xt7dz02z4f1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7dz02z4f1h/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1895 journals kaes_bulletins_059 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.59. text Bulletin n.59. 1895 1895 2014 true xt7dz02z4f1h section xt7dz02z4f1h  l. V-  KENTUCKY
    AULLL   A   

 i O O 7
Agricultural Experiment Siatuem.
1 ._ ....._.
txt A
  DR. R. J. SPURR, Chairman, Grecndale, Ky.
  PHILEMON BIRD, Shelbyville, Ky.
s` ` A. P. GOODING, Mays Lick, Ky.
1 V J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
L M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary. · . _
g__ ,5 M. A. SCOVELL, Director.
. \ i A. M. PETER, }Ch __L_
  H. E. CURTIS, °““° °· I
H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist.
. C. W. MATHEWS, Horticulturist.
`. l T. S. HAVVKINS, Foreman of Farm.
$‘ V. E. MUNC Y, Weathe1· Observer.
._ MISS ALICE M. SHELBY, Stenographer.
$2-:*** Address of the Station ; LEXINGTON, KY.
{ .
> The bulletins of the Station will be mailed free to any citizen of
` Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that  .
; purpose.
» Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in their  `
post-oiiice address, o1· of any failure to receive the bulletins. _
KENTUCKY AG1z1oU1.TURA1. Ex1·1;121M1aN·1· STATION,  
‘ Lxsxmerox, KY. y
112 °‘

. eooriue More, iu 18%.
The experiments reported in this bulletin continue `
tests made during former seasons with a view of finding ·.
a practicable remedy for the rotting of apples on tl1e trees `,
I and for the injuries inflicted by the codling moth. The ·.
insect it is known can be kept f1·om the fruit to a consider- ·;
able extent by the use of Paris green; and it has been '
shown in earlier bulletins from the Station that copper
sulphate and limo with water sprayed upon leaves and  
· fruit diminishes the number of rotting apples and ren—
L ders the Hnal yield of better quality. It is desirable that i
both purposes be accomplished at the same time, with
the same machinery and labor. It is desirable also that 5
the best time for applying tl1e preparations and the num- Y
ber and strength of applications requisite to their most  
 A eH`ective and economical employment be more exactly
 » determined. i.Vith these objects in mind ten apple trees
p were kept under observation during tl1e summer of 1895,
live of which were sprayed and the remainder reserved
 1 for comparison. As in preceding experiments of this
i sort, the trees employed were paired, a treated tree and a
 A check, a pair consisting of two trees of the same variety

 { -
‘! 4
  A- 114 Bu!/ch`22 [V0; 59.
  and as nearly alike in size as it was possible to select.
VA The results of the examination and comparison of the
trees of each pair will be iirst presented, and general re-
sults and conclusions will follow. i
l` A I used this year 32-33 gallons of water in the Bordeaux
E " mixture, instead of 22, the proportions of the ingredients
  being as follows : l -
= l··.»fQ Bluestone, (kk lbs.
  Fresh lime, 3% lbs. §  
.. Water, 32——33 gallons. I `4
{ _ This change was made to avoid the delays sometimes —  
L l occasioned by the clogging of nozzles or pumps when the gi g
, proportion of solid matter is greater. ’  
I 5
l 2 Experiment 501. ‘    
lh" Ml This is a tree of moderate size, which has been sprayed E  
. A - in previous experiments. The old shriveled apples  
N clinging to the twigs were removed before the leaves were ‘ SQ 
_*_ out, on April 4,1895. The subsequent treatment for the   5
g` season was the following: 9  
,, `;,__ April 4. Sprayed the twigs and branches with Bor-  
fl V deaux mixture, using 4 gallons. tg  
May 6. Sprayed leaves and young fruit with Bor- - .;°§
deaux mixture, to which was added Paris green, & lb. to `  
  p each 40 gallons of water, or 3.2 ounces for 32 gallons of gg
** the mixture. ' §
{ l May 8. A heavy rain set in immediately after the  
spraying of May G and washed most of the mixture from  °
i the trees, hence it was decided to spray again with the »
’ same mixture, of which 3:} gallons were used. _;
May 29. Four gallons oi' the Bordeaux mixture, con- _
taining Paris green, were sprayed upon the tree. ·
July 12. Sprayed 3;% gallons of Bordeaux mixture
` on tree, the mixture this time containing ;} pound of Paris `
green in ISI} gallons.  ·`

