed production, the method of sowing will he deter-
mined hy the way the crop is to he harvested, which depends,
eicourse. on the machinery availahle. It one oi the harvesters
the which thresh the seeds from the rows is to he used, the heans
illll should he planted in rows thirty-six to forty-two inches apart.
ml l’l;m[iug· lu rote;   also liest   tlle llitfvusllllg lllllit l)C (l0IlC by
ice l _ _ _
[hc llzuid. \\ here the crop can he ent with a mower or binder, the
N._ lieans may he either planted in rows or drilled solid as in hay
lkc lirodtiction,
ln sowing soyheans it is of the greatest importance that
ll the seed he planted only deep enough to assure gerinination.
ll; lillless the soil is very dry_ a depth of a half—inch is suliicient.
IM llvvti planting, especially if followed by a heavy rain and a
wl- Vl`U#tt‘tl soil, is likely to give a very poor StZ1llt;1rylu»c~—is wcll zulzmuwl l<>l>\`u;ulC:1sl c1iliix;iiii»ii_ sm], mr Hi 1--
_ tix·;iLii>u is xx-ry l-l`l`l-cliw iii lu-m-piiig \\'Il wm-oils mm] ilu   illin-
lw.-zms nrc lzirgx- cmiiigli lu lll`('\'l‘lll lIillk`ll iurllu-r w·l~l·(l w·.,Mi;_ L-~ul<
'l`lic smu-cl-ssiul use ui ilu- lizirriiw wr \\'l‘l'(lk'l' is lnussililp i.Hj·_ t`r:m
wlu-re irnsli lizis lu-vii l>m‘i¤-‘.\ mz;)
lu- wcigluczl slightly. Xww. the lu·g‘imu·r will r·»;ulc:ist ciiliixizuinii willi ilzr 1;...
lizirriiw or wccnlcr. g. \.
|—1ARvEsTiNc. s0vBEAN HAY V1
Snyliczms mziku ilu- lncsl liziy ;m\\’ll· —s:iy uluim ilu size ·»i ui
‘ li. li. shut. .·\itcr {lu- piuls [ill lim, nlm lm}- lu·c·»i1u·s w»»··¤ly mill Um
tough, uml the pmls l'(‘(llIll`(‘ zl lung lime ln llry. Cutting ill M
lll} cilflicr $lZltC*·L'\`(fll wlu-11 llu· pl;i11ts;irg- slill iii l>l¤>·>m- l11il)` ml
l>c lc for lzltu x‘;iru-tu·s. .\l siu-li ;l >lZlg`L’, l-xu·ll¢·11l llél) mt
is pr¢»i11i011s differ zis In llu- miisl 1»r;u-iicgil wwiy wl- llllllllllllg
siiybczm liziy. 'l`lu- przu-tu‘c i¢»ll.»wl-lc for diiing ilu- wwirlq. 'l`lu· li¤¤lllSl¤ l* ll]
pmlmlily as przicticzil ns zmy for tlu- zlu-r;ig‘c cluli i1u·i11l>cr1 gil
< V

· .\`11_1·/·1·u11 I'r1»j1:1:I fm: -/-I/ (,1/11/15 11
1,1-11111-111-:111> 111* 111 1111- >11::1111 1·(I1` 111-11 1l:11> Zl11.CI` Cll111l1g. 11 :1
111-1_ 1:11111-1: 1> 1»\\`lll‘<1. 1l>L‘ 11 1111: >1:1`11ll11 l11111‘11111;_;:. '1`11(; 11111:11 (lily,
1111. 1111:11 111c 1>1:2lll> 111111 >l1lI111 \\'1l1f11`*>\\'>, 1111111;; 111c 11-1111; 111 111g
1`ll1- :111111111g: \\`1111L‘ 1111- 11-:11:1-> :110 1111111. 1`>1· :1 >111c <1c111:c1:1 1:1kc
.111. 11111-11- 11111- 1> :11:111:11111·. '1`111- 111-x1 (1Il}`. IF111 111111 1:111. 1]1ll`l'U\\'
1111. L`*1\`1{` :11111 11-:1x1· 1111111 111111 l`l11'<'<1, r1A1l(' 11—1· 111 11:11 c:111> 111: L`l11`1l1g
11111- 11::11111-> §`1'<'Il11} 11—>~1·11— 1111- i1Il11Q<'1' 111 1ll111l')' 111 1::1111. '1`11c
111‘1_ 1L`11;111"1-11111['1-l'1|1111-(*11 111 i1111>11 1`l1l`111g` 1:11:11->. f1l'1)('l]<11l1Q 11111111
111. ;111·11·11:11111·1:. 11 1~ `l'1'1<>111. 1l*>\\'l‘\`<‘1'. 111:11 :1 11('Z1\`>' 1-1:1111 C:111 be
111111 ~;111·11 111111~1·11 111 11->~ 111:111 >1x 11:11~. 111 :111 1111c1::1111111> c:11:c
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11`1 \\111L‘11 >1·1111·z111> :111 11:11:11->11-11 111111 :1 1:1111- 11Ill`\`L‘>1.L‘l`. 11111
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1 11(l111111I1g` c:111>1-> 111111- >111l1l1‘l`1l1g. 111 111u 111-:111> (11`}` <1ll1C1{1}`.