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 1 -
  116 Bu!/cth; [V0. 59.
rl The tree was in better condition as respects its leafage
P throughout the summer than its check, number 502.
— The leaves were larger, more abundant, and showed but
5, few of the brown spots which were so abundant on the p
i _ · check tree as to give it an unsightly appearance. It was
jk examined with special reference to its leafage and fruit
jhlié. June 8, and again August 6. On the former occasion the —
  ` " fruit averaged about the same in size on the two trees, .
’ but on the latter date was larger on the sprayed tree.
if The apples were picked on September 19. The apples
`— _ which were not rotting weighed 26:} pounds and num-
A bered 229 ; 30 (13 per cent.) of this number were injured
  · by codling moth. 208 of the apples taken from the tree
E V; showed more or less trace of rot, and of these 128 {61 per
jh`; '·j cent.) showed codling moth injury.
` ’ Experiment 502
~_ (cimck on 501).
  The tree is larger than 502. The leaves were badly
E   injured by the spot disease already mentioned and were
jx . smaller than those of the sprayed tree. The foliage
I looked thin, the branches being clearly perceptible in _ A
many places when the tree was viewed at adistance. ~
3 The rot was very destructive to the fruit, and but little
E ` remained September 19, the time of picking. The apples
; . ` which were not rotting weighed just 1<§ pound and num-
i bered 10, of which 7 (70 per cent.) were injured by cod-
; ling moth. The rotting apples numbered 19, and 16 (84
» per cent.) of these showed the burrows of the insect. _
Experiinent 503.  A
This was a russet tree. It was treated like No. 501, the
. old slirivelcd fruit being removed on April 4, before the »
leaves were out. The treatment during the season was j g
as follows :  

 v i
Sjbrayfzzg E.V]$€Fi7}ZC7Z[.€ in 1895. 117
April 4. Four gallons of Bordeaux mixture were ap-
plied co the naked branches. l
May G. Sprayed wich Bordeaux mixture and Paris T ·
green, but a rain came on immediately after the applica-
` tion was made and made necessary another spraying [
which was accomplished on the following date.
May S. Applied four gallons of Bordeaux mixture and U
Paris green.
July 12. Applied   gallons of Bordeaux mixture con-
taining Paris green in proportion of T pound to 323 gal-
lons of iluid.
The tree was examined carefully on June 8, when it =
· was noted as looking well, with large leaves, and sound ·
apples about one inch in diameter. When examined V
again on August G, it was found to be in excellent condi-
tion, with a line load of fruit, mostly sound, the leaves '¤
almost entirely free from spot disease. li
A The weight of the apples, which were netrotting taken ·
from this tree September 21 was SS pounds, the number  
V T of these apples was STI}, of which 1-14 (16 per cent.,) were {
3 . injured by codling moth.
5 The rotting apples numbered 236, of which 115 (li)  
1 ‘ per cent. were injured by the insect.
Q Experiment 504 '
S fpciiicex ox 503). a
V In size and shape this russec treejwas almost identical 'f
1* with the sprayed tree, and stood next to it in the same  
4 p row. \Vhcu examined .lune S its fruit averaged about
p _ the same in size, and the quantity was as far as could be
 a judged about the same. lts leaves were smaller and
16 - much spotted. The crop of fruit was noted again on
16  s August (S as fair, but with some evidence of the presence
as _ of codling moth. The leaves were badly marred by the
 ~ spot disease.

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 ’ i
' Sprayfwzg Experiz1zc2zfsin 1895. 119
The picked apples not rotting taken from the tree Sep-
tember 20 numbered 276 and weighed 31 pounds; 110
l (39 per cent.) showed the mines of the codling moth. T »
T The rotting apples taken from the tree at the same time
l numbered 109, and 71 (G5 per cent.) were injured. ,
A Experiment 505. ·
This is a Ben Davis of medium size, a very thrifty
 . tree in appearance, a trifle smaller than its check. Its
treatment was about the same as that of trees already
April 4. It received Bé gallons of Bordeaux mixture. ._
The leaves were not yet out. .
May 6. It was sprayed with the combination of Bor-
deaux mixture and Paris green, but because of rain fol- `
lowing immediately after was, like the others, sprayed ·,
 _ again on the following date. `1
May 8. The tree received SQ- gallons of the mixture. _
May  Sprayed -l gallons of the mixture on the ·
leaves. l
p July 12. Used in spraying Bér gallons of the mixture,
- the Paris green being this time in the proportion of one-  
` _ fourth pound in 33 gallons.
1351 apples, not rotting, and weighing 135 pounds, ,
were picked from the tree September 20; 2-LS (l8 per
cent.) were mined by codling moth. Of rotting apples *
335 were taken from the tree, and 130 (30 per cent.) of ~
these were injured.  
 Q Experimeiit 506
(_cii1c<:x ox 505).
Q  This Ben Davis tree was much like the other in ap-
pearance, a very thrifty tree. It bore more apples than
the sprayed tree, but lost most of them before picking
time. During the fore part of the season its leaves and

 { ..
4 »
El *
l 120 Bullclin 1V0. 59.
  , fruit remained in better condition than that of other un-
l sprayed trees and I thought the fruit looked better for a
` _ time than that of its sprayed companion. On June 8 its
, leaves were unspotted and its apples sound. By August
E K 8 the leaves showed some brown spots, and these became
L so abundant and large at a later date as to give the foli-
*1*, age a draggled appearance
‘ ,*#’-it The fruit continued to look well until August 8, when
f the branches were bending with the load they carried.
gr The fruit fell from the tree largely from the middle of
V ._ August until the middle of September, when we experi-
L enced at Lexington an excessive drought.
; The picked apples, which showed no rot, taken from
l _, the tree on September 19, weighed 43 pounds and num-
A;_   bered 416. 201 (#18 per cent.) of these had been attacked
` \ ' by codling moth. The rotting apples numbered 117, of
A which 75 (64 per cent.) were injured. A
—, , Experiment 507.
  This is a small Janet tree that was used for experiment ·
  gh in 1894. The old dried fruit was removed April 4, at
,*.9* . which time the naked branches received the first appli- A
[ cation. The following is the treatment for the season. .
April 4. 3 gallons of Bordeaux mixture were applied. ‘
g May 8. S5 gallons of Bordeaux mixture and Paris
2 ` green combination were applied to the leaves and young
p T fruit.
) May 29. 3 gallons of the same combination were used  
; on the tree.
• July 12. 3;% gallons of the mixture were used with
the Paris green in the proportion of one—fourth pound to 1
33 gallons of fluid. _ .
The leaves were almost entirely free from the spot dis- _
ease and were of larger size than those of the check tree. ·
The apples which were not rotting taken from the tree  ·
September 21, numbered 1870 and weighed 218l pounds;

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  · “Z  Q   V2    ‘” of these apples from the four sprayed trees was 467%
_ pounds, while only 115:5 pounds of fruit was obtained
L from the four unsprayed trees, giving a difference in
favor of the sprayed trees of 3524 pounds.
Comparing the sprayed and unsprayed trees by the _
number of apples we Gnd that the sprayed trees yielded ·
a total of 43320 apples, which were not rotting, as against
a total of only 1052 from the cheek trees; that is to say

 * I
Sjimzyizzg Ex]$crz`12zc1zts in 1895. 123
the sprayed trees yielded more than four times as many
apples as the unsprayed checks. 3
When comparison is mide with reference to the injury 3 »
of codling moth it appears that in every case they per-
centage of injured apples is lower on the sprayed than 1 ,
on the unsprayed trees. The difference in this respect, I
however, between numbers 507 and 508 is so slight as not V
to be worth considering, these two trees showing a dif-
ference of only one—sixth of one per cent. in favor of
spraying. The records for the remaining three trees
show the codling-moth injury reduced 23, 30 and 57 per
cent. respectively. ».
The influence of spraying in keeping the apples of all
sorts from falling is shown by the fact that a total of5832 ‘
apples were picked from the four sprayed trees as against l
1 5082 which had fallen, while from the four check trees 1
_ only 1721 apples were picked as against 5626 which had `,
fallen. 1.
The rotting of the fruit was not reduced as much as I Q
expected, but still there was in every case a smaller per- I
centage of rotting apples on the treated trees.
No. 501 yielded 137 apples, 208 (47:3 percent.) of which I
"_ showed tne rot. .
No. 502, the check, yielded a total of 29, of which 19 i
05:3 per cent.) were rotting.
No. 503 yielded 1112 with 236 (21:3 per cent.) rotting “
ones among them. Y
No. 501, its check, produced at picking time but 385  
apples, with 109   per cent.) rotting ones.
No. 505 produced 1080 apples, with 335 (20 per cent.)
rotting ones.
No. 500, the check tree, yielded but 533, of which 117
. (22 per cent.) were rotting.
No 507 yielded a total ot`2597 apples, with 727 (28 per
cent.) rotting.

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