1f 1111 1:1:1111 111·1:11111u> 111-:111 1:1111- 111-11111- 11 1-:111 11u 11:11:11->1c11. >c1-
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mil 11111 111 111c \\`21}' 111 1111- 11-:1111 :11111 1]1l1\\-C1. 1111 111c 11cx1 111111111. 11
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1(1\` . . .
·_ 1111 11111111-1: >111·11111 11u 11-11 111 1111- >11:1111 1111: il 11:11 111: 111:11 :11111
M1 111Cll c:11:1~111111 s11111~k1·1l. \\'1lL‘l\ 111u 1111111c1: 15 11s1·1l. 111c 111ll1<11C$
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111·- .
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 i 12 [{1*11/111‘l‘_11 ]{,1‘l1‘11_1‘11111 (`[r1‘11/111· 1\'11, 'il
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` The l11—s1 \\'(1)‘ [11 $[1111* 1llC l)L‘£lll$ lll 1¤l` l>1[lll(`l- l'{l~lT\` U
\\`hCI`€ c1111sidc1·;1I1l1· 1111:1111i1i1·s z11‘c >1111·ud 111 l1i11>, 311
\·L`§ll` 1111 .,...  11 1 ,,11 dh
Name 111 Clllll 111c111l1e1‘ ........,... 1 .,,. 1 1.., 1 1. .... .1 ,,,.. 1   11   i'
V $1.
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\Y(ll'l€I}' 111 S1'l}'l)L‘(l.l`1 ..1,,,.......1.1,..,..1 1 ......1. .1.111 1 1111   ,111111111. 1
Size 111 11l111 111,1...111.1111.....1111111.1.1111........ 1 .1....11111..11   .... 1 .....1 11 .....
lilllfl 111 $111], 1·1cl1 111: l)l)11I` 1..1111..11 1 1.1.. 1. ..111...1111.... 1 .,....1111. . 1..1.». 1-
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v\\`l1:1t kiud 111 1`c1‘11liz1·1‘ used? 1111, 1   1111 1 1,, 1 1111 111,1 11
H1111· 11111cl1 1c1·1ilizc1·? 1111,1111   111,1, 1, 11,   1 .11. 1
\\Vl1Ql1 did 11111 1>l11w (il11‘1·:1k) 1|11- lZ1lla·¤·<] Im} __A_A   _A___
Ni ]1§1l \1·11 111··<‘11]:11¤· 111<· ww]? A AA A A AA AAAAA
:111·} A _
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Nic _ _ _ _
M I|iA)·111~·1’.\ 111v ~<·1·r1 |>1`<¤I1fI(`€1~\·1`1l11`•>\\`~Y AA AA A A
11:a;1·»·1' 1>l(11lI11Eg AAA A A  
vélililv Z`<·<[1111`w1 i.··1' 11]:1111111; A A A A AAA A A AAAAAA
i¤;111· 1;;11~.1~1111; A A A A AAAA.
1`iZFlL‘ 1`t‘*]1l11`&‘¤1 l~<>1` 11:11‘\‘¤·>1111;   A AAAA A AAAAAAA A AAAAAAA
S;;1:1· x111¤·111<·1‘ 11ill`\1‘~IL‘l· /C.l‘/l‘n.vll·ll (`llwl/llr .\'ll. ‘//
(lll lhl·u ylllll· I`L‘(‘lll'{I‘— illlll lll·ll·l‘lllilll~ lh<· llllill llllllllll·l· .,y l,,.H_
you S[H‘ll[ llll )'Ulll' l'l'l)]l llllll llllllllllly lllis Ill\lllIll‘l' lly l··ll. 'l‘lll~ :1·.-
the \`1lllll‘ lll }`l\lll` lilllll ill vllllls. 'l‘ll¤· llllill llllllllll·l· llll lllllly, ML.
lllllll was llsvll \'Lllll1*ll ill 2Hv· ]l<·i· ll